A Battle Fought on All Fronts: Part 2

Story by sarrus on SoFurry

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#2 of A Battle Fought on All Fronts

A continuation of my Christmas present to my mate, Niphi.

I am always looking to improve and feedback would be much appreciated!

A Cordial Welcome

With every beat of the dragon's wings, Niphi found the spell on her slowly fading. Over the course of the journey she went from a dull contentedness to a boiling rage. This... beast, had taken it upon itself to kidnap her! For what? Why had it not simply killed her? What could it possibly be planning that required it to kill one of its own kind just to kidnap a rebel captain?

She looked down, they were high above the ground now. Far too high for her to have any hope of surviving a fall. It was now dusk and the dragon appeared to be heading away from the front line, towards the rebel settlements. Was that its plan? To burn them and force her to watch, helpless atop its back. The thought made Niphi shudder. Suddenly falling didn't seem so bad.

Slowly Sarrus began to bank into a turn. They had been running parallel to a mountain range. As they leisurely changed course they began to head towards it.

"Almost there now, Captain." The dragon rolled the last word around his mouth as if it amused him. Niphi had forgotten that the dragon could speak, something that had surprised her. She had always known dragons could talk, of course, but to her they had always been mindless killing machines. The idea that they could have a voice or perhaps a gender was even more frightening than their fire.

Niphi growled, she thought about retaliating or perhaps demanding that he set her down. Instead, all she could do was revert to that primal sound.

Sarrus chuckled. "You are exactly what I had hoped you would be; Fiery but with a softer, more delicate side."

"What do you mean, beast?" Niphi spat.

"Oh, I'm the beast, am I? Forgive me but, I was sure I heard you growling at me just a moment ago. As for what I mean... You will just have to wait and see."

Sarrus began to descend, lowering down gradually as they approached the mountains. Niphi could see the mouth of a cave slowly growing bigger as they approached it. As they got closer, Sarrus tilted his wings back so that they neatly came to a landing just inside the mouth of the cave.

It was clear immediately that this was no lucky find. The walls were adorned with strange runic markings that glowed like the dragon's eyes, casting a dim lilac light through the cave. At the far end was a bookshelf filled with tomes of all kinds. Most of them in the common speech though a couple were titled in a language Niphi did not understand.

Niphi hopped down before Sarrus had a chance to lower his body, not wanting to accept the courteous gesture.

"Please, make yourself at home, I will only be a moment and then we can get started." Without waiting for a reply, Sarrus stepped deeper into the cave, heading for his bookcase.

Hesitantly, Niphi stepped back to the mouth of the cave and peered over the edge, looking for a way to climb down. She groaned as she saw the shear rock face below, absent of any hand holds and descending a good distance to the ground.

"I would'nt waste your time." Sarrus called from the other end of the cave. "Best to accept that as you are now, you have little hope of escaping." Slowly he turned and walked back to the front of the cave, a large, ancient looking book hovering lazily in the air before him. "Would you care to lie on your back in front of me?"

Niphi spat on the ground at her feet in defiance. "Make me."

Sarrus gave a sort of lazy shrug, then lowered his snout to the ground. He opened his mouth and let his long tongue brush against the cold stone. A lilac glow descended down it and into the ground. The glow traveled towards Niphi, tracing a path in the ground that looked like a bolt of lightning. Niphi stepped to the side and as she did, the light began to form out of the ground, solidifying into a long thick tentacle. Niphi stared at it, eyes wide before backing away. It stretched up almost as tall as her and was made of a strange material Niphi had never seen before, light given substance.

Suddenly the tentacle lashed out and wrapped itself around her arm. It felt strangely warm and gave her an odd tingling sensation where it touched her.

Sarrus watched her with a grin, his tongue still controlling it, still touched to the ground.

