Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 69

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#69 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 69 - A Link Between Species

The next morning, Serenity was the first to wake of the bunch, finding herself with an arm and leg all over Chris with her body still in its exposed state. Relaxing for a moment with a smile, thoughts of the night before started suddenly popping into her head, suddenly shooting up when she recalled shouting "master!!" constantly while he had his way with her. The more she remembered, the redder she flushed, and as she thought of how submissive she became so easily, how he kept her restricted on all fours beneath him even though she begged him to stop, the feeling of his face constantly pressed into her neck and how the moment came to an end, Serenity went wide eyed and suddenly let out an ear shattering scream of excitement, causing Chris and the girls to shoot up and rapidly look around. "WHAT?!! WHAT'S HAPPENED?!!" he shout, yanking his staff up off the floor and clutching it in both hands as if ready to hit someone before looking at Serenity, watching her grin and holding her cheeks while giggling. "We did it!! We did it!!" she screamed excitedly as they looked at one another bewildered. "We... Did... Huh...? What did I...?" he asked, pausing while looking at her body and flushing wide eyed. Groaning in irritation, the girls looked at one another and shook their heads, flopping back down for more sleep as Chris scratched his cheek embarrassed. "I uh... I..." he muttered, pausing while glancing at her and suddenly clapping his hands together and bowing his head. "I'm sorry!! Something just clicked!! I didn't mean to go all... You know..." he told her, cutting himself off at the end shyly as Serenity looked at him, tilting her head and blinking confused. "Sorry...? Why sorry...?" she asked as he put his hands down and looked at her again, only to find her face barely an inch from his causing Chris to jolt wide eyed and flush once more. "T... Too close... Seeeeriously too close..." he told her, inching back as she crawled forward all the more, her breasts pressed together beneath her causing Chris to gulp when looking down at them. "T t... Too... Too close... Too close...!! Too clo--aaagh!!!" he shout, suddenly falling off the side of the bed and landing on his head with a thud. "Ooouuuch-ch-ch..." he muttered, rubbing his head as Serenity looked over the side of the bed and crawled down over him with a sad look. "You... Sorry we mate...?" she asked, putting him on the spot as he let out an "urk!!" in response as Alicia sat up with a scowl on her face. "D... Don't say that so bluntly!! I... I'm not... Sorry we... Did... I meant sorry... How I... You know..." he replied nervously. "But... I like way you mate... You perfect mate!!" she praised with a smile and hugging him tightly causing Chris to flush wide eyed. "A al... Alright! Alright alright!!" he shout, nudging her away and crawling back before quickly standing with a deep breath.

"Lets just... Get ready for the day... I guess." he said as Serenity looked up at him, still sitting on the floor before showing a naughty smile. "Sense pulse... Read thoughts... Wanna mate again...?" she asked, crawling up submissively before raising on her knees, twirling a finger on his torso and giggling as he gulped and laughed nervously. "Mo mod... Moderation! Good things in moderation!!" he repeat, trying to step back with his hands up only for Serenity to wrap her arms around his waist and giggle, purposely rubbing her cheek against his pajamas over his crotch. "Can do much as you want... I yours anytime!! In fact... Lets do it no--aaaiieeee!!!!!" she screamed, shooting up wide eyed with her teeth grit and hands behind her as Alicia showed an intense look of rage and jealousy on her face. "Filthy mutt!! Filthy, filthy mutt!!" she screamed, suddenly cracking her vines on Serenity's backside again causing the naked Pokemon to start jumping and dancing about, running around the room as the snake chased her landing whip after whip while Chris slumped with a groan. "...I feel like I should say thank you and why me at the same time..." he muttered, dragging his feet back to the bed and slumping down on it face first as Rose sat up, smiling nervously and patting him on the head. "That's how our kind is... Especially after a male does that kind of thing to one of us... Kind of drives us crazy for more... Once a male dominates one of us... All bets are kinda off... That IS how humans use that saying right...?" she asked, facing away and fidgeting shyly wanting the same thing Serenity experienced herself. "Yeah... But... Wait... You two know about how we...?" he asked, looking at her wide eyed causing the rabbit to shoot up nervously. "A... Ah... Ha ha! F... Funny story..." she replied, cut off as Alicia snapped a vine around her mouth. "No story to tell!! This is what I get for letting a filthy mutt have her way..." the snake grumbled as Serenity stood rubbing her butt with tears in her eyes. "You TELL me to go in bathroom!!! You MAKE me go in too!!! Why mad?!!!" she shout causing Alicia to flush. "Sh... SHUT UP!! I didn't do anything dog!!!" she yelled back. As the two argued, they suddenly heard a knock at the door, causing all four to shoot up in surprise. "Come in!!" Chris quickly replied without thinking, the girls looking at him in shock. Freezing up, Serenity looked at the door as Gerald opened it and walked in. "Good morning every...!!!" he paused, his eyes shooting open wide with a flush on his face as Serenity stood right in front of him, looking back with the same expression. Remaining silent enough to hear a needle hit the floor, Gerald slowly backed away and closed the door, standing in the hall and turning away from the door without a word, his expression frozen on his face as Chris sat with a gulp. "Wh... Whoops... That uh... That one was... My bad..." he laughed nervously as Serenity turned to him, suddenly tearing up as her horn glowed. "Ch... Chris..." she hicked, grabbing her horn causing her skin to cover her body once more. "Y... Y you..." she trembled while facing down. "Y... You... Y you... YOU IDIOOOOT!!!!!" she screamed, suddenly unleashing a burst of energy sending the girls and everything in the room flying into the walls as he flew out the open sliding door leading to the balcony and into the air.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7GC3Iwlns8

With a gasp, the two shot up and looked outside as Serenity opened her eyes, looking at the room with a sudden "oops" expression before looking outside as well, seeing Chris in the air as if the moment was in slow motion. "...Not again..." he muttered, looking wide eyed at the girls with terror in his expression before suddenly falling with a scream. Hearing this, Gerald jumped and quickly slammed the door open, his mouth dropping while looking at the damage, seeing Rose and Alicia darting towards the balcony and screaming Chris's name while watching him plummet. "What happened?!!" he shout, racing for the balcony as well and gasping as Chris fell towards the pavement far below. As the three shout his name together, Serenity suddenly rocket past above their heads, causing the two to stumble forward and Alicia to flip over the railing, quickly clutching onto it with her vines with a pale face while Serenity float in the air before them and launched herself like a jet downwards, the blast sending the three flying back into the room and shattering the windows inwards. "NINETAILS!!! NINETAAAAILS!!!" Chris screamed, flapping his arms and flailing rapidly as the ground grew closer and closer. "THIS ISN'T A JOKE THIS TIME!!!! HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!" he screamed desperately before putting his hands together and praying. "...Try looking behind you..." he heard its voice finally calmly echo in his mind. Jolting in surprise, he looked back towards the sky, seeing Serenity heading rapidly for him. "Oh thank..." he sighed with a smile before looking at the ground. "GOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!" he screamed, his eyes shooting open once more as the pavement rapidly grew closer. Clutching her horn, Serenity grit her teeth and suddenly tapped into her Shadow Power, the extra energy giving her another blast of speed leaving a spiraling trail of purple and black darkness behind her as she reached out her arm to grab him. Reaching the final floors of the building before smashing into the pavement, Chris shut his eyes tightly and covered his face with his arms, bracing himself before suddenly being caught by Serenity, the Pokemon jerking him into her arms as she thrust her feet down with a loud grunt, the energy acting like that of a rocket and almost immediately halting their descent as the power slammed into the pavement and created a crater upon her landing, sending the people close enough to them flying from the blast of energy. With her feet on the ground, she let Chris go and took a deep breath as he stumbled forward, turning and watching as she breathed heavily for a moment before suddenly slamming her foot down, cancelling out her Shadow Power and returning to normal.

