The new arrival

Story by Drangdeka on SoFurry

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**NOTICE** this story contain scenes that may be inappropriate for 16 or younger. This contains sexual contacts between two males, so if this offends you, do not continue reading. Other wise please enjoy my first story.

This is my first story, if you can please let me know how I did?????

It was a normal day in Lake Wood furry academy. Xair is a 16 year old dog, about in his teen's years. He has a light brown and white set of colors on his fur, which attracted many females, but to Xair's mind, they weren't attractive to him. He was pretty popular throughout the school. He and his friends were at the top, the A-class students. Though he wasn't the tallest he was by most the most popular. He was the funniest, most kind and gentle, and always has his fun in school. He was smart, passed all his classes with ease. He was no nerd; to him he was perfect, as perfect as can be. Of course no perfect can be without being strong, and Xair sure didn't miss it, although he was on the skinny type, he didn't joke when it came to anger. If someone picked on him, he wouldn't waste a minute before blowing one of his fists at the fur. It was a normal day as he walked to school. He met his regular friends, and talked along the way, just about everyone liked Xair, even the ladies. He always had a little cute doggie face and he never thought twice before showing it. To the girls it was very cute, and he liked that. The bell rung and everyone hurled to class, like always. Xair's first class was math, followed by History, and PE class.

The first class started but first their was an introduction.

"Class, attention down in the back". As everyone got the teachers attention, we all noticed a new student come in.

"As you all know this is a new student, class please welcome Kits".

"Hiiii, Kits" the class greeted. Kits was a young horse about Xair's age but he looked sad, very sad. The first thought that came into his mind was that, the poor horse had trouble meeting new friends, and as warm hearted as Xair is he would make sure he got a warm welcome. Back to Kits, he had brown fur, and a long mane. He had long hair that almost reached his waist. He dressed with very noble clothes and some that cost some that most students wouldn't be able afford. He simply stood in front of the class and bowed his head. And as soon, as that happened the class started spreading their usual rumours. Rumours of how, Mr. "Fancy pants" was all that. Of course Xair never took part of this.

"Attention students, I will not have a mockery here, this is not kindergarten".

"Now where shall you sit Mr. Blees......?" As soon as she mentioned his last name the kids went on an up-roar. He was the son of the Bliss family, that had meant that his father was non-other than the famous actor Von Desher Bliss. She looked around and saw Xair's desk.

"Ah, here we go, Xair please stand". And right away he stood, their young man you shall sit next to him. Xair right away spoke up,

"But Miss Nina sits next to me".

"I know but since Miss Nina can't keep her snout closed she shall move to another desk". The poor Nina gave a grunt and moved to the place the teacher had showed her. Kits walked towards Xair's desk and sat next to him.

"Now class today we shall talk about..........." Now Xair was never a good listener he always spoke behind the teachers back, but this time, he could only blush seeing the horse next to him. What's happening to me, why can't I speak to him, it's not like he's special. All of a sudden Kits noticed that Xair was staring at him.

"Is their something in my hair" said Kits.

"Oh, no sorry, just....uhhhh......ummm.....nothing nothing. What's wrong with me why can't I speak to him, why are you like this Xair wake up from this illusion and say something". Xair couldn't say a word; it was as if Kit's image was very arousing to Xair. OMG what's wrong with me, I'm thinking that a male is cute, oh nooooooo, I'm falling in love with a male, this can't be happening. As soon, as Xair broke the concentration, he stopped looking at Kits. He was ashamed to be like this over a male. He shook it off and as soon as that the bell rung. The class dismissed and on to the next period.

"Mr. Xair hold......." said the teacher,

"Can you be so kind as to show Mr. Kit's the following classes, he appears to have your same schedule". At that moment Xair froze. He couldn't believe that the beautiful horse is in every class of his.

"Sure miss". He opened the door and signalled Kits to follow.

During the way he spoke to him about how things worked around here. The time lunch is at, where it is, and many other things.

"Hey Xair........" screamed one of his friends approaching him and Kits.

"Hey you must be Kits, I love the way your Dad acts, why don't you come and be a part of our group. Xair was happy, now they could be friends, and Xair can stop day dreaming about Kits, Xair never dated friends or thought something affectionate about them. But he was in total shock to see the horse back away, he was very red, he was blushing extremely as no one can miss it.

"Are you okay"? Spoke one of the furs. And at that moment he dashed off, to the other side. Xair went after him.

"Hey wait up.......stop running.....what's wrong....?" Was all that Xair could say before he lost his breath. Kits stopped and turn around.

"I'm sorry; it's just that I don't do that good with other furs".

