Long ago (2)

Story by ShiraiKingetsu on SoFurry

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#3 of Questioning the past

I'll stress that I'm not a ‘morning person' again. Instead of waiting for an opening, I simply opened the door, and brandished a dagger. That could be big mistake number one, I guess, and as it turns out my adversary was armed with what looked like a baseball bat, and another had a clunky chain wrapped around his knuckles in a way that you'd normally use a set of brass knuckles.

I didn't have enough time to look at their features before my head was made a target, and the baseball bat was swung straight down from behind the assailants' shoulder, it didn't hit my head, as I'd started to move, but it did connect with my left shoulder, a powerful thud emanated from the impact generated.

I felt some of my collarbone fragment a little, but enough to be painful. In the split second I had to retaliate, I used the hilt of my dagger to break the knuckles of the baseball bats' owner. The chain from the other assailant lashed out against the wall, flicking on a light; then pulled back to flay and catch my right arm.

I pulled the chain towards me with as much force as I could, causing the two assailants to collide. That opened up a second strike with my daggers' blade, this time, on the baseball bat's grip, and the hand grasping it. A crimson fluid drooled down the side of my blade when I withdrew it, along with a blood-chilling scream.

Again, I used the momentary distraction to attack, and at the same time switch off the light with my left arm, which I achieved by pivoting forward to face my left hand side, while striking the second assailant with a powerful kick. The first assailant now abandoned his comrade to get some medical help, I'd assume.

My kick had knocked the second assailant against the wall, and the chain tethering me to him caused me to be pulled forward which had the effect of pulling me off balance. I was quickly punished by an attack to the back of my head, knocking me onto the floor in a prone position.

I spun myself over, pulling him off balance as what little slack was left in the chain became taut and he was pulled over me. I managed to cut his left hamstring, and I'm sure that if the previous scream had disturbed some people, this one must've woken the entire campus. Blood gushed out of the new wound when I withdrew my blade.

After forcing him off of me, which was easy thanks to his new concern, I flicked the blood off of my dagger and quickly returned it to the hidden sheath it belonged to. Once the lights had been turned on by a number of angry, scared or in one case a bemused student, I noticed that I had quite a lot of blood on myself as well, thanks to my violent solution.

The assailant attempted to stand, with surprising success. I hadn't cut his entire muscle, although it was in serious trouble of tearing if he used it in the state it was in. I pushed him back to the floor, this time looking him in the face. He was obviously in pain from the wound, and there was a lot of blood on the floor. Soon enough he'd pass out. Shae had made his way out of the dorm now, along with a lot of bandage.

"So, why exactly did you try to attack us?" Shae said, and quickly descended into a cross-legged position. The raven, as I could now identify him, didn't reply. And judging from the pool of blood on the floor, I doubted he'd respond. Shae quickly covered the wound in swathes of bandage.

"The questions can wait, Shae. I'll call an ambulance; he'll need more treatment than we can perform here." I said. Although, it became obvious I didn't have to do either when the rather large crowd had yelled to a degree of varied phrasing,

"I already have." During the massive outburst, I also overheard someone mentioning the police being called, so I had that working in my favour too.

It never takes long for an ambulance to reply to an emergency call, but getting a stretcher through a crowded corridor is a royal pain in the ass.

"Ok, but you guys are gonna have to clear out for when they get here. And for Christ's sake, get some clothes!" I called out to the mass of anthros and humans that stood around me and Shae. Most shook their heads and walked off, some of them simply departed; but a minority seemed dazed and sick. I guess they were the few who weren't used to blood.

I'm almost the polar opposite of that, I love blood; but I have no intention of harming others to see it, or myself. The ambulance crew that arrived after a brief wait, about five to ten minutes, was quickly joint by a pair of policemen; on closer inspection a policeman and a policewoman; A moot point though.

I beckoned the police to join me in my dorm, and once Shae was finished explaining the raven was an armed assailant, and shouldn't be discharged until investigations were over, he joined us and we were met with a calm selection of questions.

