Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 72

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#72 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 72 - Bunny Love

Once they reached the foyer of the grand staircase, Chris took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh, pausing when they reached the massive plaque and looking up at the Arceanic displayed. "Sure glad I didn't mess that up." he smiled nervously. "Didn't know you play! You do good!" Serenity praised with a grin. "Indeed, not a bad voice either. I'll admit, even my heart likely skipped a beat..." Alicia added with a smirk, the girls looking at her in surprise causing the snake to face away in irritation. "Keep giving me those looks and I'll stop praising the fool altogether!" she snapped, Chris grinning and giving her a scratch under the chin causing her to shoot up before relaxing limply with a sigh. "You really do surprise people a lot, don't you?" Rose smiled. "Ha ha, thanks girls. I was worried I'd totally screw everything up. I haven't played the piano or sang in a looonnng time. It took months for the elders to teach me that one song, so really I'm not all that good. If I tried to play anything else, believe you me I'd probably suck!" he admit with an embarrassed laugh. "But, I was confident enough to play that for you, so I gave it my best shot. It's the least I could do for that awesome surprise you gave me back at the mansion! You girls are the best, so I wanted to do my best for you in return." he chuckled, looking back up at the plaque as they looked at one another and smiled, Serenity and Rose cuddling his sides again as he pulled his hand away from Alicia's chin, the snake letting out a relaxed sigh. "So, what is it about that ship that keeps grabbing your attention so much?" she asked, raising a curious eyebrow. "Well, you girls know more about the curse than anyone, so I guess it's safe to explain. I really don't know exactly, but Ninetails said it needs help. I just don't get why she would want me to help a SHIP of all things, but she was pretty clear when telling me our next trip involved the Guardian here. In the past it was always a gut feeling that made me do things, but ever since me and Ninetails smoothed things out between us, she actually talks to me when something needs to be done. She also said that by helping the Arceanic, we'll help this ship too. Ninetails is pretty vague though when she talks so I can't give you any more details than that. We're not on BAD terms, but she still keeps her distance. I respect that though." he told them with a shrug before heading down the rest of the stairs and continuing towards their room. "Since we're first class, we're allowed our own menu and special room service. We can actually eat in our rooms whenever we want so I'll see about having dinner brought in for us tonight. I don't wanna seem snooty so we'll eat with the other classes some too during the trip. It's good to mingle with others, and you girls could make friends with people and Pokemon too!" he added. "Oh please, I've no need for such petty things. You and I along with these two are under special circumstances, I'll not go wandering about mingling with a bunch of strangers. Servants are one thing, but commoners are another entirely." Alicia scoffed, putting her nose up. "Not want human friends. One's we have enough. Will spend time with other Pokemon though." Serenity shrugged, Chris letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "Hey, humans not deserve caring for! They the one's who hurt us most! Hurt YOU most! They get nothing from me!" she affirmed. "Alright, alright! Geez, I didn't want to make anyone angry over the suggestion. I thought you were getting over that, my bad." he grumbled, Rose looking at the girls and poking her fingers nervously in silence.

Once they were in the room, Chris had the girls sit around the fireplace while he went to the bed and looked over the menu, calling in their orders as they sat in silence. "Um, it's not my place I know but don't you think that was a little mean?" Rose asked the girls, causing them to look at one another and at the rabbit confused. "I mean about being with other people and stuff. It couldn't hurt, and it's not like he's asking you to do anything extreme." she smiled nervously as they scowled and crossed their arms. "Why on earth would you want to be around a bunch of humans we don't even know for?" Alicia asked. "Humans act first think later, they too stupid for me to like, usually." she grumbled, facing away in irritation. Looking at the two, Rose faced down in silence, not wanting to push a topic further that would lead to confrontation. "I just thought it couldn't hurt doing what he wanted, I mean after what he just did for us and all..." she replied quietly. Hearing this, Serenity and Alicia looked at one another with a quiet groan, shaking their heads before facing Chris as he got off the phone. "We go eat with others tomorrow." Serenity told him. "You'll just give us a guilt trip of some sort if we don't so may as well and save ourselves the trouble." Alicia added before turning on the TV, the two watching in silence as Chris looked at them in surprise, Rose doing the same before facing him with a shrug, Chris responding with a shrug of his own yet smiling nonetheless. "Well alright then!" he replied, walking up behind them and ruffling their heads as Rose watched from across the table. "That's an open minded response I like to hear. Not the best way to respond, but open minded nonetheless." he grinned before walking to the balcony, Serenity twitching her eye in irritation before giving her hair a quick swipe to fix it. "KNOW I hate that." she growled, Alicia grumbling next to her before the two let out a sigh. Looking at the two, Rose smiled nervously before looking at Chris as he stepped outside and stretched while taking in the breeze, the rabbit jumping down and walking out with him. Looking up, she gave his arm a tug, about to speak only for her raspy voice to come out causing her to jolt in surprise before looking back at Serenity, smiling embarrassed with an "oh yeah" look on her face, having stepped out of her psychic range. Raising an eyebrow, Chris smirked and gave her a rub on the head.

