The Triple Milker, Part 3

Story by blueaeon on SoFurry

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#3 of Milking Stories

A hungry plant needs cum... or does it want more?

As he came to again, Gil suspected that he still wasn't going to be at home, lying in bed, and his suspicions were quickly confirmed as he tried to stretch out, and found himself held tight.

His arms and legs were held fast, and it felt like he was up against some kind of warm, slimy wall. He slowly opened his eyes, as as the room came into focus he saw just what he was in for. He was being held spread-eagled against a wall, in a room - well, more like a cavern - entirely made of the fleshy, slimy material that the first room he'd woken up in had been made of.

The walls were slick and warm, and pulsing gently; Gil could feel the warmth against his back, pressed into it by thick, slimy tentacles around his torso, with more securing his arms and legs to the wall and one round his head, holding it in place and gagging his mouth.

He could just move his head a little bit, though he didn't need to look down to know he was still naked; the warm breeze he felt on his balls was enough to confirm that. Looking around, he saw that the fox and the dragon were still with him; either side of him, they too were secured to the wall, limbs spread and flaccid cocks dangling below.

Both of them seemed to be awake already; as he wriggled and stretched, they glanced over at him, but their focus quickly returned to the other side of the room. Looking over there, Gil quickly saw why.

On the far wall of the room was what he could only describe as a weird, fleshy flower. Its petals were closed, but where they overlapped, Gil could see they had small, white bumps all over the inside, instead of the slick, pink, veiny outside that matched the walls. Thick slime was dripping out of it, flowing between the petals and pooling on the floor below it.

As he watched, the flower started moving - the petals slowly unfurled, peeling back to lay flat against the wall, their bumpy underside showing. As all six of them peeled away, a thick load of slime slid out of the flower to reveal the center - a gaping hole, pulsing gently, the innards bumpy like the inside of its petals, but pink and covered in the slime. Every throb of the insides made a little more slime belch out of the hole, oozing down the wall it was on and dripping onto the floor below the flower.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the hole was exactly at crotch height, and Gil already suspected what was going to happen. Staring at the wet, pulsing hole, he couldn't help getting aroused; he didn't know how long it had been since last time, but given the milking other things in this place had given him, he couldn't stop himself thinking about how good that hole must feel, especially with those bumps.

A glance to his right showed that the dragon was clearly feeling the same way; his cock was already fully hard, his eyes locked on the slick, wet hole, making obscene slurping sounds as it pulsed and oozed slime. The fox was still flaccid, though; his eyes had an expression of fear as he looked over at the other wall.

The fear turned into terror, though, as the fox felt the tentacles holding him to the wall slowly retracting, leaving just those on his limbs. The tentacle holding his head retracted, too, and the fox gasped a deep breath as his mouth was freed. Gil wriggled, but he was still held firm - clearly, it was the fox's turn to go first.

Slowly, the tentacles holding the fox pulled him away from the wall, making a slurping sound as he came free from its slimy surface. The fox was wriggling, trying to get free, but there was no way he could escape the tentacles' grasp. As they edged him across the room, he started muttering "no, no, no!" and tried to look anywhere but the gaping flower ahead of him. He was powerless, though, and as he was lined up in front, he had nowhere else to look, and had to look straight at the gaping hole in front of him, the folds of loose flesh inside churning away, each pulse making the hole almost strain out towards his cock.

"Nonononoo! Why meee!" the fox cried, even as his cock betrayed his terror, slowly getting hard as it sat just inches from the slurping, oozing hole. Gently, the tentacles pushed him forward, and as his cock slid into the hole, he let out a loud "shiiiiiiiit!" as he was pushed firmly into the wall, balls-deep in the hole, the slime already oozing onto his crotch and down his legs.

As he struggled further, the petals of the flower started to close round him, the tentacles on his limbs keeping him spread-eagled. As they watched, the flower wrapped itself completely around his torso and head, leaving only his arms and legs dangling out, and muffling the pained moans the fox had started to make almost as soon as his cock was engulfed by the flower.

