Revisited Tribadists' Passions: The Story

Story by TaciturnTiger on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: The realm of Ai'Onniz, and the characters from said realm, such as Jori Trashantra, Nix Brownie, Raqueta Franz, and others are the sole property of TaciturnTiger and can only be used with permission.

Revisited Tribadists' Passions: The Story

"Aaaaaand... stop!" Jori said at last. The tigress' hands were sore by now, having caught her prodigy's punches without any form of hand guard. Both she and the rat woman were dressed in a martial arts gi and slacks. The two had practiced in Jori's living room, with the cat's glass coffee table moved to the wall from between her couch and her Broadcast Mirror, the realm's version of a television set.

It was getting late in the capital city of Onnako, the continent of anthros, kitsune and the dragon-like drache. Townsfolk were going around, applying oil to the old-fashioned streetlights and lighting the oil aflame. The city wasn't exactly one hundred percent modernized, having a truly unique flavor to it that was absent in, say, towns from the humanoid continents of Brisbon and Targ'Atonah.

Finally noticing the ache in her hands, as her autohypnosis trance faded, Jori breathed through her pearly white fangs and shook out her hands. The tigress sat down on her couch, commenting to her student in her Irish-sounding accent, "Nice job on training today, Nixie-Pixie", as Jori would sometimes call her oldest friend. "Ya nearly hit me a few of those times".

Nix, a humble one, would put her hands behind her back and blush a bit. She knew that Jori was complimenting her, not warning her in this case. "Thank you, Jori", she said. As she changed back into her green turtleneck and black skirt, she then added, "Well... I cannot have my lady wait any longer... Raqueta might be worried..." The anthros of Ai'Onniz, if they had anything to be said of them, were the romantic types and did not always follow such social mores as dressing in private.

Jori sat back, lifting her coffee table with her telekinetic powers using both hands. The table soon had a red aura around it, being lifted into the air with ease. "Watch yaself", Jori said to Nix, and the rat scooted over so Jori could set her table back where it was before the two began the rat's training.

As the table carefully floated back down to the ground, losing its reddish glow, Jori then said, "I never really knew Raqueta as the worrying kind, Nix. When we were old friends, then rivals, and then reconciled, she didn't seem to care much of you... at least naw what I've seen, anyway..."

Nix shrugged. She and Raqueta were both lesbians. Nix was always the timid, soft-spoken type, whereas Raqueta was more prominent and acted the way she wanted to. The two lovers a foil for one another, it was almost as if they were destined to be together. And besides that, Raqueta was the one who helped Nix come out of the closet and to be comfortable with her homosexuality.

"She does care, Jori", said Nix back, slipping her cloth shoes onto her pink bare feet. "I know she doesn't really show it, but she really does worry about people. Like when I used to be abused by my literally gods-damned mother. And when I had told her that same mother came back as a daemon and tried to kill me when we explored Cocytus Caves with those fighters, that warlock, and that wizard... can't really recall their names, really... she nearly burst out into tears with worry.

I'm not angry with you for saying such things... I just... Jori, I know you worry too. Raqueta can be really bossy and a butch sometimes, but deep down she has a heart of gold. Believe me... I like to think if it wasn't for falling in love with me that she'd never brighten up". Nix was now fully dressed, and threw on her gi as a jacket. Not that she'd need the extra warmth, considering that the capital city Ronnagan was right at the equator of Terrestria, but still.

"I understand, Nixie-Pixie", Jori said, sighing and putting her hindpaws up onto the coffee table. She pointed to her Broadcast Mirror and turned it on using her telekinesis once more. "Raq isn't a bad girl... well, anyways. You should go see her. As you told me earlier, she had wanted to do something for you at her house. Make haste, my lovely rodent". Nix nodded, and with that, the lovely rodent left the tigress' house.

"Ah, Nix!" said Raqueta as she stared up from her table. She was busy reading an old book on magic, which was the raccoon's main forte, she being a witch of sorts. "What took you so long, dear?" The raccoon's dark brown hair was in a long braid as usual, and she wore her pink bandanna around her neck as usual. Other than that, she was nude.

The rat replied, "Sorry... training had gone on a little longer than I had expected". She scratched the back of her blonde-haired head nervously. "Uhm... why exactly aren't you dressed again, darling?"

Raqueta smiled, standing up. "Why, because I want to make love with you, that's why", she said. "That and it's a warm night. I don't know how you're able to stand wearing a turtleneck and that gi".