"Thanks for warming those two up to the idea of getting out with people. I really wanna give it a shot, those two being more comfortable around others I mean, not just Pokemon. They always get so tense around other humans, so if possible I'd like to help them loosen up some, even though it's a REALLY dangerous line." he told her with a nervous smile before looking up at the sky. "You've all got plenty of kinks left to work out, but I think that's half the fun of being together and growing together! Although granted I've got plenty of my own to work out too, especially when it comes to how I am with you girls." he laughed embarrassed. "I still get so scared of messing up I don't know what I should do or say sometimes. I don't ever want to cause any of you to leave because I did or said something stupid, it really makes things hard on me but it's worth it to make sure you all feel equally important." he added, scratching his cheek nervously. "My mind is always so busy trying to think of all the ways I could screw up with you girls and how to avoid that, on top of always trying to think of things to do that give you the same amount of attention and all, it really takes a toll." he admit, looking back at the girls. "Buuuut it's worth it to see all of you happy, especially during the moments they get along." he smirked as the rabbit giggled and held his hand. After a moment, Serenity and Alicia looked around for the two, noticing them on the balcony together and scowling in jealousy before looking at one another with a nod and walking towards them. "But you know Rose, you girls are like the stars in the sky..." he said, the two stopping and listening from behind the balcony curtains. "There are so many up there not even the smartest people in the world can count them. Yet out of all those infinite stars that shine each night, I managed to have the best and brightest of them all fall right into my life. In my opinion, each of you are way more special and beautiful than any star up there could ever be." he grinned, the rabbit going wide eyed and blushing as the girls did the same, Chris suddenly rubbing his head embarrassed. "Oh geez, that was such a bad line. I told you I gotta work on that stuff!" he apologized, Rose quickly shaking her head. "I think it sounded amazing!" she suddenly shout, covering her mouth in surprise over being able to speak again as Serenity and Alicia walked up, the snake smirking as Serenity gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek causing him to flush embarrassed. "Aww man, you two heard all that mush?" he asked, both nodding causing him to groan and slump, Serenity rubbing him on the head with a giggle as Rose rubbed his hand, giving him a "there, there" while Alicia snickered and pat his leg, shaking her head while giving a "hopeless fool" remark. Looking at the girls, he let out a sigh and smiled before turning and enjoying the sound of the ocean once more.

Not long after this, waiters arrived from the kitchen, knocking and wheeling in all of the food he had ordered, which included a variety of desserts for the girls to try out, their eyes lighting up as the waiters bowed and left their food, reminding Chris to call when they were finished for a pickup. As he shut the door behind them and turned around, the girls were already going for the food, happily stuffing their faces as he smiled nervously. "Boy, always ready for a bite huh?" he chuckled causing them to look at him embarrassed, blushing with scowls on their faces and their cheeks stuffed. "D-don't worry! I'm happy, really!" he replied, waving his hands as they continued eating. Sitting on the foot of his bed, he watched the girls happily get their fill, taking a napkin and wiping their mouths occasionally with a loving smile causing them to blush in response. "Whenever you girls act like this it always makes me feel good. You're getting along and smiling, getting to enjoy some real good stuff and all. I hope I get to see you this way forever." he told them, rubbing their heads as they looked at him in silence, nodding in response before looking at one another and smiling, each grabbing something and offering to feed what they had to him, Serenity and Alicia getting slightly jealous over one another in the moment as they tried to feed him something at the same time, Rose simply smiling and waiting her turn with a nervous laugh as he let out muffled shouts, the two jolting and backing away with an "oops" as he swallowed his mouthful and choked a bit. "F-fine! I'm fine!" he assured as the two faced one another with a "see what you did?" look on their faces. Walking up, Rose offered him a bite of cake, Chris smiling with a nod as she put it in his mouth and giggled, Serenity and Alicia looking at the two as they smiled at one another causing them to slump. Seeing this, Chris put some of the icing on the slice of cake on his fingers and wiped it on their noses with a laugh, catching the two off guard as they jumped back and shout, scowling at him as they cleaned the icing off their faces. "Thanks for the offer to feed me girls, it was sweet of you." he chuckled, giving them a wink and a thumbs up before standing with another stretch. "I don't really need too much right now though. I'm gonna wash off and relax for a while so you go ahead and get your fill, I'll just nibble on whatever's left when I come out." he told them before walking past and digging in the drawers for something to wear to bed, stopping to look at the figures on the fireplace mantle and the banner above the girls made as they watched him, seeing the happy look on his face causing them to smile at one another as he went into the bathroom. After a moment, they heard him turn on the shower while they munched away, each blushing slightly and looking at one another as if having similar thoughts before nodding and heading towards the bathroom, looking inside as he stood behind the blurry screen whistling as he bathed.

