It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.4

Story by Dragon Ninja on SoFurry

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#4 of It's Dueling Time!!!!

Hey there everybody it's me, Wolf ninja3 and here's the 4th chapter of It's Dueling time!!!! i hope you enjoy it!!!

I watched some tv and there was a news report about some duelist named Spencer Jock coming back here in Domino City. I didn't care for some duelist and when the news reporter said that he has the crystal beast deck now that gave me some interest. i heard the phone ringing and i picked it up and i said "Game shop, may i help you?" there was a voice said "is Mr. Daniel Maelstrom here?"

I backed away a little bit and i said "this is him" the voice got happier and he said "finally, i've found you for a while Daniel some people told me about you and your deck and it interests me so can we have a duel?" i cocked my head a little and i said "who's this?" the voice chuckled and it said "my names Spencer Jock, the crystal beast duelest?" my jaw dropped imeadiatly and i said "Seriously?!!"

Spencer said "i'm serious. let's battle at the town square in 2 PM ok?" i smiled and i said "alright but i'm going easy on you." he smiled and he said "me neither" we both hung up and i got on the same clothes from my duel with Haro (which there clean) and i grabbed my deck and duel disc and i ran off to the town square as fast as i can.

Later........ I was in the town square and i saw a black panther with green eyes and wearing a black t-shirt, black pants with a silver chain on both sides of his pockets, and some black sneakers. Spencer looked at me and he said "You showed up Daniel" i smirked at him and i said "yeah, yeah lets get this du--" I heard footsteps running and newspeople were coming here like a mob. A beat of sweat dropped on the side of my head and i said "oh hell no, not them again..." but it was too late; the cameramen started rolling, the news reporters were going on and everybody was there too see the duel. I sighed and i said "ok then, Let's duel!!" i threw my duel disc up to the sky and i grabbed my deck from behind me and my duel disc dropped on my arm and i put my deck insde and it activated.

Spencer got his duel disc ready and we said "alright LET'S DUEL!!" the life point meters showed and i said "it's my turn!" i drewa card and i said "now i summon Kunoichi Wolfess in attack mode!" and a Pink wolfess appered with a Kunoichi outfit and her atk was 2300 and her def was 9000 and i said "now i place 2 monsters indefence mode and i'm putting down a face down and i end my turn". Spencer drew his card and he said "now i summon Crystal beast emerald turtle in defence mode!" and an emerald appered and it shattered and it transformed into a turtle with emerald spikes on his shell his attack was 1400 (random guess) and his defence was 2800 and Spencer said "now i place 1 face down and i end my turn"

I was about to draw my card but my head throbbed in pain and i grunted a bit and spencer said "you alright?" i grinned a bit and i said "yeah i'm fine" and i drew my card and i said "now i summon Red Flare Wolf in attack mode!! then a red wolf in flames appeared and his ATK was 1600 and his defence was 0000. I said "then i equip him with Dragon's fang and tiger's claw!!" two katanas appeared and they were covered in flames and it raised Red flare wolfs stats his attack is 2000 and his defence is 3000. he looked at Kunoichi wolf and he said "hey Sakura, wanna have some fun with me when we finish this duel?" She glared at him and she said "no, not with you i want Sora to be my mate soon" she blushed as her image with her with sora appeared making love to her and she giggled a bit.

Spencer drew his card and he said "now i summon Crystal beast, saffire pegasis in attack mode!," i saw a saffire appear and it shattered and a white pegasis with a saffire horn appeared his attack was 1800 and his defence was 1200 and he said "and i put down 3 face downs and i end my turn" I drew my card and my head throbbed harder, i wobbled a bit and my monsters looked at me and Red Flare said "master!, you Ok?!" i got my balence back and i said "yeah i need to finish this duel quick!!" and the card i drew was Sora. I grinned a bit and i said "now i summon Aqurian Wolf, Lightning flash wolfess, and Terra wolf!!" and all of those 3 monsters appeared. then i said "Now i sacrafice them all to bring out!" Spencer's eyes were widen with shock and i said "Sora, the ninja wolf in attack mode!!!!"

A Hurricane appeared and the rough winds calmed down and a grey wolf appeared and his attack was 40,000 and his defence was 8000. Spencer smiled and he said "so, this is Sora!! it's great to see you in person than on TV" Sora smiled under his mask as he was flattered. Spencer drew his card and he said "now i activate Crystal Outburst!, this card releases all of my crystal beast in my deck and hand to summon all of them" and all of the other crystal beasts appeared except Topaz tiger, and Amyethest cat. Spencer said "now i use polymorazation! to fuse all of my monster to bring out mighty Rainbow Dragon!!"

A white dragon appeared with all of the crystals on it's side. my eyes twinkled as i said "it's beautiful...." but i shook my head and i said "Sora take him Rainbow dragon out!!, WInd god slash!!!!!!" Sora ran up to the dragon and a whirlwind covered his sword and it destroyed the dragon and it shattered into pieces. My life points were not touched and Spencer were zero the duel discs closed and the monsters dissapeared, meaning the duel was over.

Spencer walked up to me and he said "Great duel, Maelstrom do you have your cell phone?" i nodded and i reached into my pocket and i handed him my black at&t cellphone. He dialed in his number and he said "Now we can stay in touch, hope that i can duel you again, my friend!!" and he walked out of the town square. the news got the duel all on tape and they were rushing toward me to get some answers from me and i use a smoke bomb i made and it clashed the ground and i ran out of there before the smoke dissapeared.

My vision was failing me as i was getting wobbily again and i said "what's happening to me.. ughhh..." and i collapse on the ground. Meanwhile..... "Agent Jock, did you release his hidden power yet?" he sighed sadly and he said "no Agent ....... i haven't release his powers yet he has begun to awaken it" The voice got a bit happier and it said "Very good, Agent Jock. One of us Agents has to fight him again to release the power within him. If the power has gotten to Windaera and Reigarl the world we all know it is over..." Spencer nodded in agreement and he said "i'll call you again agent ......." the voice said "you too Agent Jock"

To be continued.....

Next time, duel 5: A Suffering Heart

Spencer Jock Belongs to Battle-Panther, all of the other characters belong to me.

If anyone wants to join my series give me Your deck, species, colors, and name.

It's Dueling Time!!!! ch.3

Wolf ninja3 here and here's the 3rd chapter of It's Dueling time!!!! enjoy!!! Back home Daniel was having a dream which turned into a nightmare when he was a man wearing all black and the mysterious man said these words "Our bond is strong and...

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