Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 77

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#77 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original preview image used for this chapter made by


Chapter 77 - Making Out And Making Up

Watching as Chris finished adjusting the shower, Alicia made sure to keep tabs on Rose and Serenity as well, ensuring the two wouldn't catch her in the act while watching him strip the rest of his clothes off, causing the snake to blush and drool slightly while letting out an awkward giggle when he finished stripping and walked about naked, gulping when the front of his body was in her view and showing a sadistic grin when his backside was towards her, seemingly just as interested in it as his manhood... Maybe even more-so as when he bent down to pick up his clothes with his butt in her direction she shot out one of her vines and gave it a lick excitedly, wanting to use it on him and chuckling quietly as he gathered everything in his arms. Looking back once more, Alicia grinned slyly and managed to sneak her way into the bathroom behind Chris, making sure to shut the door before pulling her vine back along with the other and giving them a slight twirl like a pair of towels before suddenly snapping them roughly against his backside, one right after the other causing Chris to drop everything and jump, trying to scream from the sudden pain only to find Alicia's vines snapped around his mouth, the Pokemon yanking her way up onto his shoulders and giving him a "shh" signal as he yelled at her in a muffled voice. Looking at his butt in the mirror, his expression was full of irritation while Alicia's clearly had "yum..." written all over hers as she grinned and raised an eyebrow at the sight, Chris pulling her vine away while rubbing the marks. "The hell?! That hurt!!" he snapped in a hushed tone, the snake shrugging before releasing one of her vines and giving it a lick causing him to jolt and scowl with a slight blush. "I-I think I'm learning stuff about you and Serenity I'd really rather not know. You both have dangerous interests." he muttered, Alicia shrugging and poking his nose teasingly.

"A-anyways, k-kinda in the middle of something, so think you could go watch TV now?" he asked, reaching for a towel and wrapping it around his waist, his statement causing the snake to scowl at him. "Wh-what?! I just wanna take a bath!! You're the one who just came in here using my... Err... As target practice. Plus I'm naked so it's awkward enough as is." he replied in irritation, rubbing his butt again and glancing away with a slight blush. Trying to shout back at him, only Alicia's normal voice came out, causing Chris to groan and cover his ear with a shudder as she jolt and faced away embarrassed. "G-geez!! Don't do that when you're on my shoulder! I wanted to relax in here, not get whipped and screamed at." he told her in irritation, the snake scowling at him before facing down silently. "Is this because I did something to make you mad or whatever?" he asked, Alicia jolting and quickly shaking her head. Trying to talk again, only to get a bewildered look from Chris in response, she let out a sigh as he picked up his things, looking at his butt in the mirror with another sadistic grin and licking her lips, imagining having a taste until he raised causing the snake to jolt and immediately change her expression as he put his clothes on the sink before returning to the shower. "I won't be in here too long. I don't know what's up but it'll have to wait until I can understand you again." he told her before lifting the snake off his shoulders and putting her on the floor. "This isn't some kinda dare or other game you girls are playing is it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow causing Alicia to quickly shake her head once again. "...If you say so. I guess if you girls were playing I could understand you. Serenity's still asleep then." he muttered with a scowl. As she faced away and let out a sigh, Chris tilt his head before turning and heading into the shower, only to have one of Alicia's vines suddenly snapped around his ankle and give it a tug making him stumble, luckily catching the door before falling in. "Wh-what now?!" he snapped, trembling slightly from nearly falling causing Alicia to jump in surprise and quickly release him, facing down and fidgeting nervously.

"Ya' whip my backside, scream in my ear, then try to trip me up face first into the shower. You're kinda doing your best to make it seem like you've got something against me." he scowled, Alicia slumping in response and making a sound as if to apologize. "Actually... It's the first time in a looonnng time YOU'VE been the one to walk in on me. You never come into the bathroom like this nowadays." he told her while straightening up and letting out a relieved sigh. "Bein' honest I figured you had no interest in being around me like this anymore. I don't even give you a bath like I used to, and when I do offer you turn it down most of the time. Seems like the past few months you've been distancing yourself a bit." he point out, Alicia suddenly gritting her teeth and shouting at him in irritation. "Shhuuusshhh!!!" he shout in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake the girls just as much as Alicia didn't causing the snake to jolt and face away with a scowl, glancing back at the door thinking about how it wasn't her fault she didn't have the same time with him as the others. Letting out a sigh, Chris shut off the water and relaxed against the frame of the shower door again. "Anyways, yeah. Especially after Rose started living with us it seems like you've just let yourself disappear in a way. Serenity swarms around me more than ever, Rose is always wanting to bond with me in her own ways, but most of the time you just seem... Well, you're around I guess but in general you seem like it just bothers you being with me now. Its actually had me kinda worried, especially recently." he point out, Alicia looking up at him in surprise. "You show affection on occasion, but you spend most of your time just acting like you hate everyone. Granted that's kinda normal, and I don't mean to offend by saying that, but it's like you let yourself genuinely detest US now. The whole thing with Serenity on the ship has really proved you've got SOMETHING going on for sure. I guess it's not really a bad thing you came in here, since we don't really get a chance to talk because of the others. Figured I'd get that out there while I had the chance." he explained as Alicia fidget silently.