"Now chance! Can finally..." Serenity giggled before grinning with a naughty look. "Well, I think he'd prefer spending time with someone who has more class and self control. Not that I'm saying I wish to do anything with the fool of course..." Alicia mocked with a smirk, Serenity looking down at her with a grunt as Rose remained quiet and fidget shyly. While the two started bickering with one another, she decided to take a shot at claiming the moment for herself, nodding nervously before clutching her fists and taking a deep breath, slowly making her way into the bathroom and up to the shower. Hesitating for a moment, she reached out and knocked on the door, the girls jolting and looking inside as Chris poked his head out, looking around before facing down and seeing the shy rabbit in front of him, holding one of her ears nervously while asking to join. Blinking in surprise, Chris smiled with a nod, pointing out a nearby towel and wrapping it around his waist before letting the gentle Pokemon in, opening the door and taking her hand to help her inside before shutting it back. Seeing this, the girls jaws dropped, finding themselves defeated in the moment and crossing their arms with a scowl of frustration. "The little rat, stealing the moment in such an underhanded way." the snake muttered. "She sneaky! That not fair! Stupid snake distract me!" Serenity growled causing Alicia to gasp from the insult, the two bickering once again as Serenity stomped on her tail, Alicia furiously attacking with her vines in retaliation. In the shower, Chris sat on the bench with a smile as Rose stood under the water hiding her face behind her ears. "It's a lot different being in the bath with you. Usually it's me who's the nervous and shy one!" he chuckled as she peeked through her ears with a scowl. "Aww, sorry, sorry. I shouldn't tease." he smiled, reaching for the bar of soap. "Come to think of it, I haven't given you a bath since the fight with the Warden! After you evolved you started bathing by yourself. I kinda missed this." he added, holding her hand while lathering up her arm, the rabbit gulping nervously as his hands ran along its length. "It's really hard to believe how much you've grown in such a short time. I remember always giving you baths in the sink, you were so ticklish!" he grinned, poking her stomach causing the rabbit to jolt and squeak, covering her torso with a scowl. "Yep, you always reacted just like that." he chuckled, taking her other arm and lathering it as well, remembering when she had the cast on it and suddenly showing a somber look on his face, Rose tilting her head and letting out a worried sound. "Oh, it's nothing. I just thought back on some unpleasant things." he replied, holding her hands with a guilty smile. "I'm real sorry about leaving you with that other trainer. I thought what I did way back would set em' straight, turns out I just let you keep being abused." he told her, looking down with a sigh before glancing at her arm and the leg that was in a cast as well. "It's my fault you had to go through all that other stuff. That's another reason I didn't want you evolving for my sake since it was me who let you suffer more in the first place. I really don't consider myself worth fighting for in your case. Definitely not evolving for. I'm glad your feelings for me were strong enough to make it happen, but it really wasn't deserved on my part." he explained, shaking his head as she looked down before taking her hands out of his and holding his hands together instead.

Trying to speak, only her raspy voice came out, Chris blinking at her confused as the rabbit slumped, her ears drooping in disappointment. "Right, must be too far away from Serenity." he laughed nervously, rubbing her on the head. "It's like I said, I don't feel like I deserve your feelings, but I'm thankful for them nonetheless. That's why I wanna keep doing whatever I can to make you happy so I can feel like I deserve what you've done for my sake, even if only a little." he assured her with a nod. "Sorry for bringing up sad stuff, you came in here to spend time with me and I just go making everything depressing. I just wanted to let you know how bad I felt is all. Believe me when I say I do love you a lot though!" he smiled nervously, Rose smiling in response and giving him a hug. Looking down at her, he chuckled and gave her a hug back, the rabbit enjoying the closeness before she stepped away with a nod, pointing at the soap with a smile. "Oh! Right, we should finish getting you cleaned up before the water turns cold." he replied, lathering it up before continuing to scrub her. As he lathered up the top of her head, Rose let out a relaxed sigh, leaning her back against him with a smile on her face. For a while, everything was normal between the two as he lathered up her ears, playfully taunting her habit of hiding behind them by lifting them and hiding his own face, peeking at her causing Rose to scowl embarrassed while looking back at him, giving Chris a sudden backwards kick in the shin with her strong leg and crossing her arms as he laughed and rubbed where she kicked. "So ya wanna play rough huh?" he grinned, reaching out and grabbing the frustrated Pokemon, pulling her against him in his arms causing her to flush wide eyed from the sudden move, only for Chris to give her a sudden noogie for the kick, causing her to turn from surprised to angry as she struggled and let out raspy noises of frustration before he let her go. "That's what ya get!" he grinned as she turned and tried to lecture him, rubbing her head with an irritated and pouty face. "Ha ha, was that too rough?" he asked, Rose turning away while continuing to rub her head. "Ah. Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to over-do it." he smiled nervously, the rabbit looking back at him before facing down and poking her fingers with a slight blush, shaking her head in response. Wanting to continue her bath, she pointed out the soap again, Chris nodding in response before lathering the rest of her body. "You're not actually mad at me are you?" he asked, continuing to smile nervously as she kept her back to him, secretly sticking her tongue out and winking playfully in a silent "no, but I wanna tease you" kind of way. Pulling her ears to the front of her body, Rose exposed her back to him, smiling and letting out a quiet sigh as if in paradise as he rubbed all over her back and along her shoulders, causing the rabbit to shudder and let out a coo from the soothing feeling of having her body massaged. After a moment, Chris started lathering her sides, teasing the rabbit with slight tickling causing her to scowl and raise her foot about to kick again, causing him to quickly pull his hands away and laugh nervously as she nodded in a "fast learner!" kind of way. Still, she liked her sides being touched, so she faced forward and made a sound for him to continue, lifting her arms allowing him to rub up and down the entire length of her sides, gliding his hands up along her arms and back down towards her hips causing Rose to shudder all the more, glancing back as he dug his fingers into her sides, continuing to massage her not wanting to risk being kicked again as he noticed her looking back at him, smiling in response. "Feel good?" he asked, the rabbit jolting and nodding silently, quickly looking forward again out of embarrassment from being caught looking at him.

