A Homecoming Surprise

Story by Royal Braixen on SoFurry

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It was a cool Thursday night in February, 11:02 P.M. to be accurate, as James lay in his parents bed by himself. The lights were off and the only noise that could be heard were the sound of cicadas and crickets performing their usual evening symphony. His father had left after receiving a call around 7:00 P.M. earlier from the workplace, a big order that needed to be shipped out in the morning. He had told James to tell his mother, who was on her usual Thursday routine of drinking with her friends, where he had left.

It was on these Thursday nights that his mother, Brook, often came home in a drunken state, of which she wouldn't recall if you asked her the very next day. He would often hear her loudly enter the house and stumble her way into her room, only to then fill the house with moans of pleasure as she was fucked by his father. James' room, being directly above theirs, gave him the privilege of listening to her frantic cries of ecstasy as her pussy was being pounded with the utmost clarity. It was often on nights like these that James found himself with his ear to the floor, rapidly stroking his cock as he imagined he was the one to cause such noises to escape her body.

James, currently 19, had always been infatuated with his mother since his early teens. And why shouldn't he be? His mother maintained her body amazingly by going to the gym every day, keeping her sleek form in just the right shape. Her hair was as black and soft as raven's down, which seemed to glisten as the light hit it and her eyes were piercing blue stones of lapis lazuli It also didn't hurt that he could easily see the definitions of her form from the sweat that caused her clothes to cling tightly to her after her usual workout.

He had always been waiting for a chance to make a move, and now it had come. The darkness of the room coupled with the drunkenness of his mother would allow him to pose as his father and finally put his claim to her.

He heard the outside door open which was shortly followed by a loud slam as it was closed. Soon after footsteps could be heard coming in his direction which eventually stopped next to his bed. Looking out of the bed he could faintly make out her form as he heard the rustling of clothes and their plopping on the floor. She made no hesitations and quickly joined him in bed.

"Hey, hun'," came Brook's voice, on inches from his face. "You ready?" As she finished those last words James felt her grip his shaft with one of her hands and began to work it with undulating movements. "No answer? Well, lets see if this can get ya to talk" she said in a playfully cheerful tone.

James felt the covers pulled off of him and the warmth of his mother's mouth as she enveloped his cock. James let out a slight gasp as his mother's tongue had it's way with him, running across the full length of his member. Brook gave a muffled giggle at his response as she continued to savor his cock. Fuck yes, I've been waiting awhile for this, James thought as she vigorously sucked him, unaware that it was her son's cock she serviced with such pleasure. After a few more undulating movements of her tongue she let his shaft out with an audible "pop" and began to rapidly work him with her right hand.

"You seem a bit bigger tonight, babe" She said, licking the tip of his cock as her hot breath poured over it. "But that's good," she continued, now licking her lips in anticipation, "mind getting me a drink?" she finished, her tone borderline begging.

In response James grabbed his mother's head, not too roughly, and pulled her mouth down onto his cock. He moved her up and down, her mouth kissing his base at the times he pulled her deeper than usual. Brook worked with him, accommodating herself to his movements. He could feel his climax coming out, his movements becoming more rapid as it approached. Finally, after a few more thrusts, he pulled her head upwards, just enough to leave his tip right on her tongue. Then he came, spraying his cum inside her mouth, coating her tongue and cheeks in his thick fluid. Get used to that taste, you'll be experiencing it a lot more James thought, becoming more possessive of his mother amidst their play.

"Mmmm," came Brook, savoring her son's taste as she moved his load around her mouth. "Now," came her voice as she climbed onto Jason, his dick resting on her fleshy entrance. "Remind me why I'm yours." She finished, rubbing his length of cock between the lips of her pussy.

James needed no further invitation. Almost as soon as she had said it he shoved his cock inside, feeling her inner walls grasp as his member as he did so. His mother let out a loud moan that seemed to echo with each thrust James made. Yes, James thought as he listened to his mother's wails of pleasure, let me know how much you love your son's cock. Again and again he rammed into her, diving in and out of her like a piston as a squishing sound could be heard when their thighs met.

"Mmmmmffffhhh, fuck me harder," went Brook between gasps, mind completely enveloped in the moment. "Make me your bitch!" She let out.

Gladly. James flipped her over, so that she was now on her back with him on top of her. His thrusts became faster and deeper, the tip of his dick kissing her cervix as he plunged. He too had already been seized by the moment, but hearing his mother tell him to make her his bitch set him off. Brook welcomed the new position, putting her legs around him and pulling him inwards and she used one hand to play with her clit.

"You're going to cum soon, aren't ya?" His mother remarked, feeling his pulsating cock against her walls. "Do it, cum inside me" Brook told him, biting her lip.

James having come so far felt emboldened. "Tell me where you want it." He wanted to hear his mother's voice telling him she wanted his cum.

Too focused on the sensations running through her body she didn't notice it was her son's voice above her. "In my pussy" She moaned out.

James slowed his pace a bit, grinding in and out in an attempt to tease her. "_What do you want?"_he responded.

"I want your cum in my pussy" she rasped out, her legs trying to force him to move faster.

Satisfied with the response he resumed his pace, until eventually he made one final plunge that allowed his tip to just slightly breach the entrance to her womb. At that moment he unloaded everything inside her, a surge of white that filled the enclosed space to it's brim. His potent seed intermingling with his mother's eggs, making the final claim that she was now his and to be no one else's. They stayed in this position, exhaustion from their time together causing the two to remain in place until they drifted into sleep, their bodies still joined as intimately as they left it.