"So, ARE you unhappy Alicia?" he asked, looking down at the snake as a moment of silence surrounded the two. Nervously, she glanced away and gave Chris a nod in response. "I see... Is it because of me? Don't worry, I won't get upset with you." he assured, raising his hand and crossing his chest. Looking up at him, she glanced back at the door as well before both, nodding causing Chris to sigh, and shaking her head, making him tilt his own in confusion. "Which is it? he asked, Alicia fidgeting once again. "Haaah, a chance to talk when you're being open and we can't." he muttered. "Well, is that why you attacked me?" he asked, causing the snake to flush and rapidly shake her head and wave her hands. Even if she was able to speak, she wouldn't want to verbally fess up to her attraction towards his butt of all things... Especially her interest in using more than just her vines on it, or rather IN it, which was an act unbecoming of her kind yet made her gulp at the thought nonetheless, the new interest causing her heart to skip beats when he turned and leaned into the shower to turn the water back on, giving her another view of his backside causing Alicia to bite her lip and try shaking off the fantasy of using her tongue on him in... Certain ways. "Well look, it's awkward to take a shower and have someone standing right outside. So you gonna go watch TV?" he asked, causing her to jump in surprise as he turned to her before fidgeting nervously. "Or you uh, you know?" he added, pointing his thumb back at the shower, silently offering to let her join him as a second option. Blushing in response, Alicia remained quiet as he raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Well, it's up to you. Join or go, but please don't stand there." he told her before heading into the shower, leaving his towel on the bar nearby. About to close the door behind himself, Alicia used her vine to stop it from being shut all the way causing Chris to jolt when her saw her vine sticking through below, opening the door back up as she walked towards him and fidget with a shy scowl.

"Huh, so you're accepting the offer? What's gotten into you tonight?" he asked curiously, the snake saying something in a "shut up" tone of irritation. "Well, if you're gonna join then you'd best make sure the temp isn't too much for you." he nodded, picking up the Pokemon in his arm as he shut the door causing her to gulp while he held her hand out against the water streaming from above. "Too hot?" he asked, the snake shaking her head nervously. "Alright then. Just making sure." he replied while sitting her on the bench. "You're not like the others so I didn't think I'd need a towel. Serenity attacks me off the bat and Rose, well, you know how innocent she is. You're different so I figured there was nothing to worry about. I'll wash up a bit myself then get you cleaned up, alright?" he told her, Alicia nodding in response while unsure of how to feel about his comments. Was it a good thing he didn't think anything of being in a nude situation with her or was it the opposite? Having that sort of comfort WAS good, but not if it was due to lack of interest in her in certain ways... Watching as he turned and stood in the water, Alicia's focus gradually faded as her eyes widened while watching the water streaming all over his body, focusing on the streams flowing into his crack and gulping with slight drool on the side of her mouth. Swishing her tail slightly in anticipation, she suddenly felt her heart throbbing near the top of her throat when he groaned and rubbed his butt again, causing his cheek to spread slightly and expose a sight that had Alicia biting her lip once more and letting out a quiet whimper of hunger, sitting on the edge of the bench as he picked up the bottle of shampoo and lathered his hair, turning the streams of water covering him into a mass of oozing soap. With a flush on her face and eyes wide as ever, her face gave off an excited "wantwantwantwantwant!!!" look as her tail swished all the more excitedly. "Got it!" Chris suddenly spoke up while turning, causing the snake to feel as though her heart suddenly rocket clear out of her mouth as she let out a startled scream and scoot back in a flash. "G-geez. What's up with you?" he asked, startled by the reaction himself. "Should I put on a towel?" he added, Alicia rapidly shaking her head and facing down while taking a deep breath and murmuring to herself.

