Relearning to Trust

Story by SnowTheBear on SoFurry

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A whatzit in the grip of despair is offered a new beginning by a stranger - if he will trust him.

The story was inspired by Emenius's picture "Cumsock". I highly recommend viewing it first before reading this. If you search for "cumsock" at Ink Bunny it should be the only result.

This was my first attempt at writing a story. I hope you like it.

It's been rattling around in my imagination since I first saw the picture over a year ago.

Relearning to Trust

By SnowtheBear

The chubby whatzit sat on the bare floor weeping softly. The derelict building he now called home was a dismal place. It made a good physical representation for his emotional state. Broken furniture and debris was scattered about the rooms, and the broken windows allowed in the chilly night air. The whatzit was naked except for his socks and scarf, but the chill in the air was no match for the chill in his heart. Caleb was descending into despair, trying to comprehend the sudden ruin of his life. A month ago he was happy, he had a good job, good friends and a boyfriend he expected to grow old with.

Caleb and Robert had been a couple for almost 2 years. Caleb worshiped Robert, but Robert was fickle in nature and bored easily. While Caleb convinced himself they would always be together Robert was already seeking a new conquest. Once Robert found someone new that tickled his fancy he discarded Caleb without remorse. Without warning Robert ended their relationship and kicked Caleb out of his house. Caleb quickly found his friends were actually Roberts friends, and they all abandoned him too. They posted derogatory remarks and vicious lies about him on social media. They also exposed certain kinky desires of his to the world, which came to be known to his family and coworkers. His family accused him of bringing shame to their name and cast him out. His employer fearing they would be associated with his perversions manufactured cause to fire him.

Everyone Caleb thought he could trust had betrayed and abandoned him.

Homeless, friendless and broke he was ready to reject the world that had turned its back on him.

Like most nights he sat on the floor, imagining a reality were he and Robert were still together and the last month was just a bad dream. He half-heartedly rubbed on his cock trying to recall the happiness he had, imagining it was Robert stroking him, and hoping for release. Caleb had pulled a sock over his throbbing member like a condom - one of his favorite kinks, but it was no use. He knew his thoughts were just hopeless fantasy, and he could do little more than soak the sock in pre-cum. Giving up in frustration as he did every night, he pulled the sock off and let it splat on the floor. Then he stared at his socks and whimpered "you're my only friends now".

However unlike previous night's, tonight the whatzit wasn't alone. From the doorway behind him a figure was watching him. As it stood there it thought - poor lost soul, what has brought such a cute whatzit so low? Silently it strode up behind the whatzit, kneeled down, and embraced him from behind in a powerful hug. Caleb surprised by the unexpected contact tried to spring away, but the stranger held him still. In the pale moonlight all he could see of the stranger were arms and hands covered in white fur. The arms that encircled him were powerful and held him tight, but there was also a gentleness in their embrace.

"Shush, shush cute one, I'm not going to harm you. You obviously need someone to hold you and comfort you. Please allow me to do so. Tell me what has brought you to such despair?"

Something within Caleb's spirit broke. Before he knew it he was revealing the nightmarish sequence of events that had brought him to this place. Hearing this story the stranger hugged him tighter still. He nuzzled the back of the whatzit's head and neck, and whispered "poor boy, all you wanted was love and companionship. If you can give me your trust, I could offer you what you need."

Desperate to feel wanted again Caleb whispered "I'll trust you, please don't hurt me ... don't abandon me", and then began to sob again.

"Never, this Robert is a fool to betray such a cute whatzit as you. I have been looking for a companion, and I believe I may have found him in you". The strangers embrace and kind words had rekindled Caleb's prior arousal. His stiffening cock did not escape the strangers notice.

"Now cute one why don't you let me try to finish what you started?" he said while slowly tracing a finger over the whatzit's cock. Caleb shivered and moaned softly with need at the touch.

"I need you to trust me. Hands behind your back boy, let me do all the work and just enjoy". Caleb did as asked and the stranger used the ends of the whatzit's scarf to bind his hands. He then began to stroke the whatzit's cock while gradually building in pace. After several minutes he suddenly he stopped and said "we should invite your friends to play". He reached forward to pick up the wet sock and used it to wipe up spilled pre-cum. Then he held the sock in front of the whatzit's muzzle and said "open wide boy".

