Making a Good Little "Wife" ( Part 1 )

Story by Blake_Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions for anonymous

This is a commission I did for someone who wished to remain anonymous ^-^

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"Again with this?" came a deep masculine voice which sailed from the living-room of a small dingy apartment all the way into the kitchen.

That large masculine voice would belong to John. A very muscular brown bear in his mid twenties. He was reclined back in his favorite chair kicking up his large feet, the dirty boots he'd had on casual dropped onto the ground below him. The choice of outfit he'd gone with was a white tank top that clung to his broad chest and well toned abs, and his lower half was fitted into some nice comfy jeans. From the looks of the large male it was clear he had the build of your run of the mill athlete.

"Hey I didn't make this mess, that was all you. Not my fault your mother never taught you to clean up after yourself" came a more feminine voice from the kitchen a slight bit of a lisp evident as he trailed over the words, "Not sure what makes you think I should be doing all the work anyways, thought we were partners in this?" he questioned.

The voice in the kitchen belonged to Francis, a rabbit in his early twenties. His fur was a delicate shade of brown with a few little white spots along his hips. He was dressed in a cute pair of shorts that hugged his tight round little backside showing off the curves of his hips as well as a cute black top which clung nicely to his lithe upper body showing off all of his more feminine features. His cute little fluff tail wagging a bit as he offered an eye roll seeing the pile of dishes in the sink.

"We are" the other voice mumbled out. He had plenty he would have loved to say, but quickly found himself unable to voice his true feelings on the matter. Having been raised a certain way, he had some expectations about roles in a relationship. Maybe it wasn't the most progressive view, but it was his view even if he kept it to himself.

"Yeah I feel all warm and fuzzy inside with all this equal treatment" the other voice muttered out sarcastically.

"Dammit, can't you go one day without running that mouth of yours?" came the deeper voice in the living room.

With a bit of an angry huff the lapine moved quickly out of the kitchen and into the living room to stare down with John, "Really?" he muttered rolling his eyes, "You're gonna act this is my fault, when you're the one who can't go a single day without making some huge mess and expecting me to be a good little housewife for ya"

As he spoke the words his body motions took on a more natural attitude. He was waving his finger at John initially, but before long his hand returned to a more natural position with his wrist resting limp giving off that stereotypical gay vibe from him. The sight of it making John unintentionally smirk a bit. As Francis noticed he quickly pulled his hand behind his back.

"I told you I hate it when you do that!" he insisted stubbornly.

"Oh relax, I like that you do that it's cute" he muttered hoping maybe they could get past the arguing finally

"That's not the point" he insisted, "You always stare when I do that thing with my hands, and I just can't stand it, so could you please think about me for a change" he insisted.

"Think about you?" the bear groaned out, "When are you ever thinking about me?" he replied with irritation in his voice, "Everyday you're always bitching about how I need to dress better, or I leave a mess around the house, or that I don't come with you to those stupid events you're always rambling on about" he muttered

"Stupid events?" he questioned, "They aren't stupid. They're LGBT events and they're about supporting other people like us and trying to help out in any way we can. You know how people can be when it comes to this stuff. I don't know why you can't show up every once in awhile.

"Because it's stupid, that's why. I've got better things to do." he offered rolling his eyes.

"Yeah? Like what? Drinking beer, watching football, and jacking it?" the bunny offered a bit of fire and sass in him.

"Don't you ever get tired of mouthing off like that?" the bear groaned out, "I just want to relax, I've had a pretty hard day, but all you want to do is get into yet another shouting matching."

"Well maybe if you stopped giving me reasons" Francis replied.

The bear grumbled his fist clenching a bit as he felt a swell of anger building inside of him. He was trembling a bit as he tried to bite his tongue. He was getting fed up with everything, he just wanted Francis to listen to him and take on some of the more feminine roles around the house. It didn't feel to him like he was demanding too much at all, after all he was clearly the man of the relationship. Instead all he got was some back sass and rudeness.

"I don't get why you make such a big deal out it anyways" the bear grumbled out finally when he managed to collect himself enough not to go completely ballistic.

"Because I do everything around her, and you just come in like a hot mess and tear the place right back up, and then act like it's my job to clean it all up" Francis offered with a sigh, "It wouldn't kill you to lend a helping hand ya know"

"You know I'm always working, keeping a roof over your head. Why should I have to do anything? I just want to come home after a long day at work and relax." he muttered.

"Yeah and then I get stuck having to fix the whole damn place up while you sit around doing nothing" the bunny groaned in frustration.

"Well if you're so damn sick of it why don't you just leave?" the bear retorted.

"You'd love that wouldn't you?" the bunny answered, "You'd love nothing more than for me to walk my tight little ass right out the fucking door. I'm sure you'd never make it more than a week without me here to clean up after your sorry ass."

The bear was about to say something else when he noticed that Francis' long pointed ears had perked up high into the air and twisted in the direction of their front door. A second later he'd faintly catch the sound of a knock himself. The bear looked up to Francis and sighed a bit.

"Are you gonna get the door?" he questioned.

