Mixing Love and Work in the Human World

Story by ulyferal on SoFurry

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I watch him hungrily as he handles the social elite with the ease of long practice. My mouth waters and my body tightens as I contemplate what I intend to do to him very soon. I wait for my moment, counting the seconds until I can steal him away for some precious alone time.

That moment finally comes as he moves closer to where I'm hiding, a small secluded alcove will serve as our secret rendezvous spot. Just a few more steps and I snatch him around the waist and pull him quickly out of sight of the others who lust for him as I do.

Before he can exclaim in surprise, I pull him tightly against me and take his mouth in a passionate kiss. Any complaint he might have voiced vanishes as he immediately realizes who is holding him and allows himself to melt under my assault, wrapping his powerful arms around my waist. I pull him further into my secluded hideaway, safe from prying eyes or ears, and hug him more tightly against my own body. I inhale his distinctive musky scent as I make love to his plump lips.

My kiss becomes demanding and I tap my tongue against his lips wanting entry which he grants immediately and two tongues plunge into a dance and duel, fueling our desires. I swallow his moans of pleasure as my fingers begin to wander over his body, seeking out his most secret places that I know so very well, setting him on fire quickly.

I feel his strong fingers begin the same travels over my own heated body and it sends shivers down my spine, hardening me even more. I have to stifle my own groans of pleasure as our bodies begin a sensual dance of rubbing and writhing against one another building a fire of need.

How I wished we could take our clothes off and take each other completely but we don't dare.

However, knowing we are just a few feet from the many stuffy party goers is enough to add spice to our illicit encounter. Many of the upper crust would be shocked that we two have been carrying on under their very noses for quite a long time and others would be angry and jealous to know he is mine and I am his. But what we truly are would shock and horrify them even more, I smirk to myself, then my attention is dragged back to my tasty prize.

The heat rises as our movements quicken and become more urgent, hips grinding our hot, stiff members against each other through our clothing, sparking more thrills of pleasure until we explode simultaneously in glorious completion.

Trembling and panting after our orgasms, we hold each other close as we recover. Catching his breath he whispers, 'Next time, it'll be my turn to set an erotic trap...' and smirks, straightens his clothes before giving me a swift kiss then slipping away to return to the party. I grin giddily and murmur softly, 'I'll be waiting!'

I slip away back out into the night, I'm not welcome at this scene anyway. I'm too low on the totem pole being only an assistant DA, after all. I crouch in the dark on the balcony, waiting till its clear of party goers walking the garden below me before allowing my shape to change then leaping lithely to the ground below. I lope off into the shrubbery.

Perhaps I'll hunt a little while I wait for my love to join me. A romp in the moonlight always relaxes my mate after one of these functions he's required to attend.

It is very late and the moon is beginning its fall toward the horizon when a dark shape bounds from the direction of the mansion. I growl happily as my mate jumps me and we roll in a furry tangle.

I lead him to a comfy area of soft moss hidden under a low hanging tree. We alter to our human forms.

"And how was your evening, Mr. Mayor?" I asked him archly, as I begin caressing his broad chest.

His brilliant white teeth flash in the night as he smiles broadly at me. "Boring as always my love but your little sneak attack made it more interesting. Now how about I pay you back......." he rumbles darkly.

His mouth captures mine in a hot kiss as his body lays down on mine and we rub and roll together, stirring up the ground giving the air around us that rich earthy scent.

It's late so we can't indulge ourselves for too long so with very little foreplay, he mounts me with rough desire.

I moan with pleasure and egg him on as he plunges into my ready hole and begins a brutal rhythm we both like. I scream with my human voice as he grabs me by my neck, having altered his teeth to his sharp wolf ones to keep me in place. The pain is marvelous and I roar as we race to a wild and hot finish. He releases my neck and howls at the departing moon as he fills me with his seed.

We collapse in a heap and pant. Lazily, he licks the bite marks on my neck which, fortunately, shifting will make disappear.

‘Would be hard to explain such a large bite wound to my colleagues in the office,' I think in amusement.

"I wish we had more time, my love, but I have several early meetings in just a few hours and you have court, if I remember correctly," he rumbled softly in my ear.

"Yes, I do. But this makes up for being apart all week so don't feel bad," I murmured to him as I turned my face to give him a kiss.

"And I owe you an erotic trap in return," he snickered as he climbs off me.

"I can hardly wait. But it's going to be harder for you to pull off then it was for me," I chuckle.