Without hesitation Caleb did as asked. The flavor of his sweat, musk and cum should have been revolting, but in the grip of pre-orgasm excitement it tasted like ambrosia itself. The stranger then looped the scarf around his muzzle turning the sock into a gag. "Suck on it my sweet thing, savor the flavors of your desire". He them removed the whatzit's other sock, sensuously slid it over the whatzit's rigid member and began to stoke again.

The next several hours were a flurry of sensual activity during which the stranger focused purely on bringing Caleb pleasure. He filled the whatzit's ears with complements, letting his honeyed words sink into Caleb's consciousness. At the same time while one hand stroked the other explored the whatzit's body.

The stranger reached around the whatzit and began to caress his feet.

Then he slowly worked his way higher caressing his legs. Pausing to playfully tickle the insides of his thighs and the back of the knees.

He moved higher still caressing his cute chubby belly, and playing with his nipples.

Finally, he gently cupped and fondled the whatzit's chubby scrotum while he nibbling on his ears.

Then he turned his attention back to the feet and repeated the cycle.

Over and over Caleb was edged to brink of orgasm but not allowed to cum. The stranger skillfully read Caleb's reactions and pulled him back to prolong the whatzit's pleasure.

it was exquisite torture, every nerve ending seemed to be ablaze with ecstasy.

When the stranger finally sensed the whatzit could bear no more he whispered into his ear. "I am certain I love you sweet thing, and I wish to grow old together as companions. Will you join me?"

Panting, too breathless to speak Caleb quickly nodded yes.

"There is more you need to know about the relationship we will have, but that can wait for tomorrow. Be assured you will have all details before making that choice. All I need to know right now is do you trust me?"

Again Caleb quickly nodded yes.

The stranger whispered lustfully in Caleb's ear "then cum for me", and suddenly began stroking at a wild pace. A spasm of ecstasy shook Caleb mind, body and soul. His chubby balls erupted with a month's worth of pent up seed.

The stranger cuddled the whatzit while it tried to catch its breath. He chuckled when he saw the mess and said "you certainly needed that". He removed the sock from the whatzit's shrinking cock, rubbed it around Caleb's body and said "now my precious one is salty & sweet". He then rolled up the sock and slipped it over the whatzit's muzzle.

Physically exhausted, emotionally drained, and enveloped by both the strangers warm embrace and the scent of his own lust - Caleb collapsed into a deep sleep.

The next day:

Caleb awoke to find himself in an unknown room. The room he saw was rustically furnished but very cozy. He was laying on a huge pillow on the floor at the foot of a bed. He had obviously been bathed, his fur had cleaned and brushed. Several weeks worth of street grime, as well as last night mess had been washed away.

Turning his head he finally saw the rest of the man who he only knew by his arms, hands and voice. A few feet away from him a polar bear sat at a side table watching him. The bright sunshine flooding in from the window behind him made his white fur appear to glow.

The bear gave him a warm smile and greeted him. "Good morning little one, welcome to my home ... and I hope your new home".

Caleb's mind was filled with questions, but disoriented by the situation he could only babble out a few.

"Who are you? Why were you there last night? What do you intend to do to me if I stay ... or if I don't?"

The bear gestured for the whatzit to come to him. Caleb crawled over and sat as his feet.

"My name is Snow, but hopefully that will not matter."

"I came to that building to inspect it for demolition and redevelopment, that's how I came across you. It was obvious you were in pain and I felt compelled to comfort you."

"Now before you speak again let me explain why I have brought you here. If you don't agree with my offer I won't force you to stay. I'll just clothe you, feed you and send on your way".

"Last night I told you I am seeking a companion to grow old with, but that statement was a bit misleading. More specifically the type of companion I am seeking is a pet. And I do mean pet, you will not be treated like a slave. If you agree to stay you will find I am a loving and gentle master. You will be well cared for. All I ask in return is your obedience, and to have the love, trust & loyalty I give you returned. I will never force you to do something you don't want to do; however, I do have a few conditions."

