For Love of Cum

Story by Anima on SoFurry

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#3 of Intersex or mixed gender

Cherry is a baker, and her favorite customer is a huge mare who happens to pack more than usual beneath her skirt. This over-endowed mare asks her over for a night of fun and confections, but Cherry has no idea just how much Madelon intends to indulge. (Cock vore story by Anima. Intersex equine predator, female human prey, anal and oral sex,cum inflation, fisting, hyper endowments.)

For Love of Cum

A cock vore story by Anima. Intersex equine predator, female human prey, anal and oral sex, cum inflation, fisting, hyper endowments.

There I was, restocking muffins in the front counter display case, when my favorite customer strutted in. Eight feet of Percheron mare, blocky muscle hidden under generous curves and padding, she could stop traffic with her looks...or a hip-check.

"Madelon! Haven't seen you for a few days." I slid the last tray of muffins into place and straightened up, adjusting my apron. "Don't tell me you're watching your figure. That's what everyone else is for."

Madelon stepped up to the counter, looming, not that she could help it. The warm scent of hay and a sharper scent of clover blended with a musk I'd grown to know quite well. Sometimes she tried to cover it up with perfume, but not today. I felt the beginnings of a flush creep up my neck.

"Cherry, ma chérie, I need your help tonight. I'm entertaining a special guest who's flying in from Germany, and I wish to bake her something magnifique."

The mare stooped down, the decolletage of her sundress giving me a view that brought words like ample, ripe, sumptuous, and delectable to mind. You can hardly blame a baker for having a skewed vocabulary!

I shook myself, and turned to an arriving customer with an apologetic glance at Madelon. After they'd left with their sack of pain au chocolat, I gestured back at the kitchen. "I'm sorry hon, but I'm kind of swamped today. Rich called off, so I'll have to do tonight's baking by my lonesome. Lenny doesn't really count," I rolled my eyes.

Madelon lifted her skirt, and leaned forward. A horse cock that put telephone poles to shame crashed down atop the display case. The glass faintly quivered in its frame every time the monster throbbed, and as I stared, a fat streamer of seed drooled from the spout in her flare, oozing down the glass of the back of the case. I was faintly glad I remembered to slide the case shut again. That wasn't the right kind of glaze for muffins or anything else we sold. For pudgy bakers on the other hand...

"I will make it worth your while, ma sucre." Another pulse of cum oozed slowly down the case to the floor. With her skirt lifted, I caught a glimpse of Madelon's enormous balls too. The mare was so ridiculously productive, her tanks were perpetually bulging at the seams, and had no time for precum. It was nothing but thick snow-white semen for this horse, and the familiar scent of it sent a shiver rippling down my back.

"I-I might be able to do enough to fill tomorrow's orders, then just close up for tomorrow. What time should I come over?" I tried to breathe evenly, and did my best to ignore the way my nipples were straining against the nylon of my bra.

Madelon stepped back slowly, her cock leaving a thick slime trail down the front of the display case, marking the bakery like a conquered lover. "I'll pick you up, Cherry love. So sorry about the mess!" Letting her skirt fall again over her gargantuan package, the mare pivoted on a hoof and clopped out, leaving just a few doughnut-sized globs of spunk in her wake.

I waved goodbye before wandering into the back to get a mop, but my thoughts were firmly fixed upon that overblown mare and her ridiculous prick. We'd flirted for years and even dated briefly, but when I discovered just how impossible it was to contend with a phallus that weighed almost as much as me I'd stepped us back to no-strings fun, or 'amis putains' as Madelon liked to say.

I shook myself out of sweat and cum-soaked daydreams to clean up Madelon's mess then got to work, doing as much advance baking as I could. The next few hours passed in a haze of flour, sugar, and heat, interrupted far too often by hungry customers.

By the time Lenny arrived I was almost done, and decided I could leave the last of the orders in his clammy teenaged hands. Madelon arrived shortly after, her huge frame a friendly shadow at the door. She tapped one thick finger on the door, her hoofish nail clicking on the glass.

I tossed my sticky, flour-covered apron at Lenny. "Good luck! We're counting on you. Call Richard and tell him he's only to come in to handle the deliveries." I burst out into the cool October air, but was immediately cocooned in a hot equine embrace, lifted clear off my feet.

Madelon's nose buried itself in my hair, breath gusting through the many mousey-brown strands, teasing giggles out of me.

"Mmmm, it may be wrong of me, but I cannot help myself. After work, your smell, que c'est délicieux. If I could order a dozen of_you_ from the case every day, I would!" Madelon sighed, lowering her head to brush her cheek along mine, while shifting her arms to tuck one beneath my rump in support.

"You'd blimp up in no time! I may only be a little plump, but I can't imagine how much cholesterol is in here from all the tasting." I rested my head on the enormous globe of an equine breast and let Madelon tote me to her car. Being carried about was just part of being friends with the huge horse, and arguing the point simply hurt her feelings. If you've never seen a huge mare's lip quiver, trust me, it'd melt anyone.

