Sylvr's Story Ch - 5

Story by Sylvr on SoFurry

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Sylvr's Story 5

Sylvr & Krystal â€" Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Same as usual, kiddies don't read this, and anyone reading, for the love of god, lock your door, don't want to give your momma a heart attack when she walks in on you pawing off, now on to the story you came to read. Oh, even though there will be some yiff in this chapter, 99% of it will not be, so if you're looking to make some knuckle babies, this is the wrong story for that, but read it, and comment anyway, just because. =]

Oh and Sylvr & Krystal are mine, my permission is required for use, thanks ;]

Walking out into the station, I saw several posters, advertising Journey's latest tour, including tour dates, looking down the list, I found the date for the planet we were at, three days from now. After finishing my shopping, I headed back to my quarters and started packing for our trip planet side tomorrow, packing what I had bought for Krystal in my bag. I was lucky, she walked into my quarters just as I finished packing.

"Hey stranger."

"What's up Krystal." "Not a whole lot, just got back from the station, what have you been up to?"

"Packing for tomorrow."

"I packed while you were in the bridge earlier."

"Smart, I should have earlier, I'm getting tired and we're leaving early tomorrow."

"So, sleep?"

"Sure, who's quarters?"

"We're already here, so yours."

I was already wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, Krystal was in a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt. The lights were dimmed and the stereo turned down some, Krystal cuddled up close to me, it didn't take long for either of us to drift off to sleep. The next morning came all too soon, it always did. I was just climbing out of bed, Krystal still asleep, a faint smile on her face, when my dad hailed my room.

"Sylvr, get your ass out of bed, you bum!"

"I just got up and I think you may have pissed off Krystal."

"Oops, well get in gear you two, we're scheduled to leave in half an hour."

"Alright, I'll get the shuttle powered up, just bring me some coffee. Sylvr out."

"Bridge out."

Krystal took off for her quarters to put some clothes on and grab her pack for the trip, me doing basically the same, except I didn't have to go anywhere. After putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and grabbing my bag, I headed back to the shuttle to get it powered up. I booted up the computer system, unlocked the engineering consol and powered up the reactor, test running it up to full power, then idling it back down to the preset 5 percent idle. "Alright shuttle's powered up and ready to go. Where's my coffee?"

A few minutes later, five equally looking tired crew members showed up, my dad settling down at the helm, handed me a steaming cup of brew, taking a sip off his own mug. Everyone else strapped down in their own seats.

"Thanks dad, I really needed that."

"Yea, you look like you need to sleep for a few hours more."

"I wouldn't mind that, but someone's gotta keep an eye on the engineering section."

"You're young, you'll be fine."

"I need more coffee."

"You and me both."

"You ready to get this thing moving."

"Yea, crank the reactor up to 45 percent until we are clear of the station, then up to 80."

"Ok, the reactor is at 45."

"Good, ok maneuvering out of the ship and now the station, clear of station airspace, run the reactor up."

"Reactor is up to 80 percent."

Once the reactor was up to 80 percent power, dad started reentry procedure, punching the atmosphere of the planet, which was very similar to Earth in climate and topography, also having the same basic air composition. The reentry was pretty smooth, with no problems. Touching down on a landing pad at the aeroplex, the shuttle was towed to a hangar and the wheels chocked. The shuttle was powered down and we all disembarked, heading for the aeroplex's bus station to take us out to a mountain range similar to the Appalachian Mountains, for a camping/hiking trip. It would be about a five or so hour ride out to the station we were getting off at, in a small country town. I took a window seat, Krystal settled down in the seat next to me, after finding the armrest between us folded up. Sometime during the trip, I fell asleep, only waking up when we stopped at a fuel station for some diesel, Krystal had cuddled up to me and fallen asleep herself. I grabbed my mp3 player and put on a playlist of traveling music I had compiled. I had my right arm wrapped around Krystal's shoulders and could feel her breathing, as I watched the mountains in the distance growing as we drew nearer, the scenery was truly beautiful, as was the vixen sleeping next to me. Three hours later we were pulling up to a town with a population of 940 as noted by the sign coming in, as the bus pulled up to the stop, I gently shook Krystal to wake her. "Krystal, love, we're here."

"Whaa? Oh, yea."

