
Story by Kitasu on SoFurry

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A short, smutty story about the consequences of being too involved in videogames to do housework. Thanks to Robert Baird for grammar edits!

Rin's ears perked up at the front door closing heavily. "Hey, cupcake!" He called down the hall, his eyes still focused on the computer screen and his paws still frantically avoiding enemy players. "What's shaking?"

An exasperated groan sounded from the general direction of the kitchen. Uh oh. "Well, 'what's shaking' is that the kitchen is a wreck and I'm beat. Didn't you say you were cooking tonight?"

"Oh, yeah. Uh, sorry." Time had apparently gotten away from Rin -- he had intended to clean up a bit around the house and get dinner started. "It's okay, we'll order pizza! My treat."

Rin's attention had been re-captivated by the game in front of him, so he jumped when he heard Zoe's voice coming from right behind him. "Ah-ha. I see what kept you. Very important stuff."

Oh jeez, well-deserved nagging incoming. "W-well, hence it being my treat. Wouldn't want to make you cook and clean after a hard day at work!" The fox splayed his ears and put on the best 'please don't kill me' face he could muster while still keeping his team alive.

He heard a derisive snort behind him, which would have been slightly more effective if he hadn't been able to imagine Zoe's little twitching nose all scrunched up. "Yeah, no. Free pizza ain't gonna work, buster." Just as Rin was bracing himself for the browbeating of the year, he felt the soft fur of his girlfriend's arms wrapping themselves around him, and heard her whisper in his ear. "I'm gonna need a bit more of a.. personal repayment."


"Mhmm. Today was restocking day, so I've just spent eight hours bending down and lifting heavy things. My back is killing me -- especially my lower back. And since you haven't made yourself useful around the house, I've no choice but to conscript you into a personal massage."

Rin grinned. Zoe liked back massages to end in a very particular way. "Is that with or without a happy ending?"

"Mm, well-" Zoe paused to gently nip at Rin's ear. "Why don't we start with the massage and see?"

Without further comment, Rin typed "sry gtg" into the chat and closed the game. His teammates would have to fend for themselves -- he had a girlfriend to fuck.

Zoe was laying face-down on the bed by the time Rin had finished microwaving the gel pack and gathering the supplies. He took a few seconds to admire her form, particularly the soft fluff of a rabbit tail wiggling right over his favorite feature of hers. Not that his girlfriend didn't have a lot going on elsewhere, but there was nothing better than a nice, shapely ass.

Rin set the hot gel pack on the rabbit's lower back, eliciting a happy sigh from her. He watched her ears slowly ease down as he settled himself into straddling her legs, and grinned as one perked back up when he gripped her cheek firmly with one paw. His other hand did the same, and he started kneading her tight muscles, his ears perked for the little squeaks she made along the way.

Before long the rabbit was completely relaxed. The hot pack had cooled off, so he tossed it to the side and gave Zoe's rump a quick kiss to make sure she was awake. She jumped a bit and giggled, so he followed the kiss up with another, and then another. She squirmed, so he gave her a few long, slow licks, squeezing her and nipping her to change up the pace.

Eventually, she let out a frustrated groan. "Oh my gosh, Rin, stop teasing me and fuck me already."

He chuckled and gave her rump one last kiss, then repositioned himself so that his knees were between hers. With a bit of grunting and a little help on his part, she hoisted herself up, her back end lifted, her knees spread, and her fluff of a tail practically vibrating.

Not that Rin needed to see how excited she was -- he could smell it. Keeping his nose near the source of that scent, he took a deep breath in to keep his mind on things before quickly grabbing the packet on the side of the bed and tearing it open. He mentally cursed himself for not doing this earlier -- he hated to keep her waiting, even if her quiet, impatient whining drove him wild.

He made the delay up to her with his canine tongue instead, dragging it over her sex slowly as if that's what he'd planned all along. It was a bit tricky to eat someone out while rolling a condom on, but her lush moans made it all the more worthwhile.

Finally, he got up to a kneel and guided his tip to her. Normally he teased her with a few short strokes before hilting her, but it's not as if she hadn't waited enough already. And judging by the volume and the sheer neediness of the moan she gave as he gently pushed himself into her, she had waited plenty.

He had as well -- putting his hands on her rump was one of his favorite past-times, and his cock had emerged from its sheath well before she was relaxed enough to start teasing. Which was why, after only a few minutes of slow, gentle strokes, he yipped in pleasure and surprise as he felt his growing knot delay him pulling out.

Zoe stopped panting huskily to yelp quietly. "Nn... don't fuck me with the knot this time, please."

He nodded his assent, though there was no way for her to see it. He shortened his strokes instead, increasing the pace but keeping gentle enough so that his knot stayed outside of her.

He added to this a few slow licks, dragging his tongue through the fur on her back to her apparent delight. "Oh! God! That's it... um, don't stop."

He smiled and kissed her fur. "I- I'm getting close, myself."

"T-then tie me, please..!"

Rin wasn't surprised to hear the request, as Zoe preferred the knot going in much more than it going out. So without further questioning, he held her hips steady and pushed against her, slowly grinding himself into her. His ears splayed back as he concentrated on delaying his climax. Just a little longer...

He felt the rabbit beneath him tense up, push back against him hard, then gasp just as his hips bumped into her. A few short thrusts and he joined her in release, gently biting her scruff as he tightened his grip on her hips. Each spurt of hot seed that escaped him elicited a needy moan and a sharp jerk as he rutted himself into her; likewise, each jerk he made drew out another happy squeak from his lapine lover.

After he was fully spent, he released his grip on her and the two eased down onto the bed. Rin panted, wrapping his arms wrapped around Zoe as they rolled over onto their side. "Mmm... was that a good enough 'personal repayment?'"

Zoe laughed, sending chills through Rin as he felt the movement through his knot. "You know that was a ruse, right?"

"Wait, you weren't actually annoyed?"

Zoe craned her head to give him an incredulous look. "One: If I'm actually ticked off at you, I am so totally not gonna offer sex. Two: You had no complaints two weeks ago when I read through the entire _Pandas in Peril_series in five days, so it's not as if it's fair for me to get on your case for getting really into something. Three: Even my friends are telling me about that game, so I figure it must actually be really good."

"Yet you still got me to abandon my team to fuck you."

"Well, my back did hurt. And I'm sure they survived."

Not without their healer, they didn't. But Rin chuckled and gave his rabbit's ear a slow, sensual lick, savoring the little shiver she gave in response. "Mm. And your back feels better now?"

Zoe murmured happily. "Along with the rest of me, yes."

Rin sighed happily, savoring Zoe's scent and the feel of her soft fur against him. He nosed her long lapine ears, chuckling when they flicked of their own accord. It was indeed worth the team wipe, although convincing his team of that later might prove troublesome.

After some time, Zoe's voice broke the silence: "So, you're still paying for the pizza, right?"