Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 80

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#80 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original preview image used for this chapter made by


Chapter 80 - Sudden Awakening...

For some time, the girls put on their act of being frustrated and insulted over Chris's time with Sally, each enjoying having him pamper them throughout the day until finally letting him off the hook, with Rose being the first to have her guilt get the better of her when watching him flop into one of their chairs near the pool and groan from exhaustion. "Y-you really don't have to do anymore." she laughed nervously as he rubbed his hands, sore from giving the girls random massages. "S-seriously? So I'm off the hook?" he asked, looking at the three as Serenity faced away while scratching her cheek. "W-well, you were never on hook. We just mess with you, get attention." she confessed, smiling at him with a nervous apology of her own. "Y-you girls actually spent the whole day stringing me along?" he asked, all three looking at one another before facing away nervously. "N-not cool. Not cool at all. You ran me ragged!!" he lectured, the girls fidgeting and laughing nervously as he plopped back in his chair with another groan. "I thought you girls were seriously miffed over what she did, you had me worried for nothing ALL DAY?" he asked, the three rubbing their arms with another apology. Letting out a sigh, he sat back up and looked at the three. "Well..." he said, pausing while glancing away with a scowl. "At least you got along all day because of it, so whatever. Just wish it wasn't at my expense that you behaved yourselves." he told them, all three sighing in relief. "We sorry. But you so cute when look guilty!! Couldn't resist teasing!" Serenity smiled. "I-it was kinda adorable, the way you were pouting and apologizing so much. You were like a little kid or something that wanted what you humans call candy." Rose smiled, poking her fingers with a slight blush. "I-it's fun teasing you, even if it is wrong and a little mean. Sorry." she apologized. "Oy, teasing people and making them worry shouldn't be fun for you." he replied. "Oh come now, don't be so sensitive over it! We just wanted to have some amusement was all, and at least our little act resulted in the lot of us spending an, admittedly, enjoyable day together for a change. Just look at the positives! At your expense or not at least we all had a peaceful day." Alicia point out.

"Besides, if you want to be upset at anyone be upset at Serenity, the whole thing was her idea. She and Rose told me the plan when they caught up to us after that Sally human left." the snake revealed causing Serenity to jolt and face away with a nervous laugh. "Wh-what talking about? Not my idea! I never be so mean!" she replied, Chris giving her a scowl in response. "Not your idea huh? I dunno, kinda sounds right up your alley... Is it true Rose?" he asked, facing the rabbit causing her to freeze up and smile nervously. "I-I-I dunno!! I was just in it for fun!!" she replied, waving her hands in a panic as he raised an eyebrow at her and called her name sternly, the nervous rabbit groaning before slumping with a nod. "It was her idea. I'm sorry." she apologized, Serenity gasping and calling her out as a traitor while Chris stood and walked up, causing Serenity to jolt and take a step back. "Wha-wa-wa, what going to do?" she asked nervously, only to find her answer when Chris suddenly grinned slyly and caught her in his arm before giving her a noogie and ruffling her hair all over, the Pokemon flailing and shouting in his grasp. "Oh it's sooooo funny to make a guy feel bad, huh? Messing with someone's head just for attention is awesome, isn't it? Yeah, totally! I think it's fun bugging you too! Don't you think this is fun?" he asked, continuing to noogie Serenity roughly. "Okay, okay!! It wrong, it wrong!! Sorry, sorry sorry!!" she shout, struggling to push away. "Forgive!! Forgive!! Please let go!!" she panicked, only to freeze up when she heard Chris slurp along his hand, the girls tilting their heads while watching as he suddenly dragged his hand along the top of her head, both shuddering and letting out an "eeeewww!!" noise as Serenity's hair pulled back and upwards like a giant cow lick because of the drool on his hand before he released her. Standing wide eyed and frozen, Serenity looked up and touched her head, feeling his drool in her hair as she looked at him as he held his tongue out and laughed, showing off his wet hand.

"G-g-g-GROSS!!! Nasty nasty NASTY!!! You SICK!!!" she screamed, making a sudden sprint towards the pool while screaming in disgust, diving in to scrub her head while gagging as he turned to the girls and showed them his hand and tongue as well. "Who wants it next, eh?" he asked, both freezing up, Rose with her hair standing on end while Alicia's tail shot up straight, rapidly shaking their heads before running behind one of the chairs and shouting at him to stay away. Taking one of the rags he brought, Chris wiped off his hand and mouth with a victorious chuckle, smirking at the two as they remained behind the chair. "I know how to get revenge, you'd best keep that in mind! That's one of the oldest tricks in the book for a guy, next to stuff like wet willies and all. That's a REALLY gross one." he grinned, both girls ducking under the chair as he laughed. "Haaah, haven't done that kinda stuff in years though. I remember those days." he smirked, coaxing the two Pokemon into coming out as he sat once more, watching Serenity scrubbing her head and having a fit. "Not sure if chlorine is any better for it really." he said, shaking his head with another chuckle, Alicia and Rose easing their way close to him. "Yo! Bout' time you came out." he chuckled, raising his hand to wave causing the two to jump back in defense. "Ha ha! Don't worry, scouts honor I won't do anything like I did to her." he told them, crossing his chest and nodding. After a moment, Serenity finally returned to the group, scowling at Chris and making it a point to walk around him at a distance to get her towel left in one of the other chairs, scrubbing her head furiously while grumbling to herself. "Uh huh, that's payback for you. I'd consider myself lucky if I were you! Some drool in your hair is nothing compared to being a mule all day." he smirked, Serenity scowling at him before turning her back in his direction and continuing to scrub her head. "Bah, anyways. With all that, and my payback out of the way, lets get things packed up and walk for a bit. The sun's starting to go down and I'd like to enjoy the sights again. The ship and sea both look amazing when it sets, plus I'd like to watch all the lights come on. Spend some time relaxing after all the pampering I had to do." he paused, looking at the girls. "Thinking I actually hurt ya' only to find out it was all for nothing and you just wanted to be spoiled." he lectured, Rose and Alicia scratching their cheeks and looking away while Serenity stuck her tongue out at him. "Now AM mad at you!! That DISGUSTING!!" she snapped, tossing her towel at his face and crossing her arms. "Ha ha! Oh come on, guys do that to girls all the time while they're growing up. Think of it as another human experience." he replied while taking the towel off his head and grinning. "Not want any part of human experiences if they nasty like THAT one, those things you keep to yourself." she scowled with her cheeks puffed out.

