Commission: Guest Among the Dragon's Garden

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Hello~ This commission's characters belong to Important to note is that the commissioner wished for me to use the pronoun's, "They, them, their." This made it a bit of a challenge, but I think I pulled it out :D...Or well left it in.

Within a glade not touched by human hands sunlight poured through a hole in the ground that led into a great expanse of green and stone. Among the various plants a dragon stood tall upon its haunches, stocky and strong with indigo scales spotted here and there with brown and white, the sunlight glimmering off of its scales as it leaned down to sing magic whispers to plants, a single digit reaching as it tempted and brought a patch of flowers to grow nice and pretty. Once the spell was over Hobbes leaned in to take a deep breath from the nostrils, eyes fluttering as they took in the scent of freshly grown lavender. They certainly weren't anything useful for healing or magic even, but they were precious and created a scent that in its own right was magic, and for that Hobbes could spend a little juice raising them. With a content smile the dragon turned to begin attending to their other herbs and plants. Each plant got a few words of magic encouragement and a bit of water if they seemed a bit too dry and every so often Hobbes would replace a weed or two with something more useful. Everything was at peace, and though it might have been a bit boring, Hobbes genuinely loved the serenity along with the garden that they so painstakingly tended to each and everyday. Finishing with the more magical oriented plants Hobbes turned just as the earth shook from above. The indigo dragon raised a brow and looked up at the hole leading to the outside world. A familiar streak of shimmering gold flew in from the hole wings stretched out wide as Hobbes' dear friend Dhioni halted to a glide to eventually land straight upon the patch of lavender that had just been raised.

With a sigh Hobbes moved to greet their friend with a wave of a claw. The great strong chested dragon reared up upon his haunches to give a toothy grin and announce himself and purpose without much ceremony, "Hobbes! You open for a sleepover?"

The gears turned in Hobbes' mind as they examined their friend, eyes narrowing as they examined Dhioni. The other dragon typically had a few nicks here and there upon the scales, and his claws were always a mess, but there was something odd. Dhioni's chest was rising and falling quickly as if his flight had been rushed, the scales along his cheek had a fresh gash that seemed to touch the hide as blood trickled from beneath and so as Hobbes approached they had to ask, "What trouble did you get into this time?"

Dhioni blinked, placing a claw against his chest as if offended by the inquiry, "Hobbes? You think I'd be dumb enough to get into some sort of mess?" His troubled look was then replaced with a fat grin, his tail lashing proudly as he continued on, "Well, maybe I dropped a sheep or two onto a village girl or three to see the humans squirm and yell." His voice then turned a bit lower, "And just maybe I got chased by a couple of knightes."

Dhioni had also simply desired to see Hobbes. He would never admit it openly, but he badly wanted the company of the other dragon, his heart heavy with loneliness and perhaps just a bit of lust. Admitting such a thing would be too large of a sign of weakness and he would not allow that. Instead he would keep the reason of his little visit a secret and simply change the subject if pressed. In truth he could have killed the knights giving chase, but then again that would have caused more problems than desired. It would be best to hide among the plants and rocks in Hobbes' home, and if he was lucky Hobbes would drop their guard and Dhioni would be able to let out a little pent up aggression and loneliness.

Hobbes might've been a bit wary at first, but their eyes continued to flick to the cut upon Dhioni's cheeks, their mind counting the various times that the golden dragon had gotten in trouble and remembering how many times it had been because he had teased the wrong dragon, or riled up the nearby human kingdoms. With a sigh Hobbes stretched out their wings and turned away to continue tending to the garden while huffing, "Possible trouble indeed. I'll still need to tend to all the plants, especially the ones you just trampled, I'll entertain you later."

Dhioni scratched at his chin with a single digit, nodding at every word and snickering just a bit at the part with the trampled plants while at the same time moving to the patches of grass without anything important on them. Hobbes wouldn't deny him, he knew the other too well and even without battle scars Hobbes would have been as amiable as ever, truly a great friend, perfect to take advantage of. Rather than reply to Hobbes he decided to play the wounded and tired escapee. Curling upon the soft grass and shutting his eyes to pretend to take a nap.

