Nitemare Bathhouse: Natsuki

Story by Doombeez on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales from Nitemare Bathhouse

This story is the first of a series commissioned by Nitemare99, featuring his OCs.

If you think your world is the only world, you're wrong.

There's as many worlds in reality as there are grains of sand on a beach. Some are remarkably similar to one another. There could be one just like ours, except that there's no shrimp. While others are as vastly different as could possibly be.

This story comes from a world not too much like our own. It has blue skies, and green grass. Its people have two arms and two legs. They eat cheeseburgers, go for brisk walks, and do their taxes.

But this world has much more to it than a casual glance would suggest. This world is a world of demons.

Not of the nasty sort, no. None of them have any interest tempting people to condemn their souls to eternal damnation, or in possessing young girls and making them cough up pea soup. No, the demons of this world are just people. People with a bit more magic coursing through their bodies than you or me, but people nevertheless, getting on with their lives.

One of those lives was about to get much more interesting.

Her name was Airi, and she was a Canis-type demon, as evidenced by her droopy ears and fluffy tail. Today was the first day of her new job.

She looked up at the sign again. "NITEMARE BATH HOUSE", it said. She idly wondered why the sign spelled "Nightmare" wrong.

She took a deep breath and approached door. As she closed in on it, she paused in front of the window and looked at her reflection, checking herself out.

She was not, as the boys said, "a stunner". Short stature, petite frame, features that could, at best, be called "cute". Her hair was a lovely mint green color, at least, and her eyes a nicely complimentary shade of blue. She was wearing a plain white dress, suitable for someone who wanted to look nice without attracting too much attention.

Satisfied, she turned back to the door, standing in front of it.

"Okay," she said to herself. "It's just a job. You can do this."

She didn't completely succeed at convincing herself, but tugged on the bellpull anyway.

A distant bell sounded. Airi fidgeted as she waited for someone to come to the door. She continued to toy with the idea of simply bolting. After all, there was still that job open at the cafe, but...

When she came to her senses, the door was opening. Too late then. She took a breath and straightened up. Standing in the doorway was a tall, matronly demoness, with a pair of curved goat's horns on her head and a very expansive bust. Her golden eyes peered down at Airi through a pair of half-moon spectacles.

"Yes?" she said. Her voice was deep, rich and authoritative, but with a definite undercurrent of gentleness.

"Um," said Airi, rooted to the spot, "I'm here about the, erm, job? For a, um, maid and, erm, attendant?"

The tall woman looked her up and down. Then her red lips formed into a sort of half-smile.

"Of course," she said. "Come on in, and follow me please."

She stepped away and motioned for Airi to follow. Behind the door was a well-furnished lobby. Red velvet curtains and abstract paintings adorned the walls, and there was a decorative fountain in the corner. Airi was led down a hallway and up a set of stairs, and finally through a finely-finished wooden door into a room even more ornate than the lobby. Shelves of leather-bound books lined the back wall. In front of the shelves was a big plush chair with a little table next to it, and on the wall opposite of it, a small black leather couch sat. The woman settled herself down on the chair, and motioned toward the couch.

"My name is Emma," she said, as Airi took a seat. The couch was so soft that she almost sank into it. "You may call me 'Madam' or 'Miss Emma', either one will do."

"Yes, Miss Emma," said Airi, nodding.

Miss Emma smiled at her. "You can relax a bit, by the way. This is a very informal establishment."

That put Airi at ease a bit. She leaned back onto the couch and relaxed.

"Now," said Miss Emma, "I trust that you know that this is not simply an ordinary bathhouse, yes?"

Airi nodded. "I've... heard rumors," she said.

Miss Emma nodded. "I will be frank," she said. "How much do you know about the population crisis?"

Airi thought for a moment. "Um, because of the Ochre Fever, yes?" she said. "It happened before I was born."

"Quite so," said Miss Emma. "It was horrible. Thousands, tens of thousands dead. Entire races wiped out in a heartbeat. Others on the brink of extinction. It is the latter of which that brings you here today. The patrons of this bathhouse are... unique."

Airi blinked several times. "Unique?" she said. "How so?"

Miss Emma smirked a bit. "The impolite would use the term 'breeding stock'," she said. "In order to replenish the numbers of our race, the Grand Mages were attempting to develop new kinds of fertility magic. But they needed volunteers. The process would be extremely taxing on the body of the subject. Nevertheless, there were many volunteers."