'Y... You controlled it by yourself...?" he asked in surprise before looking at the ground and high above towards the balcony he fell from, laughing nervously before turning pale and falling back with a thud out cold, Serenity acting woozy before suddenly doing the same as everybody nearby looked at them bewildered, those sent flying even more-so. After a moment, Gerald and the girls rushed out of the entrance and up to the two, checking their pulses and trying to shake them back into consciousness. "Go wheeeeee.... Go WHOOSH!!!" Serenity said with an awkward laugh, shooting her arms up before her body limp in Geralds arms as he tried to get her to sit up. "Oh heavens... At least neither of you are injured..." the old butler groaned, standing and letting out a deep sigh of relief, wiping his face with his handkerchief as the girls sat Chris up, Rose fanning him with an ear. "I hate being in the air... I hate... Hate... Hate hate HATE being in the air!! Humans are meant for the ground ONLY!!!" he shout in frustration, having a slight tantrum causing Alicia to raise an eyebrow. "Oh that's attractive..." she muttered as Rose held his hand and pat it with a nervous smile to help him relax from falling down a colossal structure twice now in one location. Standing and looking around, he groaned and waved with a guilty smile. "S... Sorry folks..." he laughed nervously, everyone blinking in confusion save for those who got blasted, walking away and grumbling in irritation. Looking around, Chris realized he was still in his pajamas as well and let out a sigh before growling at Serenity as she shook her head and stood with another wobble. "Thanks for sending me flying out of a sky high window for making a mistake..." he grumbled causing Serenity to jolt and face down with a groan. "S... Sorry... Not mean to make fall happen... Just really embarrassed... I mess up and cause trouble again..." she replied guiltily. "Trouble? Not just trouble! You obliterated our room! And your little heroic rescue nearly sent the rest of us flying off the balcony too!!" Alicia snapped. "N... Now now madam... Do go easy..." Gerald told the snake, waving his hands in an "easy" motion. "Well... It WAS a little extreme... She kiiiiiiinda almost killed you..." Rose laughed nervously, pointing out the severity of the incident causing Serenity to start hicking once again. "O... Oy oy... No more of that... I can't stand it when you girls start that up..." Chris grumbled, walking up to Serenity and rubbing her on the head. "I'm not hurt and she DID manage to control her other powers on her own so... I'm proud enough to forgive I guess..." he scowled, suddenly giving her a flick on the forehead causing Serenity to let out a squeak and stumble back, rubbing the mark with tears in her eyes. "But SO HELP ME if you send me in the air like that ONE more time... Sooooo gonna give you the silent treatment..." he warned, waving a finger before crossing his arms as she sulked and nodded with a guilty groan. "Sorry... Really sorry..." she apologized with a bow. "Yeah well... As long as we understand one another..." he replied, looking up and turning slightly pale again. "Ah geez..." he muttered as Rose held and rubbed his hand again. "We're glad you're okay." she smiled warmly, rubbing her cheek against his arm causing Chris to jolt and blush slightly as Alicia slithered up his side and over his shoulders, patting him on the head with a smirk. "Quite... Although you're a handful, I wouldn't want to see you become a pancake." she nodded. Walking up, Gerald gave the group a bow before clearing his throat. "Do forgive me all... The incident was partially my fault. I should have questioned a second time before entering your room." he apologized with a nervous smile. "Nah... Forget about it... You shouldn't of had to. It was my fault for reacting before thinking." Chris replied while waving his hand. "That aside... I really need to get dre...!!" he paused, cut off as one of the hotel staff came out calling for him, notifying of a phone call waiting inside. "...A call? This early...? From who...?" he muttered, raising an eyebrow with a shrug.

"Alright then... Come on everyone. Lets see who this is and get ready for the day... I'll have to let the staff know about the room too... Fork out what they want for damages..." he groaned causing the girls to look at Serenity, the already guilty Pokemon slumping all the more. "Come now... All is forgiven..." Gerald reminded her getting a nod in response before the group went inside the lobby. "Uhh... Hello...? This is... AH!! Its you professor... Huh...? Yeah... She's been fine..." he said into the phone as the group stood nearby with curious looks. "Ah huh... Alright... Oh!! Hang on a sec..." he said, pausing as the receptionist walked by, stopping her and muttering with one another for a moment, Chris getting an irritated look from the receptionist before she shook her head with a sigh and went into the back leaving him with a nervous smile on his face. "Alright... Where were...? Oh yeah... I've been fine too... No pain or anything same as... Yeah...? Well, I guess... Private research...? As long as it stays that... Alright... Later then." he finished, hanging up the phone as the receptionist returned and went over a list with him causing Chris to gulp and laugh nervously, nodding in response as the receptionist gave him the list with her arms crossed. Returning to the group, she watched Chris before rolling her eyes and returning to the back. "So... What now sir...?" Gerald asked, the girls looking at him curiously as well. "Oh... It was the professor again... She's found some stuff she wants to do a little more research on revolving me. She said it shouldn't take too long... Something about blood and all... Samples and stuff..." he replied while looking over the list in his hand. "That... And this is for the damages in the room, and the pavement outside... The receptionist had some of the staff on our floor look over everything... Pretty penny..." he laughed nervously. "That and... It... Got us kicked out..." he added with a nervous smile causing the girls to let out a "say whaaaaa?!!" in unison while Serenity slumped once more and turned her back. "Sorry...." she groaned, dragging her feet to one of the lobby couches and flopping face first across it. "That DOG got us kicked out of a hotel?!!" Alicia snapped, furious over the nail suddenly hammered into her pride. "E... Easy... Easy... Its just one place... The city has what... Hundreds...? Besides, we're leaving soon anyways." he reminded, pulling Alicia into an arm and rubbing along her spine to relax her causing the snake to cross her arms with a scowl on her face, going silent yet admittedly enjoying the attention. "Oh dear... Better than having any further charges put over your head though!" Gerald reminded with a smile, suddenly jolting with an "oops..." while Chris slumped with a groan in response. "D... Do beg pardon!! Terribly sorry!!" the old butler quickly apologized as Chris laughed nervously before heading back to their room, calling for Serenity to follow them.