"...So, you were awakened at approximately 5:12 by several people attempting a break-in, one armed with a baseball bat, and the raven, armed with a chain. The assailant proceeded to strike your left shoulder, and you hit his knuckles with the hilt of your dagger. The raven then used the chain to turn on the lights in an attempt to startle you, I assume, and the chain then connected with your arm, you used it to pull the raven into the nameless assailant, at which point you sliced the assailants' hand open, causing him to flee. The raven was then continued to attack you, so you hamstrung him to prevent him from escaping while you called us. Is this correct?"

"Yes, that's what happened." I calmly replied. Shae passed something to the policewoman, who quickly passed it to her partner.

"I found that while attending to the raven. I assume it's the webbing from the unnamed assailants' hand that Shirai must've severed when attempting the disarming strike. I've never seen this coloration of fur in my life. Although I assume that whatever it's from is an aquatic being, as the fur is coated with-" Shae was right that the fur was odd in coloration and lustre, as well as being extremely dense.

"We aren't zoologists; however we can have this tissue sent to our forensics lab for genetic tests if it means so much to you." The policewoman replied. The full-body suits they were wearing made it extremely difficult for me to tell what they were either. I gazed at the visor of a helmet covering the head of the policewoman, and made a hypothetical connection between the events of the past few days.

"Before you leave, I think I have an idea as who's organized this. Recently I've been looking into the origin of anthros like me and Shae, I've happened upon an odd company called the Institute of Genetic and Evolutionary Study, and I have reason that they... ‘Created' our ancestors or parents, and are trying to hide their link with this by all means necessary. I think that they may be attempting similar genetic modifications again, due to the presentation of that odd tissue." I explained. If I could make out the faces behind those damn visors, or see inside those skin-tight gloves I'd have a clue as to who I was talking to.

"The IGES? We're already investigating several suspicious attacks similar to this. In correlation to your description, the victims were for the better part bludgeoned to death or strangles with a chain. I understand it may be unethical to discuss this kind of sensitive information with you, however..." The policewoman paused for a second, and removed the visor obscuring her face. Her eyes were undoubtedly reptilian, and a layer of rich topaz scales covered her skin.

"I am also attempting to uncover the past. Perhaps the other victims were attempting the same thing, or other research into that... dubious company." The reptilian replaced the visor, again obscuring her eyes and the ridge of scales between.

"You are the first knows survivor of these attacks. You're lucky your room had no alternative entry." She gave a slight nod to her partner, who took a small earpiece and mouthpiece from a hidden pocket, and passed it to me. I quickly gave my thanks, and took it.

The small devices fit in an interesting way, the earpiece fit to the inside of my ear, and stayed there quite well. It had a slightly sticky coating, so it wouldn't fall out. I could still take it out easily. The mouthpiece was odd. It was completely transparent, with a small black touchpad on one side. It looked like it couldn't be attached in any way like the other part of the set. I placed a finger on the touchpad, and it blinked red for a split second, then a pre-recorded message played on the mouthpiece.

"Transmission set number 3391-4093-6692 activated. For future use, simply apply pressure to the touch pad and speak. Please place this loop over your head, as you would a lanyard." A thin, transparent line was ejected from the oval-shaped mouthpiece. The transparent loop had been concealed by a thin flap of covering.

I didn't trust any thin, wiry materials; I haven't since a cheese wire related incident last year. Some guy in year 10 committed suicide simply by using it as a noose and jumping from a table. Before I placed the wire over my neck, I tugged at it a little to test its elasticity. It was extremely sturdy. I took a small piece of denim out of a pocket. I'd been intending on using it as something to put my keys on, but I didn't need it. I slipped it through the wiry stuff, which pulled itself tight to the denim, and slowly the coarse material began to fray. I glared at the male policeman maliciously, and put my hand to one of my daggers' hilt.

"Wow, look at that. The little ‘mouthpiece' could have strangled me quite easily. Would you like me to destroy yours?" I growled. The policeman removed his visor, revealing a pair of wet, black eyes and blue fur. The policewoman gave a surprised hiss, and began to speak. I whipped out the dagger I'd been holding and pressed its steel edge to the neck of his uniform.

