Fates of the Unicorns 84 - Passing

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#84 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 84 - Passing

This long running Master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous threat. The furry races are grateful for the sacrifice dragons make in fighting the war, but would be much happier if the dragons would just stop trying to enslave them all!

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an ongoing story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

Fates of the Unicorns Fates of the Unicorns is the cover and a good place to start for new readers.

(Thanks to all my long time and new readers.

Don't forget to Favorite the chapter you like it!

It's a big help and means a lot to me. Thanks!)

Telly mmmed as she chewed on the last carrot, swallowing it and licking her lips in satisfaction. She leaned back against the wall and patted her belly, then frowned at how huge it was, some of her satisfaction draining away as she remembered why she was being given such good food while the rest of her Master's slaves had to make due with hay and cheap oats.

She snuck a glance at one of the feline guards standing watch at the door, then smiled a bit at remembering the few times she was able to sneak some of her food to the others. It was only a little, but it felt good to share. She felt guilty at getting better food than them, even though she had to suffer being impregnated by a dragon to get it!

She looked down at her stomach again and groaned, starting the hard process of getting to her hooves. Luckily two other mares nearby helped, and she thanked them as she was pulled to her hooves. She groaned loudly as she felt the eggs shift inside her as she moved, like carrying a bunch of large rocks in there. It was an awful feeling, those hard things pressing against her insides. Crushing her from the inside if she laid on her back or even side for too long, and standing wasn't much better. And the tightness and stretching. Never able to escape knowing that her Master had put these things in her. Forced her body to grow them against her will.

"Erf. Thanks Kindem, Dana" she said as she waddled away from the wall, wanting to stretch her legs after sitting for so long. She glanced down at Dana, her large breasts not looking so much bigger now that her own had swollen with her pregnancy. She blushed as her gaze caught Dana's attention. "Uhm..."

Dana let out a giggle, "Guess there is at least one advantage to your condition, well two if you count the food." She hmmed and remembered the horrible pills that made them all grow another cup size, although it seemed to be wearing off a little. She wasn't entirely sure what she thought of that.

Telly smiled and nodded, "I suppose." She thought as she stretched, counting up the positives and negatives. On the bad side, well, getting fucked was pretty bad. Especially when those horrible pointy bits dug in. That had hurt, a lot. She didn't understand WHY a dragon only impregnated a female when they did that, but she supposed it was good they usually didn't or the rest of the mares would all be suffering along with her. The pregnancy itself was another bad. God she wanted these out! But that was yet another downside, she wasn't looking forward to that happening either!

On the positive side... there was better food. She let out a giggle of her own, and a bigger rack to show off for all the stallions. She frowned, not that there were any here. And the only male that WAS here she didn't exactly want his attentions.

Or did she? Was that another positive? The more he liked her, the less likely he would be to sell her to some other strange dragon. And who knows what THEY would do to her. She shuddered, remembering that white dragon and how he scolded Rahmor for not having their tongues cut out to keep them polite. Life under Master's foot wasn't fun, but she couldn't imagine living with someone like that, and worse, alone. The only unicorn mare. No herd to cuddle with at night or feel even a little safe with. Everyone a stranger, some other, scary species. She looked at Ralean, the leopard guard keeping watch and tried to imagine being around her kind and dragons and no other unicorns in sight. Terrible!

So being pregnant wasn't so bad. It did keep her safer. Even if it was the most uncomfortable situation she ever had to endure. She groaned again. He said he would give her an egg, but she always imagined small chicken eggs. Whatever was in there was nowhere near that small! Maybe it was just one, huge and lumpy egg. Or a hundred little ones? She couldn't really tell, and frankly didn't like thinking about it.

The only relief was Rahmor said eggs to non-dragons were always sterile. She was glad she wouldn't have to raise some, what, half breed? Or would it be a dragon? Or a unicorn hatch from it? She shivered, not liking any of those ideas. She shivered again, and then groaned loudly and clutched at her protruding stomach. "Nrrrrghh."

Both Dana and Kindem looked back and asked, "Are you ok?" as they glanced at each other in concern.

"I.. yes.. I'm... uuuungh! Ohhh!" Telly stumbled and almost dropped to her knees, only two pair of hands grabbing her held her up, her belly clenching, the contents of her belly suddenly feeling like it was ten times heavier. "I.. I think it's time!"

