Gray And Valkyrie - Chapter Eight - Wind Type

Story by SevenWingedDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Transcender: Gray

Heyas. It's very, very late, but chapter eight made it here at last. I really had to force this one out, so I don't think it went too well... Not proof read or happy as usual either. Dran has already made an appearance in this series, and now it's Tone's turn. The jaguar was going to make his main appearance in this series, but I liked his character enough to give him his own... Thanks to Trang-oul and Leonshineyninetails for the PM's and everyone else who encouraged through comments!

Gray and Valkyrie â€" Chapter Eight â€" Wind Type

Gig: Please give me some lines... I've been part of this story since the fourth chapter and nobody even knows who I am. Are you listening?

Tone yawned; hand brushing over the stone before rising to his face, adjusting the thin, clear glasses the black jaguar was wearing. Bathed in moonlight, the ruins seemed to take on a new form, the sandstone marked silver, contrasting with the jade of the overgrowing woodland. The trees stirred with a small breeze, their shadows dancing over his fur as he continued to work. He fell back, sitting upon one of the outcroppings of stone as he looked up a few of the fragments of lettering in a book, recording his findings on a notepad. A yawn cut through the grating of his pencil against the page, the jaguar glancing up as a bored looking vixen stared down with disapproval. He shook his head, resisting an urge to roll his eyes as Akra dropped down next to him, "This isn't part of the mission, Tone... Stop wasting time with these stupid ruins."

"History is my hobby, Akra." He smiled, "I never rebuke you for yours."

She laughed, "Of course you don't! You enjoy those orgies as much as I do!" The vixen grinned slyly, "Especially that one time with Hiro... I never took you for *that* type of man, Tone. Nor him â€" What a fox." She continued to giggle as he blushed. The vixen had indeed changed over the years, the Lightning type seemingly a completely different person from the Akra of the past.

"That's enough, Akra." He closed his book, dropping it into a small pack along with his notepad, "You're right though, we've tarried here long enough. It's almost time for me to commence."

"Serious as ever..." She pulled herself to her feet, "Did you learn anything useful?"

"I managed to answer something that's been troubling me for quite a while." His enthusiasm sparked, the vixen realising too late that she was in for a lecture, "Normally, only Arcs are Sypher capable, not even Cross or other Transcenders hold that power..." His eyes flickered to the side, "But here, they call it ‘Gua' and most people are able to manipulate it on some level." He retrieved a small crystal from his bag, "Zancite. This world is rich with the mineral... Arc came here at some point in the past, and blessed a vein. Since then those born in this country have had the power of Sypher."

"Put it away. That stuff is dangerous to people like us." Akra pulled on his wrist, "And I said *useful* not random facts."

He sighed, "It's all useful." The jaguar winced as she shot him a warning glance, "All right, all right... Useful... The guardians... That Gray kid we're interested in is one, right? They were originally a LastBreath organisation, founded by Arc to fight the remnants. Though it was so long passed, I doubt it holds relevance."

"You admit that all of this is irrelevant then?" She smiled mockingly, "We're done then, right?"

Tone fumbled with his pockets, "Almost..." He made a few additional notes, these in a differing notepad, a small black cover lifting to reveal an array of text and symbols. He slumped slightly after comparing a few fragments.

Akra recognised it, her jovial mood remaining, regardless of what it meant, "More of your ‘Shadow Theory'? Didn't Arc ask you to cease your research into that stuff?" He waved her away in response, returning the pad to his pocket.

"It's my business." The jaguar shook his head, "I'm going to be gone for around a month... We could at least have a more sombre goodbye." They had shared a more than fond farewell already on the way here, though he didn't mind. His gaze drifted upwards to the stars, hand retrieving a pair of spheres from his jacket pocket, crimson and a white. He let the moons light pass through them, "I'm going to miss you."

The vixen kissed his forehead, holding up her hand and tapping a golden wedding band with her thumb. "I'll be waiting... I'm going to use this month to help Aiya take care of ‘that'..." She seemed serious for a few moments before taking a small parcel from her own pack, placing the black cloth wrapped thing onto the stone beside him. "Arc will be getting bored â€" it's time for me to go." She began to walk.

