Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 54

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#54 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original image used for this chapter made by


Chapter 54 - The Master Awakens!!

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH0eUIIYRgA

While Gerald and Gardevoir sobbed, N flew in the sky high above them, looking down at the scene as Pidgeot circled repeatedly in silence, the smoke continuing to fill the air all around the accident. "...To think a human would make such a sacrifice..." he thought, Pidgeot looking down before suddenly making a fuss, shaking its head and quickly backing away from the scene. "W... Woah!! Easy friend..." N assured it in response, giving it a pet before landing on a nearby building. Once he was safely down, the Pidgeot flew off and landed on another building in the distance, trembling with a shocked look on its face. "...What's this...?" N muttered, his eyes going wide when he suddenly saw the Pidgeot lower its head as if bowing to someone... Or something... Looking back down at the scene, he let out a gasp as a Spearow flew past him, stumbling back in surprise as several other Pokemon flew by as well. Looking around, he began hearing the sound of Pokemon calling out, the sound slowly growing louder and louder all around him, and next thing N knew, he watched as countless Pokemon from throughout the city began gathering at the scene, with flying Pokemon soaring through the air, circling the sky and filling the rooftops, whilst a seemingly endless army of Pokemon rushed to the scene on foot below... From all directions, ground and sky, Pokemon were rushing one by one, each and every one of them looking at the crash before bowing their heads together upon their arrival... Standing frozen in awe, N ran up to the edge of the building he stood on, looking down at the smoke, sweat showing on his face as he watched in anticipation...

Far below, as Gerald and Gardevoir wiped their eyes, Servine suddenly jolt and came back to life with a gasp, sitting up wide eyed before facing the wreckage. "What's... That...?" she muttered, trembling as she stood and took several steps back. Facing her confused, Gardevoir suddenly gasped herself, facing different directions before standing as well, a look of awe and terror combined in her expression. "Powerful... So... Powerful..." she muttered, slightly sweating as Gerald faced the two. "M... Madams...?" he replied, suddenly noticing all of the Pokemon around them with countless others continuing to gather as they oddly bowed together on the streets and buildings. "What in the world...?" he muttered as he stood, watching the Pokemon continuing to swarm in around the area. Looking above them, Gerald's eyes went wide as the sun slowly began fading away, blocked by all of the Pokemon flying together in a circle in the sky, causing the countless people around them to sweat nervously as well, many closing their windows out of fear and running into buildings as children made terrified sounds. "Why... Are all of them gathering like this...? Its like something's... Coming..." N muttered, looking around and towards the accident below, a look of amazement on his face

Continuing to look around themselves, Gerald and Servine let out a scream as they felt something invisible yet huge suddenly shoot past between them like a bullet, the force of it sending Servine flying and causing Gardevoir and Gerald to stumble, falling on the ground together with a gasp. "P... Power... Such... Power..." Gardevoir muttered, trembling from head to toe as Servine sat up with a groan, shaking her head. As they all stood back up, they suddenly heard a loud scream as though someone else was now being murdered... Looking in the direction it came from, Gerald and Servine saw the young man in the distance that had tortured Buneary struggling to breathe, seemingly caught by something as he tried to run away with his arms tightly against his sides as though something was grabbing him... And next thing they knew, everyone watched with a scream as he slowly rose into the air, kicking and begging for help only for the Pokemon to simply look at him and remain where they were before bowing their heads down towards the smoke once more, none of the people daring to move themselves... Gasping and turning pale, something slowly began to fade into view around him, the sight catching everyone by surprise, including N who took a step back from the buildings edge with his mouth agape. "My... God..." Gerald muttered as everyone watching saw the golden aura of a giant yet transparent claw reveal itself, the young man trapped in its deadly grasp. Next thing the crowd knew, they saw more and more of the aura slowly fade into view, revealing a long glowing arm trailing its way back towards the smoke, leading right past Gerald and the others causing him to jump away from it in surprise and pull Gardevoir and Servine along with him. Now standing on the sidewalk, he tried to see what the arm was coming from, and as he squint with his gaze focused towards the front of the truck, everyone began to see a strange glow, a small one that slowly grew larger and larger... Brighter and brighter... The light piercing its way through the thick smoke little by little, until out of nowhere, the wind began picking up, swirling more and more around the crash site until the smoke looked like a rapidly spiraling tornado, and with a sudden burst of power, the smoke was forced it into the sky with a loud boom, taking the shape of a giant mushroom causing the Pokemon above to quickly scatter and land for safety.

