Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 106

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#106 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

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Chapter 106 - Intoxicated Emotions

Once they reached Geralds room and Isabelle put the smashed butler to bed, she helped Chris along to his room as well, with Chris just sober enough to object to her entering the room with him slumped all over her. Despite their clear age difference, he was all too savvy of the girls suspicious natures, and their often long-lasting jealousy toward others. Coaxing her to leave him at the door, he assured Isabelle he'd be alright, adjusting his clothes and clearing his throat before smiling, albeit with a hick and an embarrassed, awkward sounding giggle. "A-Are you certain? You seem as though you'd take a step and just fall all over yourself." she warned hesitantly. "I-I'll be pshi, er, fine. No worries." he assured with a salute. "Oh dear... How could he let you drown yourself so?" Isabelle sighed, shaking her head. "You know, you served it..." Chris teased, grinning at her as she scratched her cheek warily. "W-Well, you're of legal age, and technically I can't refuse so..." she replied nervously. "Baw, everything will be fine!" Chris assured, patting her back with a hic. "S-Scuse me." he apologized with an embarrassed grin. "You're absolutely certain you'll be alright? Considering you've never had such a drink before, at least one of that strength and amount..." Isabelle point out in concern. "No worries, no worries! I go through worsh, ah, worse stuff than this. Bein' tipsy ain't nothin' compared to my usual day to day life!" he assured, Isabelle blinking at him in surprise. "Well... I've certainly heard a few stories and seen a few things on TV so... Perhaps that's true." she nodded. "J-Just be careful and if you need anything, you can use the phone in there to give my husband and I a call. Should we bring something to settle your stomach just in case?" she asked.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Bonding With Mother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkALH_c7GZc

Turning her down, Chris assured Isabelle he'd be fine, coaxing her into heading back downstairs before he entered his room. Once she was gone, Chris let out another hick, covering his mouth and giggling awkwardly once again. "Ugh... You fool..." he heard a voice echo, causing him to jolt before turning to see Ninetales appearing behind him. "Mamma!!" Chris shout, stretching his arms out to hug the fox only to clumsily fade through her and tumble onto the floor. "No, fool is too kind a word..." she muttered, watching as he sat up with a wobble before smiling at the spirit. "Hiii mooooom." he grinned, giving her a wave. "You're so intoxicated even I can feel it. How could you be so careless?" she lectured, showing her own sign of intoxication via her slightly groggy looking eyes. "If you've no respect for yourself, think of me next time you feel the need to throw caution to the wind. Various things that affect you affect me as well. We're linked, remember?" she lectured. "Aww, c'mon. Let a guy have a little fun!" Chris replied with a scowl. "I let you have plenty of "fun" as you call it, and look where allowing it has gotten you. Can you even stand properly?" she asked. "Ha! I'll show you!" Chris scoffed, pushing himself up and wobbling as he stood. "There, I s...!!" he added, pausing as he stumbled and let out another hic. "Pah... You're pathetic." Ninetales sneered. "Well lookit you! Every time you show up you're shittin' down!" Chris point out, his slur causing Ninetales to twitch an eye. "How vulgar. You can't even speak appropriately." the fox scoffed. "Well excuuuuuse me! Lemme see you stand!" Chris replied, crossing his harms. Looking up at him, Ninetales replied with a "hrmph!" and stood as well, doing so calmly before suddenly stumbling, correcting herself in a split second as Chris laughed.

"Can't be so cocky now huh?" he grinned, the fox growling as she sat back down. "You've degraded yourself and me thanks to your carelessness. You should be ashamed, relying on intoxication to overcome your problems. That's something only the spineless submit to." she lectured, Chris scowling at the fox before sitting with his legs crossed like a kid. "I don't see you comin' out to make me feel better. Mom's are s'posed to help their kid when they got probsh..." he paused, letting out a hic. "Problems... I needed something. It's hard to tell if you really care sometimes." he replied. "Are you dead yet?" the fox asked, Chris glancing away. "No..." he muttered. "Everyday you're alive is your proof. There needn't be any further expectations of me. I refuse to spoil a human." the fox affirmed. "Then why didja bother praisin' me before?" he asked, scowling at the spirit. "A rare occasion." she replied with her nose up. "Gee, thanks." he muttered while glancing away. Looking at him, the fox watched as he wobbled slightly, letting out a hic with a blush on his face and wiping his nose on his sleeve. "You question me... You think I don't care, yet still call me mother. And on top of that, I do my best to keep you at a distance beyond absolute necessity. So why do you insist on calling me that?" Ninetales asked, Chris glancing at the fox before facing down. "Cause... A mother is God in the eyes of 'er kid, ya know? Jus' wanna do good by you." he answered, fidgeting out of embarrassment. "God? Do good?" she asked, tilting her head. "If that's an attempt at flattery, it's terrible." she scoffed. "I don't want you to worsh...!!" she paused wide eyed as he leaned his face close to hers. "What's wrong with wantin' to make ya proud?!" he asked in irritation, the fox inching back warily. "H-How dare you invade my space?!" she asked. "Hey, YOU invaded my body!!" Chris point out, tapping his forehead causing the fox to jolt and glance away.

"Is' not like I have any other mother to make proud." he added, sitting back down with his legs crossed again. "You might avoid me a lot, and ya' talk to me bad, but least' you stick around and have smoesh..." Chris paused letting out a hic. "Least you have something to do with me..." he repeat clearly, letting out a quick sniffle before facing away. "You're cold, but least' you've stayed with me. Like you just said, ya' do keep me alive. My real ma' jus' threw me away. Wha's wrong with wantin' to make the only one I got left to call mom proud?" he asked with a scowl, sniffling again with a slight tear in his eye. "If callin' ya mom bugs ya so much, why dont'cha just abandon me too? Like ya' said before, you could just lemme die..." he added, facing down. "My parents threw me away. Guess I can't blame ya for keepin' a distance too." he sniffled, wiping his face on his sleeve and sulking. "Ya know, sometimes I think grandpa took me in 'cause he had to... I was always thinkin' the elders might've felt bad for him, being stuck with me at such an old age. That's another reason I worked so hard for all of em'. Makin' up for having him raise me, and doin' whatever I could to show them I was worth havin' around. That me bein' there was a GOOD thing." he revealed. "Same thing I do with the girls now, especially considerin' all the trouble I put em' through and stuff... Course, you're in my head. You already knew that." he added, letting out a sigh. "Another reason me dyin' wouldn't be so bad I guess. Them bein' in danger would stop, you havin' to bother with a human would too." he sulked. "My parents threw me away, and those who do care about me just wind up bein' caused trouble bein' with me... Guess I can see why nobody would wanna be called my mom... I'm just trouble..." he added before sniffling and suddenly streaming tears and hicking, trying to wipe them away while looking like an infant before the fox.

Watching him weep, albeit in an intoxicated state, she couldn't help but feel a twinge deep within, finding her maternal side touched, even if ever so slightly. Standing up, she walked around Chris before curling up into a circle around him, her eyes closed. "You overgrown child..." she muttered. Looking down at her, Chris let out an "eh?" while blinking in surprise, letting out a sniffle before wiping his face once more. "Your grandfather... It wasn't out of force. He took you in out of genuine affection, you should know that, even if you are drunk beyond reason." she affirmed. "He knew all about you long before you were born, and so he spent his life ensuring you were well off. And being cast aside by your birth parents doesn't devalue you..." she added. "...They did love you though. And still do..." she revealed, Chris's eyes widening. "W-Wadya' mean?" he asked. "...Nothing." she replied, looking up at him before standing and walking away, sitting before him once more. "Are you done sobbing?" she asked, Chris letting out a sniffle and nodding with a teary "uh huh" in response. Thinking back, Ninetales remembered talking about how he goes overboard whenever she guides him to others in need of help, connecting it to what he'd just said and letting out a sigh before smirking slightly. "God in your eyes...?" she asked while looking at him, causing Chris to blush and glance away with an embarrassed nod. "That again? If it bothers ya that much then forget it..." he replied. "I don't care much for being idolized by humans. I'd rather they didn't exist most of the time." she revealed, causing Chris to jolt before facing down sadly. "But... I could make an exception in your case." she added, causing him to raise his head.

"I'm a solitary being. Communication among others isn't my strong point. But despite my common behavior, know that I... Do care... I suppose. Of course, this could just be the intoxication affecting me as well, so don't take these words too seriously." she affirmed with a haughty smirk. "But... You do a good job, for the most part. You're a hard worker. That is... Commendable. You don't flaunt the powers gifted to you, even with them you live as any human does. You remain self reliant. That is... Good." she nodded, doing her best to show some form of praise. "I won't call it love, but... I do have some respect for you. I'm intrigued by your actions." she added, glancing away nervously. Looking at her for a moment, Chris suddenly grinned and pointed at the fox. "You looooove meeee." he teased. "I said that's not it!!" she snapped, only for Chris to respond with an "awww c'mere!" and try grabbing her again, only to fall through her aura and hit the floor a second time, the absentminded drunk groaning with his face on the floor and rear stuck in the air. "Oh you're hopeless." the fox groaned, shaking her head with a sigh. Looking at him again, she couldn't help but show just the slightest hint of an endearing smile, and was about to speak only to find herself interrupted by the door to his room opening, hearing the knob jiggling about before the door suddenly swung open. "What going on out here?!!" Serenity shout in agitation, only to look down and see Chris with his face on the floor and butt sticking up in her direction. Tilting her head, she blinked silently out of bewilderment, watching as Chris raised with a groan. "What... Happen?" she asked, causing him to look at her with his face reddened from the impact. "I fell doooooown." he whined. "I just wanted to give Ninetales a...!!" he added, pausing when he turned to see she'd vanished from sight.

"She... Not here." Serenity point out. "You look... Off. You okay?" she asked, helping him up. Rubbing his face, Chris looked at her with a dazed expression only to jolt wide eyed and quickly pull away, straightening himself up and clearing his throat. "F-Fine. I'm fine." he assured before walking in, his shoulder hitting the frame of the door along the way causing him to stumble before shooting up again. Tilting her head, Serenity muttered "o-kay" in response, poking her head into the hall and looking around before shrugging and shutting the door. "Well well, look who's finally returned. Enjoy your time?" Alicia asked, raising her head from her coil atop their bed. "It was fine." Chris replied, keeping his responses short and simple while looking around. "What did you guys talk about?" Rose asked, looking back at him from the couch. "Just stuff." Chris answered, looking around before finding the entrance to the bathroom and letting out an "ah" before heading inside, the girls tilting their heads and looking at one another confused. "So that was him making the ruckus in the hall?" Alicia asked. "Seem like it. Say something about Ninetales, but I not see her." Serenity shrugged. "Maybe he's just really tired... It was a pretty long day. And with Gerald popping up out of nowhere, everything probably just drained him is all." Rose point out, Serenity and Alicia nodding. "That make sense I guess." Serenity agreed. "He smell kind of funny when come in though. Not know what it was." she point out. "Smelled funny? I suppose you DO like sniffing things." Alicia replied, hinting at when they were sniffing the building while Serenity scowled and shook her head at the snake. "Why always push button?" Serenity asked. "It's impossible not to." Alicia replied with a smirk.

In the bathroom, drunk as he was, Chris still retained enough sense as to hide the evidence of his actions from the girls, struggling to squeeze toothpaste onto a brush he'd put in the bathroom before leaving with Gerald with his eyes squint as if threading a needle, scowling and grumbling as he missed again and again. "Aaagh!! Hell wish it!!" he slurred, suddenly tilting his head back and squirting a large portion into his mouth before brushing, letting out a bubbly hic while looking at himself. "Wook at wu, Ninewhales was wight..." he grumbled, finding himself agitated by his appearance. Taking the brush out of his mouth, he leaned forward and glared at himself before suddenly acting like a monster, making growling sounds and pretending he was rabid, as if trying to scare or intimidate his reflection before spitting out all the paste and sticking his tongue out at himself. "Look at you... Three women and wadya doin'? Actin' all nervoush!" he slurred, pointing at himself with his finger against the mirror. "Y-You outta get out there... Sh-Show em' you're the MAN!! Th-That you're THEIR man..." he lectured before wobbling slightly. "Sh-Show em some loooove. That ya care! N'stead you're jush drinkin... Three women in your room, and yer DRINKIN!! Should be f-fumrm em'..." he lectured, his voice fading into a mutter while filling a glass that had been put on the counter with water, drinking it down and wiping his mouth. Outside the door, the girls were listening curiously. "He sounds weird." Rose point out. "I'm not certain what to make of his speech. It's as if he got knocked in the head." Alicia added. "Think someone attack him in hall?" Serenity asked before jolting. "Think those humans come back and hurt him?! I did find him on floor... Should have checked for bump." she point out.