Madelon's custom van was so roomy inside it ought to have its own weather systems. It delivered us speedily to her home, a charming three-story affair in suburbia that she'd gutted to give herself the vaulted ceilings she needed. Certain human-sized elements remained, like the dishwasher and fridge, and I never could help grinning as I watched her interact with them as delicately as possible.

Madelon carried me into the kitchen and set me down before the counter where boxes of flour and bags of sugar awaited. "I do so hate to put you right back to work, but it's better to get the cake in the oven before we relax, non?"

I shifted on aching feet, but had to admit she was right. There was a recipe book on the counter open to a Black Forest cake, which certainly made sense for a German guest. I gave Madelon all the physically demanding mixing tasks, and as soon as the pans were in the oven, I sagged into a chair.

Madelon placed a quartet of Chinese takeout containers in front of me, and the corners of my mouth rose. "You know entirely too much about me, you sly horse."

She shrugged, settling into a much larger chair opposite me, and popped the cork from a bottle of wine. "Indulging each others' appetites is what we do, mmm?"

I ate and she drank, while the oven ticked away. After I'd begun to fill up on the cashew chicken and steamed dumplings, non-food topics rose to the forefront in my mind. "So tell me about your special guest, hon. How did you lure her all the way from Germany? It's a long way to Boston."

"Well," she grinned, thick lips curved into her best cunning grin, "she has quite the thing for, as you like to say, frosting."

"And you've got the biggest piping bag around, I see," I laughed.

"Oh no, you don't know the half of it, ma chérie. This girl would live off my seed breakfast, lunch, and dinner given half a chance. She would live in a pool of it, and pleasure me often enough that the 'water' would never be cool." Madelon winked. "These are her words, for the most part."

I checked the cakes, and slid the pans from the oven to a cooling rack. "Well, I think if anyone can give her enough spunk, it'll be you, hon. Did you get that whole...drainage problem worked out, by the way?"

Madelon's ears fell back an inch or two, broadcasting embarrassment. "Oui. That was unfortunate...though I admit, I could not help but feel a bit of pride seeing my seed risen as high as the picture frames."

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and turned to see the mare's cock shoving her skirt out of the way, throbbing to attention as she remembered that night. "Now now, try to rein yourself in until she gets here! We don't want to be mopping and vacuuming all night."

Madelon grimaced, and bit her lip, trying to bring her libido under control. The underside of that throbber bulged, a sure precursor to a fat dollop of mare spunk.

I hurried over to a cupboard and dug out a large mixing bowl, placing it beneath Madelon's meaty spigot. It would fill in no time, but perhaps if she was already on the way down from the heights of arousal... A milky glob of cum slithered from the pursed little 'mouth' on the mare's glans, stretching into a glistening ribbon, before plopping into the bowl.

"Taxes! Think of taxes," I hissed, before turning my attention to the cake. Being an audience for Madelon's shaft's drooling would only encourage her. As I de-panned and trimmed the cake's layers, I heard a sigh from my hostess.

"Okay. Bon. Merci, Cherry. I'm going to make sure the bedroom's in order for tonight. Shout if you need anything, hmm?"

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding as the source of that delicious musk left. I was soaked, and I'm sure Madelon knew it. If I'd been able to go home and change I would've made some preparations, but nothing for it.

Slowly but surely the elaborate cake came together, and soon it glistened creamily on the counter, a ring of schnapps-soaked cherries and hundreds of rough chocolate flakes decorating the whipped cream topping. I'd just returned to my seat to eat a few more mouthfuls of Chinese when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Madelon huffed, bursting from the depths of the house to bound toward the door, setting the entire frame of the place quivering. When she pulled open the door I half expected it to come off the hinges, but she exercised restraint at the last minute, swinging it open slowly.

A tall blonde stood there, athletic and young, dressed in a tracksuit with a duffel slung over one arm. A grin split her face as she tipped her head back, and back to meet Madelon's eyes. "Frau Duchamps? At last!"

Madelon reached out to clasp both the girl's hands, then towed her inside, ears pricked forward and tail arched high. "Kirsa! Welcome, welcome to my home. Cherry, meet Kirsa!" She slid an arm around the blonde's shoulders, turning her toward the doorway where I stood. "Kirsa, meet Cherry, ma chère amie." Even as she took Kirsa's bag from her and tossed it in a chair, she bent to stage-whisper in her ear, "Cherry's made us something sweet to eat, before we get to the real dessert tonight."

Kirsa stuck close to Madelon, the pair moving towards me and the kitchen. I backed up and moved the cake to the kitchen table, smiling at Kirsa's gasp while I fetched utensils.

