My Lord's Cage

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#1 of My Lord's Cage

Varas has it all. The strongest dragon in his clan, they have accepted him as his lord and follow him without question. He leads them as they fight against rival clans and grow their territory against their rivals and the nearby human villages, taking the choicest prey, the best cave, and of course his pick of the strongest dragonesses of the clan to be his mate. But she's nearly as strong as he, and might not take so well to him deciding to mount any other worthy dragoness who lifts her tail for her lord...

"You really ought to fasten the front of your robe," said the silver dragoness.

Varas snorted, glancing at the silver-patterned cloth draped over his back. The clasps that would close it over the lighter scales of his chest and belly he'd left open, as he always did; he didn't disagree with whoever the ancient clan leader had been who'd decided the dragon-lord of these mountains should get a fancy robe to wear, and the black and silver looked sharp against his red and white scales. But what was the point of being such a big, strong dragon if he was just going to cover up his deep chest, his muscular frame--not to mention his enviably sized sheath and balls?

"I'm comfortable this way," he said to her, glancing at the other dragons around them, the most respected warriors and elders of their clan. Certainly nobody else would dare try to correct how he wore his Lord's robe, but for a few weeks now his mate had been troubling him to start closing the clasps when he wore it. Ever since the story had spread about him and Mathari... Well, it's not like dragons had the same ideas about monogamy as humans, so if Letheria was jealous she'd just have to deal with it. She could try to fight him over it, perhaps, but he was in charge of the clan for a reason, and that reason wasn't just how good he looked in the ruler's clothes.

She only huffed, but went up with him onto the little dais that served as his seat in this council-cave, and he spread his wings to quiet the others in the room; they fell silent at once. "My council," he said, and paused just a moment to enjoy the thrill of control when they so quickly obeyed him and listened closely to his every word. "As you all know, Letheria will begin her journey to the blue mountains in the morning. Yurai, Korast, Nevenne, you will be her escort as she travels through the lands of humans and rival clans."

Two of the dragons merely bobbed their heads up and down to acknowledge the order, but Korast hesitated, his muzzle cocking to one side. "All three of us, my lord? Are you sure none of us, or Letheria herself, will be needed here? If the Highclaws found out so many of--"

Varas snapped his jaws shut, interrupting his warrior. Strong he may be, but... "I will still be here to command our remaining wings. Sending away you four has some risk, but it will only be for a couple of weeks, and even without you I think we can more than hold our own against them."

Korast bowed his head, understanding, but then Letheria herself interjected, "I'm more than capable of defending myself. If there's any concern, then I can go alone, or with only one or two other dragons fast enough to keep up."

He contained the urge to sigh as best he could. She'd been fighting against his assigning an escort since he first brought it up, despite the importance. "I do not doubt your ability to defeat another dragon in single combat, love," he said, and nosed at her cheek. "But they will help if you're troubled by humans, or attacked by some cowards who try to outnumber you. It's safer this way."

More than a few of the other dragons of his council spoke up in agreement, and Mathari even put in something that hadn't occurred to him: "the more we send with you, the more impressive our own clan will appear to be, by thinking we are so strong ourselves that we can send so many capable fighters away at once. And the stronger they think we are, the more amenable they will be to entering into this alliance."

Though a couple of the warriors had to puzzle through this train of thought for a few moments, the older and more politically minded dragons--including his mate--seemed to see the sense in her words at once, and the blue-and-black dragoness ruffled up her wings, quite pleased by her contribution. Her tail flicked back and forth as she looked up to him on the dais, and though others might have missed it, he saw the way her gaze lingered between his hind legs for a long moment before returning to his muzzle. The way she'd been so plainly eying his sheath, he had to clench his claws painfully against the rock to distract himself from thoughts of what the two of them had snuck off to do a couple of nights before... and a couple of nights before that... Maybe he should have closed his robe after all, and now he could feel his mate's eyes on him too.

Thankfully Nevenne rescued him by asking about the route they planned to take, and gave him a reason to turn around and drag out the large map-table that sat in the corner. The immediate, spirited discussions about which mountain passes to take, which human towns to avoid, and what times of day would give them the best wind to fly was a perfect diversion, since everyone knew the same territories in slightly different ways, including himself, and the thoughts that might have aroused him at such an inconvenient time were quickly buried beneath the debate.

It took nearly an hour for the dragons to come to an agreement, but at last Letheria and her escort settled on where to fly and when to fly, and Varas could dismiss the meeting. The sun had already set, but the summer air was still quite warm when the dragons took to the air and scattered, each of them heading back to their own home caverns for the night. Mathari lingered, perhaps hoping for a private moment, but considering it was his last night with a mate for a couple of weeks it was overly optimistic for her to even hope, let alone try! So when he and Letheria took off together she at last had to give up and peel off to find her own resting place.

But again, the silver dragoness had not missed the attention his lieutenant had given him, and she had already worked herself into simmering anger before they even landed. "Who does that tailchaser even think she is?" she hissed, having barely folded her wings before rounding on him and nipping at his neck. "You chose me. Everyone knows that, and when she was working her way up the ranks and tried to challenge me, I thrashed her!"