"Little sleepy are we?"

"Hey, you fell asleep first."

"I also woke up about three hours ago."

"Oh, why didn't you get me up?"

"I figured I'd let you sleep while you had the chance."

"I see, thanks Sylvr."

We got up out of our seats and I grabbed our bags, handing Krystal hers, as a slung my own over my back. Jumping off the bus, we found our parents and all six of us took off on foot for the trail that we had planned to take. By now, it was midday and getting warm, I pulled my shirt off and stuffed it in a pocket on my pack, enjoying the feeling of the warm air blowing through my fur. We had been hiking for about three hours when we came upon a small rocky bluff just off the main trail, seeing the view off of the bluff, we decided to stop for the day. It was starting to cool down some by now, finding a nice sized flat boulder, I pulled my pack off my back, using it as a headrest as I laid down on the stone, which was warm from the day's heat. Krystal sat down next to me and laid back, using my chest as a headrest as I took her hand in mine. "Sure is nice up here eh?"

"It really is."

"Any place is nice as long as I'm with you, love."

"Sylvr, that is so corny, in the cutest kind of way."

"Yea, I know, but it's also true."

We laid there until for a couple hours until dinner, which composed of hotdogs cooked over an open fire, potato chips and Coke was ready. Sitting down on a blanket unrolled on the ground, we commenced to inhale the simple meal, the fresh air and hiking making all of us very hungry. After dinner, we all sat around just taking in the scenery and enjoying the change of pace from the starship. After the sun set, Krystal got in her pack and pulled out a sleeping bag, she looked at me and winked.

"Care to join me."

"Don't mind if I do."

Slipping into the sleeping bag with Krystal, I wrapped my arms around her as she cuddled up to me. We both fell asleep within a few minutes. The next morning, we were woken up by the sun's warmth, heating the inside of the sleeping bag very effectively.

"Happy birthday, Krystal."

"Thank you, so what'd you get me?" "You'll have to wait until tonight."

"You devil."

"Horny devil?"

"What else!"

We got up, Krystal rolled up the sleeping bag as I went over to the coffee pot, which her dad had already made up, and poured a cup for myself and one for Krystal. Walking back over to the big stone we laid on yesterday, I handed Krystal her cup of hot coffee.

"Thanks, want a pear."

"What? Oh sure, I love these things, especially when their fresh."

"Yea and these are really good too."

"Ooh, yea, that is good, where did ya find em?"

"They were selling them in town yesterday, bought them while you were reliving yourself."

"Oh nice."

"Ha ha yea, I thought so."

"Hey, you two lovebirds about ready to go?" said Krystal's mother.

"Yes mom."

I slung my pack on my back and took off, hand in hand with Krystal. It was fun, the trail led us down the backside of the mountain, where a nice sized creek ran between the mountain we had just hiked down and a rock face that was the bottom of the mountain behind it. Seeing as how it was nearly midday and getting hot by the time we made it to the creek, we all dropped our packs jumped in the creek to cool down. About an hour later, we all climbed out of the creek and finding a massive stone, we all laid down, the heat radiating off the stone and the sun drying us off. Krystal fell asleep on the stone, I got up and found a tree several feet away, pulling the card I had bought her out of my pack, I wrote her a little note and signed it before putting it back in the envelope and sealing it up. After putting it back in my pack, I leaned up against the tree and took in the view, the flowing creek, the rock jutting out of the side of the mountain and my beautiful sleeping mate. Between the swim and the warmth of the day, I nearly fell asleep, not noticing Krystal walking over to me with a couple cans of Coke, until she sat down next to me and dropped an unopened can in my lap, startling me some. "Whoaaa!!!"

"Oh, sorry, didn't know you were sleeping."

"Ah, that's alright, I wasn't actually sleeping, just very close."

"Oh, ok, so what's up?"

"Not a whole lot, just looking forward to tonight."

"Yea, same here."