"Ach du meine Güte! What a lovely cake! You should not have gone to so much trouble Cherry, Madelon." Kirsa glanced between us, but her gaze slowly gravitated back towards the cake.

I cut us slices before any more protests could be made, and for a moment the only sounds in the kitchen were pleased sighs, appreciative groans (or nickers) and the click of forks on plates.

Madelon finished first, even though the slice I served her was literally a quarter of the cake. Her fingers drifted down Kirsa's back, smoothing the rustling material of her tracksuit to the warm body beneath. Kirsa arched into the contact like a cat, and I caught Madelon's nostrils flaring. I had no trouble believing the blonde girl was growing just as wet as I'd gotten earlier, anticipation raging in her belly.

Madelon's own arousal was, of course, impossible to conceal. Kirsa gasped as mare dick grew up beside her, partially cloaked in Madelon's dress, its heated musk combining with the creamy sugar smell of the cake. My mouth watered.

When Madelon got to her hooves, Kirsa followed, and that shaft bobbed at just beneath breast-height on Kirsa. The German decided to seize the day. She unzipped her jacket and shrugged it off, then slipped a thin T-shirt off, letting unrestrained breasts bounce free. Kirsa rested those heated tits right atop the jutting log of Madelon's arousal, curling an arm around the mare's girth nearer the base.

"So big, so perfect," she sighed, then squealed when Madelon's cock bucked, a heavy spurt of seed flying out to slap down on the table inches from the cake. She groaned, a sound conjured up from her very core, at the sight of the viscous slime splattered across the wood. "N-need that, so badly, liebling."

I moved the cake to the fridge before it could fall victim to a second spurt, then unbuttoned my shirt, watching my two playmates for signals. I'd never really done anything like this as a third wheel before, but I knew there was plenty of Madelon to go around. Kirsa would find that out soon enough.

"You'll get so much more than you can handle, ma sucre. Let's slip over to the bedroom and get comfortable, oui?" Madelon walked backwards, grinning as Kirsa refused to relinquish her grip on that studly flesh at first. It took a little waggle of horse hips to work free. Madelon wrapped a guiding arm around Kirsa, then winked over her shoulder at me as we all headed back into the dim bedroom.

Inside was nothing like a traditional bed. Four king-sized mattresses covered the floor, joined together somehow, covered in layers of soft handmade blankets. A prominent drain in the floor, larger than the ones in locker rooms, lay waiting for a donation from the lady of the house.

I blinked when Madelon reached past me and pulled the door shut, sealing us in. A glance at the door showed she truly had _sealed_us in, as rubber gaskets had rendered the frame water-tight. Almost negligently, the mare kicked a big rubber stopper over the drain, then shimmed out of her dress.

This was downright dangerous, knowing what Madelon was capable of. I remembered what she'd said about the pride she took in how well she'd flooded the house, and realized she wanted to experience some of that again, without having to repair all the damage that comes with it. In fact, apart from the bed and a few hooks on the walls for clothing, the bedroom had been stripped of possessions. I felt a warm trickle of my own honey ooze down my thigh as I realized Madelon had been planning this night for quite some time.

A skylight far above us let in the orange-tinted light of a harvest moon, making Kirsa's pale flesh glow.

My own skin, a few shades duskier, looked a bit marbled in the lunar light.

Soon our collective clothing sat in a pile near the door, and Kirsa was trying to bury her tongue in that snug 'mouth' at the end of Madelon's shaft. She was repulsed quickly, an excited spurt driving her back onto her rump on the bed, slimed from head to stomach with warm semen. Not discouraged for a second, she swept her hands down her face to clear her eyes, then slurped the mess from her palms, swallowing it with a desperate moan.

"I don't know if you'll be able to give this one enough," I teased Madelon, sliding up beside her. I ran my fingers down along her balls, those ultra-fertile orbs housed behind soft and supple skin, lightly greasy with her natural oils and a bit of sweat. I knew from experience that leaning closer, I'd actually hear the soft liquid sounds of more sperm being churned into her vast reservoirs, determined to impregnate vast creatures like her that were nowhere to be found around Boston.

"She might just drown before she'd agree it was enough," Madelon nodded, aiming her cock so the next warm jet of spunk hit Kirsa in the belly, oozing instantly down over her sodden cleft.

I grinned at the sight of milky goo in the golden curls edging that pussy, a rather magical sight in the moonlight. "What do you think Kirsa? Just how thirsty are you?"

Kirsa rubbed spunk over her breasts, the slick sounds of slimy flesh-on-flesh teasing our ears. Short panting moans escaped her sticky lips, before she could respond. "I want to be more cum than woman when I leave here."

Madelon's shaft lurched hard, spurting a wad so large I thought for a second her actual climax had begun. The gallon-sized blob of jizz hit Kirsa in the breasts, but octopused out from there in goopy tentacles, leaving almost no clean skin left on her front.