In the bathroom, Chris was looking at himself once more, noticing his reddened eyes. "Th-Thish is bad... I drank way too much..." he muttered, seemingly sane in the moment only to point at himself again. "See what you did to yourshelf?!" he lectured before pausing and suddenly snickering. "Shelf... I don't have no shelf." he added, his sanity once more engulfed by the alcohol swimming through his system as he let out a sigh and turned around, leaning against the counter while taking a deep breath. "...He's quiet now." Alicia muttered. "What was that he said? Some kinda drink? I'm having a hard time hearing through the door, it's pretty thick." Rose added, placing her hand against it. "I not know. It making me worried... Did those humans force him to drink bad thing?" Serenity asked. "Oh come now, he was with Gerald so there's no way any vile humans could've harmed him." Alicia reminded. "Then why Gerald not with him when he come back? Why he face down on floor?!" Serenity asked. "How should I know?! Perhaps he merely returned to his own room along the way!" the snake replied, both Pokemon scowling at one another. About to say more, they froze up when the knob jiggled, followed by the door swinging open causing Rose to fall back, having been leaning against it and landing with a thud on her back, groaning as Serenity and Alicia turned to see Chris standing with a scowl on his face. "U-Uh, hi?" Serenity said nervously raising her hand as Rose looked up at him from the floor, blinking in surprise. "Y-You okay?" she asked, causing Chris to look down with a groggy expression, raising an eyebrow. "You fall down too huh?" he asked before reaching down and suddenly lifting the rabbit in the air with ease, causing her to let out a "yeep!!" of sorts before being held in his arm.

"I decided!!" he exclaimed, the girls giving him a bewildered look. "D-Decided what exactly? What on earth is wrong with you?" Alicia asked. Letting out a hic, Chris cleared his throat before looking at the snake. "Decided you desh..." he paused. "Deserve more lovin'." he answered, the girls tilting their heads curiously. "L-Lovin? Since when do you speak with such an accent?" Alicia replied. "Doesn't matter how I sh-say it! Point is I wanna give it!" he affirmed before looking at Rose, the rabbit blinking at him wide eyed before being caught in surprise as he turned and leaned her back in his arms. "I love you!" he affirmed before suddenly planting a firm kiss on her lips, causing her ears to shoot out and her body to stiffen like a board, a startled flush appearing on her face as he pulled away, only to go for her neck in front of the others causing the rabbit to panic and struggle. "Wa-Wa-Wait!! I-I'm not p-prepared!! T-Th-The others!!" she panicked, gritting her teeth as he nibbled and sucked on her neck before pulling away, leaving her with a slightly dazed look. "N-N-Not ready!!" she repeat, waving her hands and taking a deep breath. "HEY!! What wrong with you?!" Serenity snapped, pulling him back causing Chris to turn and snatch her in his free arm, pulling her close while scowling at the Pokemon. "Quit the jealoush crap." he slurred before planting a kiss on her lips as well, Serenity responding the same as Rose with her eyes widened and a surprised flush on her face. "Q-Q-Quit!! W-W-Weird!!" she panicked, pushing against him only for Chris to latch his mouth on her neck, giving it a suck while licking it making the Pokemon shudder while clinging to him, gritting her teeth as he pulled away with a loud smack from his lips, making her jolt and let out a relieved coo of sorts before shaking it off.

"B-Being weird!! Why you this way?!" she asked, struggling against him only for Chris to give her another yank against him making her gasp and shudder. "You're mine, right?" he asked, Serenity blinking at him before glancing away. "Y-Yes. Guess?" she replied. "Guess? You belong to me, right? My woman, right?!" he asked, scowling at her as the Pokemon blushed and fidget. "Y-Yes!" she nodded before he looked at Rose. "You love me, right?" he asked, the rabbit jolting and glancing away with a blush of her own, nodding with a shy "uh-uh huh" in response. "Plus... I'm your master, right?" he asked, looking at Serenity again, the Pokemon showing a wide eyed look of surprise from his statement and flushing. "Well? Am I your master?!" he asked in a firmer tone, leaning his face toward hers making the Pokemon arch back nervously. "Y-Yes!! You master!! L-Let go!!" she panicked, struggling against him while continuing to flush only to freeze and grit her teeth when Chris dragged his tongue along the side of her neck, her eyes shooting open again while letting out an "eeee!!" type of noise as a shudder ran up her spine before he kissed and nibbled along her jaw, making the flustered Pokemon show a slightly dazed look of her own. "Then you should obey me... And let me love you." Chris ordered, the Pokemon responding with a frustrated "o-okay!! okay!!" in response while trying to coax him into settling down. Watching him flirt with the two in front of her, Alicia found herself growing agitated by his assertive behavior with them, suddenly snatching him in her tail and yanking him close making Serenity twirl like a top and Rose fly out of his arm, landing in Serenity's arms instead leaving the two blinking in a startled state. "N-Nice catch." Rose nodded. "Thanks." Serenity nodded back.

"What's going on with you huh?!" the snake snapped. "Jealous?" Chris asked with a dazed looking smirk, causing her to jolt. "Of course not!! You've been behaving oddly since you returned!!" she replied with a pulse of anger on her forehead. "Don' worry. I know what makes YOU happy..." he grinned slyly, the snake pausing and blinking at him with a dumbfounded "wh-wha?" in response, raising an eyebrow only to freeze up and flush when he felt along her tail. "Lets see... Where was it...?" he muttered, rotating himself in a circle while feeling her up causing the snake to release him and jump away. "H-H-H-HOW RUDE!!" she snapped, showing a flush as he looked up at her. "You think that's rude?" he asked, walking up to her making the snake inch back. "Y-Y-You're making me nervous!! What's going on with you?!" she panicked before he suddenly pushed the snake backwards, making her shout before finding herself falling on the bed. About to raise up, she found herself pinned when Chris sat on top of her, smirking with his arms crossed. "Whatcha gonna do?" he asked in a challenging tone. Looking at him wide eyed, she slightly sweat before facing the others. "G-G-Get him off me!! He's not normal!!" she panicked. Looking at one another, the girls couldn't help but agree that something was off, Serenity putting Rose down before they started walking toward him. About to reach out, Serenity paused when he turned and looked at her, making the Pokemon jolt as he showed a smirk she couldn't help but find arousing in a strange way. "Serenity... I order you to stay put..." he insisted in a tone somewhere between seductive and stern at the same time, the Pokemon gulping with a blush in response.

"W-What are you doing?!" Alicia panicked as he returned his focus to her, suddenly putting his hands down on the bed by her sides while leaning over her and smirking with a raised eyebrow. "You scared?" he asked. "B-Back!! BACK!!" she panicked, suddenly unleashing her vines. "W-Woah!! Woah!!" Rose shout, about to jump into the scene only for Serenity to grab the rabbit and hold her back. "W-Wadaya doing?!" she panicked. Hearing her, Chris looked back, seeing Serenity restraining Rose. "Good girl..." he nodded, causing Serenity to flush while staying still as ordered. Next thing they knew, Alicia took her chance and thrashed her vines toward him, only for Chris to snatch one, then the other in each hand before turning toward the snake. "That stings. Aren't you a naughty Pokemon? Attacking me..." he chuckled. "And... What does a master do with a bad Pokemon?" he asked with a sudden hic, the snake sweating all the more before suddenly flushing as he dragged his tongue along one of her vines. "I think I know a fun way to punish you." he added, showing a slightly sadistic look with a blush on his face before suddenly throwing off his vest and loosening his under shirt, making the snake's eyes widen all the more and her face seemingly glow. "W-W-W-Woah there!! W-Woah now!! C-Cease!! Cease, cease!!" she panicked, starting to flail underneath him. "Serenity!!" he shout, causing the Pokemon to jolt with a "Y-Yes?!" in response before he glanced at her. "You and Rose... Watch your master tame this one..." he smirked, this time causing both to flush for a reason they couldn't quite understand, both giving him a nod as he faced Alicia and chuckled.

"D-Don't you dare!! Q-Quit it!!" she panicked as he leaned down. "I'm taking what's mine... Nothing wrong with that." he replied, letting out another hic before suddenly kissing the snake, making her tail shoot outward and stiffen in the air. Letting out muffled sounds of panic, the snake flushed wide eyed as he pinned her vines down by her sides as though they were arms before slowly pulling his lips away. "I think you taste even better when you fight... A Serperior really is a fun challenge." he chuckled, causing the snake to stutter before gritting her teeth when he started licking under her chin, nibbling along it before dragging his tongue up and down her neck, causing her tail to twitch and jerk in different directions. "Th-This is kinda hot..." Rose muttered, Serenity letting out a gulp. "Think so? Wait until I get to the two of you... Especially you, Serenity, for following my order so well." Chris replied, glancing at her causing Serenity to flush while Alicia pant beneath him. "C-Cease!! Q-Quit!!" she repeat before flailing about again, only for Chris to open his mouth and suddenly latch it onto her neck with a powerful suck making the snake arch wide eyed and grit her teeth once more, his hands releasing her vines before feeling her up along her sides. Pulling his mouth away, there was a loud smack from the suction followed by Alicia's body collapsing beneath him. "Give in?" he asked, the snake glaring at him furiously yet showing clear signs of arousal. "H-How dare you?" she asked, suddenly ensnaring him in her vines while raising up. "I'm a man... You want anything less?" he asked. "What man violates those he claims to lo-lo-lo...!" she tried to respond, only to stutter and freeze up as he looked into her eyes with a seductive look, chuckling once more with a hic while reaching up and holding her chin.

"You're beautiful when you're feisty... Alicia." he replied. "But you know, you should really know your place. It's like I said..." he paused as he freed himself and pushed her back down, his eyes suddenly taking on their animalistic look. "I'm a man." he repeat before sliding his fingers down his shirt, causing the buttons to unfasten before tossing it off as well exposing the upper half of his body. "Wanna know something?" he asked, the snake facing away with an agitated yet flushed look. "What?" she replied through her teeth. "They sh-say your kind have a thing about your glare. If you think you can stop me... Look me in the eyes and try." he ordered. Letting out a "tch" in response, the snake continued facing away for a moment before facing him and doing as told, raising her head slightly while doing so. Giving him a glare for a moment, Alicia found herself being the one frozen instead, her eyes widening as she looked at his warped eyes filled with the carnal power and instinct of Ninetales, noticing the feint energy seemingly radiating off him causing her to twitch an eye and show an agitated look. "You don't faze me, you can't faze me..." he affirmed while leaning towards her face, the snake backing hers away until her head was resting on the sheets once more. "But I do faze you, and in your world, that means it's my right to have you, to take you... And you know it." he affirmed in a tone that threw all three girls for a loop, Serenity and Rose screaming on the inside as they watched flushed and wide eyed. "Power that bests power gets what it wants in your world. That's how it works... That's what turns you girls onto me sh-so much too. In your world, I'M the alpha. And you..." he paused leaning down causing Alicia to face away and shut her eyes as he licked along the side of her neck, gritting her teeth with a flush. "You're mine to mate with as much as I please... When I please. If you could defy it, this wouldn't be happening. You want it. You want me. The dominance, the power..." he chuckled sadistically, the snake remaining silent and keeping her face turned.

"That goes for all of you, right? You want it too?" he asked, glancing at Serenity and Rose with his now wild eyes, the two flushing and remaining frozen in their place. Facing the snake again, Chris smirked before kissing along her cheek. "If you could stop me... If you thought you had a chance, you would've thrown me off already. You've got the power to do it, but the problem is..." he paused, leaning toward her ear and whispering. "You want me... You want to be controlled..." he point out, the snake tearing up slightly and groaning. "Just shut up!!" she snapped, unable to go against her pride as he started licking his way along her neck again, the snake letting out a pant and laying still beneath him. "You belong to me..." he repeat, digging his nails into her sides making the snake wince and hiss as his tongue dragged its way along her underside causing her to shudder while glancing down at him. "What's... Wrong with you?" she asked. "Nothing." Chris replied, raising up over her again. "I just get where we stand, where we belong. Me on top..." he paused, letting out a hic before making the snake kiss him again, Alicia shutting her eyes tightly for a moment as if wanting to resist only to relax and show a dazed look when he pulled away. "And you submitting. You know that's how it should be too." he grinned sadistically. Watching, Rose was screaming inside, her face seemingly glowing before finally jumping into the scene while Serenity was distracted, clinging to Chris's arm causing him to pause and look down at her. "M-Me!! Me, me!!" she begged. "I didn't invite you." he replied sternly, scowling at the intrusive Pokemon as the rabbit bit her lip before replying with an aroused "please".

