Enslaved to Scent-IV

Story by adric listwajinn on SoFurry

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***(A note to the Editors checking this. If you know of a way to "Merge" parts 3 and 4, please let me know, I hate breaking the story up, but the buffer in the "Submit Story" won't let me past all of it at once)***

Basically 'Part-2' to part-3. This is it, what you all where waiting for. The hard Yiffing sweat sex scent. Hope you all enjoy it. I have a lot planned after this, but I think I'm going to take a break for a while. Still feedback welcome!


Opening the door, Richard walked inside to a seemingly normal looking Cabin. Setting Servus down, the fox got only a small moment to look around before the door closed behind him and he found massive arms squeezing his body.

"Oh my Pet! you do not know how much I longed for you this week! However hard it was for you, it felt only worse for me! Oh my Pet, my boy! I have such need of you!" He said as he leaned down and slurped the foxes face. Servus blushed at the intimate affections as he was led into the house. Coming to a small door, Richard smiled to his fox as he pulled out a key from under a nearby shelf. Unlocking the door, he led Servus down a narrow flight of stairs to an unlit basement.

"Welcome to the playroom" Richard said as a moment later he turned on the lights, leaving Servus speechless.

The small basement was cramped, and seemed perhaps only built originally as a shelter from area tornados. But what Servus saw was a room filled with sexual devices that boggled his mind. One wall was covered in racks of sex toys, dildos, and leather harnesses, in another corner a huge leather sling hung that looked built to hold someone even of Richard's size. On the floor rubber gym mats where laid out and on them, a grungy Mattress that the fox could smell from across the room. He shivered.

"M-Master? Wh-What will we do tonight?" He said a bit intimidated.

"Only what you want to do my Pet." Richard said as he spun the fox around to his chest, pulling off first his pets, then his own thin gym shirts before pulling them both to the Floor. The great Equine holding Servus atop his great body, he lifted his huge arms up over his head and chuffed. "Go ahead my pet, go nuts" He said as Servus licked his lips and eagerly dug his face into the smelly pits of the horse.

Richard smiled as he felt the fox slurp wetly, going at his own pace. He wanted tonight to be special, wanted to tone done his domination and not fully assert his will on the foxes as he had before. Tonight was for his pet's enjoyment. And Servus was deeply enjoying himself.

The pains of being away from Richard for over a week where erased as he pressed his face deeply into the warm damp Armpit. His tongue lapped quickly trying to gather up the moisture from the curly arm fur of the Equines underarm. The more he slurped, the more he wanted more, and soon he found himself begging the horse to give him a 'squeeze'. Richard was happy to oblige as he slowly lowered his bulging biceps down around the foxes muzzle. Pinning him inside a tight musky mask. The fox had gone only a minute before asking for a more intense level of play. It was a good sign.

Richard squeezed his pet tightly, knowing in his current state, he would have been happy to spend the rest of the weekend drinking him. Richard had other plans however, and needed his Fox a bit more lucid. Lifting his arm up, he pulled the fox onto his broad chest and held him for a bit, waiting for his mind to come out of the relaxed state his oder had taken it. Looking into Servus eyes, they both smiled.

"Oh-Oh wow." he said as he came out of his intoxicated state, the deep eyes of Richard looking at him. "It is far more interesting when your fully aware of the effect scent has on your mind, isn't it pet?" He said, teasing him a bit with a finger he had been rubbing his pouch with. Servus moaned deeply and nodded. "How would you like a bit more my Pet?" Richard said as he shifted, slowly sliding Servus from his chest and onto the mattress below. Servus had no thought of disagreeing and nodded.

"Good Boy" Richard said simply as he moved atop his pet. His huge body hovering atop the fox as if to crush him. Droplets of sweat slowly dripped from him like some musky rain, the Equine watching his pet twitch and moan each time one landed on his face or near his lips. Slowly moving down and kicking apart his Pets legs, Richard snorted.

"Such a good boy you are. You have done such a good job pleasuring your master, and you have learned some of the secrets of what makes us special. Why don't I thank you, pet?" he said as he moved his long muzzle down, slowly dragging his huge tongue along the new jockstrap Servus wore, teasing the already erect sheath inside. Moaning deeply Servus simply let himself go as the Equine began to pull down those restrictive straps. Quickly tossing aside the unwanted pouch, Richard brought his large lips to his pets shaft and began to slurp.