Varas tried to return her irritation with soothing nuzzles, and a forepaw rubbing along her smooth-scaled neck. But what could he say when both of them knew he'd mounted his wing commander more than once? An apologetic tone didn't come naturally to him, either, when he was so used to just getting his way without question, so his voice was more flat than he'd intended when he said, "there are just times when... you're not interested, or I want something else. And she's pretty." Letheria had already begun to hiss when he said, "but that doesn't mean I want anyone but you as my mate."

She was not mollified. "But there you are mating with her and not me!"

"Just for pleasure!" he protested, mantling up himself to try to at least intimidate her: he was stronger, the best fighter in the clan, so what he wanted, he got. "Not for eggs, not for love, just for a bit of fun. I see no need to deny a pretty 'ness with her tail up for her lord, and few dragons would disagree."

Her eyes narrowed, her tail lashed in denial, but she lowered her head submissively before his display. "It still should only be me," she muttered, but it was only a complaint, not a demand, and when he went to nuzzle her again she didn't pull away, after a moment returning his gentle touch... though she didn't purr, as he did.

"She's not as tough... she's not as beautiful as you, and I'd choose you over her every time if I could. I'd certainly choose you now..." His tail curled around to tease at her flank, but instead of her tail lifting she stiffened, and huffed at him.

"I need to sleep, and be well rested and ready for my journey," she said, distantly, and started to turn away to find their nest.

It wasn't in him to pout, but this was perhaps the closest he would come. "But Letheria-- We'll be apart for weeks. This will be our last chance until your return."

But she only replied, "not tonight," and walked away.

Varas would fight for a lot of things, but sex wasn't one of them: if the dragoness was willing to let him under her tail, they'd have a good time of it, and if not... Well, growls and bites and kicks were all the fun in the world if they were playful, but when they were really meant to do damage, and if she shrieked in denial when mounted, it would knock him out of the mood in an instant. So instead of pressing her he only tucked his wings in tight to shrug off his robe, and he smoothed it out somewhere safe and clean before following her to the mass of blankets and soft pillows--mostly stolen, some merely purchased from humans--that formed their nest.

Letheria had already sprawled out, and despite her cold demeanor he did not hesitate to join her. He eased himself down against her side, draping a wing over her body and nuzzling tenderly behind her jaw. She didn't respond for a few moments, but he was insistent--despite the attention he'd given to Mathari recently, he really did love his mate! At last she opened a blue eye, smiled at him, and began to purr, and he snuggled in closer to cuddle and to sleep.

His mate woke him shortly before dawn, when she eased herself out from beneath his heavy, thickly muscled limbs. The movement roused him as well, and he raised his head to yawn wide, rubbing a foreleg over his snout to clear the sleep from his eyes. By the time he'd woken himself up enough to look around for her she'd already gone to the mouth of their cave to look outside, and he could see past her that the sky was clear and pink beyond her, another hot clear day ahead that was sure to be good for flying. She slipped out of the cave briefly, but he had never been much of an early riser and remained in the nest, only stretching out his limbs and yawning again, wondering just how early she intended to begin her flight, and how much longer he could stay comfy in bed--maybe with her company!--before getting up to see her off...

She was gone for only a few minutes, but he'd nearly slipped back into a doze by the time she returned, twisted onto his back with his limbs splayed out, so comfortable... Her soft chuckle drew his attention, and at the sound his head almost reluctantly lifted from the pillows where it rested. "I almost wish I wasn't leaving... I won't find a nest nearly so soft out there, nor have a dragon I'll want to share it with," she murmured to him.

He couldn't help but purr, and extended a forepaw as if to invite her to rejoin him. "We can lie here a little longer, don't you think? The sun still hasn't risen, and Korast is a late sleeper..."

"Oh, I do wish I could stay, and snuggle, and keep an eye on you, too! But I cannot put off the journey, and there are preparations I need to make sure have been properly arranged." She chuckled, and nipped at his tail, coming closer to the nest but not joining him in it.

The light in the cave was slowly increasing, and he thought he could see something in one of her forepaws, perhaps something she meant to take with her? "Nevenne should be handling those things... You're going there to represent us, and they go to make sure you get there and get back. Let them see to it, and come share my warmth a little longer."

She crept closer still, and he rumbled at her invitingly; it sure seemed to him like she could be tempted into rejoining him! "I'd like to give you something, before I go, my mate..." The possessive way she said it made him blink, and somehow he felt oddly uncertain about accepting her gift! But she was his mate... he trusted her completely, so he waited for her to reveal this something of hers, and when she asked him to hold still he tilted his head in assent.

But he hadn't expected her to reach for his sheath, and he squirmed in surprise when he felt her grabbing at it, and then even more strangely sliding something over it, something cool and metallic--what was she doing? He sat up with a hiss, but that didn't stop her from seating whatever it was against his sheath, pushing something else to his scrotum where his balls hung from his body, and by the time he saw the metal ring that wrapped around the base of his scrotum she had a padlock in her claws! "Hey-- Letheria-- Stop it!" he said, too surprised to put much force of command behind it, and she ignored him, threading the padlock through a series of rings and clicking it shut!