Looking at her as she rubbed against him, Chris suddenly smirked and gave the rabbit a hard smack on the butt, making her eyes shoot open and her teeth grit as he chuckled. "Naughty bunny." he teased, giving her butt a firm squeeze making the rabbit shudder and whimper. "Get on your feet." he ordered, Rose nodding and standing by his side on the sheets. "E-Excuse me!!" Alicia shout, showing an agitated look from not only being sat on but now being involved in a threesome. "Got a problem?" Chris asked, looking down at her causing the snake to freeze up and glance away before he turned to Rose and reached out, the rabbit flinching only to jolt when he held her cheeks in his hand, pulling her toward him making her eyes widen before he plant a kiss on her lips as well. "Open your mouth." he ordered, the rabbits lips trembling before doing as told, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. Now sitting atop Alicia and making out with Rose at the same time, Serenity felt as though her heart were ready to rip through her chest from seeing such a possessive side to him, watching him force submission from the two and seemingly using Alicia as a throne of sorts, actions that, despite her feeling of detest at seeing him mating with others right in front of her, still managed to arouse her despite her usual objections to sharing him in such a way. "Good girl." he praised, pulling his mouth away from Rose as she showed a dazed look. "A-Am I?" she asked weakly. "For doing as told? Yeah... But for butting in like you did..." he paused, suddenly pulling her close before latching his mouth over one of her nipples, sucking it into his mouth making the rabbit squeak and shudder before she suddenly grit her teeth and shout in pain, Chris having caught her nipple between his teeth and biting it as punishment.

Hearing her apologize, Chris slowly released her nipple, allowing her to cover her chest while sniffling. "You should be apologizing to Alicia, not me." he point out, the rabbit nodding before facing the snake and apologizing. "Th-That's enough!! Flirting is one thing b-but harming is another entirely!!" the snake snapped, about to raise up only to freeze wide eyed when Rose held onto his side and rubbed against him, causing Chris to grin slyly. "Hurt her? You don't realize it..." he paused, letting out a hic. "But she's a glutton for pain. What you think is torture is really pleasure." he point out before grabbing the rabbits butt again and giving it a rough squeeze. "Isn't that right? You like it?" he asked, the rabbit letting out a mixture of a moan and whimper before nodding in response, Chris latching his mouth onto her other nipple with a loud slurp before biting it as well, making the rabbit shout a second time while flushing and holding his head before he pulled away with a loud pop, using his fingers to expose her nipple from her fur. "See? Nice and hard. She's a messed up bunny..." he chuckled, Rose facing away embarrassed while the snake blinked in surprise. "Now, back to y...!!" he added, cut off when Serenity suddenly let out a shout. "...What?" he asked, glancing back at the Pokemon as she stood fidgeting. "G-Give new order. Want order!" she replied, causing him to smirk. "Oh yeah, almost forgot." he teased, the Pokemon jolting wide eyed and letting out a "wha?!" in response. "I think I do have somesh-something for you to do." he nodded, correcting his slur while leaning down toward Alicia, the snake gritting her teeth. "Pin her down for me Serenity." he ordered, both she and Alicia jolting in surprise. "E-EXCUSE ME?!!" she shout, only to wind up muffled when Chris gave the snake another kiss, making her flush despite her furious expression. Standing still for a moment, Serenity silently nodded before holding out her hands and holding Alicia still with her psychic abilities, the snake's eyes widening as Chris pulled away.

"E-Enough of this!! I've had enough!!" she panicked as he raised up on his knees. "I haven't..." he replied with a sadistic smirk, the snake starting to sweat nervously. "Another order!" he shout, Serenity jolting with a "yes?" in response. "Come pull my pants down for me." he instructed, causing Serenity to flush wide eyed while Rose gave him an excited "ooohhhh!" expression, her eyes sparkling as he turned to her. "And you, want another kiss?" he asked, the rabbit gulping with an "u-uh huh" in response, nodding before he pulled her close and started making out with her once more, nibbling along her neck and chin before teasing her with kisses at the corner of her lips, making the rabbit turn and tilt her head to try and get a direct kiss. "Ahh... Greedy greedy." Chris chuckled as the rabbit shuddered from the teasing, only to shout when he smacked her butt again and jerked her against him, catching her off guard with the kiss on the lips she'd wanted, muttering "open" once more before helping himself to her tongue with his own. Walking up, Serenity stood next to the bed, unsure of how to follow his order. "Well, wadya' waitin' for?" he asked with another slur, the Pokemon fidgeting and glancing away nervously. "Not know... How to do what want." she replied causing Chris to scowl. "C-Can you please get off me?!" Alicia shout. "I've got a plan for you, so no." he replied, looking down at the snake with a smirk causing her to jolt wide eyed. "Besides, this suits me." he added, causing Alicia to show another look of agitation. "As for you..." he paused, facing Serenity making her gulp as his energy seemed to spike, his eyes remaining in their wild state resembling a beast looking at its mate and prey combined.

"Just get behind me. Then you'll figure it out." he ordered. "I-I beg your pardon?!!" Alicia shout, Serenity looking down at the snake before facing down with a nod. "Master... Order..." she replied. "I don't care if Arceus told you to do so!! Stay off me!!" she ordered, only for Chris to look down at her with a powerful glare making the snake gulp nervously. "Giving orders?" he asked, reaching down and placing a finger on her neck before slowly dragging it down her underside making her shudder. "Now who said you could do that?" he asked, rubbing his finger back up and lifting her chin with it. "You're being punished too." he smirked as Serenity climbed on the bed, slowly lifting her leg over Alicia's body and standing on her knees behind him as ordered, looking at his scars and flushing. "F-For what?! What on earth have I done to deserve this?!" Alicia asked. "Nothin' really. I just feel like dishin' out punishment tonight. You make it sound like it's bad." Chris scowled. "Of course it is!! I'd never c-consent to..." she snapped, stuttering only to cut herself off as Serenity reached around his body and worked on his pants, unbuttoning them before fidgeting with his zipper and slowly pushing them down, causing Alicia's eyes to gradually widen the further down they went, Rose fidgeting excitedly while watching as well. Just as his manhood was about to pop out, Serenity froze up nervously, her face seemingly glowing and her eyes ready to spiral. "Hey." Chris called out with a hic, causing her to jolt as he glanced back. "I said take em' off... Didn't say stop." he affirmed, the Pokemon biting her lip with a nod before suddenly pushing them down further, causing his manhood to flop out right in front of the snakes eyes making her flush as if steam could burst from her head from the sudden sight, facing away with an "aaaand there it is" look on her face.

"Wa-Wa-Wa-What is this?!!" she shout, shutting her eyes tightly. "...Is' a dick." he replied with a slight slur and a scowl, pointing it out. "I'm aware of THAT!! I mean this behavior!!" she snapped, facing away with an embarrassed and nervous "oh my god" look on her face. "P-Please get off!!" she added, causing him to smirk. "Asking nicely now? Fine... I will." he replied, Alicia jolting and looking at him in surprise, the girls showing the same expression. "R-Really?" she asked, getting a nod from him in response. "Serenity!" he shout, making the Pokemon jump with a "y-yes?" in response. Glancing back, he ordered "touch it." before showing a sly grin, causing her to flush wide eyed. "T-Touch?" she asked. "You know what I mean. Do it." he repeat, causing her to fidget nervously behind him before nodding and silently doing as told, slowly reaching a hand around him and grabbing it, causing her to scream inside while seemingly glowing as he faced Rose and pulled her against his side. "Wh-What are you doing?!" Alicia asked. "You wanted me to get off, so I'll get started." he answered before showing a smirk. "Enjoy the show." he added before kissing Rose, squeezing her butt and sliding his finger in her crack causing the rabbit to shudder and let out a quiet moan of sorts. "Well?" he asked, glancing back at Serenity. "Don't JUST touch it, start moving your hand, get the other around it too. " he ordered, the Pokemon gulping before nodding and reaching around him, gripping his manhood in both hands before she started jerking him off, her body slowly pressing against him with her horn rubbing his spine. "Good girl Serenity." he praised, the Pokemon putting her face down as it turned beat red before he continued kissing Rose, making the rabbit tilt her head so he could lick and suck on her neck.

"Disgusting." the snake sneered. "It is? Then what's with that flush on your face?" Chris asked. "Always bein' high an' mighty. Stop actin' big and admit it." he replied before kissing Rose with a loud smooch, biting her lip while sliding his fingers in her crack again and feeling her hole. "Admit what? How you've lost my respect for treating me like this?" Alicia asked, continuing to face away with an embarrassed flush on her face. "No, more like how I've brought out the parts of you ya hate most." he replied. "The submissive side. The weak side." he point out. "I'm not wea...!!" the snake snapped, facing him only to freeze when she saw his face inches from hers. "If you're not, then throw me off." he replied, glancing back at Serenity with a nod, the Pokemon releasing Alicia from her ability in response. "Nothin' tyin' ya down now. Go ahead. Make me stop." he challenged, gazing into her eyes. "Well? Gonna do somethin'?" he asked, pausing when Serenity wrapped her arms around him and felt up his chest and torso, pulling him back against her and kissing along his neck and shoulder. "Mmm. You're gettin' greedy too." he smirked, Rose joining in by licking and kissing the front of his body, taking it upon herself to feel up his manhood while looking up at him. "You girls are mine..." he affirmed, reaching behind himself with one hand and rubbing Serenity between her legs under her skirt, causing her to moan and cling to him. "Both of you... Wadaya call me?" he asked, reaching between Rose's legs with his other hand and teasing her as well, sliding his fingers skillfully between both of their lips as both Pokemon cooed "master" in a euphoric response. "Yeah, that's it. Lemme hear it again." he ordered, feeling for their clits and pinching them both at the same time getting a loud moan and "master!" from them simultaneously.

"Good girls. I like that." he praised, softly rubbing their clits causing both to shudder excitedly to make up for the pinch he gave. "See? Be good and you can have fun too." he point out, looking at Alicia once more, the snake biting her lip with an angry yet frustrated expression on her face. Continuing to rub his fingers into Serenity and Rose's lips, teasing the entrance to their bodies, he faced the rabbit and surprised her by teasingly licking her on the mouth. "Delicious." he smirked. "R-Really?" she asked. "Yeah." he nodded, leaning toward her ear and whispering "good enough to eat" causing her eyes to shoot open as he shoved a finger inside her, making her grit her teeth in surprise before slowly pulling it back out, a sticky trail showing between his finger and her lips. "Aww. It hurt?" he asked, the bunny whimpering with a nod before watching as he raised his hand in front of her face, showing her stickiness all over his finger. "If it makes you like this... Then good." he grinned sadistically before putting his finger in his mouth and sucking her juices off. Seeing this, her eyes shot open and her head felt ready to burst, stuttering in response as he licked off what little remained in front of her. "M-Me!!" Serenity shout, suddenly clinging to him. "T-Taste too!!" she added, showing a hot and bothered look. "Why should I?" he teased, causing the Pokemon to groan and rub against him in yearning. "F-Fingers. Taste..." she cooed, breathing against his ear trying to submissively coax him into doing the same to her. "I guess it couldn't hurt to have another snack." he nodded, glancing at Alicia. "Before the main course." he added, causing her to jolt and flush. "A-As if I've any intention of being involved in this lecherous behavior!" she scoffed.

"Oh, you will. You jus' seen the FIRST part of the show." he grinned before looking back at Serenity, ordering her to come out from behind him and get on her knees by his side. Doing as told, he pulled her close against him with his hand firmly grasping her butt, making her moan while kissing him on the side of the neck. "Hey." he called out, causing her to jolt and pause. "Thought you wanted me to taste ya'? Why ya' gettin' all over me?" he asked, getting an apology in response. "Spread your legs an' lift your skirt outta' the way." he ordered. Blushing, she nodded and moved back on her knees, spreading her legs before moving her skirt out of his way and presenting herself. "You've got a pretty one." he praised, causing the Pokemon to flush as he reached out and slid his fingers between her lips, making Serenity moan before pushing two inside of her. "Theeeere we go." he smirked as she bit her lip. Treating her gently, she was abruptly caught off guard when he started thrashing his fingers around inside her, causing Serenity's eyes to bulge and her teeth to grit before tightly grabbing his arm with both hands. "T-Too fast!!" she panicked, only for Chris to be even rougher making her eyes roll up slightly and struggle to maintain her grip on him. After a moment of abuse, sounds could be heard coming from between her legs as her arousal built up inside her, the wetness gradually covering his hand as it was forced out of her. "Sh-Shtaaahp...!!" she begged in a slurred voice, drool starting to appear and stream from the corner of her mouth as she gasped and groaned from the intensity. Finally, he pulled his fingers out in one quick motion, causing her to freeze up before collapsing off her knees and sitting next to him.