The rest of the mares had begun to gather around, murmuring and talking in hushed and worried tones. "What do we do?" "Is she ok?" "Should we call for help?"

Ralean called out, "Tamira, you're in charge. Keep everyone calm while I fetch Master."

Tamira was already at Telly's side, and gave a distracted nod. "Bring back help, please."

"Nrrrrragh!" cried out Telly as she felt the first contraction. "Ahhhh!"

"Lets get her some air and more light" said Dana, and helped Telly closer to the front of the cave to catch the breeze and sunlight shining down through the large opening. She looked with concern at the huge stomach. Would whatever was in there even come out? She was still unsure how the hell a dragon could even DO that to a female of another species. Crossbreeds were extremely rare, and eggs were an even bigger complication. However it was done, she wasn't at all surprised they could do it. Of COURSE dragons could inflict this kind of sexual humiliation on other species. What else would one expect from their fucked up race?

Telly huffed and groaned louder as she was helped to her back, whining as the hard stone pressed into her back, and her belly pushed from above. She squirmed and panted, loosing track of time, eyes watering. She didn't know what to do. NObody did. She just wanted it to be over, for someone to help get them out. She blinked the tears away, and saw a familiar blue face.

"Get her back on her hooves, she shouldn't be lying down. Just relax, Telly. It will be ok." said Rahmor. He directed other mares to pull her up and support her.

Telly found herself being lifted to a crouch, squatting over what looked like a.. nest? No, it was a pillow that was embroidered to look like one. To catch the eggs? Her mind drifted, then focused as her belly gave another large clenching movement, and gasped as she felt... something begin moving downward, stretching her. Like when Master had fucked her, but from the inside out!

"That's it... relax.. push when you feel your body clench. Let gravity help and let them drop."

Telly whined but nodded, glad to have direction, something to focus on. "Nggh... hurts..."

"That's normal, nothing to worry about. Breathe... let it come. Your body knows what to do."

Telly doubted her body knew what to do with a dragon egg but nodded and followed his instructions anyway. He had done this before, he knew what he was doing even if she, and her body didn't. She felt another contraction coming and pushed, and groaned as something, big, hard, heavy and very very large started pushing downward. She writhed and gasped, feeling her body stretch in unpleasant ways.

Dana watched in fascination and not a little horror as she could see Telly's belly shifting, bulges moving, skin stretching. What happened if it got stuck? Unicorn births were always an easy affair. But this was no natural birth. Her body clearly was confused, not ready for this. She had never seen one before, but shouldn't she be, uhm, looser by now? Things clearly were not going to plan. Would someone have to cut them out? She shuddered.

"Ahhhhhh!" cried out Telly as a large mass worked it's way downward and she felt herself stretching painfully. "Nnnghh... hurrrrts..."

"I know, I know. Just keep pushing.. it will be ok, I promise."

Telly gritted her teeth and did as she was told.

Dana gasped as she watched Telly's nethers begin to spread, and a rounded white shape appeared. She watched, unable to look away from the curious white, and gold texture that began to appear.

Telly's sex stretched and spread, the egg beginning to work it's way out. Telly huffed and panted, feeling the stretching get wider, and wider, and wider! "Aaaaaaaanngh! Huff! Hurrrrrrngh!"

Dana's eyes got wider as well, how big was this thing? It looked to be as big as as fist, but the more that came out, the more Telly's tormented lips stretched. She wondered if it would ever stop.

"Yes... that's it.. almost have the first one." Rahmor stoked Telly's head, his other hand positioning her thighs, moving her a bit, the other unicorns supporting her and following his lead. "Good girl... there we go."

"Ngh.. ngh... uhhhhhh aaahhhhhh!" cried out the struggling mare, and finally the widest point passed and it slipped out, the pain lessening as her sex was no longer stretched and wrenched open by the big thing. She panted and gasped, hearing the fwump as the egg landed in the soft pillow. She panted, looking around, seeing all the wide equine eyes staring down at it. She looked but couldn't see, "Master.. may.."

Rahmor lifted the egg up in one hand, bring it up for Telly to see.

She stared at the egg. It was... beautiful. Glistening and white, like one of those rare pearls. Somehow both iridescent and pure, just like the white of a unicorn hide. And gold. Swirls of gold making complex patterns, twisting and curling like a unicorns hold. Glittering. She made that. The shape was dragon, the egg, but the color, the beauty of it. It was everything good about unicorns all in one package. She hardly even noticed, or comprehended just how big it was, her mind distracted by her unicorn vanity.