With the smoke now clear, everyone, human and Pokemon alike, let out a gasp simultaneously as they looked at the trucks remains... And right in front of it... Standing firmly on his feet in a tackle position with his face inches from the cabin and feet buried in the concrete... Was Chris! As everyone's mouths dropped in shock, with Gerald and Servine turning pale and nearly passing out themselves as they clutched a lamppost, they watched as nine transparent tails attached to Chris, each gold in color and glowing brightly, revealed themselves. Thrust out in front of his body and piercing the cabin of the truck like blades, they held it over him, acting like powerful pillars simultaneously like a powerful defense mechanism. Somehow... Someway... As the truck barreled into him, Chris was able to stop it, besting the machine like someone straight from the legend of John Henry himself... With the front of the cabin now smoking in defeat as Chris clenched his teeth, everyone watched as a golden flame began growing larger and larger around him as he growled, holding the Buneary safely tucked in one arm with his other reaching out to the side, his fist clenched revealing the aura that grabbed the young man was connected to him. "YoooUUU..." he growled, a pure white fire seething from his mouth as he opened his eyes, flashing before revealing they had turned red, now glowing in rage with pupils as sharp as daggers. Standing up, his tails began rapidly shredding the trucks cabin to bits, piercing it like a rapid fire gun at blinding speeds, the sound of his tails piercing the metal causing people to cover their ears as the Pokemon trembled from the sound until Chris opened his mouth, releasing an enormous ball of white fire that blew apart what was left of the cabin, making it explode while wiping away the rest of the truck itself in one shot, similar to a Hyper Beam sending pieces flying all over the place around him. "YooooUUUUU....!!!!" he growled again, suddenly facing the young mans direction. "Geeeeeet OveeRRRR HEEEERRREEEE!!!!!" he screamed, his voice echoing with the tone of a ferocious beast as he yanked his arm inwards, causing his aura to jerk the young man in his direction in response, sending him zipping past Gerald and the others as he screamed.

Wanting to praise the fact Chris was alive, Gerald knew it was likely best not to budge, holding back Servine and Gardevoir as well while watching as Chris walked towards them with his arm up, the aura radiating from it holding the young man high in the air, maintaining its claw shape around his body. With his tails thrashing about wildly behind him, a serious expression remaining on his face, he walked up to the three as a pair of fox ears flashed into view on his head, the Pokemon looking at him wide eyed as if it were a crown that had suddenly appeared... Standing in front of Gerald, the old butler couldn't help but step back, an arm in front of Gardevoir with his other hand holding Servine on his shoulder, unsure whether Chris was friend or foe until he suddenly held the Buneary out, giving it to him with a nod. "Ma... Ma mas... Master... Chris...?" he stuttered, sweating as he glanced up at the young man, coughing and gagging in the claws grasp as the aura held him high above them. While he was distracted, Gardevoir pushed his arm out of the way and walked in front of Gerald, Servine jumping onto her shoulder as she stood in silence. It was as if they were in front of a ghost... And next thing they knew, the two were sobbing before bowing down themselves, Gardevoir dropping to a knee as they lowered their heads down in respect while Chris looked down at them. "You... Survived..." Gardevoir said before holding out a hand and grabbing his leg, facing up as she wept. "H... How...?" she asked as Servine looked at her, seemingly in shock over the fact Gardevoir was touching him in his current state with the crowd of Pokemon watching as well, equally surprised. Continuing to look down at her in silence, Chris's gaze now had an overwhelming power emanating from it, his dagger like pupils making any Pokemon he glanced at quickly look away and lower their heads... Although his body gave off a pure, heroic and radiant light, his eyes had the look of a terrifying monster...

