Story by Fahd on SoFurry

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This story was originally written for a friend several years ago. Details have been changed as some of the characters are based on real people.

Unlike the other stories published here this was written almost in a stream of conscious manner. I started it one night and and didn't quit until it was done at 4 or 5 in the morning. Had to get it finished for my friend's birthday.

A Smoothy Convention in December. The young coyote was delighted she was going to get to celebrate her birthday at a con. Her much older boyfriend said there had never been one in December before, and he should know since he had been in the fandom since they started having cons. Of course she didn't really like birthdays because they reminded her she was not just a young pup any more. Still, being here on her 23rd Welpday made her feel special.

They had been trying to find a party she had heard about on either the 14th or 15thfloor but the only doors with noise coming through them where firmly locked. Maybe they would have to go back to the stuffie pile in 614.

"You know," the skunk said as they headed back to the elevators "someone did give me an invite to a party in 1212."

"Reallllly..." she responded with a twist of her head. "And you just NOW remembered it?"

"Uh, yeah. It isn't starting till about now and I wasn't sure if you would want to go..."

"It isn't a Filk party is it?" she asked incredulously.

"Noooo, it isn't a filk party..."

"Well if you are taking me, I want to go."

"OK then" he answered as he hit the 12 button.

The 12thfloor was even quieter than the 14th as he lead the way. The door to1212 was held open by the security lock when they arrived but no voices could be heard nor light seen from the open crack.

"Are you sure we have the right room?" she asked. Her boyfriend turned back to her with a strange grin on his face and a nod. "I'm sure. But before we go in we need to be sure you are properly attired."

She saw him take a piece of black cloth from his pocket. "What's that?"

"Do you trust me?" he whispered as he moved around behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder so she would not turn around.

"Yeah, but..."

"Then take off your glasses."

As she did so he brought the cloth around in front of her and tied the blindfold in place.

"I don't know about this.' Her voice quavered.

"Trust me." He whispered in her ear as he reached around and took the coyote's glasses from her, "This is going to be your type of party."

"Is there booze?"

"You'll be getting plenty to drink tonight." Keeping one hand on her shoulder he pushed the door open with the other and started to lead her in side. "Plenty of those thick protein shakes you are so fond of.."

"Th...This doesn't sound like you. I'm scared."

"If you REALLY want to go anytime just let me know, and say Banana."

The door slammed shut loudly behind them making her jump a little.

"Just remember this party is all for you love.". So saying he reached around her with both hands and started to massage her large breasts through her shirt.. Even with her bra on it was not hard for him to feel her nipples hardening.

"I thought you said this was a party." she said a bit breathily, her knees starting to shake.

"It is. Your birthday party." The skunk's paws slid down the front of her body to pull the hem of the canine's t-shirt free of her pants and roll it up, exposing her black lacy bra.

"Are there others here?" She almost wined. "Won't they be jealous?"

She let out a gasp as both the skunk's paws slipped under her bra, pushing the cups up to expose a pair of dark stiff nipples his fingers started to play with. "No they won't. This is just the type of party you have always dreamed of."

Only now did she hear the rustle of movement in the room. "Oh WOW" She gasped when unknown hands opened the button on the front of her jeans and started to slide the zipper down."

"I, I'm getting a little wet." She whispered as she leaned back on her boyfriend.

"The wetter the better." He chuckled and started to nibble her right ear as his fingers twirled both her achingly hard nipples. Sensitive dimples starting to rise from the areola surrounding the hard nubs.

She could only groan as a cold noise pressed into her stomach and the hands that had just opened her fly reached around to unsnap the tail closure before working the jeans down her hips. Other hands where already at work untying her shoes and slipping them off her feet before her pants went much lower.

"Oh. Who is that?" She whined as her jeans where pulled down all the way and multiple paws lifted her feet out of them one at a time while also removing her socks.

"Friends" was the reply as her skunk started nibbling her other ear. "Friends who want to see just how much of a slut the puppy really is."

Her knees almost gave out at this but more hands took hold of her as she groaned. Her boyfriend's hands finally stopping their torment of her overly sensitive nipples to pull the shirt the rest of the way up her body and over her head, but leaving her hands still trapped by the material.

