Curse of the Were-creature's love - Boyfriend or Victim

Story by king of lions on SoFurry

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#5 of The Were-creature's Curse and Blessing

"You two are werewolves?!" Darkey asked astonished looking at the anthro-canids.

"Yes, but how are you three werecats?" Alli, the large black werewolf, asked.

"Leo is a werelion by birth." Devon said extending his claws for the insuing fight between the species.

"Okay. Enough small talk...get 'em!" Harry yelled and the two werewolfs tackled their feline counterparts. Alli tackled Leo and Harry tackled Darkey; Devon ran and hid in terror.

"Now, what did you say earlier, you stupid fucker?" Alli asked tightening his grip around Leo's windpipe.

"Your boyfriend is gonna die, kitty." Harry said to Darkey and Darkey looked toward his mate getting choked to death.

"I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!" Devon screamed in his head. Out of the corner of his eye, Devon saw a briefcase,"odd, but dont look a gift horse in the mouth." Devon grabbed the briefcase.

"Prepare to die, kitty." Alli smiled and tightened his grip.

"YOU FIRST!" Devon yelled as he slammed the briefcase against the side of Alli's head making the werewolf howl in pain as he rolled to his right side on the ground and Harry jumped up and ran to help his lover.

"Run!" Darkey shouted and the werecats ran into the darkness of the forest and disappeared.

---At Darkey's House---

The three werecats snuck into Darkey's house and up to his room and layed down. Devon layed on a sofa and Darkey layed on his side with his back to Leo's chest and Leo draped his arm over his lover to help him relax.

"Guys, listen, its no one's fault that this happened, so no one is to get mad at anyone else." Leo said quietly and drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the panic and fear that had consumed him thinking he was about to die and not be able to protect the only thing in his life that he loved, Darkey.

---The next day at school---

Darkey and Leo stood at their locker and waited for Devon, both boys in their navy jackets and khaki pants, except both wore collars, Darkey wore a red one with a gold tag and Leo wore a purple one with a silver tag. The two boys looked in their locker for their textbooks and homework. Then a hand rested on Darkey's left shoulder and he flung around, it was Alli and Harry.

"Hey..." Darkey said and Leo turned around, his pocket knife drawn ready to kill his attackers from the previous night.

"Whoa! Sorry!" Alli jumped back and Harry hid behind Alli.

"Why are you here!" Leo demanded, but from the fact that 55% of the time he was a werelion, he growled after demanding an answer.

"We're sorry, Leo and Darkey." Harry said peering around Alli, "When we attacked, it wasnt our fault, we smelled excitement, it smelled the same way that a werewolf smells before he attacks an opponent."

"Huh?" Leo asked and lowered the knife.

"Darkey, Leo; the smell that we smelled when you all showed up was the same smell that Alli smells like when he sees a dog on the street, it means a fight for dominance." Harry explained only to get an annoyed look from Alli.

"Did you have to tell them that?" Alli growled.

Darkey, Harry and Leo laughed while Alli blushed.

"Its okay, we forgive ya." Darkey said and Leo nodded.

"Uh-oh!" came a voice from the left of the group, and when they looked, it was Devon.

"Hey, dude." Alli said and Devon slowly creapt over to his fellow were-cats.

"Do we like them now?" Devon whispered to his friends.

"Yeah, it wasnt their fault they attacked, they got the wrong message." Darkey smiled.

Then, the bell rang for the five boys to go to biology. The day was moving horribly slowly, Devon was napping on his math book, Darkey and Leo were taking notes on chemical bonds, and Alli and Harry had snuck out of class and were making out, maybe more then that, in the supply closet down the abandoned wing of the school.

---after school---

The five boys sat in the bleachers at the football feild talking. Alli and Leo were talking about their favourite ways to make their mates horny and Darkey and Harry were sharing secrets on the best sex postions and how to be romantic, and Devon, well, he was looking down on the football field as the football jocks did sprints and push-ups. Devon would occasionally sigh and he would day dream about Dante, the strongest, most handsome, smartest jock in the school. Devon thought about him everytime he saw the boy, how it must feel to be in his arms. Devon didnt notice the four other boys next to him looking straight at him.

"Devon..." Darkey asked. The boy didnt answer.

"DEVON!" Alli shouted making Devon jump.

"What?! Whats wrong? Is it sundown?" Devon asked looking around.

"You were day dreaming." Harry said.

"Oh...umm...What?" Devon asked and looked around the semi-circle.

"What's wrong, Devon, whats on your mind?" Leo asked.

"N-Nothing." Devon muttered.

"What?" Alli asked kindly.

"I-I'm just lonely." Devon said sadly.

"You have us." Harry said.

"No, I'm lonely." Devon said and everyone got the message.

"Got anyone in mind?" Harry asked timidly.

