
Story by cyrilthenightfury on SoFurry

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A commission for Amnesiaaisenma.

A young hatchling dragon is lost during the cold wintertime when he stumbles upon a cave... Will he find food and shelter inside.

((This is a commission for Amnesiaaisenma. It contains soft oral vore with digestion, unwilling dragon prey, a dragon pred, and prey that's much bigger than the pred.))


A Monster Hunter Vore Story

Winter was upon the land, and the young Kushala Daora was lost and alone. He had gotten separated from his family in their flight south, and though he was able to fly, he was grounded because of the storm. All around him, snowflakes tossed and tumbled through the air with a ferocity unlike any he had yet seen in his short life. Such conditions weren't suitable for flight; he wouldn't be able to see a thing in the air.

So, he was stuck to the ground. And he was lost and lonely, and cold and hungry to boot. He had nowhere to stay, and was too young to hunt for his own food. His mind was too young to comprehend it, but if he didn't find shelter soon, he might die.

Luckily for him, just out of sight up ahead, was a large cave. At first, he couldn't see it, and then when he could, all he could see was the large mass of rock. But, as he got closer, he slowly became aware of the opening; large, dark and yawning, like a great stone maw.

If he had been any creature other than a dragon, he might have been frightened at a sight like this. But his kind lived in caves, and thrived in them. He saw it as a possible salvation. Perhaps there'd be an older dragon who could help him find his parents again- or, at the very least, give him shelter.

With renewed hope, the metal-plated hatchling continued his trek through the snow with renewed vigor. He was tired, and his legs screamed for him to stop, and lie down, but he couldn't; he was so close.

Finally, he reached the cave entrance, and walked inside. As he stepped out of the falling snow, he stopped for a moment, and shook off the clumps of ice and half-melted snow that had clustered between his plates and scales. Then, he inhaled through his nose, taking a nice taste of the air.

His hopes were realized; there was definitely a dragon living in this cave. The familiar scent drenched the walls, was practically dripping from it. He would be able to find help here. For the first time in a while, he felt hope bursting from his heart.

Ignoring the exhausted ache in his muscles, the hatchling bounded forward into the cave, going deeper and deeper in his quest to find its inhabitant. After a while, the rough stone walls grew smoother, and started to widen out. Then, he made his way into a large cavern.

The dragon he was looking for was in the middle, sound asleep. It was a big one; its massive body was many times bigger than the hatchling's, and it was curled up with its head tucked into its paws. Its tail was somewhat wrapped around its body, and curled in a loose spiral away, until the tip rested several feet away from the rest of the creature's bulk.

The hatchling approached the adult dragon, and walked up to its head. Now that he was closer, he could tell that the adult was a female. He tried to nudge her head with his and wake her up, but she didn't bulge. He tried again, and again, and then tried ramming her with his head, but nothing worked. She was in an incredibly deep sleep.

Was she hibernating? Going to sleep for the winter? That's what the hatchling and his family had been going to do when they had been separated. If she was, he doubted he'd be able to wake her up. He simply wasn't strong enough.

On the other hand... He could probably go to sleep for a bit here himself, and leave before she even woke up. After all, she'd be asleep for quite a long time.

He found a spot next to her head, and curled up in it, still shivering a bit from the cold. The cool metal scales of her head weren't entirely better, but the warmth from inside of her body just faintly bled through. The hatchling found himself comfortable like this.

But that ended very quickly, as the small dragon very soon discovered another problem. Now that he was resting and out of the cold, his body focused on other problems that it was faced with; namely, hunger.

His belly rumbled, and the hunger hit him like a boulder. He realized it had been an entire day since he had last eaten, and his stomach felt like a black hole demanding sustenance.

There was no way he'd be able to sleep like this. He needed to get something to eat, and soon.

He slowly stood up, and stepped away from the sleeping dragoness, looking around the room as he tried to find something to eat. Nothing that he could see from this angle. He walked around the cavern, looking left and right, but there was nothing.

There were other parts of the cave, as signified by a tunnel going back. Perhaps there was food there. The young dragon thought about going to search them, but didn't really want to. Some dragons' caves could get huge, and if this was one of them, he'd very possibly get lost.

There had to be something somewhere...

His belly rumbled again, and the huge dragon let out a snore. The hatchling looked at her, and another hunger pang shot through him.


The idea that came into his mind seemed an impossible one, yet he found himself fixating upon it. Suddenly, the mound of dragon in front of him seemed delicious... and even though he knew the task to be impossible, he felt hungry enough to eat the entire beast. She was hibernating anyway; she probably wouldn't wake up until it was too late.

Almost without even realizing it, his tongue stuck out of his mouth and swept across his lips. The more he dwelled upon it, the more he wondered if it really was impossible. Why did he think it was? His size? Who was to say he couldn't stretch his belly out that much? Certainly nobody had ever told him otherwise.

