Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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The ground trembled making the fixtures inside of the house shake and the two owners grunt while trying to eat the last of their dinner. When the jarring subsided the two lovers opened their eyes and then picked up their utensils and began to finish the last of their meal, a simple platter of chicken, lamb, turkey with green peas, rice and to down it they had a glass of red wine. With their meal finished the two wiped their muzzles with a napkin and then leaned over and licked each other's muzzles. Both were wolves, one pure white with forest green eyes and the other was a solid black with glowing red eyes and both were male; lovers since high school and now mates after college here in their beautiful two story house that they had bought with their savings and made an ideal home together.

Getting up, the white wolf reached for the plates before his mate grabbed his finely manicured paws and then shook his head. The white wolf looked down and then nodded before blowing out the candles and turning the room pitch black. The wolves eyes illuminated with the scattered bits of light coming from the cracked moon outside as both males walked through the house, up the stairs to their bedroom. Before they could get up the stairs the house shook again, more violently than the last and then it stopped. Pictures had fallen and books dropped to the ground but neither seemed to care. Too busy as they were gazing at each other and reminiscing about their love they shared. The memories of when they first bumped into each other in the library while reaching for the same book, A History of Warfare.

Their room upstairs was pretty sparse and Spartan however considering the facts about tomorrow, it wasn't much of a surprise. The white wolf giggled before he made his way into the bed and then flopped down on the fluffy white covers and then began to shuffle his way out of his pants and lift up his designer shirt to throw it off of his shoulders. His dark lover licked his lips and then growled lustily before ripping his own t-shirt off and then grabbing his jeans and tearing them down with his claws. The sound of the ripping material was almost musical in the quiet night.

When the two males were naked they stared at one another and then whimpered quietly in approval before the slightly larger black wolf walked over to the bed and knelt down onto his knees so that his muzzle touched his mate's chest. Bringing his arms up to wrap around the white wolf's torso he buried his snout into the other's soft and downy fur and breathed in the musky scent while a few stray tears dripped down from his eyes, a testimony to their last night together. The white wolf stroked his mate's ears and shushed him while murring softly.

The house rumbled again, this time more violently than the last with the walls shaking and cracking along with the ceiling. The black wolf hugged his mate tighter as if trying to make it all stop though they both new the end was coming. This time the quakes didn't so much subside as they grew least violent though both wolves could still feel them through their bones. The black wolf shook his head and then got up to wipe his face with the back of his paw and then smirk. His fears were true but so was his love for his mate.

He wouldn't waste their last minutes bawling and dreading what was to come.

Leaning up and kissing the warm lips of his cute lupine mate the black wolf growled and then pressed himself forward to lay his weight onto the white chest in front of him. When they both fell back together the white wolf moaned and licked as best he could against his lover's roving tongue while lifting his legs up and around the stronger wolf's waist. Dragging the other as close as possible the white wolf could feel the drumming of the other's life beat alongside his heart; a steady rhythm that comforted him as well as soothed.

The black wolf pulled away from the kiss and snuffled his mate's neck before he reached out and pushed the white wolf's legs up further until they touched his chest exposing the pink rose between his butt cheeks. The bright flower winked at him and the black lupine murfed before pressing his sheath against the waiting rose and then slowly thrust into it. His sleeping erection awoke and slowly pushed forward into the tight entrance and spread the white wolf's hole open causing it's owner to howl quietly and then moan. There had been no lube used so the entry was rough as well as somewhat uncomfortable but not unmanageable.

Grunting together, both males felt the unification of body as the black wolf made shallow thrust into his mate and then sink more of his growing shaft into the white male's rectum. When the fully engorged maleness had found its other home the black wolf pulled his hips back and then began to mate his lover. The time for foreplay and exaggerated wooing would have to wait for the next life when the tremors of the house began to rough along with the black wolf's thrusting. The white wolf yipped happily while holding his legs up and relaxing his tailhole as much as he could.

The house began to break apart at the seams and soon the roof began to cave in. The black wolf was able to get his hard knot into his mate and then look down at his lover just when his balls tightened and his load surged up. The white wolf howled as he felt the warm goo spray into his body and heat up his insides. His own cock had long since came out and coated his fur with pre just as the entire roof collapsed on the two burying them together, forever.

Outside the world was also coming apart at the seams with many people running around all over the world trying to find a safe place but the only safe place was beyond the clouds were a few desperate spaceship had managed to fling themselves just as the world grew an ominous red in color and then began to eat into itself.

What is it that's left when a person's world fades?

Is there anything left once THE END comes?

What do we want from our world which is crying out and yet no one is listening?

Maybe the last moments are our testimony to what we have left?

Just some random thoughts....