"Go ahead. If he doesn't answer whatever you have to say, there'll be a nice crimson stain on the floor, and a nice ornamental head in the middle." I growled to the reptile.

"What did you do to my partner? And where is he?" The woman hissed. Her voice sounded icy enough to chill the air.

"I don't know... Please, I didn't have a choice! I was forced to play this charade, or they said I'd be killed anyway!" Tears slowly rolled out of his eyes and into the hidden recesses of the uniform.

"What ‘they'? Are they members of the IGES, by any chance?" Shae calmly asked. The male nodded in a response.

"They told me that... That if I could bring you back to the facility alive, I'd be free to do as I pleased, and if I couldn't do that with the raven, then I'd have to kill you, they said something about geme- genedical instapility, I think."

"And where does my partner come into this!" The reptile barked in a tone that mimicked anguish.

"He never did anything to your fucking company! He didn't care about any of that crap either, and he was only interested in making sure we were all safe, Damnit!" I kept my dagger ready to dispatch the blue anthro or restrain the reptile if I needed to.

The reptile began to sob, and before long she was incoherent. Shae picked himself up from the bed he'd been sitting on, and walked over to the woman. I stopped paying any attention to them, and turned my eye to the anthro.

"So, you wanted to hurt many, and kill some people simply because you wanted freedom? You don't know what you're saying. Freedom isn't all it's cracked up to be for anthros of any sort. Now, tell me where I can find your ‘employer', or I'll leave you to rot in prison while I find it myself, or the police do. There's more than enough evidence to put you behind bars for a long time, so I hope you're going to co-operate with me. Chances are, wherever your company is, her partner is, and I intend on helping him out."

"Shirai, you have your biology course tomorrow, so you'd better be able to sort that out pretty damn fast, or I'll make sure Jaine knows what's going on in full. I have her phone number..." Shae warned from next to the crying woman.

"Umm, the one I was at is at the bottom of a hill, there's a road going to it, I think from the police station you just go straight east." He replied quietly. I pulled him to his feet, and walked him over to the bereaved woman.

"I think we have our location. Come on, I have a class tomorrow, and He mightn't be there later." I said. Shae and the Policewoman stood up, the latter a bit slower.

"I'd like to pick up my gun before we leave. I might need it when we're there."

It took us the better half of an hour to drive there, including the time we'd gotten stuck at the main intersection in town. It was roughly 4, thanks to the questioning taking so long before. The policewoman had handcuffed the blue and white anthro to a bar attached to the back seat of the car. He was now wearing a simple pair of shorts and a white shirt.

Shae was sitting on the other side of the back seat. I'd passed him a dagger encase the anthro tried anything while we were checking he building. When we arrived, I felt like I'd stepped into my dream. The hill where I'd desperately tried to climb up, a set of burnt cells and a huge gate on the perimeter. Entering was no problem; the facility wasn't locked in any way.

The entrance was simple, and empty, nothing moved within it. I looked around for a light switch for the policewoman, although there was no obvious trigger. She took out a small flashlight to look around the room. I thought I heard something thumping against some kind of glass in another room.

I tried to open both of the doors to the left and right wings of the facility, both were locked electrically. I remembered the large doors' lock being disabled by a bullet durning one of those alarmingly vivid 'dreams', maybe the same trick would work with the gun. The policewoman turned towards me when she heard me turn off the safety on my glock.

"That won't accomplish anything. I took the liberty of bringing some of this-" she pulled a large blob of blue putty from a pocket, a few fuses and a lighter.

"-Because I thought there'd be some doors like this here." She rolled out a small amount and placed it on the frame of the door, and then placed a small piece on the switch, ‘just in case'. She placed a fuse into one piece of the putty.

"You'd better get behind something and cover your ears. Say ‘go' when you're ready." She said. I had no trouble finding out there wouldn't be any kind of cover in there, so I made sure the door was open.