I cracked open my can of pop, happy it didn't explode on me and took a long drink. Krystal and I just kind of hung out, under that pine tree, just making small talk and exchanging the occasional kiss or two. We stayed there, cuddled up, long enough to watch a beautiful sunset, before walking over to the campfire for burgers and to celebrate Krystal's birthday and mine, which would be tomorrow, we always celebrated them together. After eating dinner, Krystal and her parents and mine dug into their packs to pull out the gifts they had gotten us. I decided to wait until last, as I had a bit of a surprise for Krystal. Opening my gifts, I got a new belt, with a chrome skull buckle and some guitar picks from Krystal's parents, my parents got me a black leather jacket, putting them on, I found they went well together. Krystal received a new computer from her parents, as hers had bit the dust just a few day before, my parents got her Journey's Live 1981 Escape Tour CD, the only one she didn't have. "Wow, were did you guys find this CD?"

"LeAnn saw it about a month ago, Sylvr said you didn't have it."

"How did you know I didn't have it?"

"That CD is not on the jukebox, every other Journey album is, plus you told me you didn't have it, see, my memory is somewhat ok."

"You're fine Sylvr, anyway here's your gift from me."

"Wow, Krystal, that's a beautiful watch, easy to read too, thanks love."

I pulled her in for a quick kiss and then dug into my pack, finding her gift and card, handing her the gift first. Her eyes went wide when she saw the turquoise scarab beetle necklace.

"Sylvr, it's beautiful, I love it, thank you."

"I'm glad you like it, I had a good time picking it out, oh and look at the back."

On the back, I had it custom engraved with, I am forever yours... faithfully, a piece of the lyrics from Faithfully, by Journey.

"Sylvr that is so sweet, I love you."

"I love you too, oh here, I almost forgot, I got you a card."

When she opened the card, I thought she was going to faint, instead she turned to me and kissed directly on the muzzle. "Sylvr, how in the world did you get these, I thought they sold out."

"Yea they sold out alright, those were the last two tickets."

"Wow, Sylvr, this is more than I could have ever asked for, I feel bad now though, I only got you a watch."

"Remember when I told you that I didn't need anything because I had you? That's completely true, having you by my side is more than I could ever ask for."

"Aww, Sylvr, that's the sweetest thing I have ever heard. You actually wrote a note on the card too?"

"Yea, read it, I think we all need to hear it."

"To the one who has taken my heart as no one else could, Krystal Ray, I love you, more than anything in the universe, I truly am, forever yours. Love, Sylvr."

Krystal looked at me, tears in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss. Breaking the kiss, she took my hands and looked directly into my eyes.

"Is it true Sylvr?"

"Every word."

"I love you, Sylvr, nothing will ever change that, I could never leave you."

"I love you too, Krystal, with all my heart." No more was said, I simply wrapped my left arm around her shoulders as she leaned up against my side, her head on my shoulder. We sat there, just watching the campfire burn down for a couple hours. By the time the fire was reduced to embers, we were nearly asleep. We laid down in the cool grass and fell asleep in each other's arms, in love, as we were meant to be. We woke the next morning, stiff as a board.

"Krystal, my dear, we really need to stop falling asleep in the grass."

"Yea, I think you may be right."

"Hey, I think there is some coffee ready."

"Good, I need some."

"Yea, it should help with a sore back too, so will the hiking, loosen us up some."

"Thank god."

After drinking a pot of coffee, we all packed camp and took off for the town we left two days ago, seeing as how the last two days we only hiked part of the day, we had no problem making it back to town before sunset.

"Well Sylvr, seeing as it's your birthday, happy birthday."

"Thanks love, finally an adult, don't feel any different though."

"You will never completely grow up, at least I hope not." "Nope, I never will, I'm a guy, none of us do."


"That necklace looks good on you Krystal, I did a good job picking it out."

"Thanks, I like how it looks too and I love the engraving you had done on the back. That watch doesn't exactly look bad on you, by the way."

"Well, thank you, my style too, polished band and hands against a flat black face, very cool, I must say."

"I'm glad you like it, I had fun looking for just the right one and when I saw that one, I knew that's what you were getting."

"You know what's weird, I looked at one similar to this one, I wanted to buy it, but I'm a cheap bastard."

"That necklace couldn't have been cheap."

"I do make exceptions, especially when I'm buying for you."

"I'm just happy you didn't buy the watch when you looked at it."


"What would I have gotten you then?"

"I dunno, all I know is, I'd be just as happy, because I have you, that's all that really matters."

"You are so sweet and kind of cheesy, in a good way."

