A Night Out

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#3 of Todd and, generally, Jason

Hey look, I wrote a thing that ISN'T Zootopia!

Ok so originally this story was going to be a completely separate one-off but I really like the character of Todd so this became something of a sequel to my story Moving Day. For those wondering, no, I don't plan about writing a prequel or anything that would say explicitly what sort of things happened to Todd in the past because I feel like I've given you the information you need to figure things out for yourself.

But hey, speaking of Moving Day, how bout you click that link below and read the original!https://www.sofurry.com/view/846143

'Gods I hate my friends,' Todd thought bitterly to himself, sitting alone at the bar and nursing a rum and Coke. He looked into the mirrored wall behind the rows of multicolored liquor bottles and saw himself, a short, chubby grey-furred wolf, reflected back, looking lonely despite being surrounded by dozens and dozens of other furs having the time of their lives. Once again his buddies had talked him into hitting up one of the local gay clubs, and once again they'd broken off and immediately found their latest conquests while he sat by himself in the corner, destined to go home alone once again.

Of course he really only had himself to blame; all his life he'd suffered from near-crippling self-esteem issues, mainly related to his short stature and his weight. Despite his confidence being boosted slightly recently due to the occasional paw play sessions with his neighbor Bruno, a massive and friendly grizzly, he was still far too intimidated to try to speak to anyone new in a setting such as this. He just couldn't get over the idea that every laugh, ever snort of derision he heard, was secretly directed at him.

Just as he was making the decision to leave once his drink was finished, his peripheral vision on his left side was suddenly filled with white.

"Mind if I sit here," a deep, bassy voice asked.

"Go right ahead," he replied with a slight slur, not bothering to look up at the speaker.

"Thanks cute stuff."

Todd was about to respond with a somewhat annoyed 'whatever' until he caught sight of the guy squeezing into the seat next to him in the mirror, a massive, beautiful, white-furred polar bear! He was so large his side pressed against the wolf over the space between the stools, and the eyes that met his stare as he turned his head were a gorgeous shade of deep blue. He couldn't tell age, but if he had to guess he'd place the sexy large fur in his 40's, much older than the 23-year old wolf.

"Hi, name's Jason," he said, gargantuan paw proffered.

The much smaller fur shook it, his own hand looking the sizeof a doll's when enveloped in the bear's, and said, "Todd," meekly.

"Nice to meet ya good lookin'! Forgive the cheesy line, but, ya come here often?"

Todd chuckled; he was right, it WAS a cheesy line. "Not really, I was dragged here by....HEY!!!"

He was in the middle of his reply when a tall, svelte tiger shoved his way bodily between them, his back to the wolf and almost knocking him off his stool.

"Hey there Daddy Bear," the tiger said with a cocky, smug grin, seemingly oblivious to the smaller fur he just shoulder-checked, "want this tiger to frost your flakes?"

Jason took a deep, calming breath. "Excuse me, I was havin' a conversation," he said as easily as he could, fighting the anger he felt.

"What, with THIS lardass," he asked with a scoff.

The polar bear was not the type to suffer fools lightly, and the large cat's rude comment was the final straw. He lifted himself up from his seat and reared up to his full height, dwarfing the striped cat, and crossed his massive arms across his chest, a hard and cold expression on his face. Jason took some grim satisfaction in seeing the tiger visibly blanch and wilt under his angry look.

"I said, I was havin' a conversation," he growled, his voice deep and rumbly enough to practically shake the bar, "so I want ya to turn 'round, apologize to my friend here, and walk away. Y'unnerstand, boy?"

The visibly shaken tiger nodded furiously, muttering a quick sorry to the wolf and beat a hasty retreat to a table on the other side of the full dance floor. The polar bear settled himself back down again, taking another deep breath as he did so. He placed a hand gingerly on Todd's shoulder, rubbing gently.

"Ya ok, sweetie? He didn't hurt ya did he?"

"No," he replied quietly, "I'm ok."

Jason raised a concerned eyebrow. Todd's shaking hands and the hitch in his voice told him he wasn't ok. He slid his massive paw down the wolf's arm and held his hand, stroking the back of his grey-furred paw with his thumb.