"Take hold of this" her boyfriend requested, and she could feel someone else grab the shirt and hold it in place. Her nipples rubbed against bare male chest fur as her arms where kept aloft causing her to gasp. Meanwhile her bra was unhooked and very familiar fingers ran along her bare spine.

"You might get embarrassed being totally naked in front of people you know" the skunk stated as his hands ran up her arms. "So we will give you something to wear."

The hands where on her legs again. Holding them steady as something was wrapped around each of her ankles. She tried to squirm but they were too strong and just pulled her feet farther apart. Her boyfriend's hands slid higher as her shirt was pulled free. Then more hands took her arms and wrapped padded cuffs around her wrists.

Her body shivered again as familiar dexterous fingers slid down it to the only real piece of clothing remaining on her. "This however will need to go" he whispered in her ear as those fingers slid between her spread legs to rub her through the small pair of increasingly sodden panties.

"Oh. Oh yes..." She tried moving back away from his teasing fingers despite her statement but could only press her buttocks harder against the skunk. Even through his heavy jeans she could feel his hard cock pressing against her, eliciting another moan. His fingers where tracing her through the panties. Pushing the wet fabric between her folds as more of the canine's juices flowed into it.

"Fuck me" she began to wine. Her breath coming in short pants. "Fuck meeee....."

"All in good time my dear" he chuckled as his fingers slipped into the underwear to rub her swollen labia directly and teas the piercing through the hood of her clitoris with a claw tip.

Her panting and wining grew to new heights as she struggled helplessly in the grip of an unknown number of party goers.

She screamed as her clit was caught and rubbed between his thumb and forefinger. "Oh fuck me, FUCK ME!!!"

His hand pulled out of her panties and a few seconds later something large and round was being pushed against her lips.

"Now now. Mustn't have you disturbing the other guests." One set of his fingers worked at the puppy's jaw until the rubber ball could be pushed into her muzzle, silencing her. A strap was quickly buckled into place behind her head and then the skunk moved away.

"Prepare her."

The command in her boyfriend's voice affected the coyote almost as much as his fingers had.

The hands started to manipulate her. Pulling her arms down so her bra could be slipped off her shoulders and disposed of without ever letting her free. Her legs where closed enough that someone could roughly pull her panties down and each foot lifted out of them, leaving her completely bare at last in the middle of the room except for the cuffs, blindfold and gag.

She moaned into the gag when her feet where spread wide apart again and her arms held strait out from her sides. The hands that started massaging her breasts where not her boy friend's but they certainly knew what they were doing.. She wondered where he had gone but hoped she knew the answer when her sensitive ears heard the sound of a zipper and the rustle of clothes. The hand gripping and lifting the base of her tail distracted her from her musings. As did the nose and pointed muzzle nuzzling between her legs.

"You heard him. We need to prepare you. Everywhere."

She recognized that equine voice behind her. It was....

She screamed into the gag as hands reaching around from her front grabbed and spread her ass cheeks so a finger could trace down the crack between them and smear something slick and cold over the tight pucker of her rear entrance. The fingers holding her spread where too strong for her clenching to do any good. The girl could only shake her head violently from side to side as a plastic nozzle was pressed against her anus and more cold lubricant squirted inside. The bottle made a dull thud against the carpet before a thick finger began probing her rear. Circling the slickened bud before working its way inside. It stopped for a moment after the first knuckle had popped past her tight ring. The lube had warmed by the time the finger started spreading it inside her. Working deeper and twisting around. Her pussy was just starting to twitch as it pulled back out. The muzzle between her legs pulled back too. It was replaces by a broad slick tongue sliding over her labia, collecting the sweet juices oozing from her and flicking up over her exposed clit.

"She has a tendency to run sometimes. Better do something about that." That was her boyfriend, but she could tell he was several feet away.

"We know a few ways o' handlin' ornery critters." She knew that drawl coming from between her legs, but what was he doing at a Smoothy Convention? Before she could speculate something was being clipped to her right ankle cuff and her feet spread far apart. Another click, this time at left ankle and the hands at last left her legs. When she tried bringing her feet together she instantly understood there was now a spreader bar holding them lewdly wide apart. And again any protest was muffled by the gag.

The furs who had clipped the bar in place had moved around to help those holding her arms. These where raised and another snick told her her wrists where now fastened together. As one the surrounding furs started moving her forward. She could only waddle with her legs held as they were but still they were easily able to maneuver her forward until her knees bumped something and she was bent over it.