"Heh, I love it when you do that." Chris smiled, Serenity facing away with a "hrmph!" for a moment in response, only to glance at Chris and poke her fingers. "Why you like it when I make face so much?" she asked. Blinking at her, Chris chuckled and pat his lap, offering to let the Pokemon sit causing her to blush slightly embarrassed while at the same time giving him a wary look. "Oh come now, like I told them, no more tricks." he assured. Nodding in response, Serenity sat on his lap, shyly looking around. "Feel weird..." she muttered. "Why? Does it make you feel like a baby?" he asked, giving her a hug and rubbing her head as she nodded once more. "Heh, who knew Pokemon understood something like embarrassment over being treated like a kid? Learn something everyday." he smirked. "Anyways, it's because when you make that face it reminds me of you back in your other forms. Reminds me of our past together. You were always cute as a button when you got pouty and mad and all and you still are. You just don't make that face as much when you get that way as you used to. So... It just makes me nostalgic. Even though you make that face because you're in a bad mood, I can't help but think back on good times and feel happy. You and those cheeks." he chuckled, giving her cheek a soft pinch causing Serenity to grumble and pull away, rubbing it with a scowl. "I like all of your expressions, that goes for the others too. But there are certain faces you girls show that just make me look back on our lives together more than others. Hard to believe how much you've all grown in such a short time." he told them. "Serenity, a tiny Pokemon who couldn't take a step without tripping, Alicia, down on your luck and at the end of your rope, and Rose, a little thing without an ounce of will left to live, yet look at you now." he smiled, rubbing each on the head. "Rose proved she's tough as nails and still has a real zeal for life, and can brighten any day no matter how dull or bad. Alicia's got more smarts and pride than any royalty alive, and Serenity, you really showed the world handicaps don't mean a thing as long as someone has the perseverance to overcome anything. If you girls hadn't of been such an inspiration to me I'd of never gotten out of that chair. Bein' honest, even though you're usually always at odds with one another you're STILL the only ones in this world I look to for inspiration. Pain in my butt sometimes or not, you're all my heroes." he grinned, giving them a thumbs up causing all three to look at him wide eyed with a flush on their faces.

"Th-thank you." Serenity replied, fidgeting shyly before feeling him rubbing her head again and quickly getting up. "B-but still mad! You do really gross thing!" she reminded, crossing her arms while facing away embarrassed. "Ha! You're wise to view me as an inspiration. I don't know about a hero, that MIGHT be a bit much, but I can see why you'd see me as that too. Perfection is irresistible." Alicia smirked with her nose up proudly, giving Chris a thumbs up. "I-I don't know how I'd be that special, I'm not really that s-strong or anything... B-but thank you!" Rose smiled, facing down shyly and fidgeting. Nodding at the three of them, Chris packed their things up and was about to lift the bag over his shoulder when Serenity took it instead, facing away and scratching her cheek. "I carry, you just walk." she told him. Blinking at her in surprise, Chris smiled and thanked her before grabbing his staff and lifting Alicia over his shoulders. "Come on then, lets go enjoy the scenery." he smirked as they began strolling along the deck. "You know, I've also been thinking about that surprise for the Captain and everyone on board. It's probably be best if I were at the front of the bow when the time comes. I thought being up at the bridges balcony would be good, but I think it would have more impact with me down on deck with everybody." he told them, getting curious looks in response. "It's gonna be so awesome, nobody's gonna know what to think." he chuckled before rummaging through the bag and taking out his Pokedex, bringing back up the Arceanic reports. "I really want them to feel like it's a legit thing, that's why I've been doing so much research on here. I know it's real confusing since I haven't told you girls anything, but I still can't help talking about how pumped I feel. I'm really gonna put my heart into this!" he said excitedly. "Well, not know what it is, like you say, but feel it might be nice surprise." Serenity nodded. "It's not fair the way you're always so secretive though. I don't like not being trusted." Rose pout. "Well, in a way it's a surprise for you girls too so that's why I'm not sayin' a peep." he explained, winking with a finger over his mouth. "You and your unnecessary actions. I'd sure like to know what you get out of it. A mere thanks? You should have SOME sort of expectation for what you do." Alicia point out, waving her finger at him.

"I do have expectations. Just not the type you're thinking of." he replied, rubbing her on the head. "I just want to make people feel really good, that's all. Really feel like they're a PART of something." he added with a warm smile. Seeing his expression, the girls couldn't help but smile as well, even Alicia who let out a sigh and shook her head while doing so. "You lovable fool..." she replied, patting the back of his head with her tail. As they walked about, the group watched the sun slowly lower bit by bit, enjoying gradual changes to the color of the sky and their surroundings as a result, looking as if everything around them was slowly being painted various shades over time. "Well, well. If it isn't you lot again. I must say, a day without some incident revolving you, I'm impressed." they heard a voice call out, turning to see Chief Smith walking out from the second class entrance to the ship. "Just been making my rounds. Of course I'd run into you right off the bat." he told them, offering a handshake to Chris and the girls. "Huh, lookin' good Mr. Smith. You're colors better now." Chris smirked. "Aye, finally got some shut eye. Bein' honest, had the Captain not woke me I'd still be out of it. All it took was layin' down for a moment, then I was gone from this world." he replied with a slight stretch. "I'm still concerned about various things, but I'll admit spending time with you lot did some good. At least I can rest now somewhat, but I'll still be thrilled when this cruise is over, if you don't mind keeping that between us." he added, getting a nod from the group in response. "Already heading into the fourth day... Little over 24 hours left until we're there, where she was lost." he muttered, looking towards the horizon ahead of the ship. With a smile, Chris pat the Chief on the shoulder. "Not to worry sir, you just keep in mind what I said. A man who died a noble death doesn't deserve pity or anything like that. Once we get there just feel pride and that's all. Even if you can't feel that way about him, be proud of yourself for coming here to pay your respects. I'm sure doing at least that would make the original Smith happy." Chris nodded, the Chief looking at him for a moment before smirking. "Lad, keep talking all wishy washy and I might think you're a lass in disguise. What kind of man are you, giving all these sudden touchy speeches?" he asked, Chris blinking at him before scowling with a slight blush of embarrassment, the girls looking at him intrigued by the Chiefs words as he pat Chris on the shoulder with a chuckle of his own. "Ah, never you mind. Just a joke is all lad. I do appreciate it." he assured before tipping his hat. "I'll be off now, you lot enjoy yourselves and keep staying out of trouble." he finished before walking off towards the stern of the ship.

