Day at the beach

Story by LordWegner on SoFurry

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Seem Andrew can not say no to that sexy dragoness, even if it means having to carry all the stuff for a memorable day at the beach.

A beautiful summer day, a clear blue sky white thin white clouds high up as to not block the warm rays of the sun; it is a perfect day to be at the beach to enjoy the sun with the sand and water. The crowded beach does show many did have the same thought. A couple walk on the sand to find their own place to relax passed sun bathers, sand castle builders, a few volleyball games and many others enjoying the day.

A tall slender dragoness leads the way. A little over 7' in height, her body is covered in silver scales that shimmer brightly in the sun light. Wearing a large straw hat to protect her head from the sun, it does not hide her long silver hair; tied in a pony tail which stops halfway down her back. A large set of firm perky size "C" breasts grace her chest and is kept in place with her red bikini top, a size too small for her bust. The top hugs the curves of her perky breasts and adds some lift; something she does not need but enjoys using and teasing all the males around. A smirk comes to her long muzzle as a guy runs passed to catch a Frisbee and instead trips focused on her sexy body. She flicks her head to tease the fallen male and continues to walk.

If that poor guy had a chance to get a better look, he would see her nipples in the center of the small triangular pieces of material stretching over her breasts and that her left nipple is pierced. Two smaller bump on either side of her nipple are pressed into the taught material, a bar piercing she got since he asked her to. Moving down her body, you see her large beach bag hanging on her right shoulder blocking the view of those on her right of her flat toned stomach; her scale color growing lighter on her chest and under belly region. Her wide curvy hips sway with each step as her bikini bottom is hidden by a red floral pattern wraparound. The material tied on her left hip allows her long tone left leg to be seen with each step. And as she passes, you can finally see her long sliver tail following her. It sways and slithers behind her adding to her grace as she moves.

Many an envious male wish they could be walking with her, and some get a "reminder" from their girlfriend or spouse that they are taken. Though there is a lucky male walking with this dragoness of perfection, a canine with a black coat wishing it was a lighter color as he follows. 6'5" himself, the canine could use a few extra inches to match her height a bit better. A mix of German shepherd and Doberman pinscher, body and fur length of a shepherd and the colorization of the Doberman, he pants some as his fur absorbs the sun light. To try and help he is wearing a light colored Hawaiian shirt, left open, his own large straw hat and a pair of long blue board shorts. Average in body with a little extra muscle around his upper arms and chest area, he would get some glances by the ladies. His beach towel draped around his neck, carrying his own beach bag on his left shoulder and a cooler in his right hand he follows close to the dragoness; a smile on his muzzle knowing others wish they could be him.

She would come to a stop and looks around, taking in the area. Far enough away from any kids running around, Frisbees or a stray volleyball the spot looks good. A good amount of room between them and others around them and a nice distance to the blue ocean it was a perfect spot. "This is it." she tells him as she kneels down not to let any glancing over a view of her toned rump pressing to her wraparound. "Good." her canine companion pants as he places his stuff down next to hers. Smiling she turns her head to look at him as he stands there, his eyes focused and the ocean before him as he watches the waves come in leaving their white foam on the sand. "Would you go get two umbrellas?" she asks as she opens her bag and reaches in for her towel. "Hmmmm..." he sounds as he looks down at her and then nods yes. She smiles and turns her head to watch him walk back around the hot sand to a small rental stand with bicycles, umbrellas and other goods. Her tail flicks back and forth as she stares at his tail end walking away, licking her muzzle showing her stud near the tip of her serpent like tongue.

She turns her attention back to her towel as she throws it up to unroll it and helps guide it to lie out on the sand. She moves to her hands and knees to brush her towel and flatten it some as he comes walking back; a pair of beach umbrella on his shoulder. She looks up at him and smiles as he puts the first one up for her. "Thank you Andrew." she says politely as he moves to provide her some shade and to hide her from view of those behind them. "You're welcome Yang." He answers back as he goes and sets up the second umbrella. Placing it next to her, he sets it up the same way. Now the two umbrellas provide shade from the sun and cover from the eyes of those wanting to see what the dragoness looks like in her bikini.

She laughs lightly and grins looking at his backside. He was adjusting the umbrella as she moves and reaches behind him. His eyes open wide as he jumps feeling a hand goose his rump. He quickly looks over his shoulder to see her reaching into his bag and pulling out his towel. She looks up and tries to act innocent. "What?" she asks fluttering her eyes. He sighs and shakes his head making her laugh as she unrolls his towel for him.