Niphi struggled with the tentacle while a second grew out of the ground behind her and wrapped itself around her waist. She tried to step away but found her feet loosing their grip as she was slowly lifted off the ground. The second tentacle let go of her wrist and instead made to wrap itself around her legs. Niphi kicked at it, trying to keep it back but the damn thing just caught her foot, seeming not to feel pain. Desperate she tried to kick it off with her other foot but it just twisted around and then, with the speed of a snake snaring its prey it grabbed her.

Gliding through the ground, the two tentacles rotated her around then carried her over towards Sarrus. The dragon watched as they held her just before him, back to the ground. Clearly enjoying her helplessness, he leaned over for a moment to inspect her. Niphi glared up at him, meeting his gaze and once again feeling the intensity of his stare.

After a moment Sarrus stepped back. "This is quite a complicated spell so you will have to bare with me."

Reading from his book, the dragon slowly began to chant. Light spilled from his mouth as his voice seemed to reverberate around the room. Niphi could feel energy building in the air. All around her, the glowing runes on the walls seemed to brighten as their master summoned his power.

Sarrus went on for some time before abruptly stopping and stepping back over her. His eyes were now blindingly bright and as he spoke light escaped his mouth like smoke pouring from a fire. "Take a deep breath and... Try to relax."

Suddenly Sarrus flicked her on the back of the head with the tip of a talon. It took Niphi by surprise, causing her to open her mouth and gasp. This was all that the dragon needed and he plunged his tongue into her.

Niphi's eyes went wide as she felt the long, tapered appendage bury itself deep into her throat. That shock, though, was quickly overcome with the shock of what the tongue did. Niphi felt an immense rush of energy as the spell shot out of the dragon and into her body.

Everything from her heart to the tips of her toes was suddenly alight with an intense energy. It did not feel painful but it was like nothing she had ever felt before. Her whole body shuddered as it began to glow brightly with the lilac of Sarrus' flame.

The dragon carefully withdrew his tongue and stood back to watch his spell at work.

The Power to Change

Niphi let out a gasp as she felt the energy shift inside her, rushing to the tips of her feet. She was still wearing her military boots and found herself with the odd sensation of them growing smaller. Looking down they seemed normal for a moment. Then, as she watched, the stitching on them began to stretch before the threads began to snap one by one.

With a look of pure shock, Niphi realized that it was her feet growing larger that was destroying her boots. She tried to reach down to undo them but realized that she was still restrained by the odd tentacles Sarrus had summoned. Frantically, she tried to contort herself so as to reach them, worried about the damage they would cause. Seeing this, Sarrus stepped up to her and with a razor sharp black talon, slit the remaining stitches on one of the boots. It split along one side before falling away.

Forgetting the pain in her other foot, Niphi stared in utter disbelief at what had come out of her boot. Instead of the hominid foot with dark brown fur she had expected, there was instead a set of silver-grey talons. For a moment, Niphi thought they belonged to Sarrus before seeing that he had moved and was beginning to cut away her other boot. Niphi shifted what would once have been her toes and saw the talons moving instead.

"I... I'm..." She gasped.

Sarrus grinned at her and nodded slowly, letting the second boot drop to the ground. Just like the other leg, what had been under her boot was now topped with the same set of razor sharp talons.

Niphi stared down her legs as a front of lilac light began to travel up them, going from the edges of these new talons to her knees. Everywhere the light passed the thick brown fur underneath turned sky blue.

Suddenly, Niphi felt the nerves on her right leg flare with what she might have once called pain. Strangely, the magic inside her seemed to be blocking her from registering it and so while she was aware that she should be in pain, she was not. Looking along the leg, she could see that the sudden jolt had been the formation of an additional joint.

The jolt hit a second time and Niphi saw her left leg suddenly shift as the same happened to it, leaving her with a pair of bestial looking sky blue legs.

"Strange..." Sarrus murmured, more to himself than to Niphi. "It seems your body wants to keep its fur."

Niphi tentatively flexed the legs as the front of magic traveled up the last part of her thighs. They felt very heavy, so out-sized for her body and she found it difficult to move them.

Surprising herself, Niphi suddenly let out a moan as the magic reached her snatch. The incredible transformative power seemed to descend into her and set her tunnel alight as she felt it change inside her.