There were a few oohs from other mares at the unexpected sight of the egg, a few pushing to get a better look. "So pretty" mumrmed a voice. "It's all swirly, like our horns" said another.

Rahmor smiles, his attention on the egg, one talon tapping it, tracing the golden swirls. "Oh yes, such an exquisite egg. I was hoping you would provide me with a stunning trophy. Any dragononess would be jealous. An egg's shell is a mix of the mother's colors, and the hatchling inside."

Telly reached out to touch it, giving the egg a stroke, enjoying the smooth texture, hormones and pride mixing together, distracted by the pain and exhaustion. She felt almost, motherly about it. She made such a pretty thing. She could almost forget that it was Rahmor that had forced her body to make it, and how much it had hurt. "Master... it's not.. going to hatch, is it?"

Rahmor shook his head, still staring at the egg, seeing the faint magical aura emanating from it, a byproduct of it's unicorn creation. "No, my slave. It is very, very rare for such a thing to happen. This has no blue at all, which it would if it was viable." He tapped some more on the egg, surprised at how hard the shell was. Unicorn horn strength? How interesting. He peered down at the unicorn now, noting the lack of the glow from her horn. He noted that as well, filing it away for further thought.

Telly relaxed at that, not wanting to have created some sort of half-unicorn.

And then her belly gave another clench and she cried out, "Ahhhh! Nnnngh! A... a.. another..."

The second was easier, and harder. She was already partially stretched out, but tired from the first. Her horn seemed to be doing nothing for her pain, and she whined and cursed it... was something wrong? It should be healing her. Then the second egg began to pass and she could think of nothing else.

Dana watched teh second egg emerge, as pretty as the first, the pattern of both unique, but sharing similar attributes. She winced as Telly cried again, and a third began to emerge.

Telly huffed and cried, pushing as hard as she could, but she was so weak... so tired. Her horn had always helped her before, giving her energy when she was tired, healing pain, even at a price. But it was quiet, leaving her to suffer and struggle. Only a trickle of strength reached her, and only when she was totally exhausted, giving her just enough to push one more time. Then another. This last egg seemed, bigger... it felt stuck. She whimpered again.

"That's it, almost there.. last one. Just another few inches, come on."

Telly nodded to her Master, gathering her strength and giving it her all. FInally, with pain and relief it came, and she slumped, too exhausted to even look.

The other unicorns did enough looking for her, the third egg being significantly larger than the first two. Dana shook her head, wondering how all three had even fit inside her. The first two were wide enough she wasn't sure she could get her hands around them, and half again as long as wide. And the third, she just shuddered. Several finger lengths wider, at least.

Telly moaned, then arched and whined, "Mmmmaster.. my horn... wrong..."

One of the unicorns pushed forward and said, "It's ok... my mom told me about that. Something about our healing turns off for childbirth, so it doesn't heal and reverse the stretching while it's happening. It will come back."

Telly nodded and moaned a bit, then gasped as she was scooped up in a pair of large blue arms. "Lets get you someplace to get rested. Tamira, bring the eggs."

Tamira nodded quietly, grunting as she picked up the eggs in the nest-like pillow, amazed at how heavy they were. She carried these inside her all that time? It must have been awful?

Telly shivered and closed her eyes, letting the dragon carry here where he wished. She was just happy it was over.


Hands moved all over her, cleaning, caressing, holding her warmly. Telly opened her eyes, seeing unfamiliar faces. A zebra? A mouse? A dog? She blinked in alarm, then saw Rahmor among them and relaxed. She was still safe in his lair then. She looked around and relaxed more, seeing Tamira, and Maegan, happy that there were to other unicorns with her.

She became ware of the rest of her surroundings. She was on a soft bed, piled with pillows, a room decorated in tapestries and silks. Almost enough to hide the various, sexual and bondage devices on alcoves in the wall she didn't want to look too closely at. Both unicorns were laying on either side of her, and Rahmor was seated at the end of the bed, holding the largest of the eggs.

"Feeling better, slave?"

She gave a small nod, and could feel her horn stirring. Enough to take the edge off the pain, and not much sign of the impending horn-ache one expected after healing bad injuries. She was sure that would come too, but welcomed it all. "Yes, Master" she said softly, even though her belly ached. She smiled at the egg, almost having forgotten how pretty it was.