With his towel laid out for him by Yang, Andrew lets out a relaxing sigh as he lies down. He tilts his hat forward to cover his face and uses his hands as a pillow; now the picture of a relaxed man napping at the beach. Kneeling on her towel, Yang looks out at the blue water with an "Mmmmm..." She looks at him with a small pout. "You are not just going to sleep are you?" she asks as her tail sways across the sand. He grunts to her an "I don't know" with a large grin.

She lets out a small gasp to his answer as she lifts her hand to get ready to give him a smack to his stomach until she sees the grin on his muzzle. She smirk and rest her hand on his stomach and starts to scratch; her finger tips moving along his body from the top of his trunks to his navel. "Ooohhhh..." escapes him as he shifts his body and starts to growl softly. He wags his tail between his legs thumping against them. She laughs at her happy doggie asking is he is enjoying it. He gives and exaggerated nod yes with his hat covered head.

Still laughing, Yang stops scratching him and stands up. Her upper body now visible above the two umbrellas that is set up for some privacy. Any looking over could see her looking down talking with someone hidden down there. She leans over some and her arms start moving. At their little hidden spot, once she stopped scratching him, Andrew lifted his hat some to watch her stand up as she told him "I'm going swimming?" She then moves her hands to her left hip and starts to untie her wraparound. He lifts his hat up more watching her right hand move across the front of her body as she removes the material to show off her bikini bottom. He quickly sits up to take in the sight of her equally one size smaller bottom.

The front piece of triangular material comes up just enough over her crotch to spark many naughty thought in any male's head. The side straps are pull up over her hips, each having a bow knot tied keeping her bottom on. A little larger piece of material in the back does its job to cover her rear, though her tail being down does hide that fact and one could only see the straps following her hips to disappear under her tail. From his vantage point, Andrew could see a small ring pressing in the front part of her bikini bottom. Her clit pierce with a silver ring; something he asked her to get along with her nipple piercing.

Yang looks at Andrew as a smirk comes over her muzzle. The dog's eyes do not leave her lower body as he pants some. Spreading her to open up the wraparound behind her, she strikes a pose that one would see in a swimsuit catalog. She asks in a soft seductive pant "Ohhh...would to join me?" Andrew gaze quickly moves from her partially revealing bottom up to her face. He sees her eyes are partially close; her muzzle opens some as she gasps. She licks her muzzle, letting her serpent like tongue; slowly move along to tease him. He swallows his breath in a gulp and nods yes to her. She grins to his yes. "Wonderful...let's go." She then says with a straight face. Andrew sat there in shock as she just drops the wrap around and takes her hat off. As her arm drops to her side letting her hat go, she lifts her other hand and grabs the tie holding her hair in a pony tail. She pulls her pony tail over her shoulder as the tie slips off letting her hair cascade back behind her head. "Well. Come on..." she says as she then starts towards the water. Andrew sits there blinking as he tries to figure out what had just happened. He feels his partial erection from her little action and tone of voice to only sees her off for a swim. He hears her again tell him "Come on." He gives a sigh and stands up. Throwing his hat down on top of hers, he hastily pulls his shirt off and goes after her.

Yang laughs as she steps into the ocean, the water a bit colder than expected. She turns back to see him running over and squats down. She splashes some of the water hoping to make him stop. He does not and continues at her as she stands. He runs passed her some and grabs her hands. He pulls her along as they moved out to be mid-thigh deep in the water. She laughs and squirms from having more of her body submerged in the cold water.

A small splashing fight ensues, followed by him getting behind her wrapping his arms around and lifting her some getting ready to drop her into the water. She squirms and laughs getting away from him. He chases a bit which leads to a small kiss and then the two swimming out to deeper water. Yang glides through the water with great ease, her silver hair fanning out behind her floating on the water. Her silver scales mixing with the blue water making her body beneath the water a little harder to see is it was not for her red swimsuit. Andrew swims on floating on his back. Leisurely stretching his arm out, it moves down, dives into the water and strokes propelling him forward. His legs do none of the work.

Out in a deep part, Andrew continues to float there on his back; resting after his swim out. His eyes closed he listens to the sound of the water, and the seagulls over head flying in and out; the cold water splashing his fur and the waves rocking his body. Yang instead was beneath the water surface swimming around. Her arms at her side, she seems to slither through the water with ease as her tail flicks around; her silver hair flowing from her head in the water. She is watching school of fish swim by and the mixture of rocks and sand along the ocean floor. She then glances up to see a familiar canine floating over head and grins as some bubble exhale from her nostrils.