Watching the Chief leave, Chris shook his head with an embarrassed sigh before walking on, the girls looking at one another and him curiously. "So other humans think he female?" Serenity asked, causing Chris to freeze and groan. "Sh-shut up! I'm just a nice person is all, that's not girly." he muttered before walking ahead again. "Well, maybe SOMETIMES he can be a LITTLE like a female in a way. Now that you mention it, I can kinda get what that human said." Rose nodded causing Chris to slump all the more. "It's what he gets for having his heart on his sleeve all the time! A male should be as the stones and mountains throughout this world, hard, firm, tall..." Alicia added, Serenity and Rose nodding before picturing a certain something else in their minds and showing a naughty look on their faces, slight drool on the side of their mouths. "Well, he CAN be that way." Rose admit, looking at Chris and giggling. "He gross, but THAT not gross at all. THAT part definitely manly." Serenity agreed, causing him to look at the two with a raised eyebrow, confused in the moment before jolting with a sudden blush on his face. "Sh-shut up!! Don't talk about peoples bodies in public!!" he said in a loud yet hushed tone, both Pokemon giggling and nudging him while Alicia rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Describe an ideal man, and everyone around you turns into a pervert." she sighed. "Tch, you think that because YOU not see it much." Serenity scoffed. "Excuse me?! I'll have you know I saw it plenty the... Other..." Alicia replied, cutting herself off and facing down with a flush on her face, Chris slapping his forehead with a groan. "Please... Please just drop the subject. Please?" he asked in a humiliated tone, the girls nodding in response. "Alright, we won't embarrass you anymore, girly man." Alicia mocked with a smirk, patting him on the back of the head with her tail, the others snickering as he groaned and walked on in a depressed state, their words and the thought of him being girly echoing throughout his mind.

Once they had been out long enough, after the sun had set and the stars had been out long enough, the drop in temperature gradually became clear as Alicia's expression turned more and more discontent and Serenity rubbed one of her arms silently. Fidgeting with his Pokedex, Chris saw the air had chilled into the 50's during their time enjoying the stars and lights throughout the deck. "Hold up." he told the group, suddenly taking the bag from Serenity at last and setting it on the deck while rummaging. "Ah! Found it. Turn around Serenity." he instructed, motioning with his finger for her to turn as well causing the Pokemon to tilt her head before nodding and doing as he said. "What doing? Better not be gross!!" she warned, facing back only for Chris to scowl and motion for her to turn. Grumbling, Serenity faced forward as he stood behind her, instructing the Pokemon to hold her arms out to her sides before slowly putting his lab coat over her and wrapping it around her with a hug. "There you go, figured it might come in handy." he chuckled while Serenity looked down at herself wide eyed before flushing. "E-eh? E-eh?! EEHH?!!" she stuttered, continuing looking at the coat wrapped around her before facing back at him. "You take good care of it now until we get back to the room! You know how much it means to me!" he instructed before giving her a peck on the nose and backing away with a smile as she went back to looking over herself, finally showing a smile that stretched from ear to ear before letting out a giddy squeal and holding herself, pulling the coat up to her face and smelling it with an excited giggle. "O-oy, it's not THAT amazing, is it? I like it too but geez." he laughed before lifting Alicia off his shoulders. "As far as you go, you're more sensitive than any of us so how about I tuck you away?" he asked, the snake tilting her head before looking at the bag. "Oh no you don't!!" she snapped. "Ha ha!! Not in there, in here." he replied, opening his robe and holding her in his arms within, her head poking out of the collar with a flush on her face as well. "There, warm enough?" he asked, holding her snugly against him as she remained silent with wide eyes, nodding rapidly in response. "How about you Rose? You alright?" he asked, looking down at the rabbit, nodding and waving her hand in response. "I'm fine! A good thing about having fur." she smiled.

While Serenity continued swooning over being in his lab coat and Alicia shyly remained silent within his robe, safely held within his arm, he took his bag over the shoulder and offered for Rose to stick close to him, the rabbit shyly accepting the offer and leaning against his side as they continued their stroll, clutching his robe with a smile of her own. Eventually, the group finally returned inside of the ship, Alicia sighing in relief from the warmth while Serenity looked down sadly, Rose quietly humming as they strolled through the corridors. "What's wrong with you? I thought you had a good time today?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow at Serenity. "It not that. We going back to room now, that mean I give back coat." she sulked. "Th-that's what you're down about? Don't worry! You'll be getting your own things to wear tomorrow." he assured. "Not want other stuff! I like THIS coat!" she complained, crossing her arms with a scowl. "W-well I can't loan it permanently. It was just a treat for the evening. I gotta get it back. If you kept it then when I do let you wear it, you wouldn't feel like it's as special anymore. Right?" he asked, Serenity facing away with a "hrmph!" before thinking it over for a moment and finally nodding. "You right... Again." she sighed. "That aside, you doin' alright Alicia?" he asked, the snake nodding before slithering out of his robe and atop his shoulders with a stretch. "I was perfectly fine tucked away, but it's just as nice being in the open again. I can't imagine how it will be when we arrive at this valley location. Downright unbearable probably." she replied, sticking out her tongue with a "blech" sound. "Don't worry about it. I'll do my best to think of ways to keep you cozy during out stay. Maybe you could just stay in my clothes the whole time!" he chuckled causing her to blush and the others to scowl, irritated by the suggestion. "K-kidding, kidding! Don't worry." he assured them. Once they reached their room, Chris let the girls in first before shutting the door behind himself, looking around and stretching with a sigh.