He swiped at her, and she danced back out of reach, light on her paws, her expression hard to read--triumph? Anger? But his attention was more focused on whatever she had just put onto him, and he shivered when he saw: a stainless steel tube now enclosed his sheath, only the very tip visible through a little hole to pee through, and though the heavy balls he so disdained to cover up weren't locked away completely, the steel ring that curved around the base of their sac was far too tight for them to slip past. The two pieces on their own would be easy to remove, but she'd fitted the padlock through a set of parallel rings that locked them into one secure whole: a chastity device!

"What are you doing?" he snarled at her, furious with understanding. "Get this off me, now!" He yanked on the padlock with a pair of claws, but it was tough and heavy and didn't yield to his strength, and he rolled to his paws: he needed that key!

His mate only retreated further, and held her paw up in front of her snout, a small key dangling from her claws. "No--and if you try to come take it from me, I'll just melt it!" The threat--the unimaginable fate of being locked up in this thing forever!--was enough to make him freeze in shock, that she would resort to something so extreme. "Like I said," she continued once he'd stopped advancing on her, "you're my mate, and to me, that means you are only mine. I could fight her to make her stop tempting you into mounting her... but then what would stop her when I'm not around to keep an eye on her, and what would keep you from just being tempted by the next pretty thing to come along next?"

Varas snarled and thumped his tail against the ground. Submission wasn't in his blood, and he could not accept her taking control of him like this! "Letheria, I am your lord! Unlock this thing this instant!"

"No," she said, just as firmly as he'd demanded she release him. "I don't want to hear about you mounting any other dragoness, but me, and this is the only way to guarantee you remain faithful while I am away. So you're staying in that chastity cage until my return."

He stomped closer, refusing to back down. "I gave you an--"

A brief flash of her flame was enough to stop him in his tracks, and he shuddered. She wouldn't-- She couldn't--

"I wonder if you'd be able to fight as well while trying to hide the fact that you're chaste from the rest of the clan..." Her tail flicked, and she kept backing towards the cave entrance. "I wonder if I could talk you into letting me wrestle you into submission for control of the clan if I agreed to unlock you after."

Dread began to coil in his belly, another unfamiliar feeling. He was the strongest dragon in the mountains, he did not know fear, nor did he ever know a lack of control... He couldn't bargain with her when all he knew how to do was to demand his way through the strength he had so often demonstrated! It even hurt to say, "please..." His tail twitched, he swallowed a growl. The ruler of the clan was not meant to ask anything! "Just take it off! If anyone else finds out--"

He didn't have to say it for her to know the consequences. If anyone knew she had done this to him, he wouldn't seem so invincible any longer. He might be challenged, and though he would surely win that challenge, it would still put doubts into the minds of the dragons of his clan as the story spread, and it could sow division, could even make some of them decide to abandon him in favor of a rival clan! Who would ever follow a dragon-lord who'd been locked in his sheath?

"Well, you'd best not let them!" she said, and then flashed him her sweetest, most innocent smile. "Don't worry... you're still my mate, I don't want you to lose your standing--I just want you to be mine. You should be fine so long as you keep the front of your robe fastened, and ignore any dragonesses who try to lift their tails for you." And with that, she scooped up a little pouch of coins she'd be taking with her, dropped the key inside, then slung it over her neck and darted outside!

"Letheria!" he roared after her, but she didn't come back, and he snarled into the empty cave in frustration. He wouldn't be able to talk to her about it in front of the rest of the clan, and couldn't fight her for the key in front of them either: they'd surely want to know why they had fought, and see the key change hands! Snatching up his robe, he put it on as quickly as he could--far more slowly than usual, when he had to take the time to do up each clasp that would hold it shut to hide his chest and belly... and thankfully hide that embarrassing chastity device as well! Hopefully it wouldn't make much noise when he moved... He took a few steps, testing, and though it felt so very strange for the device to be holding him so tightly, it didn't seem to be noisy. Growling still from the nasty surprise she'd served him, he at last spread his wings and took to the air, heading to the tallest mountain-peak in the clan's territory, from which the mission his mate led would depart.

To his dismay, he found that she was far from the only early riser this morning: not only was her full escort already at her side and ready to go, but much of the clan had turned up to see them leave. Either they had taken his command of 'morning' quite seriously indeed, or perhaps she had spread the word herself, somehow! Many heads turned towards him as he approached, looking not suspicious in the least, only expectant-- But for perhaps the first time since he'd been a fledgling, he felt nervous in front of them all, anxiety making his tail twitch stiffly. The feeling of the chastity cage underneath his robe was impossible to ignore; it wasn't that it was uncomfortable, but it distracted him, and its presence sapped his confidence. How could he possibly act as if he deserved their respect and obedience when he didn't even control his own dragonhood?

