Furries university chapter 16: Come over me

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#22 of Furries University

Chapter 16: Come over me (Song by: Nightwish) (September 22nd 2019 A.D. - Monday 1:10 PM)

Kitsune Sat on the bench outside the university, writing into a notebook, his paw as quick and his eyes focused. Many furs passing by and leaving their classes. He then felt a presence sit beside him but was too absorbed in his writing to look over.

"Sup Kit?" came Kagome's voice.

"Not much sis" replied Kitsune still writing.

"What are you writing?" asked Kagome.

"Assingment, in Creative writing" replied Kitsune "a short story, having all forms of irony in it's pages".

"Shouldn't you type that up on the computer?" asked Kagome.

"Normally yes, but the idea came to me while I was waiting for Oz" spoke Kitsune still scratching in the book.

"How long have you been here? You have at least three paragraphs there" asked Kagome.

"I had started writing in class, I've only been here for about two minutes, he must have had to pee" spoke Kitsune. Ryu suddenly walked up and Kagome got to her feet.

"Hey Kit why didn't you wait up?" asked Ryu.

"Thought Oz would be here, didn't want to make him wait" replied Kitsune.

"Oh okay, will you be alright here by yourself?" asked Ryu.

"Just fine" answered Kitsune.

"Okay see you later Bro" said Ryu walking towards the dorm building holding Kagome's paw.

Kitsune sat in the silence for a moment, then his ears perked up.

'not many of the students like you' spoke a dark voice in his head.

"So, all I need is my friends" replied Kitsune to the voice out loud.

'Just seems like everything is against you doesn't it?' asked the voice.

"It was always like that" spoke Kitsune "until 'He' came along".

'So? One thing suddenly makes your life perfect?' asked the voice.

"Yes" answered Kitsune "He has done a lot for me...before him I had not loved before...Before him I ran from what I was".

'you think you're safe outside the closet?' spoke the voice 'you're wrong, people easily hate you...there is just so much there'.

"You're wrong" replied Kitsune "you don't know anything!"

'I am you!' replied the voice 'I've been you for the last 7 years'.

"You're just a figment" spoke Kitsune "and I haven't taken the time to rid you from my mind".

'Ah' spoke the voice 'you're not strong enough... to be out all alone, you should have left with them'

"I can defend myself just fine" spoke Kitsune.

'Don't get me wrong...we both know you can fight...but you can't hurt anyone' spoke the voice 'You're scared'.

"I don't need you" said Kitsune "just another waste of my time". Suddenly it went silent again. A moment later, the doors swung open.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait foxy" came Ozwot's voice, as Kitsune looked over.

"It's okay, what took you?" asked Kitsune, as Ozwot took him into an embrace.

"Had to use the bathroom" replied Ozwot "I saw your muzzle moving, who were you talking to?"

"Myself" replied Kitsune "Let's go, I have to get a shower".

"Hmmm, okay love" spoke Ozwot, taking Kitsune's paw into his own, and leading him towards the dorm building.

"How was your day love?" asked Kitsune.

"Fine, yours?" questioned Ozwot, pulling Kitsune closer.

"It was alright, I have a lot of work for each class, except anthropology, it's a seemingly easy class" replied Kitsune.

"Aha, I see...oh I drew something while waiting for you, I was thinking of you" spoke Ozwot stopping and putting his bag on the ground and shuffling through it. He then pulled from it a sketch pad and handed it to Kitsune.

Kitsune looked at the drawing, it was of a rose, it was beautiful even if just adrawing. Kitsune smiled and embraced Ozwot.

"It's quite beautiful love" spoke Kitsune rubbing his cheek against Ozwots.

"Thank you love" replied Ozwot "it's nothing great".

"You're much too modest hun" said Kitsune pulling away, and handing the drawing back to Ozwot.

"Heh, whatever you say" spoke Ozwot, putting it back in his bag and zipping.

"You said you needed to shower no?" questioned Ozwot.

"Yes" nodded Kitsune.

"Hmmm, I need one too" smirked Ozwot.

They walked up the steps, together each others paw in the others. Kitsune closed his eyes as he followed Ozwot into his dorm.

"Oz...." Kitsune paused before finished his words, Ozwot looked at him "C-can I stay with you? In your dorm".

"Why would you ever have to ask babe?" questioned Ozwot "Ofcourse you may".

"Th-thank you....I...I can't be without you or alone from you, now that we are together" Spoke Kitsune as Ozwot pulled him into an embrace, Ozwot began to stroke the back of Kitsune's head.

