Shadow's Evil Seed 1: Amy

Story by Arnold The Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Shadow's Evil Seed

[DISCLAIMER: I, personally, do not condone any of the actions portrayed in this story. It is purely for entertainment's sake.]

Years after the defeat of Dr. Robotnik, a new threat falls before Mobius, in the from of a sex-crazed Shadow the Hedgehog. Setting his sights on five women, Amy, Rouge, Cream, Sally and Blaze, he seeks to abduct and impregnate each of them.

-FRIDAY, 7:00 PM-

At the home of one Amy Rose, preperations are being made, for a very special someone. "Hum de dum de dum..." The pink hedgehog hums to herself, putting on some makeup. "Sonic's going to love this~" She says, opening her medicine cabinet, eying her container of birth control pills. "Sorry, boys. Not gonna need you today." She says, closing the cabinet and looking at herself in the mirror, making a kissy face. "Perfec! Now I just need to decide what to wear..." She says, looking through her wardrobe. Picking out a tight dress, once which greatly accentuated her curvaceous figure, she ponders wearing panties. "Should I put on panties? Nah, I'll be at Sonic's by eight." She thinks to herself, putting some high heels on and leaving. Once she leaves her home, she makes her way to the city, strutting her stuff as she walks, teasing the occasional man and the occasional woman by flashing her generous butt, showing that she was wearing no panties. What she doesn't know is that during these little displays is that she had flashed none other than Shadow. A lot had changed for the once dark and moody hedgehog over the years. He was now much more muscular, and his penis had greatly enlarged, now over thirty inches long and five inches wide once erect, due to constant abuse of virility boosting injections, pills, and other drugs. He now had his mind set on one thing: Reproduction. In his shoddy apartment, he had made a list, of five different women: - Amy - Rogue - Cream - Blaze - Sally His mission was simple: Abduct and tie up each of the five, and then impregnate them. Once Amy had ducked into an alleyway as a shortcut, Shadow pounced. Grabbing her from behind, the jet-black hedgehog made sure to put her in a sleeper hold, watching as the fight left the pink beauty. Anyone unfortunate enough to stumble upon this act of abduction would see Shadow's half-erect penis flopping as he carried Amy over his shoulder, in the direction of the Industrial district. Along the way, Shadow would inject Amy with a fertily boosting drug, to make sure she would be ovulating once she was tied. For hours, the sound of growling and groaning could be heard throughout the abandonded Robotnick Industries warehouse, Shadow having his way with the unconscious Amy, the very tip of his penis touching her cervix with every deep, powerful thrust. Amy was tied to a steel pole, with her legs spread apart by a makeshift spreader bar. As Shadow rapes her, he goes harder on every return thrust, as if trying to wake the sleeping Amy, his massive sack smacking her hips. "W-wha... S-Sonic...?" Amy asked as she woke up, Shadow looking down, his blood-red eyes meeting hers. "S-Shadow?! W-what are you doing?!" She asked, the powerful black hedgehog giving a smirk. "Breeding..." He growls, as his thrusting suddenly becomes more eratic, a sign that his orgasm is on the horizon. "P-please, pull out... I don't want to get pregnant, not yet... Shadow, please pull out... I mean it..." She says, trying to fight it, when a loud roar fills the building. As Shadow began to orgasm, he pushed his cock far deeper than he had ever before, getting a solid three inches into Amy's unprotected womb. There, a massive amount of sticky, white semen would flood into her uterus, ensuring that there was no question of impregnation. No, it was a certainty, an... Inevitability.But Shadow was not done with the pink hedgehog. Over the next two days, Amy would be inseminated over one hundred times by Shadow, his massive size ruining her to anyone but the black-furred hedgehog. Inside of Amy, deep within her body, the hundreds of trillions of sperm that Shadow had produced were battling with the antibodies that Amy produced, and they were winning. Due to the corruption of Shadow, and his constant abuse of virility drugs, his sperm had turned black, to further drive home that he was unrecoverable, he was truly a sex-crazed maniac. After what seemed like eternity, two sperm penetrated her ova at the exact same time, meaning that Amy was pregnant with not one, but two children...

-MONDAY, 10:30 AM-

Amy had finally arrived at Sonic's house, the blue hedgehog running out to ask her what had happened. "Amy, what happened? Did you get lost?" He asked, knowing something was off. Through a torrent of tears, she explained what had happened. "S-Shadow... He's... Gone..." She said, telling Sonic about the whole ordeal. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Sonic asked, Amy nodding. "He... Impregnated me..." She said, pointing to where her womb would be. Sure enough, when she lifted her dress, there was a faint outline of Shadow's sperm invading and penetrating her ova. "No... It can't be..." Sonic said, giving the pink hedgehog a tight hug... Meanwhile, Shadow began stalking his next target, the young bunny named Cream, to impregnate. She had just turned 18, and knew nothing of sex. He figured she would need a... "Lesson," one that he would be more than happy to teach...

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