"A-Aaanyways." he muttered, raising an eyebrow at the awkwardly behaving Pokemon before him. "Remember how I said after Rose started living with us, most of your problems started? You're just like Serenity more than you realize." he nodded, crossing his arms with a smirk while Alicia tilt her head confused, only to look at his crotch and find herself focusing on it causing Chris to jolt and cover it. "Hey hey!!" he shout causing her to snap out of it and shake her head, scowling at him with a "what?!" look on her face. "Lemme ask you something, are you still into me the same way they are?" he wondered, raising an eyebrow curiously causing the snake to jolt and quickly face away, wanting to dodge the question and crossing her arms with a "hrmph!" as if to say "who said I was into you in the first place?" in response. "Asides a... Very FEW number of events, you and I have had just about a totally different relationship compared to them. A totally, well, normal one, pretty much. I figured that was what you were aiming for so I consider you... Maybe more along the lines of a sister?" he explained, Alicia remaining silent with her face down. "Plus, the er, moments we HAVE had, you didn't really want any part of it, like that time with Serenity..." he point out, causing Alicia to jolt and grit her teeth before suddenly shouting at him enraged, causing Chris to jump and nearly slip while shushing her in a panic and quickly covering her mouth only for the snake to continue shouting at him in a muffled voice. "Shhhuuussssshhh Alicia!! I get it, I get it!! You don't want a relationship, I get it!! Sorry for bringing it up but PLEASE hush before you put us in a situation we'll never dig out of!!" he shout in a hushed tone, the snake glaring at him before growling and shoving his hand away, her eyes glancing the opposite direction of him as she shook her head in a "that's not it" kind of way. Sitting on the floor in front of her with a sigh, Chris looked at Alicia and tilt his head in confusion. "I really can't get you like this. You're putting off way too many signals here, I don't know which one I'm supposed to follow." he told her. "Then again, even when I can understand it's just as hard to read you." he muttered, facing away as Alicia gave him another irritated glare.

"Haaah, alright, alright. Lemme see if I can get it right THIS time." he muttered, sitting with his legs and arms crossed. "I think you DON'T want the kind of relationship they've got with me, but the fact is you DO want it. Yes or no? Right or wrong?" he asked, Alicia remaining silent for a moment before fidgeting shyly and nodding with a scowl. Blinking at her for a moment, Chris let out a sigh of relief an slumped. "Oy, now we can get somewhere." he replied. "Alright then, so you've wanted the same thing as them. Problem is, if memory serves you didn't really want any part of that kind of stuff with me." he point out, Alicia jolting and shouting at him in response. "Wh-what?! I'm just saying!!" he replied nervously. Crossing her arms and facing away, the snake didn't like the fact that not only was her first intimate experience with him an unintentional one on his part while he'd been sleeping, but to add insult to injury her first time with him conscious was due to being strung into a moment because of Serenity where she was used for the sake of distraction. Scowling at him, she used one of her vines to tap his head, signalling for him to think about the whole thing only for Chris to take it as a sign to leave her alone. With a sigh, he nodded and apologized. "Alright, alright. I won't talk about it anymore. I'm uh, flattered you want the same thing as them. I guess anyways..." he told her, causing the snake to jolt and watch as he stood and returned to the stream of water to wash what was left of the shampoo off his head. Looking at his back with a disappointed expression, Alicia sighed sadly and faced back down, shaking her head as he went right back to acting like her being in the shower with him didn't have the effect the other girls did. Unbeknownst to the snake however, was the fact Chris had a slight blush on his face as he murmured to himself. "It's always a mind game with her. Why can't she just be easy to read for once?" he thought to himself. "She hated being involved that time, so what's with this scenario? Of all the times I've offered to do things to get closer, she suddenly chooses to waltz in on her own then plays games with my head again. What am I supposed to think or do? Whipping me and tripping me up to top it off." he added, letting out a frustrated sigh causing Alicia to face away and glance at the door, thinking it best she leave instead of sitting around feeling like he was uninterested and annoyed by her.

With a "hrmph" of irritation, Alicia stood and jumped off the bench, only to slip on all the suds when she landed and slam onto the floor with a shout causing Chris to jump himself and quickly turn, looking around nervously before facing down and seeing the snake on her back, groaning in pain. "O-oy, you alright?" he asked, reaching down and pulling her into his arm. "Ya can't just move around however you want in a shower. I figured that'd be a lesson you'd already know without having to go through the trouble of learning it." he point out, Alicia growling at him and facing away angrily, slightly blushing in embarrassment and motioning towards the door with her hand. "You wanna leave? Why?" he asked causing her to look up at him before gritting her teeth and yelling in a "what do you mean WHY?!!" kind of way. "Shuuush!!" Chris replied nervously with a finger over his mouth. "I j-just meant you haven't even washed is all. It's weird enough the way things have been so far, but to just get in with me and out without bothering to clean yourself is even more weird. At least let me clean you up before you walk out on me." he told her with a slight scowl. "I offered for you to bathe with me, so stay and bathe would you?" he added, Alicia blushing slightly and continuing to scowl, nodding after a moment. "Geez, just wish it wasn't so complicated with you as all. I don't mind a relationship with you too but you can't have a relationship with someone you can't understand most of the time." he point out while sitting on the bench and putting her next to him. "I can tell I've gotten past some barriers, but it seems like you still keep randomly piling them up again and again. You gotta take it easy on me otherwise things will be like this more and more until there's zero hope for anything but a close friendship between us... That aside, close your eyes for me." he ordered, the snake glancing up at him before facing down with a nod.