"Shhhh, it's alright" Ozwot said as he continued stroking "I understand, don't worry about it, we'll put you on the list as if you were using my dorm".

"Thank you so much" spoke Kitsune rubbing his face into Ozwot's chest.

"Now go shower Kit" said Ozwot Rubbing Kitsune's arm softly. Kitsune nodded and walked into the bathroom calmly.

He looked down at the tile as he pulled off his shirt and dropped it to the ground. He did the same with his pants, and underwear that lay under. Then he stepped forward looking into the mirror, a skinny red fox stared back at him, with light blue eyes and long brown head fur. He shook his head as he saw the collar around his reflection that he did not pull off. Kitsune walked into the shower turning the nozzle as water began to pour out, over his head.

He walked into the shower calmly and smiled as he looked down at his sheath and then his paw, then he giggled softly.

"Don't need my paw for pleasure any more" he said calmly "Now that I have my mate, ofcourse we're not going to yiff every day, but it's worth waiting just for it". He picked up the soap, and began to rub it about his body. The suds covered his body as he rubbed them about, the door opened up but Kitsune did not notice as he continued rubbing about his body slowly rubbing his own sheath, the head of his cock sliding out from it. Suddenly two white furred paws wrapped around his back as he felt a body close to his, a sheath grinding into the crack of his ass. Kitsune blushed lightly as he saw, Ozwot's muzzle slide over his shoulder.

"Mmmm, decided it would be best if we showered together" smiled Ozwot "Seeing as how you don't want to be away from me". Ozwot then pushed Kitsune's paw away from his sheath. Kitsune could feel the flesh of Ozwot's cock pressing into his body as they rubbed together. He blushed as Ozwot began to rub at his chest, Kitsune's nipples slowly hardened as Ozwot's paw ran across them. The water continue pouring down them, Kitsune could feel Ozwot's nose sniffing at his hair. Kitsune was slowly getting aroused, at the feeling of his mate rubbing him so passionately.

"Mmm bend over" Spoke Ozwot Smirking as he nosed Kitsune's shoulder, Kitsune followed the order, placing his paws on the wall of the shower, feeling the water pour onto his back as he felt his thighs being grabbed by Ozwot's paws. His wet fox tail lifted up as he understood what his mate wanted. Ozwot put a finger to the hole, and slowly slid it in. Kitsune clenched not expecting the finger, his body slightly quivering as he felt it go further into his body. Ozwot thrust in till he heard Kitsune begin to moan, as he saw cum falling from the Fox's cock, as he rubbed at his sensitive prostate.

"Hmmm, is that all it takes love" Chuckled Ozwot "Hmmm too easy, heh, I was thinking about stopping when you came but...I guess we stop when "I" Cum". Ozwot stood up and pulled his finger from his mate's hole. Kitsune murred looking back slightly and blushing. Ozwot placed his cock at Kitsune's tail hole.

"Mmmm if I do this foxy, you have to promise to do me next time" spoke Ozwot smirking. Kitsune nodded, as his body began to heat. He felt the tip of the wolf's cock at his tail hole, slowly he felt it push a little closer, until suddenly Ozwot thrust it into him. Kitsune gave out a low moan, only experiencing this once before. Ozwot placed a paw on Kitsune's back and rubbed softly.

"Ready for this again" asked Ozwot "or should I wait?" Kitsunes head shook.

"Just a little, it..hurts" said Kitsune.

"Okay, tell me when you feel better" replied Ozwot as he continued rubbing. Kitsune closed his eyes trying to get used to the feeling once more, his muscles slowly relaxing. He murred lightly as he felt relaxed around the shaft. Ozwot took this as a sign and he began to pump slowly, Kitsune's murrs became louder as the shaft went into his body. Kitsune pressed his forehead into the wall, as Ozwot began to pump faster churring himself.

"Mm, gonna have to make this fast love....Mmmmmm" spoke Ozwot as he pumped harder "Gotta get some food for us Mmm before too late". Kitsune nodded barely hearing his mates words, too caught up in the passion. Ozwot began to pump harder until his knot slide into the fox's hole, Making Kitsune moan loudly feeling it enter his body. They tied together, as Ozwot's pumps became quicker, the knot holding him from pulling back any further, Kitsune's body began to rock as Ozwot pumped into him. Ozwot began to rub Kitsune's stomach as he pump hearing his mate moan rather loudly.