Gil felt a bit dirty - watching the fox be dragged into the flower had made him horny again, and his cock was rock hard, a small bead of precum forming at the tip already. He found himself wishing he had gone first - that he was the one with his cock buried deep in that oozing, pulsing hole.

As he sat there, unable to move and horny, all he could do was watch the flower do... whatever it was doing to the fox. Muffled by the petals, all he could here was the occasional moan or grunt, with a "Fuck!" thrown in. The fox seemed to have given in to his lust as the flower held him tight, his body twitching in time with the flower's pulsing, slime dripping down his legs and onto the floor.

Gil heard the tone in the fox's voice change as he got closer to orgasm, the pitch increasing and the grunts getting more urgent. The flower closed in even tighter, pushing the fox even deeper into itself, and he heard a worried "Fuck! What? Aaaah!" from the fox before he let out a muffled scream as he came. Gil saw the fox's arms and legs tense up and twitch as he pumped his seed into the flower, his own cock dripping precum in frustration as he imagined what it must be like. As the flower pulsed around the orgasming fox, slime and cum started to flow down the wall between them, the smell of sex hanging in the air as the fox moaned and writhed.

After over a minute, the fox finally relaxed as the flower loosened its grip on him slightly, letting out a tired sigh. Gil realized it might be his turn and his cock twitched in anticipation, but unfortunately for the both of them, the flower didn't release the fox just yet.

Instead, he watched as it tightened its grip again, and the fox, realizing what was happening, let out a loud yelp before an involuntary grunt as the flower started to pulse again. As Gil watched, it tightened up and pushed him deep in again, cum dripping out of the flower and down the fox's legs as his cock slid further inside once again.

The fox's grunts of pain from being milked again so soon gave way to gentle moans, but as Gil watched the flower seemed to puff up and the fox let out a muffled gasp, clearly unable to speak. It gently pulsed around him, his arms and legs tense as it throbbed.

Held tightly in the flower's clutches, Gil could do nothing put watch the fox gasp, twitch and moan as it held him there for almost half an hour, the already-drained fox letting out pained moans as the flower seemed to try to get him to cum again, slime and cum from his last load pooling on the floor below him. Gil and the dragon just looked on, pinned in place, their cocks dripping precum into the moist air as the smell of warm cum filled the air.

Every time Gil thought the fox might be getting close, the flower seemed to stop, and they could hear a frustrated moan from the fox, his arms and legs trying to thrash around but the flower holding him firmly in place eventually starting to throb again.

Finally, there was a change in the flower's movement, as two of the petals that were holding the fox moved apart - the two on his ass, it turned out, as Gil saw when the petals parted. The fox, too busy grunting as the flower pumped away on him, didn't seem to notice initially.

Then, Gil saw a long, thick tendril uncurl from the underside of the flower, slimy and covered in small nubs just like the petals. It slowly positioned itself behind the fox's hole, and then with one swift movement, slammed into his ass, the fox letting out a surprised moan as it pushed inside.

The tendril started pistoning in and out in sync with the flower's pulsing, and the fox's moans pitched up again, but with a different tone to last time - was it surprise? Panic?

Gil got his answer as the fox's moans reached a crescendo and he let out a muffled "no no nonoNO!" before he tensed up again, the flower holding him close as he tried to thrust. This time, though, rather than a relieved sigh, every time the fox tensed up he let out a loud whimper, along with the occasional quiet "no...". The flower kept him there for several minutes, the tendril in his ass pushing in and out the entire time while the fox was reduced to a series of groans ans whimpers.

Finally, the fox relaxed, and this time the tentacles holding him started pulling him away from the wall, the flower slowly unfolding as the fox's cock slid out of it with a loud slurp. The fox was still whimpering, and as he was pulled away, his already-flaccid cock flopped out of the hole, a thick string of slime trailing from its tip. Gil looked at the drained cock with envy as his own cock remained rock hard, his need for release slightly given away by the string of precum dripping from the end of his cock.