" guy." Devon said blushing "But he will never come to me."

"Really? Who?" Darkey smiled.

"Umm...Dante." Devon blushed.

"Oh my god!" Harry and Darkey shouted giddily in unison.

"Cool dude." Alli smiled.

"Why do you say he wont come to you?" Leo asked tilting his head slightly.

"He's a football jock, and the only way for him to accept I'm this monsterous creature, is if he was one too." Darkey said sadly.

"Well, there is one way." Harry smiled evilly.

"You're not thinking about..." Darkey asked, his and the other boys' eyes widening.

"Yep." Harry grinned menacingly.

"Dont! He's too cute." Devon pleaded.

"Dont you want him?" Harry asked.

"Yes...but...I...he..." Devon said sadly.

"Do. You. Want. Him?" Harry asked.

"Yes..." Devon said lowering his head hoplessly, knowing that Harry had made up his mind to "help" him.

"Fine, Alli and I will make him like you, no matter what he says." Harry smiled and Alli looked at his mate.

"Just be gentle with him...I still want his ass to be tight for me." Devon smiled finally.

"Wow...five monsterous creatures disguised as humans wanting more members for our pack or pride and the only way to do it is either bite them or fuck them until we cum, then a day later they turn into one of us." Leo said and Darkey smiled at his lover.

"Yep, but I think they would prefer taking it in the ass then us piercing their skin with our fangs and making them bleed and cry." Darkey said trying to make the raping of their new pride/pack members not sound as bad as it is, even though they have little control over their actions.

"They bleed and cry anyways hun." Leo retorted.

"Whatever." Darkey muttered.

"Okay, we'll wait in the locker room until he is alone, then he's gonna be youre boyfriend, Devon." Alli smiled and all the boys looked at the football jocks heading for the school's gym.

"I dont know how youre gonna make him like me, but go ahead." Devon gave his friends permission.

---in the locker room---

Dante sat on the concrete bench in the locker room catching his breath. The other boys quickly got dressed and left. Alli and Harry hid in the supply closet peering through cracked door waiting for their chance. Alli quickly turned and looked out of the tiny window to see how far the sun had set.

"Nearly time." Alli smiled as his face started to turn to a muzzle, the sun had almost completely set.

"He man, awesome practice today. You keep this up, and we will be going to the championships." said a fellow player and high-fived his friend.

"Thanks." Dante said pushing his blond hair out of his face.

"No prob, buddy." the other jock said and left the locker room.

As the final jocks left the locker room, Alli and Harry smiled, their werewolf eyes shining in the dim light.

Dante stood up after finally catching his breath and took off his gear and sighed in relief. The jock's abs were very well defined and he had broad shoulders. The two werewolves smiled knowing this was going to be fun making this jock take it hard, but it would be even more fun to tie with the human.

Dante stripped nude and unzipped his duffle bag and rummaged through it to find his clothes, but he didnt hear the huge black and grey beasts walking up behind him. Dante was thinking about the next game, it was going to decide if they went to the championships or not; then his mind drifted, and for some reason, it drifted to the recent news reports of strange creatures being sighted in the forest.

"Whoever says they saw a werewolf is nuts." Dante muttered to himself and laughed at the idea as he pulled his jeans from the duffle bag.

Just as he stopped laughing, he felt a hand grab his ass.

"Whoa!" Dante yelled and flung himself around, "What the fuck are you do...."

Dante came face to face with one black and one grey werewolf, both smiling.

"Oh...shit..." Dante muttered and backed away slowly, before he fell to the hard concrete ground.

"Ouch!" he shouted then started crawling backwards as the beasts walked towards him, enjoying the sight of the terrified boy.

Alli reached out and siezed Dante's arm and yanked the boy to his feet. Dante pulled his arm back and punched Alli in the jaw and he dropped Dante. Harry yelped and back-handed Dante, knocking him out and tended to Alli.

---20 minutes later---

Dante slowly came to, his head pounding from the hit. Once his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he realised he was still naked. After realising he was nude, Dante realised his arms were unable to move. The boy tried to figure out what was going on then he noticed something, he was standing up, his legs and arms were spread apart so he was in and "X" shape. His hands were tied to two separate pipes and his legs to the ones that his corresponding hand was tied to.

"Damn...what happened?" Dante muttered, still not yet fully grasping the fact he was tied up.

Then he felt something trace across his neckline, when he looked back he saw that he was in the boiler room in the abandoned wing of the school, but what he saw scared him much more then the fact that he was tied up nude in an abandoned wing of the school. Tracing its finger over his neck was a massive grey werewolf.

"Oh god!" Dante screamed at seeing the werewolf and tried breaking free, only to cut his arms with the chains that bound him.

