Stranger Captured part 2: Runt of the Stable

Story by Dragboarkyo on SoFurry

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#2 of Stranger Captured

The second chapter of Stranger Captured, Stranger learns about life in his new home.

Stranger groaned, the lights that shook him awake meant only one thing....

"Rise and shine, My new mare." With that voice, Reminded him where he was. He looked up and saw Konar grinning from behind the safety of the steef-proof bars and out of strangling range. "Today is the day you meet your fellow Steefs. And due to your small size, I'll be pairing you with 28 so none of those more brute minded mules don't see you as a fleshlight...." He then turned to Stranger's neighbor. "Take good care of him now, And try to get along, I have a feeling you two are going to be close...Very...Close..." He added with a lewled tone before he walked away. The cell doors then opened as Stranger's arms were pulled behind him once more by the braces. Soon, his larger block mate exited the cell with his arms just as bound.

"Come on..." 28 said in a reassuring voice. Stranger looked at the calm face and sighed. This once proud steef had abandoned all hope of escaping. But at least he could be there for other new acquisitions...Stranger for example. "Just stay close to me and don't wander far."

The two were then led down the hallway by a pair of armored lizards as they were pushed towards a pair of doors.

What came next surprised the Stranger.

A green field was before the two, with a river and a large forest nearby. A pleasant breeze filled the air. Stranger then saw there were numerous and larger steefs roaming the area. The two lizard guards then step back, the doors slid shut. Stranger looked back and saw the doors were gone, replaced by a rocky cliff side. He then felt his wist coming loose. Meaning the braces had deactivated. His large friend then placed an arm on his shoulder and led him inside the steef habitate. "Konar created this habitat using holographic projection, I'm not keen on the details." 28 started. "But, apparently we're surrounded by a big glass dome that's displaying the sky." He said gesturing to the blue above them. "Come on, you must be hungry, the feeding area should be right over there." He then led Stranger over the hills and towards a red painted barn. Where a few lizard guards were stationed. Stranger felt insulted by the sight of his kind eating out of a feeding basin which the lizards had filled, but the growling in his stomach wasn't picky as long it was fed.

Stranger walked next to his friend until they were seen by the other Steefs. The muscled Steefs began to whispered to one another upon seeing Stranger's unique size. The smaller steef never seen his own kind before, They were bigger then he was. He looked to his side and saw 28 going at the feed like an animal.

Stranger signed before scooping up a handful of feed and shoveling it into his mouth. "Look at the new guy." Stranger heard a steef gossip.

"Damn, That shrimp going to break by the end of the week." Another steef said.

"Bet ya a fuck that he'll break after his first milking." A third steef whispered. Stranger ears perked up, Milking? What was that? Knowing the doctor, It'll probably be something perverse.

"Alright, It time for your daily milking, All steefs into the barn!" A lizard called out, The steef's surrounding the feeding area disbanded, Some glancing a look at the smaller steef before walking towards the barn. Stranger felt a hand on his shoulder, looking at 28.

"It'll be alright, Steefs here are required to produced seed for the doctor's research, I think the pervert fool thinks that drinking our cum will make people stronger." 28 huffed before looking at Stranger. "But knowing him, He'll find a way to marketize it." 28 then led the smaller male into the barn after the herd of steefs.

Inside was were a dozen of different pens, each enclosed by a fence. Above each enclosure was a device with a tube connected to it. A lizard guard was waiting for Stranger by the open gate. The smaller steef glared by the lizard before he was herded into the enclosure. In the center of the enclosure was a harness that was attached to the machine above. Once a steef was fastened into it, they could just relax while they were getting "Milked" Without getting tired from standing. Stranger made no effort to resist as the guard strapped him in. "Let me know if it's too tight." The guard said with consideration. Stranger felt the weight of his body was lifted off his feet, feeling the harness pulling him slightly off the ground. "Comfortable?" The guard asked.