This sudden outburst seemed to bring great amusement to Sarrus who watched with a grin as Niphi squirmed, eyes closed, barely breathing.

With nothing to see, Niphi could only feel what was happening. The magic had entered her womb and the entire thing was shifting, reshaping inside her. Once again, it was not painful but the sensitivity of her internals had not been numbed and so the shifting inside her sent waves of pleasure through her body.

Just as quickly as it had entered, the magic exited and Niphi let out a second involuntary moan as it withdrew. Shuddering, she caught her breath for a moment before hesitantly looking down her body.

The spell had worked its way up to her midsection and she could feel her ribs beginning to shift. lower down, she could see that the growth of her hindquarters had completely torn her leather trousers which had fallen away. There too, her fur had turned sky blue and Niphi felt a small rush of shame as she saw that she had matted some of it down with fluid. She knew where it had come from, released by the eruption of feeling within her new snatch.

What was more humiliating than that, though, was that Sarrus had witnessed the whole thing. Now, with a look of amusement, he watched her reaction. When he met her eyes though, Niphi was sure she could catch a glimpse of something else... Something more... Primal.

Niphi's thoughts were suddenly washed away as the magic reached her chest. The bottom part of it had begun to widen and she could feel it straining against her officer's coat. Suddenly there was a pinging sound as one of the buttons flew off it and the coat opened slightly. A moment later, another button flew off revealing more sky blue fur as the jacket was spread. Niphi reached down with her still Irali arms. The brown furred appendages looked too small when compared to her now much larger body. For a moment she fumbled with the last few buttons, trying to undo them to protect from further damage. Just as the magic reached the underside of her breasts, Niphi managed to release the last button.

Once again, as the magic hit an erogenous zone she felt waves of pleasure rush through her body. Niphi squirmed with a helpless whimper as the sensitive flesh of her breasts cried out in her mind. Unlike the sensation in her tunnel, though, this feeling seemed to be diminishing. Catching her breath and forcing her eyes open, Niphi looked down to see that her breasts, while the fur on them turned blue, were shrinking.

Niphi reached a hand up to touch one of them as it shrank away into her growing chest. As the sensitive mounds disappeared altogether, leaving her form far more reptilian looking, Niphi realized there was no longer any doubt what Sarrus' spell was doing. She was becoming a dragon.

Suddenly she felt a feeling like nothing she could imagine as the magic reached her heart.

It stopped.

Suddenly breathing was incredibly difficult and Niphi felt all strength leave her muscles. Helplessly, she turned her head to look at Sarrus. She could tell from his expression that he knew what was going on. To her surprise, he gave her an encouraging smile.

Thinking was getting harder, even the simplest movement felt like it required an incredible effort.

Just as Niphi felt consciousness slip away from her the magic completed its rearrangement within her.

Something jolted. Once. Twice. Three times, then in an instant, her body was filled with life.

A blazing heat rushed through her veins as she felt a fire ignite within her. It exploded into being with such a force that Niphi's head was involuntarily thrown back and a great plume of deep red flames shot from her open mouth.

The incredible fire that had taken residence within her released some of its excess energy for a moment before the flames died back. Niphi drew several deep breaths, saturating her new lungs with pure clean air. As it filled her, she felt not one but two new hearts, fueled by this new fire nested between them, pumping refreshed dragonic blood throughout her body. Suddenly she found new vigor within herself and the limbs which had once felt unnaturally heavy after transforming felt light and easy to manipulate. Drunk on the wonder of this sensation, Niphi flexed her legs before kicking them upwards to feel their strength.

In the time that had passed since her old heart had stopped, Niphi's arms had also transformed, re-jointing into a pair of dragonic front legs which she now hefted.

Feeling a disproportionate weight on her back, Niphi shifted her head to see that a pair of vast wings had grown out of her and were now laying spread out on the ground below. Concentrating, she reached out with her mind and found that they too could move, shifting them and feeling not just their weight but the weight of the air they displaced.