"Just what I wanted to hear, ohhhhhh yes, mon sucre d'orge." Madelon reached down to palm and squeeze my ass, making a point to knead the warm doughiness of the cheeks. Once she'd gotten the blush out of me she was after, she planted a moist kiss that while meant for my lips, easily encompassed my chin as well, before stalking towards the bed.

Madelon crashed to her knees, straddling the gooey German, letting her cock saw back and forth along her well-lubricated belly and breasts. Kirsa mewled, palms sliding over turgid flesh, her feet rubbing over the mass of mare-balls beyond.

I grinned at the sight of Kirsa nuzzling, kissing, and biting at Madelon's glans, not fighting its progress to and fro, but working with it, acknowledging it as a force of nature. Madelon's surges of seed were largely firing off onto the wall now, pooling thicker and deeper, spreading with every volley. Each spurt hit the wall with a solid slap, and every gallon that made it out into open air dumped more musk and pheromones into the room.

I stepped in and seized Madelon's tail, giving it a good yank, forcing a whinny from saliva-filmed lips. Then down I went onto my own knees, my nose guiding me to the heated soft-leather folds of a pussy so grand I've wanted to photograph it and open a gallery. While her feminine sex wasn't as generous as her masculine organs, Madelon was far from dry, and clear gel oozed out around my face as I nuzzled into that plump, steamy mound...tongue straining into the thick-fleshed canal beyond.

Madelon planted one palm on the bed, and used the other to toy with Kirsa's breasts, rolling that little cum-soaked mound about beneath her palm. Now and then she'd pull back far enough to let a spurt hit Kirsa again, re-soaking and lubricating the blonde, twice sending her off into a mini-climax. She'd arch off the bed so sharply I could swear a rope around her middle was responsible, and though she probably leaked a good deal, it was all lost under the heavy equine batter blanketing her.

I swallowed mare goo and nuzzled hard into my target, while one of my hands worked on collecting drippings from her slit, lubing up. Every so often I'd actually give Madelon's fat clit a suckle, and I'd feel the muscles in her legs jump, nerves firing all over her body while muscles locked up, body confused into inaction.

The smell of stud cum overwhelmed almost everything else, and I could feel the thick stuff pooling around my knees and legs, the creamy load having covered the entire floor. It would only continue to rise with the drain plugged, and I honestly had no idea what would happen when Madelon came. Would we escape through the skylight? A vision of us, drenched in cum, spotlit by a helicopter came to mind, and I giggled into Madelon's folds.

Madelon responded to the laughter by reaching back, settling a gooey palm against the back of my head, and pushing! With very little effort, she forced my entire head into her dripping slit. Thick labia collared my throat, while nectar-soaked smoothness smothered my face and plastered my hair to my skin. Madelon's muscles flexed, and I could feel them pull inwards, hungry for an enormous cock I couldn't provide. A dark corner of me whispered, telling me to call Madelon's bluff and turn the mare's tease into something much more. If I stuffed myself into her loins, she'd surely cum right out of her horseshoes!

Kirsa's cries were growing louder and more desperate, and after a few more slurps along Madelon's honeyed depths, I pulled my head from the mare's muffling depths. I cleared my eyes of her goo and peered around her enormous hip. She'd pulled back and ground the head of her cock against the German's own pussy, every urgent surge of cum flooding the toned woman's cleft. The longer the two rocked and ground together, the more frustrated Kirsa seemed, until Madelon reached down to grasp her hips.

Anchoring her cum-starved lover against her glans, Madelon managed to create a seal firm enough that her heavy spurts forced open Kirsa's cervix. Mouth agape, I watched as that toned belly began to swell, like a cupcake rising in the oven.

"G-getting knocked down would be, nnNNGh, so worth it, sie schatzi." Kirsa grunted, fingers clutching hard at Madelon's wrists, gyrating her body in tiny little jerks against the mare's fat flare.

"Knocked up, Kirsa. Up," I laughed, before ducking back behind my massive lover. I nuzzled into the mess of feminine slickness that had leaked from her slit down over the expanse of her balls, listening to those orbs churn out more goop to flood Kirsa and the room with. I fingered myself, two digits slipping through my petals, and imagined what it would feel like having a purely liquid 'dick' pound and pour itself through my cervix, flooding secret depths no one had ever reached before.

Kirsa began to squeal, but I didn't bother rising from my work this time. Instead I slid my free hand up into Madelon's cunt, burrowing into that thick-walled canal, feeling muscles flutter and clutch at me. I could hear Madelon whickering, the contented sound interspersed with diaphragm-deep groans. Kirsa suddenly sounded much quieter, like the volume had been turned down.

I stopped running my tongue and breasts along the mass of Madelon's sac, and popped my head over her hip again. What I saw made no sense at first.