"Yeah yeah wouldn't want his highness to have to get off his precious throne now, would we?" the bunny mumbled as he closed the distance between the living room and the front door of their apartment.

As Francis pulled open the door he'd only manage to let out a surprised eep as he was quickly pounced by a warm blonde furred body. He fell backwards onto the ground and gazed up at the woman sitting on his lap offering her a slightly annoyed expression. Francis had always hated whenever she'd do that, but she was a life long friend so he tried his best not to show his annoyance too much.

"Hey guys!" she offered looking around the apartment. It was a fairly nice place with a freshly vacuumed white carpet which she figured must have been Francis' work. The walls a nice neutral color with a few photos of the bear and the bunny together and right above John's chair was a group photo of the three of them. She wagged her cute little tail behind her as she climbed off of the bunny and moved to stand up on her feet.

"You guys been fighting again?" she questioned rather casually as she worked the wrinkles out of her top. The Pomeranian girl was dressed in a cute black top with some metal band on it, her long blonde hair having some streaks of various colors throughout, and around her neck was a spiked color. Her lower half was fitted into a nice pair of tight jeans which hugged her thick hips and showed off her round little rear a bit.

"Yeah..." Francis mumbled with a sigh, "I can't help it, he just gets under my skin sometimes." the rabbit admitted.

"Oh I know that mouth of yours bunny" the canine replied playfully as she began to play with his ears a bit with him still seated on the floor, "I'm sure you were giving him that classic Francis sass of yours, weren't you?"

"I well...okay maybe" he muttered his deep emerald eyes shifting down towards the floor.

"Well no worries, I'm here to help" she offered patting his head in a patronizing manner before making her way over towards John.

"So big guy..." she began as she hoped up onto the arm of his chair sitting playfully next to him as he turned his focus directly onto her. He was curious what the charming young woman sitting beside him was up to. With her it was a complete toss up between a humiliating prank, or something more series and he always hated having to guess which one it'd be.

"You remember Jody, right?" she asked him.

"You mean your girlfriend?" the bear mumbled out.

"Exactly!" the girl proclaimed

"Kind of, but we only really met that one time, during our double date a few months back. I barely got a chance to really talk to her. Why are you asking?" the bear inquired raising a suspicious brow.

With a charming giggle she rolled her eyes a bit at his skepticism, "Oh no reason really" she began as she gently-leaned back against the chair and stretched out a little, "It's just that Jody is actually a couples therapist" she continued.

At the mention of 'couples therapist' Francis' ears would perk up once again and he was quick to move up onto his feet. He made his away across the room and gazed up at Samantha. He wasn't sure what he was up to, but he was getting the feeling that this was another one of her tricks. Francis had known Sam longer and had a bit more of a nose for these things.

"So what?" the bunny chimed in, "You aren't seriously about to suggest we should go see a therapist are you?" he groaned in frustration, "I know we fight a bit, but it's not that big of a deal. I mean we're doing just fine, couples fight all the time." he argued defensively.

"Oh please, you two bicker every damn day" the canine girl offered her tail swaying behind her, "Besides Jody's a friend right?" she offered, "I promise you won't regret it. You've just got to give it a chance, show up for one session" she pleaded with Francis.

"I..I don-" he started to mutter before John cut him off.

"Okay, but there better not be any funny business. I hate getting caught up in your silly games. I'm still recovering from the last prank of yours" he grumbled out having a very brief flashback to her last prank which send a chill down his spine,

"B..but" Francis mumbled.

"Oh come on Bunny, it's not gonna kill ya, I get tired of having to fight all the time. If Sam thinks her girlfriend can help we should have a little faith" the bear argued.

"Fine, but if we wind up leaving the place multicolored or some crazy shit, it's your fault" he huffed out in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"Great! It's settled then!" the girl offered brightly and fished a little calling card out of her pocket, "Just come here tomorrow night around 9, okay?" she explained before leaving just as suddenly as she'd arrived.

It was fairly late in the evening as they approached the set of apartments. The duo stepped carefully up to the room marked '217' and tapped on the door. The bear was dressed very casually as he'd opted to just throw on a white t-shirt and a pair of loose jeans. Francis, on the other hand, was dressed in a really cute yellow top and a pair of short shorts which hugged that round little ass of his.

They waited rather impatiently for a few moments. The bear grumbling to himself as he hated being kept waiting when Francis' ears would perk to the sound of the lock being fiddled with. Before long the door would swing open and they'd see Jody for the first time in several months.

Jody was a tall and almost intimidating looking doberman pincer. She had a beautiful coat of short dark brown fur. The small peaks they got at her underfur a shade of light brown. Strong eyes were focus on them, though they did have a small hint of light caring about them. She was dressed in a rather formal blue suit top that hugged her chest showing off her cleavage a bit, and her lower half was in a dress skirt as she offered them both a warm smile.

"John, Francis!" she greeted in a friendly tone, "It's been forever. Sam told me the two of you would be stopping by. Please do come in" she offered and stepped to the side her arm gesturing for them to enter. The duo cautiously stepped inside of her apartment.