"My mate!" Letheria piped up, all cheerful excitement as if nothing was amiss, before he'd even quite landed beside her. "I'm sorry I couldn't wait up for you. I had to make sure everything was prepared! But it seems that my escort rose early, knowing I like to do the same, and we are ready to go." She bowed to him, expectantly, and the three strong warrior-dragons flanking her did the same.

At least she was making this faster, he thought; though surely she'd been so forward to keep him from getting an opportunity to draw her off privately and demand she relinquish his key, it also minimized the time he had to try to act like the powerful, confident ruling dragon he most certainly did not feel like at the moment! He hesitated for a few long moments, both to recall what he had meant to say to them and to try to convince himself that nothing was wrong, that there was nothing to give anyone any suspicion, that there was no reason for anyone to think his robe was closed for once other than that his mate had been badgering him about it so much recently... Even after those moments passed he still didn't feel quite himself, but he couldn't wait any longer or the clan might start to wonder if something was wrong after all!

"Letheria," he said, "Yuria, Korast, Nevenne." Saying their names helped him bring the usual force back into his voice. "I wish you fair winds on your journey, that you may go quickly and safely to where the Bluepeaks await you, that they may enter into the powerful and honorable alliance we offer. Good luck."

Letheria roared, and all the gathered dragons roared at her prompting, to wish their own luck to the dragons about to depart, and Varas quickly stepped back to give them room to take off. It hadn't been quite what he'd meant to say, not only far fewer words but he'd rushed it... But at least it was over. Now he could just stand aside and watch his mate fly away--and take the key to his chastity away with her! He tried to keep himself from squirming or shivering or even groaning from the thought as he watched her fly, every strong wing-beat carrying his freedom further away... Unless he could find some weakness in the device he had missed before, he had no choice now but to get used to the thing as best he could!

As the four of them flew out of sight, the massed dragons began to disperse. Most were heading back to their own caves to rest a little while longer, or to hunt, but Mathari and another of his lieutenants approached him. "Any orders this morning, my lord?" they asked, dipping their heads, and he was glad for it: the respect they automatically paid him helped him feel a little more like himself.

"Have the patrols pay a little more attention to the border on the Highclaw side," he said; it was something that had been discussed a few times while preparing for the mission, and now it made an easy order to give when so much of him still reeled from what Letheria had done. He wanted to hurry back to his cave and find a way to get the chastity cage off, the sooner the better! But he couldn't ignore them, either, not when he still had to rule the clan--especially when he'd just sent four of his best fighters away.

Thankfully that was enough; the two of them bobbed their heads a little lower, then turned to track down the patrol-dragons and give them their orders. None else seemed to want his attention badly enough to do anything more than hang about near him and hope to be noticed and given a little attention from their lord, so gladly he shook out his wings and sprang back into the air, only with effort keeping himself from sprinting back to the cave as fast as he could fly.

Once back in the privacy of his home, he twisted around and opened the clasps of the robe--not taking it off entirely, as he might need to close it up again if anyone came to see him! Just seeing the bright stainless steel closed over his sheath made him blush from how he had to hide something so humiliating, and he curled himself up to peer closely at it, trying to find any weaknesses he could exploit to get it off. The hole at the front of the tube encasing his flesh was enough to pee through without making a mess, but as for any of his shaft fitting through, it was much too small. The cage itself was strong, as steel always was, and pulling and pinching at it did nothing to deform the metal. He tugged it away from his body, but that made the ring dig into his scrotum uncomfortably, and it didn't feel good for his sheath either: there was an opening in the top of the tube to let the flesh pass through that connected it to his body, but it was far too narrow to pull his sheath out through even at its most flaccid, and he couldn't dig his claws in to try to pry it more widely open without pinching himself still more painfully.

Certain that the tube itself wasn't coming off on its own, he tested the ring next, but it was equally strong--maybe stronger still than the cage, being made of thicker steel, and where it encircled his sac was even narrower than he expected: even one at a time, there was no way he could slip his balls out so long as the two halves of the chastity device were locked together! Where the two pieces linked, the rings the padlock threaded through also refused to deform no matter how he tried to tug on one half or the other, and that left the lock itself as his only hope for escape. It was steel as well, not quite as thick as the ring but heavier, and the keyhole was too narrow for him to work a claw into, as if he had any hope of picking the lock anyway... A whine escaped him, a sound he was sure he hadn't made since he was a hatchling, when he gave a few firm yanks on the padlock and the snug cage didn't yield even a little bit to his considerable strength.

It was no use... The chastity device wouldn't come off, not without the key, and the key wouldn't come back until his mate did, at least two weeks from now! Just the sight of the steel locking up his sheath and balls made him groan, and want to squirm as if that would help him be rid of it, and he couldn't escape the feeling of it clinging to him so tightly, nor how being locked inside it made him feel so much less sure of himself! And he couldn't even imagine how it would feel if Mathari decided to try to tempt him to mount her again... What was he going to do?

