Taz And Kyoshi's Life. The True Form of Taz. Chapter 4

Story by Tazmanou on SoFurry

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Chapter 4:

Operation Capture

The door opened into a dark room. Nothing could be seen. Tsunayoshi searched for the switch on the wall. When he finally found it, he pressed it, then entered the room. He was happy that he finally arrived at his old apartment. He thought he was going to need to sell this place. After putting all of the small amount of luggage that he had brought into a corner of the room, he decided to look around to see how dusty the rooms had become during his absence. Even though he had asked from someone to clean it from time to time, he knew that wasn't enough to make all the dust disappear.

Tsunayoshi moved to the most important place of the house: The bed. He really didn't want to sleep on the floor just because the bed was full of dust. Tsunayoshi opened the door slowly, just in case, to avoid stirring up any dust. After carefully opening the door, Tsunayoshi searched for the bedroom light switch. Thanks to the light in the other room, he was able to locate the switch faster. Tsunayoshi pressed the switch, then paused, his hand still on the switch. Something was weird. The switch didn't have any dust. He turn to see the bed. The bed was well protected with barely any dust on it.

"I guess I'm lucky. She came before I arrived. That means I don't need to worry about all this cleaning." Tsunayoshi smiled.

Tsunayoshi was glad he didn't need to worry about all that. He never was the "tidy" kind of person; someone else always used to clean for him. Not that he ordered people; more like people around him liked to clean. He was just lucky.

"Now, that means I can uncover my desk," Tsunayoshi said while walking back where he came in.

Tsunayoshi really wanted to make sure nothing was stolen from his "library place." Tsunayoshi used to read a lot of books about science, which he ended up saving, creating a library of science books in a very small room. But gladly for the cleaners, when it came to his library, he wasn't the messy kind of guy. His cleaners never found books or anything on the floor of the library. He opened the door, this time without hesitation, knowing there shouldn't be any dust in this room ether.

"Welcome home, my dear friend," a voice said. The sound was coming from the area of his desk.

Tsunayoshi froze for a moment, then tried to switch the light on. He knew that voice, but he couldn't remember... No, it was more like he didn't want to remember... But this couldn't be possible.

After finally finding the light switch, he searched for the intruder. After a quick look, Tsunayoshi noticed that the desk was already uncovered, but he could see no one else there.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Tsunayoshi said while thinking of what might be near him to use as a weapon, just in case.

"Well... you don't recognize me, my friend? I agree that it has been a long time since we talked to each other," the masculine voice said a bit unhappy.

The tall-backed office chair that was facing the wall was now turning to reveal the person sitting in it. Tsunayoshi didn't waste any time taking a hard rock from one of the shelves. He kept it in his hands to make sure he had an emergency plan.

"So... you really can't remember me?" the man said turning slowly.

Tsunayoshi looked at the chair turning, and his body became even more frozen. His mind was lost; he couldn't think anymore. He didn't know what to do. The emergency plan he had in mind fell into the ground with a loud noise.

"I see that you have some good reactions. But a rock won't save you," said the man, laughing.

"Goya..."Tsunayoshi trying to take back control over his lost thoughts.

"Yes. It's a good start. You remember my name." The man kept smiling.

"What do you want?" Tsunayoshi demanded, starting to think of the possible reason he was here.

"I'm here to take back what is mine, my friend," the man said, looking seriously at Tsunayoshi.

"There is nothing here that is yours. Leave this house immediately, before I call the police!" Tsunayoshi said angrily.

"Well... maybe not here," the man said, looking around.

Two men came out of one of the other doors of the room and gave Goya a phone. These weren't merely assistants; they looked like very well-trained soldiers, dressed in military-style pants and tee-shirts. Tsunayoshi tried to see if they wore collars, like guard dogs.

"What are you doing, Goya?" said Tsunayoshi cautiously.

"Me? I'm merely making a phone call," said the man, tapping the buttons on the phone. He turned and looked at the two soldiers. "Take care of him."