"Akra..." The vixen turned, "If you hate this so much, then why do you always accompany me on my archaeological runs?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She smiled, "I get to spend time with the man I love." Akra turned, "Enjoy your lunch. I made it special."

"I love you."

"I love you, too... Master." And she was gone.

Tone was silent for a very long time, simply lying back against the stone and watching the sky as he waited for the night to pass him by. So much had changed over the last few years, and the jaguar found it difficult to cope, often burying himself in his research and missions. He sighed, holding up his hand, letting his ring catch the light of the moon, "Hiro... Why did you let it come to this?" A low growl cut through his musings, the Wind type freezing for a moment before his ears twitched. There it was again, a wolf in the distance... No. Two, three, he kept counting up to a dozen as they broke the cover of the trees, feral creatures bowed low. "If they came for the food... They obviously don't know how much Akra sucks at cooking." He smiled to himself; after all, he did always eat it. His hand closed about the shaft of a black-green twinlance, arm straining as he pulled himself up and brought it to bear, the weapon, Zephyr ready.

"I can play with you for just a little while."


San closed her eyes for a few moments before attempting her technique once again. Her tail snaked out, wrapping itself about the stone several times, tugging at the steely grey boulder to no avail. "Da Zhuang!" Her strength skill too affect, the white wyvern heaving, lifting the rock from the earth and holding it in the air. The soil broke up about it, a small amount of greenery straining and snapping as small insects and other creatures scuttled from beneath it into the darkness of the night. She threw her body back, utilising all of her strength to toss the boulder into the air. It rose, as high as she would if the wyvern had taken several wing beats before its propulsion began to cease. "Xu!" A white sphere rose to meet the stone, just as it began its descent. The rock seemed to almost cease in motion before descending slowly, gently lowering itself to the earth as sweat began to glisten upon the scales of the wyvern. Her slowing technique ceased as it eased itself back into its resting place. "That's enough for tonight... It will do more harm than good if I keep going at this pace."

The white wyvern lay back and sighed with relief. Staring up into the night sky and a near full moon as a gentle breeze cooled her after training, "I've got to be prepared for what's coming, after all..." The wyvern had chosen to take some time in a nearby forest, attempting to order her thoughts in the wake of their most recent revelation. "I still can't believe that the commander is doing all of this... It's just..." She sighed, continuing to speak to herself, "What's he got to gain?" A rustle from a nearby clump of greenery caught the wyvern's ears, San rolling onto her feet, casting about wildly, "Tai!" She reacted instinctually, spreading her wings as a semi-transparent barrier formed. The stress drew a gasp of exertion from her.

"Your voice is pretty loud." A large creature stumbled awkwardly from the bushes, a great azure dragoness raising her head as she restored her footing, "I've been looking for you, San." Familiar eyes met her own.

"Val...?" Her barrier dropped, the white taking a few tentative steps forwards as she surveyed the other creature. Her gaze settled on the Dracite pendant about its neck, "Is that you?"

"I got a little better at using the change skill." The dragoness flicked one of her wings, much larger than her usual wyvern form, "It looks good, right?" She stumbled once again, even now still not completely used to the form. San nodded in agreement, smiling to herself at the runts antics. Val seemed to give up, simply flopping onto her back in the clearings centre, taking over San's earlier activity of stargazing. "Are you..." There was silence for a little while, "Worried about what we're going to do?"

San leaned back against her training stone, still recovering her strength, "Of course." She lowered her gaze, "We mess up, and we die." The white wyvern sighed, "And if we succeed... We'll have killed the leader of a major military organisation. The sub commanders probably won't let us live either."

"Then why are we doing it?"

"Justice? Revenge?" San followed Valkyrie's gaze, fixating upon the moon at its silver luminescence bathed them in light, "But it's not our revenge. It's theirs. Our guardians." She shook her head, "Wyverns and guardians. Fighting together... But in the end, we only follow them. Like masters. Like pets."

Valkyrie's azure stare fixed itself upon San, "You really think so?"

San shook her head, "I've just been thinking a lot lately..." She slumped, "I... Wonder if pact bound wyverns even have free will."

"I've never thought about it." Valkyrie just smiled, "I follow Gray for my own reasons. It's that simple... Don't you feel the same about Yuri?"