"Well you seem to be doing fine with me", Xair giggled. The poor horse just blushed some more at what Xair said. Xair immediately froze when he met eye, to eye, with the horse. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but hopefully for the two the bell rang before anyone noticed their look.

"Oh, yes....come with me....." Xair turned around now even more red then ever. The two rushed to class before it was too late.

The day went on rather quick, but this time Xair wasn't the one staring, at least not this time, this time Kits was the one staring up at Xair. Kits couldn't believe how nice Xair was to him, even when he ran away from the kids, Xair went after him, and he can't forget the way Xair was looking at him. Xair was too busy talking with his friends already so this time Kits was all alone with no one to talk to. But as soon as one class hit, almost all the girls in the class went after him, since he was popular and all.

"Hi Kits, it true, is your father here in the city?"

"Ummmm..........yeah, why?" As soon as that all the girls started yelling with joy. Then the worse part, they all started talking at the same time asking all these different questions.

"Is he as cute as he is in the movies? Is he dreamy? What type of underwear does he have? Can I meet him?" This was all disturbing and he was definitely showing it. Oh, man I really hope these girls leave me alone.

"Sorry ladies but you need to give the guy a brake" Kits was surprised to see Xair at the rescue, he put his arm around Kits's neck, and told the girls to give him a brake. The rest of Xair's friends were with him, making sure the girls didn't try to stumble all over Xair to get to Kits.

"You okay pall." said Xair,

"Yeah, thanks I really needed some space".

"Well, don't thank me, it was my pleasure, we know hoe annoying these girls might be". At that moment both Xair and Kits started blushing.

"Ummm......okay..........well, you let me know when you need any help." Like that Xair walked away very, very red.

"Hey Xair why are you blushing like that"? Asked one of the guys that were with Xair. Kits looked away smiling. No one knew what he was thinking of, neither did he wanted anyone to know.

The bell rung and all the kids rushed to gym, it was almost everyone's favourite class. There was track, tennis, basketball, weight room, and many others. Xair was at the track tying his shoes when he felt someone walk up to him.

"Well, you think you can tell me a bit about this class".

"Oh, sure, you just basically run around".

"Not that silly". They both started laughing, but soon was broken when they heard a yell behind them.

"LINE UP YOU WHIMPS!!!!!!!!" At that, they both turned around and straightened up. The track teacher was a solider back in his days.

"NOW WHICH ONE OF YOU BABYS IS GONNA GIVE ME A RUN AROUND THE TRACK. THE ONE TO LOSE WILL DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY". At that everyone started shivering, hope by the time, they get tot them the class, might end.

"I'll race sir"? Xair couldn't believe it, the new comer had just asked to race. Usually Xair was the one to take courage and race anybody, since he was the fastest.

"I'll race him" said Xair.

"Looks like we have to volunteers". The two got on their place, while everybody started betting who was going to win, the new kid or Xair. The teacher blew the whistle and the two dashed off.

"Hope....*pant*.....that......*pant*......I don't give you a run for the money', said Xair.

"Oh you'll see, and at that moment Kits dashed on ahead.

"WOW" was all the crowd said, while Kits got ahead of their fastest runner. But Xair wasn't going to let him beat him that easily. Now Xair gave it all he got and dashed towards Kits to catch up. The two were racing as fast as possible trying to beat the other.

"Looks like........*pant*........I'm too much.........*pant*.....for you". The two closed their eyes as the saw they were getting to their destination, but the question was who was going to make it their first. The two ran and ran, and both the teacher and the students gasping as they saw how fast they ran.

"Annnnnnnnnnnddddd.......stop." The gym teacher stopped the watch, a mere 5.6 seconds. The teacher was astonished. The two stopped on their tracks and just plumped down. Both had a hard time to breathe.

"I.......can''". Xair told Kits while catching his breath.

"". Kits looked down at his hand Xair's hand was on top of his, at that instant he gasped and blushed. Xair didn't know that he was on top of Kit's hand, that's until Kits gripped his hand in return. Xair gasped at the astonishment that raced over him, he took his hand off, and looked at Kits.

"Sorry you had your hand on me."

"Sorry", Xair replied.

After gym finished it was lunch time, boy, how much Xair wanted to go to lunch, his stomach was rumbling quite loudly. He got in line, of course their was the original shoving and pushing trying to get first in line. Xair got his lunch and looked at his friends that were inviting him in to eat. He sat down and started talking with his friends, but soon he noticed that Kits was at a struggle again with the girls after his father again.

"Girls please, I need space, I can't answer all your questions at the same time". Xair walked into the stampede that was surrounding Kits.

