Too Proud For Your Own Good Chapter 1

Story by FacelessBuster on SoFurry

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#1 of Too Proud For Your Own Good

This is but the beginning of a story I want to tell about these powerful Gods who try and come to terms with something big happening. What is it? Well wait and see. I'll try and post them all as soon as I can. Hope all who read it enjoy!

Lightning danced across the sky in a dazzling way that was both awe inspiring and terrifying. It began as a small light show but then changed into something more violent and scary. The lightning stopped for a moment before a stray bolt shot out of the sky and hit the ground with a strong crash. At the base of the bolt formed a woman. An Eagle with gray and black feathers and large wings on her back, singed from what looked like flames. Her name was Zara. She clenched her hand and a thunderbolt formed and she saw a bright ray of light shooting from the sky. It was a marvelously bright and a glorious orange and yellow. It was the sun, personified by a bright red Phoenix that shrieked in anger and flew straight down at the eagle. The eagle held tightly to the thunderbolt and when the Phoenix got close enough, the eagle threw the lightning bolt and it crashed into the Phoenix with such immense power that it shot him out of the sky.

The Phoenix fell to the ground and landed with a small explosion following it. The plant life around him was nearly burned to ashes and he slowly began to get up only for Zara for place a foot on his chest and hold him down, a spear made out of lightning held at his throat.

"Submit Solaris," she said with a proud smile on her face. Solaris refused and shot a blast of fire at her chest, knocking her back against a tree. He jumped up and summoned a massive fire whip and lashed at Zara, only for her to duck out of the way. The whip was so hot and flew by so quickly that it completely slashed clean through the tree Zara rested against. It fell over and almost crushed Zara before she rolled out of the way only to get a fireball to the face.

"Ah! Man I thought we agreed no hitting the face!" She screamed trying to kill the flames on her face and feathers.

"We also agreed to stay on the mountain top but you tried to throw me off that before I tossed you off first!" Solaris shouted his eyes a bright and furious Red. As he got angrier, his own feathers began to ignite a bright red blaze yet his robes did not burn at all. Zara looked at Solaris and grinned an evil grin as she looked at the fuming Phoenix.

"I also said no groin shots..." She said as she rushed at Solaris and kicked him between the legs.

"Ah! Son of a witch!" He cried as he fell to his knees in pain. His eyes were no longer red and were now a bright yellow, his normal eye color. The flames that coursed through his body has died and he struggled to get back up.

"... But I simply meant those rules for you. Being master of the Gods means I don't have to follow the rules," she said smiling big and flexing. Zara was quite the powerful female. Her hands were scarred and rather heavily damaged, mostly do to her use of her thunderbolts. They were painful to use but incredibly powerful. She was ruler of the Gods because of it and Solaris, being God Of The Sun, tried to prove his superiority. Solaris managed to stand up and tackled Zara to the ground, the two tumbling down a hill and crashing into a tree, actually igniting it on fire. But the two continued to fight and the grass they rolled in was set a blaze as well, all because Solaris couldn't cool his flaming feathers and the more they fought the more fires were started. Finally they made it to the bottom of the hill and Solaris was on top.


"Make me!"

"Oh I'll make you!" He said holding her down. Lightning over head jumped about the sky and Zara's eyes began to glow a bright blue.

"No more!" Shouted someone from behind and just then a powerful stream of water blasted Solaris off of Zara. She sat up and smiled.

"Thanks!" She said as she was hit by the stream of water. With her giving off electrical energy seconds before, she water had shocked her and caused immense pain while Solaris simply had his flames doused. They both were continuously shot with a strong stream of water and it wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"Keep going Rana. Make sure both of them are good and soaked," said the woman as Rana seemed to spray the water even harder. Both Solaris and Zara tried to hide behind the other to hide from the strong water, constantly shouting for Rana to stop and apologizing.

"Alright. I think that's enough," said the woman as Rana stopped her aquatic assault and was patted gently on the head by her comrade. Rana was another one of the deities of the world and she was one of the few who chose a human form vs a more animalistic one. She was a beautiful dark skinned female with blue robes with an interesting design throughout them. She had beautiful sky blue eyes and a smile as delicate as a rain drop. She rarely spoke and when she did, everyone listened. She was one of the favorite Gods as she was so nice and always did her best to serve the mortals, not caring what other Gods said. But more importantly, she was the daughter of Zara. Her second born child and princess of Othrys.

