Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 49

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#49 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 49 - Touch Of Darkness

As more and more helicopters and police arrived on scene, the passengers were slowly guided off the ride, followed by Gardevoir and Servine only for the two Pokemon to find themselves blocked once they reached the bottom of the steps, the police quickly surrounding them from all angles. Sensing so many people circling around them, Gardevoir froze and quickly called for Servine, making her climb onto her shoulder as she faced different directions. "We have the suspects surrounded... Its a Gardevoir and a Servine alright... No casualties but there are reports of various small degree damages throughout the city from the carts running along cars and buildings." one of the officers said. "None of those on the ride wish to file complaints... However we have an endless number coming from countless residents throughout the city due to damages." another said as the crowd of visitors continued to grow around them as well. Listening to them talk, Gardevoir blinked and thought of what she had learned from Chris once again, bowing to the officers. "I'm sorry... The carts flying... My fault. Nobody hurt though... So everything fine. Brought back ride where it belong as well." she told the crowd of officers, causing them to jolt in surprise and mutter towards one another. "You can understand us and speak our language... Telepathy right? We're gonna need you to come quietly. You're under arrest, casualties or not for all the chaos you've caused." one of the officers responded, causing Gardevoir to jolt and take a step back. "Nobody hurt... Nothing badly damaged... No need to arrest." she told them as she heard them stepping closer from all sides, Servine looking around and starting to sweat as she nudged Gardevoir on the side of the head, making a "time to go..." noise as they heard their guns clicking, preparing to fire. "H... Hey!! No need for this!! Everybody fine!!" Gardevoir repeated. "It was accident!! Not mean any harm!! We keep everyone safe!!" she argued as they continued inching closer and closer, causing Gardevoir to go into a defensive state, gritting her teeth and clutching Servine with one hand, holding her other out causing the police to jump back and ready their guns. "Stop!! Do nothing wrong!! You can't arrest when we do nothing bad!!" she continued arguing, Servine making a "yes they can..." noise, nudging her once again to get away, only for one of the officers to suddenly grab Gardevoir from behind, pulling her wrists behind her causing Servine to fall off her shoulder as she stood frozen, her eyes wide and trembling.

"I have the Gardevoir secured." the officer behind her told the team through his communicator, suddenly cuffing her wrists causing Gardevoir to jolt. "Telepathy or not, a Pokemon isn't capable of understanding the laws we set in place. Come quietly and everything will be just fine... Don't worry, it'll be your trainer that takes the brunt of the punishment. Pokemon aren't allowed to roam here without supervision in the first place. Its not your fault for having an incompetent trainer." the officer assured her. Hearing this, Gardevoir suddenly felt her blood run cold, standing silently like a stone before gritting her teeth, facing down causing her bangs to hide her eyes as she began to shudder. "Nobody... Touches me..." she muttered as the officer tried pulling her away. "Human or Pokemon either way you have the right to remain silent." the officer responded, trying to pull her again only for Gardevoir to remain still. "Nobody... Touches me... Nobody..." she repeated. Suddenly, the officer noticed Gardevoirs body growing colder and colder, to the point it felt as though he was clinging to a block of ice as she trembled more and more. "Stop resisting! Come along, that's an order!!" the officer responded harshly. Hearing this, Gardevoir suddenly faced up, showing her eyes had a nearly black looking purple glow to them, her horn slowly beginning to glow the same color as well just before a dark aura started seeping from it. "How... Dare you..." she growled. Suddenly facing behind herself, the officer jumped back, pulling out his gun as the cuffs turned into a fine black ash, freeing her wrists as she turned to him. "I obey... One man... You... Have NO right to order me..." she told him, suddenly forming a ball of dark energy in each hand. Seeing this, the officers went wide eyed. "Th... This feeling... Its just like back then..." one of the officers muttered. "N... No way... One like that hasn't been seen since..." another said. Keeping their guns up, they warned Gardevoir to remain still as she took a step towards the officer that cuffed her. "Do nothing wrong... Hurt nobody... Yet you want to arrest us... You say... Trainer face punishment too... All police... All the same..." she said in an angry and vengeful tone. "Arrest... Arrest... That's all you care about... Innocence never matter... Never hear someone out... Never listen...Nobody touches me... ESPECIALLY police... What you do... How you hurt good people..." she muttered as the officer in front of her began trembling and sweating. "All police the same... You... Real villain!!" she shout, suddenly putting a hand up to blast him with her dark energy. "I obey one man!! I live for one man!! Anyone else touch me... Anyone else order me... Especially police!! They pay!!" she said as the police ordered her to stand down, the crowd quickly backing away as Servine watched her fall into her dark self once again. Shaking off her nervousness, Servine quickly ran up to her, climbing up her body and pulling on her arm to get her to stop.

