Fight or flight

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#4 of To charm a dragon

To charm a dragon: part four

Fight or flight?

To all those that just read my stories for their sexual content, after the sex scene, there is nothing but story, so don't bother with continuing reading after that point if you're reading for pure sexual enjoyment.

Hyran turned up early for the next 'appointment' with Amethyst, eager to see her again. He found that she was already there, sunning herself on a rock by the lake, lying on her back, her back legs kicking lightly at the air in a very cute way as she dozed.

He held another packet of strawberries in one hand, and a branch of grapes in the other.

He made his way over to the little dragon, being rather quiet. He was good at sneaking around sleeping people. The thing most people didn't realise, is that if you whisper and sneak, then you're more likely to wake someone up than if you were to act normally.

So he walked over to her casually, hoping that she wouldn't wake up.

He reached her side, and smiled evilly. He remembered one time when she had dragged him into the water, and now it was time to repay the favor.

He grabbed her hips in either hand, and then spun her up, and out into the water.

She squealed with surprise and spread her wings, flapping futilely as she hit the water.

Hyran laughed as he watched her flap around awkwardly in the water. She was still flapping and splashing wildly when she disappeared under the surface.

Hyran was still laughing, but he was starting to get worried. She had been under there for nearly a minute.

He tore his shirt off and leapt into the lake, the cold water shocking him. He dove down to the last place he had seen her, and began to search frantically.

He felt something nip at his ankle. Any other time he would have been terrified, but he was desperate to find Amethyst, and nothing was going to stop him.

He was on the verge of blacking out when he felt her muzzle pressed against his lips, and his oxygen-starved brain didn't know whether it was real or just a daydream. But the rush of air that filled his lungs was very real.

He strove for the surface, Amethyst milling in the water next to him, keeping up with him easily. She was incredible graceful in the water.

He reached the surface and pulled himself onto a rock, gasping and spluttering, staring incredulously at Amethyst.

"Don't do that again." He choked out.

"You humans really are silly, what would have happened if I wasn't there?" She asked innocently, a twinkle in her eye.

"I would have died." Hyran pointed out.

"And we all know what a shame that would be. Now, come over here, I haven't had a good rub for days now, so get to it." She commanded.

Hyran made his way over to her, bringing the food he had brought with him.

She began to suckle at the strawberries as he started rubbing her body with the oil from the jar that she had procured.

"Why do people always think dragons are big?" He asked.

"I don't know, I guess that all the tinned meat (knights in shining armour) figured that it would be more impressive for them to say that they took down a big dragon. Because, by their reckoning, anyone can kill a little dragon." She replied thoughtfully, rolling into new positions to allow him easier access to her little body.

"But how can people ride dragons if you're all so small?" He asked, his hand creeping down between her back legs.

She moaned and then giggled. "You can't. Well, I know why some people think that. Its actually quite funny, but not to the people who it happened to." She said.

"Go on." He urged, as he began to rub the lips of her little pussy.

She sighed pleasurably and rolled fully onto her back, spreading her legs as far as they would go as she started to tell him the story.

"Well, years ago, there were two sentients who were madly in love with each other. One was a human, the male, the other, a female dragon. They made a pact when they first got together, that they would have sex everywhere they could think of. One day, they decided to fuck on a mountain peak. So they climbed up to the top, and the human began taking the dragon from behind. But their movements must have caused as avalanche or something, because they both fell off. As they fell, they passed a monk who was making a pilgrimage to a mountain shrine. He saw the two of them, the dragon flapping madly, with the human holding on to her, and must have thought that they were flying together." She explained.

Hyran laughed, kissing her neck. "Poor dragon though." He commented.

He had been rubbing her the whole time she had been speaking, and she was now ready for sex. "Fuck me." She said, in a whispered order.

"Anything for my love." He said, moving up between her legs and making himself comfortable.

But she pushed him away. She leapt into the water, and laid down on her back in the shallows, spreading her legs to him, her little pussy just out of sight beneath the water.

Hyran moved up to her again, figuring that the water wouldn't feel cold for too much longer.

He thrust himself between her silky lips and began to move back and forth, his motions random and erratic from the ebb and flow of the water.

She moaned contentedly and nuzzled him, nipping at his ear lobes playfully as he took her.

She quickly orgasmed from the feel of him so deep inside her body. She clutched herself to him, lifting her body completely out of the water as she moved against him, determined to make him cum.

He lifted her out of the water, and began to bounce her on his cock.

She moaned and kissed his neck, purring delightfully and rocking back and forth as he thrust.

She felt another orgasm coming, and hoped that he was close as well, but as her pussy tightened around him she felt him keep pumping into her body rhythmically, showing no signs of stopping.

Hyran made a little sound of protest as Amethyst leapt of him, but he quickly ran to her as she posed on a rock, like she had done the first time he had taken her.

He stepped behind her, and pressed his hard cock against her entrance, wanting to tease her a little before taking her.

She pressed back at him, causing the head of his cock to slip between her lips. He thrust himself all the way into her, unable to stop himself.

He started to take her hard and fast, needing to cum in her.

Amethyst was happy with arrangement, cooing in pleasure and thrusting back at him as he got close to his orgasm.

