Chapter 41: Goodnight Sweet Princess

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#41 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 41: Goodnight Sweet Princess

When they awoke the next morning, it was to find that their miserable little shack had blown down. Rain lashed hard at them, slicing into their fur, slapping their manes into their eyes. They scrambled to grab everything as the wind carried it away. Poor Inden had been blasted by the ashes from the fire when the wind howled against it, and he was spitting up ash and blinking it from his long lashes as he helped the others to grab everything. They managed mostly to rescue their bags of food and tools. The sleeping furs were lost: they went tumbling away down the beach toward the water, and when Wynn tried to go after them, Kilyan grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"Let it go!" he shouted to his daughter over the wind, and gathering Wynn to his chest, he led the others at a slow stagger into the trees.

The wind kept up its merciless howling and it battered the trees until leaves were swirling in the gust. But the deeper they traveled into the forest, the less strong the wind.

When they came at last to a tangle of trees so thick the wind could hardly reach inside, they rested. Breathless, their chest heaving, the group dropped what items they had salvaged. Kilyan set Wynn on her feet and lifted her chin to examine her face. Tears were staining her cheeks from the sand that had blown in her eyes, but aside from that, she was fine and even smiled for her father's benefit. Kilyan saw Avi sink to her knees and drag her sand-coated mane back from her weary eyes. Inden was standing but bent over, his paws on his knees as he spit up more ash and panted to catch his breath.

"Where are we, Inden?" Kilyan asked the prince. He was worried all over again: the crossbows had been buried by the sweeping sand and they hadn't been able to save them. They were in the middle of a strange forest, armless, alone. They were the perfect victims.

Still gulping to catch his breath, Inden looked up and said in his guttural voice, "This forest belongs to a . . . how do you say? It belongs to a witch --"

"A sorceress?" said Kilyan sharply, his entire body tense.

Inden looked confused. "Sor . . . cer . . .?"

"Yes, he means a sorceress," confirmed Wynn, gazing up at her father. "It's just, they don't call them sorceresses here. They call them witches in this land."

Kilyan was suddenly grateful that his daughter had spent so much time with Inden (more time than Wynn seemed to suspect he realized). He nodded at his daughter, and his green eyes snapped back on Inden. "Well? Is she good? Is she bad? Does she eat pups on wheat?"

Inden straightened up and closed his eyes with a boyish laugh. "No, sir, Nontikmah is good -- but only to those who are good to her."

Kilyan started to ask what that meant, but changed his mind: as long as this Nontikmah didn't try to murder them all in their sleep, he didn't care. "Then we'll stay here tonight," he said to the others, "at least until we figure something out . . ."

As the wind whistled through the trees, they set up camp. They gathered withered leaves into a pile, along with what fallen flowers they could find in order to add some softness, and packing these together, they made one thick nest for them all to sleep on. Kilyan watched in amusement as Avi showed their daughter an old trick used by their ancestors: on paws and knees, Avi turned around and around in the crackling nest until it was a soft, smooth mound. Wynn giggled, her mother looked so silly, but she exclaimed her amazement when she knelt on the nest and found it as comfortable as a real mattress in a bed of sleeping furs! They snuggled together on this nest -- Kilyan and Inden on the outside, the females between them -- and they went to sleep.

Well . . . Kilyan didn't.

He pretended to sleep, anyway, in an attempt to make Wynn believe that everything was all right, that her father had the situation under control. But things had never been so out of Kilyan's paws, and still deeply troubled, his eyes snapped open in the darkness. Night had fallen before Kilyan quit his charade. A stream of moonlight reached down into the trees, casting a web of shadows over all. Kilyan could see his family sleeping so peacefully: Inden with his arm thrown lovingly over Wynn, Wynn smiling in her sleep as she snuggled against her mother, and Avi breathing quietly as she held her daughter. He smiled on the scene and wondered how his family was in the summer village. Lea would have pulled out Roan's old cradle and would have been sewing little things for the new pup: new swaddling cloths and bibs and blankets, a carrier so she could carry it on her back in the fields as she looked after the family goats. And his Ohana would be happily helping her, joking about the increasing size of Lea's breasts and how she couldn't wait to suck them. Thinking of his wives, Kilyan sat up with a little laugh. And his boys. They were surely in the care of his father and Zaldon. He didn't have to worry about them: big Zane would protect Roan and Yuri until his last breath. And Zaldon was very powerful, even if he wasn't as powerful as ten years ago. Yes, everything would be fine. If only he could get back home.