A vaguely human-shaped figure was struggling with the bulk of Madelon's enormous penis, but its head was missing. No...its head was inside Madelon's cock. I started to grin, mouth opening to make a jab at Kirsa for her immense thirst, when Madelon's prick flexed and swallowed Kirsa's shoulders!

"Madelon, can she breathe? You're not too caught up in this, are you?" I patted the mare's ribs, peering up at her profile in the moonlight.

When she turned her head towards me, that lunar glow flashed off her eyes and the big white squares of her teeth. "Oui...if she swallows swiftly enough, she can get a breath. Oooh, Cherry, I fear this is becoming a race."

Madelon reached down to grasp Kirsa's cum-slathered ass, actual pounds of thick, cloying semen squeezing between her fingers and out from beneath her palms to flow down the girl's caked body. She pulled on the blonde's height, and squashed her breasts into the bore of her phallic cannon, biting her lip hard. Cum squirted through Kirsa's cleavage, given a path to escape, pumping out against the German's belly with a rude 'glort' sound again and again.

I could see now Kirsa's belly was enormous, almost exceeding the upper bounds of pregnancy. Then Madelon's words made sense. The mare actually intended to shove Kirsa in past her belly. I realized she intended to shove in even more. While Kirsa was starving for Madelon's seed, the mare had a need as well.

Cum escaped around the German's torso with an explosive 'spurp' and a few more inches of once-slender woman slid into Madelon's dick. I could see now that the underside of that mammoth cock was bulging, a member already taut with fierce arousal stretched even further by the massive penetration stuffing its depths!

"Madelon, you've gotta stop sweetie! You're going too far!" I started to slip my hand and forearm from her pussy, but an authoritative clench clamped my hand in place, vaginal walls smothering my palm and digits.

"Can you think of a fate sweeter for our petite fille than to become what she loves so much?" Madelon moaned out so loudly I felt the note vibrate in my chest.

I'd known Madelon so long, grown so used to her size and how characteristically gentle she was to compensate for it, that I'd forgotten it was even possible for her to do something like this. She was a glorious lover and a sweetheart of course, but in the body of a beast that could subdue a football team, never mind a couple of musk-addled women. Fear clutched my belly, warring with the magmatic arousal already there.

The immensely lewd sound that came next dragged my eyes back around her hip, to watch Kirsa's cum-stuffed belly sink into that ravenous horse cock, the sheer pressure of the fit sending a thick gout of cream hosing up out of her flushed and swollen slit. The cream arced, and splattered down into the mess that by now had risen up over the mattresses. White ooze blorped out around Kirsa's ass, so thick and frequent I really couldn't tell when those toned buttocks had sunk from sight, leaving her thighs-deep in the heaving, flexing python of Madelon's penis.

"We teased each other in our chats, online. She could not imagine I would do such a thing, could do such a thing, but look how little of her is left!" Madelon crowed, slapping her gorged cock, sending spatters of seed flying.

Kirsa's kicking legs flailed less by the second as they were sucked down that throbbing trunk of flesh, the big lump of the engulfed girl's cum-bloated belly helping me track her progress. I felt it when she began to pour into Madelon's left testicle, an anatomical quirk I had no hope of grasping. Knowing what the mare's balls were like, that seemed like a very dangerous place to end up.

"Honey, no! You don't want to do this! You're using up someone's life, stealing decades from them, for one night of bliss!" I twisted my hand in the grip of her cunt, trying to win free, but the struggle just sent pleased ripples up the mare's back.

Madelon pressed a hand to the bottoms of Kirsa's feet, and rested it there for several seconds while unknowable thoughts swirled in her head. When she spoke, her voice was dreamy. "Cherry, I have had the same thoughts you're flinging at me, but this feels so divine...I cannot believe it can be wrong. I can feel Kirsa's tongue in my depths, still eager to please me. She is no prisoner in my flesh."

"She is a gift." With a slow and deliberate motion, the mare shoved the girl the rest of the way out of sight, urgent surges of cum spraying between her thick fingers. Madelon's hips jerked back and forth in response to that sensation, ass bumping into me, balls slapping my chest.

"I'm going to turn my paramour into the richest load I've ever brewed, and I'm going to unload her into you, mon précieux Cherry." Her sac grew, bulging and drooping, forcing Madelon to spread her thighs to accommodate the bulk. With her barrel clear once more, cum gushed from her again in hosing spurts that crashed into the wall, creating sagging milky murals that were obliterated by the next massive jet.

I opened my mouth to stop this madness, to demand Madelon squeeze Kirsa back out, but my skin flushed fever-hot at my huge lover's delicious threat. The mare's cream was so bountiful I'd grown to taking it for granted. I could have literally more than I could ever swallow or even bathe in, whenever I wanted it. But a sticky load of liquid life that was a person, just hours before? Such a gift was precious, however I might feel about how it was obtained!