Kitsune's eyes clenched as he felt Ozwot pump harder into him, pre slowly coating the passage. He continued pumping hard, and fast as Kitsune's moans drove him to go harder, he felt himself about to let it go, only wishing this was a private enough place for it to last longer. Ozwot thrust in one last time as his knot let out the cum, flowing into Kitsune's hole, as the young fox murred with delight at the feeling of the liquid entering his body. Ozwot could feel the splooge running over his shaft in his mates behind, he rubbed Kitsune's back softly still hearing the quivering murrs. Ozwot pulled out slowly. As his cock pulled from the hole, cum dripped and leaked from the hole onto the shower floor. Kitsune stood slowly still feeling the liquid in his body and looked towards Ozwot with a blush, he stepped forward but suddenly tripped.

Ozwot caught his mate in his arms close to his chest.

"Shouldn't try to move so suddenly hun" said Ozwot Rubbing Kitsune's wet head fur. Kitsune just placed his cheek into Ozwot's chest closing his eyes calmly. Ozwot sat on the shower floor, with his fox in arms, as he turned off the nozzle.

"Good boy, we can rest in here then my love" spoke Ozwot hearing the soft sounds of rest coming from his fox "heh, need to get some endurance love". Ozwot giggled slight resting Kitsune's head on his lap as he rubbed his chest.

"Lucky I'm not so horny, that I'd go in for a couple more rounds" Chuckled Ozwot "it doesn't seem like you have energy for that".

(Meanwhile with Jay, in Jerry's dorm)

"That's it" Came the voice of Jerry.

"What's up?" asked Jay.

"Stupid fox and friends are at it again, Jonathan, was pushed off while talking to those queers by that stupid wolf friend of yours" commented Jerry.

"So?" questioned Jay "Jonathan's a wuss".

"still part of AGF" spoke Jerry "But a few friends were talking today in lunch and we have a plan to get those queers gone for good, without the leader no damn Gay unification thing can be made".

"They're making one?" questioned Jay.

"Course" spoke Jerry "I've got my sources".

"So what are you gonna do?" asked Jay. Jerry lifted up a small bottle filled with red liquid.

"This outa do the trick" smirked Jerry shaking the bottle slightly "all we have to do is slip this to the wolf, no way the fox can stop him".

"You mean his boyfriend?" questioned Jay.

"Yeah, He'll go crazed like, and theres no way they'll be able to bother us again" spat Jerry "just need to find some time when those two are at lunch".

"Will anyone get hurt?" asked Jay.

"The fox probably will" answered Jerry.

Jay shifted uncomfortably.

"Why not just let them have their group" asked Jay "It's not like they can do much".

"What are you? Stupid?" questioned Jerry "if they start a group that means more queers will pop up, if more queers pop up then that's just more bullshit we have to put up with, not only is it sacrilegious what they are doing but it's also sick and wrong".

"One problem with your great plan" commented Jayson "how you gonna get him to drink it?"

"I've got that planned too" replied Jerry "Just you watch, just make sure to come to lunch everyday, so you can see it happen".

*** (25 minutes later, in ozwot's dorm)

Kitsune awoke slowly feeling his cock throbbing, he looked to see a white paw rubbing up and down his shaft slowly.

"Finally awake hun?" asked Ozwot stroking Kitsune's cock slowly "you've came twice already, and I can feel you about to go again". Ozwot kissed Kitsune's cheek softly.

"You refill fast".

Kitsune blushed as he began to murr feeling his heart throb as his cock throbbed with it. Ozwot's strokes began to speed up as the pre came from his prick. Kitsune began to breathe heavily as Ozwot grasped the shaft firmly running up and down it with his paw, but he stopped and crawled from under Kitsune's back and went to his front.

"Lean back" said Ozwot "I haven't got to taste this yet" Kitsune blushed as he leaned against the shower wall spreading his legs. Ozwot licked his lips before taking a long lick up Kitsune's shaft, the fox quivered at the feeling. Quickly Ozwot took the cock into his mouth hearing his mate murr at the feeling. Ozwot placed both his paws atop Kitsune's knees, he began to bob his head slowly on the meat. Kitsune's eyes closed as his head lean back, himself churring somewhat loudly. Suddenly a knock could be heard from the door, Ozwot moved off of Kitsune's penis, and looked out of the shower.

"Son of a bitch!" shouted Ozwot and then he looked sweetly over at Kitsune "We'll finish this tonight okay kit?"