Her whole body felt powerful in a way she could never have imagined and, while she still felt a loathing for the dragon that had done this to her, she couldn't help but give him an amazed look as she flexed her new body.

This clearly gave great pleasure to Sarrus who smiled back at her.

When the magic finally stretched up Niphi's neck she found herself relaxing into it, closing her eyes and letting it do its work. It stretched her smaller mammal neck, making it become long and reptilian.

Niphi felt her snout elongate, her teeth grow and a weight form on her head as a pair of white horns grew backwards out of it. Finally, as the magic finished up on the tip of her snout, she felt a slight nipping sensation as the spell completed its work and left her body.

An Introduction to Dragonhood

Niphi was still inspecting her new body as the tentacles set her down. With a grunt, she tried to roll onto her feet. Unused to the weight of her new body it took several attempts, when she finally managed it, she slowly lifted her body up with her four new legs.

"Feels strange doesn't it?" Sarrus asked, watching her with apparent interest.

Niphi turned to glare at him. She had allowed herself to forget for a moment that she had been forced through this transformation but hearing his voice reminded her in an instant. "Why have you done this to me?" She asked. Hearing her new voice sounded strange. It had the same pitch as before but now it seemed much more powerful and she found it harder to keep the volume down.

"I told you" He smiled "You're part of an experiment to improve rebel combat with dragons, an experiment sanctioned by General Savos himself"

Niphi paused for a moment. She had to admit to herself that if what Sarrus was saying were true then he would be giving the rebels an advantage they would never have imagined possible.

"The General let you do this?"

Sarrus nodded.

Niphi let out a quiet groan. "That figures. So, will you be doing this to the other officers?"

"Not for the moment..." Sarrus stepped forward, a grin spreading across his snout. "One dragoness is all we need right now"

Niphi looked puzzled for a moment. The gods had thousands of dragons. Assuming Sarrus was as loyal as he claimed then that would still leave the rebels with only two.

In that moment, Sarrus had moved much closer than Niphi would have felt comfortable with. His head was now alongside hers. Once again, she saw the fire in his eyes blaze bright and a shudder coursed through her body.

"Magic of this kind..." Sarrus said slowly, as if choosing his words with care. "Takes a disproportionate amount of energy for what it does. It will take me a long time before I can do it again. Thankfully though... There is another way of making dragons." Sarrus said the last part so softly it could have been a whisper.

It took Niphi a moment to grasp what the larger dragon was saying. When it finally hit her, she gasped and took a step back.

"No!" She said abruptly "Absolutely not!"

Sarrus said nothing for a moment. Watching her with an amused expression. When he finally spoke it was with a growl in his voice that made Niphi shudder once again. "Do you think you can stop me?"

"I..." Niphi stammered. As she did, Sarrus stepped forwards once again to stand right in front of her. It was obvious to Niphi that despite her gain in size, she was still considerably smaller than him.

Suddenly, from nowhere, Niphi felt her instincts kick in. With a growl she lunged forward, going for the larger male's neck. She realized immediately that Sarrus had been expecting this, he ducked his head down underneath hers, then brought it back up to bite down on her neck from the below.

Niphi went still with a quiet whimper. Her body knew instantly that she had lost to him. Slowly, she felt him rotate, still holding her neck, so that his body was alongside hers. Then he gently pushed her over. Niphi complied without thinking, letting him roll her onto her back.

Only once he had pinned down all four of her legs did Sarrus let go of Niphi's neck. He licked his teeth for a moment before leaning his head back in and letting the tip of his snout brush the soft fur under her chin. "mmm..." He hummed softly. "You have a wonderful scent now..."

Niphi held her breath, not moving. Something primal, deep within had paralyzed her and all she wanted to do was stay perfectly still.

Sarrus waited, staying there patiently until Niphi was forced to draw a breath. As she did, he watched her closely, paying particular attention to her expression.