"You begged me to taste you, then want me to stop? The deepest juice tastes best, it takes work gettin' it out." he point out, the dazed Pokemon looking up at him as he sucked his fingers in his mouth, licking off the stickiness from them before licking along his hand for the rest making her flush. "S-Sorry." she apologized. "Sorry what?" he asked, looking down at the Pokemon causing her to jolt and face down shyly. "S-Sorry, master." she answered, Chris reaching out an arm allowing her to hold it. Slowly raising, Serenity submissively kissed along his arm as she raised up, apologizing again only for Chris to suddenly pull her against him making her moan and look at him longingly. "Do that thing with your horn, so your chest is exposed." he ordered, the Pokemon blushing and nodding before doing as told, touching her horn causing it to flash before the skin covering her breasts retracted, causing them to flop out in the open. "Yeaaaah. That's what I want." he grinned, ordering the Pokemon to rub them against him before turning his attention to Rose. "Wanna have some fun?" he asked, the rabbit gulping and nodding. "Turn around an' bend over." he ordered while shuddering from feeling Serenity's breasts dragging and squishing against his side. Once Rose was on her hands and knees next to him, she looked back curiously. "Face forward." he ordered, suddenly landing a hard smack on her butt that made the rabbit arch with a shout before doing as told, shuddering excitedly. "Mmm... Like this side of master." Serenity praised, kissing his neck lovingly. "Wanted this for long time." she added, reaching down for his manhood only for Chris to snatch her wrist and jerk it up, making the Pokemon freeze in surprise.

"Did you ask to touch there?" he asked before suddenly licking along one of Serenity's fingers and sucking the tip of it into his mouth, causing her eyes to widen and a flush to spread across her face. "I guess you can." he smirked before looking at Rose, reaching out and rubbing her butt. "Little bunny's gonna' do a lot a hoppin' tonight. Lets get ya' nice n' ready." he grinned before sliding his fingers between her lips and spreading them, the cool air hitting her pink skin making Rose shudder and coo excitedly. "You like that huh?" he asked, Rose nodding as he lightly toyed with her clit. "Me... Touch me too." Serenity begged in his ear. "Hold your chest up." he ordered, the Pokemon pausing for a moment before lifting her breasts in her hands. "L-Like this master?" she asked obediently, only to let out a loud moan when he hungrily slurped her nipple into his mouth. Reaching down with his other hand, he started rubbing Serenity's lips as well, both Pokemon enjoying his sensual teasing of their womanhood as he used Serenity's breasts to satisfy his lustful appetite, giving her nipple a soft bite and carefully tugging on it making Serenity whimper in response, only to lick her nipple softly afterward before ordering her to offer her other nipple, Serenity eagerly surrendering it and pressing her breast against his face as he sucked on it, feeling both her and Rose getting wetter and wetter by the second as his fingers slid and twirled about in a rhythmic unison. Watching below him, Alicia was shuddering herself, biting her lip with a frustrated flush across her face, finding herself growing aroused by the site before her as he gradually started releasing more and more of his power, creating a dominant aura around him that was instilling obedience in the girls, the energy intoxicating them in its own way as he played with their bodies.

After a moment, he finally slid his fingers into Serenity and Rose, pushing his way into their depths slowly with a grin before he began thrashing his fingers about making them both arch in surprise and moan from the sudden pleasure. "Now girls, tell me who you belong to." he ordered, getting a simultaneous "You master." in response. "Not loud enough... You want me to stop?" he asked, getting a louder "You master!" in response from them, Serenity squatting to keep his fingers inside her as he tried to pull them out, Rose pushing her hips back to keep them in as well. Praising them, he pushed his fingers deeper and started twirling them around, making the girls sway their hips while moaning "master" submissively, enjoying their reward as he faced down at Alicia, the snake now twitching her tail with a sense of anticipation as she glanced away. "Wh-What?" she asked. "Look at me." he ordered, the snake biting her lip before doing as told, his stance on his knees on top of her combined with his treatment of the two and the aura around him making her show a blush, despite her resistant scowl. "You ready to join them?" he asked, suddenly giving his fingers a rough shove into the two making them both shout before he slowly pulled his fingers out of them, the two letting out a relieved coo and collapsing slightly while he held his hands up, both oozing with juices from the girls. "I can do this to you too, all ya gotta do is say you want it." he smirked, holding his hands out and letting their juices drip all over her underside, the snake facing away with a disgusted groan yet shuddering when he put his fingers on her and dragged them along, leaving a wet trail all over her underside.

"I'll even lick it off for you. Ya don't wanna have that stuff left on your body, right?" he asked, teasing the snake as he ordered Serenity and Rose against his sides, holding each in his arm as they rubbed against him and swooned under the influence of his dominance and power. Holding their butts in his clutch, he gave them both a smack making the girls moan loudly and respond with an excited "thank you master" before kissing his body. "D-Disgusting." Alicia muttered. "Wha's that?" Chris asked, the snake facing away. "G-Get off." she replied. "Well, fine. I will then." he nodded, having Rose get on all fours and lean her face towards his manhood while Serenity took hold of it. "N-Not like that!!" Alicia snapped, gritting her teeth in frustration and shutting her eyes tightly. "M-Me... Get it off me." she muttered through her teeth. "That's a little better." Chris chuckled, motioning for the girls to back off before he leaned forward. "This stuff? Ya' want me to clean it off, right?" he asked, dragging his finger through the trails of Serenity and Rose's arousal he'd wiped all over her. "Yes!! Just get it off me!!" the snake snapped. "Ohh, that's not nice at all." Chris teased, raising back up. "Girls? How do we get what we want?" he asked, holding his arms out and welcoming Serenity and Rose back against his sides, holding them close as they rubbed sensually against him. "Say please?" Serenity asked. "Please what?" Chris replied, facing her with a smirk. "Please... Master?" Rose asked, Chris facing the rabbit with a sly grin. "Oh, good girl. That's right." he praised, raising her chin before leaning down and giving her a kiss, pulling away with a juicy smack that made the bunny swoon.

"I-I get half right! Kiss me...?" Serenity asked. "Yeah, guess you were close." Chris nodded, facing the Pokemon and leaning in for a kiss, only to pause and softly bite her lip instead, giving it just a slight tug that made Serenity shudder and let out a quiet whimper before he let go. "For bein' half right, that's all ya get. No kiss for you." he teased, putting a finger on her lips and pushing her face back, the Pokemon groaning while shuddering in frustration, both eagerly wanting more of him while he looked down at Alicia. "Since ya' can't play nice, maybe I should get you dirtier instead." he point out, reaching between the girls legs as the snake writhed slightly beneath him, biting her lip once more before glancing away. "A-Alright!!" she shout, Chris pausing causing Serenity and Rose to groan due to his fingers being just inches away from their womanhood's, both reaching for his hands only for Chris to let out a warning noise, making both pause with looks of frustration. "Yes?" he asked, looking down at Alicia as the snake flushed in embarrassment, biting her lip as she struggled to swallow her pride. "G-Get it off, please." she asked, mumbling the last word. "Gotta' ask clearly, can't hear ya'." Chris shrugged, facing Serenity with a smirk. "Where were we?" he asked. "F-Fingers." she shuddered, rubbing against him. "Please!!" Alicia shout, causing the girls and Chris to jolt before he faced her once more. "There we go." he chuckled, the snake giving him another glare despite her flushed appearance. "Forcing this upon me..." she muttered through her teeth. "Forcing you? Nothin' holdin' ya down." he point out, leaning over her once more. "You want it as bad as them. Jus' takes more work gettin' the confession outta ya." he added, lowering his face toward her underside.

"But that makes it more fun when ya' do give in. Makes me feel like more of a winner." he went on as Alicia faced away with a frustrated look. Holding out his tongue, Chris touched the tip against her skin, making the snake shudder before he abruptly dragged his tongue quickly up the side of her neck, making Alicia let out a loud moan and causing her eyes to shoot open and her mouth to immediately shut tightly in embarrassment as a result. "THATS what I've been waiting to hear!" Chris grinned, Alicia wanting to hide her face in shame as she let out another groan. "Don't sound so ashamed, it's natural." he point out. "Ya' love me, wa' want me." he added, leaning toward her ear. "Ya wanna make a nest with me..." he whispered. "I DO NO...!!" she tried to snap back, only to be silenced when she turned her face and smacked her lips against his, making her freeze wide eyed as he pushed her down and held her face. "MMPH?!!" she shout, her body writhing violently making Serenity and Rose back away. "Now to tame you..." he grinned sadistically, Alicia flushing brightly. "T-Tame?!! Excuse me?!!" she shout, feeling a mixture of arousal and insult combined, only for Chris to press his lips firmly against hers once more, the girls now standing at a safe distance by the bed and watching. Struggling beneath him, Alicia pulled her mouth away from his, letting out a shout and gritting her teeth as he moved onto her neck, licking and sucking along it while digging his nails into her sides to give the snake a mixture of pain and pleasure to make her submit. "Go ahead, throw me off." he whispered in her ear, toying with the snake as he kissed along her cheek before nibbling along her jaw.

Continuing to writhe beneath him, Alicia struggled between desire and detest, not wanting to submit in such a manner while yearning to be his mate at the same time, pride and arousal butting heads within the snake as Chris worked continuously to tip the scales in his favor. Working his pants the rest of the way off, he tossed them away before laying atop the snake completely skin to skin, thrusting his manhood against her underside to force the feeling of it growing and moving roughly into her mind, working out her desire to feel it doing the same thing inside of her as he dragged his teeth down her neck and began licking her underside, taking off the juices he'd rubbed all over her from Serenity and Rose and instead replacing it with his own glistening drool, Alicia fighting to maintain her look of anger only for it to slowly fade into a dazed and flustered expression bit by bit, her rebellious eyes turning weak as he cleaned her underside as he said he would, purposely doing so in a seductive and sensual way that had Alicia fighting to avoid watching him, each glance causing her pulse to quicken making looking at him dangerous for her sense of reason. Eventually, he finally stopped toying with her, raising up and wiping his mouth. "You taste real good Alicia." he praised, making her flush all the more and bite her lip. "It feel good? Bein' licked? Feelin' this?" he asked, holding his member down and rubbing its long shaft against her underside, his sack squishing and rolling along as he swayed his hips back and forth making Alicia shudder excitedly, her writhing having ceased. "J-Just stop already." she muttered weakly. "Why?" he asked, the snake facing him to respond only to freeze up wide eyed.

Right before her, just inches from her face, his member was sticking straight out, twitching and hard as a rock leaving her silent and flushed. "You know you want it. You've wanted it for a while now. Watchin' me with the others, you were easy to read. I was watchin' ya get all flushed lookin', feelin' ya gettin' all fidgety beneath me." he point out, the snake gritting her teeth while looking up at him. "It's all yours, so go ahead." he offered, holding his member even closer to her face, the snake backing away with her lip bit once more. "If you don't take it, I'll just give it to them. You wanna be the one that gets sloppy seconds?" he asked, Serenity and Rose fidgeting eagerly while watching, his statement making them slide their fingers between their lips in anticipation as their arousal built up more and more between their legs, leaving them sticky and frustrated as they rubbed their inner thighs together. "Hurry uuuup!!" Serenity shout. "C-Come on!!" Rose added, both biting their lips and ready to pounce on Chris at any second. "They're ready to go. Guess I'll just..." Chris began, backing away and about to get off Alicia only for the snake to let out a sudden shout. "What? Can't keep playin' this game, got others to tend to." he point out. "I-I'll do it." she replied, glancing away with another flush. "Oh?" he asked, turning back to her and offering his manhood in front of her face a second time. "Better take it then." he ordered. Gritting her teeth, Alicia glanced at the others before facing the tip of his member and slowly opening her mouth, Chris showing a satisfied smirk. "Good girl, Alicia." he praised, softly holding her cheek making the snake freeze up and flush. "D-Don't praise such a filthy act." she replied.

Looking down at her, Chris continued to smirk while Alicia continued inching her mouth closer to the tip of his manhood, glancing up at his wild eyes to see and feeling the power radiating from his body. Finally, she touched the tip with her lips, jolting from its thickness and opening her mouth all the wider to allow his tip to slide past and into her mouth. "Ahhh, finally." he sighed, reaching down and rubbing Alicia's head. "I gotta praise this, such a beautiful woman makin' me feel good..." he point out, making the snake blush again while tilting her head back and slowly taking his length into her mouth until her lips were pressed against his base. "Yeah, that's it. Lemme feel that tongue now." he ordered, the snake scowling at him before she closed her eyes and he felt her doing as told, her tongue coiling all around his member and skillfully giving it a massage as it slid about. Looking at the others, he motioned for the two girls to return to his sides, both quickly climbing atop the bed and pressing against him once more. "Mmm?!!" Alicia shout, showing a look of aggravation. "Sharing is caring. You got the dick first at least." he point out before giving Serenity a kiss. "That's for bein' a good girl and waitin' after I teased ya before." he chuckled. "Th-Thank you. Want more." she replied. "M-Me too! M-Me too..." Rose added, fading into her shy state. "I've got plenty a' love for all of ya', you know that." he reminded, kissing the rabbit as well before rubbing the two on their butts and teasingly sliding a finger in their cracks. Looking down, he saw Alicia showing a pulse of anger on her forehead. "What? Is' a challenge! See who can make me feel best, get my attention most... You a Serperior or not? You not wanna do this cause' you're scared of losin'?" he asked, using her nature to his advantage with a sly grin on his face.