Resting his elbows on his knees, Kilyan sighed. He went very still when he heard the sound of music. It was the serene sound of what was unmistakably a reed pipe. The sweet melody drifted through the trees and curled against his ears, hungrily beckoning and even . . . seductive . . . in tone. Kilyan sat very still, listening, his ears pricked forward.

The music continued, and suddenly very curious in spite of himself, Kilyan rose and followed the sound. What was he doing? He was leaving the others behind unprotected! But the music pulled him on, and his feet kept moving forward almost as if he'd lost complete control of them. He ducked under reaching branches, stepped over logs, his eyes darting through the gloom for the source of this sweet, this enticing melody. It grew stronger, more urgent, and Kilyan heeded its call, moving even faster through the trees. A veil of flowers suddenly blocked his path, and pushing it aside, he found himself at a small clearing. Moonlight spilled strong upon the grass and the circle of encroaching trees, coloring everything a mystical blue and white. And standing in the center of the grass, slender and pale and beautiful, was a female.

Kilyan halted. She was white and glowing and irresistibly gorgeous. Her dark blue eyes were slanted in her face with a hungry sort of mischief, and her white mane splashed around her in the wind, streaming across her playfully fluttering eyes. In her fingers was the reed pipe, the sweet sound of which had brought Kilyan to this place, and as she played on the instrument, her generous bosom trembled with each note. Oh, she was breathtaking. But one horribly strange thing about her brought Kilyan to his senses at once: she had not one, but six fluffy white tails. They waved back and forth behind her, a constant and flirtatious fan. She swung her hips to the side, and tilting her head down, she gestured with the reed pipe for Kilyan to come.

Kilyan took a few steps into the clearing, drawn by the scent of her. It was a strange scent, though delicious, and he suddenly noticed that her muzzle wasn't very long. It was a little too short, and her features were small and sharp but becoming all the same. She wore a crown of flowers in her billowing mane, and bracelets of the same pink blossoms were on her dainty wrists and ankles. Her big, white bosom trembled with her slightest movement, and when Kilyan came to a halt in front of her, he gazed down at them and their jutting pink nipples with a quiet hunger.

She seemed pleased by his staring and put her slender arms around his neck. "Kilyan," she whispered up to him, perching her lips in a silent kiss. "Beautiful Kilyan . . . strong Kilyan."

Her paw closed around his cock as she spoke, and he felt it stiffen from her touch, hard and strong. But he took her arms from his neck and said with a little smile, "Nontikmah, I presume."

Nontikmah folded her arms and pouted, those six tails flashing back and forth behind her. She was so small, so slender beside Kilyan. He thought to himself that he could have lifted her easily and folded her into any position on his cock.

"Who told you about me?" she demanded. Kilyan watched her switch some feet away from him, and he felt his cock twitch a little in its silent craving. He loved the way her ass cheeks flexed when her hips swayed, and the way her breasts jiggled . . . Kilyan averted his eyes, even turned his back. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of his wives, but that didn't make his hard-on go down. He groaned miserably when he felt the press of Nontikmah's big breasts on his back, then that slender paw closed again around his cock.

"What are you doing here? In my forest?" Nontikmah whispered, her voice almost a purr. "You know . . . there's a price for passing under these trees."

When she gave his cock a light squeeze, Kilyan said with a little smile, "And what price would that be, I wonder?"

Nontikmah laughed against his shoulder, but she fell silent when a sudden crashing in the underbrush proceeded Avi, who came bursting from the trees with Wynn and Inden right behind. Avi didn't hesitate: her dark eyes fixed in silent indignation on Nontikmah, then she took a halting step forward and backslapped her. Nontikmah fell to the grass with a little scream. Wynn and Inden cried out in shock at the jealous rage of Avi. Nontikmah was shocked too: Kilyan turned to see her resting back on her elbow in the grass, her mouth hanging open, and one shaking paw on her cheek, which was glowing red with the shape of Avi's paw.