As an Iral, Niphi's nose had been sensitive, perhaps even more so than a dragon's nose. From the moment she had met Sarrus she had been aware of his scent. He was a dragon after all, they weren't exactly a bouquet of roses. None the less, as an Iral, she had never considered him as smelling anything more than... dragoney. Now, though, Niphi felt his scent completely differently. Now he smelled strong. Now he smelled like a male.

Niphi let out a quiet whimper. She hadn't meant to and she instantly regretted it. More than anything, because of the pleasure the sound clearly gave the dragon above her. Sarrus smiled, then slowly, using his long dragonic tongue he licked the side of her neck.

Niphi felt her head lean back, exposing herself to Sarrus as he leisurely ran his tongue through the soft blue fur that ran down her long neck. Something tingled lower down her body at his touch. With a rush of shame, she realized that it was her snatch. A warmth was growing within it and she could feel a little wetness escape around the edge of it, matting down her soft fur.

Sarrus drew a deep breath in through his nose, then sighed contentedly. Niphi knew he could smell her slit. She could smell it too, rich and feminine. Just as his scent had affected her, Niphi could tell that her scent was affecting Sarrus. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring it before stepping back, releasing Niphi's legs.

Niphi looked up and with a shudder she saw for the very first time the thick purple length that was Sarrus' dragonhood.

Of course, Niphi had never seen a dragon's penis before but her new body clearly knew what one looked like. As soon as she saw it, she felt herself tense.

Clearly wishing to give her a better view, Sarrus stepped forward so that it was directly above her snout. Niphi couldn't help but look up and down the entire length of his weapon, taking in every detail from its bulbous head with four seams running down it to the base where it ran into his black scaled slit.

Suddenly it seemed to split open. The four tendrils that pressed together to make its head splayed apart to reveal the lighter, softer flesh inside and the cumslit between them, a single clear droplet forming on its lips.

Once again, Niphi let out an involuntary whimper. This cock, large and powerful looking like its owner, sent waves of submissive desire through her body. Both because of its appearance and its overpowering smell. Niphi could see the glistening natural lubricant that coated it, emitting a more musk ridden version of Sarrus' scent. With every breath, Niphi found it harder and harder to focus her mind.

As Sarrus stepped back, withdrawing his member, Niphi was vaguely aware that she was no longer restrained, that she could escape or fight. No matter how hard she tried, though, she could not bring this thought to the forefront of her mind which was now dominated by only one thing...

Tides and Tremors

Niphi let out a quiet whimper as Sarrus stepped forwards. Once again she was dully aware of the shame her response made her feel but she no longer felt bound by the emotion.

In that instant, Niphi became aware of the incredible strength of two beast's predisposition to mate.

Like the tide that runs in and out of a cove, washing away all that would try to weather it; like the ground that tremors as the great plates beneath it shift and; like the great pull from below that brings all living things from their dawn to their dusk, the impending union could not be stopped.

Niphi could only watch as Sarrus bent his hind legs and lined up his dragonhood. Lowering it down, he let it touch, for a moment, the thin stream of fluid that was continuously running out of Niphi's slit and down one side of her tail.

Having been unaware before that she could even do it, Niphi relaxed the muscles that surrounded her genital slit. With strands of thick juice stretched between them, the blue furred lips spread to reveal the swollen pink flesh within.

To Sarrus, this seemed to be all the consent he needed. Lining himself up with precision, he began to push himself in.

Niphi clenched her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. She had become, for all intents and purposes, an adult dragon, yet her new body was untouched and all the more sensitive for it. As Niphi felt the first touch of the male's incredibly hot flesh it sent waves of feeling through her body, lighting a fire up her spine that made her gasp.

As Sarrus began to apply a gentle pressure, the last semblance of shame left Niphi and she let out a moan of desire. This seemed to encourage the male above her and he pressed on harder. As she felt the increase in pressure she moaned louder which only encouraged Sarrus more until eventually, while feeding back to each other, the blunt head of Sarrus' magnificent spear slipped inside.