Looking down at Gardevoir once again, his aura suddenly flowed around both her and Servine like a mist as he reached out, petting them both on the head with his usual gentle touch, although his stern expression remained unchanged... In doing this, the two felt the Chris they knew was still inside his current self, causing them both to let out a sigh and smile as he nodded at them with a grunt, Servine climbing down and rushing up to his leg in response, giving it a hug now that she knew it was alright to do so. Once she backed away, the two wiped away their tears and stood together as Chris turned away from them and walked back out into the highway, looking at the young man in his claw before stretching his aura high into the air, seemingly displaying him for all to see as his claw gave the young man another squeeze, forcing him to scream. "Now...YOU beg... For YOUR life..." Chris told him, the powerful echo in his voice seemingly calling to the Pokemon subconsciously as they firmly stood straight and watched together. One by one they began to chant, some pounding the ground, many roaring and making various sounds in unison as others began crowing, cawing and screeching from above, the atmosphere quickly beginning to feel as though everyone watching were in the middle of a medieval trial of sorts. Making their sounds and calls, it was as if every Pokemon witnessing the scene were chanting and screaming "jus-tice!! jus-tice!! jus-tice!!" in harmony, growing louder and louder while working themselves up. Hearing this, Gerald and the two Pokemon went wide eyed, shocked at everything happening around them as N watched with wide eyes himself. "What... Is this...?" he said, taking several steps back as the Pokemon reveled in the atmosphere. Suddenly pointing the tips of his tails towards the man, it was as if Chris was ready to send them shredding through the mans body just as he had done to the truck, seemingly preparing for a public execution as the sounds of the Pokemon were suddenly slowly drowned out by police cars and ambulances as they began rushing towards the scene at last, causing Chris to jolt and glance towards them before facing the young man once more.

Gritting his teeth, Chris suddenly began to struggle as the sounds of sirens rang through his head, the sight of Gerald, Gardevoir and Servine watching causing his inner self to snap simultaneously and fight against the power. Within his body, Chris's heart grew strong enough in the moment to overpower the part of Ninetails within him and basically reverse the connection between them, allowing Chris to control Ninetails and essentially take its power in order to save the Buneary. As punishment for this, and out of curiosity, Ninetails began forcing Chris to endure as much of its power as it could put out within him, suddenly challenging Chris to see if he had what it took to truly control that which he stole in the first place. With the flame around his body growing larger and larger, he began to scream as his human self fought with the ever growing amount of Ninetails essence raging through his veins, his eyes repeatedly warping and twisting between the look of a human and the look of a beast as though a switch was being toyed with within him. Shaking it off as best he could, Chris began lowering the young man down, clutching his head and gritting his teeth in rage. "D... Damn you... Damn yooouuu..." he growled, glancing at the man. With his soft nature now battling the Ninetails essence, its nature for vengeance, he suddenly dropped the young man as he stumbled around. "Something... Wrong..." Gardevoir muttered, facing Chris's direction as Gerald and Servine watched in concern as well, noticing Chris's loss of composure.

With a nod, Gerald set Buneary down and held Gardevoirs hand, leading her to Chris with Servine now on his shoulder. As the police and ambulances grew closer and closer, the three worked together to help bring Chris out of it, his tails suddenly snapping around them tightly causing them all to gasp and shout. Hearing this, Chris froze and looked at them all, his pupils trembling as they widened and shut rapidly, like a doorway to his inner self opening and closing over and over... Shaking his head and stumbling about once more, Chris fell to his knees as everyone watched. "M... Master Chris!! C... Control yourself!!" Gerald shout. "Stop!! This not you!! You not hurt anyone!!!" Gardevoir screamed, tears welling up in her eyes as Servine grit her teeth. "C... Come on you idiot!! I thought you took us in to keep us away from abusive humans!! Are you two faced too?!! A taste of power and you lose it just like EVERY other human... Is that it?!!" she barked. Hearing this, the tails suddenly stopped and loosened their grip as his pupils opened and the color faded back to normal in his eyes. "N... No..." he muttered, shaking his head as the aura around him began to dim. Gritting his teeth once again, Chris's body began seemingly retracting the tails and ears as his heart raced madly in his chest, Ninetails testing him with everything it had to see just what he could take. As the three were released and stood behind him, the remaining aura surrounding him seemingly blew off his body, like a candle had just been snuffed out as the Ninetails essence slowly gave in.

