The Tribe - 10

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#10 of The Tribe

The Autumn Equinox is a few days away; Mako is a little homesick and unsure about his relationship with Osso.

This was going to turn out to be longer, but the way it flowed, I thought it would be better to pause here.

Hope everyone enjoys this! I'd really like to know more of what you think :)

Drop a comment and let me know!


It was nearing the Autumn Equinox; only three more days and the Ormus Tribe would begin a wonderful celebration that would last the whole day. Kosh and Zeke would be returning from their hunt any day with several beasts for butcher, Chang and some of the other women in the tribe would be preparing lots of bread and other pastries, and lots of the craftsman in the tribe would be putting up decorations and making sure rituals were ready to be performed.

The changing of seasons was always a big celebration, but the Autumn Equinox was Mako's favorite. Pomegranates, yams, and especially pumpkins were harvested around this time, and the desserts that came from these crops were always exquisite; Chang made a Pomegranate wine that everyone loved, and Mako would finally be old enough to drink with his family and brothers.

"If I weren't traveling hundreds of miles from home," Mako thought sullenly, shifting his bag on his shoulders to try and keep comfortable. There was only a few hours left of light, and any moment they'd be setting up their temporary camp and settling down for the night.

They had just passed two months on the road and Mako was beginning to think that perhaps they'd never find a permanent home. Tarn was at the front of the caravan, probably a mile ahead with some of the other scouts. Mako and Osso were near the back of about four hundred others from the Aurum Tribe. Both were worn out from the long day and the heat from the sun; Osso had it worse with his black skin and short black fur. They'd talked a little during the morning when they started out, but as was with most days, by the time the sun was high in the sky they were too hot and uncomfortable to carry on any conversation.

The land they were traveling through now was just along the outskirts of a large forest, following the path of a sparkling blue river that seemed overburdened with fish. Mako had greatly enjoyed sitting down by the river to fish with Osso before bed, catching fish after fish; tossing them back if too small, keeping the larger to cook. Tarn would sometimes accompany them, but he wasn't much for fishing, and preferred to rest along the banks, letting his feet dangle in the water.

The last few days had mountains appear on the horizon and Chief Ronan seemed hopeful that they'd be nearing the end of their search. Most of the Aurum Tribe was hopeful that the journey would be over, though none seemed to begrudge Ronan the long journey. Mako couldn't help but feel a little sullen, but attributed it more to the fact he had never been on a long journey.

Mako wiped the sweat from his brow and glanced longingly over at the river. It was getting cooler as the days passed, but walking all day still made everyone rather exhausted and glad for the nearby source of water. Mako imagined building a large boat that could sail down the river, letting them all relax as it drifted along. Too impractical, unfortunately; too many people, too much time to build, what if the river didn't go where they wanted. Mako sighed and shook his head; it was a nice thought, though.

A few hours passed and the Tribe had their temporary camp set up, campfires lit everywhere, food cooking, and people walking to and from the nearby river to wash up. Mako helped Osso set up their tent and then tossed his bag inside, yawning wide. "Ready to wash up? Or food first?" Mako asked.

Osso brushed a paw over his large ears and frowned thoughtfully. "A bath first. I'm really hungry, but I prefer being clean when eating,"

Mako nodded in agreement and clapped a paw onto the bat's shoulder, walking through the various tents and fires to get to the river. The otter kept his gaze averted as he and the bat walked down to the edge of the water, discarding their loincloths and slipping in. When he was with the Ormus Tribe, he'd seen everyone naked at one point or another, and had become accustomed to everyone seeing each other in various states of undress. Now, though, he didn't know everyone, and it was still a bit awkward to see strangers naked, or the other way around.

Osso swam out to the middle of the river and back, wings spread so he glided through the water gracefully. "Mmm, this feels so nice after walking," he said, swimming over to the otter and draping winged arms over Mako's shoulders from behind.

Mako closed his eyes and leaned back into the embrace, arms drifting in the water. "Yeah. I hope that, wherever we end up, there's a river nearby so we can do this nightly if we wished,"

"Oh it will," Osso assured, nodding his head and pressing close to the otter's back. "My dad thinks we'll find our home soon, and I believe him."