"Believe me, I know I'm sweet, cheesy, I don't know about though." We all got a good laugh out of that. We were hiking east, by the time we got back to town, the sun was to our backs. Finding a cheap hotel, we rented a room, the windowsill was able to be used as a third mattress, I was happy, I wouldn't be sleeping on the ground. After checking into the hotel and dropping our bags off, we all headed to a small diner for supper. Sitting down at a U shaped booth, next to Krystal, I noticed something.

"Is it just me, or does this seem similar to the lounge on the ship?"

The response was a general yes. After receiving our orders, oddly we all ordered some variation of the hamburger, mine being a double bacon cheeseburger with hot peppers, all six of us attacked our food like we hadn't eaten in a week, when in reality, we had eaten just hours earlier! We headed back to the hotel for some sleep, the only problem being, the room had only one bathroom and there was six of us. We solved the problem by keeping our showers short, just long enough to quickly clean up. My mom went to take her shower first, dad helped solve the problem, or so we think, by chasing my mom into the bathroom and showering with her. Good lord, they were just as randy as Krystal and I and they were nearly forty. Krystal's parents followed suit. We couldn't shower together to our dismay, didn't want the parents to know about that part. One advantage to having a partner in the shower was having someone to wash your back better than you ever could. Being a gentleman, I first washed Krystal's back, only allowing her at mine after I was finished. We silently decided not to fool around any, mostly because Krystal was still on her heat cycle and we both knew well what would most likely happen if we did and both of our parents were still in the hotel room, that would be very awkward, walking past all four of them, them knowing well what had gone on in that shower! After our shower, we climbed into bed, I was very anxious about tomorrow, Krystal and I had about an hour bus ride to the outdoor concert and a quick check of the weather channel showed beautiful clear skies and a mild temperature all day tomorrow. Pulling a light sheet over us, Krystal cuddled up to me and looked me in the eye. "Tomorrow is going to be amazing, I still cannot believe you got tickets."

"I'm still a little shocked too, especially when the kid behind the ticket counter told me they were the last two he had."

Krystal pulled me even closer and kissed me deeply. Sleep came easy that night as I was tired from hiking, even in as good of shape I was, it still wore me out. Waking the next morning, for lack of a better explanation, I felt like a kid at Christmas, in anticipation of what the day would bring, the concert would, no doubt, be awesome but just spending a day with my mate was what I was really looking forward to.

"Good morning hansom."

"Morning beautiful."

"You ready to get up."

"No, I'd love to just stay cuddled here with you for awhile."

"As much as I'd love that myself, we need to get going."

"Yea, I know and believe me, I'm really looking forward to tonight too."

"What time do you think we should get going?"

"Seeing as it's an outdoor concert, with no real seating, we'll be rolling out a blanket, we may want to get moving so we can score a good place to set up camp." "You taking a shower?"

"Na took one last night and we're both clean and my fur's not too wild."

"Yea, same here."

"I already packed a bag with what we'll need, so as soon as we're dressed, we can get on the bus."

"What all are we taking?"

"A blanket to sit on, the tickets and a couple Zippos, along with some snack food to eat while we are waiting."

"Good thinking well lets get some clothes on and hit the road."

After dressing, I grabbed the bag after checking to make sure the tickets were in it, and slung it over my shoulder, onto my back. We headed out of the hotel, after saying good bye to our parents, we would meet back up with them after the concert. Boarding the bus, Krystal stole the window seat this time.

"Ha, got it from ya" she said, shooting me a quick smile.

"You're a goof" giving her a smile of my own.

"Yea, I know, would you want me any other way?"

"Nope, I love you just the way you are."

About fifty minutes later, we were jumping off the bus and heading for the gates. After making it through the gates, with nothing getting confiscated, we started looking for a place to set up and wait for the concert to begin. We soon found a place, about thirty feet from the stage, dead center, perfect, not too close, or far away. The tie-dye blanket was unrolled on the grass and we laid down on our backs, Krystal resting her head on my chest. "You should keep the ticket stubs Krystal, you know just as a keepsake, something to remember this by."

"Yea, I think I may put a scrapbook of us together, these will definitely be in it."

"That's a neat idea."

"I figure someday we will look at it, remembering all the wonderful memories we shared together."

"That we have and believe me, I sure have enjoyed them" she looked at me seductively.