"Hey there puppy." As she felt the skunk's hands caressing her body she realize he must be sitting on the edge of a bed. She was draped over his legs with her chest resting on the mattress, and his erection pushing against her stomach. "How do you like your birthday party so far? There is no cake, but the present is all wrapped." He ran his hand through her tail fur as he said this. Lifting it up and away from her body where she felt another hand grad it and hold it in place. Much like the hands now keeping her arms stretched out in front of her. Someone else was busy stuffing pillows under her knees so all her weight was not on her boyfriend's legs and her rear was nicely raised.

"We also have a number of party games planned for the evening." His left hand came to rest on her upturned rear and used to both stroke and fondle her cheek. "So, let to festivities begin."

She was dumbfounded at this point. Hardly believing HER boyfriend of all people hand arranged this for her. And so turned on she could hardly believe it.

She knew not all the furs in the room where touching her now. But she was also certain they were all watching, even as she heard more rustling clothes. She was distracted from this however as she felt something wet touch her exposed and rear entrance. "I also brought party favors" said the skunk as her pushed what felt like a small plastic ball into her well lubed anus. She tried to gasp and immediately there were more hands on her keeping her from rolling off his lap as he started pushing another ball into her. "Plenty of party favors." He chuckled. She could tell they were each a little bigger than the one before as the third was pressed into place. It felt so weird and still somehow exciting. He had to push harder as he added the fourth. She guessed the first was probably about an inch across, but this must be an inch and a half. She was thankful that the balls themselves seemed to be lubed but she was feeling stuffed by the fifth one and moaned as the sixth really stretched her wide. This he seemed to try pushing in even deeper. Then his finger slid back out and traced around the gaping bud of her entrance. "Such a pretty pucker. And so well stuffed. It should make what comes next all the more interesting." She tried to turn to glare at him through her blindfold but was stopped by the hands holding her in place. Fun was fun but it was her vagina that needed stuffing right now. It was dripping wet and nothing was even touching it. Well almost nothing. Something was resting against her mound and she guessed the balls where on a string that was hanging down.

"You know how traditional I can be. And what is more traditional than a good birthday spanking." His hand came down on her rear with a loud smack that made her jump. Hey, that really hurt!!


He did it again. His aim a little sloppy this time. Just glancing off to the side.


The third was better. Loud but hitting with his fingers somewhat curled and spreading the blow across both cheeks. The fourth was too flat and she was a little upset she still hadn't taught him to spank better. But after a couple more her attention was beginning to drift away from his technique and being drawn more to the warm glow starting to grow on her back side and the positively delicious feel if the balls shifting around in her rear with every blow.

"19. 20. 21."

Her raised ass was clenching around the buried balls and rocking back in anticipation of each strike. The warmth had spread down to engulf her mound which was starting to clench as well.

"23!" he intoned at last. She could hear him grumbling to himself and blowing on his hand. It must have been almost as warm as her ass. "Now finally he will get around to fucking me at last" she thought just before he spoke again. "Next!"

Oh no.

She felt a tug on her ass and the largest ball popped free to dangle on a string between the lower curves of her cheeks just before another hand swung in to hit its mark.

"One. Two. Three..." The familiar gravelly voice of a squirrel started to count as his hand took up where the coyote's boyfriend had left off. It came from a different direction. The powerful slaps lifting her a little off he knees. The sure strikes making her hotter and hotter in more ways than one.

By the time he was done she was panting through her nose and having trouble holding still even with the hands holding her in place.

Some of those hands shifted as furs changed places and she felt another ball popped from her ass.

"Well now lil' darlin'. Aint y'all gonna be havin' fun tonight?" She could feel the foxes fingers tracing along the spread cleft of her ass, smearing the leaking lube up to the base of her tail and all the way down to the puffy lips of her oozing pussy. "But then you're havin' fun already I sees." A finger parted her wet labia and slid slowly into her pulsing tunnel, but only to the first knuckle, to her great disappointment. She groaned again and tried to push back but the finger slid free.

"1. 2. 3..."

His slaps where not as hard as the squirrel's but they were solid, and steady and he seemed to know just where to aim to make the balls really shift around in her rectum.