"Hey back off, let the kid breath". And of course they listened to him, about every time they passed Xair, their was the usual squeeze of either his ass or his cheeks.

"Gosh don't you just hate that?" asked Kits.

"Yeah, but girls will be girls". At that comment both laughed hysterically.

"So how come your sitting here by yourself?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I kind of like it this way".

"Oh, sure". Just as about Xair was going to get up, to go to his table, Kits held on to his shirt.

"Wait...... it would be nice........if someone sat with me." And so he did. They talked about the things in their life, Xair couldn't believe how rich was Kits, yet Kits didn't know that Xair was kind of on the poor side. But he didn't tell Kits, he didn't want to look like a zero around his new friend.

After school came, and Kits spotted Xair walking down the street.

"Hey, Xair, wait up." Xair stopped and looked back seeing his friend Kits.

"Ummmm, if it's not too much to ask, you think you can come over to my house." Xair smiled, and nodded.

"Oh, but I have to contact my parents that I'll be in your house". Kits thought of a plan, and whistled; Xair looked strange as he saw a limo come up to them. The servant, opened the window and gave Kits and cell,

"Here call".

"Oh, sure, thanks". Xair dialled and spoke with his mother, letting her know he would be at his friend's house. When he finished, Kits invited Xair into the limo, and they drove off. By the time the limo stopped, their was a huge mansion in front of them.

"Well, welcome to my home."

"Home you mean Palace". At his joke, both Xair and Kits laughed. They went in, Xair following Kits up some stairs and into a huge room.

"Wow, this is your room".

"YEAP". He gave a signal to Xair to drop his bag anywhere.

"So like do your parents know I came?" Xair questioned. But he saw how Kits face looked down, he was obviously sad, when he pronounced his parents.

"They don't have time for me". Xair looked at Kits and thought of how sad it must have been for Kits not to be with his parents.

"Forget about it, I mean I at least see them once a week". Xair felt sorry, to see his friend barely saw his parents.

"But forget about that, let's have some fun. Kits opened his second door, next to his room, which unlocked a huge game room. The two didn't think twice before they began to play.

About two hours had past before they were back on Kit's room, enjoying some huge Plasma TV. Kits couldn't help to notice Xair's back, since Xair laid down near the TV and Kits sat behind him. The horse couldn't stop looking at the doggies behind; he couldn't stop looking at it. Kits had a deep secret, he knew he was gay, but he felt bad using his friend to get hard, and jerk-off about him, later that night. Kits's imagination fell when lightning was seen from outside their window.

"Oh, no. I better get home before....." And his words were cut off, after the storm hit them.

"Looks like you might stay here awhile".

"Yeah, guess so, mind if I contact my parents again". Kits nodded while Xair ran towards the phone.

"Hello, hi Mom....... I'm at my friend Kits it's raining here.......yeah pretty think I can stay here maybe till the storm's Kits Blees.....yeah the actor is his father.......okay, thanks mom, I love you". Xair got off the phone expecting a tease from Kits hearing him say those gushy things to his mother. But instead he saw that Kits was actually crying. Xair got on the bed and sat in front of Kits.

"Hey, what's the matter"? Xair was sad seeing his friend like this. Xair was in situations like this before, so making sure no one was around he grabbed his friend in his arms.

"There, there, it's okay. Why are you crying?"

"It's...just....*sob*...I never got to spend time with my family since they have other important things to do".

"Don't say that, look what you have, you have a huge home, with millions of things that any kid would dream of", Xair responded.

"I would give anything to have what you have". "Nothing is good, if you don't have family or friends to share with". Said Kits.

"Well, I'm your friend". Kits looked at Xair, who was blushing at the moment. Kits looked away,

"You would never be my friend, if you knew what I am".

"What are you talking about Kits"? Xair chuckled a bit.

"Would you be friends with someone that.......that...... (he looked up at Xair, who was trying to figure what he was going to say)........someone that". Xair's eyes opened to a length he thought was not possible. Kits looked at his friend who was obviously surprised.

"It's okay.....if you......want to leave....." But before he was able to finish, he felt something connect with his lips, now he was the one surprised, Xair was actually kissing Kits. He broke the kiss that he wanted so desperately.

"'t gay?" asked Kits.

"I wasn't, but ever since I saw you today, I got this, this weird feeling in me. I couldn't stop staring at you. I didn't know why". Kits got a slight smile on his face, then he started getting closer and closer to Xair until they both locked themselves together. Xair couldn't believe this pleasure he had in him. He never ever kissed a girl, neither a boy before. He guessed since he never got an interest in a girl before, he might as well think of himself a s a gay fur. He overlapped his tongue over Kits and kissed for what seemed to be hours.