They were guided into the living room and Francis took the opportunity to steal a peak of the place. The walls were a beautiful coat of white, with various pictures hanging around the place. Some of them were motivational and others were of different works of abstract art. The carpet was soft and looked very expensive. Francis found himself a bit envious of her place and wished they could be in place that looked so well kept and sophisticated.

"Please have a seat, can I get you two a drink?" she offered as she gestured for them to sit on a nearby couch. It was a rather nice looking couch with a nice sway material that fit the aesthetics of the room quite nicely. Directly across from it was a nice chair, which they imagined she'd be sitting in for the duration of their little session.

"Oh no that's alright, I'm not thirsty" Francis offered in reply right away. The bunny not wanting to be rude.

"Yeah, I guess I'll pass too." the bear offered in his own version of politeness.

"Well then I suppose we can go ahead and get started then" she offered and once the two of them found a nice spot to rest on the couch she moved to gently rest her own rear on the chair across from them casually crossing her legs as she leaned forward.

"So Sam tells me the two of you tend to get in a lot of arguments" the doberman began.

Francis glanced gently towards the floor feeling a little embarrassed and ashamed about the way they were constantly at each others throats. He never wanted to be one of those couples who spent all their time arguing, and he'd even been trying to learn to bite his tongue a bit. Something about being with John though seemed to always bring out that sarcastic side of himself, and he couldn't help but throw his sass at the bear.

"Yeah we get in a few arguments" the bear offered, careful with his choice of words to try and downplay the seriousness of it a bit.

"I see..." the doberman began taking note of the guilty body language exhibited by the bunny, "Well can you tell me a bit about your fights?" she inquired, "What kinds of things do you two fight about?"

"Lately it's been chores" the bunny chimed in as he turned his eyes back up towards hers to speak, "I just get a little fed up with doing everything around the house is all" he explained, "He always comes home from work and makes a big mess and then acts like it's my duty to clean up after him." the bunny added.

"I can see how that might be a bit upsetting." the doberman chimed in before turning towards the bear wondering if he'd offer anything.

"Look...I work all day to keep food on the table and give him a place to stay. It's not like I'm doing nothing all the time. I just wish he'd appreciate the hard work I put into caring for him, and understand that I'm usually too beat to worry about cleaning up after myself." the bear grumbled out.

"Hmm.." Jody mused as she leaned a bit more forward.

"Just cause you're always working all the time doesn't mean I have to do everything. You know that I'm pretty busy too. I have a lot of work to do with the organizers and planners at the events. It's important work. Maybe I don't get a paycheck for it like you do, but that doesn't mean you can act like I'm doing nothing" the bunny replied.

"I don't know why you care so much about those stupid events anyways" the bear groaned out, "It's not your job to take care of everyone else like you. They have plenty of other volunteers can't you just let it go?" he inquired.

"See? This is the problem. He doesn't even care about what's important to me." the bunny complained, "I like being there, it makes me feel better about myself, and I know how hard it is to be well you know...I just want to help others"

"Yeah, yeah you've got a golden heart, but that doesn't pay bills or get the house clean" the bear added with a roll of his eyes.

"Interesting..." the doberman chimed in breaking their concentration, "I think I see what's going on here. Will the two of you please just excuse me for a moment?" she asked

"Oh umm...sure I guess" the bear mumbled feeling a bit confused.

"Oh and do play nice while I'm away." she offered with a giggle.

Francis and John watched curiously as she stood up and began to walk down a hall and towards the back of one of the rooms. They were both equally curious about just where it was that she had disappeared off to, and more curious about why she'd felt the need to run off the way that she had.

"I guess we wait then?" the bear mumbled nervously rubbing the back of his head, feeling a little awkward having her walk out like that.

"Y..yeah I guess" the bunny chimed in softly rubbing his arm

"Hopefully she won't take too long. I mean we don't have all night or anything"

"Well I'm sure she's just grabbing something really quick. We can be patient" Francis offered with a smile. He was glad that she'd walked out in all honesty. He could tell the two of them were on the edge of getting into yet another fight, and he didn't want to embarrass John by having a shouting match in front of Jody almost as soon as she'd met the two of them.

John didn't say anything, but he was feeling much the same way. There was no desire in his heart to break out into another fight in front of a nearly complete stranger. He knew it would make both of them look bad, and he liked to try and pretend they had it mostly held together so he was happy she'd broken them up.

The wait would be fairly long. For nearly half an hour they were sitting on the couch just wondering where Jody had disappeared off to. It was a little frustrating to say the least, and they hoped she had a good reason for it. At one point the bear made a joke about maybe she'd had to use the bathroom, and the bunny just rolled his eyes in annoyance at the more juvenile sense of humor. Finally though they'd hear her footsteps approaching

As she stepped into the room they both stopped dead and went completely silent. For a few minutes the duo gawked up at her and her new apparel. She was now dressed in a black leather corset which hugged her ample chest size, a peak of her more lewd bits showing as she had on no panties. Her legs only covered by a garter belt and a pair of cute white stockings. The two were completely baffled, especially given that she was caressing a riding crop in her hands.

"Alright so Sam wasn't totally honest with you as I'm sure you've guessed" Jody explained, her voice taking on a less sweet and more aggressive tone, "I'm not really a couple's counselor but I am really good at what I do"

"And what's that?" the bunny chimed in.

