Who Are You? Part- 2 A Short Story

Story by Vergennes on SoFurry

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#3 of Adult Short Stories

Finally! After a long time of traveling, work, tennis, and workouts, I am finally able to upload! Thank you all for the support, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to upload as often as I would like. Please, any kind of positive feedback will help me a ton, and I hope you enjoy the last part of this story! I really enjoyed writing this, and I'm glad I'm able to share it with you all!

Who Are You?

Part 2

By: Vergennes

Scott awakens with Clay, his new lover, wrapping his arms around the badger's middle. His belly being squeezed tightly by the strong wolf's arms, pressing his convex back against Clay's concave chest, making their bodies one. Letting out a deep breath of contentment as morning light streams through the white curtains and lights the pearl painted room ablaze, Scott closes his eyes, and enjoys being held by Clay, his long term crush, roommate, and now, lover.

Scott opens his eyes slowly, after falling back asleep, and feels Clay's boxer covered groin still pressed firmly against his bartender's slacks, spooning the badger tightly. However, there was something new pressing up against his slacks that made his face flush deep red with embarrassment. Realization hit the badger and sent his eyes wide as he slowly removes Clay's arms from his stomach and midsection, and slides out of the bed. A bulge starting to form at the front of his slacks.

"Why are wolves always horny?" The badger asks, looking down at his new love. Trying to straighten himself out by adjusting the front of his pants, Scott turns and walks out of the bedroom. Walking quietly down the hall to the stairs, the badger takes in the view that he hadn't seen last night.

The walls were painted entirely white, with pictures, paintings, and record plaques hanging wherever there was an open space. All the lights were glass chandeliers, hanging low from the ceilings and illuminating the hallways and rooms in a golden hue.

As Scott makes his way down the stairs, the walls open up around him to reveal a magnificent open hallway with a doming ceiling. High above the large double wooden door entrance way, the largest chandelier hangs low, commanding attention with it's beautiful glass work.

Whistling softly, amazed by the grandeur of the house, Scott makes his way to the gorgeous kitchen on his left, ignoring the magnificent living room on his right, and opens the fridge.

"Damn, Clay. Do you ever eat in your own house?" The Badger asks quietly to himself as he searches the near empty fridge.

Taking out an almost empty carton of eggs and setting it on the counter next to the stove, Scott busies himself with preparing breakfast, unaware of his new lover coming down the stairs.

Cracking four eggs onto a pan, set on the heated stove, Scott is enveloped in a pair of grey furred arms wrapping around his waist from behind.

"I always knew you loved me." Clay whispers into the badger's ear as he kisses Scotts cheek, sending the badger into an embarrassed state.

"I-ah-ah" Scott responds unintelligently as Clay's paws move down and grope at the badger's rear, his face now completely red.

"I love you too, my sweet badger. Why don't we hold off on breakfast for a little bit?" The wolf whispers sultrily as he begins to nibble at the now panting badger's ear and turns off the stove.

"Ngh-C-Clay" Scott moans softly as he feels his groin light up with heat. "Wait." The badger says as he turns and pushes the wolf a little off him.

"What?" Clay asks, ears back and spreading his paws.

"H-How much do you...remember about last night?" Scott asks with his ears back as well.

Moving forward and kissing the embarrassed Badger deeply, Clay wraps his arms around his new lover and squeezes the badger's rear again, pulling them both close together.

"Everything" The wolf says as he kisses his new lover.

Scott's ears perk, caught off guard by the deep kiss. Slowly pushing the wolf away with his paws on Clay's chest, Scott breaks the kiss and pants, his tongue out slightly.

"C-Clay. If, we are going to-" The badger blushes and flattens his ears, embarrassed.

"Date" The wolf says, laughing and completing the badger's sentence.

"Yeah. Then...I need you to...Do two things for me." Scott says, looking down.

"What's that?" Clay asks, amused.

"I want you to stop drinking. And I want you to continue to do what you love...singing." Scott says, looking up at the grey-wolf's beautiful galaxy colored eyes.

Smiling softly, Clay looks down and leans back on the island counter, a little blush in his cheeks showing through his silver/grey fur. "Scott. You've always been there for me. You're the one friend that I have left after all these years. I would...do anything for you...to make sure I get to keep you and call you mine." The wolf says, now blushing deep like the badger.

Scott's ears perk as he leans forward and wraps his arms around Clay's broad shoulders, smiling softly.

"Promise me you'll do those two things..." The badger asks softly, staring into his new lover's galaxy eyes.

Taking a deep breath and looking away, Clay clenches his eyes shut.

"I...promise." The grey-wolf replies quietly.

Walking forward, Scott caress's the grey wolf's cheeks with both his paws and raises Clay's eye's to his own as he press's their muzzles together into a deep and loving kiss.

Clay's eyes widen and his ears perk, surprised by the deep kiss. But the feeling quickly passes and the wolf closes his eyes and tilts his head, opening his muzzle so that he and his new lover kiss deeply, passionately, exploring each other's maws with their strong tongues.

Quickly turning and pressing Scott to the island and lifting the badger up by his legs, Clay set's his lover on the island smoothly without breaking the kiss, tilting his head one way then the other, wrestling his tongue with Scott's as he asserts his dominance by pinning the badger's tongue in his maw, growling softly.

Laughing, Scott breaks the kiss, panting and blushing deeply, looking into Clay's galaxy eyes as their growing bulges slowly grind against each other.

"B-bedroom?" The badger asks, laughing breathlessly.