"There's a good lad... You did great..." Gerald said softly, putting a hand on Chris's shoulder as he gasped for air. Without the power from Ninetails, he suddenly lost all strength in his legs and fell onto his side, laying spent as within him, Ninetails stood within his mind, showing a furious expression before slowly calming itself and thinking over what had occurred. All things considered... He WAS obeying his curse... AND he manage to control its power surprisingly well... Even when it suddenly pushed everything it had into him... Begrudgingly impressed, and too worn out to continue caring, Ninetails shook its head with a snarl before diving deep into his mind again to slumber. Meanwhile as Chris lay on the ground, Gardevoir shook him in terror, afraid something was wrong with him all over again before Gerald quickly pulled her back. "Easy madam, easy!! He's merely worn out... Some rest and he'll be fine..." Gerald assured her as he squat down next to Chris, noticing he was looking at him weakly. "B... Bun..." he pant, getting a smile from Gerald in response. "Get her to a center and she'll be just fine... I'll take care of all that, don't you worry." he assured Chris, giving him a thumbs up. Showing a small smile, Chris nodded with a weak "good..." before passing out. Finally arriving on scene, the police cars and ambulances screeched to a halt around them, the police ordering everyone to freeze as they walked up to the group in the highway. "Oh no... Not you lot again..." the officers groaned, dropping their weapons and sweating nervously. "Now what have you done...?" one of them asked, causing the Pokemon and Gerald to grit their teeth out of aggravation. "What have we done?! You mean what has HE done!! This young man just saved a life!! Show your respect!!" Gerald snapped, standing with his face in the officers before suddenly jolting and backing away, adjusting his vest and regaining his composure.

"Ah... Aherm... That is... He isn't the villain here." he told the officer. Looking around, he suddenly noticed the young man trying to run away, only to find himself blocked by N as he dropped from above, the Pidgeot landing next to him as countless other Pokemon gathered and landed behind him as well. "Sorry... Even though killing isn't a punishment I agree with, and I do find myself happy that man spared you out of his own peace of mind... I still believe in punishment when its deserved nonetheless." he told the man, tipping his hat before crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. Gritting his teeth, he charged at N with his fist pulled back, ready to strike a blow only for an officer to grab him from behind and cuff him. "Alright, you're comin' with us." the officer ordered, pulling him away as Gerald and Gardevoir pulled Chris up with his arms over their shoulders. Asking what was going on, Gerald and Servine explained the situation around them. With a sudden smile on her face, Gardevoir nodded in approval. "For once... Police good... Arrest good..." she replied before showing a sudden scowl. "You two ever tell Chris I say that... I get you..." she warned, causing Gerald to laugh and assure her his lips were sealed, Servine shrugging with a "meh..." in response before they returned to where Buneary was, setting Chris down against the brick wall next to it. Noticing them, several paramedics rushed up, asking if they needed any help only for the group to wave them off. "The young man merely passed out is all... And we're taking that Buneary to a center right away. The one responsible for all this is already in your care." he told them, pointing out the young man as he was shoved into a police car.

Nodding in response, they left the group as they were, and just as Gerald mentioned getting the limo, several officers walked up to them next, wanting to know everything that had occurred. "Ahh... Err.. Well... We really need to be..." Gerald replied as the two Pokemon began growling impatiently while examining Chris and the Buneary. Yet just in the nick of time, a woman and a duo of men ran up to the group, standing in between them as the woman laughed and held up a camera. "We're with the Millennium News! We've been tailing this guy practically since he arrived in the city! Recently ordered to do so by the city leader as well... Any questions you've got, we've got all the answers memorized and on film! Really incredible stuff that's sure to put the perp away and push publicity!! We're gonna be HUGE!!" she grinned, the officers scratching their heads and shrugging, taking the trio with them. Wanting to get away from the scene before anything else happened or someone else got in the way, Gerald quickly made his way back towards where the mall and limo were, leaving Chris and the Buneary in Gardevoir and Servines care until he returned. Looking around, Servine noticed Gardevoirs case nearby, quickly fetching it and bringing it up to her before anything happened to it. "What a day... Huh?" she asked as Gardevoir sat on her knees beside Chris, rubbing him on the head. "Yeah... It was nice... And... Scary..." she replied, pulling her hand away and sitting silently. "...Bah, he might have lost it a little, but look at all the good that came out of what happened. I don't think many humans could go through that... Makes him all the more worthwhile to follow, doesn't it?" she said, Gardevoir seemingly thinking it over. "Follow... Worthwhile... Because he have good heart... But... Also good if he strong... If can control strength..." she told Servine, rubbing him on the head again.