The most important thing to do was to hide it. Being lord of the clan wasn't a title granted through heredity or even a vote among the dragons who followed him, it was all about strength: the strongest dragon, the best fighter with the most dominant, forceful personality would draw the loyalty of the clan. He'd won his position by demonstrating his strength and cunning in fights against other clans, building up more and more respect and deference from other dragons until enough of the clan thought he might be stronger than the previous lord, and then he had challenged him, wrestled him quite convincingly into submission, and taken the clan for his own. If anyone learned of how he'd been locked in his sheath--especially considering he didn't want to be!--that respect would waver, and the clan might begin to wonder if a new leader was needed to take control. It would divide and weaken the clan, even if he won the challenge, and it had to be avoided! Thus he had to keep his chastity a secret...

Varas sighed, poking at the lock one more time, and reluctantly fastened up the robe again to hide it. There was nothing to do but to try to grow accustomed to the chastity cage, act as if nothing was wrong, and wait for Letheria to return--and hope the tight cage didn't frustrate him too badly while he waited.

His first challenge would be hunting. Ordinarily he'd take his robe off to go find prey, to ensure any blood or gore from his kills didn't stain it, but he might be seen while flying through the valleys searching for prey so he had no choice but to leave it on! He could only be as careful as he could while hunting to avoid damaging it, or perhaps he could go to one of the rivers to fish. Just getting it wet wouldn't be nearly as bad as getting it bloody.

The dragon didn't ordinarily fish, and they were crunchy for his taste--not to mention frustrating to try to snatch from the water!--but he made a meal of them without making too much a spectacle of himself, finding a quiet spot far from any company to fish for his prey. Clearing waste afterward felt stranger still, but he managed eventually, and at last flew back to his cave, starting to feel perhaps a little less uncomfortable in chastity. He was still aware of it, but it wasn't so insistently distracting him, especially when flying: his attention was needed elsewhere, the exertion especially helping to keep him focused, and he felt almost entirely himself again as he soared. He made himself spend a little more time flying than he had in the morning, just to try to get himself used to the dragons nearby looking at him without knowing about what was hidden under his robe. Best to get comfortable with the deception by degrees, now, than all at once during a council meeting!

He was spared having to preside over a meeting, that first day: they had just met the previous evening, and nothing unexpected had come up that needed the attention of the clan leadership. Patrols returned reporting no unusual movements of dragons from the other clans, no intrusion into their territory or rumors of trouble from the human cities bordering the mountains, and no infighting aside from the typical brawls between up-and-coming young fighters trying to build their influence. The silver patterning--and the fact that he wore clothes at all--made him a distinctive sight even from afar, so many of his expected reports he received before even returning to his cave. Though he would have liked to take off his robe the instant he'd ducked into his cavern: clasped shut, it was a little tighter through the chest than he'd like. But he expected another dragon or two to check in before nightfall, and thus he was forced to keep it on until he was sure he wouldn't be receiving any other visitors who might see what was locked between his hinds!

The last dragon, an elder informing him of a dragoness soon to lay a clutch who was sure to want a supportive visit from him either before or after, at last flapped away from his cave in the early evening, and Varas could discard the robe of state with relief. Unhooking the clasps and shrugging his limbs out of their respective holes, he laid the clothing out to await the following day, and then stretched out long, forelegs reaching forward, then hind legs extending back, yawning wide as he did, his muscles twitching. What a day... He grumbled, glancing back to see the steely glint of the cage still nestled up against his belly. Thankfully he'd managed to keep himself a little too busy to let anything excite him over the course of the day, and thus avoided finding out how chastity felt when he grew aroused, but considering how hard he seemed to wake up most mornings, he was sure to find out soon...

Not that he was looking forward to the experience. He prodded the metal cage, then gave the lock another futile tug before turning and heading for his nest. He hadn't found time to nap all day long, despite the heat and the length of the summer day, and he was worn out!

Varas had only just stretched out on the pile of blankets and pillows when the sound of wings grew outside. Of course wings alone weren't an unusual sound, not in dragon-inhabited mountains, and at first he figured it was only someone flying by overhead, but then the wings grew louder, and louder-- Someone was coming! There was no time to get up and put his robe back on; his only choice was to roll onto his belly to hide his loins in the nest, face the cave mouth, and refuse to get up no matter what the dragon wanted. Hopefully it wasn't anything serious...

But the blue and black scales that came into view when the dragon landed belonged to likely the very last dragon in all the clan he wanted to see at the moment! Mathari prowled into the cave with quite the seductive tilt to her head, eyes half-lidded, jaws parted to pant softly. Her tail, raised, flicked back and forth as she said, "there you are, my lord... I thought you might be a little lonely, without your mate to warm your nest."

He gave her the sternest hiss he could manage, hoping both to keep her away from him and to hide his dismay at her arrival. A dragoness sharing his nest was the last thing he wanted right now, when it would be next to impossible for her not to discover that he'd been locked in chastity, to say nothing of how her presence might arouse him or try to tempt him into mounting her! "I'm just fine on my own," he growled, his tail lashing, and he snapped his teeth for emphasis.