"Birthday girl! Birthday girl!" The hyperactive rabbit had added the first ten of his spanks before he remembered to pop another ball on the string free and tugged so hard he nearly got two. By now the coyote's ass was feeling a little numb from all the paddling and while she felt the relatively light strokes they affected her much less than those of the earlier furs.

The next fur up seemed to sense this and was determined to do something about it. She could guess at his identity even before he spoke. The unique feel of his webbed otter paws closed around the orbs of her ass, taking time to massage them back to life. "Well now pretty puppy, how nice to find you here like this. With your nice rosy cheeks and oh so enticing scent." She could feel him lean in and push the hanging string of balls aside with his nose to nuzzle her dripping mound with his heavily whiskered muzzle. "Mmm. You seem wet enough to take us all. And so you shall..." POP went the next ball coming out of her as the otter rose between spread legs. "...in due time."

"One" came down on her right cheek.

"Two" on the left. His wide spread pads really setting her to jiggling around the two remaining balls. He kept up his alternating strokes all the way to 23. Never seaming to hit the same place twice and concentrating the blows where she was still the most sensitive.

She was wiggling her ass again and starting to wine into her gag before he was done.

"Discipline! That's what this girl needs is discipline!" Boomed a voice as two large equine hands gripped the puppy's swaying rear. "At attention! Keep it high!" he added as he lifted her up a bit and she felt an increased tug on her tail to match. She could feel the horse's hot breath on her rear as he reached down and lifting the whole string in the air before tugging next to the last ball free. "Now lets' see if she learned anything at that Cactus Compound place. "One on your left! Two on your right!" By the sound of his voice she guessed he was now holding the end of the string in his teeth. The weight of the five balls made it sway back and forth behind her as his hands swung up from beneath, raising her cheeks into the air with each blow. "Left. Right. Left Right. Keep time, left right! He wasn't counting but one by one the others took up the counter chant. "nine." "Right!" "ten." "Left." "eleven." "Right!" "twelve." "Left!"

He only changed to joint in on "23!" and she could feel the final ball ripped free and hear the whole string clatter into a far corner.

Her ass was really burning now and she bucked against the hand reaching between her legs to rub her dripping juices over her mound and across her swollen clit. "I'd say she is ready to be taken out to the parade grounds and put through her paces."

"Then let's do so" answered her boyfriend. He let go of her tail and she felt his hands and the others lifting her as he slid out from below. She was swung around and her rear pulled up so her knees where against the edge of the bed, still held wide apart by the spreader bar. Her chest however was still down on the center of the bed, trapping her large breasts beneath. Someone unclipped her wrists but they were drawn back and reattached behind her.

Two hands gripped her hips and she almost came as she felt a cock pushed into her sopping cunt. Her boyfriends'?! It had to be. It was so thick it stretched her passage despite the thick coating of natural lube. And by the time his furry balls touched her labia his rounded head was jammed so deep she would have worried about tearing something, if only it didn't feel so good! He just held it in place as he reached over her back to remove the gag and blindfold. She gasped, drawing large gulps of musky air into her lungs and blinking from the lamps on each side of the bed.

The skunk slid his hands along her back before gripping her raised hips once again. "I think we can find something better than that ball to gag you with." She almost asked 'what' but groaned instead as he pulled back out of her half way. "Fuck me.... Please fuck me." She pleaded.

The bed in front of her shifted as the horse crawled on to squat right in front of her. His erect shaft must have been over 3 ½ inches across and the bulbous head was less than that from her face. "I do believe that is the lad's intentions girl."

Almost before he had finished speaking the truth of his words became evident as the skunk slammed his shaft all the way into the coyote making her vagina clench around him.

She squealed as he drew back against her grip and rammed his thick meat all the way into her depths again. There was no slow build up. No letting her get used to it. He took up a fast pace and kept it up. His entire length rubbing along the walls of her vagina on every stroke. The juices from her previous teasing where so copious they splattered and dripped along their legs.

"Yes. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..." she moaned.

Her whole body was being rocked along the mattress from her boyfriend's thrusts.