"There's nothing in there that'd help. Make a run to here. Go!" I yelled. She lit the fuse and bolted for the door. She quickly slammed it, and after a brief wait we were audience to a chorus of metal scraps, concrete and clay started by a large explosion. For a few seconds, I couldn't hear anything. I might've panicked, but I didn't.

A few more seconds, and my ears were just ringing. By the time I could hear properly, which was a few minutes, I walked back inside. There was quite a bit of rubble, and although the door wouldn't move an inch, the holes in the wall were easy enough for me to slip through. The pounding sound was getting louder.

An electrical light was glowing from inside a door. I yelled for the policewoman, I guessed she must have been in there too, because the door was ajar. I pushed it open cautiously; making sure my glock was ready to fire if I needed to, with a dagger in the other. I walked inside the second I could, and heard something shuffle around behind me. I slammed the door shut as a reflex, and I bitterly regretted it when I heard a mechanical beep as the door locked.

I turned around o see what else was in this room. Somehow I felt that I was about to see something I wouldn't forget for a long time to come, but I didn't see anything I'd claim worthy of that. I blew some dust off of a nearby apparatus. It was for genetic analysis, I assumed. I hadn't seen anything quite like it.

"So, you're trapped in here too?" A voice rasped from behind something. I turned to face the direction the sound had came from, the source was a reptilian man, almost identical to the topaz-scaled policewoman who I'd entered with.

"Only if there aren't the right chemicals here." I replied to the reptilian.

"I looked through those. I didn't see anything that'll help." He said dully. I quickly realized he was right; I couldn't find much other than ethanol for surgical item sterilization.

"Damn..." I muttered. I figured that if I was stuck in here, I might as well try to shoot the lock open. The door had a window on it thankfully, even if it was laced with wire to keep it sturdy. I switched my glock to safety, and took out the clip. I used the sturdy butt of the gun to crack the glass, and eventually I'd knocked out a decent amount of it.

I pulled out one of my two other hidden daggers, and tore through the wire grid until I could reach my arm through. I loaded my gun, switched off safety, and fired off the whole clip before the door had creaked in response to the weight on it as it slowly opened, the broken window giving me a series of cuts along my arm as I pulled out my arm and gun.

I walked over to him, and I couldn't help myself from gasping. I hadn't been paying attention before, but the poor guy had been left naked in this room to die. I'm always nervous around naked guys. And before you get any ideas, I'm not bisexual, I'm straight.

"You're a policeman, aren't you? I thought revealing yourself and running around research facilities was illegal..." I joked.

"Well, you'd better come with me. I've just been with your partner..." I heard some more shuffling. I responded by putting my now empty clip into my pocket and reloading my glock, then putting my foot in the doorway to make sure it didn't close again. The second the sound came around the corner, I knew whatever it was had also come around. I heard it moving towards the door, and the second it was almost right in front of me, I brought my left fist down onto it, knocking it out.

The reptile swaggered over to the thing, and casually turned over the body. I quickly dragged it into the room and closed the door when I realized it wasn't anything useful.

"Yeah, I'm a cop. I got dragged here after something knocked me unconscious with a bat of some kind. I don't know where my partner went after that. But I guess whoever knocked me out had some kind of intention for my clothes." He said. I found myself staring at his exposed torso. The topaz scales faded to a dull orangey colour on the chest.

Somehow I resented my new habit of examining people; my eyes scanned down to a genital slit, and further down the coloration remained the same. No tail though, I found it a little odd. Most of the time I saw a reptilian anthro they had one. Ah well.

"And if I'm right, that guy's boss is gonna be here soon if we don't get out of here." I pulled out the denim strap I attached my transmitter to. I pressed the button on it, and spoke into it.

"Hey, you there? I found your partner; we're gonna head back to the car."

"Are you? I thought you were going to stay in that cell like the good little child of a failure." A voice boomed from around the corner. It was distinctly male, and was spoken with authority.

"Fuck. We've gotta get out of here now. Run, Damnit!" I called out as I pulled along the naked reptile.