Nix shrugged. She had always seemed to have a bit of heat resistance. Then again, she was sweating heavily from her palms and soles as well. Her furless whip-like tail swished about. "Eh. Just felt like wearing both rather than lug my suit about. So..." She began to take off her clothing casually. She knew the routine -- the 5th day of the week, known as Reenday, was usually when the two would have sex regardless of how often they had made love earlier in the week.

In mere moments, the rat was undressed, and stood before her lover. Raqueta slowly extended her paws and wrapped them around the back of Nix's head, giving the rat a deep kiss on the lips. Their bare breasts pressed together, the orbs of fat squishing against one another. It was always this loving kiss that made Nix wet, and soon the scent of her dribbling sex would be caught in the sensitive nostrils of both anthro girls.

As Raqueta broke the kiss slowly, she giggled. "It doesn't take much for me to turn you on, lovely. Guess I have more magic to me than I first knew. Heh" She slowly walked back towards her bed, and lying on the soft comforter stretched her legs wide. "Come, dear", she said. "It's your turn tonight to be on top".

Nix blinked. It was her turn tonight? Nix, the submissive kind, was rarely on top. It was the way she liked it, and the way Raqueta liked it too. Why was her dominant girlfriend the one to be the submissive type this time?

"Erm... uh..." was all that came from Nix's maw.

"Silly little dear", said her beloved. "You do so much for me. You cook for me, you keep me alive when we adventure, and hells, you complete me. I just... I feel like you're underappreciated. So come on. Take me. Please..." The raccoon murred softly, rubbing her soft bosom, one hand on a breast each.

Nix nodded softly. "I... I see... well, I'll do my--"

"Darling", interrupted Raqueta. "Don't be so bashful. Come now... just, be natural..."

Nix nodded once more. "C... can you place a pillow near the foot of the bed?" She had looked on the Ai'Onnizian equivalent of the Internet for sex positions, and managed to find one she wanted to try on Raqueta. Meanwhile, her lover complied, taking Nix's pillow from the size of her double bed and placing it at the foot.

Nix crawled onto the bed, stretching her arms back for support onto her pillow. She then spread her own legs out, her hand moving towards her dribbling pussy. Using her fingertips she opened her sex, her other hand motioning for Raqueta to come near.

"Ohh...", moaned Raqueta. "Open scissoring... one of my favorites..." She began to scoot over towards Nix, placing their sexes together and wrapping her legs around Nix's waist. "...mmm... grind me", whispered the raccoon. And that is just what Nix did.

Slowly humping upward, Nix's crotch pressed and rubbed against Raqueta's delicate labia. The gentle sound of squishing filled the air. Raqueta placed her hands across her belly, sighing in pleasure. Both of the mammals' clits were engorged with blood, the small bumps sliding over one another now and again.

Nix shivered a bit, both her and Raqueta's rosebuds dribbling with their sweet nectar. The fur of their nethers began to get soaked with their fluids, the gentle squishing now becoming obscene from its loudness. Nix breathed slowly, whereas Raqueta, not with sexual fortitude, gasped for air.

Waves of pleasure ran through the lovers' veins, electrifying in sensation, emanating from their crotches and extending from their heads to their toes. Nix was sweating again from her palms and soles, but this sweet-smelling scent was due to her passion. Raqueta moaned out, making Nix turned on even more. Nix humped all the faster now, the wet folds rubbing against one another as the puffy lips of the girls kissed.

"N.... Nix... I... I love you so..." gasped Raqueta.

"I love you too... Raqueta", replied Nix. By now Nix was running low on breath. She too began to moan, her eyes shut tight, her toes curling, her whiptail swishing in every which way. By now Raqueta was humping back, albeit slowly and with little effort.

Nix shivered once more, a tingling sensation going up her spine. She panted, knowing her orgasm was coming. Grinding slowly, nice and hard against Raqueta's crotch, the lass then exploded with juices, letting out a yelp followed by a long groan, her pussy spraying her fluids and saturating Raqueta's crotch. The orgasmic fluid pouring into her own slit, Raqueta let out a howl of passion herself, loosing her grip on her orgasm and cumming as well. Nix faltered, losing her strength from her orgasm's intensity and laid back on the bed, gasping for air.

"Th... that was wonderful", said the rodent at last.

"I... I know...", replied the raccoon. "Let's... let's do this again tomorrow night..."

Nix looked up, a smile on her face. She knew then and there she did not choose the wrong woman to be her girlfriend. She knew then and there Raqueta cared for her. She knew then and there what she would reply to the raccoon's offer. "Yes...", she said with a deep smile. "Of course, my beloved..."