"Yes..." San looked up, "I'm not a fighter, Val. But Yuri is... Sometimes I feel like she would be better off without me." The dragoness burst out laughing, a flash of anger the white's response, "What? What's so funny?"

"I once said similar things about Gray." She was grinning, "I felt like I was being left behind, but look at me now." She rolled her shoulder, demonstrating her wingspan, "Work hard, and you'll catch up for sure." Silence for a moment, and then, "Promise."

Yuri was quiet for a very long time. The wyvern simply stared into the heavens, and pondered. She wasn't particularly sad about her weakness, it was what a wyvern and guardian shared that drove her crazy. Not just the power of Gua, not just a link between lives, but thoughts and feelings too. She sighed, it was common for the wyverns of two mated guardians to wind up together, regardless of gender or anything else. Yet... Her eyes trailed over the dragoness before she shook her head frantically, *I want to fall in love of my own accord.* The azure met her eyes, "What did you want me for anyway?"

"Sex." She spoke simply, failing to even blush, "I'm a little nervous about how everything is going to be... I don't even know if we're doing the right thing." She shrugged, "I figured I might feel a little better if you helped me cum." Valkyrie had definitely changed a lot over the last month.

San almost sounded jealous, "You only want me because Gray is..." The man had barely spoken a word to anyone since the incident with Karin. His mood was evident enough, and Yuri was in a similar state.

"Gray... He..." This time, she did blush, "You make me..." She seemed to struggle to say it, looking around as if expecting someone to be watching, "You give me better orgasms, all right?" This time it was San's turn to burst into laughter, "Hey, shut up..." She whined, "It's not like you don't enjoy it either! You can't eat pussy that well and not like doing it." Visions of the white squirming above to her own manipulations persisted in her mind. "So... Help me out, okay?"

San rolled her eyes, perhaps she had changed a little too, "There's a condition." She pushed off the stone, taking a few steps over to the dragoness, "One favour. To be called in whenever I feel like it... I do this for you, and you do something for me." Valkyrie sat up as she came level, "Deal?"

At this point, Valkyrie would have agreed to pretty much anything. Maybe it was the strange pink fruits she had eaten earlier, Duili, Erin called them, or perhaps she had just grown used to sex on a near daily basis from her guardian or friend. "Deal." She spoke softly, yet her growing arousal was becoming more and more evident from scent alone, her legs rubbing together slightly as the white leaned over her larger form.

San met unfamiliar lips in a kiss, the azure's long serpentine tongue entwining about her own. The claws of her wingtips moved awkwardly, roaming her body, tracing the new curves as her dexterous tail swayed behind her. She nudged a large scaled breast, the membrane of her wing rubbing against it as a pleasant sensation, drawing a slight whimper of anticipation from the other female. Valkyrie's features scrunched up as the wyvern began a slow series of kisses down her neck, inspired by the reaction she had earlier drawn forth, San slid down her body, sealing her lips about a nipple as she tweaked it playfully with her teeth. The dragoness' breath shuddered, a definite blush crossing her face as her friend toyed with her, her tail twisting and drawing closer as she intended to sate herself, it instead twisted about the white's leg, locking swaying hips as the tip brushed against a growing wetness. San batted it aside, yet took the hint, utilising her own tail as a counter, its tip sliding against the dragoness' clit while she tongue bathed her large breasts.

The wyvern wasted only a little time, tail slowly sinking into the azure's cunt, gliding through the wetness as it began to pump in and out as a slow and constant rhythm. Valkyrie moaned softly, the added stimulation that this form gave her being more than taken advantage of by the skilful tongue and tail tip of her companion, the white suckling gently at her chest while pumping her tail in and out of her grasping hole. The dragoness ground her hips against the slow motion; desperately trying to find a quick climax, yet San would have none of it, restricting her movements as she slowly coaxed the larger creature towards orgasm.