As his hands started rubbing along her hips, Rose bit her lip while clutching an ear, feeling her legs weaken slightly as he slid his hands up and down, massaging her outer thighs. "Geez, you're really tense. No surprise though considering everything we've done after you went through that fight. I guess we really haven't had much of a chance to sit and rest since we spent a week roaming all over a mansion right after." he told her. After a moment, Rose started to wobble and stumbled back against him, Chris looking down in surprise as she let out another coo with a dazed look. "Woah, is the water getting to you?" he asked in concern, the rabbit jolting and quickly shaking her head with a nervous laugh. Looking up at him, she blushed and fidget shyly, looking towards the bar of soap and pointing again. "You want me to wash you some more? Your fur will start falling off!" he laughed, the rabbit shaking her head and pointing once again, keeping her hand held out. "Oohhh, you wanna use it yourself? Alright." he replied, handing it to Rose with a smile. While holding it, she walked next to him and climbed up on the bench, Chris blinking at her confused and curious as she had him scoot forward, standing behind him before trying to copy what he did, rubbing the soap between her paws before rubbing his shoulders. "Eh...? Ah... Oooohhh, I see!" he chuckled, sitting relaxed as she continued rubbing his shoulders, trying to copy his actions by digging her paws into his skin. "Not bad, not bad! You're a pretty fast learner." he praised, giving Rose a thumbs up as she nervously continued, smiling with a nod and blushing as she felt her way along his shoulders. After a moment, she started rubbing up and down his back, gulping when she felt over his shoulder blades and looked at all of the scars on his back, especially the biggest one which went across his spine. Pausing for a moment, she started touching them curiously, feeling the biggest scar and letting out a sad sound causing him to jolt and look back at her. "Oh, yeeeeaaaah, I guess it does look pretty gross back there. You can come out from behind me if you want, no need to force yourself." he smiled nervously before looking down. "I know it's bad, but it was worth it to save them. I'd do the same for you too. Your lives are worth the scars and it proves that no matter what, as long as you're by my side I'll go through anything to make sure your happiness and lives aren't taken away." he told her, Rose looking over his back and feeling the scars again in silence. Sitting nervously, and slightly self conscious over his marks, Chris was about to have her come out from behind him only to jolt and freeze up when she gave him a hug from behind, giving his scars several kisses before looking at him with a smile, assuring him the marks weren't an issue before leaning against his back and looming over him causing her ears to hang in front of his face as she giggled. "Uhh, hey there." he replied, looking up at her only for Rose to nuzzle her nose against his in response, causing him to blush slightly as she got out from behind him.

Wanting to clean the front of his body next Rose motioned for him to scoot back, getting a confused look from him in response before nodding and relaxing against the glass. "All done then? I appreciate what you did, felt great!" he smiled, only to tilt his head and raise an eyebrow as the rabbit looked at him before facing down, fidgeting shyly once again having become too nervous to do what she wanted now that she was looking at him from the front. "You wanna sit with me? Is that it?" he asked. "I don't mind if you do, ya don't have to be scrubbing soap all over me to just hang out." he assured. Not realizing where she had been wanting to sit, he was about to pat the bench next to his side only to freeze up as she slowly sat on his lap face to face. "Uhh, ha ha. I guess this is a way to relax." he smiled nervously as Rose quietly nodded, looking at him with a shy smile of her own. Not wanting to hide herself behind her ears, the rabbit slowly gave him a hug, scooting up so their bodies were against each others as she nuzzled her face into his neck instead, causing Chris to flush in surprise before looking around nervously as if it was a bad thing, giving her a wary pat on the back. "Y-you know you gotta be careful. The others will go insane if they think we're up to anything. You're a sweetheart but they'll even go after you if given the right reasons." he laughed nervously, Rose leaning back and scowling at him in a "they can and I can't?" kind of way. Grabbing the soap, the started rubbing the front of his body, her scowl slowly fading into another shy blush as she felt over his chest and slid her hands down his torso, touching the small scars he had on the front of his body as well, gulping as she rubbed his arms before looking at him, Chris slightly blushing himself. "So uh, what DID make you decide to finally, you know... Come in here with me?" he asked, scratching his cheek shyly as she fidget and blushed herself. Putting the soap aside, she held him again and nuzzled her face into his neck, thinking about what she's seen Alicia do and giving his ear tiny affectionate licks and nibbles causing him to jolt and shudder slightly. "R-Rose, baaaad idea, really bad id-mph!" he tried to say, cut off as she pushed herself into giving him a kiss on the lips. "S-seriously! Ba-mrmph!!" he tried to say again, cut off by another kiss. Each time he spoke, Rose would kiss him again and again, digging her claws into him out of her own fear of what she was doing, causing him to wince until he finally had to pull her a way, subconsciously grabbing her ear and yanking on it to get her to stop causing Rose to gasp and tilt her head back, shuddering as she released him and let out a raspy and submissive whimper "G-geez! Easy on the claws!" he groaned, rubbing his side before looking at the rabbit who was biting her lip and trying to reach back for her ear he had in his grip, continuing to shudder with a blush on her face. "O-oh! Sorry, s-sorry!!" he told her, quickly letting go causing her to let out a relieved gasp, holding and rubbing her ear while trying to calm herself down. "Ah man, I really didn't do that on purpose, you okay?" he asked, getting a nod in response before she looked at him and leaned against his chest, giving the scratches she left a rub with a guilty look. After a moment, Chris looked around cautiously once again before putting his arms around her causing Rose to jolt and gulp. "I uh, didn't mind what you were doing. It was just the scratching." he told her, scratching his cheek shyly as she leaned back and gave him a smile. Looking at his arms, she felt along them with her paws, looking back at his face before closing her eyes and puckering her lips slightly, wanting him to kiss her this time while he held her.