Niphi's whole body was alight and she let out a noise she had never heard before. Somewhere between a yelp and a moan, a loud, clear call that signified both the shock of his entry and the pleasure it brought.

Sensing Niphi's sensitivity, Sarrus halted for a moment to let her get used to him. Despite this, though, Niphi found herself desperate for him to continue. Both overcome by and not satisfied with, the feeling of the first few inches of his weapon.

Whimpering needily, she found herself clenching around him, trying to encourage him to go deeper. Sarrus, though, would not forget the position of power he was in and so responded only by letting out a satisfied rumble and waiting a moment longer.

After what felt like an age to Niphi, Sarrus finally allowed himself to descend further.

Niphi could tell that she was not designed to take the cock of a dragon so much larger than her, yet this knowledge only increased her passion. Her instincts seemed programmed to desire the dominance of a larger male and so as she felt herself being stretched unnaturally wide, the pain it caused only seemed to translate into more pleasure.

With only half of his cock inside her, Niphi felt Sarrus' member hit something that made her cry out. Spasaming wildly she felt her whole body tensing repeatedly as huge waves of pleasure crashed through her.

Sarrus stopped and watched as Niphi writhed beneath him. For a moment, it seemed that everything external to her was disconnected. Deaf and blind, all that mattered to her in that instant was the great rush of her first orgasm as a dragoness.

It could have only lasted seconds but it felt like a lifetime. When the fire within her finally died down, it did not go out, ever burning as a desire to feel more of the fertile beast above her. Niphi looked up at Sarrus, meeting his gaze. With just a look, she conveyed this desire to him and he, it seemed, was only too happy to provide.

With his cock now firmly against her cervix, Niphi might have expected him to pull back so that he could thrust.

He did not.

Sarrus simply began to press inwards. Niphi clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth once again. This firm tight ring of flesh inside her did not yield as easily as her entrance had. Niphi felt raw pain arc through her as Sarrus pressed harder and harder, mercilessly working to invade her most sacred space.

When he finally breached her womb, Niphi had not been expecting it. In an instant, her cervix had given way and with the considerable pressure Sarrus had been applying, his cock shot in and hit the rear of her womb. Their slits, Sarrus' scaled and Niphi's furred, touched in a lewd kiss. Niphi's mouth and eyes opened wide. She wanted to cry out but suddenly found herself with no breath, only able to mime the burst of both pain and pleasure that she felt.

Sarrus halted once again and looked down between their bodies. His slit was sized to match his member and so, parted to let it out, it looked fairly normal. Niphi's on the other hand, was undeniably too small for his cock and was stretched to the point of looking circular. Satisfied with their join, Sarrus looked back at Niphi's head. Patiently, he waited for her to relax a bit, then, he suddenly tensed the muscles that made up his member.

Just as Niphi felt the feelings within her subside, Sarrus' entire cock seemed to grow. It did not get wider by much but the effect was uniform across his whole length, lighting her entire tunnel up with the pleasure this new stimulus brought.

Niphi's second orgasm crept up on her slightly slower than the first. Sarrus seemed to be holding the tension within his tine muscles and Niphi felt herself teetering on the edge for a moment before slowly she felt a fire creep up into her body, growing hotter and hotter until once again she found herself spasamming wildly.

It pleased Sarrus more than anything to know that he could make Niphi cum with such ease. He watched with a grin as she let out a loud moan and began to rapidly clench his length. An experienced breeder, Sarrus had long ago learned how to read the smaller dragons he took so much pleasure in fucking. That said, he had never met one as sensitive as Niphi. He was sure it was because she was not just inexperienced at breeding but because she was inexperienced at everything to do with being a dragon, including the heightened primal urges and emotions that it brought.

This time, Sarrus allowed Niphi a decent rest. She came down slowly, her clenches becoming weaker and less frequent though it was some time before they completely stopped. Had Niphi been experienced, Sarrus might have waited for her to completely relax but he knew that was never going to happen. Even in her afterglow, Niphi whimpered and twitched from time to time.