He found himself slowly making his way over to her tail. When he got there, he examined it for a little bit. The plates were mostly silver, with a tinge of ruddy brown on them. By the end of her hibernation, she'd probably have to shed her scales. It would be better if he saved her the trouble and ate her right now.

He opened his mouth and lowered his head, hesitantly at first, but then going right into it. He stuck out his tongue and lapped the tail tip into his mouth, slowly taking it in until his cheeks were full. He licked it over a few times, and discovered that it actually didn't taste that bad. Without really thinking it through much more, he brought the tail back into his throat and swallowed.

As he gulped, the tail tip and a few more inches were lodged in his throat, and the next segment of tail entered his mouth. This part was considerably thicker, and he felt his jaws straining to fit it all in. Yet... He felt like he could keep going.

Might as well try it. What was there to lose?

The little hatchling swallowed again, and again, and found to his surprise and delight that his jaws and mouth were stretching more than he thought they could. The tail slipped down his gullet, bulging out in his throat, and soon entered his chest. He was doing it! He was eating the dragon, even though it was far bigger than him.

Determined to see just how far he could take it, the hatchling continued his meal, working his way up the thick tail. He didn't even get a third of the way up it before he felt the appendage curling up in his belly, and soon, he felt his stomach beginning to swell. He had figured that would happen if he ate a meal this big, but it still felt weird to him. Yet... It wasn't bad. In fact, it felt really good...

This prompted him to continue with his ambitious dinner. He gulped, swallowed, slurped and licked at the tail in front of him, continuing to bring it in. He could hardly believe how well he was doing, and even though he took it slow, he found himself near the end of the tail before long.

By now, his belly was so swollen it was touching the ground- and he had only just gotten started. He was starting to feel incredibly full, yet he had already come this far, and he felt it would be difficult to turn back. Besides, the dragoness was sleeping so soundly that she still hadn't woken up.

As soon as he thought that, he heard a low moan coming from her head, and felt her body shifting. He froze, and looked over at her, worried about her waking up to discover him eating her. Surely that wouldn't go well if it happened.

Yet, as soon as she was done shifting, her body went still again, and continued its slow mantra of heavy breathing that signified a deep sleep.

The hatchling waited a few more moments, just to be sure. Then, filled with relief, he continued.

Soon, the tail, already incredibly thick, widened out into the dragoness's main body, and he felt his lower jaw and tongue moving over the pointy ridges that was her underbelly. In addition, his lips moved up against her hind legs.

His belly was now so big that he had stopped touching the floor long ago. Already, the scales of his underbelly were starting to stretch apart, and the soft flesh beneath was showing through. Yet there was no stopping him now. He was loving this meal; with every swallow, the dragon he was eating tasted better and better, and he felt better and better as his stomach swelled more and more.

He somehow was able to stretch his lips even wider, and started to work in the thigh muscles of the dragon's hind legs. With a few rough, wet slurps and deep gulps, he was able to cram the thick muscles into his throat, and started to work on both the legs and the body.

He had never had this much food in his mouth at once before; not even close. It was evident that his body wasn't designed for it, as already he could hear and feel it getting to work on the meat that was already inside of it. He felt his stomach walls start to churn, attempting to work at the dragon's tail. It didn't have much luck right away; her scales were made of metal, and it would take some work to make it malleable.

Luckily, that's what his stomach acids were for. He could already hear the gurgles coming from his belly that signified digestion taking place. It would take some time to work through the metal, but with it all trapped in his belly, it would eventually get there. Dragon bellies were powerful things, capable of breaking down nearly anything.

Now that he had a firm grip on the dragoness's thighs with his mouth, he could continue his massive meal relatively easily. He gulped a few times, slowly inching her legs into his mouth as well as her belly. Soon, he began taking in her wings as well. As he started to make progress on her legs, they pointed more and more forward, as they were compacted into the tight, wet tube that was his throat.

Now, he was starting to actually move the dragon with his swallows. Yet even still, she wouldn't wake up. The depth of her sleep was incredible. It gave him an idea; hibernation would probably help him while he was digesting this meal. He no longer had much doubts; he was positive that he could do this.

Sure enough, he continued to swallow, and eventually reached the dragon's chest, with nothing but the shins and paws of her legs left out of her mouth. Her wings were mostly compacted as well, with nothing but the tips of the wings sticking out of his mouth.

As he moved her chest into his mouth, he was able to work her upper legs in as well. This was the most difficult swallow he had faced yet, and also the most difficult he would face. Already his mouth was stretched far bigger than his own head, and he had a body and a leg already in his mouth. With this new addition, he had two. But, somehow, he made it, and eventually swallowed down the paws of her hind legs.

He was now completely lost in his meal, and all thoughts about whether or not the dragon would continue to sleep had left his head. After a few more swallows, just as he was about to finish devouring her chest, she suddenly stirred... and opened her eyes.