"Yeah, she lose to me easy, right...?" Serenity paused, lovingly rubbing her breasts against his arm and tenderly cooing "master?" in his ear, causing Chris to shudder. "Oohh, that's pretty good." he nodded. "I-I could win too!" Rose interrupted, rubbing her chest against him as well with a cute look of determination on her face. "Ha ha, not breast wise." he point out before suddenly smacking the rabbits butt and giving it a possessive squeeze. "But you win in another place it counts." he praised, pulling both close as they flushed and gave him a longing look. Suddenly, Alicia choked his manhood with the grip of her tongue, causing Chris to jolt and tense up before looking down at the snake with a winced expression. "E-Easy." he hissed, the snake giving him an angry and jealous look before suddenly bobbing her head and slurping to maintain his attention. "Ooohhh, that's awesome! I get it now." he grinned as the snake showed him an agitated look while blushing embarrassed. "Kay' girls, let the battle begin. Who can keep my eyes on em most?" he challenged, all three glaring at one another before they each worked to win him over. Turning around, Rose put her hands behind her head and raised her ears like hair, swaying seductively while glancing back with a smile. "Master... Like it?" she asked, bending over and sticking her butt out, spreading it seductively causing Chris to flush. "Oh yeah." he nodded, reaching out and playing with her hole. "All yours." she giggled, shaking her butt for him. "Master! This better..." Serenity called out, drawing his attention by sucking on one of her own nipples, her skirt spread as she rubbed herself off and moaned into his ear.

"I have chest you love. I was first female you take." she reminded. "Both are true." Chris smirked, pulling her close and slurping her nipple into his mouth, giving it a rough suck and pulling away with a pop making Serenity moan and arch before giggling excitedly, Chris giving her a kiss on the neck. "H-Hey..." he heard Alicia call out, looking down to see she'd pulled her mouth away. "I-I'm best suited for this task." she point out nervously. "Y-Yeah, you're good at suckin'." Chris nodded with a drop of sweat on his face, only for his eyes to widen when Alicia shyly held out her long tongue and gave him a surprisingly seductive look. "Shwee? Th-Thwish what you wike most." she added, pushing her snout under his shaft and lifting his member with it before giving his sack a long lick with the full length of her tongue and rapidly flicking the tip along the bottom of it, followed by dragging her tongue up his entire shaft making Chris shudder excitedly as its length slid along before she pulled away. "Y-Yeah, that's a favorite alright." he nodded before the snake took him in her mouth again, her lips once again at his base while ensnaring his manhood in her tongue and rapidly jerking him off, her fangs teasing the sides of his length. Moaning her name, this made Alicia blush as she massaged him with her tongue, looking up at his expression before closing her eyes and beginning to bob her head, slurping on his length creating an intense suction on top of the sensation of her tongue wrapping all around his member that made Chris's legs wobble weakly. Seeing this, Serenity and Rose scowled, the two getting jealous before Rose rubbed her butt against his side. "Come on... Play with it, with me." she coaxed, sliding up and down against his side.

"Not forget me! I make you feel good too!" Serenity added, rubbing her breasts against his arm and licking his neck. "This is awesome..." Chris grinned, looking at the two before holding them in his arms. "Naughty, greedy girls." he teased before kissing them both. Pulling his hips back, Alicia paused, looking up at him before letting out a muffled and surprised shout when he thrust it back all the way into her mouth, her eyes widening as he looked down. "I'm gonna help myself, keep suckin'." he ordered, the snake giving him a scowl for being cocky only to let him use her mouth anyways, slurping on it as he pulled himself out and thrust back in on his own. "That's it Alicia, that's it." he praised, the snake blushing as he continued thrusting into her mouth, her tongue gliding all around his length. Kissing the girls once more, he reached between their legs and spread them open, inviting himself in causing both to moan in response as his fingers slid into their depths. "You girls feel so good." he praised. "Really?" Rose asked. "I feel best?" Serenity added. "Mmm, dunno. That praise might go to Alicia, she's pretty good." he replied, the snake showing a smug smirk and giggling before pulling away. "There you have it." she replied. "Gonna lose first place by stoppin'." Chris scowled, putting a hand on her head and shoving himself back in her mouth, the snake shuddering before allowing him to continue thrusting along her tongue. "Yeah... Take it." he moaned, the snake hungrily slurping on his length in response to continue drawing his attention. "I-I can do better!" Rose shout before squatting on his fingers and rocking her hips, riding his fingers as though she were on his manhood causing Chris to grin.

"Ohh, eager, eager! I like it!" he praised, thrashing his fingers making Rose freeze up and gasp. "Keep movin' if ya want attention." he ordered, the rabbit whimpering before continuing to ride his fingers, putting her hands up behind her head while moaning. "Yeah... Take those fingers." he grinned. "I-I do too!" Serenity chimed in, tugging on his arm to get him to watch as she squat on his fingers as well, rubbing her clit and playing with her breast as she swayed her hips on his fingers. "S-See? It better, right?" she asked, Chris showing a sly smirk. "Mmm... Who can ride my fingers best?" he replied, thrashing his fingers inside her as well. Suddenly giving his member a hard suck, Alicia pulled his attention back to her, looking up with a scowl. "Jealous, jealous. What am I gonna do with you?" he asked before shoving himself roughly into her mouth, the snake flushing while letting out a slight cough. "That better?" he asked, the snake giving him a teary, agitated look before bobbing her head once more. Listening to Serenity and Rose cooing "master" repeatedly to draw his attention, he enjoyed having the two girls competing by riding his fingers as he explored their insides, twirling and thrashing his fingers rhythmically in their depths while making the prideful Alicia beneath him service his manhood, the three submitting to him and fighting for his affection now satisfying him in his drunken state, showing a prideful grin thanks to his victory over the three obedient Pokemon. "Yeah... You girls are the best." he praised, turning to Serenity and kissing her passionately before doing the same to Rose, leaving them all the more blinded by lust. "Ya' make me feel good and put on a hell of a show. I'd say you're all perfect." he added.

After a moment, he finally felt himself nearing his first climax, his member throbbing in Alicia's mouth giving her the signal as well. Instinctively, she was about to pull away only for Chris to grab her head and thrust it all the way in, making the snake panic and thrash beneath him. "Hey!!" Chris shout, glaring down at the snake causing her to freeze and look up wide eyed. "Swallow..." he ordered, giving her a dominant look that made the snake flush before he started thrusting, her eyes shutting as he pounded his way toward her throat. Seeing this, Serenity started fingering herself excitedly, watching him asserting himself so forcefully driving her desire wild within, aroused by the sight of him taking Alicia like an animal causing her pulse to rapidly race. "Take her... Take her!!" she muttered, driving herself toward an orgasm of her own. On his other side, Rose was doing the same, fingering herself eagerly as Alicia let out muffled coughs while slurping his length, her chin dripping with drool until he finally let out a shout and suddenly pulled her head in, gripping it tightly as he leaned forward and shoved his manhood in balls deep, the snake letting out a muffled shout as he shot his seed into her mouth, her eyes widening while writhing beneath him. "Ahhh yeaaahhh... Swallow it..." Chris moaned, the snake shutting her eyes once more as he released shot after shot into her mouth, wanting to pull away only for Chris to shove himself in again and repeat his order. Showing a tear in her eyes, the flushed snake gave in and did as told, the group hearing her gulping down his seed as he finished unloading his lust before slowly pulling his manhood out, a combination of his seed and Alicia's drool covering his length as she gasped with her tongue out, letting out several coughs showing remnants of his seed on her tongue, her mouth looking sticky thanks to the mixture within as she looked up at Chris.

"H-How dare you...? U-Using me so violently..." she pant, still showing a tear in her eyes. Looking down at her, Chris leaned down, the snake backing her face away only for him to give her a sudden kiss, making her freeze up as he licked her lips and along her chin, cleaning up the mess he'd made before pulling away and wiping his mouth. "There, least I cleaned up after myself, right?" he asked as she blinked at him in surprise before facing away. "G-Get off now, you're finished right?" she asked, the girls letting out an "awww!" noise of disappointment. "That not fair!!" Serenity complained. "Y-Yeah! You just... Touched us. She got to..." Rose added, poking her fingers with her face down. "Girls, girls. Don't worry." Chris coaxed, motioning for them to settle down before showing a smirk. "Does it look like it's done?" he asked, pointing out his member as it continued throbbing, the two blinking in surprise. "M-Me next!!" Rose jumped in. "No!! I next!!" Serenity added, the two clinging to his arms and giving him a tug. "H-How...?" Alicia asked, having returned her gaze to his manhood as it twitched before her eyes. "Y-You let out... And still?!" she asked. "Hey, jus' another reason you ladies want me so bad, right?" Chris asked with a smug grin, the snake flushing and gritting her teeth in agitation. "I can't say for certain whether I like this side of you..." she replied, letting out a quiet hic-like burp of sorts from drinking his seed and facing away embarrassed. "It's pretty filling, huh? Got plenty more... But it's goin' somewhere else." Chris teased. "E-Excuse me?! I'll not have any part of that ins...!!" she paused, looking down at the tip of his member again as it dripped slightly, remaining hard as a rock before her eyes. "I-In..." she stuttered as Chris sat on top of her again and held his manhood down against her underside, sliding it along her chest. "You uh, don't want it in where?" he asked, the snake shuddering and biting her lip.

"I want it in!!" Serenity offered, shooting her hand up excitedly like a kid in line for a ride before rubbing against him. "I want... Want lots." she cooed. "M-Me too! I'll... Take it..." Rose offered, poking her fingers shyly. "I know you will." Chris smirked, putting a hand on Serenity's cheek and giving her a kiss. "Even if it takes a lil' force." he added, facing Rose making her flush and let out an "eep!" in her mind. "But forcing it in is part of the fun, it really works your body, makin' it take somethin' it's not supposed to. Really loosens ya' up down there, makes it all messy." he chuckled, leaning toward Rose's ear. "I like it when it's messy... I can hear it slurpin' all over me like it's starving..." he teased, making Rose shudder from head to toe and stutter in response, screaming in her mind. "Bet ya' just love it when I mess you up, huh? Makin' that tiny thing take a human's dick. S'pecially one this big." he continued teasing, raising on his knees over Alicia once more and pulling the rabbit's hand onto his manhood. "Go ahead, give it a good feel..." he coaxed, Rose flushing all the more and giving it an obedient rub as he leaned toward her ear once more. "Feel it up, before I start shovin' it in that tiny bunny hole of yours..." he grinned as her eyes shot open wide. "O-O-Okay!! Okay, okay!!" she panicked, turning away and holding her cheeks as she flushed, her mind continuing to scream from his current state, feeling as though her temperature was ready to boil over. "Say... That's another bunny hole I'd love to wear out." he teased, reaching out and spreading her butt causing Rose to freeze up. "Ya know, it tastes pretty good. Bet it'd feel even better. Think you could take me in this one?" he asked, feeling her hole with his thumb. "I-I dunno!!" the rabbit panicked shyly, looking back and biting her lip as he poked and prodded her tiny butt hole with his thumb, twirling it in circles making her tail twitch.

"M-Master!!" Serenity shout, causing him to jolt before facing her, his eyes widening as he saw her bent over and spreading her butt with her skirt brushed aside. "M-Mine look good?" she asked shyly. "Well hello." he grinned, reaching out and giving it a touch making the Pokemon jolt and bite her lip. "F-Feel weird touching there." she point out. "Oh?" Chris asked as she glanced back. "B-But if it make my master happy... Then I like too." she affirmed, causing Chris to blush in surprise before smirking. "Well then, lets try it out." he chuckled before getting off Alicia, the snake sighing with a "finally" and raising up, shuddering and biting her lip due to her sensitivity while he sat on the side of the bed and made Serenity stand in front of him. "I've felt ya' up and tasted you girls here and there, now it's time for me to head for the main course." he chuckled, feeling Serenity's hips while looking up at the Pokemon, pulling her close while leaning forward and kissing her stomach tenderly making her shudder in response. "That good." she cooed, Chris trailing his lips to her belly button and nibbling around it, making Serenity bite her lip as he trailed his lips along to her side and began sucking on it. "Wh-Why are you gentle with her?!" Alicia snapped. "Because she's been a good girl. Nice and obedient." Chris answered, Serenity giving the snake a smug grin. "I-I obeyed as well!!" Alicia point out. "Yeah, but it took forcin' it outta ya'. I get that you got a masochistic thing goin' on, and that's fun in its own way. But still... Those who were good from the start get the best reward now." he point out, having Rose walk up to his side on the bed before he nuzzled his face into the fur on her torso. "Mmm... Nice an' soft." he praised, the rabbit giggling with an endearing look on her face while combing her paw through his hair.