After a bit of silence Hobbes rose and turned to look upon a napping Dhioni. Normally the golden dragon would boast and speak as if he were in love with his own voice, and yet now whatever he had been through had rendered him too tired to even chatter. Hobbes snorted, perhaps it served Dhioni right for bothering humans without provocation, and maybe it still hurt Hobbes to see their friend so harmed. With a sigh Hobbes leaned down to plant a soft peck upon Dhioni's head before finding a soft patch of grass to lie in. A nap would be nice among the silent grove. The garden was taken care of and Dhioni was resting away wounds that he had earned himself. Truthfully Hobbes felt terrible every time they looked upon Dhioni's wounds. There wasn't a reason to feel so bad, Dhioni had earned the wounds himself with such silliness and perhaps Hobbes should have thrown the golden dragon out for trampling such pretty flowers, but seeing him so exhausted tore at Hobbes' heart strings to no end. Even if Dhioni caused a bit of mischief now and then, the least Hobbes' could do was let him rest off those wounds and wait until the humans were less angered.

Soon after feeling Hobbes' kiss upon his head, Dhioni cracked open an eye slowly to see that his friend was curled up, eyes closed, body rising and falling slowly. For a moment he stayed entirely still, unsure if Hobbes had been lying there long enough to be asleep. Both eyes open now he rose carefully, padding his way to Hobbes' sleeping form on all fours, waiting a few minutes before making his final approach. He nudged at Hobbes' side with his snout, standing tall then to feel over their tail with gentle claws. A smirk touched the side of his mouth as Hobbes only turned a bit from the touch and nothing else. Dhioni was lucky that his friend was so innocent and easily fooled. Hobbes had a bleeding heart and could suspect no ill intent from a friend so seemingly vulnerable. How could such an innocent mind possibly think that Dhioni planned such a delightful event while the indigo dragon slept.

Already a heat rose within Dhioni as he stepped in closer, his knotted cock growing hard and slipping free from his genital slit. Carefully he lifted Hobbes tail to get a good look at their cunt, grinning as he saw the puffy lips, the warmth from that slit radiating nicely. Hobbes might go either way when it came to gender, but they had a pussy meant to be bred. For that reason Dhioni would always consider Hobbes a breeding bitch ready to be taken and impregnated whenever he desired. Hobbes never seemed to mind before, not that they had any choice. Dhioni was a male among males, a dragon that would take any bitch and place them underneath him for a firm rutting, he'd never let a piece like Hobbes go, especially with how he so hungered for the touch of another, how he so desired the love of another at this moment.

Letting out a warm hiss of breath he fully examined Hobbes' body. The other dragon was such a chubby thing with wide hips and strong muscle underneath, and that made them perfect for carrying plenty of eggs. The thought of taking the other and forcing her to bear his children enough to make his cock twitch and drool with slick pre. First he would taste the bitch before him, taste what he so rightfully deserved. Lying down upon his side carefully he brought his maw over Hobbes' cunt, his thick tongue brushing against the sleeping dragon's slit carefully, slowly allowing him to take in the taste and wet that warm hole. Hobbes' breath began to grow rapid, little moans here and there sounding off from the sleeping dragon.

Dhioni felt a charge of lust push through his body as he dug his tongue deep inside of Hobbes' cunt, not wanting to be kind or gentle at all, but slowing himself down for the sake of surprise. His tongue twisted and pushed further inside, rolling around and pulling out to wet it with his spittle as best as he could. Dhioni was diligent with stretching that cunt out with his tongue, making sure every single inch he could reach was slickened with his spittle, and making sure that Hobbes hadn't been fucked by anyone else recently. Hobbes at the moment belonged to him and no one else. Now he desired compensation for giving such good service with his tongue, his cock twitching violently and burning something fierce, he desired to fuck Hobbes' throat and the fact that the dragon still lie asleep bothered him just a bit. Rising he stepped to Hobbes' front, turning the slumbering dragon upon their back, one powerful claw grabbing at Hobbes' neck, the other gripping at his cock to press the tip against Hobbes' mouth.