"Awww...the little fuck toy is awake." Harry smiled a toothy smile, and Dante's face went white from hearing the beast talk like a human.

"Hey hun, want to take his virginity?" Harry looked over his shoulder at Alli, who was holding an ice pack to his bruised face.

"No, I think I'll just get my revenge later." Alli said and sighed as the ice cooled his hurt face.

"Okay, mind if I fuck him?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Sure, baby, but dont tear his rectum too bad, we need him alive long enough for him to change." Alli cationed his mate.

"Okay." Harry smiled and slowly turned his head around to look at the terrified Dante, who had tears in his eyes. To make sure no-one would bother them, Harry took a long piece of cloth and wrapped it around Dante's mouth so he couldn't scream.

"Dont worry, bitch, it'll hurt only...a lot." Harry growled and lined his cock up with Dante's ass. Harry slammed his werewolf cock into Dante's ass, making him jerk and cringe at the intruder in him.

" dont like it?" Harry asked, using baby talk. Dante shook his head.

"Too bad." Harry growled and started thrusting even harder into Dante.

Harry's thick werewolf cock stretched poor Dante to his ripping point, if Harry thrust anymore ferociously, Dante's rectum was going to tear open. Harry thrusted hard, trying to get his orgasm, the knot hitting Dante's hole.

The only reason Harry was a werewolf was because when Alli turned into a werewolf one night, Harry followed him. Alli had stepped outside and when he didnt come back for a while, Harry followed his boyfriend. Harry followed Alli's deep paw prints in the dirt to an old barn on the outskirts of town. When Harry climbed the ladder to the hay loft, he saw a large black anthropomorphic wolf standing in the middle of the floor, looking out a hole in the ceiling towards the full moon in the sky. When the creature turned around, it saw Harry. It walked over to the ladder and looked down. Harry realised from its eyes and the way it walked, it was Alli. Harry climbed up and, as wrong as it may have been, Harry kissed the werewolf passionately. And as it normaly goes, one thing led to another and Harry turned into a werewolf from the cum and from a small love bite Alli gave him during the sex.

Harry thrust hard into Dante's ass, only getting muffled yells and cries from Dante. Alli was enjoying the show, he had started to paw off at the sight of his boyfriend being dominant and taking the jock's virginity by force. As Harry thrust hard into the boy, the knot started to swell, that was what Harry wanted, to use the knot as another way to make the jock scream. He pressed the knot against Dante's ass and Dante stopped screaming and looked back at the grey werewolf in sheer terror, knowing what was about to happen. Harry pulled out and slammed the knot into Dante's hole, making the boy jerk, scream and cry violently at the pain. Harry pulled out the knot and slammed it back in. The grey werewolf continued with this until he felt his orgasm nearly come.

Harry pulled out and slammed the knot in one last time and cummed hard, filling the boy's ass completely. And like the were-creature's victims, Dante went limp.

"Why do they always go limp, its no fun to fuck someone who isn't struggling." Harry said as he yanked the knot out of the poor jock's ass.

"Dont fuss, hun. Think Devon will be mad that we were so rough on him?" Alli asked.

"Nah, he is gonna get what he wanted, so he can't get mad." Harry said and unchained Dante, setting him up against the wall.

"Okay." Harry said and the beasts left the school for home.

---in the forest---

"Well, he's gonna be a werewolf now." Alli said as he and Harry approached their werecat counterparts, Devon smiled happily as though he just received a present on christmas morning.

"Thanks, guys." Devon purred, his face blushing red under his jet black fur.

"No prob, but watch out for the knot if you have him take you; the first knot and tying is the most painful." Harry warned and squirmed a little, remembering when Alli tied with him when he was a human.

"Thanks." Devon smiled and hugged his canine counterparts.

"Like Harry said, no problem." Alli smiled and the were-creatures parted off to their homes to get some sleep and relax.

---back at the school---

Dante regained conciousness and jumped up, looking left and right for his rapist. He was alone in the cold damp room. The terrified boy noticed a pile of folded clothes next to where the black werewolf had sat during his rape, they were his clothes and his boxers were on top. Dante reached around and touched his asshole, cringing at the wave of pain that went through him. Dante carefully got dressed and headed out of the school for home. In the back of his mind, Dante enjoyed the feeling of cum in his ass, it felt warm and wet. He got home and headed up to his room, once inside, he decided the one thing his rapist was hoping, Dante now liked guys. Dante layed on his bed and thought of the day leading up to the incident. the one event that stood out was math class. Dante remembered being asked by a boy next to him for help, the boy was actually very cute, he was kind of nervous around Dante, but that only added to his cuteness.

"What is his name!?" Dante yelled in his mind trying to remember the boy's name, it was so easy he couldnt believe he forgot it!

The boy Dante was thinking of was Devon.

The End...

Or is it still the begining?