"Ya know, I only live a couple blocks from here if ya'd like to go someplace quiet to talk or...something else."

Todd's stomach jumped up into his chest cavity; he couldn't believe this gorgeous bear was asking him back to his place! He poured down the rest of his drink in one gulp and turned to face him.

"I-I'd like that." ********************************************************************** "It's a beautiful night for a walk," Todd said slightly drunkenly as he and Jason made their way to the bear's condo, the black sky full of twinkling stars and a crisp breeze keeping them both cool. They were the only two on the street, the only sounds the wolf's sneakers striking the pavement and the polar bear's sandals slapping his wide soles.

"It's because of the great company," Jason said in reply, laying an arm around the wolf's shoulders. Todd giggles shyly and let the massive bear pull him closer against his soft side.

"You're too kind, there's really nothing special to me."

"I beg to differ, sweet thing," he said before coming to a sudden stop. "Here's me," he said, jerking a thumb towards a 5-story brick building on the right.

They stepped inside, Jason sweetly holding the door for Todd, and entered the elevator immediately on their left, the polar bear pressing the 5 button. The car rumbled to life and begrudgingly took them up to the top floor, opening up on a brightly lit hallway with decor that recalled the art deco-stylings of the 1920s. The bear fished his keys from his pocket and opened the door, #20, and led the chubby wolf in to the beautiful, open concept apartment. The combination living/dining/kitchen was softly lit by a couple low wattage lamps in corners and filled with antique furniture. "Wow, this is fantastic! Place must cost a fortune." Instead of a verbal reply, massive paws settled gently down onto his shoulders, massaging gently, drawing a gasp from the young wolf.

"It ain't to bad, but I had a different topic of conversation in mind," he said coyly as those massaging mitts made their way down to his flabby chest and, with surprising tenderness, caressed his nipples through the material of his shirt.

Todd sank back, moaning in pleasure, into the bear's ample gut, worried his knees were on the verge of giving out.

"This feel good, sweet thing," he asked breathily into the wolf's ear. Todd had a moment or two where the question of just how far down Jason was having to bend to speak that closely to him stepped into his brain, but it was quickly forgotten as the plump, white-furred fingers playfully squeezed the hardened nubs.

"Ooohhh gods yes," he said dreamily, eyes closed, breath becoming rapid, his cock growing hard in his jeans, his previous nervousness falling away. "The bedroom's just through that door right in front of ya if ya want to move things in there."

Todd's eyes crashed open, apprehension flooding him again. "A-are you sure," he asked timidly, "I mean I know I want to, but are you sure you wouldn't prefer someone alittle...maybe...better looking than me? That tiger from the bar, maybe?"

The chubby wolf let out a short startled cry as he was spun around to face Jason, who'd gotten down on his knees so they could be eye to eye.

"Listen to me Todd, those scrawny and muscly furs don't do a damn thing for me, and they're all so shallow I wouldn't want 'em even if they did. I asked ya back here because I thought you were easily the cutest guy there and after even just a few minutes of talking to you I could tell what a sweetheart y'are. So don't ya dare talk down on yourself like that, cause I think you're great. Ok?"

Todd was so touched all he could do was nod. Jason smiled and pulled him close until their lips met in a passionate kiss, his hands moving around to brace the much smaller fur's back. He moaned into the wolf's mouth as pudgy hands found their way to his small, rounded ears and began gently caressing them.

"Ooooohhh baby, get back to that bedroom now," Jason said breathily, knees popping as he got back up to his feet.

The short wolf didn't need to be told a second time; he moved quickly towards the door and the room beyond it, a reassuring paw on his back. He was greeted by a gigantic bed with elegant pure-white sheets and beautiful antique wooden headboard and one floor lamp, casting low light over the room like the rest of the apartment. He was in the process of turning to face the massive polar bear to ask how old the headboard was, but sudden nibbling teeth on his neck stopped him in his tracks. He was so enthralled by the gentle nipping he didn't even notice the hands, surprisingly nimble for their size, pulling his shirt up until it was over his head and on the floor, revealing his soft, rounded body.

Jason spun him around, taking in his wonderful belly and chest, perfectly framed by white fur that started under his chin and disappeared down into the waistband of his jeans instead of the light grey fur that started on the top of his head and went down to the tip of his tail.