Gurgling moans reached me from Madelon's balls, instead of cum-choked screams of panic. Slowly, I pushed my arm deeper into Madelon instead of trying to retrieve it, feeding her sloppy, drooling cunt until her fat labia framed my bicep. I embraced her balls with my free arm, guiding their suspended mass against my breasts and belly. That soft sac, slick with a mix of pussy slime, sweat, and the stud-cream we were standing in, bulged and swayed against me. It was heavier than ever with its precious cargo, and I wanted to hump Kirsa's entombed body...feeling those muffled curves push back into my sodden slit and painfully erect nipples.

"Kirsa? Oh god, Kirsa..." I whispered first, then spoke up, needing to drown out the thick liquid sounds of Madelon's ultra-fertile body still frenziedly churning out sperm.

A hand pressed into me from the other side of the velvety-skinned sac, its movements clumsy, shaking. "Ich bin im himmel," came the quivering words, and though I didn't know their meaning at the time, the orgasmic hitch between them told me Kirsa had no regrets.

Flexing my fingers deep in the satiny slime of Madelon's loins, I used my free hand to caress Kirsa through supple scrotal flesh, feeling her cum again and again over the long minutes it took for the musk-choked air remaining to her to thin. Madelon clenched her vaginal heat around my arm, goading me into fisting her with brutal force...just enough to scratch the itch for someone her size.

She came, squatting towards me, the furnace of her pussy seeming to loosen as syrupy mare slime slobbered and squirted from her blossom to utterly soak and coat me. Her whinny of bliss sounded oddly muffled, perhaps absorbed somewhat by the huge quantity of semen sloshing around in the bedroom.

"I can feel her. I can feel her yielding," Madelon grunted, cupping her own nuts to feel her cock's meal churn with all the countless sperm swirling about in those orbs.

I could feel the bulges in the mare's balls soften too, and knew Kirsa was losing herself, identity fading as her body slumped into shapelessness...then completely liquified, moans transitioning to a faint bubbling. A single cummy bubble formed at the tip of Madelon's shaft between ivory spurts, and I imagined it was the girl's last pleasured breath. I shivered, leaning hard against Madelon's solid warmth.

"She drowned in my lust," the mare panted to me, "but will live in my love forever. I-I don't know if I can save you from the same fate tonight, Cherry. I'm so worked up." She stroked her cock with one hand, slowly, treating it like a beast she didn't want to rile up. Deep gloops and blorps rose from her balls, sounds I'd never heard outside of cartoon lava. She licked her lips, a quick flash of that thick tongue, mixed emotions in her big liquid eyes.

Fear spread through me, but there was such a huge dollop of arousal folded in with it, the resulting mixture was more thrilling than either by itself.

Madelon's pussy drooled endlessly around my arm, and I remembered to tease her depths again with flexing fingers and rubbing palm, even as I listened to Kirsa's melted mass settle in my lover's enormous sac. There were no bulges left, just the smooth, distended curves of an enormously backed-up pair of equine nuts.

"Try to keep your head on straight," I urged her, while rubbing my thighs together, feeling the heavy film of nectar slathered over each. "You already have enough spunk on board to blow us out of the skylight and into the next zipcode. S-save some for later!"

Madelon moaned at the surrender implicit in my words, pumping her cock with both hands, whitewashing that poor wall all the harder. Her cum slopped at mid-thigh on me now, its warmth and musk impossible to escape. I wished I could squat, plunge my leaking cleft below the virile tide, and somehow suck gallons into myself, bloat with the glorious mare's essence.

"You sweet little baker. I'll have you one night. I cannot even imagine how sugary you'll make my spunk, after I melt down your every delicious curve." Her words grew closer together the longer she spoke, interrupted only by nigh-panicky sips of breath. She reached back suddenly, and pulled me from behind her, my arm slurping from her needy slit.

Madelon squatted, plopping me down atop the base of her cock. Clasping it with my thighs, I could feel every rush of seed traversing it, and didn't even hesitate to grind my honey-slathered nethers against the curve of that rigid dick.

She didn't leave me there, though. She pulled me up by a grip around my hips, and swung me about so she could use her bent elbow to lever her cock up towards her, sending further spurts of seed raining down on us both. She planted my wide, warm ass atop her glans, my cheeks spread against the hugeness of her flare.

"I'm going inside you tonight," she whispered, "c'est l'heure."

I cringed and shook my head, while my body reacted quite differently. Cum was seeping through my pucker as we spoke, building up in my rectum. The pressure of the blasts erupting from that monstrous dick were nothing my poor sphincter could fight.

"I've been practicing love, but I'm not ready!" I really wasn't. The toys she'd bought for me, that we'd giggled over like schoolgirls, were immense and I'd been astounded at what my ass was capable of swallowing, but they were hot dogs compared to a maglite.