It was true Nontikmah had tried to seduce him, but the little witch was so small and fragile, and Avi had the super strength of the shemale -- she could have really hurt her!

When Kilyan gave Avi a scolding look, she barked, "Shut up, Kilyan! Nontikmah keep her paws off Kilyan, or Nontikmah have her eyes scratched out."

Ignoring Avi's heaving breasts, Kilyan knelt and helped Nontikmah to stand. She was all aflutter now and in trembling fear of Avi: her blue eyes kept darting fearfully to Avi's dark expression, and her slender paws shook as they brushed her body off here and there absently.

"This is my forest," Nontikmah said, lifting her chin defiantly. "And you must pay the price to say here -- or perish!" She suddenly drew her paw back and hurled it at Avi. Avi leapt back just in time: a ball of fire had erupted at her feet. Kilyan stamped the fire out, begging the two of them to stop it.

"Stop it!" Avi repeated incredulously. "She dangerous witch, try to seduce Kilyan!"

"And you almost broke my neck, you beastly little heathen!" Nontikmah snarled back.

Avi let loose a shrill warrior scream that held them all momentarily paralyzed. She lunged without hesitating, her fangs flashing and her eyes alight with a blood thirst that made Nontikmah shrink behind Kilyan. The little witch dodged Avi's swiping paws, using Kilyan's tall body for a shield as she swiped back. White lights shot from her fingers. One blast almost caught Avi's ear but just missed. The shemale queen gave another fierce warrior scream, Nontikmah shrilled out more insults, and they were lunging at each other when Kilyan held out his arms.

"Hey," shouted Kilyan, his body jolting around as the other two pressed themselves against him, "there's no reason for all this fighting! We'll pay the price or we'll leave --"

He swallowed hard: their tits were flapping against him and it was all he could do to keep from coming. He was glad when the females eventually gave up trying to get at each other. Avi stood there panting and glaring, her little paws balled into fists. Nontikmah pushed herself from Kilyan's strong arm with a haughty toss of her mane.

"Why are you here?" the witch demanded again. Her gaze drifted to the children and she gave a crooked smile. They saw her strut slowly past Inden, her hips swaying, her breasts riding high, and when she curled the tip of one of her tails under Inden's chin, the prince looked after her with a helpless sort of admiration.

Kilyan smacked Nontikmah's tail away from Inden: had he himself looked so mindlessly doting?

"We're here," Kilyan explained with a warning glare, "because we're stranded. Our boat was destroyed and we can't get back to our home across the sea. But if you don't want us here, we'll gladly move on." Kilyan turned to the group, and with open arms, he guided them away, but Nontikmah called, "Not so fast!"

Kilyan turned. Nontikmah was standing with her paws on her hips. She smiled at Kilyan, and bending one leg, she thrust out her ass and cupped her own breasts, letting her head fall back as she tweaked the nipples.

Avi covered Inden and Wynn's amazed eyes with a glower.

"You may all stay -- hell, I'll even help you get back home. But . . . the price . . ." Nontikmah moved close to Kilyan, and slipping her paws over his buttocks, she squeezed them and whispered, "Is you."

"No!" Avi growled at once. Marching toward Nontikmah, she shoved her off, and when Kilyan stared at the witch's bouncing tits, she unfolded her wings in his face with a jerk. "Kilyan is not for sale! We leave now, and Nontikmah will not follow!"

Her fists trembling at her sides, Avi turned on her heel, but Nontikmah only smirked when Kilyan suddenly grabbed Avi's arm.

"Kilyan!" Avi growled in amazement. "You're not sleeping with her!"

"If it will get us home, I'll fuck her ear!" Kilyan snarled back.

They stood there arguing in low hissing whispers as Nontikmah looked on with the same triumphant smirk and the pups stood gazing at them, worried and confused. Avi finally shouted a string of furious words in the shemale tongue, and Kilyan was smiling when she poked him sharply in the chest. He cupped her face, leaned down close, and kissed her. When he pulled back, he whispered something in Avi's ear that no one else could hear. Avi seemed to relent after this: her lips twisted in a reluctant smile and she playfully pushed Kilyan's face away. Kilyan was reminded so much of Ohana in that moment that he almost laughed.