"Alright, guess tonight we order in for dinner. How does something like... Maybe some kind of stew sound?" he asked, the three tilting their heads and looking at one another before nodding. "It'd do us some good to have something like that after a night out in the cold. Kinda feels weird to say that though considering how warm it was just hours ago. Really goes to show you how amazing the world can be, and how small it is too." he added. "From one shore to another, one climate to another, it doesn't take long at all. You just gotta be careful getting used to different locations otherwise you can really throw your body outta whack." he smiled nervously while sitting at the side of the bed and looking over the menu on the stand, calling in their order while Serenity sighed and took off his coat, hanging it on the rack and petting it longingly. "Oh please, would you get over it? You'd think it was a living creature." Alicia scoffed. "You be quiet! You just jealous you can't wear!" Serenity replied, sticking her tongue out. "Human rags? Why would I care? I make an exception for this because he craft it for my sake. I've no interest in that, which he wears on a daily basis. The musk must be horrid." the snake replied while searching for the TV remote before jumping on the couch. "...Smell make it better." Serenity muttered, looking around seeing everybody distracted before leaning towards it and sniffing his coat once again, rubbing her cheek against it with a soothed sigh as if it were therapeutic. "O-oy, are you making love to it?" Chris asked, finally off the phone and looking at Serenity bewildered as she jolt and faced him with a flush on her face, quickly jumping away from the coat and laughing embarrassed. "Maybe letting you wear it WAS a bad idea." he thought to himself with a nervous smile. Sulking due to being caught, Serenity sat next to him on the bed with a plop and leaned against his side. "Sorry we give you hard time today. Thank you for nice things you say, and putting coat on me." she told him. "What you do for Sally human, that nice. Make jealous, but can tell she need that. Do good, do good." she added, patting him on the chest with a smile. Looking down at her, Serenity was still in her bikini, although she'd reverted her skirt back to normal as she twirled her finger around the exposed part of his chest where his robe had opened.

"Y-yeah, well, it's nothing. And like I said, at least you girls spent the day getting along." he replied, scratching his cheek shyly. "Still, we promise no more trouble. Even though get along, still cause trouble." she confessed. "Hey, it's whatever. You had fun and that's all that matters so forget about it. Yeah it kinda bugged me but we still had a good time and I got to do some good things today, even met the Chief and gave him another boost." he chuckled. "Yeah, and he call you female." she snickered causing his happy expression to twist into a sudden scowl causing her to laugh and point at his face, Rose and Alicia looking back at the two curiously. "Watching a show here, keep it down! And don't go being a lecherous swine again when we're right here." the snake lectured, scowling at Serenity and getting a tongue stuck out in response. "Real mature." Alicia muttered, rolling her eyes before turning her attention back to the screen, Rose smiling nervously and doing the same, making it a point to stay out of the issue. After this, it wasn't long before the crew brought their dinner to the door, knocking and offering to bring in their meal only for Chris to bring the tray in himself, thanking them nonetheless as the girls sniffed the air and quickly perked up, running around the tray while Chris bid the crew farewell at the door before joining them, Serenity about to lift the lid only to have him clear his throat causing all three to freeze and step back. "Geez, zero patience much? Seriously, EVERY time it comes to food you girls dive in like it's the first and last meal of your lives." he lectured, the girls laughing nervously and apologizing. "Anyways, there's a reason I didn't want you touching it. This stuff's seriously hot, even the handle on the lid would've left you with a nasty burn if you just clutched it bare handed outta the blue." he explained, taking the rags included on the tray before carrying the pot to the table in front of the couch, letting Rose set down a cloth before he put it down and started setting out the bowls and silverware from the tray.

"Alright then, have a seat and enjoy." he grinned before taking the ladle from the tray and sitting himself, taking a rag and removing the lid from the pot causing steam to rapidly flow out before revealing the stew within causing the girls eyes to widen. "Oohhh, this remind of when you cook!" Serenity point out as they sat on the floor around the table and he filled her a bowl. "Ha ha, yeah, kinda miss camping out. We'll start doing that again soon enough though once we finish with the festival in the valley." he replied, pouring Rose a bowl as well before filling one for Alicia. "I sure wish I could've been with you back then." the rabbit sulked. "I'll admit, his meals are acceptable considering he often scrounged for ingredients. He can be impressive, sometimes." the snake smirked while giving him a wink causing Chris to jolt and blush slightly. "L-like you say, flattery nowhere and all that." he replied as she giggled. Once he had his own bowl poured, Chris rummaged through his rucksack and found a pack of straws, taking one out for Alicia before sitting and starting on his own food. "So, wadaya think?" he asked as they tried to snarf down their portions, forced to take it slowly due to the heat. "Good but hooooooot." Serenity complained. "Good! It'll teach you how to savor your meal!" he laughed, the hungry Pokemon scowling in response. "It really is good though. I don't think we'll have any left!" Rose giggled. Looking at the pot, Chris smiled nervously at the thought of the girls eating the whole thing. "I guess it shouldn't surprise me if you do eat it all." he muttered with slight sweat on his face. Once his portion was through, Chris started preparing for another trip to the shower while the girls helped themselves to another portion each, Serenity helping Rose and Alicia thanks to watching Chris use the ladle himself. "You girls just uh, keep enjoying it. But please take your time, we don't want anything coming back up." he lectured, the three nodding in response before noticing the towel and pajamas in his arm. "What? Don't you girls wanna keep eating?" he asked, blinking at them as they looked at one another. "Yes, just surprised that's all YOU wanted to eat. You'll be skin and bones if you don't make sure to fill yourself before us. Every being for themselves and all that. Don't expect leftovers." Alicia warned. "Ha ha, trust me, I'm good. Being honest I think I might be a bit sensitive to the sea. I can snack on stuff easily, but when it comes to actual meals I feel like I have to take it easy." he explained. "Serenity, it's actually your turn if you wanna come with me. I've already spent time with Rose and Alicia." he reminded, the Pokemon perking up with a blush before looking at the pot of food and thinking back on him smearing drool in her hair, struggling to make a choice between eating or bathing.