Tsunayoshi found himself suddenly grabbed from behind. There weren't only two soldiers in the house; the third one had been waiting to capture him. He tried to free himself, but the more he struggled, the more tightly the hands of the man held him fast. He knew that if he continued to fight back, he would be squeezed too tightly to take a breath.

"I see you understand how my soldiers work," the man said still with the phone on his hear waiting for an answer.

"What do you want?" Tsunayoshi asked again.

"I said it, old man. I want what is mine." The man smiled at Tsunayoshi, then looked up. "You finally answer the phone."

Tsunayoshi couldn't hear to whom he was talking, but he knew that there was nothing good about that call.

"I captured the only thing blocking us. You can start the operation..." The man said looking at Tsunayoshi smiling. "Operation Capture of the Bear."

Tsunayoshi froze. He realized that the only thing he wanted back was his son. Goya just wanted to capture Kyoshi to use him in some way. His mind was trying to think on how he could warn Kyoshi from the danger that was coming his way.

"You won't be able to stop it, Tuna. I know how you think. I know everything about you. I also know that you hate that name I gave you, but oh well. I love it," Goya said, smiling.

"Why did you wait so long to try to capture him?" Tsunayoshi said looking confused.

"Don't you remember?" Goya said, a bit annoyed. "After I disappeared, you requested to have a house built, secretly, so no one would know about my creation."

"Kyoshi!" Tsunayoshi interrupted.

"Um?" Goya asked, surprised

"His name is Kyoshi. And he isn't some kind of object or animal you had experiments on," Tsunayoshi said, his anger growing.

"Kyoshi... You are pretty bad at name-picking, my friend. Anyway. Where was I?" Goya stopped, then remembered. "You signed a contract with high people of our country, to make sure none of them would try to go in by force or near you secret house."

"I do remember now! And this contract is still in force, for any future military chiefs or government. Even the future presidents won't be able to do so!" Tsunayoshi relieved that Kyoshi and Taz were technically "safe," if they stayed inside.

"I stop you there. You made a little mistake," Goya said taking out a paper. "I see in this copy of this contract that..." Goya stopped to put some pressure on Tsunayoshi then continued. "The contract is effective only if you stay within an area of 40 km of that house."

Tsunayoshi couldn't believe he forgot that part of the contract.

"Which means that, after waiting for a full 20 years for you to get far enough away from the house, I finally got what I want. You far away from your own house. Thank you for your help giving me back what is mine," Goya said getting up. "Boys, let's go home. And make sure he stays in our prison."

Taz was feeling colder. Something was different in temperature. Opening his eyes slowly, Taz realized that his beloved bear was out of bed. Using his new abilities, Taz tried to smell where Kyoshi could be. He was apparently in the bathroom. Kyoshi's scent was clearly coming from the bathroom of the bedroom. Taz smiled, amused that he used one of his new abilities. Kyoshi came out of the bathroom and saw Taz smiling.

"Morning, my love. I guess you used your nose to try to find me, didn't you?" Kyoshi smiled with a quizzical look.

"Um... maybe?" Taz said shyly.

"Haha, I guess I do have a strong smell," Kyoshi said, laughing, walking toward a window.

"I like your scent!" Taz said loudly, without realizing that what he had been thinking came out.

Kyoshi surprised looked at Taz then smiled.

"Did I just... say something... completely weird... out loud?" Taz looked down.

A little noise came from Kyoshi mouth. He giggled. After looking at Taz, he turned and opened the window.

"Don't worry, my sweet fox. Now that we are together... you can tell me anything you want," said Kyoshi, walking toward the bed.

Then Kyoshi put himself into the bed next to Taz. He was happy, for many reasons. One of them was because he wasn't a virgin anymore.

"How do you feel?" Taz asked.

"Fine. No, more than fine. Satisfied. Happy. In love..." Kyoshi started to tell all the words he thought of to describe what he was feeling and started to touch the fox tenderly. "Truly happy to be with you."

Taz was loving his touch. It was sensible and natural. He was doing this because he felt like doing it. Taz was happy that Kyoshi was making him feel comfortable and happy. And yet... all at once, something warned him of something weird happening.

"Kyoshi!" Taz said, suddenly serious.