Once in their room, the group found themselves standing in front of several staff as they began cleaning and repairing the damage, each scowling at them while moving furniture and sweeping glass. "S... Sorry everyone..." he laughed nervously with a wave, clearing his throat and motioning for Serenity to come up and apologize as well. With a groan, she bowed with a depressed "sorry..." in response, the staff rolling their eyes and continuing their work as one of them brought his belongings up. Nodding and giving his thanks, Chris quickly went into the bathroom to change, fixing himself up for the day before returning with his rucksack on his back and staff in hand. "Man... Been forever since I lugged this thing around." he muttered, lifting it up slightly with a grunt and walking up to the group. "Apologies again sir... I do feel terrible..." Gerald told him with a bow. "Hey hey... I said it was my fault so forget it. I made a mistake that caused another mistake... Reactions never happen without an action to set them off." he replied, patting the old butler on the shoulder before looking at the room and the staff again. "Ha ha... Sorry again everyone..." he repeat, finding himself ignored as he and the others left and returned to the lobby. "Alright then... Hope there's no hard feelings... We've really enjoyed our stay!" he laughed nervously while handing his card over, the receptionist swiping it and returning it before looking at the screen, approving the coverage for his stay and the damages to the room causing her to smile from ear to ear suddenly and bow. "And we thank you for staying with us! So sorry we've had to see you off in such a way." she replied with a suddenly friendly wave as he blinked in surprise and confusion. "Y... Yeah... Thanks again..." he replied as they left the entrance. "Wow... Bipolar much...?" he muttered, looking back as Gerald went off to bring up the limo. "Naturally her behavior changed once you paid your dues. Common in the business world." Alicia explained with her arms crossed and a nod. "True... Harsh! But true..." he replied looking over his receipt, jolting with a groan and slight sweat on his face. "Seriously old man... How the heck...?" he muttered, looking at the card as well before putting it away.

"Alright... We'll head over to the lab then so I can get what the professor wants to do over with... We can get something to eat on the way... Sound alright?" he asked, the girls nodding in response. "It'll be nice to see that human again... The one I got my name from..." Rose smiled. "Bah... Again with that place..." Alicia grumbled. "Don't worry... It won't be as long of a visit as in the past. At least... I don't think..." he replied, rubbing his chin with a raised eyebrow. "She sure sound excited though... You'd think she was about to pee herself..." he muttered, looking at Serenity as she remained silent. "Oy... What's with that?" he asked giving her a nudge. "What with... What...? Oh... Yes, we go to lab. Good..." she replied with a nod before facing down silently again. "...Didn't expect an answer like that. Yo! Snap to!" he shout, suddenly snapping his fingers in front of her face causing Serenity to shoot up and blink. "What what?! What wrong?!" she asked in surprise and slight irritation as he groaned. "Why were you spacing out for...? What's up?" he asked as she glanced away with a slight blush. "Nothing... Not worry about it." she replied with a slight scowl. Tilting his head confused, he let out a sigh as Gerald drove up, opening the door for the group. "Look if it's about the fall forget about it... I don't want that dwelled on all day... Personally I'd rather forget about it altogether." he told her while helping the girls in the car. Reaching out to Serenity, she looked at his hand silently for a moment, a blush slowly appearing on her face as her eyes widened. "...HEY!! Quit spacing out!!" he shout causing Serenity to shoot up once again and nod, taking his hand and climbing in as well. "Geez... First she's depressed now she keeps day dreaming... Maybe the professor SHOULD look her over too..." he sighed, shaking his head and climbing in as well. As they made their way through the city, Serenity began fidgeting with an awkward smile on her face, the others looking at her with expressions of confusion and concern combined. "...Maybe using that energy of yours really DOES do something to you long term..." he muttered, waving a hand in front of Serenity's face. Unbeknownst to them, she had actually started thinking about what doing intimate things with Chris when he was in a bad mood would be like, imagining things that could happen if he were to punish her for doing something bad in various dirty and rough ways causing the dazed Pokemon to seemingly glow as though steam could rise from her at any moment, letting out an odd giggle with drool on the side of her mouth. Confused and wide eyed, Chris tilt his head and suddenly put his hand on her forehead causing Serenity to gasp and let out a sudden scream of excitement, the group jumping in response as Gerald swerved the limo. "GOOD HEAVEN'S DON'T DO THAT!!!!" he shout, sweating and pale in the face with his hands trembling on the wheel. As the group dug their nails into the seats in terror from the close call, Serenity giggled once again, having landed on Chris and looking up at him. "I baaaaad girl..." she said still in a half dazed state, reaching up and poking his nose with an aroused grin. Blinking at her bewildered and slightly blushing, Chris backed away nervously. "Uhhhhh... I'm not... Sure what's wrong with you... This is... Really... Weird..." he replied while sweating nervously, having never really experienced such behaviors from Serenity before, especially in the open. Tilting her head, her eyes suddenly shot open wide as she snapped back into reality. "S... Sorry sorry!!" she shout, quickly getting off and backing away before facing down and fidgeting embarrassed in her seat. "Uuuuuuuu... I'm sorry..." she repeat with a groan of humiliation.

"Do you... Need a center...?" he asked, now wary of getting too close to her in a running limo as he sat up as well. "N... No... Fine... I'm fine..." she replied. Watching the two, Alicia crossed her arms with an irritated look, her tongue flicking out rapidly as Rose relaxed and looked at the two as well with a sudden smile. "I know what's going on!" she chirped with her hand in the air, Serenity looking up with a flush on her face as Alicia turned to the rabbit with a hiss like growl, both of them suddenly glaring her down with a "don't say a word..." look in their eyes causing Rose to squeak and lower her head between her shoulders nervously. "Okay... All ears..." Chris replied with a raised eyebrow. "N... Never mind... I forgot what I knew..." she laughed nervously, the two girls nodding as Gerald watched and shook his head with a sigh. "What have you done sir...?" he asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow at Chris. "N n... NOTHING!!! Don't look at me here!!! She's been like that since we... Woke up..." he replied, his voice lowering to a shy mutter while scratching his cheek embarrassed. "Oh my... Did you really Master Chris...? Is THAT why the madam was...?" he asked, quickly clearing his throat to cut off his sentence. "That explains quite a lot... Dear me... No wonder the madam is off her rocker... Do forgive me for the statement." he sighed while shaking his head. "Although bold of me for saying so... You DO remember how you were told Pokemon are different than humans... Despite appearances right...? If you've done what I'm assuming..." he said, pausing as he noticed the laboratory towers sticking out ahead. "Different from humans...? What did I do exactly...?" Chris asked, pausing while thinking about the night before. "But... It isn't the first time we... The other times didn't cause her to..." he murmured while thinking things over. "Then again... I guess it WAS the first time it was ME who..." he thought to himself, looking at Serenity as she glanced back at him shyly, her hands fidgeting in her lap. "...Oh..." he muttered, suddenly going wide eyed. "Ooohhh!!! I get it!! I guess for a female Pokemon what happened the way it did was kinda like..." he paused, gulping as Gerald smiled nervously. "Aaannnd the lad gets it... So that IS what you did... Ooohhh for shame sir..." the old butler lectured while waving a finger. "The madam is going to be QUITE taken with you in a veeeerrrry different way now... Although it's considered an extraordinary taboo for even speaking of such a relationship, despite what acceptance the subject has garnered over the years... I will explain nonetheless that for Pokemon, when a male picks a female, there is often a battle for most species to determine the worthiness of the candidate... For the sake of powerful offspring mind you... I don't think I need to explain the result should the male win... If the female submits, often the relationship formed then and there creates something that glues the two together quite intimately for life..." he explained. "Once two Pokemon are bound together, they wholeheartedly commit themselves to one another... Most will accept no other from that point onward for as long as they live, even if the one they are committed to ceases to exist in this world... If you and the madam have created this bond between you... I can only say for shame... And congratulations simultaneously..." Gerald told him with a nod.