The woman next to her was something different. Rana's best friend and Goddess of the Forests and Wildlife, Jama. The two were always together as Rana's rain kept the forests alive and the animals loved Rana. Jama cared for the forest and its creatures as if they her own children and she made enemies with many Gods who damaged her home. Though she did have a sense of humor and loved to play games, that mood was gone almost immediately if someone damaged her forests. Jama always took the form of a Satyr, human above the waist with bright green eyes and small horns on her head. She wore no clothes as she preferred the whole naked thing. Having Satyrs legs made pants uncomfortable and she always stepped on her robes. They were too wavy and always got in her way.

"Hello Zara. Hello Solaris." Said Jama with a smile. Rana bowed respectfully. Zara was rather upset but Solaris got up slowly and quickly raised his body heat so the water evaporated off him. When done he lowered his heat back down and bowed respectfully at the two.

"Rana! How could you hose down your own mother?" Zara said with small sparks of electricity jumping throughout the puddle of water beneath her. Rana didn't answer... But a faint smile slowly crept it's way onto her face.

"Her mother was immature enough to fight the God of the Sun in my HIGHLY FLAMMABLE FOREST!" Jama shouted in anger. Zara grit her teeth and splashed water in Jama's face. Solaris stepped away from Zara and got on one knee in front of Jama and placed his right hand on his chest.

"The flames were my fault. My fights with the air headed mistress of the Gods-"

"I have a name!"

"-Caused the burning of your forest." Always noble Solaris. He never liked making enemies and was one of the most respectable of the Gods. Jama forgave him almost instantly.

"Next time you two fight, stay on the freaking mountain."

"I'll fight who I want wherever the hell I want," Zara said stand up and ringing out her soaked robes.

"This is why you can never really be a good leader Zara. You're immature," said Solaris. Zara glared at him and thunder began to sound in the sky but Solaris didn't flinch.

"The banquet is still happening tonight right?" Asked Jama. Zara nodded.

"Yeah. It's actually starting really soon. We just have to go and get Nefaria. Then we can truly begin."

"You know she doesn't like coming to those gatherings," said Solaris. And what he said was correct. Nefaria was Goddess of the Underworld and Afterlife. She was Queen of the lower realm and had a 24 hour job too. No dead could leave and no living could enter. The Gods technically weren't allowed to either but Zara regularly broke this rule by traveling there with her son and making a habit of bothering things... She really shouldn't be in charge.

"Whether she likes to or not, she has to. We only meet like this once a year so it's important to discuss how things have changed, how things can change, and how things will change for the mortals. Any decision made can break apart the other realms so it's good to have communication," Zara said crossing her arms.

"Tell that to the hundreds of mortal men you've slept with," Solaris said under his breath.

"What was that?" This time there was a bright flash and loud crash of lightning which still didn't make him flinch.

"Oh nothing. Just bringing to light some... Issues I feel need addressing."

"Save it for the banquet."

"Please. I don't want to make Rana hose you down again... Actually go ahead and get started. Gives me an excuse."

"With pleasure," Solaris said as he quickly punched Zara in the face.She fell to the ground and held her face in pain.

"Ow! Alright that's it you son of a-" she shouted as she got up and ran towards him, only to be hosed down by Rana again. Jama laughed and Solaris thanked them bothbefore disappearing in a flash of light. before disappearing in a flash of light.

"Why am I the one being hosed down?!"


It was a land many dreaded going to. A world that no one could truly describe as all that went remained there forever. The Underworld. More commonly called the Underground. It was a place that could be reach without magical aid however you wouldn't want to go there. It's not a place for the living.

Zara and her son Floki can here quite often despite Nefaria telling them multiple times not to. They ignored her. Zara and Floki moved down a dark cave that seemed to never truly end.

"Ugh. Mother I'm tired," Floki whined. He was a... Disliked deity. Being the firstborn son of the master of Gods, Floki could do what he pleased and got no consequences for it. Any pranks he committed, she enjoyed. Anyone he hurt, she protected him from. Anything he wanted, she got for him. He was an untouchable little rat of a kid. He was the God of Mischief and Thieves so... Yeah. Not liked. He was a grey, black and white wolf looking beast with a constant smoky fog at his feet. His mother gave him control over smoke which made him quite literally a hard God to catch.