He could feel the lips of her pussy massaging the head and length of his cock as he plunged into her, her juices slicking his cock and making her slit delightfully tight and wet.

He held back for as long as he could, hoping to make her orgasm again. His extra effort was awarded as Amethyst arched her back, her sex contracting around his thrusting member as he came.

He leaned over her body as he felt his cock spurting his load of hot cum into her body.

He groaned as he felt his cum spill from the tip of his cock into her womb.

His cum was greeted by a gush of juice as Amethyst tensed up, loving the feel of his erupting member so deep in her body.

They both collapsed onto the rock, panting hard, nipping at each other's neck lovingly as they enjoyed the afterglow.

"What happened to trouble?" He asked.

"Oh, she went home, but she could be coming back. I heard that trouble always cums in threes, and she only got one last time." She replied slyly, smiling at him.

She curled up to him, nibbling at his neck tiredly, before falling asleep, content in the arms of her lover.

Hyran was lying on a rock next to Amethyst, who was deep asleep. He gently stroked her neck as he stared at her, admiring her beautiful sleeping form.

He was so focused on her that he didn't notice the massive plume of smoke emanating from the castle till nearly half an hour after it started.

"Fuck." He whispered, staring at the smoke. It was huge, at least as round as the castle, and the fire coming from it must have been just as big. It sure wasn't a cookout creating that kind of flames.

He got up, waking up Amethyst as he hurriedly threw on his clothes.

"What's wrong?" She asked hurriedly, as she stared at him. "Does this mean no sex today?" she asked.

He took the time to laugh, kiss her goodbye, and then splash some water over his face before sprinting towards the burning castle.

He knew well before he reached the gates that something was wrong.

The gates were lying on the ground, crumpled and twisted as though a giant fist had impacted them and threw them open.

Hyran wondered what could possibly do that sort of damage, wishing that he had thought to bring his sword with him.

He had only taken a few steps into the first market square when several robed figures seemed to melt out of the buildings around him.

"Where is she?" One of them hissed. The voice didn't sound human.

Hyran eyes them with trepidation. Each one carried a long, curved scimitar sheathed on their hips, and a knife at the other.

"Who." He asked warily, careful for some kind of attack. He was now surrounded by the black robed figured.

"The dragon. I can smell her on you. Perhaps we will torture her while you watch. Or you could tell where she is, and we will kill you quickly and painlessly." It hissed.

"Why should I care about a dragon?" He asked, trying not to look at the sharp swords, or the way the sun glittered off the edges.

"Because you are in a relationship with one of them. You are madly in love with her. I can read you like an open book." It hissed, stepping closer, resting a hand on its dagger.

Hyran figured that if he were going to survive, he would have to act now.

He leapt forwards, elbowing the thing in the face, grabbing the hilt of the scimitar in one hand and pressing the dagger firmly into its sheathe with his other, trying to stop the creature from bringing it into play.

He spun to the right, around the creature, drawing its sword as he did so. He reversed the sword, and stabbed it straight through the stomach from behind.

Another one came at him just as he stabbed the first, hoping to stop him before he could extricate the sword.

He spun again, drawing the sword from the creatures back, slicing sideways and ducking at the same time.

The creature's sword slashed over his head, missing him by mere inches. His swipe took it in the leg, shearing it off cleanly above the knee, causing it to fall to the ground and clutch at the spurting stump.

He grabbed the dropped sword, now holding two, and fixed the nearest creature with a challenging stare.

They all retreated. He threw a sword at one of the creatures, catching it through the chest, puncturing its heart. To his surprise, the creature evaporated into dust and sword skidded to a halt in the dirt.

He walked over to the writhing creature in the dirt, kicking away the dagger it tried to draw.

"What are you?" He asked; holding the sword over its chest, point down, an obvious threat.

It only laughed, a deep, unearthly sound that reverberated in his chest and made him feel nauseous.

Its hood fell back, and Hyran got a good look at what it was.

It looked to have been a bird at some earlier stage, having feathers and a beak. But the beak was curved, with jagged edges, looking as if it was made for the single purpose of killing things slowly and painfully.

He stared down at its face in revulsion as it continued to laugh, before plunging the sword into its chest, turning it to ash.

He heard a sound behind him, and spun around, arm beck, ready to throw a dagger at this new threat.

He lowered the dagger as a young woman walked timidly out from between the two buildings.

"Please help." She begged. "They've killed every one. They keep asking about a dragon. Please help me escape."

Hyran heard another sound to his right, and saw a veritable army of the creatures marching towards them.

He spun on his heel, and started to run, yelling for the woman to follow.

He just hoped that he could back to Amethyst before the creatures did. He didn't want to think about what those things would do to her if he didn't get her to safety.

He reached the lake, certain that he hadn't been followed.

Amethyst stood up and hissed as he entered, as if she didn't know him.

"How many times did you make me cum the first time we fucked?" She hissed, heedless of the other human with him.

"Six. But wh--" He began, but she quickly silenced him, and began telling him hurriedly that they had to get out of there, and fast too because the creatures wouldn't be far behind them. She said that she would explain everything later, after they reached a place she called 'white haven'.

Hyran sighed and began to follow her as she set out at once. He knew he was in for trouble when he had first met her. But now he had just one question, how much trouble?