The Secrets We Hide: Chapter 1

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well here it finally is, the first chapter of my new story! I hope everyone enjoys, please leave feedback. The second chapter will be a little delayed as I work on a creepypasta story based on real events. ;)

Toby heard the knock on his door, his ear flicking in the direction of the sound as he quickly slid on his skinny, black jeans. He didn't bother with shoes or anything else, he had a feeling that he wasn't going to need those. His tail nabbed a bottle of his best perfume, a potent concoction of pure vanilla bean infused with cinnamon and citrus. He spritzed himself a few times over, setting the bottle on his kitchen counter.

He took a moment to glance around his apartment, surveying his handiwork. Everything was as it should be; dishware was sparkling and spotless, magazines and videos were on their proper shelves, game systems were tucked neatly under the TV stand in his living room, clothes were properly folded and separated inside his dresser, the trash bins were completely empty, the temperature was a very pleasant 66 F, and nothing out of place could be found lying on the floor. Satisfied with his work, Toby turned to his front door and approached, anticipation building in his chest. He couldn't help but quiver in excitement, his eyes fixated on the door knob. He took a deep breath as another knock sounded, gentler this time, with the light rapping of claws against the wood afterward. Toby knew exactly who was standing outside.

The door opened, revealing a tall, handsome, well-dressed dragon. He was a full seven inches taller than the horned raptor, grinning down at the smaller male, his teeth slightly exposed.

"Hey, Toby..." the dragon spoke, taking a step towards him. The dominant inflection in his tone made Toby want to melt into his arms right there, but he wouldn't give in so easily. He grinned back, hands resting on his girlish hips, flashing his two front teeth, one painted dark blue, the other a deep pink.

"Hello, Mr. Kelleur." he teased, his eyes taking in every aspect of the hunk before him. The dragon wore a business suit that seemed far too tight on his well-muscled body, dark gray in color with a maroon tie that drew eyes to his chest and chiseled facial features. The undershirt was plain white, but could not fully hide the vibrancy of the ruby-red scales beneath. Toby ran his fingers along the buttons of Kelleur's jacket, threatening to loosen them right there. He felt that familiar grip around his waist, drawing him closer, sealing his fate for the night.

"What did I say about calling me Mister?" asked the dragon, lowering his muzzle and dragging his teeth against the semi-smooth hide of Toby's neck. The horned raptor let out a gentle gasp, his paws fanning out and dragging down either side of Kelleur's chest. The two were so close together now, they could easily embrace if they wanted, but no, they had their little games to play.

The dragon inhaled deeply, dragging his snout across Toby's neck and through the swathe of spines atop his skull."You smell delectable tonight," remarked Kelleur, "just like every time I see you." Toby's muzzle blushed red at the compliment, already feeling his inhibitions slipping. The dragon's potent cologne mingled with a musk of absolute masculinity, like that of an alpha wolf that Toby had been involved with at one point. The scent ignited his desires, causing his tail to twitch and coil, the retractable spines along it emerging at full length. His fingers danced along those buttons, easily undoing the jacket and sliding it back, fully revealing the undershirt. Toby felt strong hands move to his supple hips, those gentle fingers closing around the curve of his backside.

"Mmmf..." was all he managed, biting his bottom lip as the married dragon caressed his backside, such lewd thoughts running through his mind. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, he was risking so much with this secrecy. But he could not resist Kelleur, not since the day they had met. He threw caution to the wind, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck. Both rubbed their muzzles together in a sign of deep affection, before Kelleur pressed his lips to Toby's. The feeling was heaven for the raptor, his every nerve alive and electric as the taller male gave him a french kiss that could destroy any barrier of inhibition left, those wondrous hands searching and massaging his body. Toby was not one to let this exchange be one sided, knowing just how to entice the dragon into a lust-filled frenzy. He wiggled his hips and raked his claws along Kelleur's clothed back, hard enough so the dragon could feel the tips of his claws through the fabric.

Kelleur groaned and aggressively sought out his paramour's tongue, wrapping both together as he gripped the back of Toby's head, holding the deep, passionate kiss. Both males ground against each other as their lips parted and met again, more fearsomely this time. Both panted and moaned as they worked themselves up, the sweet perfumed scent meeting the musk of raw sexual lust.

