The Tribe - 9

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#9 of The Tribe

Mako's on the road with his new tribe, trying to figure out how to fit in, and learning to take initiative.

I'm sorry this took so long to get out! I am currently on vacation in San Jose, CA I enjoyed writing this one! I expect a lot more out of this story, and have a lot planned in my head. Let me know what you all think! Or what you all would like to see! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Aurum Tribe, for all its similarities with the Ormus Tribe, was different in so many ways. Daily life seemed about the same; wake up, do chores, eat, spend time together, and sleep; at least when they weren't migrating. As to be expected, their customs and rituals were different from having interacted with other Tribes and absorbing different cultures. They were just as open as the Ormus Tribe; free-spirited, open-minded, accepting, and physical. Greeting someone was usually done with a hug at the very least, and if closer, a kiss on either cheek or forehead.

Where the Ormus Tribe's style of dress was minimal, loincloths and occasionally a light vest, the Aurum Tribe often preferred to dress in a wide array of clothes. Some would wear loincloths just to stay cool while traveling, but after they'd settled for the night to set up camp, a lot would change into less-revealing clothes. It wasn't out of modesty, but for the sheer enjoyment of wearing something light and stylish. Silks and cottons dyed numerous colors with gorgeous patterns and styles; pants, tunics, dresses, skirts, vests, sarongs. The Aurum Tribe had learned much in the way of making clothes and dyes and Mako felt a little ignorant around some of the Elders in the tribe.

After only a day among the Aurum Tribe, now his Tribe, Mako realized just how much more their people knew. Reading, writing, and mathematics was a lot more common and valued, and they had better knowledge of curing diseases and treating injuries than the Ormus Tribe had. Wheeled carts were used for transporting their belongings, towed by domesticated, feral horses. Only a few of the large work beasts were with the Tribe for now, but Chief Ronan had said that once they'd had a permanent home they'd be breeding the beasts so they could be used for riding instead of just pulling carts.

There hadn't been much time to learn much during the days, however. The Aurum Tribe kept up a steady pace during the day, heading south to find themselves a new home. The first couple weeks had been difficult for the otter as he tried to keep the pace of nearly fifteen miles in a day. Whenever they'd stop to set up their camp and erect tents, he'd always be too worn out after helping to do anything except eat a light meal and then go to sleep. They rested for a full day every five or six days, and even then Mako would spend most of that day resting in his tent by himself.

He'd shared a tent with Osso during their travels, and despite their mutual affection for each other, never had much time to do anything after the long day of traveling. Mako had asked if there was any place in particular that they were traveling to and had been told that they'd know the place when they came across it. So far they'd seen plenty of places that had captured the otter's attention and looked like great spots, though Chief Ronan hadn't paid them much attention.

The Aurum Tribe had been traveling for two months before they'd encountered the Ormus Tribe. After leaving the Octavians almost ten years ago they'd settled for a spot some two hundred miles away in a dense forest at the foot of the mountain and remained for some time. When the Chief, Ronan's father, passed away, Ronan decided it was time for a change of location as well. So they packed up and headed on their way where they came across the Ormus Tribe. Since leaving they'd seen multiple forests of beautiful trees, a few lakes that were so large you couldn't see the other side, and through some plains with large pillars of earth created by some of the insects that lived there. Mako recorded all he saw in his journals, hoping to one day be able to share what he'd seen with his family.

While traveling there hadn't been much time to practice any magic, or try anything new, but Mako had spent a lot of time talking to some of the shamans in the Tribe about how it all seemed to work.


"Magic is the very essence of life and creation," Hizaki, a ram, and one of the older members of the tribe, said to Mako. "It's in everything. In all of the world, in every living creature, in the earth, in the air, in the water, in fire. Magic flows through it all. We draw on the energy from emotions, experience, from our surroundings, and we shape it with our will," he said. With a furrowed brow and a muttered word the ram held out his hand and a small ball of light, much like what Osso had done, appeared in his hand.