The otter smiled at that and hugged the bat's arms to his chest, nuzzling against one. "What was your last home like? I never really asked,"

"It was a lot like the temporary camps we set up, really," Osso said, shrugging. "Usually there's about six or seven tents in a circle with its own campfire, and we'll build a canopy above each circle; it helps protect from rain and from getting too hot or too cold," the bat said. "Hmm, we'll also build plenty of storage spaces for excess food and harvest. Oh, and then we'll go about planting crops. Should be a few we can get down before winter, though, from what the Elders were saying, winters won't be as harsh as they were in our last home, so we might be able to grow crops through the winter. Shame, because I enjoyed the snow."

Mako nodded and turned around in the bat's embrace, holding him by the hips. "What about me? Do you know where I'll be staying?" he asked, though he was unsure exactly what he wanted to hear.

Osso shrugged and ran his paws down the otter's back, scratching lightly before resting both paws above the otter's tail. "Hmm, well, you could either take a tent by yourself now that you're old enough, or share a tent with someone else. It's up to you, really,"

The otter nodded; he'd been hoping the bat was going to offer to share a tent, but maybe he misjudged how close they really were. "I've never stayed on my own, so maybe I'll see if Tarn wants to share a tent. Though, he had his own previously, so I doubt it."

Osso rolled his hips forward, pressing himself intimately against the otter. "Well, I'm sure you could find someone who'd love to stay in your tent," he teased.

Mako blushed hotly and looked around, but the nearest others were about fifty feet off, and not paying attention. "Oh? What about you, then?" he asked, taking a chance.

The bat frowned and rubbed his paws over the otter's tail. "I'm already sharing a tent with Kasim. He and I have always been good friends, but I think there might be more there, so we're giving it a shot." Osso beamed brightly, obviously excited at the prospect of living with the painted wild dog.

Mako managed to keep a neutral face, though his stomach twisted in a knot at hearing that. "Oh, well... That's good, then. I'm happy for you," he said, half lying. He could feel the bat's shaft firming against his own as Osso continued grinding his hips forward. "Should we even be... uh, doing this, then?"

"It's just fun," Osso reassured him, pulling the otter against him and grinding more insistently.

Mako couldn't help himself as he gave a light grind back against the bat. It had been a few days since they'd done anything together and the otter felt himself stirring at the bat's attentions. "Well, if you want to head back to the tent-"

"Why bother?" Osso said, cutting the otter off by bringing a paw between them to grab both their shafts and squeeze them together.

The otter gasped in surprise and pulled the bat close, turning them around so he could check for others. "But there's people around here!" he protested.

"So?" Osso said. "What are they going to do? It's a natural enough thing, and we're not disturbing others," he said, stroking back and forth across both of their cocks. "Why, embarrassed? Nothing for you to be embarrassed about, that's for sure." The bat let out a soft growl as he teased a finger under the otter's foreskin.

Mako leaned into the bat and shuddered, his shaft pulsing in the bat's grip and leaking into the water. "But won't some people be upset? Shouldn't we be somewhere private?"

"We're off on our own, it's fine," Osso replied, pressing his muzzle against the otter's neck and giving him a gentle nip. "Trust me, it's fine."

Mako let his head roll to the side for Osso to gently bite at his neck . "Fine, if you insist," he said. The otter grabbed the bat's rear with both paws, humping forward against the bat.

Osso sighed happily and nibbled softly at the otter's exposed neck, teasing his fingers across the otter's shaft for a few more seconds before pulling away and turning around. "Mmm, I want you," he whispered.

Mako hugged the bat back against his chest and gave a few nips of his own to the black-furred neck, his cock nestled up between the bat's cheeks. "Really? You never let me top," he teased, grinding his hips upwards and pressing the head of his cock into the bat's passage.