"We'll see," she groaned, hauling me and her cock closer, while pressing my weight down hard against her glans! I found myself smothered in cum-coated breasts, pressed into Madelon's cleavage, as her dick's cumspout alone pressed into my ass, spreading it open.

I relaxed and went with muscle memory from my sessions in my bedroom, a bucket of lube and molded silicone having their way with me. Muscles relaxed, tension flowing out of the hot rim Madelon was pressing against. I felt my anus spread against the vastness of her glans, but it wasn't enough!

She pulled me down, forcing my ass into concavity around her enormous tool. I felt the hot discomfort of the stretch, building to pain, while throughout, my bowels flooded with surge after surge of her seed. I felt my stomach fill to capacity in no time, then begin to stretch.

"I don't--I don't think this will--oh god," I trailed off, swallowing hard to keep the rush of warmth from creeping up my throat. The discomfort in my stomach built, but with a burst of overwhelming relief, my rear finally found the edges of Madelon's flare, and she sank a full foot of her gigantic cock into the sweltering heat of my rear.

Just as I was about to warn Madelon I was on the verge of becoming a fountain, her lips met mine, molding around my lower face. One more spurt from her cock did it, and I relaxed my throat, letting the sludge well up from my core and spill into her mouth.

Madelon swallowed, and spurted, swallowed, and spurted, her hands roaming my body while she bobbed just enough to get a tiny bit of friction from my pried-open body. My legs slid against the thick trunk of her dick, thighs trying to get a purchase, but there was just too much slimy spunk for that.

I felt a dizzy little lurch, and panic began to bloom in my brain as I felt my insides further adjust to Madelon's cock. The twisted path of my colon began to straighten around her rigid flesh, and I could feel my super-lubricated anus edge further down that log meat. I writhed, pushing against the enormous bulk of her tits, but she held me in tight, gulping the pulses of fertile goop that pumped endlessly through me!

I plummeted onto her dick, swallowing another foot with a sharp and painful jolt, and Madelon reacted as if impaled by lightning! Her cock stretched me open wider as it flared, and roller coaster-plunge panic swept away my mind, knowing her climax was about to crash through me!

We could both hear a distinct squelch as her balls flexed, propelling the thickest, richest, Kirsa-sourced mess from the bottom of Madelon's tanks up into the exit-plumbing. That horse cock one quarter-buried in my little body lurched as it fired, and my muscles strained to clench around it, but all were stretched to their limit and couldn't muster so much as a twitch!

Warmth bloomed through me, and Madelon's lips slid over my eyes and chin in her greed, stealing my breath. I became nothing but an extension for her dick, a fleshy straw she could suck her German milkshake through. Dozens of gallons poured through me; the relentless chug of pudding-thick semen through my bowels, stomach and throat a very peculiar sensation.

All it took was brushing up against the reality of what was filling me, of what Madelon was so eagerly filling her own belly with. The truth of who this white slime had been just moments ago was enough to trigger a climax. I bucked atop Madelon's pole, one hand on the cruel bulge that cockmeat created beneath my tummy pudge, the other arm pinned in her sweaty and cum-soaked cleavage.

Her climax stretched into minutes, and blackness stole me away as breath came so shallowly, and so rarely.

When I came to, Madelon's face hovered over mine. I was warm, very warm, and cradled in powerful arms.

"Ma chérie," she breathed, brow smoothing when she saw my eyes open. "I was worried. I'm so sorry, Je suis désolé. I dragged you into my fantasy."

I swallowed, my throat feeling indescribably gluey. I saw that Madelon held me to her chest still, and a good thing too, since the tide of her seed lapped at the bottom of my breasts. I fancied I could feel the trillions of sperm in the mess around us tickling the soles of my feet, and swimming into my inflamed sex and plundered ass. I groped through the musky mess with my feet until they came to rest on her cock, that monstrous member still perfectly erect and pulsing out lust into the brimming room.

Something was keeping me from cuddling too close to Madelon, and I realized her belly was heavily rounded. I blushed brightly when I remembered why, and rubbed a knee along that curve.

Madelon moaned, and dropped her head to brush cheeks with me. "Yes, she's mine for always now, the creamiest treat she could ever hope to be." She huffed hot breath across my ear, arms squeezing me tighter into her sumptuous figure. "Mon Dieu Cherry, it's taking every ounce of my will not to turn you into a second helping."

Her stomach let out a long, soft burble, and I could feel it vibrate her flesh. "I fear I'd never stop, if I didn't resist now." Madelon panted, and beneath my feet her cock bucked, the cum-tide rising higher.

"Give me a drink," I whispered, throat feeling raw and rough.

Madelon nickered, peeling me away from her, and dunked me beneath the warm ooze. I closed my eyes against it, and felt her cock loom out of the depths like a blunt, steaming-hot sea creature. I got my mouth over its tip as best I could, and let the mare gush more cum down my gullet, swallowing until I felt nearly sick. I tapped her arm, and she raised me from the cum, warm seed sheeting off of me. Her scent was so thoroughly worked into my flesh, my hair, the entire tract that wound through me that I didn't think I'd ever be free of that almost-tangible musk. I swept my cum-soaked hair back behind my ears, then cleared my eyes as best I could.