Mako looked on in amazement, never tiring of seeing anything magical, and nodded. "What all can you do with magic?" he asked, flexing his own paws and remembering just how drained of energy he was after casting fire.

"Anything," the ram said with a grin. "If you focused, and had enough energy, and your will was strong enough, you could vanish the entire world from existence." Hizaki clenched his fist around the ball of light and then vanished from sight completely, causing the otter to jump in surprise.

Mako looked around uncertainly, wondering where the ram had just gone, when two paws grabbed his shoulders from behind. He let out a terrified yelp and jumped forward as the ram behind him cackled.

Hizaki was standing there, visible again, and laughing as he shook his head. "Magic can be used to accomplish a great many things,"

The otter clutched at his chest to try and still his breathing and shuddered, looking up at the night sky. "But... you could really do something like... destroy the world with it?" he asked.

The ram frowned a bit and took a step forward, patting the otter's shoulder. "I'm certain of it. But remember, it takes your own energy to do things like this, and while you can draw on energy from your surroundings, it's not as simple as you might think, and can be quite dangerous to do. You could stand here and focus all your will on destroying the world with a spell and you would never be able to do it. Hell, I'd be surprised if you could make a spec of dust vanish from existence. Not even I could do that. Maybe Morgana could have, but she's no longer with us," he said, sighing to himself.

Mako frowned and looked down at his paws. Morgana was Osso's mother, and he'd only heard her name once before, and not from Osso. "What was she like?" he asked carefully.

Hizaki looked surprised and he sat down on a small cushion he'd lay down earlier. "Morgana? Certainly you've heard about her from Osso with how much time you two spent together recently, no?"

Mako shook his head. "I've wanted to ask, but it doesn't seem like something he wants to talk about, and I don't want to upset him,"

"I'm certain he'd be more than happy to be asked about her. Better that than treating him like he's too fragile to handle the loss," Hizaki said. "Morgana was a talented woman. Quite gifted, and not just in magic. Probably the smartest in our Tribe; there was nothing she could not learn to do. Her beauty wasn't physical, but rather in her personality and in her mind. When our Tribe went to war with the Hoku Tribe almost eleven years ago, she showed just how dangerous one person could be, and how destructive magic can become when used in that manner," the ram closed his eyes as he thought back to that time.

"If the other Tribe hadn't had shamans of their own, we probably wouldn't have lost a single life in that war. She called upon the powers of the elements, and storms, and brought destruction. Kept their shamans busy just trying to fend off her assault. In the end she killed a score of them when their defenses failed, and was left with no energy to continue. From there it was only conventional fighting, but she'd given us the edge we needed. Lost maybe a hundred men, women, and children in that fight, and they lost twice that. We chased off the rest of the Tribe and then, once we'd burned the dead and recovered, we left. Too much bloodshed and death in one spot. Too many bad memories," he said.

Mako nodded quietly, unsure how to respond. It had been some time since he'd really experienced another person's death, and it hadn't been a family member since he was too young to remember. The Aurum Tribe had lost more people than he'd ever known in his own, and he couldn't imagine what that'd be like. "So you left and found the Octavians?"

Hizaki smiled fondly and nodded. "Ah, the Octavians. In their city, with their permanent homes, and lavish lifestyle. I'll be honest, I considered staying. It's always wonderful to learn new cultures and new people, and they were a very warm and friendly people, eager to learn about us as well. A few of our people stayed with them; none came with us. We've met a few tribes since then; the last of the Retuta Tribe who are now among us, and a few wanderers here and there. I'm sorry, I'm rambling a bit, what were you asking about?"

The otter thought back to his original question after being sidetracked. "What all can you do with magic?" he asked in.

"Ah, yes. It's a difficult question, but... I'd wager that you could do anything you wanted, as long as you had the energy and the will to do so. Some seem to be more skilled than others, naturally, or just quicker to learn," the ram said with a confident nod.