As he lathered his hands and started scrubbing her head and body, Alicia couldn't help wanting to pin all of the blame on him and yell. The others were able to fully enjoy every experience they had with him, why is it she's the cursed one of the bunch? With his behavior, was she unworthy to him of having her own moments in private as they had? Perhaps after his experiences with them, with forms more closely resembling his own, it was her appearance that was an issue? And for a male that boasts about accepting the way she is, it didn't feel like it the way he'd spoken to her since deciding to come into the bathroom. The more she thought, the more questions piled within her mind, and the more frustrated she became, grumbling in irritation until he pulled his hands away. "Alright then. I just gave you a little scrub down, that good?" he asked, Alicia blinking at him before looking at her untouched tail and down at her torso which had also yet to be touched. Pointing at them both, Chris jolt and glanced away. "You were acting aggravated by having me touching you, so I figured I'd just clean you up a bit and back off." he replied, causing her to jolt and think back on her murmuring. "Those spots are kinda sensitive, right? I didn't wanna go near em and make you even more irritable. I've done a good enough job at making you mad so far." he explained before glancing away nervously, Alicia facing down in silence for a moment. He wasn't wrong about them being sensitive spots, and with the way she was annoying herself with her own thoughts, she understood how he'd mistake it for disliking his contact. Glancing up at him, she suddenly made a "here" noise before lifting her tail in his direction and facing away. "Uhh, y-you sure?" he asked, Alicia nodding while continuing to face away. "Alright then." he nodded before taking her tail and rubbing along its length, pulling it slightly with both hands as they slid from the base to the tip causing her to shudder and the muscles in her tail to twitch.

"Let me know if I hurt it or anything." he told her while beginning to massage it, digging into her leaf causing Alicia to slowly blush more and more. In a situation like this, in Alicia's case at least, every time he wrapped his hands together around her tail and slowly pulled it from the base to the tip before releasing it, the sensation was the equivalent of having ones clit sucked on, first softly and gradually increasing in strength until feeling the persons mouth suddenly pull away, and in a males case, like that of having a large tongue dragging along ones shaft before rapidly flicking at the tip and leaving it alone to calm, only to experience the same sensation repeatedly until it was torturous. "You uh, feelin' alright?" he asked, having noticed Alicia's bothered expression as she shuddered and bit her lip, looking up at him and quickly shaking the look off her face and turning away out of embarrassment. "I uh, didn't know your tail had that strong an effect on you." he smiled causing her to grumble and suddenly pull it away from him, holding it herself instead. "S-sorry. Didn't mean to be mean or anything." he apologized, rubbing his head nervously as she glanced back at him before feeling electricity run through her tail and into her body causing another shudder to run through her. Seeing this, Chris blinked in surprise and looked away with a blush. "G-guess I've got pretty good hands." he muttered, Alicia thinking back on when she was touched in his sleep and showing an irritated "you've no idea..." look on her face. "K-kinda cute though. The way you act." he admit causing her to jolt and blush herself. Noticing his eyes were directed elsewhere, Alicia glanced down at her torso before glancing towards his crotch as well. Wondering if it was doing the same with her as it did the others, she noticed the twitches running through its length and the way it was starting to lift, causing her to smile out of both, intrigue and relief since he was reacting to her too after all.

Suddenly, Chris covered it with his hands and called out her name in an embarrassed tone causing the snake to jump and immediately face away. Unable to resist wanting to see it get the way it did with the other girls, she decided to push him into continuing, admittedly feeling an... Urge within herself as well. Looking up at him, she let out a noise and point out her underside, giving him an irritated look putting on a "finish your job!" act causing him to jolt and nod. "S-sorry!! Just thought, er, n-never mind what I thought." he replied, shaking his head and smiling nervously. Watching him lather his hands once again, Alicia nodded to herself with a silent deep breath before laying on her back along the bench with her eyes shut, opening one to give him an irritated looking "well?" signal. "Ahh, ha ha. Yeeaaah, this IS Alicia we're talking about." Chris thought to himself as she closed her eye and remained silent. Looking at her torso, Chris glanced where her slit was, seeing it tightly sealed shut to the point it took focus to know it was even there at all. There was just the slightest moisture glistening, but it was impossible to tell if it was from her or the shower. "Right, it only exposes when she's... So that means she's really not..." he thought, feeling relieved, yet, maybe disappointed for some reason? Quickly shaking the thoughts from his head, Chris laughed nervously when he saw Alicia giving him a "what do you think you're looking at?" scowl and lifting her tail, covering the location with a slight blush and giving him a "pervert" look causing him to groan and apologize, bowing his head before finally putting his hands on her underside, the snake jolting and freezing up from his sudden touch. "S-sorry! Too fast?" he asked, Alicia quickly shaking her head and relaxing while facing away, allowing him to continue. Once again she was allowing a man to not only see but freely touch her kinds most vulnerable location without making him fight for it, biting her lip out of her inner nature to feel degraded for such submission yet unable to resist blushing and letting out a sudden pant when his hands slid up around her neck, shuddering and letting out a coo when his hands slid back down her body.