"Mmm, beautiful baby!"

Before Todd even had a chance to respond, the bear had picked him up and practically thrown him onto the bed with a yelp. He landed on his back and the bear was already in the process of popping his old black sneakers off. A shudder went through him as the cool air of the room hit his warm, moist, sock-covered paws. He shuddered again, this time because Jason had taken to nibbling the rim of his deep bellybutton while he slowly opened the button and fly of his jeans, pulling the dark pants completely off once he'd managed to unfasten them.

The bear took a step back to take in the sight before him, and what a beautiful sight it was! Arms crossed over his ample tummy, sweet, shy smile on his rounded face, laying there in just his grey boxer-briefs --a promising-looking tent, stained a darker shade with precum, throbbing in anticipation-- and white ankle socks, his soles outlined with sweat stains on the bottoms. Jason peeled his black polo and tight jean off slowly, revealing his massive, powerful, thick body, noting with pride the awed and lustful look in the wolf's eyes. He crawled up onto the bed and locked lips with the horny wolf once again, gingerly stroking the sides of his neck and his chest.

Jason slid his hands down the wolf's arms until his reached his own smaller paws, maneuvering them up until his was holding Todd's chubby limbs above his head. With his weight holding the smaller fur's lower body down, his chest was completely exposed and helpless to resist the lightly-nipping teeth that descended down upon it. He couldn't help but chuckle at his whimpering and moaning, loving the feeling of him trying to grind his erection against the bear's own big belly.

"Enjoying yourself, baby," he asked in between gentle nibbles and affectionate licks to the wolf's pink nipples.

"Oooohhhh gods, oooohhhhhh gods yes! Please don't stop!"

"Well I am gonna stop, but only cause I got something else in mind for ya!"

"What could possibly be better?!"

Jason couldn't help but laugh at that. "Gods yer adorable!"

He lowered himself until he was level with the wolf's crotch and took hold of his cock, teasingly sucking the head through the cotton of his boxers for a few moments before pulling his underwear down to reveal a surprisingly thick 6" member.

Todd reached over his head and gripped the wooden headboard, whimpering loudly as the bear dragged his tongue from the base of his cock all the way to the oozing tip and back down again. He couldn't believe what was happening to him! Almost every sexual experience he'd had involved him sucking off whatever guy was willing to let him, then taking care of himself after they would invariably leave immediately after finishing, so someone taking care of his needs was completely and utterly foreign to him. Foreign but incredible! He practically screamed in pleasure as his entire member was suddenly encased in his lover's hot, wet, sucking maw.

Jason took the wolf's cock all the way down to the base, keeping his lips loose, savoring his delicious flavor; he was wonderfully salty with sweat, with just a slight bitterness mixed in. He always kept his lips fairly loose when sucking a cock to create the sloppiest blowjob possible, and the reason he liked giving sloppy blowjobs was because the super-slick mixture of saliva and precum that dribbled down was the perfect lubricant to tease the sensitive nerves of an unsuspecting tailhole. He allowed the clear, thick liquid to coat a chunky finger and, starting at the spot right behind his balls, slowly massaged all the way under him until he was lightly stroking the wolf's tight pucker. He had a slight pause when he felt something unusual down there; he couldn't really tell what it was just by touch but the reaction coming from Todd was so strong, him writhing and moaning madly, Jason just ignored it for the moment and stepped up his bj game.

Todd's insides suddenly felt like an electrical storm in the height of a dry, dry summer as that thick finger began sliding around the edge of his hole. He could feel that stiffening in his spine that told him an orgasm was close, so he began thrusting quicker and quicker into the polar bear's mouth. Or thrusting as much as he could anyway, he really couldn't move all that much with Jason's weight on top of his legs.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh, ooohhhh I'm so close, Jason! Ooohhh don't stop, please don't stop!"

'Hmph, like I'd ever deny myself like that,' he thought to himself, stroking the wolf's rapidly tightening ball sack with the fingertips currently not prodding at his tight hole.