"Fine," Avi said at last, turning to face a triumphant Nontikmah. "Nontikmah may have Kilyan tonight, but she help us all get home in return! If witch tries anything funny, Avi have no problem breaking pretty neck!" And to demonstrate, Avi stamped her little foot on a stone and it crumbled.

Nontikmah looked uncomfortable and Kilyan could tell that she was holding back a frightened gulp. She folded her arms and lifted her chin with haughty blue eyes. "It's a deal then. Come. I will take you to my home . . ." So saying, she offered her arm with a smile to Kilyan.

Kilyan glanced at Avi. He saw the little queen's nostrils flare, but when she didn't protest, he stepped forward and took Nontikmah's arm.

They started off up the moonlit path. Kilyan could hear the others falling in behind, could hear Inden's grunts as he struggled every now and then to get his big wings through the trees. Sometimes he heard Avi grumbling under her breath, Wynn sniffling in the cold. He glanced at Nontikmah: she was smug and full of lust, and he could smell how hot and moist she was. He realized that his hard-on hadn't gone down and suddenly felt ashamed of himself: he had enjoyed seeing Avi and Nontikmah going at it, feeling their tits bouncing against him as they struggled to get around him and at each other. Half of him wished he had let them fight: seeing them twisting around in the mud, snarling and screaming as they pulled each other's manes would have been the hottest . . .

Kilyan bit his lip to hold back a gasp: Nontikmah's six tails were brushing against his buttocks, wrapping around his tail and playfully winding it before pushing it aside. He felt one of her fluffy tails rubbing against his anus. For the first time ever, he liked being touched there. His cheeks were flaming redder and redder from this caressing, and he knew it was magic.

"Stop it," Kilyan hissed, giving Nontikmah's slender arm a warning squeeze. "Not in front of Avi and my daughter -- please!"

Nontikmah laughed softly but stopped her advances.

The deeper they traveled into the witch's forest, the lighter the patter of the rain, until it stopped raining altogether. Above the tangled canopy of leaves, the inky sky was clear of clouds and sprinkled with stars. The wind was a gentle breeze, and with it came the scent of cooking meat and herbs, rich and moist soil, flowers . . . The trees became more sparse the higher they climbed, the ground became steeper, until suddenly, the trees broke completely, and in the clearing up ahead, Kilyan could see a quaint little hut.

It was a hut made of thick logs, tangled with flowers. A cozy cottage. Pretty pots hung along the rafters that reached over the doorway, and a small garden of vegetables were under the front window. There was a huge tree to the right of the house, and from it hung a wooden swing. Blue butterflies drifted along the sloping roof and Kilyan was reminded of those old stories of nymphs in the forest: blue butterflies were attracted to magic.

From a hole in the pointed roof came smoke, and when they paused at the curtain, there was a doormat made of softly woven grass.

"You have company?" Kilyan asked, his nostrils taking in the scent of cooking meat.

Nontikmah smiled again. "You could call him that. Come." She smiled at the others now, and pulling the curtain inside, she entered.

Kilyan and Avi glanced at other, but followed her inside with the pups.

It was the typical hut: sitting furs around a fire, pots and pans hanging from the ceiling, clay bowls and dishes on the shelf, a broom in the corner, and an entire shelf dedicated to little jars with different names scribbled on them. Kilyan recognized some of the names as belonging to herbs and plants he knew back home around the summer village.

"Come in and sit," Nontikmah said warmly, switching with round hips toward the shelf. "You all look so tired and worn. The rainy season, it is no time to travel, hmm?"

They saw her take down a few bowls. Kilyan averted his eyes when she rocked up on tiptoe to reach the highest shelf and her breasts stretched higher, her thighs flexed to reveal that pink crevice between them. He noticed for the first time that a small pot of stew was boiling on a rock at the edge of the fire. So she'd dropped everything just to come and ensnare him? He felt oddly flattered.

Kilyan and the others sat around the fire, and each accepted a bowl of stew from Nontikmah, who played the sweet and smiling hostess as she ladled the stew out and passed around spoons. Kilyan had just tasted his first mouthful -- a marvelous cook, Nontikmah was! -- when he heard movement down the hall beyond, then around the curtain popped a small head. Kilyan dropped his spoon: a pup! A small white pup scowled at the guests and shuffled into the room, whining at the top of his voice, "Moooooooom! You said I could have cakes for supper tonight! And who is this riffraff stinkin' up the --"

"You hush up and eat your supper before I send you to your room without it!" Nontikmah snapped, and Kilyan held back a laugh when she suddenly dragged her son toward the fire by the ear and gave him a hard pop on the butt.