"Let this be a lesson. Be a good girl from the start, get the best prize." he point out, glancing at the snake with a sly smirk causing her to show a frustrated look and let out a shout before facing away from the scene in irritation. "Now ladies, for bein' so good and obeyin' so well, how about I give you a little tongue where it makes you moan the most before we get busy?" he asked, the two blushing before nodding and fidgeting. "You want to lick... That spot?" Serenity asked. "Yeah, you know what I'm talkin' about. Just turn around an' bend over, you can hold onto that table there for support." he explained, motioning with his finger for the Pokemon to turn. Looking back, she saw the small table and nodded, turning as told before bending over with her hands on it. "Th-This goo--eeek!!" she asked, her voice trailing into a shout of surprise as Chris spread her lips and gave her slit a slow, long lick with his tongue that sent an intense shock through her spine, her teeth grit as he slurped her lips into his mouth before pulling away with a juicy pop, making her legs nearly buckle from beneath her. "Oh, nice reaction!" Chris grinned as she straightened up. "Th-That not nice! T-Too quick." she pout. "Aww, couldn't help it. Ya' looked too tasty to wait for! I had to dig in!" he praised, making her flush and face down embarrassed. "Now for you..." he paused, facing Rose. "Bein' shorter, you could probably just bend over on the bed here and be level enough with me to give ya' a taste sittin' here. Try holdin' onto that post there with your butt facin' me." he ordered, the rabbit looking back before nodding and holding onto the bed. "Th-This okay?" she asked, looking back shyly with her womanhood now directly in front of him.

"Heh, this works better than I thought. It's at the perfect height for me to just lean over and..." he paused, Rose tilting her head curiously before gritting her teeth wide eyed with a loud "eeek!!" of her own, digging her nails into the post as he dragged his tongue right over her lips, sucking them roughly into his mouth with an "mmm!" to purposely embarrass her before pulling away with another loud and juicy pop, leaving her legs just as ready to buckle as he gave her clit a tiny lick. "Oh yeah... Did I mention how I love the way your fur covers yours? A mans gotta respect a little bush now and then! Good ol' mother nature." he chuckled, rubbing his fingers through her furry creases making the rabbit whimper in embarrassment, her fur wet and sticky from his licking and her own arousal mixed together. "Heeeey!! Still here!!" Serenity complained, waving her hips eagerly. "Okay, okay." Chris smirked before spreading her open once more. "Better take a deep breath." he warned, the Pokemon looking back with a "huh?" only to jolt and let out a surprised noise when she felt his tongue pushing its way inside her, twirling about while doing so making Serenity grit her teeth and let out a "yeeessss!!" in response to finally getting more than fingers inside her, feeling his tongue slide around before rapidly flickering in her depths as he pressed his mouth against her, covering her lips and sucking on her hungrily. "G-Gaaah! M-Mmmm...!" she moaned, digging her nails into the table as he worked her womanhood until it was oozing from arousal, his chin gradually dripping the more he thrashed his tongue about and sucked on her, dragging out the freshest juices from the deepest parts of her body.

Watching this, Alicia couldn't help but find her own body feeling itchy, the sensation coming from her lower half as she blushed and tried to face away again, only for the sounds of his hunger as he fed off Serenity and her excited and dazed moans to force her attention, hearing Serenity scratching at the table with her face down trying to stay up as he seemingly tried to drain every drop out of her body. Fidgeting excitedly, Rose remained bent over and gave his side a tap with her foot, causing him to glance at her while continuing to feast on Serenity, raising an eyebrow as the rabbit waved her hips and showed off how her own arousal was now dripping from her fur, the sight causing him to pull away from Serenity with a loud slurp making her shout and nearly buckle once more, the Pokemon gasping for air as he dragged his fingers along her slit and licked them, her lips and clit left throbbing. "Serenity is gettin' kinda dry... Yeah, I'll switch." he nodded before grabbing Serenity by the hips and pulling her back, making the Pokemon sit atop his manhood. "You just work on buildin' up some more juice for me. I'm still thirsty." he ordered before leaning over and working on Rose's womanhood next, dragging his tongue through her fur and skillfully using his tongue to brush it aside and expose her lips before dragging his tongue between them and working his way inside her without his hands, instead using his them to play with Serenity, wanting to make the Pokemon build up more lube since he'd sucked her dry. Moaning sensually, Serenity cooed "master" submissively repeatedly, looking down at her body as he fondled her breast and toyed with her clit and lips, his fingers teasing her to the point of torture by spreading her open and twirling around her entrance.

Reaching down, the Pokemon whimpered "in... in!!" desperately, trying to guide his fingers inside her only for Chris to tease her more by resisting, making Serenity bite her lip anxiously as she fumbled trying to maintain a grasp on his wrist. "P-Please!!" she begged, Chris finally giving the Pokemon what she wanted and sliding his fingers inside before wildly thrashing them in her depths, making the Pokemon gasp and grit her teeth with a "yeeeessss!!" while arching back against him, the feeling of being violently handled by the male she loved flipping an insatiable and animalistic switch inside her that had the Pokemon uncontrollably yearning for his dominance, having revealed a side of him she'd long desired to see and now wanted to get as much of as she could. Initially against sharing him, during such a state of euphoria she couldn't help but lust for seeing him taking the girls down, making them succumb to him in such a primal way that had her screaming in excitement within to see more. "S-So disgusting..." Alicia muttered, watching as he worked on draining his second victim dry, Rose falling into the same orgasmic and weakened state as Serenity as he roughly slurped and made out with her womanhood as if it were the sweetest fruit, leaving the rabbit ready to collapse at any moment as she scratched up the post she clung to, desperately trying to stay up until her master was finished feeding with a dazed look in her eyes as if she'd entered another world. Suddenly, he'd finally forced her body into a climax, causing her grip to slip making her collapse on the sheets while convulsing and gasping for air, her nails digging into the sheets leaving Chris sitting with his chin dripping from her arousal.

"Mmm... Tasted so good I got a lil' too rough. Sorry bout' that." he apologized, wiping his mouth and licking his hand. "The best really is deep in there, so it takes a lil' work." he added before focusing on Serenity suddenly grabbing her breasts in his hands possessively and sucking on her neck, making the Pokemon moan his name while submissively tilting her head. "D-Disgusting...!!" Alicia thought, a bright flush on her face and a look of lust in her eyes despite her effort to cling to her self control, the itching coming from her lower body growing worse and worse making her subconsciously extend her vines, sliding them down along her underside before reaching the tightly sealed slit where her own womanhood lay hidden, touching herself while watching Chris have his way with the two before her. "I think it's time you got a taste of me now... Get on your knees and put it in your mouth next." he ordered. "N-Not put it in yet?" Serenity asked with a hint of complaint in her voice, Chris suddenly squeezing her breasts and giving her a bite on the shoulder as his energy suddenly spiked again, causing it to radiant from him once more making Alicia's eyes widen and rub her slit even more. "Aahhnn!! O-Okay!! I obey!! B-Be nice, master..." she begged, showing a flush and panting as he took his teeth away and softly rubbed her breasts. "Good girl..." he praised, making her shudder before she got off and down on her knees as told, turning to him and leaning close to his manhood. "You suck it good, I'll give you what you want most next." he smirked. "I-Inside?" she asked. "That's right. All of it. I'll put it all inside you, and this time..." he paused, lifting her chin as he leaned down with a grin. "I'll make sure you've got eggs growin' inside ya..." he added quietly, making her eyes shoot open and a scream echo through her mind before eagerly lowering herself and getting to work, dragging her tongue along his shaft and quickly taking it into her mouth.

"Oooohhh! That's awesome!" he praised, feeling his legs quiver as the Pokemon energetically bobbed her head, her technique beyond poor but the enthusiasm and sensations all over his manhood from her rapid tongue movements and rough suction turning Chris on nonetheless. "L-Let me..." Rose pant, crawling up to his side. "Let you wha-a-aaahhh...!!" he tried to reply, Serenity suddenly dragging her tongue all over his sack while jerking him off immediately drawing back his attention and cutting him off. "Wh-Wadaya want?" he asked. "I-I'll do it too! If... P-Put it in me, too." the rabbit offered, Chris giving her a dazed look before nodding. "Y-Yeah, go ahead." he agreed, Rose crawling up to his manhood as Serenity greedily devoured it. "M-Me too!" she interrupted, Serenity pausing and glancing at her before pulling away with a "pwuah!" and revealing trails of her drool between her lips and his manhood. "It messy... You not want this." she point out, his manhood oozing and glistening in her drool. "Y-You took it after Alicia!" she point out, making Serenity jolt and slightly twitch an eye before quickly shaking her head. "N-Not care!! Master get what..." she paused, looking up at Chris as he showed a flushed look of desire for more, making her blush as well and face down. "M-Master get what want. Make him happy, feel good. It what live for..." she added embarrassed. "W-Well, then I don't care if you've had it!" Rose affirmed before taking his length in her hand and quickly sucking him into her tiny mouth, surprising Serenity while Chris moaned in pleasure, his legs quivering once more. "G-Good..." he cooed, Serenity glancing away for a moment before joining in and licking his sack, lifting his balls with her tongue and wiggling it before sucking them into her mouth and rolling them over her tongue.

With the two now working together to pleasure the throbbing member that had stolen their innocence and marked them as its own, Chris laid back and moaned in ecstasy as Serenity and Rose rotated their jobs, sharing the task of pleasing his sack and manhood and mixing their drool without care, focusing on his arousing reactions instead that made their hearts flutter with every shudder and moan he gave in response, their bodies dripping more and more each time he called their names, drowning together in the lust and power radiating off Chris's body leaving them as drunk in their own way as him. But even with two girls greedily devouring his manhood, he couldn't help but want more, looking at Alicia as she rubbed herself wildly, her slit now puffy and pink and letting out just the smallest drops of arousal, her insides beginning to overflow causing her nectar to seep out from her sealed barrier. "Alicia..." he called out, making her jolt and freeze wide eyed before looking at him. "Your slit, let me lick it." he ordered, causing her to flush. "I-I don't want you to!" she replied, facing away embarrassed. "It hurts, right? Just watchin' and touchin' yourself?" he asked, making her bite her lip. "Come on... Lemme' shove my face in your slit... Like I did before. Lemme suck you dry too." he added with a smirk, making the snake flush all the more as he reached out and rubbed his fingers along her length, making the snake shudder. "You got a lot pent up. I saw it drippin'." he point out, the snake glancing at him before writhing slightly as her itch worsened. "Ya' did good suckin' on me, now lemme' suck on you." he added. Glancing at him again, she suddenly faced away before raising her tail and slowly hovering it over his face until her slit was lined up above him. "D-Do whatever." she muttered embarrassed, showing a shy scowl as her slit dripped onto his face, already slightly loosened from her masturbating.

"That's a good girl." he smirked, reaching up and dragging his fingers along her slit, scooping out some of the stickiness within and giving it a taste. "Mmm... Yummy." he teased, Alicia letting out an embarrassed groan and shuddering before he pulled her tail down and shoved his face into the juicy slit, making the snake shout in surprise when he started greedily sucking on it as he had the others, forcing her arousal out of her body making her quiver excitedly. Below him, Serenity and Rose were continuing to pleasure his manhood, slurping all over it together and giving it passionate kisses while both drooled as if starving, his sack dripping as they randomly massaged it with their tongues, looking as if begging his seed to come out as he started feasting on Alicia, her tail across his face as he made out with her slit, coaxing it into opening bit by bit. "Ahh yeah. Good girls.... C'mon you two, suck on it louder! My balls need more focus!" he ordered, making Serenity and Rose jolt before passionately and eagerly doing as told, moaning "master" repeatedly with each submissive and juicy lick and suck they gave him, his power still radiating from him more and more in turn as the two lowered their faces and licked all over his sack, each sucking a ball into their mouths and being as loud as they could while sucking on them. "Good... Good girls! Just like that. Yeaaah... Love my balls dontcha'?" he asked, the two responding with "yes master" and "we love them" simultaneously before continuing their task. Turning back, Alicia watched as he worked on her slit again, using his hands to further coax it open, albeit with a little force, making her bite her lip excitedly, her slit trembling as he licked and slurped on more and more of the pinkness within as it exposed itself to him, managing to suck her lips right out of her slit and torture them with violent, hungry thrashes with his tongue finally getting another loud moan out of the snake.