"I'm yours for the entire weekend..." said Toby, nibbling on his man's bottom lip, hard enough to draw a drop of sweet blood. This only turned the dragon on even further, resulting in him smacking the raptor's backside gingerly. Toby moaned from the spank, that being a particularly well-loved kink of his. Kelleur smacked the tight raptor ass again and again, until the other male was leaning into him fully, quivering from the lovely abuse.

He spoke in the raptor's ear, voice full of authority and confidence, "You are mine, period." With that said, he gripped Toby's rear with both hands, hefting the raptor up and toting him back into the apartment, his tail clutching a large suitcase that rolled along the floor. Toby's tail smacked against the door, closing it hard.

The clothes began coming off as soon as Kelleur set Toby in his bedroom, both frantically undressing each other, both eager to experience the other again. For Toby, it had been three weeks since he had last been alone with Kelleur, a span of time that was claw-bitingly torturous for both. They kissed again, half their garments removed, bare chests pressed together as they embraced once more. Toby nuzzled against his male's muscular chest, his hands trailing down to those firm abs. Kelleur was busy nuzzling a sweet spot right at the nape of his neck, those strong hands running down his exposed back. The raptor cooed and chirped in joy, his erogenous zones being so effortlessly exploited.

Toby and Kelleur had grown to know every inch of each others bodies, and how best to fully draw their arousal to its peak. Toby was a sucker for the gentle-yet-aggressive approach, something that the dragon was outstandingly skilled at. He planted little kisses along Kelleur's pectorals, lowering himself down slowly, trailing his lips across rock-hard abdominal muscles. The dragon's scales were so smooth, almost like rubbing textured glass, but warm to the touch. He gazed up briefly at his lover, who returned a loving smile of encouragement. Toby mrawled cutely, rubbing his snout firmly over the dragon's covered groin. Even with his pants still on, Kelleur's unmistakable musk was pungent and overpowering. A thick bulge was present under the material, the dragon only partially erect from all the teasing.

Toby huffed and whimpered, his tail swaying erratically from side to side. He still found it hard to believe he was fooling around with a married guy. Was "fooling around" even apt to describe their relationship at this point? No, he thought, they had moved past that point into something more meaningful. It was hard to imagine that almost a year ago, the two of them had met in a bar, a straight bar no less.

The raptor clicked two claws along the zipper of Kelleur's jeans, sliding it all the way down as he freed up some room for the drake, that fat bulge pressing outward. Toby licked his lips as he eyed it, but focused on the little golden button that would allow him to fully remove his lover's pants. With a gentle "click", the button was undone, and Toby pulled Kelleur's jeans down almost immediately.

The drake gave a soft sigh and a gentle buck of his hips, grinding his tented boxers along the girly raptor's jawline, grinning widely as he saw the twink visibly shudder. He arched his neck and growled as the other male below him pressed his muzzle right against his covered sack, knowing the raptor was greedily inhaling that arousing musk.

Toby could barely contain himself now as he huffed and sniffed the drake's impressive package, watching as the contained cock throbbed wildly from his affections. He had had enough of waiting to get what he wanted, and in a swift motion, had completely disrobed his partner, the boxers now hanging around Kelleur's ankle.

Before his muzzle stood a semi-erect shaft of impressive girth and length, the tip swollen and purple, just like the cock; little studs surrounded the base of the tip where it met the shaft, and the rod itself was covered in ridges till it hit the base, where a knot was able to form when Kelleur was at the peak of his arousal. Below the member was a plump, red ballsack, and it was incredibly sensitive to the drake, something the raptor took full advantage of when he could. Toby stared at the throbbing, purple cock before him, taking in the incredible sight of his lover's full package. Wasting no time, he dove his muzzle under the hefty sack and began sucking each nut in turn, staring up into Kelleur's eyes as he greedily snogged those fat orbs.

The dragon shuddered and stroked along Toby's covered rear with his tail, the spike on the tip prodding the fabric and causing the raptor to wiggle his backside. He gave that ass a firm swat, eliciting a squeal of delight from the busy male below him; Kelleur grinned widely as he watched his little twink work him into a frenzy. He would have the raptor all to himself for the entire weekend, and the lewd possibilities began flooding his mind as a burning need built within his loins.