Looking at him then the pot several times, the girls watched curiously as well until Serenity shook her head. "Food too good to leave. Plus what you do earlier still gross so not done being mad. You treat me nice, but what you did still really nasty. Not want bath with you tonight." she told him with her spoon in her mouth, shooing him with her hand causing Alicia and Rose to look at her wide eyed and mouths agape while Chris looked at her nearly the same way. "R-really?! You... You DON'T want a bath with me or anything?" he asked, the Pokemon looking between him and the pot again nervously before shutting her eyes and rapidly shaking her head. "W-wow. I didn't think anything would keep you from doing stuff like this with me. Well, o... Kay then." he replied, continuing to look at Serenity dumbfounded before shrugging and heading to the bathroom, pausing at the door and looking back. "You uh, sure? You really don't want your turn?" he asked, Serenity giving him a yearning look before rapidly shaking her head again and chugging the remainder of stew in her bowl since it had cooled. "Never thought I'd see the day..." Alicia muttered in Rose's ear. "I know. She must REALLY hate having her hair messed with. I guess I'd be upset too if someone put drool all over me." the rabbit muttered back before thinking silently for a moment. "Th-then again, it depends on HOW it got on me, I guess." she added, suddenly blushing slightly and fidgeting with a giggle. "H-hey, don't turn lecherous on me over a random conversation." Alicia scowled. "You two hush!!" Serenity snapped in irritation before scowling at Chris, causing him to jolt and laugh nervously. "O-okay, okay. I get it. Don't worry, I won't do anything like that again." he assured, waving with a nervous smile before heading into the bathroom on his own, Serenity having shockingly gave up her night with him. Continuing to look at Serenity in surprise, Rose and Alicia couldn't help but ask her several times if she was for real by not going in with him, the two having adjusted to seeing the assertive Pokemon jump on him at any given moment. "S-stop asking!! It not that weird!!" she finally snapped in response, grumbling to herself. Looking at one another, Alicia and Rose shrugged before finally agreeing to drop it, all three continuing to help themselves to the stew while Chris prepped the shower and decided to make the most of the situation and enjoy his own time alone, sitting with a sigh and eventually enjoying the fact he had the bathroom to himself for a change, sitting on the bench before leaning back with his hands behind his head and relaxing in the steam of the shower.

By the time he finally got out and finished cleaning himself up, Chris stepped out of the bathroom only to find all three girls out cold around the table, with Serenity leaning back against the couch, Rose slumped over the table and Alicia on the carpet, laying with her torso in the air showing her stomach slightly bulging. "Uuuhh huuuuh. You girls did it again... See? That's why I take my time and limit myself too." he muttered, walking up to the pot and finding it empty. "I wonder if there's anything in the Pokedex about you girls having multiple stomachs or something." he muttered before putting the lid on the pot and taking the dishes back to the tray before cleaning off the table. "I know we've got room service, but I still feel bad leaving a mess for someone else. I don't want us coming off as bad people." he thought to himself before finishing up and calling to have the dishes taken away. Looking at the girls, he shook his head with a sigh before smirking. "Glad they're enjoying themselves at least. Just hope it makes up for having them deal with everything in the city, even if just a little." he thought to himself before lifting them one by one and tucking them into bed, each groaning in a nauseous tone. "Just like I said, that's what you get." he chuckled. Once the staff arrived, Chris thanked them for the meal again while seeing them off before standing in silence once more, looking around the room and walking up to the banner the girls had made and browsing his figures from the cake back at Eden Manor, grinning while picking them up randomly. "What a life I turned out to have." he muttered before heading towards the balcony and stepping out, shuddering slightly from the wind chill before looking over the rail towards the dark sea below. Thinking in silence for a moment, Chris suddenly started imitating the whistles he'd heard the Captain make, eventually hearing the familiar call of Dragonair in the darkness below before seeing the Pokemon shoot up in front of him. Reaching out, he quickly captured the Pokemon within a golden barrier, catching it off guard and causing the surprised Pokemon to thrash and call out in a panic. "E-easy! Easy! I just wanted to give you a treat!" Chris shout, moving the furniture into the room before lowering her onto the empty balcony, the barrier flashing away. As she looked around nervously, Chris chuckled and rubbed the wary Pokemon, coaxing her into relaxing. "I just have some special tricks is all, no worries. I just hope a certain friend of mine won't be too mad that I used a tiny bit of it before planned." he smiled nervously, Dragonair tilting her head confused. "Wait here, I'll be right back." he assured before heading in and taking several wrapped Pokepuffs from the fridge.

"Good thing I saved these..." he thought to himself before unwrapping the treats and putting them on a plate in the microwave. Watching curiously, Dragonair poked her head into the room and looked around until he returned to the balcony with the plate full of treats, now giving off steam causing Dragonair to perk up when she smelled the Puffs. "It's cold down there now, isn't it? I thought you might like something to warm you up was all." he smiled before taking one of the treats and blowing on it. "Outta be cool enough now, help yourself!" he chuckled, holding it up allowing Dragonair to smell it before taking the Puff and tossing it up, catching it in her mouth and munching away. "Warm food warms the soul." he nodded. "Sorry for catching you off guard like that, but I can't see much down there so I figured it was better to bring you up here. Thought you might like some company." he told her before blowing on and holding up another Puff. Once they were gone, Dragonair smiled and rubbed her cheek against his. "Heh, no prob. Thanks for making the cruise so nice by keeping the weather clear." he told the Pokemon, getting a nod in response before she turned towards the railing and jumped over, plummeting back into the sea below. "Try not to get too lonely..." he added quietly before taking the plate back to the room and returning the furniture to the balcony. Once he was done, he went back inside and searched for the remote, turning the channel to something good for relaxing background noise before heading towards the bed. With Serenity and Rose on one side together and Alicia curled between them, he managed to find himself lucky enough to have his own side to himself instead of being wedged between the girls for a change. "Alright alright!" he grinned before heading for the gym bag and bringing his Pokedex to bed with him. Once settled in, he started getting back into his research, the night being his final chance to do so with the day ahead full of plans that would take up their time from start to finish. Eventually however, he found himself stuck with Serenity laying all over him, having rolled over in her deep dinner induced slumber making using his Pokedex difficult.