Mako sighed as he thought about that conversation. It hadn't been particularly enlightening, he'd thought, and not at all helpful. Sure, he could shoot a jet of flame at an object to light it on fire, but despite him trying numerous other things, nothing seemed to work. Granted, he'd been exhausted most nights, and hadn't given anything a serious shot, but it was still frustrating to know how to proceed when there weren't any hard and fast rules or ways of learning. "Mathematics at least had that going for it," he thought as he took a bite of a loaf of bread he'd been eating.

They'd stopped for the night and tents were set up and people were enjoying some light meals and conversation. Osso had gone off to talk to some of his friends in the Tribe and Mako didn't feel like going along. Despite having been with the Aurum Tribe for a month now, he didn't exactly feel welcome, or at home. It was difficult being new and being surrounded by strangers, and since they'd done so much traveling, it wasn't like there had been a whole lot of time for interaction. In fact, most nights he actually found himself talking to Tarn, the one other person who'd came with from the Ormus Tribe.

Tarn was twenty-three years old; a horse with dark brown fur, long blond hair, and a sleek, toned body from many years of running and scouting. His parents were both gone now, and he didn't have any other blood relatives in the Ormus Tribe. He was friendly, though distant and didn't speak much unless spoken to, which is why it had surprised Mako when the horse appeared at his tent one night, while Osso was out, to talk.

The two had gotten a little closer in the last month, talking most nights, and sometimes during the day, though often Tarn would be ahead of the Tribe with some of the other scouts to help keep an eye open for any possible dangers. Mako was glad to find out that Tarn felt similarly about their new Tribe. Even if they'd both been opened warmly and treated great, it was still difficult to adjust to a new life with new people. With each other, it was a bit more familiar and easier to relax around each other, no need to try and keep up any appearances.

Mako was sitting in his tent, alone, when the flap was pushed aside and the horse stepped inside, ducking his head politely. He brought a small jug of water with him and some food, taking a seat on the end of the otter's bedroll. "Writing in your journal?" he asked, nodding towards the book next to the otter's side.

Mako glanced to it and then shook his head, finishing off his bread. "Maybe a bit later. I'm still just relaxing from walking all day,"

"Getting any easier?" Tarn asked.

"Yeah. Definitely easier than it had been when we started. I just wonder when we'll have a place to actually stay, though," the otter said, sighing as he lay down and stretched out.

"I don't suspect it will be much longer than another month, if that. One of the other scouts said that the longest they'd ever traveled between camps was five months, and that was quite a long time ago. Ideally they want some place where mining would be easy, with plenty of water, trees, and game."

"How far have we gone so far?" he asked, rolling to his side to face the horse.

Tarn moved over and sat in front of the otter, resting his paws behind him. "Almost two hundred miles. We move quicker some days, but it's about fifteen miles a day, and then resting every few days or so."

Mako nodded and closed his eyes. "Well, I'll be glad when our travels are over. I don't enjoy walking around as much as you do." he said with a smirk.

"I enjoy more than just walking and scouting, you know," the horse replied, trying to sound indignant. "I'll be just as glad when we can stop in one place and set up a permanent home. Might be easier to talk to people once we're getting things established and set up, instead of just walking all day."

The otter nodded, hugging himself close as he thought of his brothers, and wished he had them both around to lean on for support. "Yeah..."

The horse's ears perked up a bit and he looked down at the younger otter, frowning. "Are you okay?"

Mako sighed and nodded slowly, though he wasn't being entirely truthful. "I... just miss my brothers,"

Tarn shifted around where he sat and nodded, rubbing a paw over the back of his head. "Oh," he said. He wasn't exactly the best at being comforting or dealing with other people's emotions when they were sad. "I know you were pretty close,"

"Yeah. It's hard not having them around," Mako said, opening his eyes and just staring at the ground. "Were you really close with anyone?"

"Not really," the horse admitted, rubbing his paws across his legs. "I mean, I liked talking with people, like your brothers, or some of the others around my age, but... I guess I just don't connect with people very easily."

