Mahou Monster Armor Veemon Part 2 - Recovery

Story by Togo57 on SoFurry

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#2 of Mahou Monster Armor Veemon

Waking up from a long nap, Veemon goes out to look for his brother. Will he like what he finds?

Part 2/2 of Ephemeral_Dreams request.

A loud sound woke Veemon up.

It was that show about costumed kids fighting while being surrounded by explosions. The kind he liked when he was younger. He and Guilmon used to play it all the time, with the latter playing the villain. If only things could be solved that easily in real life.

Speaking of which, where was Growlmon?

Veemon grabbed the remote and turned off the TV before looking out the window. The sun was setting already. He picked up his phone: no new messages or voicemails.

-"...he's late."

It was weird for Growlmon to stay out after dark, and even weirder to do so without calling. For him to finally stop following him like a shadow and losing the opportunity to annoy him whenever he could, something was off. Veemon went for his jacket. Even if that red jerk was a pain in the ass, they were still brothers.

Veemon left the apartment building and waited at the bus stop. Growlmon usually liked to walk back home, to have a "surprise" for his brother when he got back, and he was easy to spot; so it shouldn't be that difficult to find him. However, as Veemon thought about the best way to search for him, he looked up and saw something falling from the sky.


Growlmon would have to wait. Veemon hurried to the place where the black lightning had fallen. Maybe, for once, he could get there in time.

Veemon ran as fast as he could, but he barely had gone past a few houses when a shadow flew over him followed by a loud crash. He turned back. The bus stop where he had been a few moments ago was buried in debris and a small dust cloud could be seen above, just in the direction of his apartment.

The blue digimon hid behind a post and, after the dust was cleared, he was able to see what he was looking for. Metallic claws. Purple wings. An orange-red body. A long and thick tail instead of legs. Megadramon. The virus digimon let out a roar before flying away towards the city.

There wasn't much time left. Veemon reached inside his jacket and, after looking around to make sure he was alone, took out what was inside it.

-"Sorry, bro. Just be safe." Veemon pressed the digivice against his chest, "Armor Digivolve!"

The blue digimon was surrounded by the light coming from the digivice as he was engulfed by the flames coming from the sun-like crest burning in his forehead.

A fire collar appeared at his neck and Veemon started to choke. He tried to take it off, or at least get some space to breathe, but four more rings of fire stopped him from doing so. The rings, placed at his ankles and wrists, stretched his body in such a way that he could no longer move.

Choking, the only thing Veemon could do was to feel as the collar got tighter around his neck and the rings slowly pulled and stretched his body until, at last, his body couldn't resist any longer. His textures tore away; and his data fragmented, leaving it free to be reformatted into a new form.

Taller. Stronger. Faster.

Now reformed, new textures came to replace the ones from his rockie form. They kept the blue tone of his body, but several belts appeared in his arms to help bridge the gap between his previous and current size. Flame-patterned armor appeared in his thighs and chest to do a similar thing for his legs and neck.

The fire rings in his wrists got bigger and covered his hands. The ones on his ankles covered the lower part of his feet. Finally, the crest on his forehead let out a bigger amount of fire that covered his entire body for a moment before disappearing entirely, leaving him with a helmet pierced by the horn in his head, and a pair of boots and ankles pierced by his claws.

The Fire of Courage: Flamedramon.

Summoning the power of flame, the blue digimon chased Megadramon. The flying virus digimon was busy firing random shots to pay any attention to him, or semi random. It was almost like he was looking for something or someone. Regardless, this was an opportunity Flamedramon wouldn't miss.

-"Knuckle Fire!"

Several fireballs appeared from his hand and went towards Megadramon, catching the virus digimon by surprise and sending him crashing into a rooftop. It was going to be an easy fight. Flamedramon surrounded itself with fire and charged against the fallen digimon, but a sudden pain in his shoulder stopped him from doing so.

Megadramon was still conscious. He got up and flew as fast as he could towards his enemy. Flamedramon dodged just in time to avoid Megadramon's tackle, though not unscathed. His helmet was cracked and the dragon digimon's claws had left a scratch in his cheek.

Flamedramon got farther away and hurled more fireballs at Megadramon, missing with all of them. It was too dangerous for a close combat; something that the virus digimon had realized. Megadramon charged again.

At first, Flamedramon was able to evade all of Megadramon's attacks, but the latter gained speed with each one. Front. Behind. Above. Below. Flamedramon was getting hurt from the relentless assault. He once again tried to put some distance between him and his foe and flew back. Only to be stopped by a building.

Now a cornered prey, Flamedramon was pinned to the wall with Megadramon's final charge. The virus digimon closed his claws on Flamedramon's arms to stop his attacks, and coiled his tail around the latter's legs. The blue digimon was at his mercy.

Face to face, or more like face to chest, with Megadramon; Flamedramon had to find a way out if he wanted to win. However, as he was thinking of his options, he felt something crept between his legs. They were getting tighter too. Megadramon grinned.