"I like how you think."

Pulling out a bag of Funions (is that how you spell it?) I tore it open and popped a few in my mouth. Krystal looked weirdly at me.

"Sylvr, dude, those things are nasty, how can you eat them?"

"What are you talking about, their good" I said through a mouthful.

"You better have some gum or something, no way in hell I'm kissing you with that on your breath."

"I came prepared" I said with a wink. "Wanna soda, dear?"

"What'd you bring?"

"Um, let me see, a few Pepsis, some Mountain Dew, um that's about it."

"Mountain Dew sounds good."

I ate about half that bag of Funions and chased it with a bottle of Pepsi before chewing a couple sticks of gum, partially so Krystal would actually get close to me and, well, because Funions and Pepsi can leave a bad taste in your mouth! We watched the sun start to drop towards the horizon, Krystal dozed off for a while, leaving me to think how cool this all was. The stage was dark, you couldn't see a thing, just as the sun dropped below the horizon, the stage lit up and there they were, Journey, without a word, the soft guitar entrance of Wheel in the Sky came through the amp speakers, the crowd, us included went nuts. It was simply incredible, it is one thing to listen to a song on the stereo, another thing completely to hear it live. As the song ended, the piercing guitar of Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) rippled through the masses, Journey, in no way had lost anything since the seventies, thirty years before we were born. The rest of the songs they played were equally incredible (listen to a Journey album, if you haven't, you'll understand). The last song of the night put everyone there on their feet with Zippos lit and Krystal into my arms, as Lights started to play. She looked me in the eye and planted her muzzle on mine, kissing me deeply, as the song died away. "Sylvr, you have no idea as to how much this means to me, I'll remember this night for the rest of my life" Krystal said to me, with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Krystal, you being happy means more to me than anything" I said with a grin as I pulled her in for another kiss.

"I'm happy just being with you."

With the show over, lights all around the concert area were lit, allowing everyone to see as we packed up and headed out.

Climbing back on the bus, Krystal told me, "Take the window seat".

"Alright, any reason in particular?"

"Yea, so I can use your shoulder as a headrest."

"Ah, a little more comfortable than the window, I take it?"

"Very much so, warmer and a little softer."

"Just a little."

By the time we shut our traps, Krystal had cuddled up to me for the ride home. I heard the airbrakes release and the big charter bus eased out of the parking lot and out onto a lonely two lane highway for the hour drive back to the hotel we were staying at. The drive back was very enjoyable, Krystal cuddled up to me, my arm wrapped around her shoulders, she affectionately nuzzled my shoulder, we didn't talk, just the occasional kiss or lick on the muzzle. When we were together like that, everything else just seemed to melt away, like it didn't matter and a constant smile on her muzzle and mine too. Making it back to the hotel, we found our parents still up, playing euchre, my parents against hers. Neither of us stayed awake long enough to see who won. Dropping down to my boxers, I climbed into bed, Krystal right after me, after putting on a pair of shorts and a sports bra and nothing else. We were asleep quite quickly, the long night draining both of us of energy. Two days later and we were back aboard the freighter, finishing up with a cargo load and offload. I was heading back to my cabin, hand in hand with Krystal. Walking into my cabin, Krystal tackled me, landing us both on the bed in a pile of arms and legs.

"Whaaa, I see someone is happy to see me" I said with a big grin.

With a lustful grin, she raggedly said, "I'm off my heat finally, I need you in me NOW"!

Our clothes landed randomly across my room, on my desk, everywhere, hell, her thong landed on my guitar, on its stand next to the couch. The first time of the night is not even worth writing about, but I will say this, it was very intense and lasted all of five minutes. We collapsed into each other, panting from the workout, if you can call a yiff session a workout, I just call it fun.

"So, big guy, how bout we take it slow now?"

Grinning, I said, "I'm up for a second round if you are."

"Hell yea, remember, it's been a week since we have been in the sack" Krystal said, laughing.

"Well, as of about 5 minutes ago, we just fucked each other's brains out" I said with a cheesy grin. "Shut up and kiss me you big stud."

"My pleasure, you sexy vixen."