Hobbes' eyes opened wide as they felt something gripping at their neck, and something thick and rather pleasant smelling touching their lips. For a moment they thought to struggle, and yet as they registered what held their neck they paused and felt their entire body flush, suddenly very aware of how wet their cunt had become. Hobbes had thought Dhioni too hurt to do such a thing, but here the male was towering before them as if they were some sort of slave to be used, and yet the rude awakening only caused their cunt to twitch in anticipation of the rough rutting they would be receiving. Dhioni would ruin their cunt and stuff it with hot cum and at that point Hobbes' wondered if Dhioni meant to impregnate them? Would Dhioni take help take care of the eggs? Certainly it wasn't Dhioni's style to settle down in one place, but taking care of a clutch of eggs by one's self wasn't exactly fun. Still, the thought of being used in such a way again brought a hot lance of lust up their spine, Hobbes' body shuddering at such a thought. Hobbes would at least need to struggle, at least need to say something to prevent Dhioni from getting his way without so much as asking, but before Hobbes could say a word Dhioni commanded, "Open."

Hobbes shuddered at the lust in his command and the way he began grinding his cock impatiently against their snout. Hobbes' eyes became half-lidded and for a moment they weren't sure what to do. They could ignore the command and instead bite out, teaching Dhioni a lesson in courting a dragon properly, or they could simply obey and give into baser emotion, allow their instinct to command both body and mind and simply become a hole to be filled with dragon seed from either end. Such thoughts brought Hobbes' body to squirming, wet pleasure and anticipation slipping from their twitching cunt. Hobbes thought to resist for one last time, thought to tell him no and push him away, but a drop of pre touched Hobbes' snout, a drop that they had to lick up with their long tongue, their tongue brushing against the thick cock that threatened to invade every single hole that Hobbes' had to offer.

Hobbes again they heard that powerful command that seemed to break Hobbes out of their thoughts and bring them back into reality where a beautiful dragon cock was presented right before their eyes, "Open!" This time with a tinge of anger that brought their maw open wide to allow him in, tongue sticking out inviting the dominant dragon's cock inside without shame. Yes, they needed this. Hobbes' needed to be treated like this and bred by a proper male, doubts be damned, and they could lecture Dhioni later on the matter of being a proper guest in another's home, along with the proper method to court another dragon.

Hobbes thoughts were pushed aside as suddenly the thick cock poised to violate their mouth was shoved against their tongue and pushed in deep into Hobbes' maw. A gag sounded off as that thick thing was suddenly thrust so firmly and deeply within their mouth. Hobbes' tongue coiled around Dhioni's knotted member, trying their best to suck down such a large thing while at the same time attempting to keep breathing. Dhioni gave Hobbes' little chance to adjust, his hand upon their neck kept Hobbes' pinned down, strong hips working the golden dragon's massive cock roughly into the smaller dragon's mouth and throat, Hobbes' snout touching the larger dragon's taint with every single time. Upon their back Hobbes' wasn't entirely comfortable, and yet the action of being pinned by such a powerful male while he pumped that massive cock into their throat brought a certain heat to their shuddering body. Hobbes shut their eyes tight, tail lashing as they began to struggle for breath, but still Dhioni refused to stop with his non-stop face fucking.

Pain and pleasure mixed in the strangest ways as Hobbes felt their jaw become sore from Dhioni's pounding of their maw. Already they could feel slick pre staining every corner of their mouth and throat, warm slick substance doing very little to dull the pain. At one point Hobbes tried to raise a claw meekly to beg for a bit of relief, but the Dhioni simply brought a foot upon their claw, hips working even faster it seemed as if to punish Hobbes for even daring to go up against the larger dragon.

Even what meager air Hobbes could get from their nostrils didn't seem to be enough and they found their mind mired in a haze that threatened to see them out cold and limp, but they endured. Their back arching and their tail flicking out furiously they tried their best to keep their eyes open, Hobbes unsure of just how much more they could take.