Todd's back arched and he howled out loud --so loud in fact it rattled the windows in the room-- as his very first blowjob ended in a powerful, surprisingly heavy orgasm. The bear moaned pleasurably as he took the hot salty load, his eyes closed as he suckled every last drop from the sweet wolf. After he'd completely milked the smaller fur of every drop he had to offer he continued to hold his sensitive cock in his mouth until it began to soften and Todd's muscles finally started to relax, then letting it slip from his maw.

Jason propped himself up on one elbow and tenderly kissed the wolf's thick thigh as he gently rubbed Todd's round tummy with his other hand.

"Feel good, sweet thing?"

Todd was breathing heavily, ample chest and belly heaving, as he brought his arms back down to his sides --he didn't know it, but he was gripping the headboard so tightly he'd accidentally gouged holes into the wood with his claws. He was so overwhelmed with it all, his head swimming laps in the ether, he didn't even recognize the words being spoken to him. Nor did he notice the bear gently rolling him over onto his belly until the sensation of his white socks being peeled off of his broad, sweaty paws pulled him back.

Jason had his legs spread and the wolf's knees pressed right up to his thighs so his legs were bent and his paws were resting, soles up, at the top of his belly. He slowly rolled the aromatic white socks from them to reveal silky smooth paw pads a beautiful shade of dusty pink. He bent down, placed his nose right in the center of his insteps, and took a deep deep sniff. There was the scent of cotton from his socks and leather from his shoes, but under that was the sharp tang of foot sweat that he craved. The scent was so incredibly tantalizing he couldn't stop himself from immediately diving into those paws, massaging the tender flesh with his lips and tongue, making the owner of said feet moan and whimper and squirm in front of him.

Jason was lost in paw heaven! The wolf's pads felt like supple, well-worn leather and were squishier than an old beanbag chair. Jason could tell Todd was the type that pretty much never went barefoot anywhere, even in his own home. And the taste! The taste was indescribable.

The massive polar bear stopped once each foot was thoroughly moistened and laid the side of his face against Todd's soles. He swore he could practically feel every single nerve twitch and jerk beneath the tender flesh. Suddenly, the urge to satiate another particular kink came strongly upon him. He wasn't sure if the wolf would like it or not, but if he didn't Jason figured he'd make that abundantly clear very quickly. He loosely wrapped his arms around the wolf's calves and lightly stroked his claws against tender upturned soles in front of him. Todd let out a sharp bark of laughter and grabbed a pillow, clutching it to his face as he laughed uproariously, however, Jason couldn't help but notice with a grin that he wasn't trying to pull away from the tickling fingers.

Todd was deeply confused by what was happening and what he was feeling. All his life he'd been excruciatingly ticklish, something his two older brothers had been more than happy to use to, both literally and figuratively, torture him as often as possible. Usually even hearing the word 'tickle' was enough to send waves of panic down his spine, but for some reason he didn't understand not only was he not panicking right now, but he was actually...enjoying himself! He liked being tickled by the big beautiful polar bear. Maybe it was because of the soft, gentle strokes he used instead of the rough and rapid scrapings of his brothers. Maybe it was because the teasing 'coochie-coos' exiting the bear's mouth were playful as opposed to mockingly cruel. If he had to pick just one main reason though, it had to be intent; when his brothers tickled him, they were trying to make things as unpleasant as possible for him, but he could tell Jason was tickling him just for pure fun, and that really made all the difference.

While Todd was busy laughing like a madman and having this inner dialogue, Jason had graduated up to prodding the delicate pads of the wolf's squirming toes with the very tips of his claws, drinking in the sight of his voluptuous rump jiggling as he wiggled frantically from the sensations. As much as he loved the smaller fur's pudgy, tender paws he wanted to explore the rest of the the soft body before him. He sent his tickling fingers cascading over the wolf's heels, down his thick ankles, and teased his calves and behind his knees. Eventually he moved from his position, laying Todd's legs down flat and straddling them so he could lightly rake his claws up and down the backs of his thighs and his cute round butt, making the wolf's laughter rise in pitch a bit.

Jason kissed the small of the laughing, sweating wolf's back as his gentle tickle assault continued, keeping up a constant rhythm until his claws slipped into the gap between the overhang of his belly and the very edge of his hip bones.