Feeling her breasts squishing all over him, Chris blushed and looked away with a groan. "R-right, she never changed out of her swimsuit and all." he muttered before easing her into laying on her back next to him, making sure to avoid waking the slumbering Pokemon due to past experiences. Hearing the Pokemon let out a silent coo, her face point towards him with a peaceful and content look on it, causing him to gulp and face away, scratching his cheek shyly. Trying to go back to focusing on his research via the Pokedex, he glanced at Serenity several times as she slept until feeling her hand clutch his sleeve, the Pokemon murmuring his name before rolling back over against him and muttering something about being stupid causing his eye to twitch. "S-seriously? Even in her sleep?" he muttered, looking down at Serenity as her breasts pressed against him once more. Setting his Pokedex on the stand next to the bed, Chris eased her into laying on her back once more. "Ya know, you sure can be a pain." he thought to himself, brushing her bangs to the side as she cooed once more. Laying on his side, Chris rest his head on his hand while rubbing her hair, getting a small smile from her in response. "But, at least you're a cute one." he muttered. Leaning over, he gave her a kiss on the forehead before rubbing her cheek, the Pokemon seeming to blush slightly in response with an awkward giggle before mentioning something about naughty. "That too gets in your dreams huh?" he thought, raising an eyebrow as she giggled awkwardly again with a smile on her face. Glancing away for a moment, he turned his attention to Alicia and Rose who were sound asleep themselves, with the rabbit having turned her back to them and Alicia under the sheets save for the end of her tail. Looking back at Serenity, he muttered "naughty dreams, huh?" before smirking. "She's always messin' with me, sooo..." he grinned before carefully tilting her head. "Lets see how it feels with the shoe on the OTHER foot." he added.

Leaning closer and tilting his head, Chris started kissing Serenity tenderly on the neck, carefully touching it with the tip of his tongue and slowly dragging it along the side of her neck causing the Pokemon to shudder and coo in response, tilting her head all the more in her sleep. "This is kinda fun..." he thought to himself, nibbling her on the neck before using his breath to softly tease her. Getting a jolt in response, he slowly backed away and rubbed her cheek before giving Serenity a kiss, then another, and another, each one causing her lips to subconsciously pucker slightly in response before a shudder ran through her and another coo escaped her lips. "Not only fun, but..." he paused, rubbing her lips with his thumb before giving them a tender lick and using his thumb to spread her lips apart. "Maybe it's even... Kinda..." he thought, pausing once again as he slowly slipped his tongue between her lips, waiting for her teeth to part enough to allow him to slip it slowly into her mouth and cover her lips with his own. In her state, Serenity's tongue didn't react much to his, save for an occasional twitch and slight lick in response against his own. After a moment, he slowly pulled away leaving a thin train of drool between their mouths as he blushed, Serenity showing a slight blush of her own as well. "K-kinda hot." he muttered. Wondering if what he was doing was perhaps a bit weird, he looked at her breasts and carefully felt one of them, Serenity jolting and letting out yet another coo causing him to gulp nervously. Keeping a close watch on her face, he slowly leaned his face towards her breasts, but instead of going after them, he brushed his lips along the rim of her horn causing Serenity to arch slightly and let out a silent and split second squeak of sorts, relaxing with a shudder when he blew a gentle breath against it soothing her back into her peaceful state. Deciding to wait for a moment, he slowly tried brushing his lips along the rim of her horn again, getting a reaction akin to her first, yet this time more relaxed simultaneously.

Repeating this action time and again, brushing his lips along her horn, softly breathing against it, Serenity seemingly adjusted to the sensation over time until he was able to kiss and brush his lips along her horn without the intense reactions, the Pokemon instead shivering and slowly lifting her chest like a wave, following his lips as he slid them along her horn upwards, then slowly back down in tune with her breathing. Once he felt it was safe enough to do so, he touched his tongue against her horn, causing Serenity to bite her lip and whimper as if the sensitivity had suddenly become more intense than when he first touched it with her lips. Continuing to take his time, he let her adjust to feeling his tongue by instead working on the side of her neck again, followed by licking and rubbing his lips along her collar before easing her way back to her horn, this time the touch of his tongue causing her to tense up and grit her teeth, yet slowly relax as he held himself perfectly still, the Pokemon shuddering and cooing as if in a state of relief. Deciding to continue, he slowly licked along the rim of her horn, getting random and seemingly confused responses from her body as though it had no idea how to read what was going on as he teased her horn, licking it, brushing it with his lips, and giving it an occasional kiss causing Serenity to gradually blush more and more, her pulse able to be felt through her horn causing Chris to chuckle quietly. "Kinda see why you do this so much now, it's not bad." he thought to himself, his own pulse having risen slightly as he breathed against her horn. Licking along the sides of it, he finally ended his teasing by lifting his head to the tip of her horn and giving it a suck causing the Pokemon to gasp and arch, causing him to quickly pull away with a quiet pop from his lips and freezing as Serenity twitched and grit her teeth, seemingly about to wake up only to freeze herself before letting out a quivering coo and slowly relaxing her body, the flush on her face slowly fading as he blinked at her wide eyed.

"W-wait a sec, th-this thing can make her do that too? I made her... Just by messing with her horn a little?" he muttered before suddenly grinning and clutching his fist. "I'm aaaaawesooooome!!" he said in a hushed tone excitedly, a sudden ego boost running through him with a chuckle, only to cover his mouth nervously when all three stirred, only to remain deep in their sleep allowing him to relax. Uncovering his mouth, Chris let out a sigh causing his breath to hit Serenity's horn, the Pokemon suddenly jolting in response while turning her face the opposite direction of him, her mouth open slightly due to her breathing having become irregular from being messed with by him in her sleep. Looking at her wide eyed, Chris blushed himself when he saw her nipples had hardened under her bikini, gulping shyly and glancing away with a hand over his mouth once again. "I-is this r-really okay to do?" he murmured in his hand, slight sweat on his face as he looked at her face and breasts once more. Looking at the others as well, Chris took a deep breath to relax himself before touching Serenity on the breast, rolling her nipple around causing her body to shudder in response. "Sh-she really must of did it the way she's so sensitive now." he thought to himself before reaching under the blanket and touching her torso, his fingers rubbing along causing Serenity to stir and turn her face towards him with a silent moan. "Her body must be just like her horn now." he muttered. Rubbing his hand back up, his fingers slipped under her bikini top causing him to freeze, focusing on her face before sliding his hand all the way under and cupping it over her breast. "It's really pounding..." he thought, feeling her pulse for a moment before rubbing her breast carefully. Letting himself get back into it, Chris tilt his head and started tenderly giving Serenity's neck attention once again, soothingly licking and gently sucking on it while toying with her nipple, rolling and twirling it between his fingers causing Serenity's body to quiver all over, her mouth opening all the more as her breath became heavy and flustered. Pulling his face away from her, he saw her blush returning as he built her up once more, and with a nod he slowly lift her top off her breasts, exposing them before leaning down and giving them a taste next.