Gasping with delight, Servus felt his inflamed shaft brought into the warm mouth of his Master. The horse applying fantastic suction to the shaft, as if asserting his dominance on yet another part of the fox's body. The attentive licks lasted only briefly as Richard moved away, bringing his face down, he slurped up his Pets balls, tapping them gently with his flat teeth, enjoying the squirms and gasps from Servus as he continued toward his target.

Pulling apart the slender legs, he pressed his broad face forward, slurping at the boy's tangy ass. Sweat from his arousal yet clean of unwanted mess. Richard pushed more as he drove his tongue hungrily against the pink flesh of his pets hole. His powerful hoofed hands keeping his pet from Squirming away as his tongue lavished attention on the boys pucker.

Snorting a hot blast of air onto his rear, Richard looked up and grinned.

"Mrmm, your such a wonderful boy, and your so well behaved, but your Master wants a bit more from you." He said as he licked once more before slowly moving a hand to the boy's ass. "Do you know what I want to do with you, boy?" he asked as he slowly began to circle the saliva slick hole with a fingertip. Servus shivered as his paws dug into mattress.

"F-Fuck me, M-Master" he said gasping.

"Good boy, do you want to be fucked by me?"

"Ye-Yes Master!"

Richard smiled and suddenly moved back forward, ripping his jockstrap away, he let his stick, unwashed Phallus flop down onto his pets face.

"Well boy! Better get to work lubing this up if you want it in you!" He said as he watched his pets eyes glaze over from the sudden assault of cockstink on his mind.

Watching his pet tremble as he began to peel back the waxy, slightly greasy folds of his Sheathskin, Richard smiled. Knowing he wanted to give his pet a chance to worship and slurp at his cock more then it needed any lubing up... Feeling the quivering foxes fingers slowly unveil his spongy cockhead, Richard smiled as he imagined how much his pet would enjoy it.

Looking upon the large, broad cockhead that seemed to wink at him, Servus could feel his conscious mind begin to slip away as he inhaled the rich cloud of stink that surrounded it. Leaning forward, he didn't mind loosing it all that much as he tasted the shaft with his tongue. It was total overload.

Richard simply grunted and relaxed as he let his boy worship his cock. Once more letting his boy become intimate with the phallus that had first truly enslaved him to his will. Even now as he felt the warm tongue slip into the folds and creases of his abundant sheathskin, he knew each moment the bond between them grew more powerful. The foxes muzzle growing messy with flecks of the greasy aged cum, left from past orgasm. The nuggets drugging his boy more and more as his great flesh began to telescope out from it's home.

Reaching downwards like some third arm, the shaft throbbed as it swelled with blood. The sheath full and tight now, letting the fox licks and clean along the entire surface now. Licking, suckling, drinking old cum, old piss, and fresh warm sweat. Ten minutes, then fifteen went by as his slobbered wetly to clean and lube his immense vein covered cock.

Eventually, He pushed his pet away, lowering him back down on the Mattress. He slid a thick hoofed finger inside his hole as he let his boy slowly come out from the intense Stink induced trance.

As Servus squirmed slowly, whimpering and licking the remaining greasy flecks from his face, Richard slide a second, thick finger inside and began to work it around, knowing it's large size would help to open him up. Slowly, the look of awareness came back to Servus eyes as he moaned. Licking his lips, tasting some remaining bits of the cock muck, he shivered and moaned.

"Mrmmm, oh, oh Sir, Master, thank you so much. I, I needed that" Servus said in a sleepy dreamy voice as Richard smiled, making his boy squirm on his fingers, feeling his throbbing phallus wet and hard.

Even slick and dripping with his Pets warm saliva, Richard knew he would need much more before he gained access to the deepest parts of his boys insides. Leaning forward, he slathered his now maddeningly erect Phallus with some of the greasy lube near by as he kept his other hand busy inside Servus warm hole.