Toby began kissing his way up along that fat shaft, his tongue dragging along that hot flesh as it pulsed for him, reaching the tip and giving it a lewd kiss, repeating the process several more times before he was rewarded with a generous spurt of pre from the head. The raptor giggled and rubbed his muzzle all over that cock, getting the handsome drake's musk all over it. Kelleur gasped above him as he slid the thick tip past his lips, making loud suckling noises as he began to work that cock slowly into his muzzle. He reached around and gripped the drake's toned buttocks, pulling his hips forward as he expertly guided that member down his throat.

Kelleur was in heaven currently, one of his biggest kinks was watching another guy go down on him, something he never knew he would love until he had spent that fateful night with Toby those many months ago. He snarled and gasped again, watching his own cock sink in past those soft scaled lips, the waiting tongue lathering up every inch of his shaft it could touch. His hands pressed the raptor's muzzle further onto him, only a short time passing before every inch of his cock was engulfed in Toby's throat. He let out a loud moan and kept the muzzle flush against his groin for several moments, enjoying the wonderful sensations of his shaft throbbing against those tight walls, pre dribbling from his tip.

"Fuck, babe, I've needed this," spoke Kelleur between heavy pants; Toby looked up at him with the most seductive gaze, wrapping his long, agile tongue around the rod and squeezing it, slowly pulling his muzzle back to drag his tongue to the very head of the drake's member, applying just the right amount of pressure. He was rewarded with a heavy spurt of pre for his efforts, along with having the drake stuff himself fully back in with one buck of his hips, nearly causing the young raptor to gag on the thick girth. He closed his eyes, relaxing his esophageal muscles as Kelleur began thrusting at a steady pace, swallowing every inch of that glorious red cock as it was fed to him, bobbing his muzzle each time those hips pressed forward. Heavy balls smacked against his chin as the drake hilted down his muzzle with each thrust, a thick knot beginning to swell and form between Toby's lips as he suckled obediently upon his lover.

Kelleur was soon hammering down Toby's throat at a powerful pace, holding the back of his head tightly as he face-fucked his twinky raptor; his muzzle slightly agape, a stream of moans and growls escaped his lips, his cock twitching as the eager male engulfed it greedily, loud slurping echoing in the room. He looked down and watched his boyfriend's ass sway, licking his lips as he saw the blue thong straps along those supple hips. Soon, he thought, he would tear off every inch of clothing on Toby and fuck him till they both passed out from utter exhaustion. He could just feel that tight hole clenching around him, those plush ass cheeks bouncing against his groin as he went knot deep. Oh yes, this weekend was going to be paradise.

It only took a few minutes of constant deep-throating before Toby felt the tell tale ragged, desperate thrusts as his drake was nearing climax. He pushed the knot around his lips, trying to swallow the thing unsuccessfully a few times before finally managing to pull it in, his throat adjusting to the extra girth. He had done this enough times to work past the soreness, but his jaw muscles were practically screaming at him now. He closed his eyes and worked past the pain, hoping one day to be able to do this for Kelleur without the accompanying soreness. He could feel his own substantial erection, pressing against his jeans and tenting them, the sensation almost painful. Toby closed his eyes when he heard Kelleur begin to gasp in short breaths, knowing what was coming next.

The drake's mind was filled with nothing but a burning need to orgasm, to fill his boyfriend's greedy muzzle with copious amounts of cum. The entire past month had been leading up to this moment, when they would finally have time for each other. Kelleur wasn't about to hold back, and he knew Toby wasn't complaining. Not that he really could with a big dick in his mouth. He kept hammering away until he felt that familiar rush, that potent cocktail of chemicals that flooded his brain at the point of climax. He roared out, and with one final thrust, buried himself to the hilt inside the raptor's muzzle, unleashing his sticky load down that throat. He teased the back of Toby's neck with his claws, his eyes rolling back in orgasmic bliss as he shot rope after gooey rope into his lover's mouth.

Toby relaxed his throat and let the salty crème spill down his gullet, happily gulping down every last drop that Kelleur could give, that knot keeping his mouth slightly agape as the drake pumped in his load. The raptor squeezed those fat orbs resting along his chin, rolling them in his palm as his other hand groped along that firm rear, eliciting another deep moan from his lover above him. The torrent of seed began to ebb after a few long moments, a few strands of cum still trickling from the swollen tip. Toby slowly dragged his muzzle back, till only that tip remained between his lips, gazing up at Kelleur with loving, golden eyes.