"Zip it bunny, I don't respond to a boy who speaks out of turn" she spoke in a very dominant tone making him tense up a bit before her focus turned towards the bear.

"Sam's been telling me all about you and your plaything during our private sessions" she began to explain, "and we both decided that the problem in your relationship is that a certain bear isn't putting his foot down, and a certain bunny doesn't know how to behave himself. Which is why I'm gonna teach you all about my craft" the doberman explained.

"What craft is that?" the bear questioned.

"That's an excellent question." she began, "I'm a dominatrix, a very good one at that, and I'm going to teach you how to keep your pet under control so that you won't have to deal with all that naughty behavior from him." she continued. It hadn't escaped the notice of either of them that she didn't snap at John in the same way she had with Francis.

"This is stupid" the bear grumbled out, "Sam has pulled many pranks on us before, but this one is by far the most messed up. When I see her again I'm gonna have some serious words for her" he offered in irritation.

"Yeah, I can't believe she'd set us up like this!" Francis chimed in, "and I'd definitely appreciate it if you'd stop talking about me like I'm just some kind of toy" the bunny directed right at her.

"Oh?" she questioned, "Why's that? You think that you aren't?"

"Of course I'm not, I'm a person not a pet or a plaything" he offered defiantly feeling a fluster of anger building up at the way she was talking down to him.

"Well you're definitely not too well trained, a very disobedient and bad little boy" she offered, "but I could fix that in a single night" she offered her tail swishing behind her.

"Oh you really think so?" he offered standing up his chest puffing out a bit, though given his more feminine figure he was hardly too intimidating.

"I don't think, I know bunny" she explained, "Seems you've been allowed to run amok and be very disobedient, but I can fix you"

"I would just love to see you try lady"

"Is that a challenge?" she questioned, though in all honestly she'd been guiding the conversation this direction the whole way through.

"Hey Francis...maybe you shouldn't. I think she's just goading you on here" he spoke.

"Yeah yeah whatever...this bitch needs to learn some manners" Francis offered.

"I take it, you'd like to test your luck then?" she suggested, "I bet you couldn't make it through a single night of my training. I'd have you a completely broken slut ready to take any order given to you without question"

"Oh you're so on lady" the bunny replied, "So come on do your worst."

"Alright then, I think you need a proper punishment anyways" she suggested with a confident smirk on her lips which only irritated Francis even more than he already was.

"You should pay attention John" she spoke as she looked over towards him, "I'm not just training your bunny, I'm gonna be teaching you a thing or two as well" she explained

"Teaching me a what?" he mumbled feeling a little off balance and confused about what was happening.

"Well he doesn't belong to me, he's yours" she began, "So I'm only here to help you break him and then I'm gonna hand the reigns over to you and you'll have to learn how to keep him in his place"

"B..but I mean he's my boyfriend, not a plaything" John protested.

"Oh I think you'll both see things my way once the night ends" she spoke confidently.

"Yeah I'm sure we will" Francis chimed in.

"Alright then. Let's get started with our session, shall we?" the doberman offered rather casually. She bent down over the chair and fished out a bag and pulled out a bit of rope from it as well as a ball gag before sitting it casually aside, "The first lesson is going to be about how to properly subdue a submissive when he's not being compliant." she told John.

"T..this seems like a bad idea" John offered back

Ignoring the bear the doberman turned her focus to Francis, "Alright bunny, are you gonna be a good boy and just let me do as I please with you?" she questioned.

"No way in hell" he offered angrily.

"That's what I had hoped you'd say, I find it fun to punish bad pets" she explained as he tail swished back and forth, "Tell you what, I'll even give you the first move. You can try to run, but I assure you I'll catch you. You can try to fight, but I assure you I'll win. You can also just promise to be good and beg for my forgiveness maybe kiss my foot even to show you mean it."

"Fuck you!" he shouted as he lunged right for her. He wasn't about to be talked down to by her. It was infuriating that she was so willing to just treat him this way and show him no respect. He deserved to be respected, and he wasn't about to let her get away with it. His legs pushing him towards her as he planned to show her that he wasn't so easy to push around.

"Fight it is then" she mused casually. As he lunged towards her she casually moved to the side and pulled her leg out tripping him. He stumbled and rolled across her floor until he collided with the wall behind him. It hurt a bit, but he pulled himself back up and went at her a second time.

This time he swung his fist right at her face. She took a small step back avoiding the thrown punch and moved her own hand firmly into his stomach causing him to lose his footing a bit as she quickly moved down and swept under his feet causing him to fall on his back. From this new position she just stared coldly down at him.

"Ready to give up?" she questioned.

"Like hell I am!" he insisted as he rolled over and pulled himself back up to his feet.

Again he came at her trying to just get a hand on her. She was gracefully avoiding everything he had to throw at her. With minimal effort she avoided each every strike of his. Once she was confident that he'd worn himself out enough she quickly and suddenly pounced on him. Her body collided into his own as he was pushed off his feet and loudly crashed into the floor landing on his back.