"I'm almost ready boy, I'm going to enter you soon and it's going to be like nothing you have ever experienced" he whispers as he wormed his hoofed fingers into the boys hopefully loose enough hole. Feeling the fox's puckered ass flesh pulse now and again, Richard leaned forward.

"I'm not going to lie to you Pet, this will hurt, and it will hurt very much." He said, feeling his body whimper slightly under him. Wiping the rest of the grease from his hand on Servus hole, he shifted and grabbed his smelly, still slimy Jockstrap. "If you wish it boy, I can put you under, I can send your mind away and leave your conscious state numbed to the pain..." He said as Servus shock his head.

"N-No, p-please. I, I want to feel it, even if it hurts, I, I want to remember this... Remember this moment" He said, a bit afraid, but wanting it, wanting to be strong for his Master. Richard beamed with pride.

"My pet, you have made me happier then you can imagine. Now relax as best you can, this, will not be easy." He said as he slid his fingers from the boy's well-lubed and opened ass. Using both hands to heft the immense bulk of his horseflesh, he pressed the flat wide crown of his flare to the puckered ass. Smearing the grease on both up and down, Richard nickered a he felt the warmth of his boy's ass, imagining his monstrous length inside. He knew sooner or later he'd get inside.

Servus grabbed at the mattress bellow him, biting his lips sharply as he felt the first intense forward push from Richard. He pressed his face downward into the mattress. Breathing in the dank smells soaked into the old bedding, hoping they would ease his pain somewhat as as the fleshy tip of his master's cock demanded entrance to the gates of his hole. It slid forward slowly as Richard whispered words of encouragement to his pet, his muzzle on his back, licking him, talking to him, and suddenly the tip was inside.

"NnnrrnnRAAAGG!!!" OH OH FFucckk!" Servus yelped as Richard quickly clasped his shoulders, making sure he could not extract himself from the immense tip. Knowing he could not let his pet stop once it had started. Knowing he would need to feel pain before pleasure

"Good boy! Good boy! I know it hurts, just relax, breath, breath deeply, that's it boy, just relax" He said as gradually the foxes whimpering died down a bit. The clenching of his anus making the tightness worse as as Richard snorted, keeping his tip from flaring too soon as he let his boy grow accustomed to an intrusion the size of a small apple.

His eyes wet with tears, Servus once more swore to himself he could do this. He willed himself to relax as he clutched the mattress; it's fumes growing more potent as they where 'freshened' by the wetness of his body. After a few moments, Servus slowly gave a nod as Richard continued.

The immense and thickly veined phallus that began to burrow inside, pulsed with the sexual energy only a Stallion could give off. The shaft was crafted to master and penetrate, and as the first few inches where pushed in, it had begun to fulfill it's fate to master this foxes ass. First three inches, then four, and then five. Each push forward eliciting small yelps and whimpers as the wrist thick member stretched the insides of Servus Rectum. Richard knew however, that tonight, on their fist union, he would have to restrain his full need for Rut. He wanted to mate his pet and slave, not impale him.

"Pet? Are you ok?" he asked softly.

"Ye-Yes Ma-Master, I-Im ok" he said in a raspy choking voice that made Richard sigh. He knew that voice, the voice of someone at their limit but was too proud to admit it. Looking down, Richard saw he had barely half his 18" of Horsecock inside. Still being as thick as his pets whole paw, he was proud to have got this much.

"Good boy, you have done well, and you have made me so very proud with how well you accepted me. Now, we can have some fun." He said as he flexed his immense muscled cock. The fox shivering, then yipping as he felt the flesh kick. A moment later he began to extract the huge shaft. The internal suction as it pulled out powerful to the fox ass soon just the head was left inside. Smiling at his work, Richard ground his hips and buried 9" inches back up his pets fleshy hole. The gates of his Tailstar where burst open as what took 10 minutes to slowly push inside now was pushed back in in a few seconds.

Servus muzzle hung gapping open in a silent scream. The feeling of such bulk inside him so quickly making his body shake from the force as Richard smiled. Before his pet could get used to things this time, he pulled back once more, waiting till the bulb was just about to pop free, then slide half his cock back inside. Each time resisting the urge to push in even more as he felt his slowly swelling flare battering up deeply into his pets guts.