She watched him hand the egg to Maegan who was showing a bulge of her own. Then he shifted and moved to crouch over her in a motion so smooth and natural she hardly noticed until he was hovering over her. She squirmed, remembering the last time he did this. He wasn't going to give her MORE, was he? She looked up with a whimper.

Rahmor smiled down at her, "Relax.. that's enough eggs, for now. Three big ones are impressive. Usually it's just one, sometimes two." His hand caressed a breast, playing with it.

Telly moaned at the touch, her whole body was so sensitive. She looked way from her gaze, embarrassed, and then saw his erection, hard and thick and whimpered again.

Rahmor leaned down and licked at one of Telly's ears, "Remember what I told you earlier, just relax..."

Telly looked back and forth to the other unicorns with worry. Maegan just looked encouraging, giving her a nuzzle and a soft "It's ok." Tamira looked concerned, and unhappy, but bit her lip and didn't say anything, just giving her hand a comforting squeeze.

The touch of Rahmor's cock to her sex sent a tingle through her entire body. She was still hurting, but as he began to enter her it didn't feel as bad as the first time. She groaned, as it still wasn't a GOOD feeling, even if she was much looser and took him easier. She shivered as she felt him entering her, pushing inward, his cock hot and hard inside her. "Nnnngh!"

Telly felt hands on her head, looking up to see a dog holding her, and realizing only now her head was in her lap.

"Shh... Master's done this will all of us, it's not so bad... in fact.. it's a... unique experience few females ever get. It's one of his favorite ways to pleasure himself with us. It's quite an honor."

Not sure of what to make of that Telly just nodded and tried to relax. The pair of unicorns beside her helped and she grabbed at both their hands as she let her Master claim her, again. She arched and moaned, her Master not seeming to mind her noises of discomfort in the least. Then she felt him fill her and groaned, looking down to see him half buried in her sex.

She was unprepared for what he did next, his hips thrusting, his cock pushing even DEEPER into her. She gasped and cried out, feeling his cock pushing against her dilated cervix, forcing it back open. "Nnnngh! Master!"

The dog continues to caress Telly's head, "Shhh... let him in... he likes the extra room. Enjoy the special treat you can give our Master."

Telly huffed and whined, all speech gone as she felt him invade her womb, filling it again. The sensation was unpleasant, but not pain exactly.. a feeling of wrongness that only slowly faded, rubbed away as he began to fuck her, his cock ridges rubbing at her clit. The tingles of pleasure helping to take away the weird sensations deeper within her. "Unf..."

Rahmor groaned, huffing as he took his slave, and with a final push, sent himself hilt deep into the small unicorn, using the extra room to fill her completely. "Ahhh... yes..." he said, and twisted his head to the side to give his harem girl Mehgan a passionate, deep kiss.

Telly moaned and shivered under the dragon. Time seemed to stretch into a blur, the only constant was the cock thrusting inside her. His hands and lips and tongue roamed freely, sometimes kissing her or her breasts, sometimes Mehgan, sometimes Tamira. Her moans were echoed from either side of her, only dimly aware of what he was doing to them.

Rahmor hissed and thrusted steadily as he took advantage of the extra room that Telly's womb allowed. He groaned, several of his harem girls rubbing his back, licking his toes. He tasted all three girls lips, kissing them all in turn, enjoying the differences between them. Uni, passionate and eager, her tongue meeting his, moaning into his muzzle. Telly, passively allowing him to do what he wished, eyes fogged with the sensations his cock was causing her. Tamira, trying to hide her anger at what he was doing to her friend, and her frustration at being helpless. He gave her something else to think a about, his tail collaring his Mouse and pulling her up between Tamira's legs. He smiled as he kissed the warrior mare, eyes watching hers as they struggled, but eventually melted under the assault of an expert tongue.

The sensations just went on and on, Telly floating in a dreamlike state, exhausted, stimulated. Sore and tired, but body tingling. Two mares snuggled against her, contrasting with the big male taking her, taking her so deep. It went on and on, loosing herself in it all, until a sudden roar and slamming thrust inside her brought her back, face to face with a climaxing dragon. She stared, transfixed at his orgasm, the immense pleasure in his expressive face, then the panting and relaxing.. the slow withdrawal. She whines, relaxing a bit, looking at both mares beside her who were flushed and panting too. Their relaxed expressions and cuddles made her relax even more and she was even able to nuzzle back when her Master kissed her.