Still floating, Andrew lifts his head to look around some. "Yang?" he calls out not seeing her. Getting ready to look for her, he is soon pulled under the water by his tail. Eyes wide he flails his arms while beneath the water. He feels his tail being let go as he swims back up. As he breaks the surface he gasps loudly and is dripping wet. Next to him, Yang breaks the surface. The drops of water shimmer on her silver scales; she is laughing. "Not funny." He says splashing her some. "Hey..." she answers holding her hands up to protect herself. "Well I thought it was." She continues spitting her tongue out at him. He closes his eyes for a moment before he spoke "Well it scared the hell out of me you know...huh...Yang?" He opens his eyes to see her gone again.

As he spoke, Yang quietly took a deep breath and slowly submerged back beneath the water. She circles around him below the water. "Yang?" He calls again and looks around not seeing her. He the looks down at the water and squints some. The sun's rays reflect off the water's surface making it a little harder to look, but he is able to make out some small red thing moving; her swimsuit. She exhales some more bubbles from her nostrils before moving to him again. He watches the red moving towards him and in prepared this time to be tugged down again. He was not surprised to feel a tug at his short pulling him down some; the surprise was he was not pull under at all and that his suit was pulled off instead. He does his best to try and keep it on, but feels his feet come through. He now floats there naked.

Yang floats there beneath the water all happy with her "catch." Bubbles exhale from her nostrils as she looks at his trunks in her hands. She notices some shade and looks up to see what is blocking the sun's rays from reaching her. She gasps release many bubbles seeing Andrew was swimming at her. She turns to swim away. Just as she starts to swim, he reached out to grab her near her top but misses.

After putting a little distance between him, she watches him. He is looking around and really can not see her because of her scales coloring. She looks at her own chest and at the bright red top she is wearing and then smirks. As Andrew starts to surface to catch his breath, she unties the bow behind her neck and starts to take her top off. Releasing her breath to make a lot of bubbles, she lets her top float up in them.

Andrew breaks the water's surface and looks around. He is trying to see if he can spot her red bikini beneath the water. He notices something red coming towards the surface and smile. He swims out towards it thinking she is coming up for a breath. "Now I have you..." he starts to only be disappointed. It was only her top, floating on the water. He reaches out and grabs it. Looking it over, he knows it would be harder to find her, but he also smirks knowing she is also topless; a thought that excites him. Occupied with her top, he does not notice Yang's snout breaking the water surface. She takes a few breathes through her nostrils and then takes one good long breath before disappearing under water.

There he floats, in the nude with a dragoness beneath the water circling him. His eyes skimming over the water's surface hoping to see any sign of her or what she is planning. He licks his muzzle slowly turning his head to feel her grab at him again. "Whoa..." He splashes in the water some feeling her hands grab at the back side of his upper legs. Ready to reach down to grab her, his eyes open up wide as he feels something nudging at his balls. Yang has her muzzle between his legs and nudges at him. She can see he is excited with the tip of his cock poking out of his sheath and she was going to get the rest out.

The nosing stops giving him a moment to try and squirm to get away from her. As he prepares, he closes his eyes and groans softly as he remains still. Something long and thin is rubbing the underside of his ball sac. Beneath the water, Yang has her long serpent tongue out; the tip of her tongue licking the back side of his sac, rubbing her piercing to it as the rest of her tongue cradles under and up the front side. He squirms and lets out another groan as his heart starts to race. More blood pumps to his member that continues to grow out of his sheath to his full length.

Yang looks up as she licks with a smirk to see she has achieved her goal. Wrapping her tongue around his sac, she gives him a squeeze as a reward before her tongue slithers back into her muzzle. Floating there, Andrew is panting lightly. No longer angry with her taking his trunks, he grips her top tightly in his hand and waits to feel what she does next. His eyes open wide as he feels her hands move from his upper legs to grip his rump. He looks down at the water as she gooses him. He is able to see her floating there, her long hair fanned out behind her as she seems to be coming up. He watches as the tip of her muzzle breaks the water surface and listens as she takes some breathes. He smile and moves his free hand to rub along the under side of her muzzle as she breathes. He can feel her muzzle vibrate as she does the equivalent of purring to the gentle touch. Soon she takes a long deep breath and her muzzle moving below the water surface.