The bear retrieved a simple soft leather collar from the side table and held it before the whatzit. On the tag the word Pet had been engraved.

"First you will need to wear this collar at all times, except for obvious exceptions such as bathing".

"Second you will address me only as Master. I will mainly address you as Pet".

"And finally .... you must learn that a pet receives its pleasure by bringing pleasure to their master. In order to learn this, I'll need you to wear this". The bear retrieves a small box from the table and opens it revealing a metal chastity cage.

Caleb sits silently for a few minutes to considering Snow's offer.

The last month had been a living hell. He discovered he needed companionship more than anything else in his life. His futile attempts at release by masturbation were proof he couldn't experience joy without someone to share it with. So if release without companionship couldn't bring him joy ... perhaps companionship without release could? Besides he would only need to wear the cage until his Master thought the lesson was learned - after which he could request it be removed. He did say he would never force him to do something he didn't want.

The bear sat patiently watching the whatzit carefully consider his offer. He didn't speak until the whatzit looked up at him again. "Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Caleb tentatively nods no.

"You're allowed to speak freely; I don't require you to be silent. Do you want to be my companion?"

Caleb nodes yes.

"So you agree to my conditions ... including chastity?"

Pet, the whatzit formerly known as Caleb, nodes yes.

"On your knees Pet". Pet sits up on his knees and his master fastens the collar around his neck.

"You have made me very happy ... and I see you feel the same way".

Pet notices his master is gaze has shifted further down and follows it. Pet was so happy about regaining a companion that wanted him, that he didn't notice his own growing erection.

"Don't worry about that" said the bear with a chuckle, "I know you couldn't help it. Stay Pet!"

The bear walks away leaving the chastity cage on the chair. Pet looks at it wondering how it will feel.

The bear returns with a small bowl and kneels in front of his new pet.

"Lay on your back Pet and try to hold still". Pet immediately complies.

The bear retrieves an ice cube from the bowl and rubs it on the whatzit's cock. Pet reflexively jumps at the cold, but quickly regains control of himself and holds still. Smiling at his pets desire to obey the bear continues with the ice. The cold quickly causes the whatzit's cock to retreat into its sheath. The bear then picks up the chastity cage and separates the two parts. He places the retaining ring around the whatzit's chubby scrotum and slides the cage over the whatzit's sheath. With the audible click of the lock its done. The fit is snug, but not uncomfortable as Pet had expected.

Pet watches his Master place the key on a chain he will wear around his neck.

Beaming with joy the bear embraces his new pet in a hug.

"You must be starving Pet. Go lay on your pillow and rest while I make you some breakfast".

One year later:

It had been a wonderful anniversary. A day full of cuddling, laugher and just basking in each other's presence. A year ago Pet had never believed love and happiness could reach such highs.

Currently the pair were snuggling by firelight in front of a cozy fireplace.

Then the master spoke, his voice sounding uncharacteristically pensive.

"Pet, are you sure this is what you want as my gift to you?" said the bear.

"Yes Master. Please I want it so badly, I need it! I promise it won't ruin our relationship" begged Pet.

"I admit your devotion has been impressive. It's been a year since your last orgasm and you've never once complained". Sighing the bear removed the key from his neck and handed it to his pet saying "I trust you as you have always trusted me".

Pet greedily grasped the key and kissed it. He quickly moved across the room, almost dancing with excitement. Then he drops the key into a brazier hung over the fire. He squeals with joy as the key melts. Master has given Pet the gift he most wanted, and now Pet can give master his gift.

The bear walks over and retrieves the brazier while Pet lays down. The bear pulls a thick leather cover over his pets groin, and pushes the lock through a small slit in the leather. Carefully the bear pours the metal from the key into the locks keyhole and then dunks it in into a bowl of ice water. With the sizzle of rapidly cooling metal the cage is sealed forever. Pet removes the leather cover and admires his gift to his Master - his masters pleasure is now eternally and absolutely Pet's source of pleasure.

The bear leans forward and gives his pets scrotum a passionate kiss. He picks the whatzit up and cradles him in his mighty arms, their loving eyes locking on to each other. Then the bear carries his beloved pet to the bedroom.