At the same time Dhioni was reveling in his conquest, letting out hisses and unabashed roars of triumph as he thrust his cock, knot and all, into Hobbes wet mouth. Every little gag, every little struggle and complaint that Hobbes' made only urged Dhioni to go faster, lust and hunger fueling his every movement, dominance his goal. Even as he felt so close he held himself back, shutting his eyes tight and holding tight to Hobbes neck to keep them pinned to the ground, not wanting the bitch to have any chance to escape this. He felt Hobbes for a moment struggle, heard a muffled whimper and plea for release, but those little pathetic noises only brought more pleasure through his body. Even as his cock was twitching and ready to burst he only continued to thrust, one last push to keep his cock in that wet throat as he began let loose. Thick cum spurt out in heavy jets, staining Hobbes throat in the thick seed. Dhioni let out a pleasure coo his cock fully buried in that mouth even as Hobbes struggled, grinning as the smaller dragon slowly stopped struggling, growing limp. Once he finished and all of his cum was drained into that maw he pulled free from his bitch's maw reveling in the way that Hobbes sputtered for breath.

Hobbes coughed out, barely awake, barely aware, head swimming in a sea of heated cum and pain. Pleasure shook their body when finally they were able to breath properly, and yet they found themselves too weak to even move, too weak to give Dhioni the proper tongue lashing the bastard deserved. With half-lidded eyes they could see Dhioni's cock slowly rising back to full erection, their body shuddering as they realized that those powerful thrusts had only been the beginning. Such a dangerous action could have meant their life, and yet Hobbes trusted Dhioni to be better than that, better than to choke them so, but at the same time the mistreatment felt good, the feeling of being so powerless and under the control of another felt far too good! Such a shameful feeling filled Hobbes as they realized their pussy was only growing further wet with such thoughts, such treatment.

When finally Hobbes was able to attempt sitting up, they felt a strong foot upon their chest to keep them down, eyes glancing up at the massive member that was fully erect and prepared to ravage them again. Hobbes looked away abashed, they desired to be ravaged further by that cock, even if it meant slipping back into that dream like state with only cum to breath in. When Hobbes' looked away they heard Dhioni suddenly speak, "Guess I should probably apologize...Probably leave you here too...Right?"

Hobbes knew what they should have said. They should have called Dhioni out on his sudden abuse of their relationship, told him how much of a fool he is for being so rude for taking advantage of a friend's hospitality, and yet the thought of him leaving without filling their pussy only filled Hobbes heart and mind with a desperate feeling of regret, and a burning desire to see him finish what he started.

Silence reigned for a moment between the two until Dhioni brought his foot off of Hobbes' chest to turn in place. Hobbes sat up almost immediately though their head felt a bit dizzy. Before Hobbes could say a word against it, Dhioni again spoke up, "Huh, figured you might be into getting that cunt of yours filled, but I might have overstepped my boundaries right? You probably want me to leave now. Think I'll find myself some other bitch to fill with this cock of mine."

Gulping, Hobbes crawled forward crouched low to the ground to nip at the others tail, not wanting to say it out right, hoping that he wouldn't make them beg for it, wouldn't humiliate them. Still the golden dragon had his back turned to Hobbes, but he wore a grin upon his proud mug, turning only when Hobbes made a pathetic whimper. With his cock in full sight Hobbes brought their snout against the underside, long tongue flicking out against the drool covered member, dragging around and across the hot flesh to recapture the feeling of Dhioni's thick member.

Dhioni only grinned at the bitch in heat as he began to speak, began to taunt them, "Oh? You didn't seem this eager before? Hungry for my cock? What a fucking slut..."

Hobbes made no noise of complaint, they only began suckling upon that thick cock, eyes closed, tongue working diligently now as the lust drunk dragon became lost in that taste, the shame a thing of the past. Dhioni then pulled his cock away, Hobbes gasping and trying to lean forward to get Dhioni's cock back inside of their maw. Dhioni hissed, his wings opening out wide as a threat. Hobbes reacted immediately, backing away, crouched low to the ground, licking at the air, desperate for cock. Dhioni folded his wings, standing upright to continue taunting the other, "You want this cock then? You should have been working to service me from the beginning, should have asked if I wanted some, but instead you waited, forcing me to take action. You know what I want, you know what I am, and what you are...You do know what you are right?"