A nock on the door separated the two.

"Sir, you have a call waiting".

"It's probably for you Xair". Xair walked towards the phone.

"Hello.....Oh, Hi the storm hasn't pass.....yeah, it looks like its getting worse......hey mom you mind if I...." The rest Kits couldn't catch since he covered his mouth with his hand to make sure he wouldn't hear. Xair giggled and thanked his mom. He walked over to the door and locked it. He then walked over to the bed where Kits was still waiting.

"Well, what happened?" What did you say, what did your mother say"?

"You wouldn't mind if I stayed here to sleep, would you, since tomorrow is Saturday"? Kits got a huge smile on his face and gave Xair a huge hug.

"Well, what do you say, mind we know a little more about each other"? Kits got up and walked towards the phone and called the servants downstairs, he told him, that his friend was going to stay over to sleep, and he also told them that he didn't want to be bothered. At that he walked towards Xair again who was anxious to know what they were going to do next.

Kits slowly got into bed, and took off his shirt, while Xair was almost fully undressed.

"I can't believe I know you no more than one whole day, and I'm about to have sex with you". Xair looked at his partner since he was naked already for him. Xair laid back on the bed, while Kits got on top of him, they kissed again this time feeling their bodies touch, and their fur wrestle with each other. Xair couldn't help but moan at the pleasure he was getting by kissing a naked boy. They kissed like they never kissed before, until they couldn't breathe anymore.

"Xair, did you ever have sex before"? Xair looked up at his horse and shook his head. Kits knew this was going to be hard since Xair was a virgin. Kits got on his knees and signalled Xair to come close. Xair knew what he wanted and began stroking his sheath. Kits couldn't help but moan at his friend's hand masturbating his horse cock. Xair rubbed his sheath a bit more till he got his friends full cock out.

"Wow, this is huge, I wonder how good it is"? And for the first time he started sucking a cock. He first gave it a lick in between the tip, making sure he liked the pre cum that was already coming out. Then he wasted no time and tried his best getting the whole thing. Kits moaned at the pleasure his friend was giving him.

"Oh, god this feels so good".

"Don't stop Xair, not until I'm done". And so Xair didn't instead he started sucking harder making sure he took every single piece of this huge horse meat.

"Oh, yeah, ahhh, the way you're's going to come quick". Kits felt Xair's warmness as Xair sucked with all his might. But all of a sudden Kits stopped Xair.

"What's wrong, am I doing something wrong"? Kits shook his head. He turned Xair around making Xair's tail hole close to his enormous cock.

"Already?" Kits just giggled, as he also got down and started to lick the little pink ring around Xair's hole.

"Awwww, that feels so good". He did it enough to get some lubricant on Xair. Then he got on top of Xair's back and asked if he was ready. Xair knotted, getting ready for the most wildest time of his life. Kits slowly began to push slightly making sure his cock head began to sink inside.

"Lord, now that is tight". At this Xair only smirked but was quickly turned into a cry after Kits throbbed his full cock inside.

"Ahhhhhhhhh......Oh, jeez.......OMG......that.....hurts."

"I'm sorry my love, but I didn't want to make you suffer if I went slowly". I tear fell down Xair's left cheek. Kits noticed his love was crying.

"Do, do you want me to stop?' It took a second to respond but he shook his head once more. He felt a lot better after he felt Kits cock sliding out of his very tight tail hole, but was shocked to feel the pain even stronger as the young horse pushed it all the way in again. This time Xair felt something crawl down his leg. He touched it and looked at his hand, it was blood. Kits saw the blood and stopped his humping.

"Xair are you okay, if you want I could stop, really it's no biggy".

"No", responded Xair almost immediately.

"Don't stop, not yet". With this Kits felt bad but did as the lovely doggie said and continued to fuck him, this time he humped him with a steady rhythm making sure this time Xair felt pleasure. Xair rose himself to connect his back with Kits front side, and rested upon him. Xair's tight ass was too much for Kits for with only a few minutes of humping him, he started to moan loudly. Xair knew that Kits was coming to a conclusion so he tighten his grip on Kits's massive cock. This time both were moaning and very loud. Kits let go of his grip on Xair's hips and hugged him around the chest very hard, and he gave a scream. Xair felt an explosion of cum inside of him. Xair laid back on the bed again this time facing Kits, still panting

", I.......I never......felt this good, before......" Kits smiled while he pulled his huge cock off of Xair and then laid on top of him, giving him one last kiss before they both drifted into a huge slumbering dream.