Wasting little time she flipped the disoriented bunny around and grasped his arms. He was squirming and struggling against her as she pulled his wrists together and began to work the rope from before around them tying a rather professional knot which kept his wrists locked in place behind his back. He pulled and tugged a bit trying to break free as she pulled him up to his feet.

"See? It's not too hard, you've just got to keep a calm mind and stay in control of the situation. You're a pretty big guy, and I know you can easily keep this little weakling under your thumb and proper" she offered.

John had been watching the entire series of events. He felt bad for his boyfriend watching him get his ass handed to him that way, but he had to admire Jody. She was clearly strong and graceful as well. It wasn't even a real effort for her to maintain control over the bunny. The bear found he appreciated that in a way.

"Yeah, but I still don't think I should..." he admitted being very hesitant.

"Gah! Fucking bitch let me go!" Francis demanded wiggling and squirming around trying to break free of the bindings on his arms which seemed to not want to give way at all for him. Despite his best effort he couldn't get himself free. He was far too worn out from their fight and before long he was left panting on the floor.

"It's okay." she assured John ignoring Francis for the time being keeping a foot planted on his back so he didn't run off anywhere, "It's perfectly normal to feel apprehensive at first. This is a bit unusual after all." she offered, "I can tell by the stories Sam's told and the way you both behave though that this is just what you need and I think you should just give me a chance to show you"

"Oh come on John isn't gonna listen to some crazy bitch like you" the bunny insisted.

"Sam thinks this is a good idea?" the bear questioned, "Well I mean Francis has always trusted her"

"Hey! What the heck, don't go getting ideas!" the bunny insisted.

"She's a good girl. Has quite the eye for these things too. She can tell when someone is perfect for a certain role. I'm glad I managed to find her myself, she's been a great pet and a real asset" the doberman explained.

"Okay okay...Francis made the bet with you so I guess I can play along" the bear muttered.

"Hey man! You can't just MPHPM!" the bunny started to offer in protest before the doberman quickly dropped herself down to sit on his back as she took the ball gag from before and placed it into his mouth locking it around the back of his head leaving him completely unable to speak beyond a few muffled shouts and cries.

"Finally" she groaned out, "I don't know how you put up with such a dirty mouth all day" the doberman offered with an irritated sound, "Is he always like this?"

"Yeah...he can be a bit fiery at times" the bear explained.

"He just has a lot of youthful energy" she mused, "He's been using it all up on being a foul mouthed naughty boy, but after tonight I'm gonna teach you a better way to channel all that fire in him so the two of you will have less arguments and much better orgasms" she offered almost like a sale's pitch.

"Well then go ahead and show me" the bear poke his eyes moving towards the wriggling mass of bunny that was letting out defiant muffled cries of displeasure underneath the woman.

"Time to begin the next lesson: Punishment." she spoke with a devious smirk.

Francis tensed up a bit his ears perking up once more as the word 'punishment' rolled off her tongue. It wasn't clear exactly what that meant, but he wasn't too eager to find out. The boy began to wiggle and squirm around underneath of her, fighting more frantically than before, "Mphmp!" he groaned out into the gag a bit of drool starting to drip down his chin as his tongue was pressed up against the gag trying desperately to push it out of his mouth.

"He's a bit of a fighter, huh?" the doberman offered with a bit of a chuckle, "We'll get him behaving soon enough though" she offered as she moved back up to her feet and grasped him by the rope binding his arms together. Pulling him along with her she moved to sit on the chair and gave him a firm tug causing him to tumble over into her lap.

"Mphphm" he groaned out once again unable to offer much more than those muffled out sounds of discomfort. In that moment the doberman gently traced a fingertip along his neck moving slowly downward. She explored down the length of his back sending a chill up his spine before gently she started to make little circles with her finger over his round little ass, "It never hurts to inspect the goods a bit, and you've got yourself a fine one here" she offered to John who was still just watching feeling a little uncomfortable.

"T..thank you?" he questioned unsure of how he was supposed to respond.

"He's got a nice ass, some curvy hips, and a slender frame. I bet his face would even be cute if he wasn't always running that dirty mouth of his. We'll just have to see" she offered sweetly enough as she groped his rear a bit making the bunny whimper.

"Punishment is really really important" she explained, "If your submissive isn't behaving like they should it's important that you punish them properly and fairly." she explained, "If you punish them too harshly for small offenses than you're not taking very good care of them, but if you punish them too lightly they'll never learn to behave" she explained, "Fortunately today, I can see that Francis here has been a very very bad submissive and I won't have to hold back tonight." she added with a smirk.

Without much hesitation at all she hooked her fingers into those short shorts of his and firmly tugged on them until they were forced all the way down around his ankles making him wiggle and squirm about even more frantically. The doberman then grasped his boxers down the same as she felt his sheath rubbing against her leg a bit from the way he was draped over her lap.

"Not much of a man after all, are you?" she questioned commenting on the size of the bunny which made him scream out what she guessed was profanities through the gag which made them come out as muffled little screams of gibberish.

"Don't you think that's a little below the belt?" John chimed in feeling confused and a bit concerned.