The bear immediately stopped what he was doing, not wanting to go anywhere that wasn't comfortable for Todd, and lightly tickled his soft flanks instead. The wolf seemed fine with that area, and Jason loved the way his flabby sides constricted and expanded with his boisterous laughter. He scooted up the wolf's body as he tickled higher and higher up his ribcage until his head was nestled between Todd's shoulder blades and his wiggling fingers were firmly inside his sweat-dripping armpits. He teased the sensitive hollows for a few more minutes before stopping for good, wrapping his arms under and around the wolf's chest, holding him as he kissed the back of his neck.

"Doing OK, sweet thing? That wasn't too much for ya was it?"

The poor, exhausted wolf took a few extra moments to catch his breath before he was able to squeak out an answer. "I'm OK."

The bear smiled and kissed the back of his sweaty neck, "Good, 'cause it's Daddy's turn to get his."

He tenderly nibbled the side of his neck, reveling in the soft pleasured whimpers coming from the back of the young wolf's throat. He started sliding down his body, kissing a trail down Todd's spine until he was laying between his thick thighs and fully drinking in the sight of his perfectly round, wide ass. He kissed and playfully nipped at the fleshy mounds of his cheeks, kneading them firmly with his hands. He gently spread them apart and stopped in his tracks as the unusual thing he felt earlier while rubbing the wolf's hole was exposed to him; it was a knot of scar tissue right under his tailhole, like the ring of muscle had been torn at some point.

"Oh, yeah, about that," Todd said, knowing why Jason stopped, "I-I had a really...bad experience in high school, and no one's really been back there since. I hope you're not grossed out"

"I'm so sorry baby, I'll stay away this area."

"No no," he responded quickly, looking back over his shoulder, "I want it just as much as you, I really do! Just...take it easy on me, please."

Jason reassuringly rubbed the poor wolf's lower back, "Of course sweet thing."

He spread the wolf's cheeks once more and began passionately lapping at the pink, twitching hole, Todd moaning loudly and pushing back onto the licking tongue. Jason licked like his life depended on it, making sure to get the ring of muscle as relaxed as possible for what was coming next.

He temporarily left his position to reach up and open the drawer of a small nightstand beside the bed, removing a bottle of lube before taking up his former spot. He opened the plastic bottle with a 'click' and poured a liberal amount directly onto the wolf's quivering, relaxed hole --making Todd jump a bit from the coldness of the viscous liquid-- before adding some on his fingers. He began lightly stroking and teasing the tight ring of muscle again like before with his index finger until he judged it was ready, then slowly slid one thick finger until it was all the way to the third knuckle, Todd moaning deeply into the pillow the whole time.

He took several minutes, gently fingering with just his index finger, before adding a second. This time there was strained grunting mixed in with the wolf's moans, but the bear quickly put an end to that by gripping Todd's prostate between his two fingertips, smirking as ragged gasps eminatted from his lover. As he teased and tormented --in the best way possible-- the poor wolf, Jason considered his next move. He wasn't sure if the wolf was ready for the real thing, or if a third finger should be added. As much as he was aching to mount the smaller fur, he was a thick 8 inches down there and didn't want to hurt him like whoever it was that made that scar. The decision was made for him, however, as Todd spoke up, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"I don't think I can take much more, Jason, I NEED you in me!!"

"Ya sure yer ready, baby?"

"Gods yes, please!"

Jason didn't need more of an invitation than that. He hopped up on his knees and carefully rolled the chubby wolf over onto his back, lifting his chubby grey/white legs up and scooted forward until his knees were almost touching Todd's round, ample butt. He smiled down on the wolf, who was looking up at him confused.

"I wanna see yer face," he said, answering the unasked question in Todd's eyes.

He dribbled more lube onto his thick cock and rubbed it in until the black flesh was glistening, then, holding the smaller fur's ankles up, positioned his flared cockhead right at his twitching pink tailhole. As he slowly pushed inside, he gingerly kissed the wolf's tender elevated pawpads in an attempt to distract him from the momentary pain of entrance. It worked beautifully; aside from a small, low 'yelp' and a quick grimace creasing his features, he handled Jason's girth admirably. As the bear eased in deeper and deeper, all the way to the hilt, Todd's eyes squeezed themselves tighter and tighter, eventually a few tears forced their way out. The polar bear released the wolf's ankles --they immediately wrapped themselves around his waist-- and, leaning almost parallel with the smaller fur's body, slid his huge mitts under his head and neck, cushioning them.

