Stranger Captured Part 1 Abduction after Abduction

Story by Dragboarkyo on SoFurry

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#1 of Stranger Captured

Stranger Captured: Part 1. Abduction after Abduction.

Please note, I do not own OddWorld or Stranger. All rights reserved.

An alternative to Stranger's wrath, After being captured by a big game hunter and his race revealed as a Steef. He was about to be skinned when a mysterious Dragboar and his private team breaks in and kills off the hunter's men...Who have other plans for the Stranger.

It felt so real.

He remembered being captured by some hunter hired by Seckto, being tied up, the doctor surgery plans fallen out from his pocket. And his identity revealed as a Steef. And just when the hunter's men was about to kill him and skin him. The windows broke and heavily armed reptiles, he recalled, threw smoke bombs into the warehouse he was tied up in before. breaking in and gunning down everyone except for him, When the reptiles came to him, he was sure it was it before one of the reptiles forced him to breathe in something doused on a piece of cloth. Before fainting as the team picked him up, cut him loose and carried him away.

He woke up.

He looked around and saw he was in some sort of pen, clean, but smelled funny. He tried to move, but he was stopped when he felt something forcing his legs to stay put. He looked down and his ears flattened when he realized something.

He wasn't wearing anything.

His first instinct was to quickly cover himself, but was foiled when he realized his hands were tied behind his back he looked down and realized that all four of his legs were shackled together in a kneeling position bound by some sort of metal cuff. For now, he had to recount the facts. He was nude, chained up like an animal, alive.

He blinked, Alive.

Steefs were a very wealthy animal to hunt down, he knew this, evident with hiding his identity all his life, but if he was kept alive...

That was the scary part.

"Damn..." Stranger cursed. What did these guys want with him? Were they also hired by Seckto? Probably, the holding pen he was in was very clean looking. Only people with a lot of Moolah could afford this much luxury. Confusingly, they seemed to care a lot more towards their prisoners then themselves to spare expenses. Definitely not Gluckon, that's for sure. He needed to hopefully wait and see.

An hour pass.

Stranger was struggling to keep himself awake in his kneeling position. It was absolute torture waiting, it was like waiting for his execution.

His ears perked up when he heard footsteps coming from the west, He heard the pen door opening, a lithe reptile unlike he had ever seen walked in carrying in a tray of food and setting before the chained steef. The reptile was wearing a black jumpsuit and carrying a rifle.

"Eat all the food, the doctor will see you shortly." The reptile said before unlocking the braces and quickly stepping back. Stranger pulled his wrist apart, only to realize the braces were still clamped on his wists. "The braces are magnetic, They will restrain you if you attempt to misbehave...And if that doesn't work..." Stranger heard a click, along with the sound of energy charging, He looked up and saw the lizard aiming a rifle at his face. "My shock rifle will gladly teach you a lesson in manners."

"Fine, I'll behave..." Stranger simply said. Things look bad, for now; he just had to take what was given to him, He leered at the reptile before saying. "For now..."

Stranger then picked up the tray and began to eat his meal as the reptile trained his rifle on him, looking out for an attempt to escape. Soon, the tray was cleaned before the steef set the tray down. The lizard then quickly picked up the tray and backed away from the steef.

Suddenly, the doors opened and another creature walked in. This one was covered in brown fur, wore a lab coat and shorts, he was also wearing a pair of sandals, he had an rather round stomach as Stranger looked up at the face of his captor. He had a snout, tusks, pointed ears and blue eyes, He looked towards the doctor's torso and saw he also had a reptile tail waving behind him. The doctor was also carrying a blue duffle bag with him.

"Hmm...They weren't kidding when they said you were small..." The doctor said walking towards the chained Steef while the other lizard walked out carrying the tray. "It's actually kind of cute, oh, the others are going to love you."

"Others?" Stranger asked.

"Ah, Rude of me." The doctor said hitting himself. "My name is Konar, Dr Konar. CEO of the yet-to-be-form DragaboarCorp. And, this is going to sound crazy but..." He then chuckled before saying. "I'm from outer space! Yes, You may show off that shocked look that every other steef had did when I said th-"

"You're full of crap." Stranger interrupted.

"Huh, Feisty. We're going to have to work on that." Konar said before the Stranger, He pressed a button on his wristwatch, causing the bracelets Stranger was wearing to pull towards each other, binding them to his back again. "Now then, Let's see here...."

Suddenly, he began to feel up the steef's torso, Stranger imminently tried to pull back but was unable to do so because of the leg binds. "You get your hands off of me!" He shouted at the doctor.

"Denied, I need to take note of your unnatural size so I can get a warning in to not pair you with bigger partners..." He said to Stranger as he started to press his hands against his pecs.

"Partners!? Wait a second!" Stranger yelled out. "What kind of sick corporation are you building?"

"Might as well tell you, Since you're the last Steef I managed to find..." Konar said before looking him in the eyes. "I've decided to make this planet the base of my research, And I've been searching for a project...Then I realized I could save a race from extinction while also building a new financial-slash-pleasurable business..." He then cuffed Stranger's chin and grinned. "Steef-Rising. Big, Strong, male ones, Muscle ones, and now....Small ones..."

"You want to turn me and every other Steef into...Livestock?!" Stranger yelled out, what he heard was both evil and just disgusting. "...But...How are your going to breed without females?"

"Anything's possible with science, My lab assistance are working on a few test subjects with a breeding formula for producing Steef-young. An impregnation formula that will be engraved in your's and every other Steef's DNA in a few months...It's still in it's first phase though, So..." Konar then grinned before bringing the Steef's face closer to his. "We can have some fun before we introduce you to your brothers..."