"Just relax, I'm a professional. I have a good sense of what a sub really wants underneath it all" she explained to him, "He may act all high and mighty and even fight me a bit, but he's been craving this for a long time" she continued, "But we'll get to that later, right now we're not on that lesson" she explained, "This is all about punishment and we've yet to begin."

John watched curiously as with her right hand she applied pressure to the middle of Francis' back to keep him unable to wiggle himself free of her. His eyes watching as the bunny tugged at the bindings on his arm. He happened to notice her left hand had dipped into the bag from before and was rustling around, he could hear the sounds of various things being shuffled about before finally she pulled out a rather thick looking butt plug. John tensed up himself a bit as he had a good idea of what that was for.

"W..whoa...isn't that a lil big?" he questioned.

"What this?" she asked looking it over. It wasn't too long, but it was a few inches thick and widened even more at the base in order to help it lock in place once inserted, "This is the training wheels one" she offered with a chuckle, "Relax, he can take it, in fact I'm sure you'll be buying ones twice this size after a week or two" she added with a smirk.

"I..I don't know about that" the bear muttered.

"It's okay, you'll see" she offered casually before turning her focus on the bunny.

"You've been a very bad boy" she told him sternly, "Normally a new trainee would get some lube first" she explained, "But as bad as you've been, you don't deserve that consideration" she told him as she pressed the tip of the plug right against his tight hole making the bunny tense up and thrash about more.

"Keep still!" she insisted sternly and brought her free hand down firmly against his soft round ass. The swat was sharp and the impact sounded all around the room. John watched his boyfriend's cheek jiggle and bounce under her palm from the rough swat of his backside. Suddenly he was starting to feel a little warm himself.

Francis tensed up feeling that firm swat to his rear. That sting vibrated up his body making him whimper into the gag a bit as she began to settled down a bit. He could still feel the tip of the toy threatening to enter him as she shivered and whined out his concerns into the gag making more muffled sounds of discomfort.

"There we go, now I can properly punish you" she explained. With one rough push forward she forced the entire bug plug right up his tight hole. That thick material stretching out his backdoor forcing the size of the plug around his inner walls as they clamped down and squeezed on the material. The boy crying out a loud sound of pain into the gag as he wiggled his rear around a bit. Sam casually gave a few firm pushes to the toy to make sure it was locked into place and smirked a bit seeing that plug inside of him, "Much better, a sub like you should never go too long without something inside of him. It's just not right" she mused playfully.

"So that's how you umm..punish?" the bear questioned seeing the display unfold to which he heard her laugh a bit.

"Oh no no no" she mused, "This was just setting everything up. We're gonna start the punishment now" she explained as she fetched the riding crop from the floor having dropped it during their scuffle earlier.

"It's very important to find something that fits your submissive for punishment" she explained casually as she traced the end of the crop against his soft rear, "You want something that makes them a little uncomfortable, but not something that will take things too far. Some doms get carried away when they first start out and accidentally hurt their submissive. You should be very careful to avoid that and always try and have a safe word so your sub can let you know if you've gone too far especially at first. For Francis here, I don't think we need one" she continued, "After all he did bet me that I couldn't break him, and as far as I'm concerned he gave me permission to use my full arsenal, but I do hope that after tonight the two you make sure and have a long and serious talk about this if you choose to take this up yourselves" she continued, "Don't just jump into the deep end because in this line of play communication is very important, and you don't always have the opportunity to talk" she spoke motioning towards the bunny still offering muffled cries into the gag.

"Oh well I'll keep that in mind" the bear managed to blurt out trying to soak up everything she was saying.

"Good, now lets get to punishing, shall we?" she questioned to which the bear nodded.

She raised up the riding crop high into the air, John just watching, the bunny underneath squirming a bit in anticipation watching out of the corner of his eye. She brought it down heavily, but right before it touched his rear she stopped, "No...I don't think I should be using this yet" she mused as she casually tossed it aside, "I think this will be more fun for all of us if I spank you like I were a parent and you were a misbehaving child" she offered with a smirk, "It's more humiliating that way"

Again she raised her arm up high into the air. The woman's palm open fully as she brought it down firmly smacking against his right cheek. The bear could hear the impact and listened to the muffled cry from Francis as the boy's cheek vibrated against the doberman's palm. Wasting not time she brought her hand up once more and slammed it down against his right cheek following her first strike and again made firm contact with his ass.

"Such a bad boy. You need to learn to respect those above you." she scolded treating him like a little kid as she brought that palm up again and once more firmly struck his right cheek. She was very sure to keep striking the same spot, watching a his cheek began to turn red and swell up a bit though it did little to encourage her to to stop.

For a few minutes she'd continue this action. Her arm would raise and she'd bring it right down on his cheek. She would revel in the sound of his muffled cries as she struck that same spot again and again and again. It was starting to really sting for the bunny, but that only egged her own as she picked up the pace smacking harder and faster with every single new strike.

The bear was starting to feel a bit warm all of the sudden. His eyes glued to the show being played out for him. His boyfriend draped over this woman's knee as she continued to slap his rear over and over. He could hear those muffled cries and listened to the sound of every slap. His eyes watching that perfect little ass shake and bounce and jiggle around for his viewing pleasure.