Floating alone again, many thought of what Yang might do to him fills his mind. Closes his eyes, he growls happily and wags his tail as her hands continue to rub and grip his behind. Yang moves her muzzle to the base of his cock and grins. She opens her muzzle to let her long tongue slither out again. It touches and rubs the underside of his cock at his sheath. He growls louder as his body tenses. After her first lick, she continues to extend her tongue allowing it to wrap around and up his throbbing cock.

His cock now completely ensnared by her tongue. He growls and groans feeling the tip of her tongue lick at his tip. Her tongue starts to constrict and squeeze his member to start pleasuring him as she skillfully moves her tongue's tip. She carefully guides her piercing near his tip. She slips the bar on the end of her bar into the slit in his tip and moves it around. Andrew squirms as his member tenses up and he starts to hump. She gasps surprised by him letting many bubbles up in front of him. Glancing up, she watches how eager he is and continues to constrict lick and rub her piercing in his hip before she moves her head. Opening her muzzle, she uses her tongue to guide him in. He gasps and lets out a long groan as he feels her tongue loosen and release his cock only to have her muzzle gobble it up and suck him hard.

Groaning as he floats, he continues with his humping motion; he pushes cock in and out of her muzzle. Wanting him to cum, she presses her tongue back to his tip and rubs her piercing eagerly; trying to get the ball back in his slit. He lets out a loud groan as she succeeds in her task. The metal ball enters his slit again. She rubs it back and forth, sucking him hard, rubbing and goosing his behind; wanting him to cum. His eyes close and look of slight pain on his face, he is in pure pleasure. He stops humping and lets her do all the work as he is ready to cum.

Now panting harder he groans at the feel of her piercing in his slit. His body tenses as he groans. His thick hot seed escapes from his tip, seeping out around her piercing and filling her muzzle. She stops her suckling as he comes. She does move her piercing and lets him drain all his hot thick seed into her muzzle.

A grunt for him, his face is no longer showing any signs of pain; instead it show he is enjoying a great satisfying feeling as the last of his seed leaves his body. Feeling no more seed is coming; Yang finally pulls her piercing out of his slit and swallows his load; her swallowing motion giving him a little extra stimulus to keep him hard.

A large smile on his face, he feels her release his cock from her muzzle and lets his rump go. "Yang...that was great..." he says looking forward to watch her rise out of the water, but she did not. "Yang?" he asks looking and does not see her. The loud sound of someone gasping and water splashing comes from behind. He turns and looks to see it is Yang. She is smiling holding his trunks up and laughing "I still got these...cum and get them." She then turns and swims towards shore. "YANG!" he screams turning red in the face and is off after her. Her slender body allows her to swim faster and make it to shore first.

As she starts to walk out of the water, she holds his trunks to her chest and snickers. She looks back as he swims up. "Nah...nah..." She teases showing his trunks pressed to her chest. "Yang...please..." Andrew begs staying out enough to keep his lower body hidden. She shakes her head and runs over to their towels and umbrella cover. She sits down on her towel, drops his trunks on his and sits there allowing the sun to dry her body off.

Really embarrassed now, Andrew looks to the left and right. There are people all around, but they seem to not be paying any attention to him. Gripping her top in his hand, and taking a deep breath, he makes a run for it. Yang whistles at the streaking canine, her eyes focused on his partially erect cock as it swings and bounce. " sexy..." she say teasing as he makes it to the cover of the umbrellas. On his hands and knees, he pants hard from his run. His tail hanging, his fur dripping water, red in the face with embarrassment, he slowly opens an eye to look at her. Yang sits there with her legs stretched out and her hands on her towel behind her allowing her the support to lean back to arch her back some allowing the warm sun light bask her body.

"So how was your swim?" she then asks in a calm voice as if she did not know what happen. His eyes open wide as he turns his head to look at her. "My swim?" he asks in a bit of an agitated tone. "Out in the water to then be pulled under, then to have my trunks taken, and then to get an blow job by 'someone' under the water, who then leaves me out there naked...How was my swim you say?" he continues. Yang looks at him in a bit of a surprised tone "A blowjob by someone in the water...maybe a mermaid had come by." Closing her eyes, she resumes her sun bathing continuing in a bit of a manner to give him a straight answer and tease "You should be lucky if mermaid gave you a blowjob. It is not like they come near people that often."