She paused for a moment before continuing. "Out of those volunteers, four subjects were deemed most suitable. They would be mothers of many, sacrificing their bodies for the good of our land."

Airi was beginning to put two and two together. "And these four are the patrons of this bathhouse?" she said.

"Exactly," said Miss Emma, smiling at her. "The purpose of this place is to make them as comfortable as possible while they... prepare."

Airi blushed a bit at the thought. "And, erm, what would my job be?" she said.

"A servant, more or less," said Miss Emma. "A gofer. A maid, if you will. We have a trained medical staff on-hand in case of any emergencies. Your job would be to see to the less urgent needs of the patrons. I was told that one of your qualifications was that you're a trained masseuse?"

Airi nodded. The term "magic hands" was a bit cliche, but nevertheless, Airi seemed to have them. It was a minor point of pride.

"That will be a most valuable skill," said Miss Emma. "Your job, in short, will be to help them in any way they desire it. Aid them in tasks that they might find... difficult in their condition. See to their physical needs as best you can."

She paused again, thoughtfully. "You will be required to move in to the premises," she said, "and be on-call at any hour. But you will be very generously compensated for your services. So, what say you?"

"Yes, Miss Emma," said Airi, not even hesitating. "I... really need the work."

Miss Emma smiled at him. "Lovely," she said. She walked over to a shelf, and pulled a roll of parchment off it, unrolling it and looking it over. "Let's get you a uniform."

Airi blinked. "Uniform?" she asked, wondering if it was too late to change her mind.

Miss Emma let out a girlish giggle. "It's expected of us, of course," she said. "I'll show you to your room."


Airi had to admit, it was the nicest room she'd ever had. It was exquisitely furnished, with a huge closet, fine wooden furniture, and a huge, plush bed. As well as a full-length mirror, which Airi was presently looking herself over in.

She was dressed as... well, a maid. Black dress, white lacy apron, black stockings, frilly white hairband, the whole kit. Her "uniform". She twirled around. Well, it could have been worse. And it did look pretty good on her.

There was a tapping on the door.

"Are you decent?' said Miss Emma's voice.

"Yes, Miss Emma," said Airi.

Miss Emma pushed the door open and looked Airi up and down, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You look perfect, dear," she said. "And just in time. You have work to do."

Airi felt a blush coming on. "W-work?" she said. "Already?"

"You know what they say about idle hands," said Miss Emma. Airi then noticed that Miss was holding a clipboard. She looked at it, pulled a pen out from behind her ear, and made a note.

"I think I'll have you work with Natsuki today," said Miss Emma. "She does so love meeting new people. She can be found down in Dormitory B." With that, she tugged the sheet of paper off of the clipboard and passed it to Airi. "Here's the directions. Anything you need should be there already. Have fun."

Miss Emma winked at her, then turned around and ambled off. Airi looked down at the paper. Well, she thought, here goes nothing.


The bath house was very large, and its layout was... well, the word "labyrinthine" came to mind quite readily. Even with Miss Emma's very precise directions, she got lost twice, and it was only thanks to one of the staff - a young snake-demoness who was washing windows - that she was able to find the door to the dormitory.

Airi took a deep breath, straightened out her dress, and tapped on the door a few times.

"It's open," said a smooth voice.

Forcing herself not to blush again, Airi opened up the door. It was a room not unlike hers, but bigger. Much bigger. The bed, especially, was huge. And once she caught sight of the room's occupant, she could see why it would have to be.

She was a Canis demon, like Airi, but of a very different sort. Her hair was a golden blonde, but with jet black tips, and upon her head was a pair of sharp lupine ears. She was very tall, at least two heads taller than Airi. And her tail... or rather, tails. Fanned out behind her were nine of them, the same color as her hair, blonde with black tips, signs of very powerful magic-users in her ancestry. They would have been her most prominent feature, if not for one thing.

Airi had seen pregnant women before. The word "pregnant", left unqualified, was not sufficient. She was huge. Her massive midsection was so large that Airi doubted she could link her arms around it. She couldn't even guess at how many passengers it held. Easily a litter of a dozen or more. Airi knew it was rude to stare, but she just couldn't help it; her gaze was transfixed upon the massive dome of smooth, tight skin. It was flawless, like a sheet of marble. Whatever regiment she used to prevent stretch marks, it was working like a charm. The only mark upon it was the little line running up and down its middle. Capping the whole picture off like the proverbial cherry on top was her little popped-out navel.

And to top it off - quite literally - was a pair of large, full breasts, each bigger than the woman's head.