He couldn't deny that the show was starting to have its effect on him. His pants were starting to tent a bit as every sound reached his ears. He was even idly rubbing his palm against his crotch a bit as he got more and more lost in the display. The sight of his boyfriend being abused by this woman he'd only met once before was really starting to heat him up and he couldn't resist taking in the sight of it all.

"You have been such a bad boy, always back talking your master" she scolded as she struck his right cheek one last time, "You will learn your place, you will behave better, and most importantly you will do whatever you're told without question and apologize for all the ways you've misbehaved" she scolded.

"mphmph" the bunny grumbled out angrily into the gag. The doberman smirked as he squirmed and wiggled around. His right cheek was completely red and swollen at this point. He was feeling pain coursing all through him as he struggled to get a grip on himself and fought against the pain in order to continue defying her.

"Here I was hoping that you'd learn" she sighed, "I guess we can't quite take the gag off yet, can we?" she mused as she suddenly began to firmly grope and squeeze his swollen cheek making him whine out a muffled sound of pain before she pulled her hand away.

"I think the asymmetry doesn't do you much justice, let's see if we can't get your left cheek to match more properly" she mused to which the bunny tensed up further.

She brought that hand up once again and began to bring it down strongly into his left cheek. He let out a little whimper of pain as he felt the impact striking his left cheek this time. The strong sensation rocking through his body as he was draped over her knees being spanked like a child. He was squirming and resisting as best he could, but every new slap against his cheek brought out a new sound of pain.

Francis turned his eyes towards John and whimpered a bit. He could see the bear idly rubbing at his own crotch as he watched the show play out. The bunny squirming a bit as he felt another smack and then another. Each one building on the pain of the last as he screamed out into the gag. His left cheek starting to turn a bright shade of red in order to match his right.

He felt completely embarrassed and humiliated. She was absolutely right, he found himself wishing she'd used the crop, being spanked by hand while draped over her lap was making him feel like a child. Her words and how she spoke them to him like a stern parent were doing little to help the situation as his cheek started to flush a bit. With the situation only growing worse and worse he suddenly felt himself heating up with every slap.

The bunny's sheath began to stir a bit and his hips were pushed forward with every firm slap. He could hear her still talking down to him which only made it worse. Occasionally, she would give some kind of educational talk to the bear which had the bunny feeling like he was some kind of lewd display and less like the bear's boyfriend. He whimpered at the thought, but it only turned him on even more.

Sam's attention suddenly was taken from her as she felt something rubbing against her leg. She glanced down and formed a devious smirk, "Oh look at that, I didn't even notice it right away" she mused as she moved a hand down to poke his cock making the boy tense up a bit, "What a naughty little slut you are, do you enjoy being punished?" she questioned, "Sure seems that way, you're little kiddie cock is all stiff now. No wonder you like men, seeing that thing you couldn't get a girl even if you wanted one, it's way too little to satisfy" she told him which only seemed to turn his cheeks red an make his ears go flat as a bit of pre dripped down his small cock.

The bear was about to chime in again, but decided to bite his tongue and watch. He couldn't help, but notice that Francis seemed to be turned on as well. Despite his protests the bear could clearly see that Francis was really into what was being done to him, and that made the bear feel a little more at ease, though he was still being a bit careful in case things went too far.

"Such a cute little that's not right" she spoke looking at him as she ran her fingers up the length of his shaft making his hips buck a bit, "I think it's more like a clit, too small to be a proper cock" she told the bunny making his face burn red with shame, "From now on I'm jut gonna call this your little clit, and when I remove the gag you'll only be allowed to call it that as well" she informed him as she groped his sore rear making him whimper again.

Her attention turned towards the bear for a moment as she once again reached into her bag and fumbled around with a few things. Before long she pulled out two little rings. She tossed one in the bear's direction and he caught it. She took the other and held it up so he could see it more clearly.

"Do you know what these are?" she asked him.

"" the bear admitted thumbing over the one she'd handed him eyeing it over a bit as he was curious what it was for. It looked pretty normal to him.

"These are cock rings" she began to explain as she grabbed Francis by his tail and pulled up causing his hips to raise and his rear to hike up a bit. He muffled out a few weak protests as she did so. Her eyes motioned down towards his cock with was dripping pre wildly at this point from all of the abuse, "These are to make sure your sub behaves themselves and doesn't lose control. Sometimes they get too carried away and can't control themselves. That's why we have these"

With that she took the ring in her fingers and gently brought it to his cock and slid it over the length of his shaft making him whimper as she made sure it was firmly in place and turned towards the bear again, "Now no matter what I do with him, he won't be able to cum." she informed the bear, "It would be a shame if your submissive lost control and started making a mess before he was done serving his dom now wouldn't it?" she teased a bit, "So you just slip one of these on and he won't be able to ruin your fun until you give him permission." she added as bit of a side note.

"Oh so he can't cum now?" the bear inquired raising a curious brow.