"There's nothing wrong with that. I mean, as long as you're happy, what's it matter, right?" Mako sat up and looked over at the horse, leaning forward against his legs.

Tarn nodded. "I agree. I am easy to please, and I enjoy scouting, walking, exploring. This whole trip has been absolutely amazing to me. I love seeing new lands," he told the otter, sighing wistfully and closing his eyes for a moment.

"I have enjoyed that, definitely. I hope I get to see everyone again and tell them about everything we've seen." Mako smiled brightly and then straightened up. "I may miss them, but I definitely think this was the right choice,"

The horse smiled and patted the otter's thigh. "I agree. This is just something we had to do." He grabbed the food he'd brought with and offered some to Mako who refused. "So, I'm curious," he said, taking a bite of some bread. "Are you and Osso... involved?"

Mako glanced up, cheeks turning red. "Hmm? Like... I mean, we're friends and have... done things together, but we're not together in any sense," he said.

Tarn nodded and took another bite of food then a drink of water. "Ah, I see. I wasn't certain. I was just curious, hope it wasn't too personal,"

"No, it's fine. Um. Have you... ever been involved with anyone?" the otter asked. Truthfully he didn't know much about the personal lives of others when they'd been with the Ormus Tribe. Unless people had declared themselves an item, it went over the head of the otter as to who slept with whom.

It was difficult to see the blush under the horse's darker brown fur, but he shifted around on the bedroll and took another bite of food. "Um, no, I haven't ever really connected with anyone on that level. I might have done a few things with others when I was younger, but... that was it,"

Mako chuckled as he watched the horse's reaction to being asked such a question. Tarn was quite attractive, and it was amusing to see him look embarrassed about something so intimate. "Well, I'm sure you will at some point. You're definitely nice to look at," he teased, wanting to make the horse more uncomfortable.

Tarn nearly choked on a bite of food when the otter said that and he looked up in surprise, eyes wide and ears perked up. "I, uh... Well, thank you," he said, nodding. "You are too."

Mako beamed at him and reached over to put both paws on the horse's legs. "Thanks. I've really enjoyed getting to know you a bit more, too."

"Yeah," the horse said nervously, body tensed under the paws. "It's been nice."

Mako's paws rubbed gently at the horse's legs, the two just looking at each other quietly for a few moments. The otter had never been as intimately curious about the horse until after they'd started talking a lot recently, and the otter wondered just how far Tarn would let him go.

The horse squirmed at the touch but didn't pull away. "If you want to..." he said softly, leaning back on his hands and looking past the otter, face still flushed under the dark fur.

The otter's eyes roamed over the horse's body and he shuffled closer, paws squeezing at Tarn's thighs. "Are you sure?" he asked, looking the horse in the eyes before glancing back down. He could see a bulge forming under the horse's loincloth, lifting it away from his body, but he still waited to see what Tarn would say.

Tarn hesitated for a moment before he said anything, though he uncrossed his legs and stretched them out on either side of the otter. "Y-yeah, go on," he whispered.

Mako nodded and moved both paws to the horse's hips, untying the straps holding the loincloth closed. He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until he pulled the cloth away from the horse and he found himself, quite literally, breathless. Tarn's shaft wasn't quite fully hard, but it was already larger than either of his brothers, and looked to be almost as thick as Zeke's knot had been. It was pink over most of the flesh with some mottled black near the medial ring; it hung forward over an equally-impressive sac and Mako openly stared at it for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "Wow..."

Tarn laughed nervously, still leaning back on his paws and he looked down his body to his shaft, then to Mako. " Yeah. Horse, you know," he said, cheeks red under the dark fur.

"I never realized that it would make that much of a difference," Mako said, carefully running one of his paws up the inside of the horse's thigh before cupping the large balls, barely able to cradle both in a paw. The horse's shaft throbbed and lifted up enough to flop onto his lower abdomen. Mako shifted onto his hands and knees, pressing his short muzzle up against the horse's sac and nuzzling along up the thick flesh.