"Take good care of her, girls" he said, peeling several furries off him as they tried to cling. "I'll be back for all of you soon enough..."

Telly sighed as she watched the blue dragon leave, slumping into the bed even further.

"He likes you..." said the doberman. "I'm Bitch." She laughed at Telly's expression, "You know, a female dog? It's my harem name."

Telly nodded and blushed a little, laying naked, wet, exposed.. but too tired to complain. "He does?"

"Oh yes. He wouldn't let you stay here otherwise, would have had Tamira bring you back to the slave pen."

Telly nodded, looking at Tamira again and if she were not so tired, hurting, and of course a helpless slave, she might have giggled at the blissful expression. She did manage a small smirk as Tamira noticed and blushed, hastily coughing and looking like the stern warrior she always was.

Tamira looked away, composing herself, embarrassed. But damn.. how do they DO that to her? Every time she came here she ended up orgasming herself into a coma. She guessed years of daily practice got one GOOD and eating out pussy. She shook her head, looking at Telly with concern, "Are.. you all right? Did it... well.. when he..."

Telly bit her lip, "It wasn't FUN no.. but it didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Guess I'm so, err, relaxed it wasn't so bad. I'm just glad those eggs are gone... even that was nothing compared to having THOSE in me. And I guess.. well.. it's better for him to like me than to be mad at me."

Tamira snorted, "Maybe. If he didn't like me, I'd be happy to be ignored."

"Until he sold you because he was bored with you. He is happiest when you have something unique to offer" said Bitch.

Telly frowned and looked at her now empty belly, wondering how long before she recovered, then frowning again. "I guess with no eggs I'm not special anymore."

Bitch smirked, "I'm sure Master could fix that if you asked."

Telly shook her head violently, "Oh... no. I know it was only a month or two, but it felt like FOREVER. And giving birth was.. oh it hurt. They were so big! I just couldn't."

Bitch nodded as the other girls piled around in the large bed, getting comfortable and watching softly. "I hear the more you do it, the bigger and more of them they get.. your body gets used to them."

Telly shuddered, imagining four, five, or more of them, even bigger. "No.. I couldn't do that. But... he will think I'm special because he has my eggs, right?" She leaned up to look at where they were laying, now surrounded by a nest of other furs.

"For a while. But we all gave him one, or two. Being in his harem makes us special, no need for more eggs."

Looking around, Telly nodded. "It's nice in here. Could.. could I be a harem girl?"

Uni stiffened, but only a little before gently shaking her head, "Only one of each species in a dragons harem."

Telly looked a little disappointed, but nodded.

"But what you did for him now, that is very special" offered Bitch.

Telly gulped and blushed again, "You mean.. going so... deep?"

"Yes... he doesn't fit very well into most of us. He likes being able to take us all the way like that."

"Oh. But I can't do it for long.. I'll heal and, um, tighten up?"

Bitch nodded, "Yes.. a day or two at most."

Telly bit her lip agan and sighed, "I can't do more eggs... I just can't. But I want to be special."

Tamira nuzzled her, "You ARE special Telly, you don't need him to tell you that."

Looking up at the ceiling Telly sighed, Tamira didn't understand. "I don't need to be special because my feelings are hurt, I don't want him sending me away. I don't want to be alone, among strangers. I want to stay with his herd."

Tamira said, "He isn't going to send you way, he paid a lot of money for all of us and trust me, he loves having us around WAY too much."

Telly shook her head, "No, it happens.. it does... he got that other slave recently, you fought for her. Slaves get sent and traded all the time, and he has so many of us... what if he finds a slave he REALLY wants and would give a unicorn for her? What if he picks me?"

"Would that be worse than being constantly pregnant?"

"There is another way..." suggested a new voice.

Telly looked to see a fox at the edge of the bed, "There is?"

Foxxy nodded, "Well, not for us, but for you. Your healing might make it not so bad. It's something I wanted to do, but it would have been too hard. But a unicorn could do it."

Telly looked curious, "What is it?"

Foxxy said, "Well, we could fit you with something to keep you, open and accessible to Master. Like a plug, so you don't close up. So he can have you like he did today, whenever he wants. No way he would give THAT up, ever!"