"Open yer eyes, sweet thing," he whispered, their faces so close they were almost touching, "open'em up and look at yer daddy bear."

The wolf did as he was told, opening his eyes little by little until he could fully see the bear's white, smiling face.

"Ya doing ok, sweetie?"

"I'm ok," he said, voice strained, breath heavy, "I just need a minute, you're so big!"

"Heh, o' course, baby," Jason replied, tilting the wolf's head back so he could softly pepper his throat and shoulders with kisses. Not a few moments later Todd was moaning and had even starting gyrating his hips some, letting the bear know he was ready to go. The massive bear, keeping one hand under his neck and sliding the other under the wolf's back, used short shallow thrusting movements at first, slowly progressing to longer strokes, Todd growling with pleasure as his prostate was constantly prodded and rubbed.

Todd's claws raked the massive bear's white-furred back as he threw his head back in lustful howls, his body burning with need. Every thought in his mind, every eccentricity, every insecurity, was replaced with the need to have Jason deeper and deeper inside him. His legs wrapped tighter around the bear's waist and he thrust hard backward onto the bear's cock. The massive polar bear was momentarily stunned, surprised by the sudden change in the meek wolf's personality, but recovered quickly and increased his pace, his own orgasm building and building dangerously close. His large balls slapped heavily against Todd's cheeks as he let himself cut loose, pounding his hole mercilessly until he finally roared in relief, filling his lover's insides with his hot seed.

They stayed that way, panting and sweating profusely, until Jason started to soften, and it was only then he slowly pulled free of Todd. He allowed himself a small smirk of satisfaction when, upon rearing up fully on his knees, he noted the wolf had came a second time during the fucking, coating both their bellies with his cum, and flopped down on his side next to him.

"Gods DAMN, baby," Jason exclaimed, placing a paw on the opposite side of his face so he could pull him closer and plant a big sloppy kiss on his cheek, "that was fan-fucking-tastic!"

Todd's eyes were still closed and he was still panting heavily, his chest and belly heaving, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"It was," he said breathily, turning his head to look at the sexy older bear, "you're incredible!"

Chuckling, the bear rested a huge hand on the wolf's round tummy. "I don't know baby, I always thought a guy's only as good as tha one they're with, and you....," he drifted off as he looked up and noticed the damage to his headboard.

"Um, sweet thang, get alittle too excited, did we?"

The wolf looked up confusedly at him until he noticed the holes he gouged and both a deep crimson blush and a mortified expression came up onto his face.

"J-jason I'm s-s-so s-sorry," he stammered, "I c-can f-f-fix that f-for you, I p-promise!"

Jason took the scared wolf into his arms and squeezed him tight against his chest, laughing good-naturedly. "Relax baby, I was just pickin' at ya, no need to get upset."

He gently kissed the top of the Todd's head and teased his pointed eartips. "So ya can fix that, huh?"

"Yeah," the wolf said, wiggling out of the bear's grasp so he could move up and they could lay level, "that's what I do for a living, I work for a company that restores antiques."

"Is that so? Well ain't that a stroke'a luck! I got a love for older things myself, except of course for my taste in fellas."

"I noticed, you have some beautiful pieces here."

They spent the next hour talking about their mutual love of antique furniture and their jobs until Jason just happened to look back at the clock on his bedside table and discovered it was almost 4am!

"Damn, it's gettin' late!"

"Oh," Todd responded dejectedly, his heart dropping, "I understand." He began to get up when a large paw wrapped gently around his arm.

"Woah woah, were ya think ya goin', sweet thang?"

"You said 'it's getting late,' I know that means 'get out.'"

The big bear easily pulled the smaller, younger fur back down to him and planted a reassuring kiss on his lips. "Baby, I don't know what kinda guys you been with, but when I say it I mean 'maybe ya should stay here tonight.'"

"R-really? Are you sure?"

"Course I'm sure, now you just cuddle up with yer daddy bear and get some shuteye."