Kilyan studied the pup. Like his mother, he possessed a number of fluffy white tails, but only three. He was a handsome little boy with his mother's dark and pretty blue eyes. His white mane was a curly mess around his ears, and he had a nose as pink as his soft little cock. Rubbing his sore butt cheeks and grumbling under his breath, he sat and accepted a bowl of stew, but he kept glaring around the fire at all of them. Kilyan saw him do a double take on Wynn, who was primly avoiding his eye as she ate. He seemed interested in her, and after giving his mother a sideways glance, he scooped some stew into his spoon and flicked it at Wynn.

"Ow! Hey!" Wynn squeaked when the stew splashed in her eye.

Nontikmah smacked her son's paw so hard the spoon fell into his bowl.

"Ouch! Moooooooom! I didn't do it on purpose --"

"He did! I s-saw him!" accused Wynn angrily, one paw over her eye. She kept glaring at the little white pup as Avi turned her face by the chin, licked her own thumb, and with a motherly frown was soon wiping the stew away.

"She's lying!" the little pup shouted back, scrunching up his nose.

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Enough!" Nontikmah barked. "Sylas, go to your room -- and don't come out again until you've learned some manners!"

The little pup rose grumbling to his feet, but before he passed behind the curtain, Kilyan saw him smile over his shoulder at Wynn. There was nothing malicious about the smile: it was almost . . . sweet.

"Sorry about that," Nontikmah said. She wriggled her fingers and a washcloth appeared in them in a splash of white light. She passed the washcloth to Avi for Wynn. "Sylas has always been a bit much to handle. It's because he needs a father . . ."

"Avi know what you mean," Avi said, dabbing at Wynn's face with the washcloth. She and Kilyan glanced uncomfortably at each other: Wynn was wild and headstrong in the very same way because she had needed a father too.

Inden, meanwhile, was looking cross. "How old is Sylas?" he asked, stabbing his spoon angrily into his bowl.

"Just turned eleven this year," answered Nontikmah wearily.

"Eleven," repeated Inden darkly, as if eleven was the perfect age to receive a beating.

Kilyan, Avi, and Nontikmah exchanged amused smiles: unless they were kept apart, the boys would soon be fighting over Wynn.

"Avi think it time for bed. Where might we sleep?" asked the little queen.

Kilyan smiled: after Nontikmah had shown them such kindness, Avi was ready to bury the hatchet. Besides, Nontikmah had already offered to help them get home.

Nontikmah gracefully rose. "Right this way . . ."

Avi, Wynn, and Inden stood, setting their empty bowls aside in the dish basin. When Kilyan started to rise, Nontikmah gestured with a little smile for him to stay where he was: he would be paying his price tonight.

Nontikmah showed Avi, Wynn, and Inden to a spare room at the back of the hut. With more magic, she laid out fresh sheets for them all and even gave them a little fire, pulling the curtains above it aside so the smoke would drift out. She then left, bidding them all goodnight. Inden took the bed near the far wall, but not without giving Wynn a bashfully quick goodnight kiss on the cheek that Avi only smiled to see. Avi snuggled down in the second bed with her daughter, and it wasn't long before -- warm, fed, and content -- they fell asleep.

Wynn was awoken some time later by a sharp tug on her tail. She yawned and opened her eyes -- and gasped. It was that nasty little boy! That Sylas! His blue eyes gazed down at her, peering into her face with an eager curiosity. She sat up quickly and was glad that her mother and Inden were still asleep. Sylas sat back on his heels. He was squatting over her, his skinny little legs open around his dark pink cock and balls. Wynn saw his blue eyes trace over her body and pause on her sharp little breasts. She covered them, scowling at him.

"Get out of here," Wynn hissed, "before I scream! I'll s-scream and Inden will --"

Wynn's words were cut off when Sylas suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. She grunted angrily behind the kiss but soon found herself yielding: his lips pulled at her gently and so sweetly that a shiver ran under her fur. When he pulled back, she was breathless and blushing. She covered her mouth. Oh, what would Inden say!