Andrew eye twitched a bit as he stared and listened to her. He could not believe what he is hearing after what she just did. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Andrew shakes dry of some of the excess water. "HEY!" Yang yells holding her hand up to protect her face from some of the water "Stop that." He stops shaking and remains still for a moment. He takes another deep breath and starts to speak calmly. "What if I was to pin you down right now and fuck you?" Yang lets out an "Hmmmm..." as she thought for a moment before saying "You would never do that." He opens his eyes and looks at her as she sun baths. The arch of her back, her breasts pushed forward, the curves of her body, the way the sun shimmers off her scaly body. He makes his move.

Yang is surprised as she feels him straddle her midriff as he gets her to lie down on her back. She feels him grab her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She looks up at the panting canine and starts to struggle some. "Oh wild dog is going to fuck" she starts as she lifts her head and looks down as his crotch. His partially erect cock is lying on her stomach and throbs as he keeps her still. She licks her muzzle slowly and seductively continuing "What ever am I going to do?" She then looks into his eyes.

He looks back into hers as it is an interesting sight, a topless dragoness pinned beneath a nude canine. A smirk on his face, Andrew starts to growl as he rocks his hips; his cock rubs the sun light warmed scales of her tummy. Closing his eyes he enjoys the sensation of his flesh to her scales. Yang flicks her tail watching. "If you like that so much...why not move up here?" she asks rocking to shake her breasts. He opens his eyes to look at her and shakes his head no. "Nah...I think I might like it down here better."

Yang smiles feeling his left hand release her wrist. His hand presses to her arm pin to only glide down her body, tickling her some as it comes to a stop on her hip. His fingers caress her scaly hip for a moment before they grab the tail of the bow tied to keep her bottom on. A slowly pull and the bow unties and her bottom falls loose. He moves his left hand to grab her wrist again and then repeats the same actions with his right hand. Getting her suit united, he moves the front part down between her legs to reveal her pussy; her bikini bottom now resting on her tail.

Aroused herself, her pussy lips were opening to show off some of her inner flesh. At the top her clit erect and pierced with a silver ring. Growling softly and tail wagging, Andrew slowly shimmies down to get his legs between hers. Yang help as she slowly moves her feet toward his rump and lifts her knees up and out to the side. Now kneeing between her leg, Andrew starts t move and lay down on top of her. Her body still warm from the sun bathing, making him growl softly. His throbbing cock would press to her pussy. Yang gasps feeling his hot cock rub the cold ring to her clit. "Ahhhh...ohhhh...there...right there..." she gasps licking her muzzle in anticipation. He licks his muzzle to her encouragement and starts to rock his hip.

Yang moans as the underside of his cock rubs to her pussy lips, spreading them open more as his tip continues to rub her clit and pressing the ring to it. "Ooohhhhh...good boy...fuck me...fuck me hard..." She gasps her body shivering. Andrew groans as he lets her wrists go to move his hands. He moves them to her side and slips them under her body to grab her shoulders. His hips rock back as his tip rubs her clit and then presses to her folds. He lifts her some by raising his hands as he pushes in.

Yang's eyes open wide as she gasps. She lifts her head up high as her body shivers from the initial pleasure he gives her. His throbbing tip parts her lips to squeeze into her tight passage. "Ohhhhhh..." she moans arching her back to presses her breasts into his body. He growls and wags his tail as he continues to push in. Slowly his cock sinks inside her. He trembles at how tight her passage is constricting around him. He stops with half his cock inside her to pant. Yang would smile and move her hands; resting them on his shoulder she slowly guides them down his back to grab his rump. " Yang too tight for you...let me help." She teases as she grips his rump. Andrew groans feeling her hands grip and starts to pull him closer.

Yang bites her lower lip and moans as she helps push the rest of his length inside her. She would let out a long satisfied moan the moment she felt his furry sheath tickle her pussy lip. " good" she pants. The two can feel their pleasure and tension building. Yang's passage stuffed with his hard throbbing cock keeping her open as his cock is constantly being constricted by her passage that grips him tightly. Growling happily as she starts to scratch his rump, Andrew's tail wags quickly now that he is ready. He tightens his grip on her shoulders and slowly starts to pull out.

Yang moans as she starts to blush. As his cock leaves her, her passage starts to close only to be forced open again as he pushes back in. Their flesh rubbing inside her, friction builds and sends more pleasure to them as Yang's passage starts to juice up to make it easier for him to stuff her. " good..." she pants to his slow thrusts. He grins and rests his head on her chest and nuzzles gently as he pushes in and stops. Taking a deep breath he pulls out and then Yang screams out.