"Listen to the little slut. She wants it. Wants it from all of us, don't you girl?" The horse had one hand wrapped around his massive shaft and as he spoke he raised the tip and scooted forward enough to press it to the coyotes' lips. She tried to open and take it in but her jaws couldn't stretch that wide, and she was having trouble concentrating on anything but that wonderfully thick cock filling her again and again. "Oh! gonna.... gonna..." She was only able to take a couple licks of the horse before nearly biting her own tongue as an orgasmic wave passed up her body. More of her juices coated the skunk's balls as she pulsed around him. Before she was done he gripped her, changing to shorter, even more powerful stokes deep into her burning depths. He was gritting his teeth and grunting quietly. Then he stiffened and she could feel his cock swelling even thicker before liquid fire shot from his tip directly against her ready cervix. "Yesss..." she wailed and then felt him pull back to pump into her half a dozen more times before letting loose another blast deep inside her. She could only pant. Her nose rubbing the horse's dick as the skunk stood stiffly behind her. More of his cum dribbling from the tip of his cock buried as deep into her possible.

Her groan was high pitched and achy as he at last drew back out of her. Some of their combined juices following his still dripping shaft to dribble down her leg. Pausing he reached down and rubbed his cockhead against her throbbing, aching clit before crawling onto the bed beside her.

"Like your first present, love?" He asked as he rubbed her shoulder. "Uh huh." She answered somewhat dreamily. "First?"

"That's right. First" answered the horse. Taking the tip of his shaft and once more pressing it to her lips.

She opened for it. Kissing around the head and bringing her tongue out to run around the rim of his glans. He started to stroke his hand along the shaft. At least 12" she guessed. Way too big for her to take without seriously injuring herself, but those large balls sitting on the bed below it promised a monster load, wherever it ended up.

"Can't let her go cold back at this end" she heard from the rabbit. He had moved in behind her now and was fondling her sopping mound with one paw. He entered her with one finger and began to feel around the wet passage. She started panting as he located her g-spot and started giving it special attention. Pre was also forming at the horses slit and she tried wrapping her lips around the opening to suck it out.

The rabbit pulled his finger from her quim and sucked the juices off his fur. "Hmm... I do love sloppy seconds." With that he was on her. Sliding a long slender shaft deep enough into her to tickle the back of her passage. She grunted a little as he hit home but was silences as the horse took hold of her head and pressed his shaft more forcefully into her mouth. She got the idea and went back to suckling and licking him with renewed energy. "That's the way girly. It may be your birthday but you are our present too." The rabbit by now was driving himself quickly into her. His powerful hips working much faster than the canines' boyfriend. She tried to use her inner muscles to grip him but whereas the skunk was so thick she had a hard time clamping down the thin bunny shaft was barely over an inch across and slipped easily through her grip. Still he wasn't hitting as hard and deep as she feared and kept changing angles. He didn't even slow when he let loose his load and was turning that to a froth inside her by the time he came again and then pulled out.

She almost didn't notice however as the horses' shaft was starting to throb and about a minute later he was pumping a large load into her mouth and down her throat. She tried to swallow all she could but there was just no way. A good deal never even made it past her lips as the slippery tip grazed across her cheek still spilling its' load.

Again she was left breathless and panting while the gooey mess tried working its' way under her chin. "My back. My back." She groaned. The severe angle she had been placed at finally getting to her. The panting horse moved back out way and many hands worked to pull her farther onto the bed so just her cuffed ankles where hanging over with the spreader bar. This dragged her through the puddled equine cum that had escaped her mouth and she could feel the wet blanket sticking to her pinned chest. The rabbit came around and leaned down in front of her. Not saying anything he started to kiss her and clean her facial fur. Despite his large front teeth she found he was quite skilled with his mouth and eagerly returned his kisses even as she felt someone else moving between her legs.

"While our friend here likes sloppy seconds I think I'd prefer the so called path less trod" said the squirrel. She could feel him slide up close and lift her enough to slip his knees under her spread thighs. Then he leaned forward, placing one paw on the mattress beside her. He was using the other hand to aim himself. She shuddered when she felt him contact her rear pucker, but he just leaned in more until his head had popped past her tight little sphincter. Maybe he had lubed himself up good, or those balls had loosened her more than she thought. But there was no pain as he started sliding in deeper. He shifted so he could sit straight up without pulling out and then started working more of his shaft into her. Going in half an inch. Pulling back one. Then forward one and a half. Back there he felt almost as thick as her boyfriend, and it was oh so gooood.