But the dragoness only prowled closer still, not dissuaded by his display after having enjoyed him mounting her more than once in the past! "Don't be shy... don't you want a little company? I'm sure I'd do you better than your paw," she said, and her head tilted farther, coy.

"I said no!" He snapped his teeth again, and thumped his tail on the floor. He didn't care if rejecting her so forcefully without explanation--especially without his jealous mate there to keep her away--would keep her from wanting to try to come offer herself to him again, he couldn't let her discover that he'd been locked up in his sheath!

All the teeth and claws he could show did nothing to slow her: to her, he was only a big dragon showing off his impressive strength and talons and fangs, not threatening or meaning to hurt! And despite how much he snarled to try to stop her, she pounced, and then he had no choice but to get up and defend himself: chastity or no, to lie there and let himself be pinned was unacceptable! He rose up to block her or throw her off, but her aim wasn't to try to wrestle him at all; she twisted along beside him instead, aiming for his hindquarders-- He turned away, and lashed his tail at her, but it wasn't enough to keep her from reaching a paw between his hind legs and give him a teasing grope!

She froze in surprise when her paw encountered not soft fleshy sheath but unyielding steel, and he grunted from the intimate contact, her paw rubbing across the cage before encountering his balls and making his tail twitch when she rubbed there instead. Groaning while she fondled them, he pushed her away, but not quickly enough to keep her from ducking her head beneath him to see just what she'd found there! "Oh-- Oh my!" she gasped, and then even more embarrassingly she began to giggle, letting him push her away but not bothering to restrain her mirth, as he sat up blushing hotly from just how amusing she found his predicament!

"Mathari," he growled, lowering his head, and trying to look--and sound--as stern as he possibly could despite how it felt to watch her laugh--and from the sudden tightness he felt, her paw groping down there having stirred him!

Worse still, she seemed to take no notice of his behavior! She gathered her paws beneath her, but her head kept dipping and twisting, trying to get a better look at the chastity cage. "Did Letheria put that on you, my lord? No wonder you finally closed your robe like she wanted!" Her giggling grew louder than ever, until at last he couldn't take the humiliation any longer, and snarling, he bit her on the neck.

"Yes, she did," he said, pouring as much anger as possible into his voice to make her behave herself. "And you will tell no one about it. Do you understand your lord?"

The blue-and-black dragoness stopped giggling so much, at least, but rather than acknowledge the order she just tilted her head to try to see around his forelegs to look at the cage again. "Is she making you wear it to keep you off my back? That'd be such a shame, I'd been looking forward to it..."

He only growled, and nipped at her snout when she tried to creep closer for another look. This was bad enough as it was, he didn't need her acting so amused, so curious about it! Instead he hissed, "I asked you a question."

Mathari paused, and tilted her head, then drew herself up on her haunches in front of him. "Well. I could my lord... But what's in it for me?" The way she grinned at him made him have to fight the urge to squirm; there was no way whatever she wanted would be good for him!

"What's in it for you," he mantled his wings and rose into a crouch, threatening, "is not getting wrestled into submission in front of the whole clan for disobeying your lord."

"Oh I don't know..." She giggled again, at once confirming all his worst fears about what would happen if anyone found out about the chastity cage! "It sure doesn't sound like you locked yourself in there, my lord... and if your cock's under your mate's control instead of your own, it seems to me like she's the real lord of the clan!"

Varas flushed hot again, and fought the urge to reach back and tug on the lock. He was sure she kept repeating his title on purpose, seemingly enjoying that he, the strongest dragon in the clan, had been forced into a chastity cage! And considering Letheria hadn't even asked his permission before locking him up, he wasn't in much position to dispute her... He tried to divert her, looming still taller over her and growling, "I could wrestle you into submission here, and make you keep the secret."

The dragoness only batted at his snout, playfully, a knowing smirk on her muzzle--he pounced, this time, enough playing around! And though she yelped she didn't fight him, only wriggling beneath his paws, giggling again, and then pressing herself upward against him, her underbelly rubbing against the steel and his balls, not seeming to mind in the least being pinned beneath him. "could I really though? You're asking me not to tell the clan that someone has forced you, our lord, into submission! That's very important information... If you want to keep me quiet, you'll have to do a lot more than that."

He fought the urge to bite her, hard: he was not used to being disobeyed at all, let alone so blatantly, but he could tell already she meant to keep doing so unless he gave in! Injuring her or killing her wasn't an option either, not even the lord of a clan could so dispose of a dragon that way: the other dragons would lose all respect and desire to follow him in an instant. Still glaring at her, trying to block out how very unfamiliar it felt to have to do what someone else wanted whether he liked it or not, he growled, "what do you want?"

"Well..." She grew seductive once more, and he couldn't keep from shivering when she pressed herself against his chastity cage again. It still felt tight, and her behavior wasn't helping! "I came here hoping to be mounted, but it seems that my lord's chastity won't let him! I still want this stud pleasuring me though..." She squirmed too, her scent growing distinctly hot with arousal, and she moaned quietly. "If you'll satisfy me, I'll keep your secret, Varas."