Sylas was gazing at her with mischievously twinkling blue eyes, those three tails floating behind him. "Come with me!" he whispered.

Before Wynn could answer, he went to the wall and placed his paw flat against it. Wynn's mouth fell open: the wall opened up like two curtains being pulled aside! Sylas crawled out through this magical hole, and Wynn -- her lips suddenly yearning for his touch again -- crawled eagerly after him.

When Wynn emerged, she found herself kneeling outside, just under the tree with the wooden swing. Sylas was standing over her, his tails still flashing, and with a fond little smile, he held out his paw. Wynn took it, and he pulled her to her feet. She heard the wall closing up behind them but could not take her eyes from Sylas, whose gaze was so magnetic, so intense. She realized with a skip of her heart that he was looking her up and down again, one brow drawn down sharply in mischief.

"But -- but what are we doing?" Wynn whispered breathlessly. Her heart fluttered when Sylas paced around her, dragging his tails against her body. He paused behind her and said into her ear, "Nothin'." Then he took her paw and led her toward the swing.

Not certain what was happening or why she was letting it happen, Wynn sat on the swing, still unable to stop staring at Sylas. She felt it coming on stronger and stronger the more she looked at him: this mysterious throbbing between her legs that she somehow knew a summer wolf should have been too young to feel. But she was part shemale too, and shemales got their "little lusts" (as Avi called them) very early on. It was said this early development came from living for centuries in the heat of the jungle, where everything flourished in the humidity, growing bigger and living longer.

Sylas walked circles around Wynn, his long lashes blinking thoughtfully every now and then as he took her in. Then he paused behind her, and Wynn closed her eyes when she felt his little paws squeeze her breasts. She shivered all over, embarrassed that she had been silently hoping for this.

"Why do you have tits?" he whispered in her ear. "You can't be any older than me!"

Wynn blushed: so it was true! Outside of the jungle, other little pups did not feel these things so early on. So she was to be a freak outside of the jungle as well? She was starting to feel dismal when Sylas spoke again.

"They're so soft . . ." he whispered in her ear with a sigh.

Wynn bit her lip and moaned when he started carefully massaging: he touched her so much better than Inden did! There was a forcefulness in his touch, a hunger that Inden did not possess. Inden had always been so careful with her, but Sylas was eager as he explored her. She felt his breath against her ear when he leaned down close and suddenly pulled her thighs apart. Wynn sat trembling a little, her paws clutching the ropes of the swung. He was staring at her vagina!

"Does it get wet?" Sylas asked.

Wynn's eyes flew open. "Wet?"

"Yeah," he repeated. "My mom sometimes has a male here, whatever she can get that comes along. I spy on them sometimes, and one time . . . the male stuck his fingers in her pussy and this wet stuff was all over his paw when he took it out."

Wynn felt her cheeks burning to hear these things. But she knew what Sylas was talking about: she'd spied on her parents and had seen the same juices come from her mother when she sat in Kilyan's lap.

"That's never happened ta me," Wynn confessed, bashfully squeezing her legs shut when Sylas came around to face her.

He stared at her with the same intensity, and clutching the swing's ropes in both paws, he leaned down close. Wynn's lashes fluttered up at him. Their faces were so close that their lips could've touched! He was staring down at her with an affection that made her heart pound hard in her chest. His lashes angled down when he looked at her lips, then flashed back up to drink in the rest of her face.

Wynn suddenly felt shy and looked down. "Why do you keep staring at me!"

"Cuz you're pretty," he whispered.

She felt him lift her chin and she looked up. He was smiling at her. She smiled back, and they kissed. He was leaning so hard against the swing that Wynn felt it tip back a little. The seat tipped down from his weight, and she slid forward so hard that their lips smashed. Wynn's eyes fluttered open wide: their tongues had been pressed hard together! But Sylas didn't stop kissing her. He moaned when her tongue was thrust against his and started flexing his tongue back. Wynn closed her eyes again, and with a thrill of happiness, she moaned too.