"Its just like all those years back in the Orre region... I never thought we'd see another one..." one of the officers said as they inched their way closer, warning her repeatedly to get on the ground as Servine fought with her. "Yeah but... This one isn't the same either... Its not a Shadow Pokemon like the rest... It looks like its somehow... In between that..." another said as Gardevoirs hand trembled. "I hate... Pokemon... I hate... Humans... But most of all... I hate... Police!! Not human... Or Pokemon... Just monsters!!" she shout, struggling to release her power on the officer only to suddenly thrust her hand down, causing a small explosion that created a huge mound of smoke around them. Taking the chance, Servine quickly ensnared Gardevoirs arm with her vines, struggling to pull her away as she continued to snarl and curse the officers, her eyes and horn glowing all the brighter drawing attention to them in the smoke as officers pointed them out, shouting for them to freeze before starting to fire bullets. Quickly dropping to the ground, Servine covered her head as Gardevoir let out a frustrated scream, forming another ball of dark energy and preparing to aim it behind them only for Servine to stop her once again, pulling on her arm causing the energy to fire into the air, taking out a helicopter as it flew by. Freaking out, Servine begged Gardevoir to stop and pulled her along once again. Clutching her face, Gardevoir growled in rage as she dug her nails into her own skin. "Police... Police cause us trouble... Without any reason... Again!!" she shout, causing several officers to spot them and fire once again. Dodging the bullets, Servine suddenly jumped forward once again, the two landing on the ground outside of the smoke and noticing the parks exit nearby. "Now Mismagius!!" they heard a familiar voice shout. Suddenly, Servine saw her body and Gardevoirs turn invisible, save her glowing eyes and horn which... Admittedly freaked Servine out a tad... Hearing someone running towards them, Servine saw Gerald wheezing, making a shush signal as he nervously watched the police and helicopters scattering all over the place. "L... Ladies... Follow me..." he told them, feeling for Gardevoir and quickly taking her arm, only to have her pull away as Gerald jumped from feeling how cold she was as he felt around in the air for her. "M... Madam please...!! We must make haste and leave this location...!!" he told Gardevoir in a loud and hushed tone. "Nobody... Touches me..." she said in a zombie like state, now slightly lost in her own subconscious as Gerald saw her eyes and horn giving off there eerie colors.

"M... My word..." he muttered before shaking his head. "M... Madam... Snap out of it...!! Chris is quite concerned for your safety...!! If not for me, for his peace of mind...!!" he told her. Hearing his name, Gardevoir muttered it as well before suddenly coming to, letting out a groan as her eyes and horns slowly quit glowing, hiding the two from everybody, Gerald included completely. "Ch... Chris... S... Sorry..." she responded as Gerald reached into the air and found her once again, pulling on her arm. "Madam Servine...!! On my shoulder quickly...!!" he ordered, hearing a "yes!!" noise from the invisible Pokemon before feeling her climb onto him and cling to him tightly. Turning himself invisible as well, the three quickly made their way to the limo, Gerald helping the two inside quickly before climbing in himself and undoing the invisibility, thanking Mismagius before returning her to a PokeBall and tucking it away inside his vest. Starting the limo, he drove off, quickly yet casually so he wouldn't draw any attention to himself, both he and Servine letting out a sigh as Gardevoir rubbed her head with a groan. "Headache... Brain freeze... Uuurrrgh..." she muttered as Servine quickly went into lecture mode, causing Gardevoir to cover her ears and beg her to be quiet as her head pounded all the more. Once the limo was far enough from the scene, Gerald turned on the limos flat screen, causing it to lower and flash on its screen as the news started airing, reporting the entire event.