"Yeah... Like you're one to talk... Then again, that's just something else you two can have in common I guess. Lucky you." she shrugged, causing Gardevoir to jolt and face down. "That... Not good thing to have in common..." she replied in a serious tone. "Oh come now... It was a tease. When it comes right down to it, you can both apparently control that sort of thing in the end. You just need practice. Assuming... He CAN do that again... Perhaps it was a one time thing...?" she suggested. As they continued to talk, someone walked up behind them, startling both Pokemon as Servine faced up, jumping back shouting "Y... YOU?!!" as Gardevoir quickly leaned her body over Chris, growling in rage before blinking and backing away. "...You other Chris..." she said, Servine looking at her confused. "This human looks nothing like that human! You may be blind but... Seriously!" Servine barked as Gardevoir tilt her head. "Ha ha... Nice to see you again..." N told the two, squatting down and touching the Buneary. "Pretty badly wounded... It'll live but I wouldn't expect it to move much anytime soon... Looks like an arm and leg have been busted up pretty bad... The rest is just cuts and bruises really but there are some broken bones..." he told them, looking at it sadly. "You... Say name is... N...?" Gardevoir asked as he continued looking over Buneary. "Ha ha. you remembered! That's right... You got Chris and I confused for one another last time we met as well... Its as I said, we're probably alike on the inside so that's why its hard for you to tell us apart... Its also the reason I know Chris is a really good person, and the reason I knew he wouldn't hurt you or the criminal in the end, even in his state... I saw everything too." he chuckled, causing the two Pokemon to blink at him in surprise before Servine turned away with her nose up. "You're still nothing but a dreadful creep! First you invite yourself into our limo and now you tell us you've been spying on us! How rude!" she lectured, causing N to laugh in response and wave his hands. "Sorry sorry... I just couldn't resist. This guy is pretty amazing, more-so by the minute it seems! Its hard NOT following him!" he replied, sweating nervously as Gardevoir waved her hand.

"It alright... We're same. Long as you not intend to hurt anyone... You I can trust. Other humans I not trust. Especially police." she told him, scowling from mentioning the force. "I can see why... I saw what happened at the hospital on the news. The government of human kind doesn't interest me however. I'm more about the rights of all Pokemon myself." he told them, carefully picking Buneary up and laying her on Chris's lap. Standing and looking around, N watched as the huge crowd of Pokemon began leaving, flying and running off in all directions now that the scene was over. "I've really never seen anything like that happen..." N muttered as countless Pokemon went by Chris, pausing to look at him before moving on. "We never experience either... Was incredible... Terrifying but... Inspiring..." Gardevoir said, suddenly shuddering yet shaking it off. "Truly... I'd say it was intimidating myself... Especially those eyes of his... To think they would silence one such as myself and leave even me frozen like that... They were..." Servine paused, suddenly flushing and beginning to daydream and swoon with an excited giggle. "Well... I just wanted to say hello again and maybe shake his hand again too but... Guess it won't happen this time." he told the two as Chris remained unconscious, a peaceful look on his face. Calling for the Pidgeot, it swooped down and let him hop on its back as he tipped his hat towards them. "All of you take care now! You fellas have a pretty interesting future ahead of you..." he told them before flying off, showing a smirk on his face. "That man... He isn't just a human... He's..." N thought to himself as he disappeared over the city as Gerald drove up with the limo at last.

Helping them all inside, Gardevoir put Chris's head on her lap as Gerald put the Buneary in the front of the cab with him, quickly heading off to the nearest center they could find...