Kitsune only whimpered slightly and nodded, wanting more alone time with his mate. Ozwot stepped out of the shower, followed closely by Kitsune, who's shaft was bouncing with his steps, pre flying slightly into the air as he blushed. Ozwot turned and smiled at Kitsune.

Kitsune smiled back.

"Better just wait in here love, I'll go check it out, in fact we'll finish up once I get back in here" said Ozwot as he picked up his clothes walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. He put his jeans on quickly and zipped them up then opened the front door. Outside stood Ryu.

"Hey, Ryu what do you need?" asked Ozwot.

"I need Kitsune" replied Ryu "Someone named Shon stopped by the dorm, asking to see him".

"Oh....okay then, I'll tell him to go up there" sighed Ozwot then he closed the door as Ryu turned around. Ozwot walked into the bathroom and looked at Kitsune with a smile.

"Darn it We'll have to finish this quick and have more fun later, you've got to go to your dorm and talk to Shon, he's waiting for you" spoke Ozwot getting to his knees and putting his paws on Kitsune's thighs. Kitsune nodded blushing once more. Ozwot put his muzzle over Kitsune's cock and licked at the tip tasting pre, Ozwot then put his entire maw on the cock. He bobbed slowly at the head, hearing Kitsune's murrs of pleasure with each bob, he sped up slightly, growing lower on the rod of skin.

Ozwot's left paw moved over to Kitsune's knot, and slowly pressure built on it, from his fingers. Kitsune churred as he felt his liquids moving to the top of his shaft, but he refused to let them go so soon, Ozwot smiled on the cock growing faster on it and murring sending vibrations through the fox meat. Ozwot then let go of the knot only to take his muzzle over it, applying pressure with his lips. Kitsune began to moan as seed fired from the head of his cock into the wolf's mouth, Ozwot did not swallow it instead it collected in his maw, as his mate moaned with pleasure.

The wolf slowly pulled from the meat, as one last spurt of cum flew onto his cheek. Ozwot lifted to his feet towards his murring mates maw, his cheeks filled with the cum, as he pressed against Kitsune's lips holding his chin up. He opened his maw slightly, cum flowing into Kitsune's mouth and some leaking from the cracks of their lips. They both murred swallowing the cum. Ozwot parted from his mate a little bit of cum flowing down his chin, and down onto the floor. A strand of the love juice connecting there tongues. Ozwot smiled and licked his lips snapping the strand.

"Good boy" smirked Ozwot. Kitsune smiled back with blush around his cheeks.

"Now you've got to speak to someone" said Ozwot "Come right back".

"But I came already" complained Kitsune with a smile. Ozwot giggled and rubbed Kitsune's arm.

"Good one, now get some clothes on and go see him". Kitsune quickly put on his clothes, still slightly blushing. He walked out the door, waving to Ozwot and smiling.

"I'll be back in a bit" spoke Kitsune then he shut the door and ran up the steps quickly. He walked up to his dorm room door, and pushed the door open, to see Shon standing there with his arms crossed. Kagome and Ryu sat on the couch watching TV.

"Hello Shon" waved Kitsune as he walked in closing the door.

"Hey, we didn't really get a good meeting then, I wanted to talk with you a bit" spoke Shon "do you have the time". Kitusne nodded at this and leaned against the wall.

"What do you need?" asked Kitsune.

"Well actually it's more of what "you" need" replied Shon, this made Kitsune's ears shift interestingly "Well if you're going to make a group, you'll need money, no?"

"Yes" answered Kitsune "What are you getting at?"

"Well you'd need someone to take care of the money, and storing it, and using it, and writing it in, and I'm sure as the leader of the group, you'd have too much to get that done...Well let me get to the point, have you thought of furs to handle this". Kitsune looked at the ground and shook his head, then lifted his head quickly walking close to Shon.

"C-could you be head treasurer?" asked Kitsune.

"W-well sure" answered Shon.

"Oh wow thank you, we'll have to talk a lot then if you're handling funds" Smiled Kitsune.

"Okay, now first order then...Kit, how do you plan on getting some starting money?" asked Shon.

"That...I haven't found out...we can set up a donation or something, I guess" said Kitsune. Shon shook his head and patted Kitsune's shoulder.

"Don't stress yourself with details, I'll think something up for you, you're still just starting, I'll talk to you tomorrow when I come up with ideas" spoke Shon moving past Kitsune and opening the door "I think it would be easy if you have the first meeting, that way we get major members".

"Hey wait!" exclaimed Kitsune grabbing Shon's paw as he went to go out the door, almost jerking him back.

"What?" questioned Shon.