Thinking back once again, Alicia started remembering another time she allowed herself to be involved with him in such a way, back when he was still hospitalized after saving her and Serenity and the two, albeit begrudgingly, shared his body. With the image of what she did taking over her mind, the snake glanced at his manhood, letting out a sudden moan when his fingers got too curious for their own good and rubbed around her slit, her noise causing Chris to jolt in surprise and jerk his hands back as she lift her tail and covered the area, giving him an irritated "excuse me?" look. "S-s-sorry!!" he panicked, wanting to see if it was indeed water or something else he suspected. Giving him a scowl, Alicia remained on her back and faced away once more, glancing at his manhood a second time as he hid it and fidget nervously with a blush on his face. "I-It was sticky..." he thought to himself, looking down at the snake causing her to glance away in a flash, grumbling shyly as she slowly lowered her tail and relaxed and made a "w-well?" type of sound. Looking down at her, Chris saw her still sealed slit twitching, the sight of him just sitting there watching her womanhood causing Alicia to groan in embarrassment and give him a sudden flick in the face with her vine, letting out "s-stop gawking!" noise as he flushed and apologized before she wrapped her vine around his wrist and gave it a tug, signalling for him to go back to touching her. Remaining still and silent for a moment, Chris nodded and started rubbing her once more, watching as her slit twitched repeatedly, slowly exposing just the slightest hairline of pink within causing him to gulp, Alicia biting her lip as she watched his manhood rise more and more while growing because of her, this thought making her heart skip beats. Rubbing his finger through her barely exposed slit, this caused it to suddenly clamp right back shut on his finger as Alicia squirmed and her tail twitched about. Trying to move his finger around, this caused the snake to groan, frustrated by both the teasing sensation from his finger and the tightness surging through her body from her slit, her mind racing with the word "relax!!" repeating over and over until her slit finally spread open again enough for him to remove his finger as though it had been trapped by her body. "U-uhh, you s-sure ya want this? N-no need to force it." he assured her, putting his hands between his legs nervously and blushing shyly as she watched him and nodded, pulling his wrist with her vine again.

Going along with the mood, Chris nodded and touched her once more, this time coaxing her open by pulling her slit slowly apart, the air causing the snake to gasp and shudder as her innocence was revealed. Once again her body followed his whim, only for her eyes to widen as she suddenly start shouting when he lowered his face towards it, quickly releasing both of her vines and pushing against his face only to freeze up and flush when his lips touched her flesh, a shudder running through her as he closed his eyes and began licking the tender pinkness she had to offer. Pulling her open even more, Alicia let out humiliated sounds while feeling his tongue giving her a taste, gritting her teeth and arching when he gave her a slow, long lick over the entire thing causing her tail to thrash when he reached her clit and pulled away, letting out a relieved and frustrated coo as he pant against her. "Y-you know, yours is a lot different." he told her, causing Alicia to shout in a "don't say that stuff now!!" kind of way, not wanting to hear more about the others when it's supposed to be her moment. "B-but that's a good thing. You're a lot stickier here and as far as the taste, I can say you're, I dunno." he paused shyly. "I guess the favorite?" he added causing the snake to look at him wide eyed and let out stuttering noises, taken aback by his statement as her heart hammered, seemingly freezing altogether when he started licking her once again, this time pushing his tongue inside causing Alicia to arch her hips and wheeze weakly, her tail thrashing about as he worked her muscles loose. Slowly pulling what part he had inside of her out, Chris suddenly thrust his entire tongue into her depths, pressing his mouth firmly against her slit causing it to clamp down in shock as the snake grit her teeth and groaned, trying to cling to the bench as he let her insides hug all over him, massaging his tongue and seemingly trying to pull it in even deeper. Trapped inside, Chris looked up at Alicia as she watched, blushing in embarrassment and using her vines like hands to hide her face. "Ha ha, dats cwute." he chuckled causing her to shout in a "sh-shut up!!" kind of way.