Feeling that he had waited long enough, Sarrus finally started to breed her properly.

He began by slowly withdrawing his cock, easing it out as gently as he could.

Niphi gasped, suddenly brought back to full alertness. It felt like her insides were collapsing. As Sarrus withdrew his cock her tunnel quickly shrank back to something close to its original size. While some aspects of the weapon being pressed into her might have been unpleasant, this feeling was almost unbearable. Just as she was starting to get used to it, just as the stretched feeling was becoming welcome to her, it was taken away.

She looked up at Sarrus. How long had he been watching her for? He grinned, giving Niphi a prickle of irritation. He knew exactly what his body could do to her, how it could make her feel. Not only that but he had manipulated her, playing on her inexperience as a dragoness to get her to lay down with him.

There was more, though. It seemed to Niphi that Sarrus' timing was too good, pulling out at just the wrong moment, leaving her wanting so much more. In that instant, Niphi realized that Sarrus was getting his pleasure, not just from the feel of her body but, from the act of tormenting her.

Niphi found herself growling softly, she opened her mouth to complain, to snap angrily at him, perhaps even to attack. As she did, she saw the devious twinkle in Sarrus' eye and knew he had been waiting for just that.

Suddenly he slammed his cock in, sinking half of its length in one powerful thrust and bashing the head against her cervix.

Niphi cried out, wailing in both pain and pleasure, her complaints silenced. Yet again, her whole body was on fire. After two orgasms, it was no longer enough to push her over the edge. Even so, it sent a fire through her body that made every muscle clench as one.

Sarrus stopped, waiting a fraction of a second, before pulling himself out briskly, then thrusting back in again.

Niphi's cry halted for a brief moment before sounding out once again. This seemed to further please Sarrus who began to thrust more rhythmically, working on Niphi's abused snatch. He began to grunt and growl with each thrust, finally abandoning his torment of the smaller dragoness for his own carnal pleasure.

Niphi's cries began to peak each time Sarrus slammed into her cervix. With each thrust, it gave way a little more. He could have just pushed, as he had before, using his weight to slip inside but the act of battering his way brought him pleasure.

Every thrust inwards sent another wave of fire through Niphi's body. Every withdrawal gave her a taste of the emptiness the massive dragonhood left behind.

It was not long before Niphi found herself orgasming a third time, squealing in ecstasy as the fire inside her burned brighter than ever, so much so that some of it escaped and she found herself releasing a plume of vibrant red flames which licked against the surface of the cave wall.

Sarrus did not wait for her to come down, he just continued his thrusting, slowly getting faster and faster. Niphi realized that he had entered her cervix, either because of, or in causing, her climax.

Now he was mercilessly battering the rear of her womb. Even using up both her tunnel and the chamber at the end, Sarrus was still slightly too long for her and so every time his head bashed against her wall she could feel her sensitive flesh being pressed up into her.

Then something Niphi had never expected started to happen: The base of Sarrus' member began to swell. She managed to open her eyes for a moment, looking down between their bodies to see if it was really happening. Sure enough, a bulge was beginning to form in the flesh that made up what was already the thickest part of Sarrus' cock. As Niphi watched, he slammed it into her once again and she saw as her slit was stretched to its absolute limit in order to admit this most brutal extension to his breeding tool, just before the feel of it made her eyes snap shut as she cried out once again.

Niphi expected to feel it pop out again but instead, shocked, she felt herself pulled backwards along the ground by her snatch. She could feel then that Sarrus' cock had swelled to the point of being too large to escape her and now each of his attempted withdrawals resulted in her being snapped back as well.

Every time Niphi thought that Sarrus' knot had reached its full size it seemed to grow further. Designed for a much larger dragoness its immense size was overkill in her small snatch.

Just as Niphi was sure it was going to damage her, the orb finally stopped growing. Niphi once again managed to open her eyes between her howls of pleasure to look down her belly. There was a clear bulge now, just inside of her slit pressing out of her belly. Even through her thick fur it was clear. Niphi only had a moment to see it though before she felt Sarrus use his snout to push hers away. The three orgasms had weakened her to the point that she could not resist as he exposed her neck, then leaned in to bite it.