Just like with her horn, he was careful to work with her sensitivity until he learned how handle his actions without waking her up, hovering his lips over her nipples and letting her body teach him what was too much and what was just right to give her satisfaction while deeply asleep. Pulling one into his mouth, he gave it gentle sucks while toying with her other nipple between his fingers, hearing her breath grow heavier while her hands clutched the sheets. Letting out a mixture of coos, quiet moans under her breath and sensitive whimpers, Chris gave each of her nipples a soft bite between his teeth and a gentle tug, slowly enticing her body to arch little by little as she whimpered as though subconsciously asking for him to stop. Coaxing her body into relaxing, he finally pulled his mouth away and looked at his work, her nipples all the harder with just the slightest bite marks left behind, her blush having become a complete flush on her face as she pant, twitching randomly as he smiled and rubbed his hand along her torso. "Gone this far..." he muttered, looking at all three girls again before carefully climbing over Serenity. Lowering himself down gently, the Pokemon surprised him by showing a smile, seemingly relaxed by having his body on hers and muttering something about warmth. Shaking his head with a smile of his own, Chris started kissing his way down her body, starting at the neck and gradually making his way down until his lips were touching her torso. Second guessing his actions once more, he questioned himself again while feeling up her sides, brushing his lips over her belly button causing Serenity to shudder once more and coo. Letting himself fall into the moment, Chris kept the blankets over him as he went lower and lower until he was at her thighs, feeling his way beneath her skirt until his hands were rubbing her legs directly causing Serenity to giggle from the sensation, causing him to freeze immediately with a slightly pale look on his face.

After a moment, he carefully poked his head out from the sheets, seeing Serenity still sound asleep allowing him to let out a sigh of relief, his breath against her body causing the Pokemon to shudder yet again. Easing his way back down below the sheets, Chris slowly spread her legs apart and allowed himself under her skirt, inching his face between her legs and kissing his way up her inner thighs before his face finally reached her crotch. Under the sheets and her skirt combined, the scent of arousal was obvious as he cautiously touched her, feeling her swimsuit was extraordinarily warm where her slit was and even slightly wet, even from the outside. "Sh-she said anytime so, it's fine, r-right...?" he muttered, inching his face closer and closer before finally easing her bikini to the side, exposing her womanhood and pausing. Once again reassuring himself, Chris leaned forward until his breath was brushing against her flesh, the sensation causing Serenity to shudder and stir slightly. After a short pause, he carefully touched her, sliding his finger down her slit and back up again, jolting when he felt how swollen her clit had become after everything he'd done. Feeling proud of himself again, Chris smirked before inching his lips closer and closer until giving Serenity a kiss, pressing his lips into her slit before rubbing them up and over her clit, kissing it tenderly as well before backing away and softly blowing on her, getting a shudder and moan in response. Very carefully, Chris spread her lips wide apart, exposing the tender flesh within before blowing against her once more, tracing his breath in a tiny circle causing her hips to twitch repeatedly, the Pokemon cooing as if pleased and frustrated at the same time, only to let out a surprised squeak when he touched the tip of his tongue on her flesh and began slowly tracing it in a circle as well, purposely torturing the entrance to her body between using his tongue and his breath to play with her sensitivity.

The more aroused she became, the more hot and musky it became under the sheets, her scent causing Chris to blush and his own pulse to quicken gradually as he played with her. Raising his head, he licked around her clit as well, getting just close enough his tongue could almost touch it, yet avoiding its throbbing and yearning allure nonetheless causing Serenity to groan and whimper in frustration, clutching the sheets as her hips moved ever so slightly just trying to make her clit come into contact with his tongue, Chris evilly keeping his tongue away from it nonetheless while continuing to trace not even an inch from it with the tip. After a moment, he raised his face and held out his tongue, keeping her spread as he let a thin trail of drool slowly ooze all over her tortured clit, the sensation seemingly confusing the Pokemon as she jolt and shuddered. With her womanhood spread, it trailed down all over her flesh until he finally stopped and teasingly rubbed her womanhood, his drool mixing in with her own arousal as a result before he went back down and carefully licked her clean, finally giving her clit some attention with a single lick as well causing Serenity to raise her lips slightly in frustration, her clit yearning for more yet ignored nonetheless as he trailed his was down her legs, brushing his lips along them from her thigh to the tips of her feet, kissing and nibbling them at random. He was purposely building the Pokemon up as much as he could, torturing her into being constantly on the verge of a climax yet refusing her the satisfaction over and over. Finally, he poked his head out of the sheets to get a good look at Serenity, her face as flushed as can be and a mixture of suffering and arousal in her expression, sweat gradually covering her as her breathing remained heavy and unsteady. Raising up and giving the Pokemon a kiss, she clutched the sheets and murmured his name, causing him to smile while holding her cheek before making his way back down to her crotch.

Once he was there, he finally made it a point to take her over the edge at last, working his fingers inside of her while licking and kissing her clit, remaining slow and steady to both, arouse and sooth her at the same time so he could better follow her body and breathing. Once she was relaxed enough, he started pinpointing her weakest points, learning which actions were bad and brought her to the edge of waking up, and which were good, taking her closer and closer to a climax in her sleep. Eventually, he finally managed to bring Serenity to the very tip of an orgasm, and with a sudden strong upwards pull with his fingers on her weak spot within, and a strong suction on her clit simultaneously, Serenity let out a gasp and moaned as her hips arched up, finally going over the edge and whimpering as her body convulsed. As her muscles clamped down on his fingers within, Chris decided to go for it while she was in the middle of an orgasm. Using his free hand, he worked the fly of his pants open and pulled out his member, keeping the Pokemon in her state of climax by rapidly flicking his fingers within her as he positioned himself. With her hips still arched, he carefully held onto them while rubbing his length against her slit for lube and leaning over her body, looking at her face as she bit her lip and groaned from the intense waves of sensations running through her, having a hard time handling her climax as he positioned the tip of his manhood against her entrance. Trying to push himself in, her muscles were so tight it felt as though even trying to get his finger back in would be difficult. Nonetheless, he pulled his member back slightly before pressing it back against her flesh, and with a deep breath he gripped her hips tightly and shoved himself into her body, his entire length welcoming itself against her resistance in one powerful thrust causing Serenity's eyes to shoot open wide, gritting her teeth harder than ever as her body arched sharply in response and she dug into the sheets, gasping and groaning through her teeth as the sensation of being shoved into during the middle of an intense climax forced her body into a confused state of pleasure and pain combined.