"Maybe, but I'll figure something out and you'll never expect it," he says, giving me a seductive laugh.

I shiver in response.....waiting is going to be hell. We kiss once more then shift and head off in separate directions.

It took him more than a month to manage his trap. I'd had a miserable time both at court and with my boss reaming me out about a case falling through. I was furious and nearly shifted because I wasn't at fault for the failure but I had to suck it up which left me sour for weeks after.

My mate's time apart from me wasn't much better. He got embroiled with a colleague's poor judgement that had smeared him by association. It had taken more than two weeks to unravel the mess and clear him of any wrongdoing which left him in a foul mood for weeks. The press weren't very nice about it either but at least by the end of the month they had vindicated him, much to my relief.

So here it is, the last day of the month and we had planned a long weekend together. That got shot to hell when I was summoned by the DA to handle a high profile case. So, here I was at my office handling all the details needed to try and keep this guy in jail as my crew gathered information to send him away for good while my heart desired to be free and playing with my mate.

My head was full of conflicting facts and I desperately needed a break to clear my mind. I grabbed a cup of stale coffee and slipped out onto the fire escape, down the hall from my office. The view isn't much, just another high rise across from us but this fire escape is rather wide and long and many of my crew use it to take smoke breaks or do what I'm doing.

I stare pensively out at the glittery city scape that lights up the night. I make a face after sipping a little of my coffee, dumping the rest over the rail. After standing there for only about five minutes, I still felt wound up. Sighing in disgust, I turned to go back inside when something thumped heavily onto the landing behind me. Startled, I whirled to see what fell when a huge form suddenly grabbed me. It held me close then climbed up to the roof only a floor above us with ease.

I relaxed in it's arms as I realized who it was and grinned. Once we reached the roof, the huge white wolf sets me back on my feet and shifted to human. I smile warmly and hug my mate tightly.

"Gotcha!" He said in amusement then kissed me senseless.

We got hot quickly and I was soon stripped of all my clothes. He had planned this well as there was a camp pad on the roof for us to lay on. He pulled me down and proceeded to set me aflame with knowing touches and taking my hardening member deep into his hot mouth.

I was hard put not to shout and give ourselves away. He nearly brought me, but quickly pulled away before I could come. I whimpered needily but he ignored me as he began a licking path up my chest then sucked and licked each of my hard nipples.

I writhed helplessly, begging him to finish me or take me......I didn't care which but still he wouldn't and continued to torment me. He would let me get really close then pull away again and again, driving me insane with unrequited lust.

I was ready to shift and bean the bugger and I warned him I would do it if he didn't get on with doing me. He just laughed darkly and continued his torment. Roaring, no longer caring who heard me, I shifted and flattened him to our makeshift bed.

He laughed in my face as my sharp fangs snapped harmlessly in the air above his chest. I flipped him over and took him violently. He shouted with joy! This was exactly what he wanted. My heavy panther form has a big cock and he loves it just as much as I love his wolf one. I ream him hard until we both roar our climaxes. We probably scared a lot of people with those eerie cries.

I shifted back to human and lay beside him as we recovered. He smiles at me and raises a hand to caress my face.

"Surprise you?"

"Oh yeah! Nearly made my heart jump out of my throat," I tell him with a grin. "Thank you, love! Today's been a bitch and I needed the head clearing you just gave me."

"You're welcome. I heard about the case and knew why I didn't see you. Hope you can wrap it up so that we can still have a weekend together," he said, hopefully.

"Well, if we can just get the last bit of evidence against this piece of crud, I'll have it wrapped up by tomorrow......I hope."

"I'll hope for it too. I've got plans for us and it doesn't involve people," he said mysteriously.

My face lights up, "Really? I could use that kind of break."

"Yeah, me too, so do your best and I'll see you this weekend," he said warmly.

We kissed again then I dressed quickly. He shifted then took me back to the fire escape before leaving himself.

It was close, but my crew came through and we were able to get the goods on the guy. My heart excited about the weekend, I left work for my apartment. There I found a note from my lover that said to pack a few things and meet him at our favorite place.

Excited, I was soon driving to a local wildlife preserve. I parked my car next to his in a wooded area where no one goes. Stripping off my clothes, I left them and all my belongings in the car then took off into the woods. He had suggested the best thing in the world for us to get over the past month.

Loving and hunting far from human eyes.......no worries and no cares......best mini getaway in the world......for a pair of shifters.