"H... Hold on now!! But..." he replied nervously, once again murmuring at the end of his sentence. "Then... Why didn't you girls act this way the other times we...?" he asked quietly. "That's simple! If the female wins or takes control, the male is nothing more than a toy!" Alicia responded with a smirk, Gerald looking in the mirror with a "say what now...?" expression having only heard the snakes response as Chris let out a sudden "urk!!", feeling as though a nail had been hammered into his head from the statement. "G... Gee... Thanks..." he muttered as Serenity inched her way against him and gave him a hug. "Sorry again... For doing bad thing to you..." she told him with a slight blush, clearly wanting another round as she cuddled him. "A... Alright, alright! Just... Easy on the weirdness..." he told the love struck Pokemon with a flush on his face, nudging her back with a sigh. "Please keep yourself under control... Especially in public... I appreciate the feelings but seriously... At least try to act like we normally do in the open..." he ordered, getting a disappointed look yet a nod nonetheless from her in response as she backed away and sat, fidgeting anxiously as Alicia continued her frustrated hissing, Rose smiling nervously as the snake exposed her jealously. "You know... All you have to do is ask him and I'm sure he'd..." the rabbit started to say in the snakes ear, only for Alicia to shoot up with a flush and swat her on the head. "QUIET!!!" she snapped causing Rose to jump back with a shout and hide behind her ears. "S... Sorry sorry!!" she panicked as the snake sat with a plop in frustration with her arms crossed, Chris and Serenity looking at the two confused. "Good luck sir... Goooood luck." Gerald told him with a thumbs up as they drove up to the entrance of the lab. Once the limo stopped and the group stepped out, Chris remained at the door, watching the girls standing together and chatting with one another. "No matter how much they look or act like humans..." he thought to himself, looking at each of the girls. "They're still Pokemon..." he muttered, looking down for a moment as Gerald walked up. "Something the matter sir?" he asked. "Well... In a way..." Chris replied, looking at Serenity as she suddenly swooned as if telling the girls something in detail causing Rose to flush and Alicia to start yelling at her, chatting in their Pokemon tongues rather than via telepathy. "I know this is gonna sound really weird... Maybe gross but... About the whole human and Pokemon thing... You remember how she acted when she held that Ralts when it was hatching?" he asked, the old butler rubbing his chin for a moment. "Ah yes... A cute little thing..." he chuckled with a nod. "She was quite taken with it as well... A delightful moment." he smiled. "That's just it... The way she acted and all... What am I supposed to do about them... You know... Having their own kids...?" he asked, Gerald raising an eyebrow at him before looking at the others. "Just mentioning a daycare set Serenity off like a bomb... I don't think the others are all that different about the idea either... I feel bad about the time coming for them to really want to be moms but can't..." he confessed with a guilty look on his face. "They ARE admirably dedicated to you... I'll agree to that... And with what I said in mind about their species, they likely all feel as though you're that one male, despite how differently they may show it or how willingly they admit it... Or exactly what you've done with whom..." he added, raising an eyebrow at Chris once again causing him to jolt and laugh nervously. "...Anyways sir, I doubt any of them would willingly seek out someone of their own kind now that they're by your side though... Whether you gave them a push to do find another or not... A problem indeed..." he nodded in agreement on the matter. "Interesting... I never thought I'd find myself discussing such a topic so... Casually... That is, Pokemon and intimacy... Odd..." he added.

"Ah! So you've arrived!" they heard a voice shout, turning to see the professor walking up from the parking lot with bags in her hands. "I was hoping I'd be back before you got here... Sorry about that. Some of the staff was getting hungry and it was my turn to pick up breakfast..." she laughed nervously. "Hey there... So... What's this about exactly...?" Chris asked, offering to take several bags in his free hand, Gerald taking several as well. "Whoo... Thanks... And uh, I've been wanting to do a little side research on you ever since the news of you taking down that truck was spread about... I'd like to see just how it happened if you don't mind..." she replied, putting her hands together with a wink. "I'll even beg a little if I have to! I just wanna take a look at a few things in your blood and marrow is all!" she replied with a grin. "Well... Sounds okay to me I guess... But really you're kinda heading into territory I don't exactly have full right to let you mess with... Give me a sec..." he told the professor before closing his eyes. "Uhhh..." she muttered, blinking at him confused, Gerald tilting his head curiously as well. After a moment, Chris suddenly nodded and opened his eyes. "Yep... You can do what you wanna do, just gotta keep it to yourself." he told the professor, getting a confused smile in response. "Well then... Thank you...?" she laughed nervously before heading towards the entrance and motioning for the rest to follow. "What uh... What was that about exactly...?" she asked Gerald in a hushed tone. "Not sure madam..." he replied as the girls walked along with Chris, Serenity holding an arm while he let Rose climb up and sit on his shoulders, Alicia slithering up his staff while looking around. "So where are we heading exactly?" he asked as they traveled through the lab, eventually passing the room where the Celebi Project was, Serenity noticing the room with a grin on her face before holding his hand and giving Chris a kiss on the cheek, causing him to jolt and flush in response with Rose letting out an "aww" while Alicia "hrmph'ed" and looked away. "We're heading into the genetics portion of the laboratory. We'll extract some blood and marrow samples there and see what we can come up with." she replied with a thumbs up. "Ha ha... Everyone wants to drain me..." he replied with a sigh, the girls suddenly showing a "what does that mean?!" look in response. "S... Sorry!! Sorry..." he laughed nervously, all three crossing their arms as the professor and Gerald looked back and shook their heads. "Always something with those four..." Gerald muttered with a smile. "They're interesting, definitely... A shame we can't keep them as lab specimens!" she laughed, the group hearing her statement and giving a disturbed look in response causing her to laugh all the more. "A joke, a joke..." she assured with a wink as they came up to a set of doors. "Alright then... Come on in." she told them before heading inside herself.