Double checking their surroundings once more, Chris nodded and slowly gave her the kiss she wanted, the rabbit lifting her arms and wrapping them around his neck to pull him in as their lips pressed together. When he pulled away, she let out a begging sound, wanting more and trying to pull him back in. Once again he kissed her, both of them shuddering and holding one another until she let out a raspy shout of surprise. Pulling away, she looked down due to feeling something swelling beneath her, noticing the bulge sticking out between her legs causing the rabbits eyes to widen as she flushed and gulped nervously, reaching down and touching the bulge as Chris looked away embarrassed. "S-sorry, kinda just does that, can't control it." he explained. Knowing full and well how males work, Rose looked at him with a smile, flattered over having such an affect on him before putting her arms up and around his neck again. "Uhh, really don't think we should keep foolin'." he laughed nervously, the rabbit holding his cheek before puckering her lips slightly again and closing her eyes. Below, she could feel him swelling all the more, and as he nervously gave her another kiss, she started grinding herself along his length, pressing herself against him as he held her and they started repeatedly kissing. After a moment, he slid his hands down to her hips, clutching them as she grind back and forth and pant in his face. Since she had such wide hips, he found himself squeezing them roughly causing the rabbit to coo and shudder all the more, tilting her head as they kissed before jolting in surprise when she felt his tongue against her mouth. Going wide eyed, she wasn't sure what to think of what he was doing, feeling him sliding it between her lips and against her teeth. After a moment, she slowly opened her mouth slightly to see what would happen, only for her ears to shoot up when she felt the length of his tongue deep in her mouth, working its way around hers. Slowly lowering her ears, her eyes rolled up slightly as she closed them again, learning how this new activity works by copying his tongue with her own, rolling it about and giving putting hers in his mouth a try. Feeling his heart beat faster against her chest, she enjoyed the new discovery and learning how it made him react, his grip on her hips tightening all the more causing her to pant heavily as their tongues dangled between their mouths, the tips twirling around one another until she pulled away to calm down, trying to relax her breathing as they both shuddered. "S-sorry. Got into it." he told her, loosening his grip as she shook her head, smiling and giving him a shy look. Facing down again, Rose touched his swollen member once more, a yearning look on her face before backing off his lap and lowering to her knees. "What's up? You alright?" he asked, only for his eyes to widen as she rubbed her paws along his legs. Gulping nervously, she slid her paws under his towel causing Chris to shoot up and jerk back, laughing nervously in response. "C-come on now. You don't need to do that!" he told her, only for Rose to give him a sad and disappointed look in response. With a wary expression on his face, he looked at the shower door while scratching his cheek. "I dunno... Those two will go insane if we fool around THAT far. You're the only one they don't fight with really. If you messed with me like that, you'll be enemy number one, the same as they are with each other." he explained with a nervous smile. "I promised you'd live in peace remember? I don't want those two giving you a hard time." he added, only for Rose to face down silently in response. "O-oy, come on." he muttered, looking around and at the door again. After a moment, he nodded and gave her a rub on the cheek, causing her to jolt in surprise and look up. "If you really wanna, I uh..." he paused, looking away nervously. "I don't mind. You can do what you like." he finished, the rabbit blushing wide eyed before looking at his lap again where the bulge was sticking up.

With a nod, she rubbed her paws under his towel again, feeling her way along his legs before jolting and freezing up when the tip of her paws felt the base of his member. Looking up at his face, she saw his nervous and frustrated expression, feeling him shudder as she continued feeling along the base of his manhood before reaching up further. The more length her paws felt along, the more her eyes widened, gulping as she felt the thickness causing her to flush as she ran her paw over the tip. With their size differences now coming to mind, she didn't know what to think of his member, whether the feeling should be of excitement or fear. After feeling him up for a moment longer, she slowly leaned her face between his legs, lifting the towel and putting her head underneath it. "O-oy oy! I-I dunno about this!!" he panicked, clutching the bench as Rose froze up once more. With his aroused member throbbing before her, the rabbit merely blinked at it in surprise, feeling it over once more causing Chris to tense up and groan above her, biting his lip as she lift it and traced its length with her eyes, sliding her paws up and down, merely wanting to explore it on her end whilst Chris felt as though he were being given such a slow and soft hand job it was painful, having gotten used to Serenity's more... Excitable and abrupt way of having her way with him. Looking down, he could see where her head was, watching the towel moving about around his manhood as her hands had their way with it. Continuing to look down at the towel, he saw Roses head get closer and closer to his crotch, having to spread his legs as she nudged her way between them until he felt her face pressing against it. Under the towel, Rose was lovingly nudging his member with her snout, rubbing her mouth along its length before pressing her snout into his sack, half imitating what she had seen him doing between Serenity's legs and half using instincts to coax him into want her. Trying to remember what little she knew, she finally opened her mouth and gave his member a lick, causing Chris to go wide eyed in surprise as he felt her lick him again, sending a shudder up his spine. "Y-you know that?" he asked, the rabbit licking silently once more, this time from the base towards the tip causing his legs to shudder. Getting this response out of him excited her since she'd never done anything like what they were doing, and wanting him to react more, she started dragging her tongue up and down, albeit clumsily while licking the sides of his manhood as well, hearing the quiet groans of frustration and coos of pleasure coming from him as she practiced. Dragging her tongue back down to the base, when she tried going lower Chris's legs suddenly jolt, hearing an actual moan come from him in response as her tongue slid around his sack, rolling it around. Liking this reaction even more, she quietly giggled as she focused purely on getting him to make the same sound, sliding her tongue all over his sack before pulling one side into her mouth, this causing Chris's legs to tremble before saying her name under his breath, her sensitive ears picking up his call making her eyes widen with a flush on her face. In her mind, thoughts were racing revolving making him feel good and getting praised, enjoying herself in the process and wanting to see what else she could make him say and do. Looking up towards the tip of his member, she backed away from his sack, Chris letting out a sigh of relief as his body relaxed. "Th-that was g-good, really g-good." he shuddered. Thinking she was finished, he was about to reach for her only to freeze as she felt her licking the tip, rubbing her lips against it before opening her mouth and slowly taking in the head.