Swirling his trapped tongue within her, it wasn't long before her slit relaxed itself again, allowing him to pull out with several trails of her own arousal oozing between his mouth and her slit. "W-wow, you were really pent up. When you get into it, you REALLY get into it." he told her, wiping his mouth as she shuddered from head to toe. Thinking about other things they had done, Alicia glanced away with a shy scowl before reaching her hands out and making a kissy face, causing him to jolt in surprise and glance away shyly. "Y-you really wanna do that too huh?" he asked, getting another "shut up..." kind of noise in response. "A-alright, alright." he smiled nervously, looking around before nodding and leaning down. Once his face was close enough for Alicia to feel his breath against her mouth, the snake suddenly jolt and panicked, quickly shaking her head is if having changed her mind, only to freeze up with a muffled shout when his lips pressed against hers. Reaching out and pushing against his face, Alicia shut her eyes tightly in resistance, only to gradually relax the longer they kissed, until Chris finally pulled away for a moment and looked at her as the snake shivered weakly beneath him and tried to scowl as if it was ineffective, only to jolt again when he pressed his lips back against hers and let out a weak whimper type of noise as he gave her lip a tiny bite, causing Alicia to let out a quiet "s-stop" kind of noise. Finding herself ignored, she let out a frustrated groan as their lips pressed together once more, her eyes rolling up slightly as she finally loosened up and wrapped her vines around his head like arms to hold him. Pressing her lips back against his, Alicia copied Chris and gave his lip a bite as well with her fangs, the two now shivering together as they made out and teased one another. Pulling her mouth away from his, Alicia pant heavily against his lips before sticking her tongue out and giving them a lick, causing Chris to jolt in surprise as she gave him a "w-what?" type of scowl. Smiling with a nod, he gave her lips a lick too sending a shock through her body before doing the same, taking turns licking one another on the mouth until their tongues finally met and began twirling around one another. Breathing heavier and heavier, Chris suddenly shoved his tongue in her mouth catching Alicia off guard as she shout, pushing against his face only for her eyes to roll up once again and submit, letting him have his way with her mouth as he coaxed her into using her tongue more by licking it again and again until she skillfully ensnared his tongue in hers and pulled on it hungrily. Finally pulling away from her, Alicia took the chance to gasp for air and clutched her chest, feeling as though her heart could burst out at any time as Chris shuddered and started reaching between his legs.

Seeing this, Alicia let out a shout, causing him to freeze as she leaned up and looked towards his manhood, now fully erect and throbbing as if in pain. After a moment of the snake simply watching it in silence, Chris was about to speak up only to watch as she started rubbing her slit with her vines, covering them in her ooze before holding them out towards his member and making a "wa-want me to...?" kind of noise. Wanting to see what she had in mind, Chris nodded and sat back while Alicia got up and wrapped her vines around his shaft, massaging and jerking him off causing Chris to bite his lip and moan quietly. Pulling away and rubbing her vines in her slit once more until they were dripping with her own arousal for lube, she continued jerking him off like this until he was distracted enough by his pleasure for her to try doing something without him noticing... Climbing between his legs, Alicia nudged his sack with her snout before coiling her tongue around it, giving it a massage while working his shaft with her vines sending Chris into a daze as he clutched the bench. Keeping an eye on his face, Alicia slowly lift his sack with her snout and slid her tongue towards his hole beneath, and while he was focused on all of the stimulation driving his manhood constantly on edge, Alicia gave his hole a taste, twirling her tongue around it while giving his manhood a sudden tight squeeze with her vines so he wouldn't pay any mind to what she was doing. Poking it with the tip of her tongue, she felt it oddly twitching in response before pushing her tongue inside, hearing him let out another moan as his member suddenly swelled and throbbed all the more in her vines. Going wide eyed, she glanced up at him curiously. Human males... Respond in a good way to this...? Smirking slightly, she resumed jerking him off even faster with her vines, maintaining a constant tight squeeze on his shaft while licking all over his hole and slipping her tongue within, going deeper and deeper until he suddenly called out her name as he started desperately thrusting his manhood in her grasp. Finally, Alicia felt a familiar twitching as his seed rushed to the tip, and quickly pulling her tongue out of his hole she immediately pulled his tip towards her mouth and covered it, pulling it in using her tongue as he grabbed her and shot his load against the back of her throat.