Sylas was a really good kisser -- and he seemed to know it. But in the middle of giving her tongue a deep caress that made her shudder, he suddenly pushed the swing. Wynn went soaring back, snatches of her long black mane slapping her face as the swing carried her away. She came forward again, flying so fast toward Sylas that she thought she might kick him down. But he stood just out of reach, and when the swing had brought her forward very far, he leaned forward and kissed her lips before she was snatched away again. Sylas kissed her every time the swing came forward -- sometimes on her lips, other times on her cheeks -- and Wynn was so thrilled by this that she started giggling. Sylas laughed too, and as Wynn kept swinging back and forth, strands of black mane licking at her happy eyes, she saw Sylas move until he was behind her. She twisted around to see what he was doing: he was standing there, watching as the swing brought her back to him.

Seconds later, and Wynn felt her back slam into Sylas' skinny chest. He caught her in his arms and snatched her from the swing as it was flying forward again. They collapsed in the grass together. Wynn couldn't stop giggling. Sylas was kissing her cheeks and her eyes as she giggled, pausing often to smile at her.

"What's your name?" he whispered, lying beside her down in the grass. He sat up on his elbow, staring at Wynn with glowing blue eyes.

Wynn sighed her giggles away and looked down again bashfully. He made her feel so shy! "Wynn," she answered, biting her lip.

"Wynn," Sylas whispered, and taking her paw, he kissed it.

Wynn giggled and blushed, feeling suddenly so deliciously happy with Sylas. Hadn't Inden kissed her in the same way on her paw? And yet when Sylas did it, there was a mischief about it. Inden had been the perfect gentleman, but Sylas seemed the exact opposite. Even now, his kisses were traveling up her arm to her shoulder. Her giggles increased when his hot kisses found her neck. He pushed her braid back from her shoulder and roughly pulled her close, kissing her neck deeply now. Wynn could feel him fumbling behind her back to loosen her braid. It shook loose and tumbled down her back, and he stroked it as his kisses found her cheek, then her ear.

"Sylas!" Wynn whispered when she felt his fingers sink suddenly in her sex. She closed her thighs against him. "What are you doing!"

"I want to kiss this," he answered, sinking his fingers in deeper.

He suddenly pushed Wynn over on her back, and she watched with squirming anticipation as he placed her legs on his shoulders. She had seen her father do this to her mother that windy night they slept on the edge of the forest: after Avi had hopped for what seemed an hour in Kilyan's lap, something had happened when they both cried out, and then suddenly, Kilyan had pinned her mother to the ground, put her legs on his shoulders, and buried his mouth between her thighs. Wynn hadn't understood what Kilyan was doing, but she knew her mother was deeply enjoying it.

Wynn lay on her back, reflecting that Inden had never done this to her. She didn't even know what to expect! Her heart was hammering wildly in her chest, but whatever was about to happen, she hoped she would enjoy it as much as her mother had. She could see Sylas' head between her skinny thighs. His head was bowed and she could only see the top of his curly white mane. But suddenly, she felt his hot breath hit that hot place between her thighs, that hot place that Inden had always been so scared to touch. Then came the touch of his lips. He kissed her sex -- slow, wet, sucking kisses that made her cry out. She felt something happen -- that strange throbbing again -- and now he was sucking his nostrils between kissing her.

"It smells so good," she heard him whisper, "so hot and wet. And it's so tight in there . . ."

Wynn gasped when his finger sank momentarily into her sex, but he withdrew it and went back to kissing her. She melted with a groan in the grass. Oh, god. Why hadn't Inden ever done this to her! She felt Sylas part her pussy lips with his tongue, then he dragged it along, hot and wet and caressing her in such deep ways that she wriggled.

"I think you like it," he whispered, "you're getting all swollen . . . here."

Wynn cried out: he had sucked that little throbbing knot she didn't understand right into his lips! It felt so good that she arched her back in the grass and whispered for more. Sylas gave it to her, sucking and kissing with loud slurping and gulping until something happened: she felt herself release with a little scream and the most deeply satisfying feeling she would ever know washed over her. She sagged in the grass with a smile and looked up when she saw Sylas kneeling over her. He was licking his lips! Licking her juices away! How was it possible? She didn't even have her moons yet! And yet, her body had released this blast of pleasure. Perhaps it was the little lusts Avi had spoken of: shemales had orgasms even before their moons.