Hobbes whimpered and turned their head away, too ashamed to even say such a thing. Dhioni only snorted and began to turn, "If you can't even admit it, can't even say the words you know I want to hear then why should I give you anything you want? So go on...Say it...You're a bitch in heat and you want my cock."

A pang of shame struck Hobbes as they found themselves turning towards Dhioni, mouth opening to speak in a low tone, "I'm...I'm a cunt to be used by your cock, to be bred and used as you please. I'm your bitch in heat and I need you in my pussy please, please give me your seed and impregnate me."

Dhioni paused for a moment, claw leaning down to touch Hobbes' chin as he dragged his cock against the horny bitch's snout. Hobbes' brought their mouth open before that throbbing cock, their breath hot against that thick knotted piece. Dhioni stood there loving every second of the bitch before him staring at his cock as if it were the most important thing in the world, as if he himself were a god. He shuddered, his wings flexing for a moment as he dragged his cock slowly against the other's mouth pausing as the tip touched Hobbes' tongue. Dhioni allowed Hobbes some room to do as they pleased, the dominant dragon enjoying the way Hobbes swallowed his cock whole, groaning as Hobbes shut their eyes and began to bob their head back and forth to milk and pump his twitching cock.

Hobbes gagged and choked upon that thick thing, but still the submissive bitch brought that thick thing into their throat again and again no matter how much it troubled the slut, no matter how much pain it brought, for the pleasure of being dominated, of worshiping and servicing the cock that would soon be planting seed deep inside of their bitch womb. Dhioni trilled and growled then as his cock grew and throbbed, thick pre dripping out into the other's mouth, but still he allowed Hobbes to pump his cock with that warm, wet maw, letting out a snarl as suddenly thick seed was let loose from his member again.

Hobbes paused, letting out a muffled moan and a gag as they brought their mouth fully upon that cock, eyes still shut and body shuddering as all of that warm stuff invaded their throat and slid down all the way to their stomach where that seed warmed their entire core. With a purr they brought their mouth away from Dhioni's cock, tongue flicking out against the shaft, eyes half-lidded as they watched that beautiful member grow hard again.

Dhioni stood there staring at Hobbes for a moment. His hunger for some reason only doubling as he saw his friend in such a state. The golden dragon desired to breed the whore beneath him, impregnate them with a full clutch of eggs again and again. Again he grabbed at Hobbes' snout, growling as he spoke in a husky and lust filled voice, "Hey slut...Turn around and get that tail up. You don't even need to beg, because I'll break you."

Hobbes moaned out as they heard such a voice sound out from the golden dragon. They stumbled as they turned upon all fours, tail raised high, their cunt dripping with wet hunger and pleasure. They gasped as they felt Dhioni's cock push against their cunt, Hobbes letting out a little hiss as the tip of that massive thing began stretching their pussy. At first it seemed that Dhioni would further draw it out and tease Hobbes to no end by only poking and prodding their cunt with only the tip, but Dhioni only needed to position himself. Leaning over the bitch in heat, Dhioni let out a roar of triumph as he brought the majority of his cock inside of that wet cunt with one single thrust. Hobbes let out a cry of pleasure, throating their head back as they groaned out. Already Dhioni began his rampage upon the other's cunt, thrusting and pounding into the wet pussy, those thrusts producing sloppy sounds that echoed out into the large cavernous home.

Beneath them some flowers were crushed, but Hobbes could care less as hot pleasure lanced up their spine from their twitching cunt. It felt entirely right to have that throbbing thing inside of their pussy and they needed more of it. With every thrust, Hobbes brought pushed their hips back, their cunt kissing at the knot with every single push, their mind lost in a sea of pleasure and never ending lust. Hobbes practically howled and called out to be bred, driving the large male into a frenzy.