"Oh dear oh dear... I've created quite a mess..." Gerald sulked, listening to the TV from the drivers seat as Servine watched the replay of them flying through the city, rolling along the side of buildings and bouncing over cars. Letting out a groan, she rubbed her arm as Gardevoir slumped in her seat, rubbing her temples in irritation. Looking back at the two, Gerald let out a sigh and shook his head. "I'm terribly sorry madams... It was intended to be a day of good fun... It seems this old brain of mine isn't as spot on with its decisions as it used to be... I do hope you can forgive me..." he told the two as he heard people screaming on the TV. "And... The city as well..." he groaned, hiding his head between his shoulders as he drove through the city. On occasion, Gerald and Servine would spot trails left by the carts along the windows of buildings, and would come across a random car with the roof dented in causing them both to sweat as Gardevoir sat with her arms crossed, too busy venting her detest towards the police to concern herself over the path they left behind them. "They call Chris incompetent... He better than any police human could ever be... Better than any human period for that matter..." she growled, gritting her teeth with a sneer on her face as her horn swirled between red and dark looking. Shaking her head, Servine tried convincing her to calm down as Gerald watched the two, rubbing the back of his head. Picking up on his feelings, Gardevoir sighed and sat up, touching her horn. "S... Sorry... You're not bad human Gerald... But nobody ever be as important or good as Chris to me... Police should be more like him... More reasonable... Less brash... More open... Less ignorant..." she sneered. "Ah... Th... Thank you madam... Again I'm really terribly sorry about how your time went... I honestly intended for the two of you to have a wonderful time... Some unique edibles... Fun little rides here and there... I should have taken more things into consideration before deciding... Do forgive my ignorance..." he responded, Gardevoir shaking her head in response.

"No... Not ignorant. You can't think of everything perfectly... Not fair to expect you to. Surprises happen no matter what... Sometimes good, sometimes bad... I just... Really... REALLY didn't like being touched by a police human..." she told him, clutching her horn as she grit her teeth once again, seemingly acting as if she felt molested. "I hope... Didn't hurt anyone though anyways... Messed up one of the flying machines... One of the copter things..." she told him. "Oh... I saw that... No, the pilots shot out of it before it crashed, they were quite alright... Its reassuring to hear you talk like that however. Life is always important, no matter who's life it may be." he nodded, Gardevoir facing down with a nod. "Chris told me... I'm not that kind... Not someone to kill... So don't want to at heart but... Sometimes just feel so pushed deep inside... So tested... Its hard... Especially when you feel... Invaded and insulted at the same time..." she told him, causing Gerald to drive silently as he thought over her words. "...A long time ago, there were humans who did truly terrible things to Pokemon in another region... It was far away from here, in a place called Orre..." he told the two, suddenly getting their immediate attention.

"There were people interested in completely shutting the doors to the hearts of Pokemon to make them all powerful creatures of darkness... They forced the Pokemon to hate... So much that they lost themselves completely and in the end were willing to harm anyone... Willing to kill humans some say... They massed produced these tortured Pokemon and sent them all over, some reaching even our own region... That is why they feared you so much madam Gardevoir... I couldn't see much, but by the eerie glow and by the feel of ice on your skin, I know a Shadow Pokemon when its right in front of me... And they weren't wrong when they thought of you as one yourself..." he said, causing Servine to look at Gardevoir nervously as the blind Pokemon blinked confused, feeling up and down herself. "So... I'm actually evil Pokemon then...?" she asked. "No... That's where they were right as well... You aren't entirely a Shadow Pokemon but rather... Something in between... I've never seen such a case myself but... It seems you are able to become a Shadow Pokemon at will whenever something bothers you in specific ways..." he responded, causing Gardevoir to rub her head confused as Servine sighed and shook her head. "But one thing you share with those Pokemon is that, in that state, you seem to have very little control... You're very prone to your anger and when it boils up, its easy for you to lose yourself... Not completely but... I'd wager its nothing you can't LEARN to control with patience." he assured her.