"Nefaria should seriously think of cleaning the place up. It's all dark and wet and dirty and... Ech!" He said whining once more. Zara smiled and took one of the torches lighting the chasm. As they continued they found themselves at a small peace of land with a large ocean and a great cloud of fog in the distance. Zara stood at the edge of the land and touched the water with the torch. The previously orange flames were now changing into a bright blue color and she held it to the sky. The flame grew even bigger and brighter, almost like a beacon, and soon something began to appear out of the fog. It was a big boat. And someone at the back rowing it towards the land. Zara frowned as the person gave a wicked smile to her and laughed.

"The Queen returns! The Great mistress from the living realm graces the dead realm with her beautiful radiance!" He shouted as he gave a maniacal cackle before composing himself.

"Welcome to Hell lady Zara. Need passage again?" He asked daring not to look at her. She did not speak... But Floki did.

"Don't get snarky, Old Man. You know what to do. Other side of the ocean and be quick about it! We haven't got all day," he said as he went and sat down next to his mother.

"Obviously you do. I don't move this boat if I do not get paid. Them's the rules in The Underground. No dough, no go," he said laughing. The old man was... Face from anything man. His skin was a grey and wrinkly but he had horns and his left foot looked mor like a Dragons. He had long grey hair and sharp canine teeth. He wore very loose robes and a hood that hid his face in the darkness of the dead lands. His boat had very creepy looking Crows on the left and the right. The one of the left had Yellow left eye and a Blue right one while the one on the right had a Blue left eye and a Yellow right one.

This was the Ferryman. He had no name. Or rather he chose not to give one. Why give a name when no one will ask for it. The dead certainly didn't care. No one knew it so they just called him "The Ferryman" or "Old Man". He didn't care much for either name. What he cared about was money. The underground quite the place and he was the first face you would see there. If a dead soul had the proper coin, he would gift them a ride to eternal rest. Those who didn't had to suffer in limbo. Waiting... For nothing. Zara grabbed a coin and flicked it over at him. He caught it and without even looking at her began to row the boat off the shore and into the waters of the Underground.

"Must be that time of year," he said with his dusty voice. It sounded like the cawing of crows or the grinding of rocks. A hard voice to listen to.

"You're paid to take us over the river. Not talk," said Floki.

"Ooh I remember the last time someone saw fit to speak such unkind words to me..." He breathed in then out as if it was the best moment of his life. "I tossed him into these here dead waters." Just then, what looked like a person jumped out of the water and grabbed onto the boat. He was in great pain and had great worry on his face and in his voice. He seemed to be made of the waters he was in but what was more eye catching was the many people grabbing onto him and pulling on him, trying to bring him back down into the waters

"Please! Help me! Take me with you!" He said as he got closer and closer onto the boat.

"You had your chance! Suffer in silence!" The Ferryman grabbed one of the torches on his boat and threw his hand into the fire. It didn't burn him but rather he seemed to hold the fire in his hand and threw it at the poor man, who let go of the boat and was dragged back into the dead sea. The Ferryman placed the fire back onto the torch while Floki and Zara sat there in fear. Floki's tail was curled between his legs and he held his mother tightly while she herself looked like she needed to be held.

"You two haven't seen all this happy realm has to offer..." The Ferryman said smiling. "Good," he said as the smile instantly disappeared. Floki looked at his mother and she kissed his head. The other side of the waters began to appear and there were a large collection of people. They all stood there, as if they were waiting for someone. Zara and Floki got up as the boat smoothly crawled onto land, allowing them to walk off and where they were supposed to.

"I hate this place," Floki whispered as he stroked his tail gently.

"This place hates you as well!" The Ferryman yelled laughing. "This place hates all living creatures, spoiled son!"

"You're lucky I don't have my powers in this retched place or you would be spending the rest of yours days-"

"I promise you, child of Fated disaster..." The Ferryman said smiling. He looked up and his hood peeled back, showing his terrible face, scarred all over, terribly yellow teeth... And no eyes. It seemed as though they were sowed shut! It was disturbing to look at but he still could move as if he could see. Because he could. The Crows on the boat were his eyes. But the creepiest thing he did was open the sowed up holes where his eyes would be and revealed only gaping holes. It was as if the abyss itself gazed into Floki's soul. The Ferryman clutched at the oar he used to row the boat and the flames on the boat changed from blue to an eerie black. The Crows on the sides of the boat stared at Floki and cawed at him maliciously.