"Ahhh...ahhh...ahhh..." Yang pants as her body is rocked hard. Andrew fucks her fast and hard. Each push in a loud slapping noise heard as his body smacks against her, squishing sounds come from her crotch as each pump out draw her juices to drip out of her pussy to have them pumped back in by his cock. He growls and just goes at her like a wild dog. Each thrust in, Yang's body shakes as she slowly starts to lift her feet up. She starts to curl her lower body up as her legs are up. "Yes...make me your bitch...fuck your bitch..." she pants before screaming out in pleasure.

A small orgasm rips though her body as he fucks her hard. She moves her head from side to side as her lower body continues to be assaulted by the canine. Her breast bouncing and rubs to his fur coat, she moves her legs and wraps them around his waist and pulls him closer. He growls to her legs pulling him deeper inside and her fingers digging into his rump. He gives a howl as the action causes him to use all his strength.

His hips rock as the fasted pace he can maintain with his back arched some; Yang moaning and panting from the experience. Inside her, his cock continues to pump in and out of her wet constricting tunnel; his pre mixes with her juices as he soon ready to cum inside her. "Yes...AAAHHHH...CUM YOU FUCKING DOG..." she screams out. A large smile on his face, Andrew thrust in and stops. The two hear a gasp. Andrew slowly opens his eyes and turns his head to look behind him. There were three female rabbits standing there watching them. All three are blushing bright red from the sight; a slight look of pain on Andrew's face as he smiles at them. Closing his eyes, he lifts his head up and howls. At that moment, Yang lifts her head up, bites her lower lip and lets out an "Nnnnngghhhh..." The three rabbits watched as they came.

Hot thick seed pumps from his twitching tip to flood Yang's depths. Seed fills Yang's insides to the brim and the extra starts to ooze out her tight stuffed passage. Looking down at her crotch, one can see Andrew's body shaking trying to push in deeper to make sure his seed is inside her and see the white fluid dripping out her pussy and trickle down her body onto her tail. The three rabbits soon run away, very embarrassed.

Yang and Andrew did not seem to mind as much as they move their heads closer. Their muzzles touch as they share a wonderful kiss in their afterglow. She is purring and he growling as their tongue dance in each others muzzle, but all good things must come to and end. They reluctantly break their kiss and stares into each others eyes for a moment before sharing one more small kiss.

After their kiss, Andrew starts to pull out as Yang releases him from her legs and hands to lay there. Kneeling between her legs, Andrew pulls out to look at his shimmering cock; coated in her juices and some of his own seed. He stands up and puts his trunks back on. Yang lays there for a moment as he dresses. She puts her bottom back on. She ties the left side first and then the right. She runs her fingers under the material to adjust the positioning over her crotch. She then turns to lay on her stomach and uses her folded arms a pillow. As for Andrew, he lies down on his towel, covers his face with his hat and places his hands behind his head. The two lay there to rest for a moment when they heard a cough.

Yang lifts her head and looks over her shoulder to see a life guard. He must have been called over by their "audience." The life guard looks at the two and asks "What are they doing?" Yang looks over at Andrew who does not show any signs of life and then back at the life guard before answering "Well he is sleeping..." She turns her head and rest it back on her arms "And I am sun bathing...Is there a problem?" The life guard cocks and eyebrow to what she said. It looks as she just told him. The life guard grumbles some knowing the two must have done it since the three rabbits came to get him. "Well..." the life guard starts and he looks a little closer at Yang "You are not wearing a top." Yang lifts her head and looks back at him. She turns to lie on her side and rest her arm to her chest to keep her breasts hidden. " are right. I do not like the tan lines my swim top gives me." "Is that a problem?" she continues with an innocent tone and fluttering her eyes at him. "Well...*coughs* is. You need to put your top back on. This is a public beach, not a nude beach." The life guard tells her. With a small smile as she puts her finger to her lips and nods yes. The life guard blushed some to her innocent act and then coughs. He leaves to return to his post.

Yang grins as her eyes narrow watching the lift guard leave from sight; she lies back down and rests her head on her arms, knowing she won. "A nude beach...why don't we go to one of those?" Andrew asks, not moving. A smirk comes to Yang's muzzle as she closes her eye and says "Because this is some much more fun." Andrew lets out a small laugh. Yang's tail sways lazily back and forth as she sun bath and enjoys the warmth over her body.

Yang belongs to her creator.

Andrew and the story belong to Gary Stricker.