As the fox was turned around by the tentacles, their eyes met, and the fox looked at Gil with an expression of worry. He tried to say something, getting out only a warbled "it's... it's..." before the fox shuddered and let out a moan. Gil looked down, and saw that not only was the fox's drooping cock still leaking slime, but his balls were massively swollen - at least three or four times the size they'd been before. Every time the tentacles moved him, their huge mass swung in the air, and the fox let out another moan.

Gil thought the tentacles would put the fox back on the wall, but instead they started lowering him to the floor, as the fleshy folds parted to reveal a large hole. Slowly, they lowered the fox in, pinning his hands to his sides, until he was waist-deep, his swollen balls resting on the floor, moving slightly every time it throbbed.

As the tentacles pulled away, their subject now encased in the floor, a large, dangling tentacle lowered itself from the ceiling, with a bulbous end that was leaking slime. The fox didn't notice it until too late, moaning gently until the tentacle crammed itself into his mouth, gagging him once more, as the fox let out a muffled groan.

By this point Gil was desperate to cum, his cock dripping an almost continuous stream of precum as the flower's hole one again sat there open, gaping and oozing. He looked across at the dragon, who had his eyes closed and was clearly desperate too; a small puddle of precum had started to form on the floor underneath him. The dragon opened his eyes and looked over at Gil - clearly wondering which of them would be released next - and then Gil let out a muffled gasp as the tentacles holding him to the wall started to loosen, while the dragon let out a pained moan and closed his eyes again, another string of precum dripping from his cock.

The tentacle in Gil's mouth slithered away as the others started slowly moving him towards the flower, and he found himself unable to say much, just desperate for release. Slowly, they positioned him in front of the gaping hole, and his cock twitched in anticipation as the warm, oozing hole pulsed in and out just inches away, occasional splatters of slime mixed with the fox's cum landing on his groin.

As the tentacles pushed him in, he felt the flower closing around him, and involuntary let out a loud "fuuuuuuuuuuck!" as his cock met the slippery inside of the flower. His cock was quickly engulfed in slime and still-warm fox cum as he slid further inside, the nubs rubbing his cock as the inside pulsed and moved.

Finally, he was fully inside, as he felt the flower engulf him completely, its warm, slimy petals pushing on his back and ass, keeping his cock locked deep inside the flower. It continued to pulse, moving backwards and forwards along his cock, the bumps tickling his sensitive cock head and finally giving him the stimulation he'd been desperate for.

As the inside of the flower pulsed back and forth, he felt his cock head press against something at the end of the hole - almost like some kind of sphincter, though it never came quite close enough to push his cock through, always just tickling against his head. The rest of the hole continued to rub and pulse, though, and the flower's slimy, textured inside was quickly bringing him closer to orgasm.

His mind briefly wondered what had surprised the fox so much as he came before, but the stimulation quickly distracted him as he felt himself start tensing up, his slime-covered balls starting to draw up into his body. It had only been a few minutes, but he had been so horny that he was ready to blow.

He was on the edge of cumming when the flower shifted and he felt it push him even further in, his cock sliding past the bumps and folds and through the sphincter. There were no bumps here, just a smooth surface, and his cock pushed against clumps of small, hard spheres - he almost thought they felt like seeds, but his thoughts were washed away as he reached orgasm, his paws clenching as he started cumming.

The flower slid his cock out of the sphincter, rubbing his head with the nubs around the entrance, before thrusting him back in as he shot his first spurt of cum, making his cock hit the end of the sac as it squirted hot cum into it. It did this again, timing its thrusts with his spurts, vigorously rubbing his cock as he came.

Gil could do nothing but moan loudly to himself as the flower milked him mercilessly. Thrust after thrust, it pushed him deep inside, the inside folds moving along his cock to try and drain it more. He could feel the sac filling up with his cum every time he was pushed into it, until it started overflowing, cum squirting past the sphincter as he was pushed inside, along his cock and dripping down onto his balls.

