JY 3 - The next step

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#3 of Coming of Age Book 3

Remember that dream? You know the one that had the horse sweating bullets way back when he first met our young raccoon? That dream? It's baaaaaaaaack!

Kris deals with the emotional turmoil that comes from his not being sure what he wants. Liran is just about fed up with the wishy washy way that Kris is treating him.

As always my heartfelt thanks to Tristan Black Wolf for his wonderful editing skills.

Visions danced in his head, image/thought/feelings that were unclear, almost like they were out of focus. Hazy glimpses of something he wanted, needed, but was unable to reach alone.

Part of him knew what they represented and how they should fit together, but the other part of him was unable to see any patterns in the image/thought/feelings. For a time, he just floated, letting things come to him as they would, experiencing this strange new form of dreaming.

The two parts of himself tested each other, questioning, asking things that would make him blush or walk away if he'd explored them while awake, and probing, digging into those dark places in his soul that even he feared to look, until it was like they knew each other inside out.

The two parts of himself complimented each other; where one was weak, the other was strong. One was insecure, the other confident; one outspoken, the other shy. These strengths bolstered him, and the weaknesses made him want to be protective.

They shared traits as well -- both were hurting, though for different reasons, and both were loving, and both were in need of the other. It ached in his soul how much the need burned, but he knew that, together, his two halves could overcome it.

It took some time for him to realize that the two parts of himself, while a whole, were actually two different personalities. He was one of them, but it felt like the other was everything that was missing in him, everything that, when joined, made him whole.

Some of the image/thought/feelings began to make sense to him in a new way. He began to see patterns that his other self knew existed but that he had been unable to recognize until now. Patterns that resolved into an intense scene in his head as the dream world reshaped itself to accommodate this dual perception.

He saw himself in a mirror looking into his own eyes, but his eyes were not his own; they belonged to his soul mate, the one person who could sooth the pain in his soul and make him whole again. The one who loved him unconditionally, and whom he loved with every fiber in his being.

* * * * *

Venn sat upright in bed, trembling. The dream was back. He'd had it off and on for a while, but it went away when he'd been seeing Rocket. Now it was back, and it was getting stronger and more in-depth. He'd never seen the mirror before, if he had, he'd have held onto Rocket for dear life!

* * * * *

Kris opened his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling. He'd thought it was gone. He'd prayed it was gone. For a time, it seemed it was. Now it was back, and it was more... so much more than it had been. Near the end, he'd turned to look into a mirror and... Was it possible? It felt like someone else was dreaming with him, like... Coach O'Brien was... No, that wasn't possible. Was it?

* * * * *

Tristan Black Wolf had what is known as an open door policy: If he wasn't busy, you could stop in at any time to talk with him. He found that it made things easier for some of the younglings to come see him if they weren't forced to come at a specific time. He even maintained hours in which he didn't schedule appointments, just to make sure there was time every day for the kits to stop by unannounced.

The hesitant tap on his door was therefore expected; what wasn't was the individual that went with the tapping. "Tristan?" He looked up when he recognized Kris Blackwood's voice. "Do you have a few minutes to talk?" The raccoon looked nervous, wringing his paws together as if he was fighting with some inner demon.

"Certainly, Kris, though we are scheduled for your regular appointment later this week. If you need something right now, I'm more than happy to help." He motioned with his left forepaw for the kit to enter his office and take a seat wherever he was comfortable.

"Thanks, Tristan, I..." He looked over his shoulder for a moment, then continued, "Do you mind if I close the door? This is kind of personal."

The boy didn't usually ask such things; though all of his scheduled appointment were closed-door usually, if he just wanted to chat, the kit was fine with others coming in and out. Tristan nodded slowly, getting an inkling that this wasn't going to be just to chat. "Whatever makes you comfortable. Shall I take notes?" The wolf had made it a habit to keep track of each of his students needs in a separate notebook, and at Kris's brusque nod, he pulled out the notebook with the boy's information in it.

Kris waited until the older gentleman was settled, notebook on his desk, pen in one paw before he hesitantly began. "I told you about the dream, right?" He looked at the old wolf who simply looked back, waiting until the lad clarified some. "The reoccurring dream that I used to have? Well, it's back. And there's more. A lot more." Some people would've jumped in with the boy paused, asking questions to clarify what he meant, but Tristan was a patient sort; he knew by now that Kris would get around to explaining it once he found the words, so he simply nodded and waited.

"I'm kind of floating in nothing, not that I'm falling, I'm surrounded in something soft and warm that holds me suspended in the air. But I'm not alone; it's like there's someone else there, and somehow..." He looked down at his paws which were still wringing together nervously. "This is gonna sound crazy. Somehow, we fit together, me and this other person. It's like... like a jigsaw puzzle. My strengths are his weaknesses and his strengths are my weaknesses. We're both hurt, I can feel that; his pain is so deep. It kinda scares me how much pain he's in. But it makes me want to touch him and make the pain go away. That's all it's been until now. But this morning, the dream was different; there was a mirror, and when I looked in the mirror I didn't see myself."