The horse shivered and lowered himself until he was laying on his back, paws resting at his sides to let Mako explore. The otter squeezed the shaft in both paws as he dragged a tongue upwards along the underside of the horse's shaft, and then pressed the mushroom-shaped head to his lips, kissing it and teasing at the end with his tongue. His efforts were rewarded with a thick drop of pre greeting his tongue and that only spurred the otter on. His own shaft was tenting the front of his loincloth, dripping against the fabric, momentarily forgotten.

Mako opened his muzzle and slipped the first few inches of the horse's shaft in against his tongue, squeezing it with his paws and dragging his tongue in circles around the head. Tarn could only lay there and let out a soft groan of enjoyment as the young otter bobbed back and forth along his shaft.

That's the position the two were in when the tent-flap was opened; Tarn laying on his back, legs spread, with Mako kneeling between his legs with four inches of thick horse pressed into his slim muzzle, and another four being squeezed by tan paws. Mako didn't realize at first with his eyes closed and his back to the tent flap, but Tarn tensed and sucked in a nervous breath.

"Oh! I guess we weren't the only one with this idea," Osso said, grinning down at the pair as he took a quick step forward to kneel by the otter.

Mako's eyes shot open when he heard the bat's voice and he could see the change in light; there hadn't been much light coming through the stretched leather from the nearby campfire, but enough to see by. With the flap open, he could see Tarn's nervous expression clearly before the flap was apparently closed again. He tried to pull off the horse's shaft, but the bat's paw caught the back of his head and held him there.

"Please," Osso said with a playful grin and a soft push to Mako's head. "Don't stop on my account. We don't mind."

"We?" Mako thought, his heart racing as he tried again to pull off so he could look behind him, but to no avail. Instead, the paw on the back of his head urged him further down and then he saw Osso taking one of the horse's paws and using it to replace his own.

"There," Osso said, sitting down next to the pair and beckoning to another in the tent that Mako couldn't see. "Mako, Tarn, you both know Kasim, right?" he asked, stroking over Tarn's thigh as the horse's paw urged Mako to continue despite the intrusion.

Mako's eyes closed and he let out a soft groan of pleasure as the horse's cock throbbed in his muzzle, oozing more pre against his tongue. He knew who Kasim was; a painted wild dog who Osso practiced his magic with and one of his closer friends. Kasim was a few years older and quite skilled with his own talents, though he and Mako hadn't talked much.

"We thought we'd come back here to relax, maybe do what you two were up to, but I guess this changes things a little," Osso teased, leaning over Tarn and rubbing his paws down the horse's toned chest. "Hope you don't mind,"

Tarn's heart was racing, clearly nervous about the ordeal, but with Mako's muzzle still working over his shaft, he couldn't deny anything else; he shook his head as he looked back at the younger bat. His paw pressed against the back of Mako's head and the otter complied by taking in another inch, struggling with the horse's girth.

"Mmm, good, then this should be quite a lot of fun," Osso said, looking back to Kasim who was kneeling behind the otter.

Mako was concentrating on trying not to gag around Tarn's shaft when he felt two paws pull his loincloth off of his waist, freeing his leaking shaft to the open air. A strong paw gripped it and tugged back his foreskin before pulling it back up, drawing a muffled moan from Mako's throat. A cold nose pressed against his balls before a tongue swiped up the underside, trailing along until it teased across his passage. The otter's body shivered and he took in a deep breath through his nose, forcing himself down on the horse's length.

The wild dog's tongue swiped back and forth over his passage a few times before it pressed inside, teasing the otter further. Mako whimpered at the feeling and his body tensed a few times to get used to Kasim's attention; he hadn't experienced this in quite some time, but it made his short fur stand on end, and every touch was almost too much. His eyes parted to see Osso leaned over the horse and locked muzzle to muzzle in a passionate kiss.