Osso let out a grunt of discomfort and did his best to relax, though water was a poor lubricant. "Yeah, well, you're really really good at being on bottom... who can resist your tail?" he said, glancing back over his shoulder and grinning wide.

Mako's face flushed with equal parts embarrassment and pride and he glanced around to make sure no one was looking before he tightened his grip on Osso's hips and pushed forward the rest of the way.

The bat let out a pained cry, squeezing down on the intruder. His paws moved behind him to grab the otter's thighs and hold him steady, panting openly. "Ooh, hey, that hurt," the bat grumbled, trying not to chuckle.

"Maybe if you let me top more you'd be used to it," Mako growled playfully, flexing his shaft inside the bat and drawing a whimper from him.

"Fiiine, I'll let you," the bat pouted, wiggling his rear back and shivering as he felt the shaft shifting inside. "You could have just asked," he said with a chuckle.

Mako held the bat's hips and drew backwards until he nearly slipped out before he drove himself back in. Already he was leaking, making it easier to thrust back and forth despite being in the water. He could hear Osso making soft whimpering noises each time he thrust forward, but knew they were for show. Mako reached further around to grab the bat's shaft, finding it hard as a rock which only spurred him on further.

There was no need for more small talk or banter as Mako humped back and forth, muzzle pressed into Osso's neck to nibble and suck. Osso's paws had moved up behind his head, holding onto the otter's as his hips jerked and twitched. The bat was squeezing down on the length inside him and bit his lip to keep from making too much noise. Mako's hands were unsteady while trying to stroke over the bat's length, unable to split his concentration enough to do more than tug back and forth over the bat's foreskin as he thrust.

Mako was getting close; his thrusts gained power and he was breathing heavier against Osso's neck. The water kept him from picking up much speed, but he plowed forward and ground himself deep into the bat. He'd long forgot that they were in the middle of the river, mostly in plain sight of anyone who cared to look. Osso's body was shaking as Mako thrust in against his inner spots and the bat's cock throbbed dully in the otter's paw, nearly forgotten. The otter grit his teeth and tried to hold back as his hips twitched, but he was past the point where he could stop. Mako bit down on the bat's shoulder, giving a few short, hard thrusts as his cock shot hard inside the black bat.

Osso groaned happily and let his head roll to the side, biting his lip to stifle a moan at the rough bite. He squeezed down on the shaft inside him and brushed the otter's paw away from his cock so he could stroke and squeeze himself. It didn't take long before he let out his own soft cry of pleasure and he came into the water, murky strands of cum drifting away before completely gone.

The bat went limp against the otter and sighed happily. "Mmm, maybe we should be doing that more,"

Mako nuzzled against the spot where he'd bitten down and chuckled tiredly. "I'm fine with trading off now and then if you are," he teased.

"Oi!" a voice called from the shore, not more than twenty feet behind them. Kasim was sitting on the shore, legs dangling in the water. His cock was hard, knotted, and his paws were wet as if they'd just been washed off. "Are you two done? I'm hungry," he said.

Mako blushed deeply and pulled away from the bat, his cock still half-hard. "Oh, uh, we-"

"You pervert. How long were you there?" Osso asked, swimming over to the shore and batting some water at the wild dog as he laughed.

"Long enough. Come on, let's get food," Kasim said, offering the bat a paw and pulling him out of the water.

Mako swam over to the side and took the proffered paw, nodding his head in thanks. "I... didn't know anyone was watching," he said sheepishly, looking around for his loincloth and trying to hide his softening shaft.

Osso was holding both their cloths and grinning wide, his cock still hard as he stood there, unabashed. "I've got it here," he said, holding it up and out of the way. "You don't need it. Come on, food."

"Yeah, food. And don't worry, only a couple of us were watching," the dog said, winking at the otter and giving his shrinking cock another squeeze before grabbing his clothes from the ground.

Mako felt the heat creeping up on his face again and was about to make a joke about the situation, but then Osso stood up on his toes to give Kasim a soft kiss, and his voice caught in his throat. Neither of them noticed his reaction, and the otter remained behind the couple as they made their way back to camp to get something to eat before sleep.