Even when he thought he was empty, the flower kept milking, rubbing along his shaft and keeping his orgasm going, small drips of cum squelching out of the hole each time, until finally the rhythm stopped, and he sighed as he caught his breath, blissfully relaxed after being pent up for so long, his now-flaccid cock resting in the flower's maw.

He was just gathering his energy, limp in the flower's grasp, when it stirred, and he remembered what had happened to the fox - this wasn't a one-and-done deal, even if that's all he had needed. He had just enough time to exclaim "Wait! Fuck!" before the flower pulled him in closer, and started pulsing again, the nubs inside rubbing against his super-sensitive cock, making him grunt at the intense sensation.

The flower pulsed and stroked his cock for several minutes, his cock slowly getting hard again as Gil got aroused once more, the sheer mechanical effort on his cock making it impossible not to be. Finally, he felt himself get fully hard, and once again his cock brushed against the sphincter inside the flower, though now he could feel it leaking warm cum whenever he brushed against it.

The flower must have noticed that he was fully hard again, as it pulled him in closer, pushing his cock head through the sphincter and into the sac, where it stopped for a second. Gil felt the hard seeds swirling around in his cum, brushing against his cock head and giving him the slightest of stimulations.

Gil was getting horny again, and waited for the flower to piston him in and out like before so he could cum once more, but instead, he felt the hole expanding, opening up to leave his cock suspended in air with his cock head buried in the seed sac. He tried to wiggle to get some sort of stimulation, but that made the petals just grip down on him firmer, holding him in place.

Then, he felt the sac pulse, and the seeds and cum swirled past his cock head, teasing him and providing only the slightest sensation as Gil was pinned there, desperate for more. This continued for a few minutes, the only sensations coming from the swirling cum and the sphincter sliding over his cock head slowly as the sac pulsed.

It was holding him perfectly in balance, enough stimulation so he couldn't get soft but not enough that he was getting closer to orgasm. Gil started to wonder how many hours he'd be here when he felt something else move inside the sac, and gasped as he felt something long and slimy poking the head of his cock.

After the weird creature last time, he knew what was going to come next, as the tendril pushed its way inside his cockslit and down into his cock, the slight bumps on its outside providing much-needed stimulation as it slid into him.

As the sac continued to pulse, Gil found his cock being rubbed from the inside and out, as the tendril pumped in and out of his cock while the sphincter rubbed the base of his cock head. It was just enough to get him closer to orgasm, and his moans got higher and higher in pitch until he was right on the brink of orgasm - when the flower stopped, and held him completely still.

Gil found himself letting out a loud "no!" and trying to thrust so he could cum and unload into the flower again, but it held him firm, providing no stimulation as his horniness slowly subsided. It started up again, and Gil found himself moaning once more as it took him to the edge of cumming, but never further - cycles of stimulation and stillness, making him hornier and hornier but pinned and unable to do anything about it.

After ten or twenty cycles of this - he was losing count in his state of frustrated lust - he felt his ass cheeks slowly being pulled apart, and moaned in pleasure as the thick tendril plunged into him, hitting him right on the prostate. The flower suddenly upped its pace, ramming into his urethra with the small tendril and into his ass with the big one, and Gil's moans increased in intensity as he knew he was finally going to be allowed to cum.

Just as he was reaching the edge of orgasm, though, he felt the sphincter clamp down on his cock head as the sac contracted, and then, on the brink of orgasm, felt the tendril in his cock dive deep past his prostate as it started to swell.

Unable to hold himself back, he tensed as he stated cumming, but instead of spurting into the flower like before, the sac contracted and squirted his own cum, mixed with the seeds, back down his cock. Unable to cum, Gil moaned frustratedly as he kept tensing and trying to pump out cum, only for the flower to squirt his own cum from before back inside, the seeds pushing their way down his urethra and into his balls.

His orgasm kept going and the flower kept pumping, his balls swelling as more and more seeds were pumped inside, mixed with slime and cum. Finally, he felt the sac empty out and press itself against his cockhead as his orgasm subsided, his balls feeling full but his cock quickly becoming soft.