"There is nothing in existence that you can come up with that is worse than the horrors that come to and from this realm. Nothing!" He said as he hid his face once more. The flames turned back to blue and The Ferryman smiled again.

"Now go on and see your darling aunt, little boy. Don't want to keep her waiting," The Ferryman said as he pushed the boat off shore and sailed back into the misty fog of the Dead Waters, laughing his crazy laugh. Zara walked up and touched her sons shoulder, her feathers rustling in the wind of the Underground. Floki looked at his mother.

"What did he mean when he said "Child of Fated Disaster?"

"I do not know. Many things he says are very... Theatric. Maybe he simply wished to mess with you. Like what you do to so many other Gods," she said smiling slightly. Floki smiled too.

"It's no fun when it's done to me."

"Yeah. It does." She walked over to the gathering of people with her son following. The people looked at the two and frowned. Not single eye wasn't on Zara and Floki but neither of them cared. Just then a bright light came from in the cave everyone stood before and soon manifested itself into a person. She was beautiful in Floki's eyes. She was a woman in ancient robes and a golden torch In her hand. She had beautiful golden eyes and a golden pelt to match. She was the prettiest woman in all of the dark Underground and someone to remember. Floki had quite the interest in her but she was devoted to her work. She was the guide of the Underground. The Ferryman took them across the Dead Waters, and she guided them through the Labyrinth. Her name was Liora. She was an amazingly beautiful lioness and daughter of Solaris. Only Solaris. She had no Mother. She lifted the torch high and looked at everyone there.

"Hear me fallen souls. I shall guide you through the Labyrinth. Follow me. And do not stray from the path I walk. If you are lost... I cannot come and find you." She said the last part with a heavy heart and several souls there murmured in fear and anger. If they were lost she wouldn't come and get them? What would happen to them? Would they simply be lost forever? Would they die a second time? Floki walked forward to the Lioness and said hello to her. She gave a smile and looked down at him. She was awfully tall.

"Hello little Floki. How have you been?" She asked as she began to lead everyone forward. Zara stayed behind her son but in front of the other souls who seemed occupied with her and him being alive. The dead do not like the living.

"I've been quite well, doing what I normally do. Ya know... Play some jokes, get yelled at, Mother fights a God or two... The normal." Liora walked further into the maze before turning right as everyone followed her.

"What have you been doing?"

"What I'm doing now," she said letting out a small chuckle. "I can't exactly stop this job."

"Right. Right. Well ya know there's a whole meeting of the Gods-" Zara pulled her sons tail. He yelped in pain and turned around to meet her steely blue haze.

"Need I remind you no one can know we are Gods down here?" She whispered making sure the other souls didn't hear her. Floki's eyes widened. Liora took a left at the end of the lane then a right and everyone followed however it seemed as though two or three people were missing.

"Sorry Mother. I just... I really want her to-"

"Come to the banquet. I am aware. Ask her at the end of our journey," she said as Liora took another left and went down some steps with everyone following her. She then took a right and continued down to what looked like the end. But she took a right. Some of the souls saw fit to chase after the light they saw at the end of the hall but... They were disappointed. What did they see? What did they run into? Let's just say some things are better left unsaid. Liora continued down the hall and came a four way intersection before turning left and going down more steps with the people following her. She finally came to the exit of the maze and looked back at the people who made it. There were originally around 12 souls. Now only 6 remained.

"Continue onward, wayward souls. This is as far as I can take you," she said stopping at the exit and pointing down to a cave nearby. The souls walked on rather quickly while Floki and Zara remained for a while longer.

"So about that banquet..." He began. She looked at him with a faint smile.


"How about you and I go together? After all who better to go with the hottest of the goddesses than the prince of Othrys himself?" He said with a smug smile. She rustled his hair and whispered into his ear.

"Thank you but no," she said plainly. Floki was surprised.

"Why 'no'? Surely no one has asked you yet.

"Indeed. No one but you."

"So why refuse me?"

"Because I don't want to go with you, Prince," she said looking at him and smirking.