This time the silence seemed different, like the boy knew exactly what he wanted to say but was holding back for some reason. "May I ask what you saw? If it's too personal, I will understand." Tristan had been making notes while Kris spoke, but now he set his pen down and folded his paws together over the notebook.

"I, ah... I saw... I saw his face." Kris looked up caught the old wolf's eyes, his own widened with shock. "I think I know who I'm dreaming about!" The boy went from nervous to agitated in a heartbeat, again looking around as if he was afraid someone was watching or listening to their conversation. "It doesn't make any sense! I mean... Sure I fantasized about him, just about everybody does, but why is he in my dream?" The boy stood, unable to contain himself any longer and began pacing back and forth in a small confines Tristan's office.

"I take it this is someone you know? Someone you feel you shouldn't have that kind of attraction for?" The wolf thought for a moment, "Kris, if you'd rather not tell me his identity, I understand. Maybe he needs to know, though. Have you thought about talking to him? Perhaps if you talk to him, he could help you find out why you're dreaming about him."

Kris stopped pacing suddenly and jerked around to face the wolf, his eyes wide with shock his tail bristling. "Oh, I can't do that! Tell him I've been dreaming about him? That would change everything!" The boy shook his head several times either to deny the idea or to clear his mind.

Tristan made a small note in his notebook, underlined it, then looked up at Kris once again. "All right, let's not try that just yet. Did you have some other plan in mind for dealing with this?"

"I - I'm not going to do anything. I was just hoping... I don't know what I was hoping. I'm just so confused." Kris fell back onto the couch, looking more like his legs collapsed under him than he'd actually sat down.

"I see. You just needed someone to talk to today, to try to sort out your thoughts on this?" Before the wolf could go on, there was another hesitant knock on the door. He glanced at it, feeling the need to go to whoever was there, and then looked back at Kris who was in obvious distress. The wolf was torn between his two obligations.

Kris seemed to seize the knock at the door like it was a life vest. He stood up, stammered a quick apology, and opened the door before Tristan could tell him not to.

"Hey Tristan, your door - oh, hi, Kris." Tristan stood up and took a few steps towards the door, but he was too slow. Kris slipped around Audio and was away before the wolf could catch him. "Did I interrupt something important?" The fennec asked as he watched the raccoon disappearing down the hallway.

"No, Audio; it's alright. Kris and I were just having a chat." Tristan turned his attention from the disappearing raccoon to the fennec standing in front of him. "What can I do for you today?"

* * * * *

Liran threw his backpack into one corner of his bedroom, jerked his tie off and tossed it, along with his blazer, on top of the backpack. It had been a rough day, mostly due to Kris avoiding him. He had no idea what was going on in the raccoon's mind; he kept playing hot and cold. One minute he was fine with holding paws, nuzzling, and even a little kissing. The next minute, he was jumping back like Liran had burnt him. It was almost more than the cacomistle could stand. He had made up his mind to just give up on the raccoon several times, but then Kris would soften, apologize, and be so charmingly innocent that Liran's heart melted all over again.

His dress shirt and pants followed the rest of his stuff to make a nice little pile of school things in the corner, and he luxuriated in being down to just his underwear. Vain little peacock that he was, he posed in front of his full length mirror, admiring how the boxer-briefs fit his every contour. He'd posed like this for Kris, and he knew the reaction he got from the raccoon was genuine. But he also understood about the bad experiences that had made Kris shy away from outright sex with him. Still, that hadn't stopped him from showing his appreciation of Liran's display over the comms. If only he could get Kris in his room, he knew he could help the other boy past his reluctance to try again. Man, by the time he was fifteen, he'd already learned that he could seduce any male he wanted that showed the slightest interest in him. Older males seem to have a special weakness for him, which he turned to his advantage on more than one occasion.

His inner musings were interrupted by a knock on his exterior door. Liran's bedroom was in the basement in a room that gave him the ability to come and go at all hours as he liked. However, most of his friends still came to the main house door (unless it was one of the aforementioned older gentlemen). The cacomistle took a moment to fix his hair and make a few minor adjustments in the way his fur lay before he sauntered to the door and pulled it open just as the knock came again. "Yes?"

"I... ah..." Kris stammered, catching his balance when the door opened suddenly. "Hi, Liran." His gaze dropped, his eyes widened, and his ears did that disappearing trick they did when he was embarrassed. "If you're busy..."

Liran looked outside past Kris, not seeing a car or anyone else, He grinned at the taller boy. "How'd you get here? I didn't think you knew my address." The cacomistle was enjoying the younger boy's discomfort and posed leaning on the door frame.