The drake huffed and rubbed a hand along the raptor's muzzle, still fully hard and ready for another go. He didn't want to blow all of his energy on Toby's pretty face though, and had a much tighter hole in mind for their next go.

Kelleur helped Toby clean himself up a bit before the raptor retreated into the kitchen for a few minutes, likely going for one of those fruity drinks he loved to wash down the salty after-taste of his seed. The dragon grinned to himself and sprawled out on the bed, looking around Toby's room; he spotted the raptor's beloved gaming rig sitting on a desk, a large full tower with some of the best electronic components on the market held within. Toby had taught him a lot about building computers since they had met, and the drake was fairly confident he could name at least a few of the parts inside. Hell, he could even build his own computer if he really wanted to...or just bring the parts to Toby and have him assemble it in record time; the thought made Kelleur chuckle. Stretching out his arms and arching his form upwards, the dragon tried to loosen tightened muscle groups in his lower back; it was quite amazing how stressful office work for his company could be, especially for someone in his position.

No, he thought, he had come here to get away from work and relax, not dwell on it before ramming his boyfriend's ass. He sat upright on the bed, placing a hand on his shaft and beginning to stroke it, trying to stay hard. He heard footsteps approaching the room and looked to the doorway, his jaw dropping slightly at the sight.

Toby had decided to ditch most of his clothes in the kitchen, opting to keep his alluring thong only. He had the taste of a mojito on his tongue, and an overwhelming need to have his lover's cock buried inside him. The raptor sashayed over to the bed, his hips ample hips swaying with each step; his eyes set on Kelleur's engorged rod, a pleasureful jolt traveling through him as he imagined how great it will feel to be stretched again. He got one leg up on the bed before he felt those strong hands grip his rear, tugging him into a deep kiss. Toby gave a little squeal of excitement as they made out again, his ass receiving quite the massage as those claws dug into his cheeks, leaving marks upon his soft scales. He wiggled his rump teasingly before it was suddenly smacked, the spank causing him to gasp.

Kelleur growled deeply as he started to spank his little slut, feeling each cheek wobble as it was struck, leaving fresh hand prints each time. Toby leaned against him, bending over more and bracing himself by holding onto his broad shoulders. The twink loved this type of punishment, and the drake was all too happy to dish it out. He alternated between each side of that curvaceous backside, making his boyfriend beg for more after each solid strike, noticing a bulge quickly growing against the fabric of Toby's lingerie. Those tanned scales were soon tinged red and the raptor was practically drooling, squirming so cutely against him; Kelleur began rubbing his hands in loving circles around that sore rear, admiring his handiwork.

"Mmm...right then, off with these." he said, gripping the thong straps and pulling them down, revealing that bare, girly ass. He pushed Toby onto his belly, situating himself behind the raptor for the best view. He couldn't help but grin as he eyed that full ass, his hands spreading the cheeks to reveal that cute, pink anal ring. The drake teased a claw along it, testing the tightness as he slowly pressed it inside, causing Toby to whine quite adorably. Even without lube, he could slide his finger in to the knuckle without much difficulty; he slid the digit in and out at a steady pace, soon adding in a second as he spread the raptor's silky soft inner walls further apart.

Toby bucked his hips back in need as he was penetrated repeatedly by the two digits, keeping his tail moved aside to give his dragon ample room to work. He shuddered as he felt another smack rebound off his rump, this treatment really bringing out his true submissive nature; he clenched around the fingers each time they withdrew, relaxing when they inevitably slid back in fully. Toby always required a good stretching before he took the dragon's cock, making a good habit of practicing with his various toys at least a couple times a week; still, the drake was consistently a literal pain in his ass. He arched his back and wiggled that rear at his lover, looking over his shoulder to see Kelleur lean forward, groaning happily as he felt that snout press under his tail.

Kelleur buried his muzzle between those cute ass cheeks, dragging his long tongue up along Toby's orbs, taint, and finally his tailstar. He prodded at the little hole, gently lapping over it and causing his boyfriend to squirm; the raptor had really helped him explore some of his hidden kinks and desires, rimming and anal being amongst his favorite now. His wife had never been into either, she was just so vanilla when it came to sexuality. She and her family had never been very approving of same-sex relationships, he wondered what they might say if only they knew about Toby; he pondered about what that might mean for both of his commitments. His moment of reflection had caused him to stop licking, and in turn had attracted his lover's attention.