"Who wouldn't want to go with me? I'm funny, talented, powerful, handsome... I'm the complete package! Any woman would be lucky to go out with me!" He said chuckling slightly. His Mother simply smiled while his tail wagged excitedly behind him.

"Any Goddess would be cursed to go out with you," she said chuckling. "Go and see speak to whom you came here for."

"How do you know I didn't come for you beautiful?" He said leaning in close. She backed away.

"Because you're far too scared to come here just for me. Been here centuries and you haven't come for me even once. Always here with your Mother coming for Queen Nefaria." She said walking back into the maze.


"Goodbye Floki," she said as she disappeared. Floki smiled.

"I guess she was intimidated by me. Girls don't know how to handle a man like me," he said fixing his robes and slicking the fur on his head back.

"Yo hot stuff. We gotta go," shouted Zara. She had already begun walking forward into the cave and he ran after her. In the cave were several dead souls all in a line in front of a massive beast made of shadow with a giant door behind him. Where it's eyes were beheld glowing blue flames and its was so big it could touch the top of the cave and when it looked at Zara and Floki, it growled. They waited until their turn in line before being pushed aside by the souls behind them.

"Hey! Wait your turn!"

"The living have no place here! Especially living GODS!" The man shouted angrily. The vast amount of souls began to circle Zara and Floki. Floki drew a sword he was hiding under his robes and ordered them all back. Some did while others rushed him and took his sword away, snapping it in half like a twig. Floki was touched in various places by the souls and when he looked at them, he looked heavily burned in those spots. The souls that touched him seemed to have a new touch of... Life to them. And they wanted more. They lunged at him only for the shadowy beast to slam his paw onto the ground, gathering the attention of the souls.

"Leave them alone. Now!" He shouted. They obeyed and Zara and Floki ran to his side.

"Thank you Noxous."

"This happens almost all the time. You two seriously need to bring weapons or something with you."

"Tried bringing them. Didn't work. Couldn't get them past the Ferryman."

"You just suck at hiding things."

"Well that's not very nice."

"I don't care for nice. The Queen is behind the door. Leave before I kill you myself. Then you'll really have a place here," Noxous didn't even look at them. The big door behind them opened to reveal a big empty throne with two creatures on each side. They looked like statues and simply stood there menacingly. The one on the right was a mighty jackal a spear in his hand and the one on the left was a Cat with a spear in her hand. As Zara and Floki walked forward, they both awakened.

"A mortal walks into the room!" Said the Jackal.

"This we cannot allow!" Said the Cat. They both began to move and jumped off their pedestals, landing onto the ground with a thud and glaring with bright white eyes at the two. The door closed behind them and Noxous could be heard laughing.

"You said she would be here Mother."

"Seems I was wrong." She said as she pulled a sword out of her robes and tossed a spare at her son.

"How did you-"

"Unimportant! Fight!" She said as she swung her sword at the stone feline. She blocked it and lunged her spear forward, catching Zara in the side. Floki struggled fighting the Jackal as the sword was immediately knocked out of his hand and dodged the next attack as the spear somehow broke the ground beneath them as if it was as strong as a Hammer. Floki grabbed the spear and pulled, trying to take it away only for the Jackal to use his strength to toss him back into one of the walls of the room. The Cat continued to fight with Zara quite viciously and Zara was punched across the face and just barely avoided a slash from the spear. She stabbed the stone cat in the stomach but instead it actually pierced her like it would flesh. The Cat cried in pain and whacked Zara across the face with the butt of the spear. Floki stabbed the Jackals foot and he yelled in pain as Floki rolled away and Zara tackled him, leaving the young prince to handle the Cat on his own. He grabbed the sword in her stomach and slashed at her yet with every attack she blocked it and tripped him up. The Jackal grabbed at the arms of Zara and used his strength to crush her wrists. She yelled in pain and screamed out Nefarias name...

"Mawk! Akahn! Halt!" She shouted and they froze in place.

"I think they've learned their lessons for now. Return." The statues stood upright and walked back to their place on the pedestals and stood there just like the statues they were. The scratches on them healed and now they were perfectly fine as if they didn't fight anyone. Zara glared at Nefaria.

"How long were you watching this?" She said holding her wrists.

"Since the beginning. Wanted to see you struggle. Not a sight I see often."

"They could of killed us!" Floki shouted.