"Y-yeah..." Clay pants as well as he grunts and heaves the badger up into his arms, wrapping Scott's legs around his waist and the badger's arms around his shoulders as he starts to walk to and up the stairs.

Blushing crimson as he feels Clay's hardening and tenting bulge rub against his rear, Scott leans forward and kisses the grey-wolf deeply, closing his eyes and tilting his head one way than the other.

Walking to the bed and panting heavily, Clay leans forward and falls on top of Scott, grunting into the deep and loving kiss as he starts to buck his hips into the badgers, grinding their throbbing bulges into each other.

Overcome with pleasure, Scott leans his head back and breaks the kiss, gasping from the feeling of Clay's grinding. Taking the opportunity presented to him, Clay goes for the badger's neck and nips at it lovingly, kissing and biting softly while Scott squirms and moans beneath him.

Slowly moving down from the badger's neck to his black button bartender polo, the wolf slowly undoes the buttons and begins to kiss down Scott's chest, and rounded belly.

Squirming as the wolf begins to undo his bulging work pants, overcome with new pleasure, new feelings he hadn't felt before, Scott moans loudly as Clay slowly pulls the pants and boxers down to the badger's ankles, leaving Scott's throbbing cock exposed to the cool air, throbbing and leaking profusely.

Grinning broadly and blowing cool air onto the badger's throbbing prick, Clay wraps his paw around the throbbing member and slowly laps at the precum building on the tip. Leaving Scott squirming and moaning.

"Ohhhh...C-Clay" The badgers gasps as his cock is enveloped in the wolf's warm and slithering tongue.

"You like that, babe?" The wolf asks sultrily, murring around the badger's cock and sending vibrations of pleasure throughout Scott's loins.

"Y-yes! Ohhhh gawd!" Scott moans as he squirms and clutches the bedsheets around him.

Moaning around the badger's profusely leaking cock, Clay removes his bulging and pre-stained boxers and frees his throbbing prick into the cool morning air. Slowly, the wolf pulls off Scott's throbbing and dripping member and lifts the badgers legs up, resting them on his shoulders as the wolf starts to grind his now forming knot against the badger's pink and begging entrance.

"You...ready?" Clay asks, breathlessly as he bucks his hips and grinds himself against the badger's taint, his copious amount of pre slickening the Scott's entrance better than any lube.

Moaning loudly, Scott throws his head back and clenches his eyes shut. Grinning broadly, Clay slowly starts to push his throbbing prick against the badger's begging tailhole. Adding a little pressure until he feels the tip of his throbbing cock enter into his new mate's tight hole. Leaking pre like a faucet right into the badger, coating his inner walls.

Scott lets out a hissing breath of pleasure-pain as Clay slowly pushes forward and hilts himself balls deep into his new mate. Leaning down, the wolf presses his muzzle to the badgers and kiss his new lover deeply. Dominating the badger's tongue and exploring Scott's muzzle as he slowly rocks his hips. Bringing his cock all the way out until the tip remains leaking in the badger, lubing up Scott's inner walls, and thrusting back in until his knot grinds against his lover's taint, the wolf starts to pound away into the badger's tight hole.

Slowly, the wolf's thrusts become erratic as they drive his member deep into the badger. Thrusting against Scott's prostate over and over, pushing precum out of the badger's cock, coating his bellyfur in sticky warmth.

"C-Claaaay! I'm...gah...close!" The badger cries out as his balls start to rise. Clenching his hole tightly around the dominant wolf's thrusting member.

"Gah...me...me too. Cum for me babe." The wolf pants breathlessly as his thrusts become harder, trying to get his knot to slip into Scott.

Crying out as his lover's throbbing and swelling knot finally slips in and ties the two together, plugging the badger as his insides are blasted with copious amounts of Clay's seed, Scott shoots his seed uselessly onto his belly, coating his midriff in white and covering his muzzle in sticky warmth.

Panting heavily and resting his forehead on the badger's, Clay closes his eyes. "I...I love you...thank you... for everything."

Panting deeply with his new mate, Scott groans as he kisses Clay softly, feeling his insides grow warm with the amount of hot seed that was shot into him. "I...hope to spend many more years with you. My love." The badger pants as he kisses the grey wolf.

Groaning as he moves around and lays both down on their sides, Clay holds Scott tightly around the badger's sticky middle, and closes his eyes, falling fast asleep. "I...Love you too...let's...get some more sleep then shower after...."

Smiling broadly as he closes his eyes, Scott falls fast asleep tied and held tightly in his true love's arms.

-Twenty Years Later-

Sitting on the white couch in the pearl mansion's living room, Scott looks around the house, smiling, with his arm stretched across the back of the sofa and leg crossed as he watches a replay of Clay's last music performance. New music records and photos of him and his lover travelling the world on tour cover the walls, and letters from fans from around the globe over flow the mail basket in the corner.

"Watching that again, huh?" The wolf asks, laughing as he walks around the sofa and sits next to his lover, taking the remote and turning off the music performance that ended his career.

Taking in the site of his wolf, noticing new grey hair mixing in with the silver every day, Scott smiles and caress's Clay's cheek.

"I am so proud of you, hun. You really turned your life around. I love you." The badger says, stroking the greying wolf's fur with his thumb.

Smiling and staring into Scott's eyes, the badger's fur, now mostly grey where the black stripes had been, Clay leans forward and kisses the badger deeply.

"All for you." He says with a smile as he kisses his one true love.

End of Part 2

Thank You for Reading!