She had her eyes screwed shut and was groaning when she felt someone else settle in front of her. She opened one eye to see it was her boyfriend and opened her mouth again as he moved closer. He was only partly hard but his shaft was still smeared with their combined fluids. "Now then puppy, why don't you show everyone what a good little cum sucker you are by licking me clean." She groaned both at his words and the feeling of the hot shaft being worked deeper and deeper into her ass. He pushed half his length into her muzzle then sat still to let the coyote do the work. She felt so dirty. Sucking up her own half dried cum along with her boyfriends. So horny. Feeling an older guy fuck her deep in the ass. So slutty. Knowing half a dozen guys she knew where watching her. So hot.

She was cuming again. She could feel more juices flowing out of her clenching, empty pussy. Her nipples, like hard marbles throbbing against the damp blanket. The skunk's dick was hardening in her mouth as she moaned around it. He reached down and scritched her ears and cheeks. She thought she tasted more of his semen trickling onto her tongue. The squirrel was still pumping. Starting to breath hard. His balls where slapping against her as he thrust. She wondered if he could feel her leaking onto them. Then a paw was slipped under the squirrel. Between both their legs. The webbed hand cupped her dripping mound. A fingertip pressing hard against her already oversensitive clit. "I think she just came again" the otter chuckled. They were right. She was a slut. And she loved it. She shouted around the cock in her mouth and squirted, actually squirted all the way down the otters' arm, soaking him to the elbow. He kept rubbing her as both her openings clenched spasmodically and she felt the squirrels' load let free deep in her ass. It was too much. Her eyes rolled up and darkness engulfed her. She never even felt the squirrel or skunk pulling out of her.

She could feel a hand on her chest and warm bodies on both sides of her as her eyes fluttered slowly open. "Are you alright love?" asked her worried boyfriend. That hand wasn't groping her. He must have been checking her heartbeat. "We were getting' a mite worried, little dawlin' " added the fox from the other side.

She was on her back now she realized. Her wrists no longer locked together. But the spreader bar was still in place.

"I've never cum so hard in my life. Ever." She sighed and leaned back. Realizing there was a pillow there.

"So, enjoying your party so far?" asked her boyfriend. His hand had slid down and now it was groping. But it was a good sort of groping she decided. She opened an eye to look at him and grinned. "So far?" "Unless you want it to be over" he nodded back.

The otter crawled up next to her and offered a sports bottle of water. "Figured you might be a little dehydrated after that last performance, luv." She sat up to take it thankfully and drank deeply while eyeing the otter. "I seem to recall you had a 'hand' in that." "And a mighty proud hand it be." He lifted his arm and grinned at it as he turned the recently cleaned paw back and forth. Capping the bottle she handed it back to him and reached up to place a paw on the back of his neck. "Well I suppose I should really thank you for that." She pulled him down into a kiss that was neither soft nor sweet. She put as much as she could muster into it just to show him she was still in the game and he returned it wholeheartedly.

The fox moved out of the way as the otter swung around to kneel at the coyotes' side without breaking the kiss. The skunk had been massaging her left breast and now the otter added a paw to her right. She was starting to breathe hard by the time he broke the kiss and moved his whiskery face under her chin to nibble down her throat.

"And look who else is here to enjoy you" added her boyfriend, pointing upward with his free hand. She hadn't noticed that. There was a mirror on the ceiling. She screamed and tried to roll over but instantly there were multiple hands grabbing her arms and holding them spread wide and pinning her back on the bed. "Some folks just have to learn discipline the hard way." The horse reached over to the upper corner of the bed pulled up a chain that he clipped to her wrist cuff. The rabbit and squirrel secured her other wrist to a chain coming from the opposite corner and suddenly the coyote found herself bound spread eagle in the center of the king size bed.

"There there puppy. Everyone else is watching. Why not Mister Mirror?" The skunk was circling her left nipple as he talked. The dark flesh rising tall above her surrounding fur as it hardened. "Buts it's so kinky!" She squirmed as the otter brought a rise out of her other nipple as well. "But of course. Kinky just like a good slut puppy."

She tried to look away, but couldn't. Her lewdly spread body stared back down at her. The guys had evidently cleaned her up some while she was unconscious but her fur was still matted and tousled like she'd been ridden hard and put away wet. She had been, hadn't she? And she was still wet. A glint of moisture could be seen at her sex, between her widely spread legs. And her nipples. Both the coon and the otter had leaned in to start licking them. Making the towering flesh glisten. No! She wouldn't look at her body. She wouldn't. But the reflections of the guys where all looking at her body. Some were stroking themselves as they did so. All where hard.

