The Aftermath chapter 1

Story by Snowy the wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The AfterMath

Hello every one! Finnally I finished the first chapter I'm sorry it seems short but I was really lazy lately and didn't write so I'm sorry it took so long to get out to you guys. Any ways... Welcome to the Aftermath if you read my character stories you should already know a tiny bit about the story and here we start with alex (mind you this story is a first person story.) If you have any suggestions requests or concerns please put them in the comments below and tell me what you guys think because the feed back from you guys is what fuels me to write. So please I need all the feed back I can get. Anyways thanks for reading I hope you enjoy and there will be more coming soon!! Thank you!

The Aftermath chapter 1: the start of a new beginning

I opened my eyes slightly to look at the time, it was already 7:34a.m and I was still tired. I got out of my bed and walked into my bathroom, i looked horrible. After all the drinking I did last night I wouldn't be surprised, My head hurt and I felt nauseous, this hangover wouldn't help me through the day at all. Parts of my fur were sticky and matted down I couldn't remember what had happened the night before but god knows it couldn't have been good. As I took my boxers off and got into the shower I let the hot stream of water rush all over my body, I tried to remember one more time but it didn't work. Around 15 minutes later, I got out of the shower and dried myself off, I put on a T-shirt and some loose shorts and went out of my apartment.

The waste land safety centers were cities themself of over 10,000 furs per safety center, there were also human ones but, humans mostly lived on the south and east side of the earth, while furs lived on the north and west side. I walked down the long hallway until I got to a different door, as I opened it I was rewarded with a blast of chatter and other furs having their own good times. "akira!" I yelled as I ran up to the vixen giving her a hug. "Damn Alex, you look like you had quite a night last night, I mean your eyes are bloodshot." She said with a tone of concern. "Yeah last night heh, I don't even remember what happened to be honest." As I looked about I saw guards walking around patrolling the area, they looked like they were going to call a search or something. "Hey, what's with all the guards?" As I asked akira as a guard came up to me and started pulling me by the arm. "Bye I guess?" I yelled to akira.

I tried asking the lynx guard in the black suit what was going on but he didn't answer and just kept dragging me through what looked like a hall that was never entered. We stopped at a door with a golden plated label on it which said "lady, rabbit" I knew exactly who she was, she was the president of our wasteland safety center, and from what I heard she is no pushover either. As the guard pushed me in the room and closed the door, the room was overwhelmed with the scent of teas and other perfumes. She was a rabbit in her mid to late 50s and she looked like she had to be from the damned 1800s. "Dear, please take a seat." I sat in front of her desk as she turned around, I couldn't see her face considering the big hat and all the ribbon and feathers she was wearing. She took a sip of her tea and started talking again... "Dear do you know why you're here?" I felt shaken up at the moment and just shook my head in denial. "Well dear, people have brought reports to me about you saying you want to leave here, or as you put it... Explore the outer world. Is this true?" I started to shake my head again as she interrupted me. "You know dear, in this part of the center we don't like liers, until further notice you will be put on house arrest, you will not be able to leave your apartment for anything, I repeat, anything." My mouth gaped open as I looked at her in disbelief. "You can't do this!" she looked more up at me and I could see the evil in glowing yellow eyes. "Oh Mr.Wolfe, I believe I can. Guards have this wolf escorted back to his apartment immediately!" as two burly bear guards came in and grabbed my arms I screamed while they took me down the hall and I struggled to get free screaming "no! You can't do this!

The door slammed as I was thrown into my apartment, I got up off the floor and dusted myself off. "Those fucking bastards, what am I going to do now?" I instantly picked up my phone and dialed Akira's number, "hello akira? I think I have a plan." "and this plan is?" She said sarcastically. "Well, you know how there is a vent system around here? Well I was thinking we could escape this place and, we could go to the outside and we wouldn't have to come back." "Alex are you fucking insane? You're already on house arrest for this bullshit, you don't need to get in any more trouble than you're already in." after two minutes of arguing akira finally came to a point and insisted that she would participate in Alex's plan.

It was midnight, mostly everyone at the safety center should be asleep by now, I was waiting in anticipation for akira to come through his front door. I was bursting with excitement knowing that I was going to finally escape the safety center. Akira slowly opened the door letting herself in, she had almost everything they would need out in the wasteland. I didn't know how she got some of the weapons and radioactive protection gear that she had with her and I didn't question it. "Alright so i've mapped out a way to get to the outside via the vents." Akira started looking worried it must have dawned on her, the consequences of getting caught trying to escape were 5 years of imprisonment. "Alex so help me god, if we get caught I am never going to forgive you" she said with a smirk. "Don't worry akira we won't get caught."

I started to remove the vent cover and crawled in, it was a tight squeeze but we were just thin enough to fit in the vents. We had to have been crawling through for about 10 or 15 minutes, I started to smell air and, the happiness that this gave me was eccentric. I finally got to a vent that lead outside and i got really happy, at the moment I could have squealed with excitement, I began banging on the vent and it bursted open and I at least fell 10ft to the ground, akira coming behind me. The happiness I felt I couldn't even put in words, I took a long breath in and out and I helped akira up. Luckily we still had the weapons and radioactive safety gear, as Alisa got up her jaw gaped open at what had happened to the outside, trees were knocked down, ground and pavement if any were cracked and almost all plants were dead as well as no water source in sight.

We had walked around for a little bit trying to find a place to set up camp as we didn't know what type of harmful things could be out here at night so we should be very cautious. We set up a camp around some trees that surprisingly still stood and since it was around 1:43am by now we were both very tired and just decided to go to bed. "Alex how long do you think were going to survive out here on the outside?" She said with a worried tone. "I have no idea but all I know is that if we try our hardest then we just may be fine without those fucking safety centers." After alex assured Akira that they would most likely be fine he turned over and had fell asleep. "God alex I hope you're right about doing this." She whispered to herself as she turned over and fell asleep

Aftermath character info and stories

Hello everyone! This is my new story, I am introducing you to the characters of my new story The Aftermath. My first character's story is pretty much a description of the story, I will have the first chapter up soon and I will update the character list...