Kyoshi looked at Taz worried and ask. "You don't like it?"

"Yes, I like it, but that's not the problem." Taz sniffed the air.

"What's going on?" Kyoshi smelled the air too, to see if he could catch a whiff of something.

"There is..." Taz stopped unsure. After sniffing the air another time, Taz continued "There is something going on."

"What?" Kyoshi said, looking at the open window.

"There is... a lot of men near the house," Taz said still unsure.

Kyoshi turned to Taz and smiled. "Already looking for other men around? Am I that bad?" Kyoshi laughed.

Taz wasn't laughing. Something weird was happening, and he could literally smell it.

"Kyoshi, I think we are in danger. There wasn't that much smell of men before," Taz said, worried.

"I'm sure that is because your body hasn't changed completely yet. And that now your nose works better, you're smelling what is still human about you," Kyoshi said smiling trying to relax the tense fox.

"I guess you are right." Taz relaxed a bit.

At that moment, it was Kyoshi's turn to feel nervous. He could hear a helicopter flying near.

"Taz, can you tell me how long this helicopter has been near?" Kyoshi said starting to get tense.

"Um... a while ago. I heard it flying around, but it seems to be getting closer to the house. Why?" Taz asked.

Kyoshi knew something was happening, and that he and Taz needed to get out of this house fast. He jumped out of bed and started putting on some clothes.

"Taz, prepare yourself! We need to leave soon! I have not time to explain to you right now!" Kyoshi said, running outside of the room.

Taz didn't waste any time. He threw on some clothes and follow Kyoshi out of the room, then downstairs to the lab.

"Kyoshi, you are scaring me; what's going on?!" Taz asked.

"Helicopters aren't allowed near our house, by a contract my father has with the government. If we're hearing a helicopter that close, it means the contract that was protecting us from any attack, from police to military force, has been broken. Someone know about me and will try to capture me. That also why you could smell so many men around the house. The special troops are here." Kyoshi seemed to be searching for something on the floor.

"Kyoshi..." Taz said scared.

Kyoshi found a button and pressed it. A secret door opened in the floor.

"Taz, I need you to hide here. There is no time to explain. But you need to stay here until there is no one near. Ok?! Promise me that you will stay inside this room until you feel like you are safe." Kyoshi took Taz in his arms, holding him close.

"I... I..." Taz stuttered, trying to understand what was happening.

"Taz! Promise me. I want you safe. Please tell me you will do what I told you!" Kyoshi insisted.

"I promise, Kyoshi," Taz said, then realized Kyoshi wasn't going to come with him into this secret room. "Kyoshi, please, come hide with me. They won't find you here!" Taz was starting to fear they will be caught by this unknown force.

"Taz, I'm sorry, but I can't. Do you understand? They are here because they know about me, and they will never leave this house until they find me. If I hide with you, you will captured too. I won't allow it." Taz had already padded down the steps into the safe room, and Kyoshi began closing the trap door slowly. "I love you, my fox. I will always love you."

"Kyoshi, promise me that you will be fine." Taz could not help insisting, even knowing that it would have to be a complete lie.

"I promise," said Kyoshi, bending to have a last kiss to Taz. Then pain in his eyes, he closed the trap door.

The elite force moved quickly and efficiently around the house. The helicopter landed on the big garden. A man came out of the big machine.

"ALRIGHT, BOYS, THIS IS IT! PREPARE FOR THE CAPTURE!" the man shouted at his soldiers.

"YES SIR!" all the men replied.

The leader of this operation moved toward to the door. With a bullhorn in his hand, the leader told his man to get ready. Then when everyone seemed to be ready, he the bullhorn and spoke:

"We know you are here. Come out and no harm will be done to you."

Kyoshi knew it was at least partially the truth. He open the door and came out of the house with hands in the air.

Every member of the elite team had some reaction. They hadn't believed what their leader had said, but now they knew it was true: A polar bear was indeed in this house. A polar bear that walked on two legs and, even more astonishingly, spoke to them.

"Here I am!" Kyoshi said, expecting to be shot soon.