The otters' mouth left her now aching nipple at last. She lifted her head so she could watch him directly instead of in the mirror. He was kissing down her stomach. His whiskers tickled her when he stopped and pressed his broad tongue into her navel. She gasped and tried to pull back. But she could only go so far. He crawled down farther as he nibbled lower. Showing some of that otter flexibility as he twisted over and between her legs. His muzzle covered her crotch. A sea of whiskers rising from between her thighs. She couldn't see what he was doing. But oh how she could feel it. His broad tongue was just as flexible as his body. It had driven deep into her. Lapping up her oozing juices and looking for more. She groaned and rocked her hips but could do little to help or hinder him. He had moved back up to her clitoris. Supporting it on that talented tongue while he nibbled on it. Drawing it out from its' cover. Nursing on it like a pup at a nipple. And glancing over she saw she did have a pup at her nipple. The Alabaman fox was now licking, sucking and caressing her right breast just like the skunk was still doing to her left. Three mouths. Three hard, overly sensitive, nerve filled, points of flesh.

And then a finger slid into her. She came! Her head flew back and her mouth opened to scream in ecstasy, only to be stifled by the horses' large mouth latching on to hers. His tongue filling it as he kissed her deeply. She tried to struggle but she couldn't. At least all the other lips had left her. But not the finger. She was still squeezing it with her vagina. But it was pushing deeper. Too deep for... It couldn't be... He'd been sucking her. How could an otter be THAT flexible? She shook off the horse. She had to catch her breath. But as she gulped air the otter was fucking her. Steady. Deep. Hard. He stopped for a moment at last. Leaning forward over her with his cock fully buried in her juicy passage while she breathed. Just smiling until she looked at him. "Tis good to know some folks really know how to show their appreciation." He sat back up and started pumping into her again. But slower. His hips rolling to give her long steady strokes. Not in any hurry but still holding her on edge. He wasn't as big as the skunk or squirrel but he was plenty big enough for her and knew just how to use it.

The coyote's breath was still heavy. And every nerve tingled, but she was in control again as she glanced around. Her boyfriend was laying on her left. Stroking her body with one hand but studiously avoiding her breast. "You've still one present to unwrap." He gave a nod across her body.

The fox knelt there. His canine cock half raised from its' sheath. The coyote smiled at him, and gave him a come hither look. "Thought you'd never ask little darlin' " he chuckled as he crawled over to her. Spreading his legs he straddled her chest. His bulbous sack just brushing over her fur as he leaned forward. His hand coming to rest above her head as his pointed tip touched her lips. It was already wet with pre when she touched it. Her tongue slid down the underside of his shaft as her lips sealed around the dripping tip. It had been far too long since she had played with another canine. She felt the otter start to pick up speed as she sucked. The fox getting harder in her mouth, but so was the otter in her pussy. She had to work faster. She started to pump her head on the foxes cock. Pushing down 'till his sheath tickled her nose then sucking hard as she drew back to the tip. Almost dragging the red flesh out into the air. Between her legs the otter was pumping faster. His noticeably swollen shaft rubbing across the girl's g-spot with every stroke. She wouldn't last long at this rate. But neither would any of them. The fox's shaft was free at last. She could even see his knot start to swell as she suckled his pre and the sight made her drool. He was almost as big as her boyfriend. And oh that knot!

But oh that otter!. He was picking up speed yet again and rolling his hips so she was raised on his shaft with each stroke. She started panting again and her head fell back off the fox. This was going to be a good one. She was sure of it. The otter was starting to jackhammer into her and she could feel the warmth rolling up her body. And then his thumb touched her clit and started rubbing. He wasn't shooting sperm into her body, it was stars. She could see them flying up past her eyes, even though they were firmly closed. The scream wouldn't come out of her throat this time. She had forgotten how to breathe. The otter had moved out from between her legs by the time she remembered and was in the process of trading places with the fox. He crawled between her spread thighs and lifted her legs. Letting them bend just enough so the spreader bar was behind him. Then he scooted up to the pulsing pussy still leaking otter cum and pushed his pointed tip inside.