She was currently dressed in a large kimono, though no effort had been made to cover up her belly. How could they have, really? In her hand was a long, black nightgown in her size on a hanger; she was looking at it almost longingly.

Airi cleared her throat. "Are you, um, Natsuki?" she said.

The woman turned and looked at Airi, a mischievous smirk crossing her face. Airi got a better look at her features now. She had very unusual eyes; the left one was a steely gray color, the right, an almost shining gold.

"That's my name," she said, "don't wear it out. Are you the new maid?"

Airi nodded, not sure where to put her eyes. She settled for the floor. "My name's Airi," she said. "I just started today."

Natsuki let out a playful laugh. She looked like she was at least a decade Airi's elder, if not more, but she laughed like a giddy schoolgirl.

"That's a pretty name," said Natsuki. Then she held up the black nightgown. "Can you believe that this fit me once?"

Airi's face went blank. "Um... er..." she said.

Natsuki laughed again. "I know I'm ginormous," she said, setting the dress down on the bed. "You don't have to walk on eggshells around me. Around anyone here, really! They're pretty chill about it. Especially Yuki."

Natsuki burst out laughing at that. Airi just stood there looking puzzled.

"You'll laugh later," said Natsuki. "But yeah. I just love trying on outfits. But as you can imagine, my current condition makes that somewhat difficult to do by myself. Come open up my closet, would you please?"

Airi did as she was instructed, pulling the closet door open. And then her jaw hit the floor.

She had never seen so many different outfits in one place. Not even in clothing stores. Fabrics in every color she could imagine and several that she couldn't. Casual garments, formal garments, sundresses, robes, slips, even some mens' suits. And that was just the fairly ordinary selections; there were costumes, too, of all sorts.

"Oh... my," said Airi.

"Impressive, no?" said Natsuki. "Of course, that was before all this happened." She patted her belly to indicate what she was talking about; the action caused it to shift and distend for a moment, as its passengers responded in kind.

"Whoops," said Natsuki, blushing. "Seems I woke them up again. They're - woo! - active today! Wanna feel?"

"Erm, what?" said Airi. Natsuki waddled over to the maid, grabbed her hand, and put it on the side of her belly. As if they knew they had an audience, the babies began kicking up a storm.

"Oh wow," said Airi. "How many are in there?"

"I've lost count," said Natsuki, prompting Airi to give her a funny look. She laughed it off.

"You have to understand," she said, "it's not like a normal pregnancy. Not only are there a whole lot of buns in my oven, they're not all baking at the same rate. I've got all sorts of fertility spells churning about in there to make it do what it does, and I don't even know how half of them work."

"It's incredible, ma'am," said Airi, prompting a groan from the wolf-girl.

"Just Natsuki, please," she said. "'Ma'am' makes me feel old. And yeah, it's pretty nifty."

Airi nodded, running her hand over the shifting mass. It was almost mesmerizing, the way it moved. Natsuki let out a little shiver.

"Aw, yeah," she said. "Feels great when you rub it like that."

"Would you like a massage, ma- Natsuki?"

"Maybe later," she said. "For now, maybe you can help me out?"

She undid the sash on her kimono and shrugged, letting it fall off her, leaving her completely nude. Airi blushed furiously and averted her eyes. She heard Natsuki laugh.

"They're just boobs," said Natsuki. "You've got 'em too. You're going to need to get used to nudity fairly quickly around here. When barely anything fits you, you get used to going without."

Airi took a deep breath and turned back around. Natsuki stood before her, naked as the day she was born and entirely unashamed. She relaxed a bit.

"I don't look half-bad for my condition, I think," said Natsuki, striking a pose. The action caused her breasts to jiggle a bit. Airi felt her heart flutter a bit. Natsuki's pregnant form did not detract from her attractiveness. In fact, it was quite the opposite; she wore it beautifully.

"N-No," said Airi. "Not half-bad at all."

"Now," said Natsuki, pulling an outfit off the rack, "help me get into this."

Airi looked the new outfit over. It was a maid's dress and apron, like the one she was wearing, but much, much bigger.

"It looks good on you," said Natsuki with a wink. "Let's see who wears it better."

Airi laughed a bit. This whole situation was quite bizarre, but she was warming up to Natsuki. She was easy to like.

Easy to like, but not easy to dress. It took a considerable amount of effort to get her into the dress, requiring pushing, pulling, wiggling, and, in one case, holding back Natsuki's breasts. But eventually, they managed, and although the dress didn't fully cover Natsuki's belly, she looked for all the world like a very pregnant maid, complete with hairband.