Tamira frowned, "I don't think thats a good idea.. it couldn't be comfortable. I'm sure he likes you well enough as you are, Telly."

Telly gave a snort at Tamira, surprising the other mare. "Easy for YOU to say. You got a green collar, a position, and he drags you EVERYWHERE. You have nothing to fear. But I'm just... just me! I've never been like girls like you, outgoing and fun. I'm always called shy. A nice girl. A boring girl. I'm not going to get my teeth pulled or tongue cut out if I can do something to make Master Rahmor happy and stay here."

Tamira was taken a back a bit, "I.. I'm sorry. But... other dragons are not all bad, maybe another would be better?" He looked to the other girls in the room.

Bitch said, "Rahmor is a good Master. But firm. There are better ones, kinder, nicer. But there are more worse ones. I wouldn't take that gamble, never in a million years."

Tamira started to talk but Telly cut her off, "No, this is my decision... I.. I want to try."

Foxxy had already been moving, and quickly returned with a long, rubbery object. She took Rahmor s spot at the end of the bed, then moved forward to show it to Telly.

Gulping, Telly reached out to touch the object. It was very smooth, and had a soft coating over a firmer core. "It's... big."

Foxxy said, "A lot smaller than an egg! Longer, but not as wide."

Telly glanced at the big egg and squirmed. "Yeah.. that.. thats a little smaller that Master I think."

"The sooner you do it the better... your horn will start healing you again soon, and after that it will be too late."

"Ok... what do I do?"

Tamira said, "Telly..."

"Please, just let me do this?"

"You had a long day, you're not thinking straight. I mean, putting that thing inside you? That's crazy. If you like him, there are other ways..."

Telly gave a softer snort this time, and almost whispered, "You don't understand. I'm not doing this because I like him. I just want to be safe. Here." Louder she said, "Do it before I change my mind."

Tamira fell quiet, taking Telly's hand in hers and just nodding. She didn't know what else to do. She couldn't believe the shy little unicorn was even thinking of wearing a giant dildo. How badly did the idea of begin sent away scare her for her to be willing to do this? The pregnancy and birth had to be taking it's toll too, god knows what mix of hormones were flowing in her blood right now. But she was right, it was her choice, even if it was a bad one.

Telly bit her lip as Foxxy began to push the long dildo into her. The thing was already slick with lube, and it went in easy, especially after Rahmor's passage. She groaned, feeling it go in, cold and unpleasant. "Nnnngh." She huffed a bit, then gasped as it nudged against her still mostly open passage, grunting as it forced he ropen fully once more, and pressed into her womb and up into it. "Ahhh... ohh..."

Tamira looked concerned, "Does it hurt?" She looked down at Telly, able to see a faint, but long bulge in her belly.

Telly shook her head, "Not really.. just feels.. weird."

"You will need this" said the Mouse, joining the others and carrying a sleek chastity belt. With Telly's nod, she began to fit it around her waist and between her legs, securing the dildo in place.

"How does that feel?" Foxxy asked? "Any pain?"

Telly almost laughed. Her whole body ached. But the dildo didn't HURT much, just felt out of place. She laid back down, "I'm so tired... I think... I'll see how it feels when I wake up." She closed her eyes, her exhaustion hitting her like a wave. "Stay with me Tamira.. please.. so.. nff.. mmm.."

Tamira softly nodded and snuggled back against the poor girl. She didn't know what to do about this, but maybe it was for the best? She just hated to see such an innocent mare turning to such a crude cry for attention. Rahmor wouldn't sell her to someone terrible if he was bored with her, would he? She stiffened, thinking of Dana. Would she wear a dildo like that to keep Dana safe at her side? She would. SO why wouldn't Telly do the same to save herself? She shook her head. It was all so confusing. Nothing like this would EVER happen back in the unicorn lands. She always heard stories of what it was liek here, but the reality was worse, and better. And far, far stranger!


"It's in" said a sultry voice.

Rahmor smiled, "It wasn't too uncomfortable for her?"

"No Master, it was as well designed as promised. She should get accustomed to it nicely."

"Good, good. You did well."

"I do my best for you as always, Master. And you were right, Tamira tried to talk her out of it, but it only made her more insistent."

"Good girl. Now... I think there is time for a reward before you go back to the harem. She will be asleep for some time. Now, kneel..."

"Yes Master!"