"Thank you" said Kitsune smiling "I almost forgot my manners". Shone smiled back.

"You're welcome" He then walked out the door, Kitsune turned to Ryu and Kagome who were standing there.

"Okay I'm done here I believe" Giggled Kitsune "Now you two, make sure to take care of each other, use condoms and don't do it in front of poor lil' Sakura, you'll scare her, oh and don't let Ryu be on top". Kagome gave out a growl and Kitsune turned to open the door suddenly a remote hit Kitsune in the side of the head. Kitsune whimpered slightly then rubbed his head.

"You're welcome for the advise" Growled Kitsune opening the door and closing it. Kitsune walked down the steps and then looked back as he heard something, from behind him, when he looked back he saw nothing. Suddenly he ran into a fur, then he hit the ground on his back, and looked about frantically. He looked up at a Raccoon.

"Oh sorry" spoke Rodgers "Hey! You're the fox Ryan was talking about".

"Huh?" breathed Kitsune.

"Well I was talking with him, while he's getting better, we were talking about a class I really wanted to take, but he said that maybe if your group "GLS" he called it started something, it could probably be brought to FU" replied Rogers "So I was wondering if I could join and maybe suggest that".

"What kind of class?" asked Kitsune getting to his feet and dusting off his clothes.

"Gay and Lesbian life span development" answered Rodgers "I'm sure it wouldn't be a bad first start".

"..sure" smiled Kitsune "We'll talk about it in the first meeting and then we'll see what the group can do, I'll probably take it too".

"Good" nodded Rodgers "He's a good friend of yours right".

"Ryan, yes we kind of just met but I really think he's great" Spoke Kitsune "Wait, taking care of him? How do you know him?"

"Well I'm the vets aid" spoke Rodgers "He was really sick so I've been with him the whole time...oh yeah I have creative writing and Japanese with you. I've noticed you a lot".

"Oh thank you" smiled Kitsune again.

"So are you scared?" questioned Rodgers.

"Of?" Kitsune looked confused.

"AGF" Rodgers closed his eyes at his words "I heard your boyfriend hit one of the big members".

"Oh well" Kitsune turned his head slightly "That guy deserved it".

"I heard they hurt Ryan" Rodgers looked at him worried "You ever think they'd do the same to you".

"I can defend myself" Kitsune turned back to look at Rodgers then he smiled once more "you wanna be an advisor?"

"Advisor....in GLS?"

"Yes" Said Kitsune "You can help me plan things out".

"Sure" shrugged Rodgers "It would be nice to be part of the whole operation".

Rodgers looked at a watch on his wrist and then waved as he turned around.

"Gotta get back to the nurses office, Oh and thanks, I'll try to be as useful as possible to you" Spoke Rodgers "You seem like a nice fur".

"You're welcome and...That's what most furs say".

Kitsune then turned and walked down the steps.

'except my mother' Came the thought in his head making his body fill with anger 'but she doesn't matter' slowly this new thought cooled his body. He walked up to Ozwots door and went to open it. Suddenl it swung open and Kitsune jumped back. Ozwot stared back at Kitsune smiling.

"Oh hey hun, you were taking awhile so I was just going to come up" chuckled Ozwot.

"Mmm it would be nice if you came over me" Giggled Kitsune.

"Ah, well that can be arranged for you my love...tonight" chuckled Ozwot pulling Kitsune close by his wrist and moving into an embrace "so you want another shower".

"Well once I got clean you just made me dirty again" giggled Kitsune.

"You're a yiffy lil' fox babe, you're always dirty" Giggled Ozwot. Kitsune rubbed Ozwot's cheek with his own. Ozwot then slowly backed up, closing the door with his foot, then he fell backwards, laying on the ground with the fox atop of him.

"Now my lil' foxy, don't you have work to do?" questioned Ozwot nuzzling Kitsune's nose.

"Yes" said Kitsune rubbing Ozwot's thigh.

"Get it done" Spoke Ozwot "and when it's ALL done, I'll come to you". Kitsune smiled as he lifted from Ozwot, looking down at his lover happily. Ozwot got to his feet and then brought Kitsune close to him pulling him into a kiss as he closed his eyes. It was as if ever kiss, made a beautiful chorus play in Kitsune's heart, he could feel the burning flame of his passion for his mate, an ever lasting flame that wouldn't even end with death, the world so small yet, in this Wolf's arms it was all he needed, the kiss, every kiss, every hug, every passionate sound they made together only fueled the fire of the vulpes' heart.