Inside, they were surrounded by countless monitors with rows of shelves throughout the room, staff clustered among one another as they did their research via the hundreds of tools and utensils in the room at their disposal, ranging from simple beakers lining shelves to the most advance systems in the region computing like mad. "Alright everyone! Got your meals!" she shout, causing everyone to shoot up and suddenly charge their way. In a panic, Chris held out his bag and covered his face with the staff, Gerald quickly shooting his hands out to hand over the food while facing away and stiffening up as if about to be trampled all over. Quickly taking their meals, they quickly went back to work while stuffing their faces simultaneously, leaving Chris and Gerald still nervously bracing themselves only to open their eyes and sigh in relief. "Yeaaaah... Sorry about that..." the professor laughed nervously while patting them on the shoulder. "We stay so busy here we often eat while doing our thing... A machine that never stops running at full throttle. We're not the top in the region for nothing!" she grinned before motioning for Chris to follow, leading him to a gurney no bigger than what you would see in an ambulance. "Had this brought in on short notice... Kind of all we had but it'll do. Just need you to take off your shirt." she told Chris, causing the girls to blush as Gerald looked around. "Good heavens madam... In front of everybody?" he asked, Chris laughing nervously in response. "Oh of course not... Just me! Or is that a problem...?" she asked, bringing up a folding screen from a nearby closet with a smirk on her face and nudging Chris with her elbow. "N n... Not... Really..." he replied with a shy blush, smiling nervously causing the girls to show looks of irritation from his response. "We'll use this for privacy, if you lot wish feel free to watch." she told the girls and Gerald, setting the screen down and pulling it open. "So... What doing exactly...?" Serenity asked, walking up behind the screen as the others followed. "Well... First we'll draw a few tubes of blood... Followed by a sample of his bone marrow as well... We'll have to give a shot for that though..." she answered, looking past the screen and motioning for the staff to bring what she needed. "SHOT?!! YOU SHOOT HIM?!!" she shout, suddenly pulling Chris tightly in her arms and shaking her head rapidly. "Ha ha!! Oh goodness no, not THAT kind of shot... You see, it can cause a bit of pain having marrow taken, so we'll just numb the area we'll be doing the extraction is all. No pain whatsoever asides the initial poke." she assured, Chris patting the worried Pokemon on the arm and coaxing her to back away. "Is it alright if they watch?" she asked as Chris took off his shirt. "Yeah... Not a problem." he nodded, Gerald taking his shirt with a slight bow as the girls suddenly smiled from the sight. "Huh... You've got some scars here and there..." the professor muttered, looking him over as the staff brought various utensils and swabs. "Alright... Blood first or marrow?" she asked. "Ehh... Marrow I guess... Having my blood drawn is simple enough, the marrow is what has me a little nervous so get that over with." he told her, getting a nod in response. "Alright then... Let's... Oh my..." she said with a pause, her eyes going wide when she saw the colossal scars on his back. "Eh...? What?" he asked, looking back as she touched the marks. "No wonder you needed therapy... Looks like you took an incredible beating..." she told him.

Remembering his fall from the cliff, he rubbed his head with a nervous laugh in response. "Yeah... Just call me a regular humpty dumpty I guess... Luckily they were able to put me back together!" he replied, the girls looking at one another before facing down in guilt, the rabbit looking at the two with her head tilt. "Why do you look sad suddenly...?" she asked, looking up at Chris as he waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. They just put themselves on a guilt trip whenever that accident gets brought up." he chuckled, the two scowling at him in response. "Accident...?" the professor asked, preparing a shot for him. "Yeah... Got attacked by a pack of Houn-DOOOOOOM!!!" he shout, shooting up as the professor gave him the injection to numb an area around his lower back causing the group to jump from the sudden shout. "You okay?!!" Serenity asked, reaching out only for Chris to quickly put his hands up. "F... Fine!! Juuust fine..." he groaned as the professor smiled. "Sorry... Figured best time to do it was when you were distracted... Go on...?" she asked while rubbing the spot she injected him with a swab. "Y... Yeah... We got attacked before coming here. They got hurled off a cliff by the Pokemon so I had to make a leap of faith and catch em'... I was able to take on most of the impact from the fall." he explained. "A cliff huh...? Amazed it didn't kill you... It makes me want to do this research all the more." she grinned. "You seem to have a bit of a sadistic side madam..." Gerald laughed nervously. "Many in the medical and scientific fields do... How else would many of us be able to handle giving such treatment to others on a daily basis...?" she replied with a giggle, holding a needle up to Gerald and squirting some of its contents out with a grin causing him to jolt and sweat nervously. "Alright... Second and last shot..." she told Chris before giving the injection. "Huh... Not so bad that time..." he muttered, looking back in surprise as she nodded. "Good... Give it a bit before we get the marrow..." she replied, continuing to rub the injection spots with the swabs. After a few moments, Chris moved about slightly, rubbing his lower back with a groan. "Feels weird..." he muttered. "You'll be numb around that area for a little while. It'll wear off though soon enough." she assured before stepping back behind him and inserting another needle, this time working her way into the crest part of his bone. "There we go... And now we..." she muttered before pulling on the needle, the tube slowly filling with marrow causing the girls eyes to shoot open wide. "Red gold..." she giggled. Once it was full, she pulled out the needle and patched over where she did the extraction. "And there we go! Tadah!" she told the others, holding up the marrow for them to see causing Serenity to suddenly groan and collapse as Alicia turned pale, Rose laughing nervously and looking away with her hands up. "Huh... Maybe them watching wasn't a good idea..." she muttered, looking down at Serenity as Gerald helped her up and past the screen, sitting the woozy Pokemon in a nearby chair. "You ladies still wanna watch while I get the blood?" she smiled, the two shooting up and shaking their heads before quickly running outside of the screen as well. "I didn't think I'd get a yes." she laughed before prepping his arm. "Once the numbness is gone you'll probably be a little sore... But considering you're so young it shouldn't bother you much. That's one reason the marrow extraction was so quick and simple." she explained as he sat rubbing his lower back again. "It's freaky... I can feel all over yet right here it feels like a wall splitting my nerves... Feel it here... Not here..." he replied. "Yeah... Think of it as laying on your arm too long. Same thing in a way." she told him while tying his arm and prepping him for the draw.

Once the professor was finished, Chris put his shirt back on and walked out from behind the wall, rubbing his arm with a scowl as the staff took what she had extracted off towards the beakers and various machines lining the room. "Well... She got what she wanted I guess... You girls alright?" he asked as they stood together, waving nervously in response. "Sorry about that... I didn't think you girls would've been that sensitive!" he laughed as the professor put away the screen and joined the others as they started examining his marrow and blood. "So... We go...?" Serenity asked, looking at the staff as they muttered with one another, crowding around the samples. "No... They wanted that stuff for something... Just hang on." he replied. After a moment, the scientists slowly grew more and more excited, pointing random things out in the beakers and on the monitors while jotting down notes as rapidly as they could. Soon, they finished their tests and quickly gave the professor their results before returning to the samples. Walking up, she looked over what they had written wide eyed, looking at Chris with a surprised look and going over the notes again. "Uhhh... Is there something wrong with me...?" he asked. "I... I have no idea... Going by all of this... We don't even know what you are... So determining if something is wrong is impossible..." she replied, the group going wide eyed and looking at one another bewildered. "Somehow... I feel a bit insulted by that..." he laughed nervously. "S... Sorry!! This is just... Extraordinary..." she replied, continuing to browse the notes. "Come over here... Let me show you." she told the group, motioning for them to follow as she made the staff move aside so they could go up to one of the large monitors. Typing away various commands, countless cells suddenly flashed onto the screen. "Okay... Now zoom in..." she muttered, enlarging the cells bit by bit as if swimming through them. After a moment, she finally managed to reveal strands of his DNA on the display, slowly rotating as the staff watched in astonishment. "Ooohhhh... Pretty..." Rose said, walking up and touching the monitor. "Yes... Pretty... Pretty unbelievable..." the professor replied with her arms crossed. "Huh... I've seen pictures of that stuff in a lot of book but never looking like that..." Chris muttered, looking over the various strands as Gerald raised a curious eyebrow himself. "Do you think it could be some type of radiation...? He's from rural areas... Maybe it has something to do with the city atmosphere...?" Gerald asked, the professor shaking her head. "We've looked into all the causes... Test out what all we thought it could be... That we KNEW it could be... Nothing... It's not radiation..." the professor replied.