The white's motions began to slow, the wyvern continuing her downwards course of the dragoness, her tongue tracing the scales of a flat stomach before that long dexterous appendage relieved her tail. "San..." The azure moaned her name softly as lips brushed against her silk folds, her small nose touching her clit as a now experienced wyvern tongue delved her cunt. San at last gave into her friend's lust, lapping at her ferociously, nuzzling against the wet as legs crossed behind her head, pulling her close against the panting dragoness. Moans soon became screams of bliss, what was almost a flood of cum dousing the white's face, Valkyrie effectively riding her muzzle. "Deeper!" She cried out her demand, the grip of her legs tightening as the tip of San's muzzle spread her wide, tongue franticly flicking as her eyes widened in surprise. "Ah... Fuck me with your muzzle..." Her hips bucked forcefully, the azure toying with a breast, her own mouth connecting about the other as San pleasured her eagerly.

The wyvern twisted her tongue within the other female's folds, lapping up the fluids of yet another orgasm, breathing from the corners of her mouth as she kept up her relentless motions.

Valkyrie's features scrunched into an expression of bliss, the dragoness no longer ignoring the needs of her friend, her tail, far thicker than that of a wyvern winding itself down San's body. *Scales are indeed the only species with built in dildos for their own pleasure...* The azure remembered Gray's words well, and now put them to use, her tip disappearing into the other female as her own tail swayed happily above them. San was moaning into her cunt before long, the sound a soft vibration through her folds, bringing with it the dragoness' own cries of ecstasy. Valkyrie began to pant as her sensations dulled, enhanced by her own lusts, each orgasm rocked her young body, forcing her to buck her hips with reckless abandon, "Ah, San! Fuck me with your tongue... There, right there..." She panted, toying with her breasts, "Deeper!"

Rather than comply, San's motions slowed, her tail disengaging the azures as her motions finally ceased. She offered no words of explanation, simply climbing over her companions body until she adopted a sixty-nine position, her dripping slit lowering to Valkyrie's waiting maw, "In my fantasies... We always do it like this..." For someone who originally needed to be persuaded, the wyvern had clearly thrown herself into the lust of the act, lowering her head to make a long slow lick over her friend's wetness before setting once again to her task. No complaint was offered as Valkyrie responded in kind. Hands that her wyvern form lacked roamed San's lower body, two long clawed fingers replacing the dragoness' tongue, leaving the girl's mouth free to cry out. Valkyrie had always been very vocal, and here she proved it, a deep roar heralding her most recent climax, dwarfing San's soft whimpers as fluids doused her face.

Valkyrie grinned, somewhat sated, rolling to pin the wyvern beneath her as she increased her motions in attempt to return the favour. Much time would pass before the two collapsed together side by side, each with a tail tip still within the other, desensitised and weary from their past hours of passion. The dragoness yawned, freeing herself from the unconscious wyvern as a familiar scent caught her attention. Her breath caught in her throat, "...Gray?" She could hear him moving closer through the undergrowth, finally emerging from the trees and dropping to his knees. "Are you alright?"

"Val..." The man looked terrible, bags beneath his eyes and crimson about them displaying the wake of recent tears. It was clear that he had continued to lament Karin. He seemed to come to some sense, sniffing the air before registering their position, "Oh... It's ok." He turned.

"Wait." The azure pulled herself up, taking a few steps before dropping down beside her Guardian, "Ge." And moments later she was a wyvern once again, "Let's go flying."


Yuri sighed, lying back against the pillows of the bed, wincing slightly as her bandage rubbed against her wounds. Since there were so many injured from the last battle, most people without life threatening wounds were simply being treated in their quarters, herself included. She rolled her shoulder slightly, a small amount of blood still capable of oozing from what had once been a very deep slash. *Either I took the hit, or San did... All of this sounds more like something that Gray would do...* The man had only said a few words to her since all that had happened, confirming that she was alright before leaving, never looking her in the eye. *Gray... He thinks that I blame him for...* Even her thoughts dwindled into nothingness.

The wolf looked up, gaze casting over Erin and Cain, the pair sat opposing each other over a nearby table, still arguing vigorously, "So, what do you propose we do? A full frontal assault with only four Guardians and Wyverns is suicide, and his sensory arrays prevent any roundabout methods â€" the man is untouchable." Cain gripped the wooden surface.

"Well, either we go to him or we wait for him to come to us." Erin leaned back slightly, "The commander isn't stupid... You and me, we're about the only ones who know of Lake's power â€" he's probably going to silence us eventually."

"This makes no sense though..." The man broke their thus far circling conversation, "It's illogical. Why would the man do all of this anyway? I can see the how, but why? What does he have to gain?"