Eventually, her slit submitted to him and opened completely, freely giving him the sight of her long, huge lips once more and her pinkie sized clit, now sticking out and throbbing. "Yeah... There's the prize." he chuckled. "D-Don't talk like that." Alicia complained. "Why? Embarrass ya?" Chris asked, poking her clit making her quiver. "J-Just don't!" she replied before she felt him slowly sucking the length of her clit into his mouth. Bobbing his head on it, he covered the oversized organ in twirls with his tongue that ranged from slow and sensual to rapid and violent, making Alicia jolt and jerk about with her teeth grit and a frustrated blush, his technique leaving her body confused and repeatedly switching from excited to calm. "P-Pick how you do it!!" she shout. Pulling his mouth away, he smirked and slid his fingers along her clit. "Bein' a guy, I kinda get how to work with it. Bein' so big it's like a tiny dick so I get what works best for you pretty easy. For instance..." he paused, suddenly dragging his tongue slowly along the shaft of her clit making the snake bite her lip, trying to muffle her moan as her clit throbbed in response. "See? Aren't ya glad you joined in?" he asked, Alicia looking at him with a flushed scowl before shoving her slit down on his face. "Y-You wanted it!! Stop the chatter!!" she snapped, facing away as he continued feeding off her body. With his face now covered by her large womanhood, Chris grabbed Alicia's tail and buried his face greedily between her long lips, making the snake moan again as he feast on the juices now practically pouring out of her, having built up while sealed by her slit. And thanks to her size, her amount of lube far surpassed Serenity and Alicia, giving him plenty to suck out and gulp as if dining on a glass full of the sweetest nectar in the world.

With Serenity and Rose satisfying his manhood while he savored Alicia, Chris was in a euphoric state the same as them, the girls drool oozing all over his length and sack and the snakes arousal now smeared all over his face due to his excited and greedy behavior, still behaving as if a starved animal as he savored her flavor no matter how much of her juice he swallowed, sucking and scooping as much out of her as he could leaving Alicia, even with her massive size compared to the others in mind, feeling like that of a raisin as she pant and moaned, randomly biting her lip as she started smearing her womanhood on his face as he feast, building herself up to a climax along with his violent licking. Eventually, he was finally brought to another climax of his own, pulling his face out of Alicia's lips with a loud gasp for air before clinging to the snake and thrusting his hips into the air as he shot out his seed, Serenity and Rose greedily licking the tip while massaging his sack as he covered their mouths and faces. Once he was finished, his hips collapsed and his grip on the snake vanished, laying still and panting with a flush on his face. "Th-That was..." he paused, raising up to look at the two only for his eyes to widen as they busily wiped off their faces and licked his seed off their hands, sensually savoring his load while giving him a lustful look. "Not waste masters seed..." Serenity giggled, wiping a shot off her cheek with her finger and slowly licking it off before sucking her finger in her mouth with an "mmm" to arouse him. "M-Master..." Rose called while sitting with her back against the footboard of the bed, spreading her legs. "W-Watch..." she instructed, wiping his seed off the corner of her mouth.

Reaching down with her other hand, the rabbit spread her lips and entrance open. "Your seed... You're supposed to put it in here, silly." she instructed before pushing her sticky fingers inside herself and stirring it up with her juices. "There. But..." she paused, looking at him longingly. "It wants more in it... Please?" she asked with a shy look, Chris's eyes bulging as what felt like a bomb went off in his mind and heart combined. "D-Damn... Who knew YOU could be the kinky one?" he muttered. "I-I be kinky too!!" Serenity shout, feeling her face only to find she'd already cleaned every drop of his seed, turning to Rose with a scowl before shouting "gimme!" and wiping off several shots worth from Rose's face instead before sitting on the table and imitating the rabbit. "I-It go in here!" she point out, shoving her fingers inside herself and mixing his seed around in her depths. "More in me too!" she added, not wanting to be outdone by the normally timid one of the group as she presented herself with a determined scowl. Looking at the two, Chris grinned in response to their eagerness for more, turning to Alicia and about to say something only to pause when he saw her laying face down on the pillows and writhing about. "What's wrong with ya'?" he asked, the snake biting the pillow as she smeared her womanhood on the sheets, the itchy sensation now unbearable after being brought so close only to have Chris stop right as she was ready to climax when his own unleashed all over Serenity and Rose instead. "C-Close... Close!!" she shout in a frustrated tone, trying to rub one out by herself, thrusting her clit against the sheets soaked in her arousal yet unable to match the stimulation he provided in a futile attempt to release herself, a dazed look on her face as she continued to writhe anxiously.

"You're not gonna cum like that... Ya' need me to make it happen." he point out, the snake groaning in response while continuing to hump her clit on the sheets. "It's kinda funny watchin' ya try though." he chuckled. "Bein' animals, male Pokemon would usually jus' bang a female without a care and call it quits. Your kind don't really get to experience the stuff I do to you, an' now that ya' have, you're formin' a dependence on me like a drug." he point out, Alicia shouting a frustrated "s-shut up!!" in response, her face flushed and teeth grit, writhing in frustration. "W-Won't come out..." she groaned, trying to rub her clit on the sheets once more and smear her long lips against them, making the area around her womanhood a sopping, sticky mess all over the sheets. "Aww... You wanna cum that bad huh? Look at you wettin' the bed." he teased. Rolling onto her back, Alicia released her vines and was about to rub herself off and insert them, only for Chris to grab them with a grin. "Ooohhh no ya' don't." he objected. "D-Do something them!!" she shout, her womanhood swollen to the point it looked painful, Chris able to see her muscles within her spread slit contracting and quivering, begging to climax. "Well... I could put it inside you, ya' know what I'm talkin' about, right?" he asked, Alicia giving him a frustrated and dazed look. "Th-That filthy thing?! After those two have drooled all over iieeaah!!" she shout as Chris suddenly dragged his tongue right through her lips, loudly slurping along his way before trailing his tongue along the underside of her clit and kissing the tip, leaving he snake panting and quivering excitedly. "You wanna cum or not?" he asked, the snake scowling at him before gritting her teeth and facing away, shutting her eyes with her head on a pillow.

"That's a good girl." he smirked before climbing over her and reaching for his manhood, pushing his length down against her lips and rubbing his shaft up and down between them. "Mmm... I love how huge yours is. It completely covers my face when I eat it, and these lips of yours are so long they just swallow me up without even putting it in... You like this?" he asked, grinning slyly while pushing her lips together around his length, making his member vanish as he thrust it between them, the snake flushing and biting her lip. "S-Stop talking." she muttered, continuing to look away with an expression of pleasure and shame combined as he dominated her yet again, toying with her body in a way that pleased and tormented at the same time. "Only thing that's not big is the inside... It's surprisinly' tight considering the size of the outside. I was worried I wouldn't fit ya', but it fits just fine." he teased, pulling back and spreading her long lips apart to expose her entrance before rubbing the tip of his manhood against it. "Kinda TOO fine. I think we should make the inside a lil' bigger too... Loosin' it up more so it matches the outside better... Wadaya say?" he asked, making Alicia's heart fly up into her throat as another excited moan escaped her mouth. "I'll take that as a yes." he smirked, pulling his hips back only for Serenity and Rose to jump in, pulling him back with a simultaneous "wait!!" making Chris jolt while Alicia cursed in frustration. "We do good!! We obey!! Why put in her first?!" Serenity complained. "Y-Yeah!! And I even..." Rose added, pausing shyly. "Wh-What I just did was really embarrassing!!" she point out, both of their hearts racing a mile a minute the same as Alicia's, their bodies itching and burning just the same as well.

"Mmm... True, true. Now we come to the hardest part. Who gets it in them first?" he asked, suddenly showing a look as if he were seriously thinking about it and having a hard time. In response, Serenity and Rose tugged him back and forth, both wanting him as bad as the other while Alicia writhed impatiently beneath him, wanting it just as bad yet refusing to fight shamelessly leaving her in an anxious and furious state combined. "I-I refuse..." she affirmed. "Eh?" Chris asked, looking down at her with a raised eyebrow. "I-If you put it in them, I refuse... I'll not mix the likes of them inside my body." she affirmed. "Oh, you mean the juices...?" he asked. "YES!! I refuse!!" she snapped. "Well, you don't have to cum either." Chris shrugged, looking at the girls. "That goes for all of you... If a lil' bonding in a new way is too much, guess that leaves all of you without a dick to ride on." he affirmed, Serenity and Rose looking at one another before facing away and rubbing their arms hesitantly. "I think it's time this family bonded on a more intimate level. And it saves time an' work when I can give it to ya' at the same time... I'd think savin' the effort would be a good thing." he point out. "Sides', whether you're takin' it at the same time or alone, fact is you're still takin' the same dick that's been in the others. You all took this in a single night back on the ship, and I got no complaints from ya' then. Why whine about it now?" he asked. "So it'll be wet this time, so it'll be in ya' at the same time... You share it anyways, this is just quicker." he affirmed. Looking at one another again, Serenity and Rose bit their lips before nodding. "I-I guess..." Rose replied. "O-One time. Just one! Because you... Different tonight. Want to enjoy it while last..." Serenity added, poking her fingers shyly and facing down with a blush.

"That's two..." he smirked, facing Alicia and crossing his arms. "Well? You just gonna watch another show an' torture yourself some more? Or you gonna get in on it an' get what you want? You can either cum with us, or stay like this for who knows how long." he shrugged, the snake gritting her teeth in agitation. "N-N...!!" she tried to object, only for Chris to raise his hand. "Tell ya what... If you join in, I'll put it in ya' first, get you to cum, then you can just lay there an' watch us. How's that?" he asked, the snake looking at the girls and him as they jolt and whined in response. "...And how will you go about doing this?" Alicia asked. "Like this." he replied, facing Serenity and holding her hand. "You get on top of Alicia, just lay your back on her." he instructed, the Pokemon tilting her head before nodding warily and doing as told, the snake twitching an eye. "Must I be on the bottom of this act?" Alicia asked. "It's difficult enough accepting you over me, but HER..." she added, scowling at Serenity and getting a scowl in return. "What master say go! I not like either but unlike snake I follow order. I swear to, so I will." Serenity affirmed, lifting her leg over the snake and facing Chris before slowly laying back, Alicia facing away and twitching an eye in agitation, mumbling her discontent with the situation. "Alright, so Alicia's on the bottom, Serenity's on her, and now for..." he paused, facing Rose and pulling her close. "You lay on top of Serenity, facing her so your butt's facing me." he instructed. "H-Hold on!! BOTH of them AND you atop me?!! I object!!" the snake snapped. Scowling, Chris reached down and suddenly slid his fingers inside of her, giving them a sudden curl and yanking them upward making Alicia grit her teeth and let out a mixture of a shout and a moan as he put a sudden and intense pressure on her G-spot, inducing a crippling obedience.

"Much better." he nodded as the snake pant and raised her head, giving him a furious look with a flush on her face. "H-How da...!!" she tried to respond, only for Chris to hold his fingers up. "Want it again?" he asked, making her jolt and face away. "Good girl." he smirked before helping Rose lay on Serenity, the two face to face making them both show an uncertain and embarrassed expression as they glanced away from one another. "I-I love master. Obey anything! But... This weird." Serenity point out. "Y-Yeah. I'm kinda feelin' self conscious." Rose added, Serenity's breasts being right in front of her face making the rabbit feel insecure in comparison. "At least you're not the ones with a crowd piled up on you." Alicia growled in agitation. "Alright, enough of the whinin'." Chris interrupted before leaning over, his manhood now dangling before the glistening womanhood of all three girls at once, waiting in a row to be picked like ripe fruit, each a different size and flavor. "Lets see..." he muttered, pressing the tip of his member against Rose's lips making the rabbit jolt wide eyed and bite her lip. "Eenie." he said, pulling away and pressing the tip against Serenity's lips, making her respond the same. "Meenie..." he added, pulling away and rubbing his length along Alicia's lips. "Miny..." he teased, the snake quivering excitedly. "Y-You said I'd go first!! So do it!!" she shout anxiously. Looking down at her, Chris raised an eyebrow before smirking. "Didn't promise that, did I?" he asked with a sudden sly grin, the snake responding with a shocked "wh-wha?" only to jolt wide eyed when Serenity suddenly let out a loud shout and sharply arched her body, lifting Rose in the air as Chris thrust himself inside her.