On the monitor, the staffs tests revealed that Chris's DNA had been heavily altered throughout his years of life as the strands float on the display with a golden radiance to them, revealing various differences in its structure compared to typical humans. "We're still looking into it... But going by what we know of both human and Pokemon DNA, the structure of Chris's DNA combines the two together... Here you have a normal persons DNA..." she said, inputting commands causing only one strand of his DNA to remain on screen while a humans normal code popped up next to it. "And here... We've managed to obtain some of Mew's as well. Our laboratory admittedly has... Partnerships... With some unique groups that are best not spoken of, both for confidentiality's sake AND reputation, so keep this DNA a secret if you would..." she added, causing another strand to pop up on the other side of Chris's leaving his strand sandwiched between the two. "Humans have discovered throughout the ages that the Pokemon called Mew is believed to be the source of all Pokemon, the origin of all species... Likely even us..." she told the group, causing them to listen wide eyed. "Humans...? Originating from a Pokemon...?" Gerald asked, crossing his arms in doubt. Nodding silently in response, the professor brought up ruins depicting Arceus on another monitor. "Mew is believed to be the oldest living creature in existence, the only exception being this entity, the one called Arceus who is even older than Mew, but from what we can wager, not by much... Long ago, this entity is the one we believe is responsible for creating all that exists in our reality... After giving shape to the land we walk on, life was created to thrive on it... We believe Arceus then created Mew for this very purpose, to store the... You could say blueprints... Of the many creatures he would bring to life..." she told the group, Chris and Gerald listening with lost expressions as the girls looked at the different DNA on the screen. "Chris have... Pokemon DNA..." Serenity muttered, touching the screen over his before sliding her hand over Mew's and comparing the two.

"Right... As I was saying... The thing is, Arceus never created humans originally. From what we've researched, we actually evolved at some point in history from Pokemon ourselves... Becoming humans and the dominant species of the planet... You could say it was a race, and we won." she added, looking at the monitor showing the DNA again. "Also throughout history, we've discovered more and more Pokemon species following a similar path as our own, changing into human-like creatures in greater and greater varieties... But for some reason, no other Pokemon species have been able to accomplish the same type of evolution as we did so long ago... They have taken our form, yet remain vastly different..." she told the group while looking at the girls. "So then if humans were Pokemon at some point... Why are my genes so special...? Just because of a different look and color?" he asked. "No... Your DNA is special because you're literally the missing link... The bridge between human and Pokemon..." she replied, motioning for the girls to move. "Look here... In a normal human, there is next to no similarity between us and Mew... We have tiny Pokemon-like remnants in our code, but nothing to amount to anything special... We're drastically different today. We believe these remnants are why humans try so fervently to bond with Pokemon, why we maintain such close, family-like relationships with them... We feel a natural type of kinship you could say because we WERE Pokemon ourselves long ago... And they likely sense this as well, explaining why they too seek, and/or accept such relationships with us simultaneously..." she explained. "Now look here... In your code, you maintain the appearance of a typical humans from a distance, yet when you look closer..." she paused, removing the human code from the screen and enhancing his and Mew's. "The parts of YOUR code matching Mew's are far more obvious than our own... Various strands are different, and you even have strands missing from our own altogether that Mew's code clearly displays..." she told him, Chris nodding in response before suddenly slumping. "...Lost me here..." he told her causing the professor to groan. "Alright, alright... I'll just get to the point..." she sighed while inputting more commands, the monitor showing Arceus flashing off before flashing back on displaying Pokemon rapidly changing on the screen. "Now we'll also show you which Pokemon you match up with most as well..." she said, pausing as the Pokemon continued rapidly changing until suddenly stopping on a picture of Ninetails causing Chris to jolt wide eyed.

"...This is where I'd like an explanation from you especially. Not only does your DNA match far closer with Mew's than our own, the origin of Pokemon and, we believe, ourselves... But we've discovered bits and pieces matching you with a Ninetails code simultaneously... In short, you're basically a mutant..." she explained as Chris thought over what he saw and was just told. "Wait a sec... Just hold on..." he replied, raising his hand before rubbing his head silently. "That's right... Back when I met Ninetails face to face..." he muttered, a flashback of the tree turning gold appearing in his mind before remembering what Ninetails explained about their bond. "It put a part of itself inside me when I was conceived..." he muttered, raising a finger. "So THAT caused me to be born with mixed up DNA somehow..." he added, raising a second finger. "And what was it Ninetails said about her saving me...? Something about a process... And it saving me gave me the ability to USE its power..." he thought silently, raising a third finger before walking up and looking over the monitor showing his and Mew's code. "When it saved me... I was already born with different DNA because I had Ninetails inside of me... But then it saved me... And that must have been what really threw things out of wack..." he said, the professor raising an eyebrow. "So... What with the who and did... What and when now?" she asked, now the one standing lost herself. "Ninetails... The reason my DNA is like that... The reason I was able to take out that truck... It's all Ninetails..." he told her. "When my old man was alive, he saved one by grabbing its tails... So instead of cursing him, it put a curse on me, WAY before I was even born." he explained. "...Interesting. I've actually heard of people being transformed by their curses... It has never been proven though as the people who've reported this never have any evidence. Just vague memories... Like a dream of them in an alternate life..." the professor replied with a nod. "So... That means this is what it looks like when a Ninetails tampers with a human..." she muttered. "Ninetails often put off a golden glow similar to that radiating from your code as well due of the massive power dwelling within them... But what confuses me is that your DNA is so different, yet you still look completely normal. You'd think you would look more... Like a Pokemon... I suppose..." she told him, looking over his body before scratching her head. "...Got me stumped..." she muttered as Gerald and the girls stood as though mere objects in the background, blank smiles on their faces from not understanding a word.