"Exactly, see for yourself" she mused as she suddenly grasped his cock and began to furiously stroke him. The bunny was moaning and whining into the gag suddenly his hips bucking hard against her palm as she stroked along his length. His balls were tightening up, but he couldn't quite reach his peak making him offer frustrated sounds of need into the gag before her hand withdrew leaving him whimpering and panting in her lap.

"See?" she asked of the bear who was trying not to focus too much on how turned on the display had just been for him.

"Y..yeah I get the picture" he muttered.

"Silly boy" she spoke turning her focus back to the bunny in her lap, "You think I'd let you cum after how badly you've behaved?" she mused and gently began to grope his sac massaging his balls a bit making him whine and whimper even louder, "No, you'll learn to behave yourself and start listening and then maybe your owner will decide that you can cum" she offered, "For now that, punishment isn't quite done yet" she explained.

"Now your bunny has been an especially bad boy, so he deserves an especially bad punishment" the canine explained to the bear, "I wouldn't advise you use this one in every session, but I get the feeling he won't be too upset with you if you do offer it from time to time" she explained as she spread his legs just a bit and then pulled on his tail some more to rework his position until his balls were hanging freely in the open which made his cheeks flush red.

She pulled her hand back again and this time instead of bring down a firm swat to either of his already red and swollen cheeks she roughly smacked his heavy orbs. The bunny yelped loudly inside of the gag more drool dripping down his chin now. The bear's eyes went wide as he watched this, he hadn't been expecting that. She pulled her hand began to swatted his sac a second time making his hips buck upwards as he muffled out a sound of pain into the gag.

"You're gonna learn to be a good submissive" she informed him as she brought that hand down to swat his sac again, and then again. Each strike making his hips buck over and over. His cock was pulsing with arousal at this point. The ring was stopping him from cumming though it was clear he was already on the edge and would have lost complete control if she hadn't placed the ring on him.

Her assault was far from finished, however, as she brought her hand back down to swat his sac once more. The boy's balls bouncing and shaking around from the impact. The bunny whimpering and whining from the abuse as his hips bucked and rocked against his own will. His body was feeling very hot and he was starting to sweat quite a bit from all the abuse he was enduring in those moments.

The bear was just watching now. His eyes focused on the sight of his boyfriend's cock. He watched those balls bounce and sway with every rough swat. He could see them as they started to turn red and swell up a little bit from the abuse. The bunny's pained sounds filling his ears and the loud slaps from the impact joined to mix. His pants were starting to dampen a bit from his growing arousal as she watched the display.

"I think that's enough for now" she mused and smirked a bit looking down at her work. She moved a hand down to grope and squeeze his red swollen orbs. The bunny winced lightly in pain as she worked her fingers into them. Occasionally she give a bit of a rough squeeze making him whine, but mostly she seemed content just sexually teasing him and letting the soreness give him a bit of pain.

"So that wraps up our lesson in punishment" she explained and turned her focus towards the bear as she moved her hand to the bunny's head and began to rub into his air. Her fingers gently working into the soft fur as she petted him like a common dog or cat, not seeming to pay too much attention to his presence there, "Any questions?"

"Oh well umm..." he mumbled nervously.

"Don't be shy, ask me anything. You're here to learn" she explained with a sweet smile directed at the bear.

"So umm...that wasn't too rough?" he questioned.

"Oh well I wouldn't recommend you are this hard on him for minor offenses" she explained, "This was just to help break him in and train him so that way he'll be more eager to listen to his master" she added.

"O..oh well okay then" he muttered.

"Don't worry, a few good swats to his ass and that cock ring you're holding will be more than enough once we finish with our session. If you like seeing his balls smacked, or he's being extra bad though don't hesitate. He's your submissive so your judgment is all that matters" she explained.

The whole time she'd been gently stroking through Francis' hair a sharp contrast from the rough was she'd been treating him up to that point. Moving her hand, she began to lightly play with his sensitive ears making his hips squirm even more. Before leaning down and whispering gently into them.

"I'm gonna take off this ball gag now" she began, "When I do you're going to be a good little boy, and you're going to stay very quiet" she commanded of him.

Without saying much else she gently worked the gag off of his mouth and pulled it away. She smirked a bit seeing his messy drool all over the ball as she tossed it to the side having no use for it at the moment. The canine turned her focus towards the bunny, who was drawing in a few deep breaths a he was now free to do so. Happily she noted that he was being quiet and not saying anything.

"Such a good bunny!" she praised and stroked his ear a bit more making him squirm, "If you keep this up we'll have you a nice obedient little submissive for your master in no time" she offered warmly which made him whine a bit.

"Now now, don't be like that, I can tell you like this" she spoke as she gently turned his head down to stare at his own throbbing cock, "See? You can't deny that you are getting off on this"

"Okay John" she offered as she turned towards the bear, "Next we begin the process of training your submissive" she explained, "So we'll start simple. An easy command that he should be able to follow without too much resistance" she offered as she petted his head a bit more.

"What command is that?" the bear inquired.

This time she ignored the bear as she was focusing on the bunny while she teased his ears taking a bit of joy knowing that they were so sensitive. She'd have to make sure to relay that to the bear later so he'd know how to get his submissive all riled up with relative ease.