Jolting and letting out muffled chokes and gags from having her throat hit so hard by his seed, she kept it in her mouth nonetheless and swallowed each shot, massaging his shaft with one vine while teasing his sack with the other until he was finished, pulling the tip from her mouth and smirking proudly as his body went limp, panting heavily as she rubbed her underside against his shaft as it slowly softened, the rubbing sensation against her body causing Chris to shudder from the sensitivity before looking down at her weakly. "S-sorry. I thought I'd managed to st-start lasting longer but somehow, I just kinda lost it there." he apologized weakly, brushing his bangs back with a deep breath and a sigh of relief. "Man, didn't think you'd be such a pro at that. You really know how to get a guy goin'." he smiled embarrassed as she grinned with her head held proudly in a "naturally!!" kind of way. "S-still, you didn't get to experience that kinda thing this time though. I-I mean you didn't get to, you know, finish and all. If you want I could..." he began to offer, cut off as Alicia shook her head with a hand in the air. He may haven't noticed, but she got to try out a little kink of her own in the moment, and she was fine with just discovering he had a liking for having such a thing done to him, giving her the reassurance that what she was into might not be such a bad thing after all. Not that she was going to up and confess about getting turned on by his butt and licking it of all things, but nonetheless she was satisfied with her time alone with him. She got to do what she wanted, he got off because of her, and now she didn't feel as far behind the others. Glancing away with a silent smile, Chris tilt his head curiously. "Whats up? Wadaya thinkin' about?" he asked, causing her to jolt and laugh nervously, quickly shaking her hands in a "f-forget about it!!" way. Giving her a smirk, Chris lift Alicia in his arm and kissed her on the forehead, causing the snake to freeze up as he stood and walked under the stream of water with her.

"You did that stuff for me, so let me return the favor." he smiled, rubbing along her underside. Panicking, she tried assuring him once more it wasn't necessary, only to grit her teeth and flush when he spread her slit open and let the water stream all over her exposed flesh, the sensation causing he tail to twitch excitedly. "Wadaya think? Feel good?" he asked the snake facing away embarrassed. "Well... What about this?" he asked, suddenly pinching her clit causing the snake to jolt and let out a shout, her tail shooting outward as he carefully twirled it and started circling it with the tips of his fingers. Biting her lip, he chuckled while watching her reactions. "No matter how you behave, when it comes right down to it you really are just like any normal girl." he added causing Alicia to give him a sudden "excuse me?" type of look. "Oh come on, don't be so sensitive." he replied, lifting his hand and looking at his fingers. "Although, guess that's a little hard for you right now." he added as she flushed and faced away out of humiliation, glancing and watching as he put his fingers in his mouth causing the snake to jolt and pull his hand away, shouting in a "wa-wa-what are you doing?!" kind of way. "What...? I told you I liked the taste didn't I?" he asked, causing Alicia to flush and stutter as he spread her open once again, allowing the water to trickle all over her womanhood. Lifting her up, Chris leaned his face down and gave her a kiss as he carefully slipped his middle finger into her depths, taking care not to cause any harm to her cherry as his finger slipped past its obstructive embrace, the tiny hole in its center barely giving his finger enough room to push through. Whimpering from the sensation of her innocence stretching, Chris apologized while telling her he would have to mess it up some in order to have room to move his finger. Gritting her teeth in pain, Chris started softly licking Alicia on the neck, nibbling and sucking along it to distract her as he moved his finger around, stretching her cherry bit by bit as she moaned from the pleasure, occasionally gritting her teeth with a hiss as her innocence obediently submit until he was able to easily move his finger as he pleased.

"Feeling okay now?" he asked, Alicia looking up at him teary eyed and nodding. Telling the snake to close her eyes, she nodded again as he pulled her up for another kiss, cradling her in his arm as he worked his finger in a constant spiraling motion inside of her, learning her weakest points and poking them as they were discovered, making sure to twirl the tip of his finger at those spots especially as she began to whimper and moan more and more, her body gradually beginning to quiver and convulse. When he felt she was ready, Chris got on his knees and laid her on the bench before licking around her slit, spreading it once more and suddenly latching his mouth over it with a powerful suck causing Alicia to arch sharply and grit her teeth, trying to clutch the bench as he continuously sucked on her as if trying to drain her body, his tongue rapidly teasing her flesh and cherry while pinching and twirling her clit with his fingers. After a moment, she suddenly coiled around his head as best she could and clutched him tightly, pulling his hair as her own climax boiled up within before finally overflowing. Pulling his hair all the more, Chris jolt and started swallowing with his eyes closed as she released everything that had built up within her, the frustration, the jealousy, it felt as though it was all shooting out as she wheezed for air, holding her tongue out with a dazed look on her face as sparks shot through her head, her body feeling as though it could shrivel as he swallowed every drop her slit released, purposely sucking all the rougher causing Alicia to gasp and groan, seemingly begging him to stop while shaking her head. Once her body finally went limp, Chris finally pulled away and gave her slit another slow lick causing her to quiver before it clamped tightly shut, the snake laying with her eyes seemingly lost in another world as he wiped his mouth and grinned. "Looks like I made the queen feel pretty good, huh?" he asked, trying to get a rise out of her only for Alicia to maintain the same lost look in her face.