Erin was silent for some time, "Dracite." Yuri looked up.

"Dracite?" They turned to her briefly.

The lake type sighed, "I've been working with the commander for quite a long time now... You know how Dracite enhances our power, right? He is obsessed with the stone - Always searching, perhaps his pawns too." He leaned over the desk slightly, "It is immensely rare. Nobody knows its source or processing method, but there is one rumour."

Yuri interjected, "He would stake everything on a rumour?"

"There is enough evidence to back it up... That there is a rich vein of the mineral deep beneath the earth. Instigating a conflict like this generated not just an opportunity to search for that vein, but a definite need for the stone itself." He stood up and began to pace, "With the fragments that he has gathered thus far, just about a football size, he was capable of manipulating that many remnants, guardians, wyverns. The vein would mean absolute power."

"So, that's how it is?" The door creaked open, the group turning as a large wolf took a few steps into the room, closing it softly behind himself. Captain Lycos set his jaw, brushing that blue scarf aside, "So it was his fault. My sister. Everything."

"You shouldn't have heard that." Cain looked distinctly uncomfortable, "How is...?"

"Sasha is fine." He sighed, "And she forbade me from touching you." He didn't seem disappointed. On the contrary, with his vengeance stayed, the wolf actually looked quite happy to not need to follow through.

Erin smiled, though it seemed a little out of place, "You were right then." He cuffed the man, "Nothing to worry about."

"It is the commander's intention to conduct a tour of the front lines. If what you say holds true, he is most likely removing people who know of his intentions." He pulled up a chair, making it quite clear exactly why he was so heavily relied on by his men, "From now on, you will involve me in your plans. Is that understood?"



Yuri yawned widely, propping herself up against the slate of the roof, pulling her blanket closer as a slight breeze ruffled the wolf's fur. She scratched her wounds absently through the bandages, drawing a little closer to the azure wyvern beside her in an attempt to share some warmth. The light types gaze drifted over the moonlit scene below, the night having worn on since their meeting, it was now far beyond midnight. The satellites luminescence enabled the plains, the woodlands and the river to take on a new form at the volcanoes base, the rustle of the wind cause for vast waves among the heights of the plant life below. The purpose of her location was made clear enough with a glance to the side, Gray fast asleep and curled against his wyvern. He had finally collapsed after venting to his companion. She shivered, and Valkyrie broke the silence, "If you're really that cold, you should give up and go back inside, little wolf." She seemed mildly concerned regardless, "You had to slip by the healers after all."

"And leave him here with you?" Yuri sneezed, the two having spent quite a long time arguing over the man beside them, "You should be the one giving up. Let me take him back with me." She jostled the larger creature slightly.

"We made a promise some time ago... That he belongs to me." She smiled sadistically as she felt the wolf stiffen, a different side of the wyvern coming to light as competition was made plain, "He's already mine, Yuri"

"Gray won't understand anything unless you explain your feelings clearly, and neither of us have. He's an airhead like that..." Yuri shook her head, "A promise isn't going to save you. He'll be mine in the end."

Valkyrie turned to face her, making sure not to adjust the sleeping male, "A promise is all that's saving you at the moment. Our agreement to share him until this whole thing is over."

"Keep dreaming, scales."

"You know..." The wyvern turned away once again, folding a wing over the hybrid, "All of that fur looks remarkably flammable." Their conversations often turned to this, a threatening air often finding itself broken through the Fire Types bumbling antics.

"I'll make a handbag out of you if you try it." The response was instantaneous, yet somewhat interrupted by a faint groan from Gray.

The two leaned closer, his sleep talk somewhat indistinguishable as he whined again, "Not so rough..." He shuffled against the wyvern, "San..." Gray was smiling, "Mmmmm...."

"...San?" They spoke in unison before nodding in some agreement, "Let's push him off the edge."

~ Arc ~

I wrote this entire series with one scene in mine... A scene I planned for this chapter and have delayed until the next one since I couldn't get it right. No idea when it'll come, but I'll be trying. Cheers for reading - Oh yeah, and I promised to give Tameius a mention since he likes to talk, and Trang-oul one to check his stories... I think that's it. Please rate and comment. ^_^;