Flamedramon quickly looked down and saw his captor's cock near his feet, so it couldn't be that. The only thing moving was Megadramon's tail. He was going to be tail-fucked.

Megadramon finally reached the fire digimon's hole. Flamedramon tried as hard as he could to clench, but the tip of the virus digimon's tail was quite thin. Thin enough to easily get in no matter what the blue digimon wanted.

Since the tip was already in, it wouldn't be hard for the rest of the tail to follow suit. Flamedramon felt as the tip danced and trashed its way inside him. Meanwhile, his hole was getting stretched. The further the tip got, the more he was being filled by Megadramon's tail and it was getting thicker by the inch.

If he tried to fight it back, he'd only get hurt as it forced its way around. If he even thought about a break, it'd take the opportunity to freely slide further in. At this pace, it wouldn't be long until he was torn apart.


That voice. The toxic hazard symbol on its chest. Could it be... Growlmon?

An idea came to him. It'd be risky, but it was his only chance. Flamedramon took out his armor, leaving only his lithe body behind. He looked straight into Megadramon's eyes.

-"Look, Growlmon, it's me!"

Megadramon looked down at his prey, "B.r.o.t.h.e.r..."

The dragon digimon smiled and brought his head closer Flamedramon's. Jerk or not, Growlmon would never hurt his dear brother, right? Flamedramon smiled back. However, once he got closer, Megadramon opened his maw and his cold breath washed all over his brother.

His brother was getting closer. Flamedramon could already feel Megadramon's teeth on his neck and saliva falling over him. He was not leaving his brother like that, much less getting eaten. He kicked and struggled to get free and it worked, just not in the way he expected. Suddenly, Megadramon just stopped and Flamedramon wondered what happened until he felt a wet and slimy feeling at his feet.

It didn't take a professor Agumon to know what was going on. Flamedramon examined the situation. His left foot was touching the shaft while the right one was touching the head. Giving sexual favors in the middle of a fight to avoid getting killed, that was the kind of stuff that only happened in Growlmon's dreams.

Nevertheless, Flamedramon did what he had to. He rested his toes in Megadramon's head and poked the slit with one of his claws. For a moment, he thought about getting it further and punishing him for what he had done, but decided against it at the last moment. His brother still had him captive, so it might be better to comply for now.

Flamedramon stopped poking his brother and started to rub his head. The blue, nude soles got smeared with pre as they went back and forth bringing pleasure to the dragon digimon. However, that wouldn't be enough for him, something Flamedramon was expecting.

Megadramon loosened his grip on his brother's legs and slowly took out his tail from inside him. Flamedramon was relieved until he saw that he was leaking already, but his brother interrupted him from thinking any further. Megadramon lowered his brother until they were again "face" to face.

Flamedramon tried to grab the cock in front of him, but his brother was still holding him tight. There was no sense in pushing the issue at the moment, so Flamedramon got as close as he could and gave the head a lick. Followed by a second, a third, and a fourth one. He tried to get closer and put it in his mouth, but his brother's grasp kept him from doing so. He looked up and smiled playfully at Megadramon.

Finally, Megadramon completely let go his brother. Flamedramon got closer to his brother and started to suck him off. With one of his free hands, he stroke Megadramon's shaft; while using the other to play with the virus digimon's balls. Megadramon opened himself to let his brother do as he pleased.

Freeing his mouth for a moment, Flamedramon lowered himself even more and gave the pair of dangling orbs a kiss as he fondled them.

-"Bro, If only you had told that you wanted me to play with your cock"-- Flamedramon gripped them strongly, catching Megadramon by surprise -- "This fight would have ended already. Fire Rocket!"

Flames surrounded both digimons and were sent crashing into the rooftop of a nearby building, with Flamedramon landing on top. Flamedramon opened his brother's hole and got inside him. Megadramon was going to regret getting him hard.

The blue digimon pounded over and over to come as soon as possible. He thought about his brother, how things were before, and all the things they could do once everything was back to normal. He stuck his claws on Megadramon's sides. It was now or never.

-"Take all of my love, all of my pain, and all of my sorrow. Fire cleansing!"

A bright light shone from Flamedramon's hips and invaded Megadramon. It flowed inside him and mixing with every inch of his data, mixing with it and making him glow. Megadramon let out a last roar as the light purged him of his infection.

The sky.

The only thing Growlmon could see when he opened his eyes was the endless blue in front of him. The wind was blowing and the grass moved with it. He didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there. He tried to stand up, but stopped when he saw a small blue spot on his stomach. Veemon was sleeping on top of him.

Growlmon smiled and covered the small blue digimon with his hands until he had disappeared under a wall of red flesh. It didn't matter anymore where they were. What mattered was that both of them were there and that was the way he wanted it to be. At least for a little while longer. Just the two of them. Together.