He tried to keep from moaning himself. Her excitement had prompted his own body to respond, and his hips twitched side to side, his sheath growing plump but the tube keeping his shaft trapped within, the restriction making his loins ache! "Rrrrh-- And how am I supposed to do that? My mate put that on me to keep me from doing so!"

"I'm sure you can think of a way," she murred, continuing to tease at the cage and his balls, which ordinarily he didn't mind a dragoness playing with but now only made him strain more strongly against the chastity device! "Maybe my lord could use his tongue... I bet that would do the trick."

Varas blushed hotter than ever. That was something dragons only did after challenging a female for the right to mount her and losing, to do that would be tantamount to submitting to her, but she hadn't pinned him, she hadn't even been the one to lock him up! Groaning--hoping it sounded more like a growl than it probably did--he pushed down against her, pinning her more firmly against the blankets of the nest. "You haven't earned the privilege," he said, but not so forcefully as before, it was hard to feel confident at all when his sheath ached so strongly!

"Not every submission is earned by fighting, my lord," Mathari purred, continuing to grind her belly against him, the tease and the tightness of the chastity cage making it harder and harder to maintain his focus! "A few words to the right dragons, and you might have to surrender your title to your mate, or even face a challenger... That seems like all the reason in the world for you to do whatever I want to keep me quiet."

He snarled again in denial--and then in the next instant moaned, his tail twitching, hips jerking against her belly in frustration. Impossible to deny she'd outflanked him, and little choice now but do as she asked, no matter how much he hated having to submit to anyone! "Fine," he hissed.

"Mmmmh. That's more like it..." For the first time she actually tried to push him off her, and though he didn't want to, he let her get up. "Now why don't you roll over and lay on your back for me, my lord..."

"Don't push your luck," he growled. He'd get her off as she'd requested, fine, but to think she could make him do whatever she wanted--

She nipped him on the tip of his snout, countering, "don't push yours, or I'll make you do it twice. On your back now... I want a closer look at that chastity cage."

Varas growled more loudly, and lashed his tail, but she was no stranger to dominance herself, having risen up to command one of the clan's wings of warriors, and she bit him when he hesitated! At last, when she wouldn't back down from his size or reputation, he had to give in, ease himself down, and roll onto his back, hind legs splayed wide apart to let her look at the cramped, locked steel device that had forced him to submit.

"Mmmmmm. That looks snug, my lord," she said, turning herself around and settling down atop him, her chest on his belly, and her muscular hindquarters pinning down his shoulders. Then he felt the tube nudged back and forth gently, side to side as she inspected it, and the lock, and the curved piece around his scrotum that held the cage on tight and prevented him from escaping his sheath. "I may have to ask your mate where she got it... I'd love to make any lesser dragon wear one for a while if they challenged me and lost." The thought made her wriggle in delight, and her tail curled out of the way to display her sex to him: swollen and damp in her arousal, her scent hot and sharp, and just the sight of it made him groan, hind claws curling. If only he wasn't in chastity, he would love to be mounting her rather than having to use his tongue...

She continued to nose curiously, playfully between his hind legs, exploring the device, how neatly it locked up his sheath and kept any stimulation away... Though after a little while she started to nuzzle at his balls instead, nosing over the orbs, even licking one of them, the teasing sensation making him writhe and hiss--her snout between his legs, where ordinarily he'd expect to feel it suckling him obediently, was only making him strain more powerfully against his chastity! And when she felt him squirming she paused in her tease enough to say, "your chastity cage is very sexy, my lord," the mocking quality with which she used his title somehow humiliated him even further, "but playing with it isn't going to satisfy me! So unless you want to just lie here with me all night long..."

Varas could only groan back at her in his pent-up frustration, forelegs pushing weakly at her thighs. Her teasing, his embarrassment weren't making his shaft strain any less powerfully against the chastity device, and she didn't seem like she'd have any reason to move until he did as he was told! He had no choice but to obey... He flushed hot that he had to do it, he squirmed beneath her--he even rolled his hips against the tight confines of his chastity!--but at last he lifted his head and parted his jaws to lick.

Mathari moaned at once, and loudly, both approving of him finally obeying her properly and encouraging him to continue by leaning herself back towards his touch, and nuzzling at his nuts again, gently and teasingly. "That's it, my lord, mmmmh! Now more..."

That the embarrassment of submission did nothing to turn him off only made him feel it more strongly, and he huffed, but now that he'd started to obey her it was easier to continue than to find the will to growl any further protest. Feeling her wriggling atop him, tasting her on his tongue and smelling her excitement so close to its source, he didn't need her moans of pleasure to tell him that she was enjoying his touch--though they certainly rubbed in that she was loving the sensations, while he only received the dull gentle stimulation of her playing with his heavy orbs and the tight tormenting ache of his cock straining against the chastity cage! Huffing, groaning his frustration, his tail twitching and hips bucking uselessly beneath her, he could only continue to lick, lapping back and forth across her entrance, flicking his tongue against her clit, probing a little ways into her and trying to remember what had worked best, from the last time he'd had to do this for a dragoness close to a decade ago! Experimenting, he found that working at her clit that made her gasp the loudest and curl her hind claws in pleasure, so he began to focus on her swollen sensitive nub, nuzzling against it, tongue rubbing firmly back and forth across it as he strove to make Mathari cum so this humiliation could end!