Oh Fuck, fuck yeah, yesss take it, TAKE IT!" He shouted as his hips moved faster and faster. Each churning slam from his waist making the fox yelp and moan as his ass burned with the fire of the now rapid pounding fuck. For Servus it felt as if his hole was being torn open, indeed he flet as if some of the flesh had ripped from the brutal fucking. But he didn't care, he wanted this, needed it, craved it. Each slam forward only reinforced his minds desires for this wonderful cock deep inside him as the constant burning sensation from his hole began to numb into the hints of pleasure.

The connection between Master and Slave grew as the rampant fucking grew furious. Sweat dripping from both of them rand down Servus ass crack, seeping down and around the immense column of flesh as it pistoned in and out. The wetness filling the room with wet, lewd fucks sounds.

Richard snorted as he could feel his pets fuck hole grow loose. The noises of his sloppy fucking echoing in the basement as each thrust forward and backwards would give a long wet "Shuurrlop!" noise, preecum and assjuice flowing out from the hole as the Equine whinnied in his domination of the boy. His orgasm was approaching and soon the boy would be forever his property.

"How does it feel Boy? How does it feel to take my Cock!" he bellowed as Servus sobbed into the mattress.

"Ma-Master I UNHG!! I Fe-feel so UNHHGGG! So G-Good! S-so sp-special ARUNNHHH!" he choked between shrieks and moans. His cries music to the Equines ears.

"Good Boy! Yeah, Take it, and take me! Feel me own you, claim you! Your going to be a part of me, and you will ALWAYS feel my mark inside you!" He said as he slammed forward, pushing a few new inches into his pets ass, causing the fox to shriek as he whinnied.

"Enjoy it boy! Beg for it! Accept it! This isn't you ass, it's mine, SAY IT!" he shouted.

"It's UNHHG! It's your Ass!!!" The fox yelped

"And your body? Boy?" The horse grunted

"It's Yours!" The fox shrieked

"And your very mind?" The horse snorted, and before Servus could respond, Richard took him. Flipping his body, he turned Servus onto his back, Literally screwing his ass around his pulsating cock as they came face to face. Lost in the moment, Servus could only watch as Richard answered for him.

"It belongs to ME!" He said as he thrust the fox into his armpit and clamped down tight. Not just pushing him into the pit, by fully sealing his face from the outside world as the huge arm muscles flexed and squeezed him. A moment later Richard through his long muzzle back and whinnied as he came to a shattering orgasm.

His immense seminal duct visibly became swollen as it filled with his seed. The first eruption of cum spewing inside the fox's ass so hard it felt like he had been kicked in the guts. Another intense torrent of cum spewed out with a sickening force as the horse felt his spongy head swell into the great trumpet shaped flare. Trapped within his Masters armpit, breathing only the stink and sweat in the small pocket, Servus felt a level of pure pleasure that lifted him beyond all previous levels as the connection between master and slave was sealed in this final act of dominance.

For Richard, he gave himself fully to his orgasm as he pushed forward, driving his pulsating cock deeper still in his mad Orgasm. The massive torrent of cum rushing from him with such force it quickly overcame his pet's small insides. Even as the thick jizz was packed deeper into his guts, large jets spewed out around his cock as the flow backed up inside. Even as his head flared to it's fullest extent, making a massive knot inside, the cum still oozed and poured out, coating his ass, flowing down his balls, pooling into a puddle on the mattress.

Time ticked by slowly as the orgasm played out from the Stallion, for almost 5 minutes solid he packed his pet full of the seed till at least he felt his cock shiver and shake. His body quivered as he felt the greasy cumplug slowly ooze out from his flare, making it's way to lodge deep inside and seal in his seed.

Collapsing onto the mattress, Richard slowly extracted his pet from his pit. The boy had long since blacked out as his lungs had filled with raw sweat stink. Looking at his pets slowly breath, he grinned and kissed him.

"Sleep well pet, tomorrow we shall really have fun."


And at last I'm done! To be honest there is a lot more after this I've written! But it is already so long, I felt I owed it to you to finish up here with the "good stuff".

I can't wait to hear your reaction to this chapter and hopefully suggestions and comments :)

Look for Part-4 "The Day After" in a few weeks :)