Taz waited inside the small, secret room. He couldn't take it. He knew that Kyoshi had lied, and that he was about to be taken away. Kyoshi, the only thing Taz cared about, was about to be taken away from him. After some few moments of fighting his fear, Taz moved quietly out of the hiding place. Smelling, hearing, looking all around him, he knew he was safe; no one else was inside the house. He needed to move fast. On silent paw pads, he moved swiftly toward the window that was right in front of the man who seemed to be the leader. He waited, desperately trying to think of how he could help Kyoshi escape.

The leader took his hand up and dropped it. It was a signal, and Kyoshi knew it. He tried to move to one side, to avoid an invisible projectile coming at him fast. Suddenly, he felt the tranquilizer hit him on the side. He roared in anger and pain.

When Taz heard Kyoshi's roar, he felt an immense anger in himself, followed by a powerful energy growing within him - an energy that was burning to get out. Taz suddenly started to lose his balance, his control over his body. He felt like his body was changing. He felt the energy go through his head then moved to the back and the tail.

Outside, the leader started to move forward, daring to come near Kyoshi, like a hunter who want to put his foot on his capture and pose for a photograph. Kyoshi was helpless. He couldn't move enough to push him back. He barely moved his head to avoid the feet.

"It's too easy. Haha. My job is getting more and easier. With you in my record, I will be getting famous." The leader sneered, bowing low to Kyoshi to make sure he could hear him.

Suddenly, the leader received a message through his earplug. "Sir, something is moving inside the house."

"Roger that. All teams get prepared. We need to make sure there are no witnesses," the leader said still having the foot on Kyoshi.

Without warning, a sound came from inside the house, a sound like something huge hit a wall. Immediately after, a black and blue orb formed itself then exploded, creating a sound wave that pushed back the leader forcefully and produce a white smoke. After several seconds, the leader managed to sit back up, looking for his target. The smoke was too thick to see clearly, but it is enough to see a huge black shape moving.

"Let's end this," the leader said, getting up.

The leader raises his hand up to give the signal to the gunner with the tranquilizer gun to shoot. The gunner shot multiple times at the black shadow, seeming to have no effect. Slowly, a bright white light could be seen from the black shadow. The leader could clearly see the white lines shaping the unidentified monster. He came to understand that he was looking at the side of the monster, not the front. He could clearly see the white lines shaping the monster from his back to tails. Yes, plural, tails: He saw exactly three tails on the monster. He watched as the monster turned its head, a shudder running through the tough army man despite himself. All he could see of the face of this gigantic black shadow was two white dots facing him. He knew, with paralyzing fear, that the monster was looking at him, looking right at him.

After but a moment, the monster looked away and growled. The white light was replaced by the blue and black orb of light, then a flash as bright as midday sun, and finally, the sound of something huge hitting a wall. The leader, momentarily blinded, tried to see what had happened. He received a message from one of the soldiers.

"Sir... they disappeared! They just aren't there anymore!"

"DAMIT!" the leader shouted, slamming his foot on the ground.

A big, loud, explosive sound came out of a forest, far from any cities. Kyoshi and the monster were blown out of the space where the sound came from. Both hit a tree and fell to the ground. Kyoshi tried to see where Taz was, but the tranquilizer was taking its toll; he had more and more difficulty moving his head. His mind slowing, Kyoshi felt somehow that he was in a very old temple. He tried to move his head to see if Taz was there with him, but Kyoshi was badly succumbing to the tranquilizer, and he closed his eyes and knew nothing more.

"Sir, we weren't able to capture the bear..."

"WHAT?!" Goya screamed.

The leader of the attack group stood stiffly at attention, even though he was speaking to his superior only on the phone, reporting as best he could. "Something unexpected happened. We encountered... it was like a monster..."

"STOP RIGHT THERE. I don't care what your excuses are. Bring me the bear, or you can go dream up your payment along with your monster," Goya said, irritated.

"But what do we do with the monster that can--"

"Do what you want with it. We just need the bear. Is that clear?!" Goya shouted, then hung up.

The leader looked at the cell phone in his hand with something like disgust. "Yes sir," he said to the dead air, then started to plan how to capture a monster.

To be continued.