Better. How could it be better. But her body was telling her it was. That this is what she needed. A CANINE cock. It was even thicker than the otters'. And that tip. It spread her open no matter how tight she was clenching. The then she felt the knot! His hands where wrapped around her thighs and he was battering at her entrance with the knot. It must have been three inches across. But she wanted it. Needed it. He was moving inside her. So hard. So deep. Pulling out all but his glans. Then ramming the shaft home until the knot was battering her clit. "Harder. Push harder. Get it in!" Did she say that out loud? She didn't know. She didn't care. She just needed it! But what was he doing now. He had stopped thrusting. He was planted deep inside her but his knot was still outside. OUTside! Then he was lifting her rump off the bed. His angle changing. He was grinding against her. His hips moving in circles. Grinding. Pushing. And she was spreading. Pulsing and spreading around his knot. Letting it in. POP!.

Yes! It was in her. The lips of pussy closed around. Gripping it. Massaging it. She couldn't let it out! But it was swelling inside her. Even bigger. Grinding her g-spot better than an otter could ever hope to as he began thrusting against her grip. Not moving that far. But oh the power. Oh the depth. It felt like his tip was all the way into her womb. And it was swelling. It was spewing. That yipping was not her it was him. It was the fox, as he pumped her full of his seed. And she was milking him of every drop. Her vagina convulsing around him. Still. How long had she been cuming now. She couldn't guess. And couldn't stop. His shaft was pumping inside her again. Spewing even more of his essence into her. And it was mixing with her own juices. Flowing hard but trapped inside her by his knot.

She felt him drop her legs behind him. His angle shifting inside her as he fell forward onto his hands while he tried to catch his breath. Her own breath was slowing at last. The constant pulsing of her sex turning to the occasional twitch. Her orgasm was over at last. But he was still hard inside her. Tied to her with his knot. She couldn't say no if he decided he wanted more. But she wasn't sure her still racing heart could take it.

She felt him shift again. But he was just getting back on his knees. He grinned down at her and she couldn't help smiling back. Then she looked around. The others where all around her on the bed. On their knees. Their cocks in their hands and hard. The skunk leaned in to give her a kiss. She tried to kiss him back but she could hardly move. "Happy birthday puppy."

"This has got, to be, the best, birthday party, evvver" she gasped. Her breath still coming up short. He chuckled and nodded. "Looks like you could use a shower though." She groaned and glanced down at the fox. "We're still stuck for a while, and I don't think I'll be able to even try crawling to the bathroom until morning."

"Who said anything about the bathroom? Guys" he nodded to the others "Birthday Shower!" As one all five morphs hands started to move. Stroking their swollen shafts as they edged even closer to the coyote. The rabbit came first. Spewing his load over her belly. The squirrel's arched high over her left shoulder to paint a line from the center of her chest across her right breast. The otter's load splattered both her breasts and the skunk shot up under her chin and across her left cheek. Last but not least the horse let loose a torrent equal to all the others put together. He fire hosed her from chin to belly. Not quite reaching the still trapped fox. "Something to remember us by should you wake in the middle of the night." The horse grinned and leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips before crawling back off the bed, then turned and unfastened her trapped left arm before looking for his clothes. The Squirrel did the same. Releasing her right arm and giving her elbow a quick massage before moving on. The otter and rabbit also planted goodbye kisses on her lips before crawling off the bed. She could feel them removing the stretcher bar between her legs. Just as her feet fell free the fox managed to pull his shrinking knot from her grip. The juices flowing from her where copious but she was too tired and sore to try holding them back. He fell forward again. Juices dripping from his still semi hard shaft onto her as he crawled over her body until their faces where even. "Happy birthday darlin'." He kissed her a bit harder than the rest before rolling off to her right. "See you later. And you" he pointed at her boyfriend "take good care of her." The skunk waved back. "I will. If nothing else she needs someone to plan her parties." The fox gave a yipping laugh as he gathered his clothes.

The skunk snuggled up close to the coyote and ran a paw over her body. Mixing the combined cum deeper into her fur. "Now, only 364 days to plan your next birthday. But get some sleep for now. This room is set for a late checkout at one tomorrow and it's hardly past midnight." He nuzzled her and closed his eyes.

She could only stare up at the reflection of a cum covered slut puppy and wonder if anyone might come back to finish this party in the morning.