The raccoon's eyes flowed down Liran's nearly-naked body once more before he stammered out, "Ah... D-Dastinon brought me over." Liran could see that his posture was having the desired effect on the raccoon by the telltale swelling in his school slacks. "He said... that you come in this way..." Kris indicated the doorway that Liran was still standing in.

"Did he now?" He giggled and grabbed Kris's left paw, backing up and pulling the other boy into his domain. "I'll have to remember to thank him later." The door was firmly closed and locked behind Kris while the raccoon was still taking in Liran's bedroom, which was in some disarray.

Liran crossed the room behind Kris and called up the stairs beyond a second door. "Mom, Kris is here. We're going to play vid games; can you let us know when dinner's ready?" The lights flickered twice as Kris turned to face the shorter boy. Liran grinned at him as he closed that door as well. "There; now, we won't be disturbed."

"Liran, I wanted to apologize." Kris paused a moment dropping his backpack to the floor behind him. "I know I've been acting strangely today. I just felt that... well... I needed to work some things out for myself, you know?" He made eye contact with the cacomistle, swallowing hard.

Liran, serious for a change, nodded slowly. "I can see where you'd need some time after the mess at the end of last school year. But Kris, we've been playing around over the vid for weeks now. Are you still afraid that I'll hurt you?" He frowned a little, starting to cross his arms over his chest.

Kris quickly pulled his tie off as if it was causing him difficulty breathing, then caught the other boy's paws. "No, Liran; that's what I came over here to tell you." The taller boy stepped in close to his companion and smiled down into startled eyes. "I came to tell you I think I'm ready to take that next step with you." His paws moved from holding Liran's to gently cupping the sides of the cacomistle's face, and he leaned down slowly, giving Liran plenty of time to realize what was happening and to move away if he wanted to. When Kris' lips touched Liran's, they both gave soft little sighs. Liran let the younger boy set the pace, allowing him to explore unhindered, knowing that it was his first time. His first real time.

Kris gradually grew bolder, his tongue brushing the cacomistle's lips only to find them parting for him. His paws began to roam over Liran's shoulders and upper back, which sparked a similar reaction in Liran, though it was the raccoon's chest that his paws were exploring through his school shirt. "I can," Kris whispered against Liran's lips, "take it off, if you'd like?"

But Liran's fingers had already found the line of buttons, and he took the next pause in their kissing to whisper back, "Let me?" It made Kris blush a little, but he nodded slowly, his fingers stroking down along Liran's upper arms. Slowly, Liran worked the buttons free, one by one, gently tugging the material loose from where it was tucked into Kris' pants.

The kissing paused again as Liran's paws shoved both Kris' shirt and jacket off his shoulders, forcing the younger boy to stop touching him, while he pulled his arms out of the confining cloth. As soon as Kris was free, they were kissing again, the clothing lying forgotten in a crumpled heap on the floor. The raccoon's paws were all over Liran's back, shoulders, and chest, touching and feeling every inch of his furry torso, but Liran was focused on something specific. His nimble fingers unfastened the younger boy's belt and then started on his pants. Within moments, they were both standing in just their underwear.

Kris didn't have time to be embarrassed.

Liran broke away from kissing him and started to nuzzle and lick down the center of his chest. The raccoon's breath was quickening as the cacomistle plied his tongue and lips over that hard, young body. His paws were wrapped around the raccoon's hips, holding his backside in a vice-like grip as his muzzle neared its goal. Kris let out a startled yelp when Liran pressed his lips over the bulge in his underwear for the first time. His paws found Liran's head, and he gently rubbed behind the cacomistle's ears, mostly because that was all he could reach.

Kris couldn't see what Liran was doing, but he could feel the cooler air touching the bare skin of his member, then the softness of the boy's lips, the dampness of his tongue, and finally the warm wetness of his mouth as it was engulfed. He threw his head back and tried to keep his knees from going weak on him as the older boy did things he'd only dreamed of. It felt like it took forever for him to reach his peak, but from Liran's point of view it was only a few distressingly short minutes. The raccoon felt like he was trembling all over and he couldn't catch his breath when Liran stood up and smiled at him, licking his lips.

"Did I hurt you, Kris?"

"Oh, Human's no! That was... amazing."

"Glad you liked it."

"Is... is that... all?"

Liran giggled and shook his head. "No, but it's all for right now, unless you--" He broke off as he looked down and realized that Kris was still hard. "You..." He looked up into the raccoon's eyes.

Now it was Kris' turn to giggle. "I guess you haven't been with a raccoon before." He moved slowly to sit on the end of Liran's bed. "I call it the monster, because sometimes, it stays up for hours."

Liran's eyes widened, then he smiled brightly and moved to stand between Kris' spread knees. "I think I'll take that as a challenge." He shoved his own underwear off and gently straddled the raccoon's lap. "Now... let's see just how long this monster of yours can hold out against my charms."