It might have taken ten minutes, maybe a little more, but the constant needy pressure of being strictly pent up in his slit made it feel like so much longer before at last Mathari threw back her head and yowled in ecstasy, leaning herself still more firmly against his snout and writhing atop him. "Mmmmnnh, oh, yeeeesss, my lord, aaaaah!" Her climax dragged on, and on, his cock throbbing jealously within its tight cage all the while while he could only watch her in her throes of ecstasy, but then finally she relented, emitting a sigh of satisfaction and tumbling off of him to stretch out on the blankets.

Varas immediately reached a forepaw between his hinds, pushing against the cage, tugging its pieces this way and that and giving the lock several frustrated yanks! But no amount of straining would relieve the ache of being locked inside it, it didn't come loose, his shaft didn't even stop trying to push out of his sheath! "Rrrgh-- Stupid-- Thing!" he said through gritted teeth, once again defeated by the tough steel and forced to wait for his body to calm down at last--without a release to sate him.

"Awwwr, is my lord a little frustrated?" The dragoness watched his performance and began to giggle again, her tail flicking in amusement. "Too bad... That felt so good, I wish I could return the favor! But I guess you'll have to wait for your mate to return and let you out."

He hissed, rolling onto his other side so she couldn't watch him continue to tug on the chastity cage, his tail twitching, claws curled tight as he tried to cope with the powerful, tortuous ache. "Wouldn't be nearly so bad if you hadn't made me do that!" he snapped at her, glaring.

"Of course... Why else would I have insisted? I think my lord being locked in chastity is the sexiest thing I've ever seen," she purred, which only made him blush again. "There was no way I could have resisted taking advantage of you."

The red-and-white dragon could only groan in response. Damn he wanted out... Her reminder that he couldn't enjoy an orgasm like the one he'd given her until Letheria returned, at least 2 weeks away, only made him feel the lack of climax more strongly! "But now you'll keep the secret," he said, the only reason she'd been able to make him submit in the first place, hoping the reminder that he'd gained something from her torment would help him not feel so defeated by it.

"Mmmmmh." She stretched, still purring in bliss, and rose, starting to walk towards the mouth of the cave: night had fallen while he pleasured her. "Yes, I'll keep your secret, for today... Tomorrow I might need you to convince me again."

Just thinking of having to submit to her and please her with his tongue a second time made the ache between his hinds that had only just begun to die down return full force, and he shook his head in almost frantic denial. "What-- No, Mathari, I did what you wanted! That's enough, and you said you wouldn't tell!"

She looked over her shoulder at him, still smirking. "Will you still be wearing your robe clasped up tomorrow? Will you still be hiding your chastity, my lord? Will you still need me to keep a secret?"

He didn't bother to answer; they both knew the padlock kept him trapped for at least the next two weeks, maybe longer if his mate ran into any delays, and that he couldn't possibly risk letting anyone know about his condition! "Once was enough!" he snarled.

Again the dragoness refused to take his anger seriously: she thought he was nothing to fear, so long as his sheath was securely caged. "Maybe it was. It did feel awfully good... I'll think about it. Sleep well, my lord," she said, and before he could argue any further she went outside and disappeared into the night.

Snarling his frustration, Varas rolled over and humped himself into the nest, the steel sliding smoothly over the soft surfaces and transmitting no pleasure through to his flesh within. The denial only made him try harder, claws digging into the blankets, gritting his teeth and grunting as he pressed himself against them again, again, again... and then with a whine he gave up, forced to accept that no matter how unbearably horny he felt, there was nothing he could do for relief! He tugged on the chastity device a few more times with his paws, trying to get it to feel less uncomfortably tight, trying to get that needy ache to subside, the frustration indescribable. If Mathari made him use his tongue for her again... Just the thought made him shudder, looking helplessly back at the lock securing his cage. He could only hope she wouldn't come back!

[Commission] In Need of a Key!

Cursora groaned, wriggling from the feeling of the dildo locked inside her by her chastity belt. Having to wait for Kaereth to bring her the key to the belt wasn't going to be easy, she huffed to herself, fantasies already drifting through her mind of...

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[Commission] In Need of Courting

Butterflies danced beneath Cursora's ribs. Though she kept her wings still, and even managed to control her tail to keep it from twitching, her breaths came uneven, drawn in shakily and let out in a rush. No number of deep gulps seemed to help her calm...

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Gusty days were miserable for flighted creatures, and dragons were no exception. Even with their great weight to stabilize them, their equally great wingspan made it that much easier for the wind to get up under their wings at the wrong angle or from...

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