Almost immediately, she looked back and caught sight of what was happening to her. She stared in disbelief for a moment, then started to struggle, while screeching and clawing.

She kicked with her hind legs in his belly, which didn't do as much as intended because of how constricted they were, but still could be felt by the hatchling. He could feel rough, jerking movements along with the churning, and hear a sloshing sound along with the gurgles as her movements stewed up the acids inside. It almost hurt, and would have been incredibly uncomfortable if the tight conditions in his belly, combined with both of their weights, made it difficult for her to move much.

Outside of his mouth, however, was a different story. While she couldn't get her head or claws far enough back to attack him, she could trash them around. She did this, and roared, and tried to get a handhold on the ground with her claws, trying pretty much every method at her limited disposal to get free.

Unfortunately for her, none of it worked.

Her wriggling and thrashing only served to push her deeper into the hatchling's throat, and her claws were unable to find any hold, as by now the hatchling's belly had grown so big that it pushed her up from the ground along with him.

In other words, this was the end for the mighty dragon that had inhabited this cave.

Refusing to accept it, she roared and thrashed, but soon, her head was being taken into the smaller, greedy dragon's mouth. He swallowed and gulped and slurped, and before long, even that had disappeared into the maw. Only her front legs and paws were left- and after all that had come before, those were easy. He quickly slurped them up, and with a final few gulps, they were gone, sent down just the way that the rest of her had been.

Just like that, a mighty, proud dragoness had been devoured by a hatchling of her own kind.

As his meal quickly settled in his gut, the hatchling let out a massive, watery belch, effectively emptying his belly of air. Though she was definitely still alive inside of him, the dragoness would pass out from lack of air soon, and from there, she would be digested whole by his immature yet still powerful belly.

The hatchling spent a few moments in a sort of surreal daze, almost unable to comprehend the fact that he had succeeded in such an ambitious endeavor. Then, he finally was able to come to terms with it. He had eaten an entire adult. Swallowed her whole. She was in his belly now, and she was never coming back out. He likely wouldn't be hungry for months after this. This was enough food to last him an entire hibernation.

He looked down at his gigantic belly, which was now several times the size he was. The rest of his body sat squarely on top of it, and it was stretched so far that the metal plates of his underbelly had separated, with at least a foot of soft skin stretched between each one. The dragoness was curled up tightly, in as spherical a form as possible, within, the skin around her so tight that the hatchling could see most of the contours of her body. She moved and thrashed inside of its dark, hot prison, but the walls were so tightly wrapped around her that she couldn't move much.

He could feel his stomach filling with acids and juices as well, gurgling and sloshing and churning already, even in such an early stage of digestion. He knew they would only get louder and more frequent as time went on.

It wasn't long before the dragoness suffocated, and slowly, her struggles dwindled down, until they ceased altogether. Then, there was nothing but the hatchling's glorping stomach working to break down a huge meal.

Soon after, the hatchling, perched upon his mound of flesh, drifted off to sleep. The sleep was light at first, as he got used to sleeping in such a strange manner, on top of his own massively-packed stomach, in the midst of a room full of the sounds of digestion- gurgles, churns, glorps and sloshes. But soon, it became deeper and deeper, and then he was in full on hibernation mode.

The hatchling spent the entire winter like this, perched atop his own belly. For days, nothing really changed. The acids and his belly worked at the dragoness's body, gurgling and churning at the metal plates, getting nowhere. Then, eventually, they began to erode it down. At first, the process was incredibly slow, but eventually, it began to speed up. After weeks, the gurgling belly had finally melted down the metal plates, and was able to work on the flesh beneath.

But it was still by no means a quick process. The belly only gurgled and glorped harder, as it broke down the soft flesh of the dragon's body. But slowly, and surely, it was liquefied and compacted, and the hatchling's belly grew smaller and smaller.

When he woke again after the winter, the adult dragon was gone, replaced by a huge amount of fat. He'd eventually be able to work that off, and then, there'd be nothing of the dragon who had once lived in this cave left.

The only thing left was an appetite for dragon that the hatchling never got rid of. Yes, this dragoness was only the first of many, many more meals to come...

Angel and the Bully

((This is a commission for saintheartwing. It contains soft oral vore with unwilling, underage human prey, an alien pred, implied digestion, f/f vore, etc. Hope you enjoy it!)) Angel and the Bully A Lilo and Stitch Vore Story Angel sat on a...

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Monster Hunter Tri: Rathalos Vs. Lagiacrus

((This is a commission for Amnesiaaisenma. It involves soft, same size oral vore between two monsters. It also contains fatal digestion. Don't like, don't read. If you do like it, I hope you enjoy it.)) Monster Hunter Tri: Rathalos Vs. Lagiacrus A...

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((This story contains soft oral vore, digestion, underage preds and prey, dragon preds, and human prey. If you don't like any of that, don't read it. If you do like that sort of thing, I hope you like this.)) Luna It was early in the night, and...

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