Nathan's Lucky Days part 1 of 3

Story by njhcerebus on SoFurry

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#1 of Nathan's Lucky days

Once we love each other we will be unbreakable....

Manchester UK 6.15am


"ohh...shit i got work...ahhhhh"

I am a young fox aged 20 with a gothic hair style spiky with red tips i work as a cleaner in Tesda a big superstore in manchester i hated work and i to become a sex model to get pay and laid at the same time heh heh heh heh.


I walked down a long path to get to the bus stop to go to work at 7am the bus that he catches will get him here dead on 7am

I waited for the bus 666 to come few mins later it came and since i started work i like the look on the bus driver who i know she is fit! and her name was Tracy.

"Hello Tracy how are you" i said

"am fine Nathan" tracy said with a sexy look.

Tracy was a young wolf aged 18 and just got her first car from her parents.

after getting on the bus tracy ask him to come to a party on saturday (in 2 days time) Nathan jump for joy!

after cleaning the store with his pals Andy the Bear furrie and Seckou the monkey I headed off home for 3 days!

I got home and got a letter from his local furry porn mag and ask if he can come and have sex and get pay tomorrow afternoon. I was stunned I was happy! and then his ex-girlfriend came around and she knock on the door and beg on her kneels for Nathan to fuck her again!

"Nathan! please fuck me again i miss you!" Nathan let her in the house and she jump on Nathan front chest and she kiss him to death!

"I miss you i miss you!" then she started to take her clothes off...

before i tell what happen then

Jane was my ex-girlfriend she i lost my virginy with her she is a Cat furrie 32AA breasts and body so fine but she dump me one night due to me having sex with 2 girls and a mate having with them as well and she kept ringing me to fuck her up and how she in my house and i continue to the story...

she slowy put her hand down my pants and into my boxers while i was still in stock how he jumped on me! she felt my balls and play around with them while my cock slowy went up and she began to pull my pants down. my cock was out in the open. vines was bumping and my cock was rock hard and Jane pull her pants and panties down and show her pink clit and she put her clit to my cock but...

"WAIT! I need to put this on" i said

I put on a rubber on and then i started to put my cock into her clit and slowy well up and down up and down jane moan like a cat like she is and i put my face into her breasts and lick her tit still it came hard.

the phones ring on my mobile it was Tracy the bus driver!

"hello tracy"

"hi Nathan am coming round i be 2 mins bye!"

"Tracy no!"

she put down the phone on me and my cock was still in june pussy!.

knock knock!

"who here!" i said

"Tracy" she said

Jane say to me

"make her have sex with us!"

Jane went upstairs and her pussy was still wet! and i put on my pants

"Hi Tracy" i said

"ohhh... Nathan you have fit a body!"

then tracy started coming on to me! what a lucky day i am having!

I went up stairs and i had a cam in my room and Jane put it on and showing it online!

when i got in my room jane was fully naked with her fur so soft and Tracy was looking at her ile she was a bi!

"Nathan... so how long have? said tracy

"it only a one night stand plus lets be wild with it! I said

"Nathan am a virgin and am nevious" said tracy

"come on... let me put a end to your virginly!" i said

Jane went up to Tracy and started to take her clothes off while i watch tracy's breast look like two waterlemons and slowy het pantie came off show her tight pussy not yet been pop!

jane started to go down on tracy and tracy went on top of me with jane at the back side of tracy licking her tight pussy and i put my cock up her pussy and pop does her cilt! and then jane took out my cock and suck it dry while i lick Tracy tits off! and jane went round and put her pussy in my face and tracy pussy fucking up my cock while tracy and jane kiss other slowy and then the sex was over! i cum! but i had more coming and jane took my rubber of and what was left of my cum went over her face! my lucky day 2 girls in one night! next mission sex mobel career and party at Tracy's house!

End of Part one

By Njhcerebus
