Caged Balloons - chapter 2

Story by Helix327 on SoFurry

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#3 of Caged Balloons

Sorry for the delay had some emotional problems. I will have other chapters posted today as well as this one. This one is a little darker but is based off of events that happened to me so I just made it adult so the kids dont see it :3

P.O.V. Helix

[Joseph] Some one stop him he's gonna-

The tall kangaroos words were cut short by a open door.

<I need to find a place to go. Hmmmm..... How bout the counselors office?>

I exit the art studio and make my way into the main building. I make a right and see the office.

<Finally freedom is in my vision I just need to make it and->


I keep going. I finally make it to the office turn the last corner at break neck speed and slam the counselors door. I'm out of breath but know I can relax once the door is locked.

[Ms. Chey] You seem trouble some. Whats wrong baby?

I spin around. I didnt know she was here today!

<You could just use your eyes to see whats wrong>

Thats when she noticed what was in my hands.

[Ms. Chey] Oh dear... So we need to have a little chat.

[Me] Dont come any closer you cant stop me! Just let me do the right thing for once!

[Ms. Chey] You know I have to do something! I cant let you kill yourself with bleach! Do you know how painful that is?

[Me] You can you just dont want to, and because you think itd be morally right to help me, you have to help me. Not because you care, but because you think its the right thing to do.

On the other side of the room, the door burst open. There he stood. That abnormally tall, golden hyena.

[Me] Sel, please get out. You arent gonna like what you see.

[Sel] I told you id never leave you. Ill stop you and we can get help. Please listen to me.

As soon as he took the first step forward, I started unscrewing the lid.

[Sel] Helix, you dont have to do this... We can fight the haters. We can switch schools. But please dont do this! This isnt the best option for you!

[Ms. Chey] Its not to late to sit and talk, Helix.

[Me] No. You are a fucking liar.

They were both in shock once they realized the cap was completely off. I quickly raised the bottle to my lips and got three good swigs of the burning chemicals down before Sel hit it out of my hands.

[Sel] Chey call an ambulence!

My vision started to become blurry as I fell to the floor. I felt like vomiting, but kept it in.

[Sel] Please stay awake, lil bro! I need you! I cant live without you!

Tears started to form in my eyes as I had to witness my only friend break down. Before everything went dark.