Tarn removed his paw from the back of Mako's head in order to reach over and help undress the bat, removing him of the cotton pants he'd been wearing, and silk vest. Without the paw holding him down, Mako was able to bob his muzzle back and forth along the horse's length much easier, exploring every vein with his tongue and lips as the painted wild dog's tongue pushed deeper.

One of Kasim's paws was stroking over the otter's shaft, and Mako was certain that he'd cum at any moment with the attention under his tail before the sensation stopped. He had only a few seconds of wondering before he felt a tapered shaft press up under his rudder-tail. The otter instinctively pressed back against that familiar feeling and heard the dog gasp as a few inches slid easily into the otter. "Ooh, oof," Kasim muttered, leaning forward against the otter and slipping a few more inches into Mako.

Kasim wasn't quite as big as either of his brother's had been, but the feeling of that telltale knot pressing at his ring made his cock drool in the dog's paw. The otter watched as Osso straddled the horse's chest, and slurping noises confirmed what Tarn was doing. His hips were starting to roll back and forth, working his shaft in counter motions to Mako's muzzle.

The painted dog released the otter's shaft and gave a gentle hump forward, testing to see how Mako would handle him. When he got back a pleasured moan and an insistent press back against him, he didn't hold back. The dog was already worked up from Osso's teasing before they got back to the tent, and he wasted no time being gentle if the otter could manage.

The four pressed back and forth against each other, locked together in one way or another as bodies moved and slid back and forth. Mako's paws gripped the horse's hips for support as the wild dog above him thrust harder, trying to force that thick knot past his passage. The otter was clenching down to keep him out, wanting to drive him wild for just a bit longer; he was precariously close to his own orgasm as well, and wanted to draw out the experience as much as he could, but Tarn's sudden climax shattered his concentration.

The horse's breathing had been getting quicker and more unsteady, and a low, muffled groan was accompanied by a powerful throb between the otter's lips as the mushroom head flared out, and thick ropes of cum sprayed directly down his throat, causing the unprepared otter to gag and pull back. Tarn's shaft popped free from the otter's lips, splashing his face with another rope of seed before it flopped against his abdomen and sprayed the rest of his load against the bat's back and rear.

Mako gasped for breath, cum running down his face and from his lips as he watched the horse's body twitch and release his pent up need. That lapse in concentration allowed Kasim to shove forward one last time and lock himself to the young otter; that was all that was needed for those to to crash over the edge. Mako came hard against his bedroll as the painted wild dog gripped him around the chest and squeezed him close, cumming deep inside the otter.

Mako's body shuddered and he squeezed down on the thick knot inside him, letting him reminisce for just a bit before the dog tugged him to one side, careful of Tarn's leg, and lay them both down. Mako pressed back against the dog's chest as they lay there, watching through half-lidded eyes as the horse's throat worked to keep up with Osso's load as the bat came.

Tired now, both physically and mentally, the otter stretched his arms above him and groaned happily. "That... felt great," he said, looking back at the dog and smiling sheepishly. Before tonight he'd only been with his brothers and Osso, and while he'd wanted to experiment more, had always been a bit too nervous to take any initiative. Finally deciding to take some with Tarn, the bat had shown up with his own ideas.

Kasim let out a playful growl and flexed his cock inside the otter, hugging him tight. "Definitely. Glad you ended up being here,"

Osso was laying next to Tarn and rubbing his paw over the horse's chest, chuckling at the mess. "Glad you were both here. Tarn, right?" Osso asked.

Tarn's face flushed with embarrassment but he let out a genuine chuckle, nodding his head. "Yeah, that's me... I usually keep to myself," he replied.

"Yeah, I know you go scouting while we're traveling. It's nice to see you. All of you, too," the bat teased.

"You're a menace," Kasim said, sticking his tongue out at the bat.

Mako closed his eyes, smiling happily to himself as he listened to the playful banter between the dog and bat. It didn't feel quite like home, but as he listened and relaxed, joining in on the conversation as they lay there, he started to feel a little more accepted, and knew that it would only get better with time.