"K-Kelleur...why did you stop?" the raptor asked as he craned his neck and tilted his head inquisitively, panting lewdly. Toby suspected he was thinking of his wife, Lysendra; he always had a particular empty-eyed gaze when wondering about her or her family. Technically Kelleur was cheating on her, something that both of them had accepted and come to terms with; the drake wanted to make his marriage work, but at the same time he needed another male in his life, someone to try new experiences and share his passion with. To Toby, there was something positively thrilling about being in such a raunchy situation; imagine that, getting banged by the hot, married guy while he tells his wife he's on a business trip! But at the same time there was a part of him that felt deeply guilty about his indulgence in this unfaithful behavior, that if Lysendra or any of her family found out, it could make him a home-wrecker. Still, he loved Kelleur; the raptor would not leave him for the world. He moaned out as he felt a renewed assault by that wondrous tongue, digging his claws into the bed sheets and forgetting completely about what was just on his mind.

The dragon grunted and swirled his tongue around the pucker, committed to pleasuring his boyfriend and enjoying his free weekend; there would be plenty of time for worrisome thoughts later. He gripped those cheeks and spread them out, his tongue tip pressing against the anal ring, beginning to push forward with it. Slowly but surely, the thick appendage spread that pucker out as it slid within into those soft depths; Kelleur growled dominantly as he began pulling his tongue back out, only to press it in deeper than before. His ministrations served to work the raptor into a moaning, twitching frenzy as he pressed that ass back against his face, stroking Toby's impressive member as it grew to full length in short order. The pink cock had red stripes along the top of the shaft, running downwards to where a final red marking formed a circle around his cock base; Kelleur always thought those markings were cute, and loved to tease the raptor about them endlessly. The girth filled his palm almost fully as he stroked up and down along it, squeezing the pointed tip at the end of each stroke.

Toby was shivering and wiggling his hips, indicative of his enjoyment in his current position; a sudden smack on the ass had him yelping in pleasure as his cock was worked over by the older male, pre-cum dribbling out and coating the bedsheets. He positively loved having his ass played with, he remembered how surprising it was for Kelleur to learn that he was actually a switch instead of a full blown sub. His behavior sure fit the bill of a typical feminine sub; he wore the tightest, most form fitting clothes he could find, often adorning himself with various types of jewelry such as necklaces or rings; sometimes he would even apply a bit of eyeliner and blush, just to see if he could get straight guys to look twice. The painted spines on his head and girly body language further drove home the public image he was displaying, but that was only what it was, an image. It was a mask that he could put on and dazzle the world with, so that he could revel in the attention he received. As the drake had found out though, the twinky raptor had quite the dominant streak when the mood was just right.

A sudden pull on his head let Kelleur know that Toby had firmly wrapped his tail around his neck, the appendage squeezing softly and tugging. The drake heaped his worship upon that rear, digging his tongue in deeply and wiggling it around until the raptor was squirming in bliss. It wasn't long before his cock was being ground hotly between those cheeks, the drake now on his back as Toby took control this time. Toby's hips undulated and pressed down fully onto Kelleur's groin, his cock tip hitting the base of that tail as the shaft throbbed quickly along that curvy backside. Hands caressed along his chest softly, and his own gripped along wide hips, wresting sighs of passion from the two of them. That wonderful ass rocked against him endlessly, working him over, coaxing out that primal need for mind-shattering sex.

The two kissed and teased each other, each passing minute seeing them closer and closer to losing control. The union of their lips turned into nibbles of sharp teeth, talons raking along scales, hot breath and saliva mixing; it seemed like an eternity of foreplay had passed between them before Kelleur entered Toby, the raptor bouncing atop him with little difficulty. The dragon's pulsating cock spread those silky soft walls, both partner's moaning out to the pleasureful sensations as they ground against each other. Lips met again, more firmly this time as Toby lifted himself up, only to lower back down onto his lover's lap, taking another solid inch of that cock within himself. The raptor could only whimper and gasp as strong hands smooshed his rump and pressed it down, feeling his partner bucking under him.