"You definitely wear it better," said Natsuki, as she admired herself in the mirror.

"Um, thank you," said Airi, who was holding up another mirror so Natsuki could see the back.

"I used to be able to spend hours trying different outfits on," said Natsuki, "but now it can take me hours just to get into one. It's a shame, really."

"How long have you been, erm," said Airi, trailing off a bit.

"Pregnant? A little over a year now," she said. "And I will be for at least another two. I don't regret it at all, mind you, but you know how it is."

She let out a sigh as she turned around again. She paused and looked Airi up and down in a slightly worrying manner.

"Hmm, " she said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "I think, maybe... say. Would you mind doing some modeling for me?"

"Modeling?" said Airi, taken slightly aback.

"This is certainly above and beyond your job," said Natsuki, "so by all means, you don't have to, but I think I have some clothes that would fit you, and since I can't dress myself up so easily, I can at least get a vicarious thrill."

Airi considered this for a moment. She had never done anything like that before, and she didn't think she had the body for it... but there was an almost pleading look in Natsuki's eyes. She didn't have the heart to tell her "no". Besides, she thought, it might be fun.

"Okay, then," she said. "Just, erm, nothing too racy, alright?"

Natsuki's face lit up. "Awesome!" she said, turning her attention back to the closet. "Go ahead and strip down to your skivvies while I pick some things out."

Only slightly hesitant, Airi did as she was told. Under her dress she wore a fairly modest undershirt and panties.

"Let's see now," said Natsuki, as she rooted through the possibly-infinite closet space.

The next thing Airi knew, something was pulled over her eyes. "Here we go," said Natsuki. "Slip this on, too."

Something that felt like a pair of pants was pressed into Airi. With some difficulty, she worked her way into them.

When she could see again, she looked over into the mirror. She was clad in a set of cute pajamas with a pattern of pieces of sushi.

"Oh, you look just adorable in those," said Natsuki, pulling her into a hug from behind. Airi blushed as she felt Natsuki's belly and breasts rub against her back.

"It is... pretty cute, I guess," said Airi. She held up her arms and looked herself over.

"Don't sell yourself short!" said Natsuki. "Anyway, we're just getting started!"

With that, Airi felt another tug, and the process started over. It was like being caught in a cyclone that undressed and redressed her. When the storm lulled, she was now clothed in a Qipao dress made of red silk.

"Oh, my," said Airi, admiring herself. "I like this one!"

"Me too," said Natsuki, checking Airi out from several angles. "This one looks great on you! You can have it when we're done."


"Oh yeah, it's not like I don't have enough outfits. But come on, let's try another!"

And so it went. Airi found herself in a billowing white gown, a stern, serious black pantsuit, a rather daring blouse-and-miniskirt combo, and many others, including a few rather strange ones. The one that stood out as particularly odd was the pirate costume.

"I have no idea," said Natsuki, grinning. "I'm just having fun."

Some odd dozen outfits later, Natsuki was tired out, and so she sat down on the bed as Airi, wearing just her underclothes, brought her some tea.

"You're a peach, Airi," said Natsuki, wiping her brow. "Thank you. I haven't had that much fun in months."

"I had fun too," said Airi, pouring herself some tea as well. "Is there anything else I can do for you."

"I'm fine, really," said Natsuki, leaning back. "Maybe you could just- ooh, hold that thought."

She suddenly sat bolt upright, rubbing her belly as it began to move again. The little kicks and twitches happened with a bit more frequency for about a minute.

"Maybe you could help me with something after all," she said. "Here, help me up. I think one of my buns just finished baking."

Airi blinked as she helped Natsuki stand. "...buns?" she said, puzzled. Then, something went click. "You mean, you're going into-"

"Yup, something like that!" she said, waddling across the room.

Airi felt a sense of panic rise up in her. "What should I do?" she said. "Is there someone I should fetch? A doctor or a nurse or Miss Emma or someone?"

"What? Nah," said Natsuki, waving a dismissive hand. She pulled a lever on the wall, and one of the walls unfolded, revealing a sturdy bar anchored to it. "I've done this lots of times, it ain't no thing. I wouldn't say no to a massage, though. And a hand out of this dress."

She raised up her arms to expedite this. Airi was still a bit confused, but she did as she was told, pulling the oversized maid's dress off of Natsuki. Fully nude once again, she waddled over to the bar. It was set at just the right height for her to grab onto it and squat, and that's exactly what she did.