Our muzzles met in a long, drawn out kiss, our tongues meeting and dancing. Krystal slid her way down to my already iron hard cock, placing her lips over the tip and a hand over where my knot would be when it formed. She dropped her muzzle half way down my meat pole, massaging the sensitive underside with her tongue. She kept this up for a few minutes, I could feel my knot start to swell. Pulling her mouth off me, except for the tip, she started licking up and down my shaft, occasionally getting the tip, causing me to jump a little. My knot was nearly to full size when Krystal dropped her maw down over about six inches of my dick and gave my knot a squeeze. That pushed me over the edge, with a thrust that buried another inch of foxhood in her jaw, I unloaded my second round of the night. She pulled her muzzle off my dong with a grin, she looked damn sexy, that seductive look on her face and thin strand of my cum connecting her mouth to my dick. I pinned her to the bed, going down on her, slightly licking just around her pussy, before burying the tip of my muzzle within. Forcing my tongue as far as I possibly could caused Krystal to call out in pleasure and slightly thrust into my muzzle. Pulling back out of her, I started working on her clit, going between slightly nibbling it, to just barely touching it with my tongue. Krystal was pre-orgasmic bliss, which soon ended as she came and came hard! Well, now my bed sheets need washed again! Pulling my head up from between her legs, I made my way back up to face level with her. Before I even had a chance to maneuver my cock to her folds, she took hold of it, causing me to yelp out in pleasure and slight pain, she had one hell of a grip. "Ouch, fuck, Krystal that hurt!" I blurted out when she grabbed my now oversensitive and rock hard penis.

"Oh, shit Sylvr, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" she said with a surprised look.

"It's ok, just, warn me next time you use your iron grip on THAT part of me" I said, popping a slight smile.

With her hand off my dong, I proceeded to, very slowly, hilt myself within her for the second time tonight. I started working up a slow, yet powerful rhythm, every time I'd push back into her, Krystal would meet my thrust with her own. We kept going, slowly building up, I could feel my knot starting to form. Krystal looked at me with that look of pure need that I couldn't turn down. With one last hard thrust, my knot shoved its way into her depths with a loud wet pop. Our final orgasms hit at exactly the same moment, sending both of us into a state of pure bliss, it was a wonderful feeling to unload just as your mate clamped down on you with vice like strength. Neither of us were going anywhere for a while, or so we thought, so we simply cuddled up together for the night. "My god, Krystal, that has to be the best we've ever done, I came, what three times."

"Yea, it helps that we spent a week without yiffing, I tell you what I had a hard time simply not jumping you at the hotel."

"Ha ha, you and me both, talk about awkward if our parents woke up and we were fucking each other like the horny foxes we are."

"Shit, that would not be good."

"Krystal, have I told you lately, that I love you?"

"I believe you have, why?"

"Just in case I forgot, I love you."

"I love you too, you weirdo."

We were interrupted by a very hard shake, accompanied by the second most horrid noise I had ever heard, (you will know the most horrid in chapter 6). The emergency warning went off, sending us into a state of panic, we had to get up and go, now, that warning meant one of two things, our reactors had gone critical, or pirates, for the love of God, I hoped it was the reactors, those could be jettisoned, pirates most likely would try to kill us. My knot had already started to shrink, just enough that I was able to barely pull out of Krystal, but damnit it hurt, both of us. Neither of us even bothered with clothes, there was no time, we would have to explain later to our parents, that we both dreaded. Before leaving my room, I grabbed my Mosin Nagant 91/30 sniper rifle, slammed a four round strip clip into the magazine and bolted it, just in case we were dealing with pirates, my ammo belt with six more strips clipped to it, was slung across my left shoulder, crossing down across my chest. The two of us bolted out of the room and up as we got near the bridge, we heard voices we had never heard before, yep pirates. Instead of the bridge, we headed to the galley, ducking down below a metal table. Our parents were already there and looked at the two of us with a look that said, I'm scared as living shit right now and wait a minute, what the fuck, were you two yiffing? Not a word was spoken, we just tried to keep quiet, this would be one of the last places they would raid, we hoped, but were wrong when we heard the voices again, they were heading down here for some reason. To Be Continued....

Tune in for the next part, it will be the end of the series and very intense.

Oh, and if you're wondering as to why I chose a scarab beetle as the pendant for Krystal necklace, look at the cover of a Journey album, that will explain it. :]