"D-Did I go too far?" he muttered, waving his hand in her face. Leaning his own face over hers, he called out to her, only for Alicia to look at him and smile awkwardly. "Ooookaaaay then. Job well done I guess." he muttered before taking her back under the shower and cleaning both her and himself off one final time. Once through, he stepped out with her still cradled and dried Alicia off first, setting her on the sink wrapped in the towel before grabbing another and drying himself off. "W-we didn't go all the way but, well, I hope what we did do was still, you know..." he told her, slipping on his pajama pants as Alicia relaxed herself, nodding in response and rubbing her head as if enduring a hangover. Filling one of the foam cups in the bathroom with water, he offered it to her, getting a nod and a sound of thanks in response before she suddenly lift it and drank it on one setting. "W-woah, so does a girl squirting like that really dehydrate her or something?" he asked curiously. Jolting and suddenly coughing on her drink, Chris jumped and apologized while patting her back, the snake shouting at him in a "d-don't ask those things!!" kind of way. "S-sorry!! I-I'm just not that thirsty when I... You know." he replied embarrassed, Alicia groaning and shaking her head before holding the cup out for more. "Then again, you're still kinda small, and that WAS a lot, so I guess it's understandable." he muttered, the snake taking back the cup and grumbling out of humiliation, this time drinking slowly. "A-anyways, I'm glad we, you know, that stuff. I hope things can start being better between us again, ya know?" he smiled, Alicia looking up at him silently for a moment before facing down shyly with a nod. Even though she didn't feel as far behind, she still had progress to make. But she did feel happier and more at ease now that she reassured herself by coming into the bathroom in the first place. "If I'd of known how badly you wanted to do that with me too, we could have done it a lot more by now." he smiled, the snake gasping and facing away, insulted by the statement causing Chris to tilt his head confused. While she was glad they'd had an intimate moment alone, him making her sound desperate didn't bode well with her pride. "H-hey, don't worry. We'll make up for lost time, alright?" he assured her, completely missing the point as to why she was irritated. Nonetheless, Alicia looked at him and sighed with a nod, making sure to point towards the door before motioning with her finger to keep quiet about what they'd done while the others slept.

Understanding this perfectly, Chris nodded with a nervous smile. "Y-yeah, like I said, that'd be a pit we'd never dig out of." he replied before putting on his pajama shirt and lifting Alicia back into his arm, putting their towels on the rack before heading back out into the main room. Looking at Rose, the rabbit was still snoozing on the couch with one of her arms and her leg hanging over the edge, a trail of drool streaming onto her pillow. "Man, guess all that food really knocked her out." Chris chuckled before heading to the bed and peeking inside the curtain, looking at Serenity as she snuggled the pillow he uses and mumbled in her sleep. "Well, guess we'd better hit the sack too. Gotta get up early tomorrow." he whispered, Alicia tilting her head curiously as he put her on the bed. "Don't worry about it." he assured her before returning to the couch. "A promise is a promise." he nodded, lifting her and taking her to bed as well. Taking his pillow from Serenity, he replaced it with Rose, the two cuddling up together as he got under the sheets next to them. "Ahhhh, this is one of my favorite times of all with you girls." he chuckled, watching the two holding one another peacefully, Alicia slithering her way on top of him and tilting her head. "Getting along peacefully I mean. Sure they're asleep, but that look... I hope someday you girls can be like that all the time, asleep AND awake." he smiled, the snake facing down silently. "Ha ha, hey. Even though it's how I'd prefer things, I still think the way you girls are now is an endearing quality. Don't let it get to you. I don't mind the way things are now, so long as you all do your best not to actually harm one another, or others for that matter." he added, rubbing her on the head. "Anyways, lets get to sleep, alright?" he finished, lowering himself under the sheets and offering to let her in as well. With a nod, she slithered in next to him, with Chris lowering the sheets and pulling her close in his arm.

"Goodnight Alicia, love ya." he told her quietly before kissing the snake on the cheek, causing her to flush wide eyed as he smiled before yawning and relaxing, slowly dozing off along with the others while Alicia lay silently, smiling while thinking about their first time alone before closing her eyes as well, enjoying the feeling of his body heat against her...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 78

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/](http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/) Chapter 78 - Sailing Into Tomorrow Early the next morning, Chris woke when he felt a slight chill in the room,...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 76

Chapter 76 - Distress Of The Arceanic... "G-geez! You're cutting off the circulation in my arm!" Chris groaned as Serenity continued pulling him along, mindlessly walking about while venting her frustrations within her mind. "Stupid Chris......

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 75

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/](http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/) Chapter 75 - Women And Woes "S-Say what now?" he asked, blinking in surprise as the girls kept their heads down,...

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