"Congrats! You slipped by lettin' Rose go and gettin' too anxious, but ya' still obeyed your master pretty good from the start. So firsties for you!" he praised. With his member already covered in their drool and slick from rubbing against Alicia's lips, combined with the arousal practically oozing out of Serenity's body, he was easily able to thrust his entire length into her depths in a single go while she was oblivious and relaxed, purposely shoving it in roughly to shock her and assert his dominance over the Pokemon, making her muscles abruptly and tightly clamp down on his manhood leaving her wide eyed and gritting her teeth while digging her nails into Rose's back, subconsciously clinging to the Pokemon laying on top of her while the tips of her feet curled, making Rose groan from having Serenity's nails scratching her. "Aww, look at that. She's huggin' ya Rose!" Chris grinned. "So good to see my girls bond." he added before slowly pulling out, making Serenity groan in relief. "Th-That not f-fair. Not ready." she pant, shuddering excitedly. "H-How could you?" Alicia asked, Chris having gone against his word of letting her go first. "Get it in writin' next time." Chris shrugged before Rose suddenly jolt and let out a shout. "Ohhh! Gettin' resistance here!" Chris point out. "Yours is so tiny, guess shovin' it in wasn't gonna be as easy..." he added before showing a sadistic grin. "Guess that means your master gets to force you to take it..." he chuckled before grabbing her hips tightly. "W-Wait!!" Rose panicked. "I-It'll hurt!! N-Not so sudden!!" she added, looking back only for Chris to start pulling her hips toward him. "You're mine... So if I want it in, you'll take it, right?" he asked, the rabbit looking at him wide eyed before biting her lip and facing forward with a nod.

Gritting her teeth, Rose let out several shouts as he assertively pushed his member into her body, the tip suddenly slipping in with a pop of sorts making the rabbits eyes roll up with an expression as though she'd taken a massive knot. "B-Biiiiiig...!!" she groaned, seemingly going through her first time again only now in a much rougher manner as Chris behaved more like an animal than his usual self, grinning in satisfaction as her tiny womanhood was forced to welcome and mold to his size. Pausing for a moment, Chris was seemingly allowing her insides time to adjust, the rabbit whimpering in relief with a "th-thank you" for what she took as mercy. Reaching up, he slowly rubbed his hands down her back before rubbing them down his sides, tricking the rabbit into a sense of safety only to suddenly snatch her by the hips once more and shove his remaining length into her small body, yanking her hips back making the thrust all the more rough and letting out a possessive growl as his powerful aura began seeping out once more. "M-Master...?" Serenity called out, showing an unnerved look on her face. "What?" he asked, looking down at the Pokemon as she bit her lip and glanced away. "I-It just that, Rose not look good..." she point out. Leaning over, he could see her tongue was dangling, her eyes bulging and rolling up all the more as raspy sounds came out of her throat, seemingly struggling to breathe as tears streamed from her eyes. "Oh, don't worry about it." Chris waved. "N-Not worry?" Serenity asked in surprise, showing slight sweat on her face. "She's just cummin', that's why she was scared before. She knew it'd be too intense, in a good way I mean." he explained before turning Rose's face toward his.

"Look at you... Was it so bad it made you feel THAT good?" he asked, the rabbit showing a dazed and pained expression before suddenly showing a euphoric smile. "Th-Thank you." she replied, causing Serenity to jolt in surprise while Chris gave the rabbit a peck on the cheek and praised her before letting Rose collapse on top of Serenity, letting out an awkward giggle of sorts. "She's been cummin' since the tip went in. My dick's bein' squeezed like crazy inside her, the thing's starvin'." he smirked before slowly pulling out, making Rose cling to Serenity and hiss before his manhood popped back out, her womanhood making a loud slurping sound in the process. "Mmm. Love the sound it makes when I wreck it." he chuckled. "She's not s'posed to take one this big, so when I shove it in her body it suffers tryin' to adjust and sounds nice n' sloppy. Tonight i'll work her so hard it takes forever to tighten again." he affirmed before leaning toward the rabbits ear. "If it can even tighten after tonight. Maybe I should just ruin it completely this time...?" he teased in a soft, sensual tone, making Rose quiver all over in excitement. "There, ya' see? No need to worry." he affirmed, giving Serenity a thumbs up. "You should worry about yourself. I'm in a real wild mood tonight. Just feel like takin' ya' like a beast... Gonna give it to ya' so much you'll have two or three eggs at once!" he grinned, causing Serenity's eyes to widen and a flush to spread across her face. "Th-Then what waiting for?" she asked, eagerly spreading her legs further than they already were. "I gotta put it in Alicia first." he point out, the snake jolting in response.

"Y-You'll do no such thing!! You've been a barbaric beast!! Treating us like nothing!! I'll not have any further part of this!!" she snapped, suddenly writing beneath the group. "Oh please, I've been treatin' ya the way you wanted." Chris point out, making her pause and slowly look at him. "E-Excuse me? Who would want this?!" she snapped. "Lets see..." he paused, pulling Rose's face up by the ears, showing her still euphoric expression. "Evidence one." he point out before releasing her and holding Serenity's cheek, making her shudder and hold his hand while softly cooing "master" in response with a smile. "Evidence two." he added before looking down and dragging his fingers between Alicia's lips, holding them up to show them oozing from her arousal. "Final evidence. All of this has been turnin' ya' on. That's why you've been watchin' all silent. You don't wanna admit it, but instinct's fightin' that nature of yours, and nature's losin', isn't it?" he asked making the snake face away in agitation. "You wanna be taken, you wanna be treated like an animal, cause that's what you are. I've just been spoilin' ya' into thinkin' otherwise, but tonight we're all animals." he grinned, suddenly reaching out and shoving his fingers into Serenity's mouth, making her let out a muffled noise as he played with her tongue before he pulled away and sucked her drool into his own mouth, licking his fingers sensually making Serenity's heart jump into her throat. "Mmm... Just animals mixin' everything up, gettin' all nasty together. All wild... Doesn't that sound nice? Just makin' you take me for the sake of poundin' you senseless, forcin' ya' to cum over and over, makin' ya beg for mercy just to get it even worse, like Rose here." he point out.

"N-No more talking!!" Serenity shout, anxiously writhing. "Do it!! Do it, do it!!" she added eagerly, spreading her legs wider again as her womanhood throbbed and twitched uncontrollably. "Y-Yeah..." Rose added, weakly raising and letting out a hiss before facing back at him submissively. "T-Torture me... P-Please? R-Ruin me..." she begged, sticking her butt up, yearning for more. "Well then Alicia? Wanna be an animal again?" he asked. "I-I..." she blushed. "I-I most certainly do nooaaaAAH!!!" she shout as Chris pushed the tip of his manhood down and shoved his length into her body, her eyes shooting open with her mouth agape and hear arched back. "Mmm... Yeah. Now lets mix it up." Chris moaned, suddenly swaying his hips in a circle and stirring up Serenity and Rose's juices throughout her insides. "Nice an' messy." he chuckled, the snake showing a shocked look on her face. "Y-You actually..." she muttered. "Gave ya' what you wanted. You got a kink for doin' filthy things. Sex with me turned ya' on in the first place cause' it was wrong, immoral and all that to your kind, right? Your kind go against this more than most, so you're doin' taboo stuff and that's your thing. The more degradin', the nastier..." he paused, pulling out and suddenly thrusting his length roughly back inside her making the snake bite her lip and flush. "The more turned on ya' get. Not only are you submissive, you just love the thought of bein' defiled, havin' your pure, clean look ruined. So just for you, I'm gonna be extra nasty." he affirmed with a sadistic grin and his tongue hanging out. "Th-That's not...!!" Alicia tried to respond, only for Chris to start thrusting in and out of her womanhood, forcing out a moan from her instead.

"B-Beast... Ba-Barbarian!!" she shout as he smacked his hips down against her, causing her arousal to smear all over between them and create a sticky suction of sorts. "Take it... Take it Alicia!" he growled before pulling out and suddenly shoving himself inside Serenity, making her shout in surprise before he started thrusting into her as well, her womanhood desperately clinging to him. "Master!! Master!!" she shout, snapping her legs around his hips while clinging to Rose and moaning loudly. Being rough with her, Chris was making Serenity and Rose bounce together atop Alicia while the bed rocked beneath them, making the swaying all the more intense for Serenity as Chris growled like a dominant beast, his aura growing around him all the more. "Tighten your legs!!" he ordered, Serenity squeezing her legs as tightly as she could around his waist, pulling him in all the more so he could freely enter her as deep as he pleased. Although the power in his thrusts were far more intense than usual, Serenity couldn't help but feel as Rose had moments before, driven into a maddened and euphoric state over the sheer lust radiating off him, whatever pain he was causing drowned out by the desire to be one and breed relentlessly. Finally, he pulled out of Serenity as well, making her gasp and groan in frustration, trying to rock her hips eagerly and begging for more. "And now for you..." Chris muttered, raising his manhood high enough to poke against Rose's tiny lips. "This time I'll live up to my word... Let's ruin it." he grinned, Rose quivering with anticipation before he grabbed her hips and welcomed himself into her body, this time with more ease making Rose whimper and bite her lip before letting a moan escape her mouth.

"Yeaaaah, good girl. Nice and easy that time." he smirked before be began thrusting into her, making Rose bounce over Serenity. "B-Biiig... G-Gooood...!!" she groaned, gritting her teeth and showing a thrilled grin on her face as he abused her body, ramming himself into her from behind and digging his nails into her thighs making her toes curl and eyes roll in ecstasy. The more he abused her tiny body, the louder he could hear her entrance slurping all over his length, loosening bit by bit to accommodate him. "Ngh.... Yeah, wreck it. Niiiice and loose." Chris growled, leaning back and spreading her butt to enjoy the view as he rammed inside her body, watching her lips cling to him each time he pulled out and disappear when he shoved back in. "G-Gonna... Gonna...!!" she gasped, on the verge of an intense climax only for Chris to suddenly pull out right before it hit, making Rose collapse onto Serenity and groan in frustration. "C-Close!! Close!!" she shout, subconsciously rubbing against Serenity in a daze. "Q-Quit it!!" Serenity flushed, only to hear Alicia shouting as Chris shoved himself back into her body and began forcing the snake toward her own climax. "E-Enough!! Enough of this!! S-Stoaaahh...!!" she begged, only for her defiance to fade into euphoric moans once more, arching her head back and flushing as he drilled his manhood inside of her while thrusting, his hips swinging about violently making Alicia writhe and sway with him. "Sh-Shooop... Pl-Pleeaasshh!!" she begged, barely able to handle the intensity of the pleasure he was driving into her relentlessly. Once he felt the telltale signs of her orgasm approaching, he repeat the same torturous act by pulling out and switching to Serenity, the Pokemon submissively wrapping him in her legs once more.

Again and again, time after time, he repeat this pleasurably excruciating torment, mixing their juices together within one another, pounding submission and obedience into the three, constantly weakening them with every rotation until they were sweating heavily against one another and begging just for time enough to catch their breath, their hearts feeling as though they were ready to give way as their faces flushed and their bodies glowed. Chris instilled his dominance of the three into their bodies and minds for so long he'd found himself before a flood of arousal, each thrust making the girls juices seemingly splash between them, his hips and theirs sticking together repeatedly with trails of lust hanging between them. By the time he'd readied himself for his own climax, the three seemed as though they were no longer on Earth at all, mindlessly taking him, matching his movements, allowing him to have his way and moaning for him to do so. Ready to make them all climax together, he shoved his fingers into Serenity and Rose and drilled them into their best spots relentlessly, making them shout his name while he slammed himself into Alicia, and just as he was ready to release his seed, all three unleashed sudden spurts all over him, shouting together and arching violently as they finally released all of their pent up lust within, soaking Chris as he let out a shout of his own and began releasing powerful shots of his seed deep inside of Alicia, quickly pulling out and delivering several shots into Serenity before giving the last of it to Rose, each girl taking it while showering him with a reward of their own until the three collapsed atop one another before him, gasping and sweating heavily as he sat back, panting and shuddering himself.

Now covered in more stickiness than ever before, Chris looked at his drenched body, covered in the climax of three women that now lay breathless and drained before him, each as unable to move a muscle as the other from all the torment they'd endured, having been on the edge for so long and finally unleashing everything at once, their hearts struggling to recover from the intensity Chris's drunken state had unleashed upon them. Watching as his seed started oozing out of them, he was about to reach out only to have a sudden dizziness overcome him, making his body collapse with a groggy groan as the overwhelming alcohol content and adrenaline mixing within his system finally got the better of him and made him pass out, his aura vanishing in an instant while showing a satisfied smile across his face...