"Open the skylight, and help me out," I said, pointing with a dripping finger.

Madelon's ears sagged as she did so. The night air that came gushing in through the skylight cut through the overwhelming musk, and cleared my head slightly. She helped me onto her shoulders, and grasped the frame of the skylight, making a ramp of her arm. Though slimy and slippery with mare spunk, I was able to get a grip in her fetlocks, and shimmy my way up that powerful limb. As I clambered off of Madelon's hoisted arm and onto the roof, I looked down at the mare, now shoulders deep in her own rich spunk. Moonlight flashed off her soulful eyes, eyes fixed on me, and I had to know what thoughts lurked behind them.

"Are there others you plan to turn into frosting, hon?" I asked, starting to shiver as the night air caressed my sperm-soaked curves. I could feel cum oozing sluggishly from between my thick asscheeks, creating a small puddle beneath me.

"I will find others. I cannot go back now that I have tasted this...fruit défendu. When they want it so much, it makes me want it--want them--all the more."

I rubbed a palm slowly over my cum-bloated stomach, and watching Madelon, suspected she was doing the same beneath the ever-rising sludge. I couldn't know how much if any of Kirsa had ended up inside me, but the mere possibility created a new bond between the mare and me. We had shared a forbidden sacrament.

"If you want help again...let me know. And when your control is better," I edged back from the skylight until all she could see of me was my face, "I'll take that slide. I'll be your dessert. I'll go feet first, and you'll take me slow, feeling every inch of my cum-covered body stretch your hungry shaft. You'll savor me Madelon, like fine desserts deserve."

Her face transformed below me as I spoke, lust consuming her, desire boiling in her gaze. She reached for me, as I knew she would, but I was out of range. Warm cum sloshed around her neck, cock doubtlessly gushing harder than ever.

"When you blow your Cherry wad down your throat, or all over yourself, or into a special someone, you'll know it's a once in a lifetime load."

I headed carefully for a tree whose branches loomed over the roof, the sound of Madelon's frustrated whinny roaring up out of the skylight behind me. I hoped that her lust to wallow in her own fertile mess would keep her from unsealing the bedroom door and pursuing me.

It wasn't until I'd managed to clamber down the tree to the lawn, leaving a slime trail of jism behind me, that I remembered I had no clothes, no phone, and no ride.

"...I hope her neighbors are open-minded."


Richard hadn't been pleased I'd closed the bakery, but that was nothing compared to how pissed he was that I slept through the entire day, so I was making up for it today. My stomach wasn't as swollen after a good round of digestion and a few trips to the bathroom, but I had probably gained a few pounds thanks to those rich infusions of seed. I tried not to let it slow me down, just like I tried not to let the lingering scent of Madelon and my slick panties interfere.

By noon I was sweaty and exhausted, and I could swear I had enough sugary dough under my nails and worked into my pores to make a half-dozen cookies. The smells of the bakery had replaced the scent of my oversized lover, and my loins had calmed.

By two I needed a break, and I headed back to the tiny employee washroom to splash cold water on my face and psych myself up for two more hours. A familiar smell near the rear exit brought me up short.

Cum. Thick, rich, intoxicating mare spunk.

"Madelon?" I called, incredulous. Quarters were tight back there, not somewhere my huge friend would voluntarily crowd into.

The exit door clicked open, and sunlight streamed in, dazzling me. I couldn't see a thing, but a large object was pitched through the door before it clicked shut again.

An industrial-sized trash bag huddled on the floor in front of me, tied off with the string we used for cake boxes. It was flooded with thick, ivory fluid, and that smell returned, stronger than ever. But something else was in the bag. I nudged the sac with my toe, and realized what I'd seen was an apron floating in the muck. Rich's apron.

My heart lurched in my chest. My overheated body chilled to zero in a second. It took me a moment to notice the note taped to the bloated sac of cum.

'Ma chérie: I think I had almost gotten myself under control, before that last fusillade of teasing from you. Now I cannot stop myself. You deserve to be savored, but I cannot wait. I will see you very soon.'

My insane pussy drooled and re-darkened my panties, only reinforced by the mare musk hanging throughout the back area. It was only then I noticed a smear on the floor by the bathroom door. I nudged it open to find the room painted top to bottom in Madelon's cream, with bits of Richard's clothes mired in the white muck. The sink and toilet both brimmed with ivory slime, and ropes still plopped from the ceiling every few seconds to join the inches-thick carpet of semen on the floor.

A single word was traced through the goop splattered over the mirror above the sink. I repeated it while rubbing my thighs together. "Yum."