"R-Rose! That's enough!" he panicked. "You can sto-staah-haaah..." he tried to say, cut off as she clumsily twirled her tongue in circles while taking more of him inside her mouth. Sitting back, he watched the towel where her head was, seeing her head slowly start bobbing up and down as she put her arms around his sides. Under the towel, Rose was flushed from doing something so unfamiliar to nature for her kind, albeit enjoying the experience thanks to the reactions she was getting from him by doing so. Pulling it out only to lick all over its length, she would repeatedly pull him back inside of her mouth, her sloppy job frustrating Chris as much as it pleasured him. After a moment, he put his hands on her head causing the rabbit to jolt and let out a muffled giggle, thinking he was petting her for doing good. However, she felt him gradually pushing down as she bobbed her head, causing her to take more and more in up until the point she was struggling. Unable to take anymore without it hurting, she tried to pull her head back, only to meet the resistance from his hands as he kept pulling her in, wanting the rest of his member in her mouth that was already full. Going wide eyed from not being able to pull it out of her mouth, Rose panicked as she pushed against the bench, letting out raspy muffled noises as he pant above. Since she couldn't use telepathy and he couldn't see her expression, Chris continued pushing on her head, a dazed look on his face as he made her bob up and down, her name escaping his lips under his breath repeatedly. Under the towel, Rose was tearing up, making repeated chocking expressions every time his member hit the back of her throat, still going deeper as she tried to resist. Suddenly, her hands slipped, and with no resistance to his strong pull, Rose felt his manhood ram into her throat, causing her to let out a loud raspy sound that would have been a scream as she felt her throat clinging to him, forcibly spread to accommodate his thickness. As Chris let out a moan of pleasure, Rose started gagging, trying to take in air as tears streamed down her face. After a moment, he relaxed his pull, and feeling his manhood pulling out of her throat, the rabbit showed a look of relief mixed with her gagging expression, choking as it slid out and gasping for air desperately. However, just as she relaxed her eyes widened once again as he welcomed himself back inside her throat, forcing the rabbit to bob her head on his entire length as she tried to shout and shake her head, grabbing the bench and futily pushing against it once more. Again and again he rammed himself inside her mouth, Rose feeling the bulge in her throat every time he entered as her drool started oozing all over him and her chin, her eyes rolling up as she gagged and choked, surviving on what little air he shoved inside of her with every thrust. Soon, her terror started warping into ecstacy, the suffering she was enduring from the male she loved causing her body to twist the pain into pleasure as a flush spread across her face, her desperate and raspy outcries turning into gagging moans as she submit, her arms that were struggling against him now dangling as sparks flew through her head, the little supply of air causing her mind to slip into a daze as drool now oozed off her chin and his sack, finding her face smeared in it as he repeatedly pulled her in, taking him to the base with every bob.

With all the movement, it was only a matter of time before his towel exposed her, and when it did Chris could see her face covered in drool and tears combined as she remained limp, her dazed eyes looking up at him with a combined look of "save me" and "heaven" twist together , her face flushed out of pleasure and lack of oxygen combined. Going wide eyed, he quickly released her causing Rose to fall on her side, letting out a massive gasp for air and snapping back to life as he quickly got up and helped her sit up on the bench, getting on a knee in front of her. "You okay?! S-sorry!! Sorry sorry!!" he panicked as the rabbit clutched her throat, continuing to breathe heavily before waving her hand to assure him it was alright. "Ah man, I got so into it I lost myself! I told you it was a bad idea!" he groaned, looking her over and holding her cheek in concern. Clearing her throat, Rose shook her head and gave him a smile, his expression causing her to panic due to not wanting her first experience with him to be her last. Inside, although it was terrifying and painful, what he was doing to her made her feel as though she were flying to heaven and back repeatedly, but since she was unable to tell him verbally, the rabbit leaned forward and gave him a kiss, rubbing his hand with a smile to try and assure him what he had done to her wasn't bad. Seeing her respond this way, Chris scratched his cheek nervously with a slight blush as Rose started to fidget shyly, now the one sitting on the bench with him in front of her. Seeing he was still aroused, Rose pointed out his member, Chris snatching his towel and covering himself. "D-don't worry about that!" he quickly replied, causing her to jolt in surprise before facing down and poking her fingers, feeling her praise and the arousal was over. Seeing this, he groaned in guilt, rubbing his head unsure of what to do with the rabbit. "I-I mean, I'm fine, you've done enough." he told her in a calmer tone, facing away nervously as she faced up. "B-but, if you're still, you know, wanting to do something..." he added, glancing at Rose as she tilt her head. "I could, I guess... I mean if you want and all, that is, uhh." he stuttered, going into a shy moment of his own. "I could, maybe, return the favor? That is, the licking and... Stuff, but do it to you, if you want." he tried to offer, blushing out of embarrassment. "I-its fine if not though! J-just an offer to make you feel, well... Good... Too..." he added, murmuring shyly at the end. Unsure of what to make of his offer, Rose nodded with a curious look in response, wanting to see what he had in mind only for her eyes to widen and a flush to spread across her face as he spread her legs and leaned towards her. The closer his face got between her legs, the more his intention snapped into her mind, covering her face with her paws embarrassed as he pushed her legs wider apart making her let out a raspy whimper. "Furry..." he murmured causing Rose to peek between her fingers, letting out a "huh?" noise, only to jolt and freeze up with a squeak as she felt his fingers touching her all over between her legs, causing her body to twitch and shudder in response to his curious touch. After a moment, he started rubbing his hand up and down, pausing when he felt something tiny harden within her fur. "You do have one..." he said quietly, the rabbit flushing all the more and suddenly giving him a kick away before covering her crotch with her paws, letting out flustered and embarrassed raspy noises. "S-sorry! I've never been with you before! I dunno what your... Body is like. I was just trying to learn." he replied, rubbing his shoulder where she kicked. Letting out an embarrassed groan-like sound, she faced away and seemingly told him sorry, slowly spreading her legs again and moving her paws away giving him the sign to continue.