"You see... Although its been many years since Shadow Pokemon existed, one thing I do remember is that there were unique trainers who were able to turn these Pokemon back to normal. They went all over the place purifying the hearts of these tortured creatures, healing them and bonding with them... They were able to help these Pokemon control their dark powers and use them for the sake of good along the path to being purified as well... I believe you can do the same with your darkness if the right person is able to help you learn to stay in a rational state in that form... I haven't the spunk in me anymore to do it myself, but perhaps its something young mast... Er... Young Chris would be able to aid you with." he told her in a high spirited tone, causing Gardevoir to face up for a moment and think it over. "Of course training you to control that state will be dangerous... I'll admit that as a Shadow Pokemon is a very unstable being, and you are no exception... But if the two of you can work together and master that darkness, work together to tame it... I've no doubt the two of you can make that strange ability of yours work in your favor!" he said as he turned onto another street. "You already have some level of control in that state... Especially when you hear Chris being mentioned... So its a pretty safe bet he has to be the one to train your darkness... And given the bond between you already and what a miraculous young man he is, I've no doubt you two can make it happen." he chuckled, Gardevoir nodding in response.

"Chris... Stop me twice when lost control... He's really good to me... Even when I be bad... He see's I'm not bad... He helps me... Feel better... Helps keep calm and happy... But too dangerous for him to help me control that part of me now... Have to wait..." she responded before facing down again. "Ninetails told me... I can be greatest threat to him... Tell me he would have to spend life protecting others from me... So if I can do something about the bad parts... And make them good so nobody in danger... Make them useful... That make me happy." she said with a slight smile. Looking up at her, Servine raised an eyebrow before sighing and shaking her head, making a sound as if to say "You sure are weird" causing Gardevoir to scowl at her with a "Hrmph..." response. "Ah yes... You told me a little about the... Ninetails... Interesting case that is... Never heard of such a thing as that either I believe... You and Chris are very interesting to say the least..." Gerald responded, causing Servine to cross her arms in irritation. "Y... You're very interesting as well mind you! Spunky is an understatement!" he laughed nervously as Servine scowled, sweating slightly with a "seriously...?" expression. "S... Sorry madam..." he told her, rubbing the back of his head as Gardevoir scowled. "Don't cause him trouble." she reminded Servine, getting a grumble in response.

After a moment, Servine noticed they were pulling into the hospital, driving up to the entrance and letting out an "awww..." noise in disappointment. "S... Sorry madam... I'm afraid it would be best if you two remained here for the rest of the day... I'll be more than happy to fetch any and everything the three of you may need until its safe for you to roam the streets again." he smiled nervously as Servine slumped, letting out a "see what you did?" noise while glancing at Gardevoir. "Sorry... Not done anything bad on purpose..." she responded. "N... No no, everything will be quite alright, rest assured! Plenty of Gardevoir and Servine breeds can be found in the city, so give it a few days and you'll be back on the streets as you were." he assured the two before stepping out and helping them out of the limo. Quickly guiding them inside, the staff near the entrance and behind the counters quickly went wide eyed, several gasping as they walked past. "C... Come now all of you!! I've seen the news myself but I assure you the Pokemon seen flying through the city weren't these two. Madam here is blind therefore would be incapable of flying such a massive thing throughout the city..." he told them. After spending a moment calming everyone down, they allowed the three to continue, quickly making their way into Chris's room before letting out a sigh together, sliding down onto the floor.

"My word what a day... What a day..." Gerald groaned, Servine nodding with a sigh. "Well... At least I got to tell those police humans what I wanted. I liked that." Gardevoir responded with a smirk. Unfortunately, all three jolted as they heard Chris clearing his throat in irritation, quickly shooting up and standing straight together nervously. "Gardevoir... Servine... You two are sooooooo in for it..." he told them, causing Servine to laugh nervously as Garevoir poked her fingers with a guilty look on her face. "We... We're sorry... We meant no harm... D... Didn't hurt anyone..." she told him. Shaking his head, Chris watched the replay of the events still showing on the TV in the room. "You two COULD have hurt a LOT of people... I thought I had taught you better than that in the time we've been together!! Let me guess... You two got competitive again and that spurred this on, right?" he asked the two, raising an eyebrow as they both faced away with nervous smiles. "M... Master Chris... I know it isn't my place but please do pardon them... It was my decision to take them to the amusement park in the first place... If anyone is at fault for spurring this on its me... I assure you if any trouble comes of this I'll take full responsibility!" he assured Chris, bowing as the two Pokemon faced Gerald in surprise. Looking at him in silence, Chris began to sweat slightly before letting out a sigh and shaking his head.