As Chris shuddered from the tightness and struggled to control his breathing, he noticed Serenity was about to let out a scream, only to have it muffled when he pressed his lips against hers, covering her mouth with a kiss as her body collapsed beneath him yet continued convulsing, the Pokemon unable to resist in the moment as her senses and mind swirled rapidly from the abrupt and intense awakening. With her eyes rolled up, Serenity suddenly clutched Chris tightly, digging her nails into his back as hard as she could while the tips of her feet curled, shutting her eyes and enduring the remainder of the sensations running through her until she was finally able to pull her mouth away and catch her breath. "Wh-what d-doing to m-me?!" she asked in a loud yet hushed tone as Chris nuzzled his face into her neck, the Pokemon continuing to pant heavily with a dazed look remaining on her face. "You didn't want a bath with me, figured this was the next best thing." he replied in her ear. Shaking her head, Serenity tried pushing his face away. "N-not like this!! Not like!! Not ready!!" she told him, keeping her voice hushed while struggling more and more. Raising his face up, Chris suddenly gave Serenity a kiss causing her to jolt and freeze up, her eyes widening once again before shutting them tightly and trying to push him away. "N-not like mphm!! Not ready!!" she panicked, only for Chris to slowly pull out before thrusting back in. Gritting her teeth in response, Chris started thrusting again and again in a steady rhythm, doing so forcefully yet at the same time carefully enough not to wake the others with too much movement causing Serenity to whimper and groan again and again, continuing to attempt resisting only to find herself drowned in kiss after kiss simultaneously until her fighting and objections slowly warped into submission and desire.

What were panicked calls for stopping turned into moans of desire, her resistance turning into clinging as he drove himself and his own lust into her despite the Pokemon having gone through two climaxes of her own already. Eventually she began kissing him back as well, pulling his hair with her legs tightly around him as she cooed his name, whimpering submissively as he pulled her close at the same time. By the time he was ready to have a climax of his own, Serenity was pushed into another dazed state, her eyes rolling up as he, in Serenity's viewpoint, thrust seemingly endlessly into her body without pause, the weakened Pokemon calling for him to stop this time not out of panic, but fatigue as she tried clutching to the sheets. Looking down at her, Chris lowered his face into her chest, rubbing his cheek against the side of her horn and calling her name causing Serenity's eyes to shoot open, looking down at him as he gave her a dazed look of his own. Unable to resist the expression, she put her arms around his head and held onto him as he clung to her tightly, and after quietly calling her name several times, he finally released his seed deep within her, the hot sensations causing Serenity to have another climax of her own as she clung to him and whimpered, flushing from having him mark her once again and biting her lip as shot after shot invaded her depths. Once he was finished, Chris went limp on top of her, panting heavily as she did the same. "Th-that n-not right. Y-you do to me in sl-sleep..." she said weakly. "S-sorry. You said a-anytime." he replied quietly, holding her as she rest her cheek against her pillow. "N-not when not awake. That bad..." she told him, looking back down as he apologized weakly. Remaining silent for a moment, Serenity glanced away and shuddered when her insides squeezed around his drained member, the slippery sensation of his seed as it spread in her depths causing the Pokemon to smile slightly.

"Want me so bad... Couldn't wait?" she asked, Chris jolting and hiding his face in her chest with another apology. Shaking her head with a sigh, Serenity brushed her bangs aside and fanned herself. "You really... Good though. I admit, best wake up ever had, just surprised me. Thought you might be someone else... That why have to be careful." she explained as he looked up at her. "Y-you know I'd never let anyone do that to you. It should have been obvious it was me." he scowled. "Still, you scare me and get forceful. Catch me off guard, that dirty trick. So..." she paused before slowly rolling over with him until she was on top, Chris looking up at her with a blush. "Wha-wa-what's this?" he asked as she rubbed his chest, looking down at herself as well. "You not even take off clothes. You really want to mate bad." she giggled quietly. "One time I let you be alone, and you just mate with me anyway. Now I glad I let you be alone. It make you come to me." she smiled causing Chris to face away in embarrassment. "Still, not right what you do. That sneaky and naughty trick. So now it my turn." she told him with a sly grin. "Oh, okay... W-wait, what do you mean your...?" he asked, pausing as she pulled him out of her and reached down, collecting his seed in her hand as it dripped out of her slit. "Like I say, it my turn. You know I like to eat, and I still hungry. Now you get what deserve." she told him before licking her hand clean and swallowing his seed. "Wa-wa-wait a sec!! For guy's it's a one t-time thin...!!" he panicked, only for Serenity to press her lips against his. "You not stop when I say, now you suffer." she chuckled before using her psychic abilities to restrict his body and seal his mouth closed.

"You have your turn, now my turn, my naughty master... This night looooonnnng from over..." she told him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he turned slightly pale and sweat nervously. "When we done, I be reeeaaally full of seed. Till then, we mate again, and again..." she paused, leaning her mouth to his ear and whispering. "And again..." with another giggle before exposing his chest and licking her way down, causing him to shudder weakly and let out muffled sounds of panic...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 81

Chapter 81 - Onward To The Arceanic!! Early the next day, Rose was the first to wake up, stretching and yawning before sitting up and rubbing her dazed eyes. Looking around, she heard an odd groan and turned towards Chris, seeing him looking back...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 79

Chapter 79 - All It Takes... After tapping on Geralds icon, the Pokedex let out a ringing sound several times as Chris looked over the ocean, enjoying the view until a hologram of the old butler finally flashed into view above the device. "Hello?...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 78

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/](http://celestkirin.deviantart.com/) Chapter 78 - Sailing Into Tomorrow Early the next morning, Chris woke when he felt a slight chill in the room,...

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