Exhausted, Gil could do nothing but breathe heavily as the tentacles slowly pulled him from the flower, his cock pulling out of the sphincter with a soft pop, trailing cum and slime from its tip as it flopped out of the hole. His balls felt huge, and every time he shifted around he felt a tingling from them that made him shudder.

He was carried over to the floor where the fox was, still embedded waist-deep, as a hole opened up next to the fox and he was slid inside, his hands bound to his sides. His balls gently rested on the floor as he came to a stop, his flaccid cock hanging out over them, still dripping.

The fox was only inches away, his balls also still swollen, and his cock was still dripping, a small pool of slime and cum forming underneath it. He occasionally let out a deep moan through the tentacle in his mouth, and as Gil looked closer, he noticed that the fox's balls were... moving, something wriggling inside. Another tentacle dropped down from the ceiling and shoved into Gil's mouth, leaving him locked in place next to the fox, immobile.

He heard a slurp from behind him, and as the dragon was peeled away from the wall he heard him say "Urgh, finally" as the tentacles led him over to the floor, his cock throbbing with need and trailing a string of precum behind it. The flower gaped once more, dripping with the remains of two cum loads, and the dragon moaned happily as he was pushed into it.

"Oh, god", he said, as the flower encased him, leaving just the limbs for the other two to see. "Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!", the dragon shouted, muffled, as the flower started milking him, and less than thirty seconds later, they saw him tense up as he shouted "fuck! yes! ugh!", cumming hard into the flower, his claws curling as he finally got release after hours of watching the other two get milked, his orgasm lasting for several minutes as cum sloshed onto the floor, his grunts finally dwindling as the last cum load slopped out of the flower into the huge puddle that had formed underneath.

"Phew", they heard him say, "Oh - wait, fuck, there's more isn't there". Gil could do nothing but grunt in agreement, as the flower brought the dragon in closer again, grunting agreement as he was pushed further inside again.

"I dunno... how it thinks... I can... cum again", he grunted, as the flower massaged him back to full hardness, but Gil knew what was coming next, as he saw the flower puff up as it removed stimulation, the dragon only managing to mutter "mmh? fuck!".

Watching the dragon getting milked again was making him horny, and as he was watching, he felt something stir in his balls, making him shudder with pleasure in a way he'd never felt before. He was already semi-hard, and looked over at the fox, who was still soft, though something was moving in his balls - he let out a whimper each time it stirred. Gil's eyes met his, and he looked embarrassed, like he didn't want to be turned on by what was happening.

A series of grunts drew Gil's attention back to the dragon, as the flower was pulsing again, its tendril deep in his cock by now, and the dragon groaning as it stimulated him. As Gil watched, the dragon's claws started to tense up, and then suddenly released as the flower stopped moving, with an exasperated moan coming from the dragon inside as it denied him release.

Gil's balls stirred as the dragon was denied, and he let out a short moan as the pleasure hit him again, his cock getting harder each time his balls moved, a small spurt of slime coming out of the end. He heard the fox whimper, too, and saw his cock also start to get hard, their cocks jumping in time as their balls squirmed.

The dragon was only about four or five cycles of edging in before he was grunting "please... let... me... cum", Gil's balls stirring each time he was denied and his cock slowly getting harder. The fox's cock was getting harder, too, and he seemed to be giving in to his lust, his eyes focused on the flower as it relentlessly edged the dragon.

Finally, after a few more denials, the flower unfurled its large tendril, and as it pushed inside, the dragon grunted "fuck... yes... finally...", thinking he would finally get to cum soon. Gil watched on with pity as he saw the dragon tense up, ready to cum, and then grunt "no, NO!" as the flower pumped his own cum back into him, letting his orgasm happen but denying him release.

The dragon was still muttering "no... ugh..." as the tentacles pulled him from the flower with a slurp and his cock flopped underneath him, dripping with slime and cum, his balls swollen even more than the other two. He was reduced to muttering as the tentacles lowered him in next to the fox and Gil, and looked at them frustrated as the tentacle came down to plug up his mouth.