With a surprised look, he nodded in response, slowly leaning in close again before touching the fur covering her crotch causing Rose to jolt and let out another squeak, glancing down at him as he felt around. After a moment of exploring on his end and torturing on Rose's, he found the tiny bump again. "Got it." he murmured, the rabbit showing a confused look and tilting her head as he started moving her fur. Once he had it out of his way, he suddenly leaned further towards her crotch, and the minute she felt his lips touch the bump, her legs quivered and her heart seemingly skipped a beat. The tiny bump he'd found hidden by fur was her clit, and with it now exposed, he started giving it several kisses, brushing his lips across it making Rose bite her lip and shudder from head to toe. Looking up at her, he smiled and gave it a slow lick, the feeling of the length of his tongue dragging upwards across it causing Rose to slowly sit up straight, shooting up with a jolt when he quickly pulled the tip of his tongue upwards, lifting her clit from underneath causing it to twitch rapidly in response. Exploring her fur once more, he revealed her slit and slowly spread it, causing Rose to whimper from the air hitting her tender flesh within. "You look really pretty here." he told her with a smile. For some reason this made her flush, giving him a sudden whack on the head in humiliation with her paw and making embarrassed raspy noises. "Sorry, sorry. I think all of you is pretty! That better?" he asked, not understanding the reason she hit him, thinking it may have been because she figured he only thought that part of her was nice, only causing the rabbit all the more embarrassment as she hid herself behind her ears and whimpered shyly. Deciding to continue, he leaned forward once again and started kissing her tiny lips, spreading her open more so he could kiss the bright pink flesh between them as well before exploring her entrance and taste with his tongue, causing Rose to let out whimpers and coos as she peeked between her ears, watching him as he made the same kind of love with her sacred spot as he made to her when they kissed with their mouths. After a moment, she let go of her ears and clutched the bench, her hips starting to move slightly as he started gliding his lips and tongue around her flesh, randomly kissing and twirling his tongue around her clit as well, lifting it with the tip of his tongue before suddenly sucking it into his mouth causing Rose to shoot up and let out a raspy gasp, biting her finger while looking down at him. Seeing her react this way, he started sucking on it, at first being gentle only to get rougher and rougher as Rose reacted more and more to stronger stimulation, up to the point he was sucking hard enough to make her arch and dig her nails into the bench, biting her lip until he pulled away with a loud pop causing her to let out a squeak while her body jolt, relaxing with a coo as he rubbed it in circles to calm her. After a moment, he had Rose get on her hands and knees, spreading her open from behind before pressing his face into her crotch, her fur covering his face as he started licking and slurping her flesh, the sound of him sucking on her causing Rose to flush all the more and quiver from head to toe, her tongue hanging out as the sensation of being drained ran through her body from her crotch. With his tongue now helping itself to her untouched flesh, he licked her cherry with the tip, twirling his tongue and poking her cherry causing Rose to squeak and jolt with each poke, waving her butt to follow his tongue as he matched the movements of his tongue with the movements of his fingers playing with her clit, occasionally blowing on her clit and flesh causing Rose to arch up and coo, shuddering from the sensation before he buried his face in her flesh and fur once again.