"Well... I kinda..." he replied, pausing while thinking about the truck and what appeared on his body. "Ahh... Never mind..." he said, looking behind himself and waving his hand as if trying to feel for something only to feel the air. "No... I guess it's nothing..." he told her before putting his hands in his pockets. "So since I'm apparently Mr. Link or whatever... Anything else this means...?" he asked. "Well... After some digging... We did come to a few other interesting conclusions..." she replied, zooming into specific parts of his, Ninetails, and Mew's DNA on the monitor. "Looking at Ninetails and Mew here, these portions determine your capability of using specific abilities known to that Pokemon... Since you have a match, primarily with Ninetails in this field... Technically it SHOULD be possible for you to use whatever abilities a Ninetails can use... Perhaps even a few of Mew's as well... Meaning you COULD be considered a super human... IF you could find a way to unlock this power. Which going by the reports on that truck colliding with you, I believe you already have..." she explained. "Then... We have these portions here..." she said, pausing while removing Mew's DNA from the screen and bringing up a normal persons code again before zooming in on all three. "Looking at your code and your average humans... These portions determine your ability to copulate and bear offspring... Now as you can see, you have a match that makes you compatible with humans of course... But you've got several other strands branching off on top of that... This means you're likely ALSO compatible with Pokemon as well..." she told him, the girls suddenly shooting up understanding that part perfectly clear. "I'm only explaining this part to you because I feel... You're open to such a thing... Going by your relationship with these three... I'll confess that Gerald has told me a few things about you pointing towards that direction..." she revealed, the girls and Chris scowling at the old butler causing him to shoot up and laugh nervously. "Although your code matches Ninetails in this field, you don't have the portion determining a specific egg group... Meaning that you likely COULD bear offspring with pretty much any Pokemon out there..." she added, suddenly bringing up a Ditto on the monitor showing Ninetails. "In this regard... You're pretty relatable with this pile of goop..." she smirked before clearing Ninetails and the human DNA off the monitor and bringing up Ditto's DNA next to hi, zooming in on the two. "See there...? A match for compatibility... Yet no strings connecting you to a specific egg group... Exactly as I said, you're an interesting mutant..." she chuckled as the group stood confused and shocked simultaneously.

"In short... All of this means you're a human with the capability of using the power of a Ninetails, and perhaps slightly Mew itself, but likely only to a very small degree if that... That... AND you technically SHOULD be able to copulate with humans and pretty much any Pokemon as well... You dog." she smirked, giving him an elbow in the side. "To think... In my lifetime, in MY laboratory... We've found the missing link between man and Pokemon that PROVES everything we've researched about our origins to be fact..." she chuckled, pulling up Ninetails, Ditto, Mew and Arceus on the monitor alongside their DNA, save for Arceus who hasn't been researched save for ruins and the like before bringing up Chris's DNA in the center of the Pokemon, random spots of his code and the Pokemon's code being highlighted randomly to show off the enhanced similarities. "This really is extraordinary... This discovery is something we could research for the rest of our lives and STILL discover new possibilities... New links between us and the creatures roaming this world alongside us... Having your code will allow us to create a limitless amount of bridges, in turn creating endless things to explore about ourselves and Pokemon alike!" she grinned excitedly. "Ahh... Ha ha... Yeah..." Chris replied nervously. "Just remember... This has to be kept to yourselves..." he told the professor. "Yes yes... Although come on, SOME things being shared with the world is harmless, right?" she asked with another grin. Smiling in response, Chris didn't give an answer as the girls and Gerald walked up to him. "Well then... I suppose that discovery solves your problem." the old butler chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "Y... Yeah..." he replied with a shy blush, looking at the girls. "So... We CAN make eggs...?" Serenity asked, causing Chris to shoot up and flush brightly, quickly covering her mouth and shouting her name in a frustrated and embarrassed tone as the professor laughed loudly and raised her hand. "Again... I'm only saying this because of the relationship you seem to have and your openness on the subject... I won't say my opinion on the matter, but the short answer is yes... It should be possible... The rate of success however I can't say... But it should indeed be possible... With enough effort..." she nodded. Standing silently with her mouth still covered by Chris's hand, Serenity started flushing more and more before suddenly pulling Chris into her arms with a squeal of excitement. "O... Oy oy!!! Public, public!!!" he reminded her, flailing in frustration trying to push her away as the rest laughed, save for Alicia who once again made her frustration towards Serenity's expressive attitude clear by murmuring to herself with arms crossed. "Oh dear... You've just made the lads life all the more difficult..." Gerald muttered to the professor with a chuckle. "Well... Clearly it's something they wanted to hear, so I figured it was worth confirming." she smirked, watching as Chris shoved himself away as Serenity continued acting giddy, Rose holding and petting her ear shyly with a blush on her face while Alicia turned away from the scene with her nose up, a slight smile on her face nonetheless as she faced the floor.

"Alright... So are we done then...?" Chris asked with a scowl, scratching his cheek embarrassed as the professor nodded. "Yes... We're through... You can leave if you like. In a hurry to get started?" the professor teased with another laugh as Chris jolt and shout her name in frustration, the girls blushing all the more. "Kidding! Kidding... Let a woman have her fun... Teasing you is just too irresistible." she giggled with a wink. "Honestly... What kinda guy to you people take me for...?" he sighed, shaking his head as Serenity held his arm and rest her head on his shoulder, Rose leaning against his other side and holding his hand with a giggle as Alicia slithered up over his shoulders and suddenly pulled on his cheek with a shy scowl. "Ouch ouch oouuuch... Quit it!!" he snapped as she let go, facing away with her arms crossed while brushing his cheek with her tail. "I think we'd best be on our way then..." Gerald smiled nervously before shaking the professors hand. "Although the lad won't admit it, you've truly taken a load off his shoulders... Thanks for agreeing to look into this." he nodded, the professor smiling in response. "Thanks for asking us to. It really was worth it to finally have the chance to confirm so many theories we've had throughout the years by doing so!" she replied as Chris and the girls blinked in surprise. "YOU set this up Gerald?" Chris asked, the old butler jolting before laughing nervously. "Do forgive me sir... I thought it couldn't hurt... You do admirably care for these girls... All things considered I thought it would be best to have the matter looked into... Especially given the concern over the matter you had when we arrived after I'd already set things up... I do hope you're not too upset with me." he bowed. "N... No... Thanks..." he replied, looking at the girls as they continued showing a smile on their faces. "Well then... You lot can be on your way. Thanks for giving us the samples!" the professor grinned with a thumbs up, Chris nodding before they went for the exit and headed for the lobby. "To be honest... I already kinda knew most of that stuff... Not in detail or anything but still... The fact I actually CAN... Ahh... Cause some stuff to happen with Pokemon was a surprise though..." he said as they walked through the halls. "...It bad thing?" Serenity asked, giving him a sad look. "N... No!! It's not bad at all!! I just..." he replied, pausing with an embarrassed blush while looking away. "...Wish it was discussed in private instead of in front of everyone..." he added, Serenity smiling from ear to ear with a nod. "That good! Not have to worry anymore! Now have everything we want!" she replied, squeezing him causing Chris to let out an "urk!!" as the wind was crushed out of him, Alicia suddenly jumping up off his shoulders and giving Serenity a hard smack on the head with her tail making her jump back with a shout, the snake landing gracefully back on his shoulders with a nod and a "hrmph!" in response. "Calm yourself dog... If your tongue hangs any lower you'll drag it on the floor behind you..." she mocked causing Serenity to scowl at her in frustration. "You never let anyone be happy... You a pain..." she told the snake as she rest across his shoulders with a smirk. "Well... I'm happy. I got to punish you again." she grinned, Serenity gasping and raising a hand to knock her down only for Chris to grab it and shake his head. "Enough you two... Come on..." he lectured, waving a finger at Alicia as well while Rose watched the three, giggling in response. "I'm really glad I'm with you guys now... You really love each other." she told them, causing the group to blush and look away from one another embarrassed. "Don't forget madam, he not only loves them but you as well, rest assured!" Gerald reminded causing Rose to smile and hide her face behind an ear. "Y... Yeah..." she muttered. "Don't feed into it! Come on!" Chris shout, frustrated enough as it is causing Gerald to laugh in response.