A spray of bullets erupted from behind me, miraculously missing us. A second volley was fired and I felt a good number of the hit my arms. I felt myself start to slow down, but I managed to keep moving, and fired off a clip at the assailant while running. I thanked god that he was an awful shot, and that whatever he was firing was inaccurate.

I heard a metallic report from all of them, although one was followed by a clunk. I manoeuvred through the door as fast as I could, and the reptile followed. We ran out of the building. The car started pulling out of the parking spot it had filled, and kept moving out. I suddenly noticed why when a group of militia began firing rifles at the car. My glock had seven shots left.

I hesitantly aimed for their heads, and fired a bullet at each, all of them met with a cracking report as their heads jolted to the side from the gun's power, followed by a little stream of blood flowing to the ground and pooling.

The car stopped pulling out of the park, to my relief. The reptile quickly removed a vest of some kind from two of them, and threw one to me. It was pretty heavy, but I slipped it on anyway.

I felt lucky when I realized it was bulletproof a few seconds later when it was hit by another volley of bullets from the man who'd been chasing us. I stopped to fire my last round back, but my glock jammed for the first time since I'd bought it a few years ago.

I cursed; I'd rushed putting it back together. The reptile had gotten to the car, and was waving at me to get a move on. My head had become light from the blood loss I'd neglected, and I lapsed into unconsciousness. Just as my sight was blotted out by the darkness, I saw the blue anthro running toward me, and felt him pick me up.

"...cannot leave here... Imperfect... ...You're an abomination..."

Voices tormented me as I lay on the hillside. There was blood leaking from my head, I couldn't remember why; it must've been trod on by an unsuspecting militia from earlier. I thanked the earth and sky for my safety, but now what could I do? I was unlike all the men that had passed before me.

I picked myself up from the ground, and felt the earth beneath my hind paws. I took the wad of bandage filled with dry blood out of my shoulder. There was a small hole there, and moving my arm was difficult in some ways. A dribble of blood escaped from the remaining unsealed tissue.

Something told me I'd be no more if I couldn't have it treated. And I felt thirsty... My lungs burned for fluids, and my stomach growled. I was hungry; after all, I hadn't been fed after those odd people had put me in that coma. Somehow I knew that gangrene and septicaemia had set in, even though I had no knowledge of what they were, or what the building my mind told me was a hospital was. But I had to make it, for the sake of my future.

I made my way into a small town in a bleak, miasmic state of mind, I guess I was shambling past many more than one person as I dragged my form along the main street to one of many large buildings, something told me that I'd found it when I saw a van-like vehicle pull into a park, and unload a blood-stained stretcher, complete with a female fox similar to myself.

As I spent my remaining energy dragging my nude form to the people there, I felt my mouth form a barely audible sentence, each word painfully dragged from my dried throat and stinging lungs.

"Help me, help her. Help us all" I swallowed back a dry cough and placed my arms against one of the crew. The arm that had been shot; my mind was finding it hard to tell which was which, was becoming more difficult to move, slowly but steadily. Finally my spent limbs collapsed onto the floor, although I hadn't been given the merciful unconsciousness I'd been granted so many times before.

To Be contnued, obviously.

I'm pretty poor at formatting text, but I hope this makes it 'easier to read'.

Long ago (3)

Foreword: Last three chapters were written sometime around late 2k8 or early 2k9. Either way, I re-read them and have convinced myself that they had \*way\* too much Deus Ex Machina in them. I'm not gonna re-write them, but I intend to cut down on...

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Long ago (1)

Several weeks after I was allowed to leave hospital, not that the admission could stop me from walking out anyway, I returned to the real world's college. Of course, Jaine's also attending classes there. She said she was getting sick of the uni she was...

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Psych Self

Psych Self Dedicated to Jaine, my pet fox. Rest in peace. It was midnight. I ran down the street, rain pouring against my face. A crack of thunder illuminated the grass I was now running on. Behind me I could hear whoever was trying to catch me....

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