"Yeah," Nefaria said plainly. She sat on her throne and crossed her legs. Nefaria was a Goddess who refused to keep one form longer than a day. One day she was a bright purple Dragon with golden horns and a golden tipped tail. The next she was a Lioness with a black pelt and white eyes. Other times she took a more human appearance and that's what it was today. She had dark skin and purple eyes and very pretty grey hair. Her hands were scarred and dry and her gaze looked as if she could make you drop dead just by looking at you. As she looked at them, her eyes began to glow brighter.

"Let me guess: The banquet is tonight and you're inviting me." Zara nodded and walked up to her throne.

"I've told you so many times not to come down here. So why do you?" She said gritting her teeth. Zara gave a small smile.

"Well I have to come and see my dearest sister. Make sure everything right in the land of the Dead," she said trying to sound kind.

"Wrong!" Nefaria shouted. "You're a terrible liar! Especially to me! You and I both know why you're here!" Nefaria got up from her throne and walked menacingly down just in front of her sister. She towered over her and it was actually quite intimidating to see. Floki backed away, not wishing to get in the middle of this battle.

"You and I both know why you come here every time. Why you show your face to this place even through I've told you for years never to come! When you, Aquarius and I all decided who was getting what-"

"I know."

"-Don't interrupt me!" Nefaria yelled. Her hair had turned from its grey white to a blood red color and seemed to be burning as if it was on fire. Floki backed further away while Zara looked down at the ground.

"You and Aquarius took a vow saying you wouldn't EVER set foot in the land of dead! Yet you continuously break this rule without consequence because 'No one can stop the Ruler of the Gods'.


"Shut up!" As she yelled, the very earth began to shake violently and the torches by her throne grew a bright blue. Zara closed her eyes and balled her hands into fists. She wanted to badly to speak. But here she had no power. No divinity. She was mortal. Nefaria was the strongest being in the Underground and all who die, even Gods, come to her domain.

"I am tired of this high and mighty attitude of yours! And if you ask me you deserve to be taken down a peg." Nefaria's hands changed into a Dragons and she grabbed her sister by the neck and brought her closer.

"Sister... Wait!"

"You don't listen. You never listen......" Nefaria then let her go, shoving her right into her son who caught her.

"But I refuse to have my sisters blood on my hands," she said sitting back down on her throne. Her dragon like tail curled around her right leg and her claws scratch at her throne.

"Well Nefaria... Wanna come home again? Surely it will be nice to step into the sun and come to a place that doesn't have such..." Floki looked at the statues to his left and right... And they looked back.

"Creepy inhabitants."

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you, little man. But fine. I will come to the stupid banquet." Zara looked at her sister in surprise.

"But next time, send a freaking messenger!" Zara nodded and Floki smiled.

"Great. So... Can you send us back?" Nefaria looked at him and smiled.

"Oh no. Since you two just love coming to my realm, surely you've been through enough to make your way out. I'm not saving your furry behinds this time. You are on your own," she said chuckling. Floki opened his mouth to speak again but was cut off when the statues began to move towards him and his Mother again.

"Alright alright! We're going!" He said dragging her with him. The door behind them opened and Noxous was on the other side, seemingly confused that they were still in the Underground. When the door closed, Mawk, the statue cat, looked at Nefaria.

"Zara doesn't like to listen." Akahn began to speak.

"And Floki is picking up that habit. What are we to do next time they come?" Nefaria sighed and closed her eyes.

"Her ignorance is gonna get her, and so many others, in a lot of trouble. But I can't do anything about it. Rules are rules. And unlike her..." Nefaria looked at her arms and saw the scratches left there. She growled angrily. They were a reminder of her terrible past. One that shan't be forgotten anytime soon.

"I actually follow the rules."

An Unexpected Friend

A large door stood before our feline traveler. She pulled the hood off her head and she looked at the carvings. They detailed a Human with a sword in hand and battling a mighty beast. It was clearly much bigger than he was and looked incredible angry....


Cops and Robbers

Nightfall. The moon was high in the sky, reflecting its beauty all over the city of Star city. Many people were walking around town, either enjoying the nightlife or simply wishing to go home. But there was one young lady who chose to do take advantage...


Seeking Help

It was raining heavily outside. It had been for hours and there was one lone soul traveling through the rain storm. He wore a large black robe that was to protect him from the rain but it did little as the rain was so intense it soaked through his...