"Fuck. You."

"Sounds fun, But I rather have fun with you first." Konar replied in counter of the Stranger's insult. "It's a rather good deal, don't you think? I get a handsome, stud ranch, and your kind won't be mounted up on the wall....Such a waste...The denizens of this planet really ARE wasting such a glorious opportunity....But back to my current project..." He then circled around the steef and set the duffle bag down and opening it, He then took out a small plastic tube before turning towards his target. Before he started though, he pulled out a small stamp-like object, after dialing in a numbers on a small keypad he set it down as it begun to warm up.

He knelt down in front of the Stranger's hind legs, between them was the Stranger's cock and balls, flaccid. He grinned before grabbing the shaft and began stroking it gently. "Hey-! Get off!." Stranger yelled out as he started to struggle while beginning to blush.

"Stop whining like a caff and enjoy what's being giving to you..." Konar said as he continued stroking, the member then began to harden to it's full size. "There we go..." He then slid the plastic tube around the cock and fastened it tightly.

"I'll kill you....I'll kill you!" The Stranger howled out in hatred. "I'll-"

He stopped when he felt the doctor's hand slap his rear. Stranger then looked around and saw the doctor was undress, his clothes laying on the floor as he stroked his fat cock, getting it erect. "No, No..." Stranger said shaking his head.

Konar pressed his member against the Stranger's anus before starting to prod it. "No....No...Stop it..." Konar ignored him and pushed all the way in, Stranger howled out in pain, nearly fainting as the doctor continued to fuck him. His own cock jumping from within it's confines. He bent over the Stranger's body as he deeply fucked him, the pain the Steef felt faded. Being replaced with pleasure.

"So, Tight." Konar moaned out before rocking faster. "You're going to make me cum..." He then moved his hands over the Steef's pecs and began to grope them hard. "You should cum too...Yes, cum like good livestock..."

Stranger's head was now on the floor, too tired to get up as the thrusts got rougher, he started to feel the pressure build up in his hind legs as he let out a roar and came. He moaned out as his cock filled up the tune to the brim. "Ah, Yesssss!" Konar moaned out as he came inside of Stranger, his cum filling up the Steef's guts.

The doctor then pulled out, as his semen dripped out of the Steef's ass and onto the floor, He then reached down and pulled the plastic tube off the steef's soaked cock, he carefully lifted it up, not wanting to spill any semen that he labored to collect. before sealing it with a plastic lid. He looked down at the tired steef, His head laying on the floor, too tired to get up. He chuckled before walking over to his bag and picking up the stamp, the metal was now glowing red as he lifted up Stranger head and shoving the hot stamper onto his neck, the steef release a scream of agony before his eyes glazed over and fainted. After Konar branded the steef, he pulled the stamper off his neck, leaving behind a two digit number. 79.

"Welcome home, 79." Konar said chuckling as the steef passed out from the pain.

"Hey, Hey, New guy. You awake?"

Stranger's body shook as he slowly got up from his spot, he looked at his wrists and saw the braces, and was reminded of his current imprisonment. He was in a cell with steel bars, his legs wasn't cuffed anymore, and he could walk around. His cell had a round bed to sleep on, A table to eat on, and a door to a bathroom. "Over here, New Guy."

Stranger looked out of his Cell and into the one across the way, There, another Steef, bigger than him, had two stumps of bones where his horns should be on his head, His body fur was black with white body art etched into his muscled skin. His hair was also braided like Stranger's, only more longer locks. There was also a scar across his left eye.

"You're a steef..." Stranger said walking towards his cell's bars. "Like me..."

"Well...Not "Like" You...but, yeah I'm a steef." His fellow prisoner said. "My name was Lukata, Warrior of the west river...But now I'm know as 28." He then showed the Stranger his branded numbers on his neck. "That bastard took away my dignity and freedom...Just like he did to you."

"What?" Stranger then felt his neck and felt the same burned numbers that the doctor left him.

"Never seen a Steef so....Puny before....." :Lukata said crooking his head. "Must've not got much protein in when you were young."

"Are there others...?" Stranger said trying to look at the other cells.

The other Steef shook his head. "Just you and me now. This is Pen Block 002, the other block got filled up..."

"Damn...How many did he captured?" Stranger asked.

"Adding you in....79." Lukata replied. "And you are...?"

"Stranger." He replied.

"Huh, that's a weird name for a steef...What tribe are you from?" He asked before seeing Stranger's voided look. "....Damn...I'm sorry."

Stranger took a deep breath before saying. "No, it's fine." Suddenly, the lights in the block started to dim. "What's going on?"

"Lights out." Lukata said sighing. "We should go to sleep...Tomorrow's another day." The larger steef then climbed onto his bed and curling up.

Stranger then looked towards his own bed before walking towards it and climbing on, he found a good sleeping spot as he curled up.

"It's nice to talk to someone in private after a week in here..." Lukata said to Stranger as he curled up.

"Much obliged to know I'm not alone..." Stranger said yawning. He drifted off into sleep as he thought about what this Doctor had in store for them.

To be continued, hope you enjoyed my first shot at a story.

Stranger Captured part 2: Runt of the Stable

Stranger groaned, the lights that shook him awake meant only one thing.... "Rise and shine, My new mare." With that voice, Reminded him where he was. He looked up and saw Konar grinning from behind the safety of the steef-proof bars and out of...

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