"Ugh... This punishment stuff isn't for me..." he muttered as the three faced him confused, each of them slightly sweating as well as Chris thought over what he should do. "I really wish I wasn't stuck in this bed right now... But until I've recovered we're stuck here in the city... All three of you need to keep this in mind. Whatever you do wrong, it puts all of us in danger because we can't leave. I expect safety and transparency to be your top priority when you go out there!" he reminded them. "Y... Yes sir. I do beg your forgiveness for this slip up." Gerald responded, bowing yet again as the two Pokemon bowed as well. "We not do anything else... We're sorry... Should never have left hospital... Should have stayed with you..." Gardevoir told Chris, the three of them looking equally guilty causing Chris to groan again. "J... Just stop doing that... It makes me feel like the bad guy..." he told the three, causing them to apologize once again making his eye twitch in irritation. "Honestly... Look just... Agh... Just forget it... I guess everyone screws up sometimes... I just... Wish you hadn't screwed up so badly..." he told the two as they made their way towards him, Gardevoir feeling her way into the seat next to his bed as Servine climbed on top of his sheets and sat, the two sulking as Gerald remained at the door.

"Master Chris... I did tell these two if there was anything you needed at all, I'd be more than happy to fetch it, day or night until they are safe to leave again... So please, if you have any demands, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll do whatever necessary to make up for poorly caring for your Pokemon..." he told Chris, bowing yet again. "Ah... Err... D... Don't call them that please for one... I don't think of them as my Pokemon and never would..." he responded, scowling at the two. "No matter how they goof up sometimes... If anything just call them family... That hasn't changed... And like family they will be lectured when they do stuff like this." he reminded them. Hearing this, the two sighed in relief, yet smiled nervously at the bit about lectures as Gerald nodded. "Yes sir. Is there anything I can do for you that aside?" he asked. "Haaah... If you don't mind... A bit to eat and drink from somewhere...? Anything is fine... All I've had today is stuff from here... half of which was wasted when a certain pair of Pokemon flew by my window!! Do you realize I spit a mouthful of food all over the nurses that were in here when I saw that?!" he told the two, only for them to puff out their cheeks and snicker in response. Groaning in irritation, Chris let out another sigh and shook his head. "V... Very well sir. Something for you and I assume these two as well?" he asked, Chris nodding in response before having Servine fetch his card out of his rucksack, handing it over to Gerald before returning to Chris.

"A... Are you certain? Given the circumstance, it should be my responsibility to cover the cost..." he responded. "No... Anything is fine as far as I go... Gardevoir likes oriental food it seems and Servine... Anything with plenty of vegetables... Some berries too would be good." he told Gerald, getting a nod in response. "Very well... I will return shortly with your meals. Again I truly am sorry for what happened today." he said again before leaving the three by themselves. Gulping nervously, the two Pokemon sat silent and still as Chris scowled at the two, letting out a growl before giving them a lecture as best he could. Once he was done, the two sat with sad expressions, both Pokemon sniffling with tears in their eyes from being punished by Chris for the first time, making even a simple lecture hit them hard deep down as they both responded with a "sorry" repeatedly in their own ways. Looking at them, trying to keep a serious expression, Chris began quickly softening up, shaking his head with a guilty look of his own. "I just... Want you two to be safe... I don't want anything to happen to you... Alright...? I just... Care about the both of you... You really had me worried... It scared me is all..." he told them in a gentle voice before looking away embarrassed. Facing him with small smiles, the two Pokemon nodded in response before they both stood and gave him a hug, causing him to jolt and blush right as Gerald finally returned with bags of food, pausing silently once he saw the two hugging Chris affectionately.

Blinking in surprise, he suddenly gave them a smile, nodding in approval before setting the food on the table next to the entrance. Waving at Chris to get his attention, he held up the card Servine gave him and put it with the food as well, getting a nod from Chris in response before bowing and silently leaving the three to be alone, with Chris letting out a sigh and looking at the two as they continued holding him, showing a small smile.

"...I'm just glad you both came back alright..."