"Now," she said, between long, deep breaths, "come over here and give me a nice back rub, would you?"

Airi nodded, and made her way over to Natsuki, standing behind her and placing her hands on her back. Natsuki's muscles felt incredibly tense. With practiced ease, Airi's hands traced the lines of Natsuki's musculature. As she worked, the wolf-girl let out a happy little growl.

"Mmm, yeah," she said, letting out a breath. "That's good..."

"Um, Natsuki? Could you mind your tails please?"

Natsuki looked back, and indeed, she was giving Airi a faceful of tail.

"Whoops, sorry," she said, blushing a bit as she lowered them. "They've got minds of their own sometimes."

Her view unimpeded, Airi continued her massage. Every so often, a fresh wave of tension would run through Natsuki. Were they contractions? Airi wasn't sure. She just worked. Natsuki took long, regular breaths, and occasionally made appreciative noises.

After about twenty minutes of this, Natsuki took an extra deep breath, then tensed up and grunted, her face reddening. Over her shoulder, Airi could see the dome of her belly tightening. After a moment's rest, Natsuki breathed in and grunted again.

"Are you... pushing?" said Airi, feeling her heart pound.

"Mhm," said Natsuki, looking over at her. "Feels like this one's a big'un... keep rubbing, it's helping a lot..."

Airi nodded, massaging Natsuki with more intensity than before. Every few minutes, she would push again. Sweat beaded on her forehead, her knuckle whitened as she gripped the bar, and she let out a long groan.

"Does it hurt?" asked Airi, feeling a bit silly about the question as soon as she finished asking it.

"Yeah, a bit," said Natsuki, smiling. "It was pretty hard, the first few times... but now... it feels good, too!"

Her smile faded as she tightened up and gave another big push.

"A...Airi," she said, looking back again. "Need you to... switch sides. Need you to... catch! It's coming!"

Airi felt her heart stop for a moment. "C-Catch?" she said. "I-I couldn't possibly..."

"Sure... you can!" said Natsuki. "Miss Emma... thinks you're okay... so I trust you! Now... hurry!"

Airi swallowed deeply and dashed around her, kneeling down before Natsuki's squatting form. She blushed again as she inspected Natsuki's nethers, framed by a thatch of thick blonde hair and bulging wide open. As Natsuki pushed again, Airi could see the top of a red-haired head begin to come out.

"Here it... comes!" panted Natsuki between breaths. "Hold it... gently... nnngh!"

Natsuki pushed hard, and her lips parted as the top of the head emerged. As gently as possible, Airi put her hands around it. It was big. She saw Natsuki's belly harden as she pushed again, and the rest of the head slipped out.

"Now comes," said Natsuki, "the tricky part... get ready to... hold on!"

Natsuki sucked in a few short breaths, and howled as her body pushed and pushed. The baby's shoulers slowly slipped out, followed by the rest of its body, to be caught in Airi's waiting hands. Carefully, the maid held it up and looked it over.

It was a little fox-eared girl. She squirmed in Airi's hands.

"I'll take her, thanks," said Natsuki, settling into a sitting position and taking the baby from Airi. She clutched it to a breast, and instinct took over as it started feeding.

"You did great," said Natsuki, using her free hand to pat Airi on the head.

"I did?" said Airi, clutching her heart. "Are things... going to be like this a lot?"

"Probably," said Natsuki, winking. "It seems weird at first, but you'll get used to it. I once saw one of the others push one out under the table at lunchtime. Didn't even get up."

Airi wasn't so sure about that. She spared another glance between Natsuki's legs.

"Are there... any more coming?" she asked.

"Not this time," said Natsuki. "I don't think any more will be ready for a few weeks yet." She gave the baby a little rock and smiled. "I'm going to feed this little darling for a bit," she added. "Would you please go and tell Miss Emma that I had a little Vulpine girl? Then you can go ahead and have the rest of the day off, I'm sure."

Airi nodded, straightening herself up. "O... okay," she said. "It was... nice to meet you, Natsuki!"

"You too, Airi!" she replied. "Hope to see you again soon! I have a feeling that your career here will be a long and eventful one."

Airi thought about that as she redressed herself and left the room. This certainly was not what she signed up for when she took a job as a maid... but it certainly wasn't boring, that was for sure.

Yes, it was strange. But she supposed she would get used to it.

Who knows? Maybe she would even start to enjoy it...