Dhioni leaned in and with a growl bit at Hobbes neck, claws digging into the bitch's hide to keep them held down as Dhioni worked. Every single thrust brought another shivering bout of pleasure through Dhioni who could only think about breeding. His mind was lit aflame and all other thought that tried to invade was simply burnt away by the lust he felt. His instinct drove him to thrust deeper with every push, wanting already to knot the bitch and impregnate her. Even without his knot inside of the other's warm insides, he found it difficult to push, difficult to thrust in deeper, and yet he persisted, continued to pound into that pussy as fiercely as he could manage. At some point it felt as though his cock kissed at the other's womb, the thought of his cum directly fertilizing the bitch's eggs causing him to push more desperately to that heated cunt, his eyes shutting tight as he bit harder upon the other's neck. Hobbes let out a shrill squeal as their cunt tightened from the sudden increase in force, their pussy stretching wide to fit the knot that was suddenly so close to popping inside of them. Already they felt so close to orgasm, so close to release, and yet they needed the feeling of being filled, of being impregnated to truly feel whole. They called out for more and more even as they felt warm blood trickle down their neck.

Dhioni's cock twitched and seemed to grow as that knot finally gained entrance with a wet pop, the meek and submissive dragon collapsing upon their stomach as the powerful golden dragon continued to pound into their pussy. Even with the knot inside of that tight cunt, Dhioni continued to push and grind deeper inside that pussy. With all of his might he pushed against the other, jolting the bitch dragon with every single thrust and grind. It wasn't long before Hobbes felt their insides clench tight from all of the rough rutting, they tried to hold it all back, but the pleasure built and mounted and they couldn't stop themselves from reaching their climax. Hobbes gasped and squealed, letting out a hiss of pleasure as their cunt twitched and squeezed tight upon the other's cock, drawing it further inside as it pierced her deepest reaches.

Hobbes felt as though their insides were stretched to the limit, their abdomen bulging just a bit from the massive cock buried inside of their cunt. There they lie panting and groaning when they suddenly felt one last push from the other, a solid slap sounding off as hot seed began pouring inside of her pussy. Hobbes let out a cry of pleasure, their insides clenching tight as she moaned, that thick seed flowing directly to their womb.

As the thick seed stained Hobbes' inner walls, Dhioni continued thrusting, letting out a low hiss as his cock continued to twitch and throb with every single new rope of cum. He thought that his orgasm would never end even though he had just cum twice before. When finally his orgasm was over, Dhioni fell over the other, resting atop of them with a satisfied huff.

Both of them laid there eyes closed and quiet. Occasionally Hobbes sucked in a breath as they felt Dhioni's cock twitch within them. With all of their lust gone now, Hobbes could think upon how rude Dhioni had been, at the same time they were far too tired to complain. With a content sigh they laid their head upon the grassy ground, preparing to sleep with the large male inside of their cunt. Dhioni grunted, his warm tongue dragging against their neck suddenly. Hobbes shivered and tried to turn their head just a bit just as Dhioni began to speak, "You all right? I'm not too heavy?"

Hobbes opened a single eye with a raised bro. Dhioni sounded so soft, so gentle, it seemed a bit suspicious, but they answered quietly, "I'm fine...Though maybe I'll lecture you later, for now we can rest..."

Dhioni grunted in response and brought his snout to nuzzle at the other's neck, soft tongue flicking out gently, eyes shut as he whispered sweet words that caused Hobbes shiver, "I'll care for the first clutch with you...I'll defend you...You're mine Hobbes...And I really do hope I didn't hurt you."

Hobbes let out a content sigh, their heart fluttering practically as those words were uttered. Rather than embarrassing Dhioni, they decided that silence was better. Shutting their eyes again they laid upon the grass with the other still inside. The kindness, the compassion after such a rough rutting had their mind at peace, at the same time they were reconsidering lecturing Dhioni. As a soft and loving tongue brushed against their neck, a warm body against their's, Hobbes slowly drifted to sleep.