Stranger just nodded as the guard urged him to keep his back straight, A large, padded rest then swung down in front of him. "Now, just put your arms here, feel free to rest your head if needed." The lizard instructed. Stranger rested his arms on the rest before the lizard grabbed the milker connected to the machine. The lizard then reach underneath Stranger and began to massage his exposed cock, Stranger grunted, He hated being molested like this, But he kept in mind what the lizard would do if he misbehave...

"Almost hard." The lizard said stroking him lovingly. Stranger moaned as he felt his cock hardened, The lizard stopped, He then covered the cock with the milker tube before fastening it tightly. "There, I'm going to turn it on now." He then walked over to the console connected to the device.

Soon he heard a whirling noise, then, he felt it, a strong suction as the milking turned on, starting slowly before slowly speeding up. Stranger moaned as he felt his cock being milked like a cow. Stranger was about to laid his head down when he felt a wet finger slide into his anus.

"Just helping you produce more." The lizard said as he stretched the steef's anal passage. Looking back, he saw the lizard holding an anal plug, Stranger gulped as he felt himself being spread opened by the large plug, the object slipping in with a wet pop. The lizard grinned before flicking a switch on the bottom of the butt plug, causing it to start vibrating. Stranger howled out as he was being stimulated on both ends.

Soon, Stranger felt the first load burst out of his cock, the white liquid being pulled from his cock and into the machine above. Probably to be processed.

"Well, I'm off the clock, I'll come back to turn off the milker in about three hours." The lizard said walking towards the pen gate.

"Three hours!?" Stranger yelled. "I can't keep cumming for three hours straight!"

"You'll be surprised." The lizard said before leaving.

"Wait-" Stranger started before suddenly feeling his cock spew more milk. Stranger rested his head on the rest and squeezed it with his hands as the sucking got more intense. As he looked up, he saw other Steefs howling out with pleasure, Some had blissed out expressions, fondling their pecs as they were milked senseless, was this his fate? To be milked senseless until he break? Strangely, the more he thought about it, The more milk he himself produce. All he could do now was hold on tight and accept this...

Three hours went by in an instant. Stranger, the once proud bounty hunter was reduced to a milked-mess, His eyes close and his body heaving, covered in sweat, as he release another load of seed to his handlers. It wasn't long before he heard footsteps, and the gate to his paddock opened.

"So, how was your first day at work." The lizard in front of him said demeaning, Stranger couldn't make an effort show a tiny bit of fury. He then felt something cold hit his face. "Here's your first reward." In front of him was a bottle of ice-cold water. Like a feral animal, he snatched it away and tore off the lid, before gulping the entire thing, savoring the taste. "...And...Your second..."

Stranger gasped, nearly sending the water to the wrong pipe, before looking back and seeing the lizard pull out the butt plug...before undoing his own pants and pulling out his cock. "Enjoy it, Stud." The lizard said before pushing into the Steef's stretched hole.

Stranger growled, This was the second time he was taken anally... And something told him it wouldn't be the last, he might as well get used to it. The lizard started slow before hammering in. If it wasn't for being prep before hand. It would've hurt!

Stranger panted, feeling the lizard build up momentum before cumming into him. That warm, hot seed struck the former bounty hunter's prostate like a bullet. Causing him to cum hard into the milker. "Damn, I needed that." The lizard said before pulling out and giving the steef a firm slap on the rear. The lizard then walked over to the terminal and began to type as Stranger daze...

Stranger just stood there under the warm shower, in the middle of processing his first milking, the other steefs showering looked at him with warm looks. What were they thinking about him? Suddenly he was approached by the sound on hoofs on tile. Turning around and seeing 28 along with two other Steefs. "Congratulations on getting through your first milking. Not many first timers make it to the end without passing out. Guess that makes you one of us." One of the steef's said. "28 told us about you, Name's Raku, But the doc gave me the number 12." The steef that introduced himself was a yellow furred steef, like 28 he was built by a mountain, he had one of his horns, but the other looked to be broken off. "The guy to the left to me is 36, He's a bit shy." The steef known as 36 was pure black with long locks of black hair that covered his eyes. "Your a pretty handsome steef, 79."

Stranger stepped back, Looking at the new steefs as they looked him with intrigue.

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