"You taste good," he said, still licking his lips. "Just like I knew you would." He leaned down until he was crouched over her on paws and knees, and she saw with a gasp that his little pink cock was now erect for her. It wasn't as big as Inden's, but she knew it was probably big enough to hurt her. He smiled and pushed a strand of black mane out of her eyes with his nose. "You're so pretty, Wynn."

Wynn's eyes fluttered out tears and she gulped breathlessly.

"Wynn!" Sylas cried. "Did I hurt you?"

Wynn shook her head. Sylas backed off and she sat up. She didn't know what she felt. So many feelings were tangled up inside her. Pleasure, confusion, lust, fear . . . She looked up, and when she saw how anxious Sylas was, she assured him that she was fine.

"It's just -- no one's ever . . ." Wynn stammered herself into silence and blushed.

Sylas seemed to understand. "Ah," he said with a little smile, "that big barbarian boy with the feathers. He hasn't done much to you, has he?"

"Don't call him a barbarian!" Wynn warned, scowling.

Sylas only laughed.

"And stop laughing at me!"

"But you're so cute when you're angry," he said, flashing her another of those fond smiles. To her amazement, he started rubbing his dick off with narrowed eyes. His gaze was fixed on her little breasts. Wynn watched in wide-eyed fascination as his little fist jerked away at that throbbing pink shaft. She saw him heave thicker, the veins in his penis straining until he squeezed his eyes shut and gave a little cry. Wynn gasped as his fluids spurted out, seeping over and down to his balls. He smiled at her and whispered, "You wanna know how I taste?"

Without hesitating, Wynn leaned forward and gave his little dick a hard lick. She shivered all over, swallowing the salty taste. She was eagerly leaning forward to lick Sylas again when he stopped her.

"D-Don't," he whispered breathlessly. "You'll make it hard again."

Wynn blushed and hugged her knees, suddenly feeling proud that Sylas desired her so, that her little budding breasts had brought that passion from him. He was so tired that he sagged where he was kneeling! And he was so cute with his curly mane, his white fur and how it glowed against the night! Oh, if only Inden had ever done these things with her!

If only . . .

"Why hasn't your prince touched you?" Sylas asked derisively. He smiled at Wynn and pushed her mane back over her shoulders. He knelt behind her, and Wynn could feel that he was plaiting her mane for her. "It's obvious he likes you -- more than likes you. You shoulda seen the way he glared at me when I chucked my stew at you." He laughed to himself.

"Inden wants us to wait, says we're too young," Wynn said sulkily. She closed her eyes with a thrill of happiness when Sylas wrapped his legs and arms around her from behind, holding her to his chest.

"But you know what you want," Sylas added wisely, "and it's not ta wait."

Wynn nodded, feeling ashamed of herself: Inden would be so mad at her if he ever found out!

As if he'd read her thoughts, Sylas said into her ear, "I won't tell a soul. Our little secret, Wynn." He kissed her cheek and nuzzled her in the neck with his nose. Wynn was saddened when he suddenly got up and went to the wall. He was going to open the wall again and send her back to bed!

"Oh, but, Sylas --"

Sylas laughed at her earnest green eyes. "What? You want it again?" he teased, dragging his tongue over his top lip. "I'll lick you into next year, Wynn, but Inden is right about one thing . . ." He moved close to her and suddenly sank his fingers in her sex, curling them until her hips jerked forward and she cried out. "This is too young to touch!"

Wynn bit her lip and was silent: he was right. She didn't even have her moons yet! And if Kilyan found out they had even kissed let alone these other guilty pleasures in the light of the moon . . .

Wynn knelt there looking worried, her lip twisted in her teeth. When she looked up again, Sylas was smiling at her. His paw was still flat against the wall, where the magical whole was spreading wider and wider to reveal the sleeping forms of her mother and Inden. She crawled toward the hole but paused before passing inside to look at Sylas. He was so cute, and when he grew up, she just knew he would be so handsome!

Sylas smiled down at her with glowing blue eyes and whispered, "Goodnight, sweet princess!"

Wynn's ears pricked forward. "How do you know I'mma princess!"

But Sylas only kissed her, and it was a kiss so lovely that she crawled into the hole looking happily dazed. She glanced back with a thrill of girlish delight: peering through the ever tightening hole, Sylas winked at her and disappeared in a splash of blue butterflies.