Todd did as the bear said, resting his head on Jason's thick arm as he nuzzled up against his neck. His eyes closed and he growled deep in the back of his throat, almost like a purr, as Jason ran the claws of one hand through his messy head fur while the other scratched his back. It didn't take long for all that combined affection, a kind of affection he'd never felt before, to put him into a deep, comfortable sleep. ********************************************************************************* Morning sunlight, bright and fresh, splashed across Jason's face, stirring him from his deep slumber. A small, lazy smile split his muzzle as he looked down at the chubby, sleeping wolf still in his arms. He tenderly kissed the top of the smaller fur's head and gently squeezed him tighter. Todd squirmed a bit in his grasp, opening his eyes with a quiet groan.

"Shit, sorry baby, didn't mean to wake you up."

"Mmm that's ok," he said groggily, putting an arm around the bear's thick neck.

"You feeling ok, sore at all?"

"Alittle, but it's worth it. Last night may've been the best of my life."

"Aw come on now, no need to try and flatter this ol' bear," he replied, letting go of his hold for the first time and rolling onto his back, closing his eyes as he luxuriously stretched his arms over his head.

Instead of any verbal reply, he heard a soft, quiet moan escape the wolf's lips. Curious, he opened his eyes and saw he looking down with his mouth open. He followed his gaze and realized his thick, 8 inch bear cock was fully erect.

"Oops," he chuckled, "mornin' wood. Wanna help your daddy bear take care of that?"

He smiled hopefully, "Can I?"

"'Course ya can, sweet thing. Ya don't gotta ask for permission."

Todd didn't need any more than that. He slid down until his head was even with the bear's crotch and firmly gripped the base of his cock before lapping greedily at the black shaft. He graduated to sucking just the bulbous head, savoring the taste of Jason's precum as he playfully squeezed the shaft in rhythm with the sucking. The massive polar bear growled softly as he enjoyed the attention being lavished on member. As shy and inexperienced as he may be, the wolf really knew how to tease a cock!

Jason got a second surprise when the wolf suddenly climbed atop his large belly in a 69 position and began deep throating his meat, dragging gasps and moans of pleasure out of him. Due to his short stature the bear received a full view of Todd's ass and, even better, with the way his knees were bent his broad paws lay soles up on the bear's chest. He gave serious consideration to giving those gorgeous soft paws a good tickle before remembering his cock was completely surrounded by sharp teeth and thought better of it, opting to lightly rub and squeeze them instead. The sight, scent and feel of the wolf's chubby feet combined with his amazing cocksucking skills made short work of Jason's resolve and he roared in climax after just 5 minutes. Todd swallowed ever single last drop, expertly milking his balls until there was nothing left.

"Damn, baby, where you been all my life?!?!"

Todd turned to face him and smiled and giggled, simply shrugging his shoulders humbly as he licked a stray drop of the bear's seed from his lips. Jason sat up once the wolf slid off of him, sliding back until his back was against the headboard. He spread his legs and patted the open space between his thighs.

"Take a seat," he instructed, and Todd did as he was told, resting his back against the bear's belly. Jason immediately seized the wolf's wrists and lifted them up over his head. Then, holding them firmly in one gigantic hand, used his own legs to separate Todd's and kept them apart.

he smaller fur shuddered, partly from fear (the things his brothers had done to him still firmly in his mind after all that time) and partly from excitement. He just couldn't figure out why the bear was able to do things to him that he was terrified of and make him like it, but the throbbing in his cock proved a good-enough distraction to make him not really care about the his psychological makeup at the moment. He made the decision to clear his mind and just go with the flow.

Right as he came to that conclusion he burst into helpless giggles, the cause of which was a blunt bear claw wiggling in his exposed armpit. He lay his head back on Jason's belly and let the tingly sensations take him over, his member drooling pre-cum over how his nerves were being manipulated.

"I hope this ain't too weird for ya, sweetheart, I just kinda got this thing for ticklin'. I can stop if ya don't like it."

"I lihihihihike it whehehehehen yohohohohou dohohohohoho it," the wolf giggled in response.

"Really," the bear asked, clearly excited.


"Good, then get ready for more! Tickle tickle tickle, baby!" The bear's hand moved over to Todd's belly, mercilessly teasing the soft, squishy flesh and occasionally plunging a claw into his deep naval.

