Lucky dog. Part 2

Story by pandanomicon on SoFurry

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#2 of Lucky dog

Part 2: getting started "Okay, for starters, your chosen breed of dog, some sort of mix with droopy ears, white and light brown fur, and short nose." "yes, that's right" "choice of location: up to me," "I trust you'll make it fun, but do try and give me some breathing room okay?" "And last, what I am, my choice" "as I said, I trust you, now let's get started!" "I love you" "I love you too"

Rose woke up,looked to her left and kissed her girlfriend, she couldn't remember how long they'd been together. Daisy, the girlfriend in question purred in her sleep. Rose thought herself lucky to have found such a wonderful person to spend her life with. Standing up her head felt a bit woozy, so she made her way to the kitchen for some aspirin. Passing by her TV and bookshelves, pictures of the two of them. "A cat and a dog?" Kids used to say. She never cared though. Besides Daisy was a tiger not some normal cat. She walked into the kitchen, and opened her mouth in surprise, hands shooting up to her face. "HUN I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D GO ALL OUT TODAY," she heard shuffling from her room, indicating she woke up her life partner. She gazed over the extravagant setup, so many paper hearts, hand cut, happy Valentine's Day in big bubble letters, pictures of the two of them in a collage, and pancakes with syrup topped off with whipped cream. Her favorite. She looked down the hall, expecting her girlfriend's awakening. Daisy walked out of her room yawning, and then preparing for the hug of a lifetime. "BAM," Rose said as she hugged Daisy with force "I love you so much honey, you're so nice just. So nice..." "Love you too, now get to the kitchen before your food gets cold!"

The apartment was small, but they made the most of it. They're neighbors knew them by name and often came over just to give them some talk and a few gifts, often food. Rose loved her life, her parents had been so supportive, instantly accepting her. And Daisy's parents oh man, they had a party for the two of them, much loved intimacy following the event. The two of them in her room, cuddling and stroking each others backs while their favorite band played on Daisy's radio. They knew they would never let go. They slept in the same bed that night, their parents didn't mind, they were old enough to enjoy themselves.

Of course they were bullied in school, but because their teachers were so nice they often got hand written apologies. The lunch lady gave Rose a bit too much food, this and a few other factors explained her current structure. She wasn't obese, but she was what some would call husky, bit of a gut, wide hips, the like. They knew they were in love when they went to each others houses, they loved each others personalities, hobbies, and... More personal things.

Rose was thinking about all of this as she finished up her pancakes. "Hungry for more?" Daisy asked rhetorically, already holding another plate full of food. "Thank you so much," "anything for you, you big lug," Daisy said teasingly. "I made a lot, we're going to do that thing you've always wanted, I've saved up enough to finally make it a reality; you ready to match your current weight?" "mmph~" Rose was chewing happily. "Okay, we're gonna try and do this for you in like, a week, so I'm actually gonna need to feed you this, if you don't mind," "I wouldn't have it -gulp- any other way."

Rose laid down on their queen sized bed, already full, belly sloshing with syrup and pancakes. "Okay so right now you're around 180 Pounds, were gonna get you to around 360 Pounds if we can, does that sound good?" "Sounds great, one thing though," "what's that?" "Can we do the same for you? Like the 360 pounds, although I suppose it would be like 280 for you, you're a bit of a lightweight." "Is that what you want?" "Yes" "then let's do it."

They woke up in time for lunch. "Okay I got you a lot of stuff from chicken bucket, like 10 buckets, same with McBurgers, China Pig, and burrito butt. We're splitting it, of course." "Let's do thi-" Daisy jammed a burger into her face before she could finish her sentence, surprised, she swallowed quickly, choking a bit in the process. "Okay what was that -cough- for?" "You said we should get st-" she was, in turn, given the same treatment, only this time with a boneless drumstick. They continued like this for hours, from bag, to box, to bowl. They stuffed each other until they were uncomfortably full, and then kept going.

"Looks like it's about night time, what do you say to some dessert?" Daisy said, a bit tired "I'm really too full," "no you don't get me, how about some dessert." "Oh okay, let's take a bath first though." "Sounds good," they often had conversations like this, just to get to the next objective, but when they go to sleep they usually have more of a conversation than this. They slowly hobbled towards the bathtub, really more of a hot tub with how big it was. Their apartment was small but they spared no expense furnishing it. They both tenderly lowered themselves into the warm water. Rose started stroking her girlfriends fur, "we're going to have to work hard on you, lightweight," "I'll do anything for you Rose~" Rose rubbed Daisy's stomach, distended, but far from large. Daisy moaned, the pressure was a new experience, but she knew she wanted to keep going, to keep growing for her love. She was soaped up, her fur getting cleaner as Rose kneaded it, not missing a single spot. Every crevice was attended to, not requiring quite the amount of detail Daisy had to use, but having the same amount of care attached to the action... They switched roles, Rose sat down in the water, her stomach peeking above it, she was given the same treatment she had just supplied. Daisy lathered the soap across her breasts, down to her stomach, and down further. Moving her hands in circles and attending to every fold and crease with love. She moved lower and lower, going past her stomach and stimulating Rose slightly as she brushed past her equipment. Pushing in slightly to clean her insides. "Now turn around," Daisy commanded, Rose following suit. She applied more soap to Rose's generous backside, gripping onto it as she washed it off. Rose moaned, the pressure in her stomach still present. "Let's get into bed already," they walked over the air grate, drying them off and poofing up their fur. They went to their bed single file. Daisy slapping Roses butt as they walked in. "I'm gonna grab some snacks before we get started, you have a bit of room" "grab some for yourself too," Daisy left to grab a plate full of pastries.

Eclairs, cannoli, muffins, and of course cake were stacked high on the plate Daisy brought in. "Let's do this then," she said as she generously sprayed whipped cream on her tits. She sat down in front of Rose, who made way for her chest, licking it off and moving her hands up and down her back softly. Done with the heavy cream, she moved up to Daisy's face, grabbing an éclair and biting down on half of it, while Daisy bit down on the other, moving on to searching each others mouths and gripping at each others backsides. "I encourage you to eat as I eat you out," Daisy said, putting a muffin in Rose's hand. "Yes ma'am," Rose replied, starting on the muffin as Daisy went down on her. Simulating her, moving inside of her, Daisy was happy, she was in a truly intense relationship, with the most beautiful person on earth. Rose was enjoying a cookie, cannoli sandwich when she orgasmed, moaning loudly, inadvertently spitting out bits of food. Daisy sat up, happy to see her companion enjoying herself, noticing that she had moved, she put the plate in between them "we both gotta do this, okay?" Daisy nodded flicking her tail and purring.

They went to sleep with their stomachs painfully distended, Daisy's looking more like how Rose's started, while Rose looked like she ate a mid range beachball. Both of them wincing whenever they moved in bed, covered in frosting and powdered sugar. Slowly digesting their huge meals. Smiles on their faces.