"Do forgive me... It's simply impossible to resist, just as the professor said." he chuckled as they reached the lobby. Once outside, the group started discussing where they would stay next, the snake lecturing Serenity once again for getting them kicked out of where they were while Rose sat nearby with a sigh enjoying the breeze, Chris doing the same alongside the rabbit letting the girls go at one another nearby. "Sometimes its best to just stay out of it..." he said while rubbing Rose on the head. "You're a smart girl... I think I'll start copying you more often... This is much better than getting hit or yelled at trying to stop them all the time." he chuckled causing her to blush slightly as he picked a flower off a nearby bush and handed it to her. "Th... Thank you..." she replied shyly. "No prob... Sorry you have to watch them go at one another so much... But rest assured, they care about each another deep down nonetheless." he said with a thumbs up. "A family will always have its moments when they're at odds with one another... But then again, it wouldn't be very fun if we were exactly alike... It can be a little frustrating the way they bicker all the time, but then again, it's another reason I love them so much... They make everyday exciting." he laughed. "So... Doesn't that make me boring...?" Rose asked, looking down sadly. "Ha ha! No way... You help balance out the chaos. I think its great having someone with me who keeps a calm mind and avoids bickering... You're someone I can turn to whenever I can't handle it... That is... If you don't mind me coming to you from time to time like this." he nodded with a smile causing her to look up at him wide eyed and nod back. "Y... Yeah... Anytime..." she replied, facing down at the flower with a smile of her own. "Wow... Somebody wants to rely on me..." she giggled, smelling the flower before Chris gently pulled her in for a hug against his side, causing the rabbit to freeze up and gulp. "Ha ha... You're a good girl..." he praised, causing her to look up at him silently with a blush while he watched the others continue venting as Gerald drove up and opened the door for them. As the girls walked up to the door, they turned and saw Chris sitting closely with Rose, both of them blinking before scowling at the scenario. "Whaaaat...? If you two could spend less time bickering maybe I could find the time to do the same for you instead of being busy playing the referee for the two of you all the time!" he lectured, waving his finger as they looked at one another and stuck out their tongues before climbing in and grumbling in their seats.

"Honestly... Always with the jealousy..." he sighed while shaking his head and standing, helping Rose up as well and rubbing her head once more. After they climbed in the limo, Gerald set off into the city, with Rose hopping into Chris's lap with a giggle and relaxing against him as Serenity and Alicia glared at one another, sparks flying between their eyes while giving the happy rabbit a glare as well. Noticing this, Chris gave both of them a bonk on the head simultaneously, grunting at them as they rubbed their heads and pout. "Seriously girls... When will you get along...?" he sighed, shaking his head before pulling both Serenity and Alicia under an arm against his sides. "Still the perfect family though..." he chuckled, giving Serenity and Alicia both a wink. As the group focused on deciding where to go next, they failed to realize Chris's shadow turn a golden color, glowing dimly as Ninetails red eyes appeared before his shadow suddenly shot out the window, Alicia jolting and looking in the direction it went, tilting her head before Gerald mentioned a place to eat, immediately getting her attention. Zipping along the pavement, his shadow suddenly shot through the air and into the laboratory, slithering and ricocheting throughout its interior until reaching the room Chris had the samples extracted. As the staff continued their experiments on his code, screams could be heard from several scientists as the sheets in their hands containing data and notes burst into flames, not a single ash left behind before the machines suddenly started going haywire, his shadow zipping through them one by one. "Wh... What's going on?!!" Professor Rose shout, looking all over the place as more and more paper suddenly spontaneously combust, the sheets themselves disintegrating yet neither the staff nor' where they lay showing any signs of harm. Suddenly, the staff saw the monitors all shut down before flashing on one by one, the now static filled screens showing a blurry image of what appeared to be Ninetails face, its red eyes glowing brightly in the haze causing the staff to jolt and freeze up with nervous expressions. After a moment, several scientists shout and pointed out all of the research equipment containing samples of his blood and marrow, suddenly sent flying all over the place as Chris's shadow shot out of the machines, causing them to shut down before the shadow began spiraling rapidly above them in the center of the room, bringing all of the equipment together before sending everything crashing into the floor, the shadow ricocheting throughout the lab before darting out of the window and zipping back towards the limo. "What... Was THAT?!!" one of the scientists asked as they looked around them, their machines suddenly rebooting, several others walking up to the shattered equipment. "Professor... The contents..." one of them pointed out, taking a tiny tube out of his pocket and scooping some of the liquid up and handing it to Rose. "...Water...?" she muttered, looking at the fluid now covering the floor and spreading about from the damaged equipment. "All of it... Turned into water...?" she said to herself, looking at the tube once again before pouring it out in a sink with a sigh. As the machines finished rebooting, the staff started arguing amongst one another as they tried to recover the data obtained from Chris's samples, unable to find a shred of anything left pertaining to his code. "...The samples turned to water and the machines wiped clean..." Rose muttered, walking up and looking at the monitors herself. "All records disintegrated too..." she added, remaining silent for a moment before smirking and crossing her arms. "Aren't you a crafty demon...? Now I get it..." she thought to herself, walking towards the windows. As the staff argued and panicked simultaneously, they begged for answers from the professor, desperately asking what they should do as she raised her hand in response. "What we've discovered here today will have to stay between us I'm afraid... Even if we try to prove what we've learned, we've no evidence to back it up... We'll just have to get back to work on our other projects." she told them calmly, leaving them looking at one another and sulking simultaneously, dragging their feet along while cleaning up the mess and lamenting over their discovery being wiped away, some talking about bringing Chris back only for Rose to laugh. "I really wouldn't suggest that... I don't think he would be so willing to go through that again... And if he was forced, not a single one of you would live to tell the world a thing... Those girls by his side and the same being who just did this would wipe you out the same as those sheets of paper..." she warned, waving her hand causing them to shoot up and sulk once again, nodding in agreement.

"What a way to lose the discovery of a lifetime... To lose the greatest discovery of ALL time!" she groaned, slumping herself before looking back out the window. "You sure know how to kill the excitement... But then again, the fact we now know everything we've had suspicions about to be true... I suppose that's enough of a privilege... We'll find our own ways to prove it to the world in time." she nodded, smirking again and crossing her arms. "I guess that did make things too easy... Who wants such an important discovery handed out on a silver platter? You wiped the pages clean, but there's nothing stopping us from writing out own version of the origins of mankind!" she grinned. "...I'll show my respect and insure he's left alone. You've given us the Celebi Project and that's enough of a gift..." she nodded as the staff continued to whine, causing her eyebrow to twitch before lecturing them all and helping with the cleanup as well.

Back at the limo, his shadow suddenly shot back inside, reattaching to Chris before putting off a bright flash, returning it to normal causing the group to look down in surprise. "What... Was that...?" Chris muttered, the girls blinking just as bewildered and shrugging before looking at one another and returning to their debate on what to eat, and where to stay next simultaneously...