Jason was in heaven! Not only did the sexy round wolf say he liked what he was doing, but judging by the way his hips were thrusting and his cock was drooling, it clearly wasn't just simple lip service. And as his tickling fingers made their way down to his inner thigh, he was certain he could hear moaning mixed with his helpless laughter.

As much as he wanted to keep up with his ticklish exploration, the wolf's short, thick cock was simply too inviting. He wrapped his pillowy soft hand around the throbbing shaft --it was big enough to fully engulf his member-- and alternately squeezed and released. Todd melted back into the bear's own round belly as he moaned lustily, humping into the hand holding him prisoner.

"Feel good, baby," he whispered into Todd's ear.

"Ooooohhhh gods, oooohhhhh fuck yeah!"

"Yeah? Ya wanna cum for yer daddy bear?"

"Oooohhh yeah, please!"

Jason left off the squeezing and began pumping the thick meat in his hand, teasingly licking his wolf's ears as he continued whispering into them.

"Oh fuck baby, yeah that's it, blow yer load in daddy's hand, oh fuck!"

Todd, whimpering and moaning shamelessly, thrust into the soft hand in time with the pumps, so very desperately close to his orgasm. All he needed was one extra little push. Almost as if he'd read his mind, Jason suddenly stuck his tongue into the pink flesh of the wolf's ear, pushing him over into the third howling climax in less than 12 hours.

Chuckling, Jason released his hold on the smaller fur's wrists, legs and cock, bringing his paw up to his face to lick off the hot wolf seed that was dripping between his fingers. Once he'd cleaned his paw off he wrapped his arms around Todd in a tight hug, simply enjoying the weight pressing against him and the warmth radiating from his round body.

"Thank you," Todd finally said, breaking the silence.

"For what, baby?"

"For last night and this morning. No one has ever been as good to me as you have."

Jason chuckled, "You deserve it, sweet thing. I think yer a really special guy. In fact, I think yer so special I'd like to see ya again later tonight, take ya'out on a proper date."

Todd blushed a deep crimson and his ears felt like they were burning. He couldn't believe the things he was hearing! No one had ever asked to see him after they got what they wanted from him before, much less in a romantic no-sexual way!

"R-really? You w-want to see m-me again?"

"'Course I do, baby, if yer not busy or nothin'."

"Well, I have some work to do today, b-but I should finish up around 5:30, if that's OK."

"Sounds fine to me, sweet thing. I'll swing by and pick y'up at 7, I know a great restaurant I think you'll like." ************************************************************************ Todd smiled to himself as he walked through the city streets, the air still chilly under the morning sun. Jason had been concerned about the wolf walking all the way back to his apartment as he was a bit wobbly and unsteady after all they'd done the past several hours, doing everything short of begging the smaller fur to let him give him a ride or at least call a cab for him, but he'd finally convinced the massive polar bear it wasn't that far and he liked to walk. The older fur had succeeded, however, in talking him into at least letting him help get his cloths back on, but really that was little more than an excuse to sneak more tickles in, especially on his broad, tender paws on the pretense of helping wedge his sneakers back on.

The wolf's mind wandered as he came closer and closer to his own apartment complex. He couldn't believe how much had changed over the course of just one night! Meer hours ago he'd been lamenting his loneliness and his personal romantic history and drowning his sorrows, now he had a date with an incredible guy, a guy who could've had his pick of any fur in town but had chosen him for some reason the chubby lupine couldn't figure out.

He was so deep in thought and pleased with his life at the moment he almost didn't even realize he'd reached his building. He snapped out of his trace and opened the door, stepping into the tiny, darkly-lit lobby. As his eyes adjusted to the dark common area he noticed his friend and neighbor Bruno, a gigantic grizzly bear dressed in his characteristic worn jeans and red plain shirt that doesn't quite manage to hold all his bulk in, walking down the stairs, probably on his way to his own job. The bear smiled that cute half smile of his as his brown eyes landed on the chubby grey wolf.

"Morning, Todd," he said gruffly, eyeing him up and down and slyly saying, "have a good time last night?"

Todd chuckled, slightly embarrassed. He'd seen Bruno before going out last night and he new it was impossible for the observant bear to not notice he was wearing the same clothes.

"The BEST time!"