All three of them were now stuck in the floor inches from each other, their cocks all facing inward. The fox was fully hard at this point, his cock copiously leaking slime, and Gil was almost there, his cock and the fox's getting close enough to touch as they got harder.

The dragon's balls started churning, and he let out a moan of pleasure as it kept going, quickly making him hard. Gil and the fox soon found themselves joining in as whatever was in their nuts also started moving, causing all three of them to moan as their cocks hardened and starting dripping more and more slime.

As the dragon got to full length, his cock head brushed against Gil's, the smooth scales giving him much-needed stimulation and making his cock jump. The fox moaned as his cock jumped, too, brushing the dragon's and covering it with slime.

Suddenly, all three of them let out a moan as Gil felt something... moving inside him, pushing up his cock from the inside. As it pushed past his prostate it made him roll his eyes back with pleasure, and as it wriggled up his cock, he saw a small green tendril poke out of the fox's cock, wriggling around as if it was searching for something.

It was quickly joined by a tendril wiggling out of his own cock, and then one from the dragon, too, all three of them grunting with the stimulation as they felt the need to unload their heavy balls.

The three tendrils found each other and seemed to join together, pulling their cocks closer together, before they started wrapping around their cock heads. The dragon moaned again and Gil followed shortly after as he felt more tendrils working their way up, coming out to combine with the first three.

They sat there, grunting and moaning, as tendril after tendril wriggled out of their balls, coming out of their cocks and combining with the others. As Gil watched, they slowly formed a sheath around their three cock heads, wrapping themselves around and merging together to form a snug fit.

Gil could feel the other's cocks as tendrils wriggled from them, his cock fully hard as he got more and more desperate to cum, but the only stimulation coming from the other's cocks gently rubbing against his.

Slowly, more and more tendrils emerged, slowly building out a thick, fleshy sheath holding their cocks in place, as well as a loose, dangling sac beneath. Their balls had shrunk to almost half the size, and the fox was looking increasingly desperate to cum, while Gil and the dragon were just grunting as more tendrils pushed up out of their cocks.

Finally, Gil felt the wriggling thing in his balls stop, as the last tendril worked its way out to join the others, moaning once more as it pushed past his prostate and out his cock. The other two moaned as their balls finally stopped wriggling, looking at each other with lustful expressions, each one desperate to finally cum and unload.

Just then, the sheath on their cocks started contracting, and they moaned in unison as it slid along their cock heads, rubbing them against each other and gently working up and down on the top of the shaft. It was tortuous, but they were horny, and it slowly wriggled and slid, soliciting grunts and moans as it did.

Gil was getting closer and closer to cumming, but he heard the fox let out a high-pitched whine, as he felt the fox's cock swell against his, followed by a hot spurt of cum as he came into the sheath, moaning as he pumped load after load into it, the cum washing over the cockheads of the other two before flowing down into the sac below and starting to fill it up.

The dragon quickly started cumming too, the two of them shooting load after load into the sheath, their hot cum flowing past Gil's cock and their pulsing cocks rubbing his as they came. It was too much; he felt himself go over the edge as he too started cumming, the three of them grunting as they all unloaded into the sheath, the sac below rapidly filling up with both their old and new cum loads.

The sheath kept milking and they kept cumming, the fox drying up first but still moaning as the sheath suckled on him and the other two spurted small amounts of cum. Gil felt his own orgasm subside, too, and basked in the post-orgasm glow as he felt the last drops of the dragon's huge load flow out into the bulging sac.

Spent, they all looked at each other, exhausted, as the sheath contracted and slid itself off their cocks with a slick pop, lying on the floor between them full of cum. As he found himself drifting off into an exhausted sleep, Gil found himself wondering what other strange things lay in store for him...

Hope you enjoyed it - please leave a comment, especially if you have ideas for what you'd like to see in future!