With all of this teasing and pleasure, it wasn't long before Rose started aching deep inside, wanting more than what his tongue and fingers alone could offer. Looking back, she pushed his face away and pointed at his manhood, whimpering and waving her butt slightly before using her paw to spread one of her lips open. "I-I dunno." he pant, watching as she gave her butt another wave for him, continuing to hold her lip to the side to show off her flesh. Standing and looking around, he finally nodded and walked up, putting his hands on her hips causing Rose to shudder in excitement. Pulling her hips back, he started rubbing his manhood against her butt, pressing her cheeks together to enjoy having his member sandwiched between them causing the rabbit to coo and bite her lip as he shuddered himself, breathing heavily as he positioned himself to enter her. "I-It might hurt. Compared to your body it's big, y-you sure?" he asked. Getting a nod from her in response, he started rubbing the tip along her slit, pulling her back as he pushed forward causing his tip to kiss her cherry. Trying to be gentle with her, Rose was eagerly wanting the opposite treatment, letting out frustrated noises and looking back at him with a "hurry up!" look on her face as she started pushing her hips back herself. Deciding to give her what she wanted, he gave a "Don't say I didn't warn you" remark before squeezing her hips tightly and pushing his hips forward. Feeling her cherry stretch to the breaking point, Rose grit her teeth as tears welled up in her eyes, whimpering in pain yet flushing in ecstacy until in one sudden powerful thrust, he rammed himself past the struggling barrier and welcomed himself deep inside her tiny womanhood, the sudden feeling of her purity breaking apart combined with having something so massive compared to her size shoved inside her body causing Rose's eyes to roll up as her tears streamed, feeling as though the air had suddenly been knocked out of her as Chris groaned and shuddered from the extreme tightness, her virginity dripping onto the bench beneath them. With only a little over half of his manhood inside her, he slowly pulled out before ramming himself back in causing the rabbit to let out raspy suffering noises, her cries being the opposite of her expression that was twisted in pain and pleasure as he pulled out and thrust in again before slowly grinding his hips in a circle, ruining the remnants of her innocence and training her already struggling muscles so she would loosen up. After a moment, he finally started thrusting himself inside of her body again and again, each thrust as rough as the last as Rose gasped and cried, raspy moans of pleasure mixed in as her body slowly yet surely adjust, more and more of his manhood ramming its way inside her until she was eventually taking him to the base, her muscles stretched as much as they could. "Good girl, you did it." he moaned, leaning over her body and kissing her neck as she tilt her head and shuddered. Spreading her open, he watched himself thrusting in and out, her flesh looking as though it would scream if it could as it clung to him tightly, almost making it impossible to pull out. Grinding his hips in a circle again, he worked out most of his length while his member twirled inside her, Rose letting out a groan of relief only to shout loudly as he rammed the entire thing back in, shoving her body up against the glass as he started thrusting as roughly as before.

Now drooling and in a daze, Rose reached up and tried to cling to the glass, her paws leaving a mark against the steamy surface as she glanced back, seeing the look of pleasure on his face as he took her for himself. Flushing all the more, she faced down and willingly accepted his rough domination of her body, the unbearable pain slowly turning more and more into unending ecstacy as her body learned to enjoy the gaping sensation his member was carving into her. Leaning forward, he put his arms around her, curious as to whether she had breasts herself hidden away. Feeling around, there was indeed a pair of tiny buds on her chest, barely enough to consider even an A size yet buds nonetheless, and right where they should be he found the tiniest nipples to play with, the rabbit looking down confused until she felt him tease her, poking and twirling her nipples before pinching them causing her to grit her teeth and hold onto his hands, letting out a raspy cry as he gave them a slight twist causing her insides to clamp down. "Ngh, guess that's another button, huh?" he asked, the rabbit looking back at him confused, only for her eyes to widen as he thrust away once more, forcing her back into another drooling daze as he rammed her body and teased her chest. After a moment, he started climbing towards the edge more and more, Rose picking up on this as she listened to his grunts and moans grow more frequent and loud. Wanting to feel even more before he was finished, she looked back and held out an ear, wanting him to hold onto them as he marked her as his own. Looking at her confused for a moment, he took her ear in his hand, followed by the other as though they were reigns. Feeling the familiar sensation of an orgasm coming on, he shuddered and suddenly squeezed her ears tightly, pulling on them as if they were her arms as he continued climbing higher and higher, Rose clutching the base of her ears in pain as her eyes rolled up once again, gritting her teeth as her body arched back from being pulled on as she felt an orgasm of her own coming on. By now, her insides had loosened enough to be heard slurping hungrily all over his member, arousing Chris all the more until he suddenly released her ears and held her tightly in his arms, giving a final powerful thrust as her body pressed against the glass before grunting loudly as his manhood throbbed inside of her, the feeling of his seed seemingly burning its mark inside of her body as it shot against her depths repeatedly causing Rose to climax along with him, letting out a shout and trying to dig her claws into the glass as her toes curled, her orgasm squirting out all over his sack and legs while whimpering weakly. Again and again he filled her with shot after shot, thrusting repeatedly until he was finally finished and slowly pulled himself out, leaving her gaping and throbbing as she collapsed, dragging her paws down the glass in the process before she lay spent, her body convulsing as he sat on the floor equally spent himself, watching as his seed started oozing from her depths. "M-man, I can't believe you took the whole th-thing..." he muttered, taking a moment to catch his breath and noticing the water turning colder. Turning it off and helping her sit up, Rose gave him a dazed and awkward smile, seemingly saying "wooooow" in silence only to suddenly shoot up and whimper in pain, clutching herself between her legs and biting her lip.

"S-sorry, you gonna be alright?" he asked, the rabbit letting out a groan before smiling and waving her hand in response, assuring him she was alright. In pain of course, but alright nonetheless. Helping her stand, she wobbled and continued holding herself between her legs, having to walk awkwardly and letting out a hiss while he held her with a worried look, apologizing for the roughness while grabbing a towel for each of them. Back in the shower, some of her virginity along with his seed remained mixed together on the marble bench, her paw marks still on the glass sliding down to where she collapsed when they climaxed together...