Kelleur spied Toby's thick, drooling tool, wrapping his hand around it again and beginning to stroke quickly, grinning as he watched his boyfriend arch his back and roll his eyes upwards. Beads of pre-cum oozed onto his fingers as he worked the shaft, squeezing his palm just hard enough to cause an enjoyable amount of pressure; gazing at the eight inch member, he remembered how dumbstruck he had been at Toby's impressive size the first time they were intimate. He had honestly expected something of an average cock, but his assumption had been embarrassingly wrong, leading to him having sore jaws whenever he gave Toby head, not that he could really complain. He moaned out deeply and spurted another load of pre up the raptor's tight rump as it pressed down onto him hard, nearly taking his cock to the base. He held Toby's hips down and let the raptor feel just how hard his cock was throbbing against the clenching walls, passionate sighs and pants greeting his ears.

Hard thrusting soon followed after Toby had proven he was ready for it, laying on his side now as Kelleur loomed over him, pounding away inside of his sore hole. His breath caught in his throat as he gasped repeatedly, the force of the dragon's hips bouncing him forward. He whined seductively, letting his male know just how much he was enjoying that pulsating cock inside of him. He was going deep now, that knot at the base even threatening to slip inside that stretched pucker, pre dribbling down Toby's inner thighs as the drake's cock leaked endlessly. They rocked against each other in a blissful rut, going at it like only two lovers could, their moans and sighs creating a passionate melody to which they coupled.

Soon, that knot was firmly embedded in the raptor's rump, Kelleur's thrusts becoming much slower and more powerful; he held Toby close to him as he hilted repeatedly, stroking the sensitive spines atop his head, breathing in the sweet perfume he had come to attribute to his presence. It smelled more delectable than his wife's, an intoxicating, heady aroma that drew out his inner beast. He asserted his dominance, wrapping a hand around the raptor's neck and squeezing softly, indulging in Toby's darker kink. He was careful to only cut off the airflow momentarily, ragged gasps accompanying the relaxation of his grip.

Loud squeals of delight came from Toby as he was choked, the abuse only stimulating him to further heights of eroticism; this was a desire that he had only ever told Kelleur of, to be gripped around the neck tightly and fucked raw. He knew he wouldn't last long at this rate; with his cock being worked over, ass getting stuffed, and air flow erratically halted, the twinky raptor felt that familiar tingling sensation in his groin.

It only took a few more minutes before Kelleur gripped Toby's head, turning it so they could lock lips; their tongues intertwined as the drake pressed his cock as far as it could possibly go, tying himself inside his exceptionally tight boyfriend. Harsh moans escaped their lips as that thick tool began spurting its load, copious amounts of semen flooding the raptor's inner walls; Toby gave a muffled squeal as his own member began ejaculating, the drake's hand steadily working the shaft as he milked him, seed pouring onto his belly and oozing down onto the bed sheets. Kelleur held onto his lover tightly, the last bit of spunk draining from his cock as he began to relax his muscles; he slumped beside Toby, knot still embedded deep within the cum-filled twink.

Kelleur wrapped his arms around the raptor, pulling him against his muscled chest, panting hard into his ear in post-orgasmic ecstasy. Toby wiggled against him and whined in his usual adorable fashion, draping his tail over Kelleur's hip; the drake stroked his hands along his side, cooing affectionately as he continued to throb inside that filled ass. "Mmm, made quite the mess you did," remarked the drake.

Toby giggled and gasped lightly as he felt another powerful throb inside of his body, relaxing his inner walls as best he could. His backside was quite sore now, as was always the case when that handsome dragon ravaged it, he might even have trouble walking after such a passionate fucking, but he loved every second of it. It would take a while for his knot to deflate, so they had little option other than falling asleep or cuddling until then.

With a long, exhausted sigh, Toby curled up against the older dragon; strong arms kept his back pressed against that toned chest, their breathing patterns beginning to normalize again. Kelleur rubbed his snout against the back of the raptor's neck a few times, before he rested it against his jawline, perfectly content in his position. Their tails entwined lazily, swaying together along the sheets, Toby giving little gasps periodically as the drake still throbbed inside of him; their minds were hazy, devoid of all thoughts or desires after such an incredible session, their frustrations, worries, and concerns all forgotten for now. Sleep overtook them quickly as they lay there together, united once again; their secret was so well-hidden, but all it would take was one misstep to unravel the masquerade.