Sarrus' bestial act of taking Niphi's vulnerable neck in his jaws gave her a new feeling she was completely unused to. Somewhere between fear, submission and pleasure, it seemed that her new body and, her new instincts, were particularly attuned to this supreme gesture of possessiveness.

Sarrus' grunts and growls were growing louder, just as Niphi felt her own body begin to heat up once again. Weakened on the inside and totally immobilized on the outside she could do nothing as she felt it loom over her.

Suddenly, in a move so unexpected that Niphi gasped, Sarrus stopped, his cock pulled back to the furthest point it could go.

Halted, just as she was sure she was going to have her forth orgasm of the night, Niphi was certain that this was another act of torment on the part of the devious drake above her. Yet, when Niphi allowed herself to open her eyes just a crack, she saw that this was not the case.

Sarrus had released Niphi's neck. His head was now pointing straight forwards and he was barely breathing. For a moment he simply stood, absorbed in the delicate balancing act of holding back the impending flood. As he felt himself come back slightly from the edge, he slowly began to ease himself forwards.

Niphi shut her eyes and instinctively shifted her head back once again as she felt the tremendous cock of the dragon above her slide forwards and press against the back of her womb. The act re-ignited the passion within her and she to found herself once again balancing on the edge.

In those few seconds the two were in total union, all four hearts beating as once as the two dragons held themselves until the tiniest twitch of Niphi's muscles set everything in motion.

Sarrus' cock displayed a property that Niphi had all but forgotten about. The four tines that made up his head suddenly spread apart. Yet again, the size difference was evident as all four of them slid against the inside of her womb until they were all touching different parts of it. This motion was too much for Niphi and she collapsed into the most powerful orgasm she had ever had.

Her eyes shot open, glowing bright red and she wailed, conveying the incredible intensity of her pleasure.

At the same time, her snatch began to spasm wildly which in turn was enough to send Sarrus over the edge and into his orgasm.

Pushing back against her spasms with a much more powerful series of his own, Sarrus' cock throbbed wildly. Each pulse brought a new wave of pleasure to Niphi but it also brought a blast of something Niphi had never felt before. An incredible substance was being pumped into her, one that she had been unknowingly desiring throughout the whole experience, dragon cum.

It was almost searingly hot and it shot from Sarrus with such a force that it battered against the rear of her womb. Wave after wave of the thick, sticky, fertile essence gushed into her.

At the same time, Sarrus threw his head back and let out an earth shattering roar. It was so loud that it completely drowned out Niphi's wails of pleasure and caused her whole body to vibrate with the air.

As her ears rang with the sound of the male's call of dominance, the filling she was being given was starting to stretch her.

Sarrus' load was so large that it had begun to cause her belly to expand outwards, swelling with his fertile essence. Much more than that, though, it was being pumped into her with such force and in such great volume that it was beginning to escape her cervix and fill her tunnel, stretching it even wider around his throbbing cock.

Only Sarrus' knot was keeping the cum inside. Serving its purpose and sealing them together, refusing to allow even a single drop to escape.

Finally, just as Niphi's consciousness was beginning to escape her, their orgasms died down.

Even as Niphi let her head lie back on the cold stone behind her and Sarrus began to catch his breath, Niphi could feel his cock drooling more cum into her, refusing to keep any back.

After a long pause, Sarrus looked down at the dragoness still trapped between his legs. He grinned at her though his exhaustion was still visible in his eyes.

"Now... I don't honestly think you can say that you didn't enjoy that."

Niphi might have blushed had she not been so exhausted. It felt like she had gone back to having a dragon's body and a single Irali heart barely able to keep her conscious let alone help her move. Yet none the less, move was what she did as she spoke between deep breaths.

"You... Cunt... How could you look me in the eyes and tell me you have the rebellion's best interests in your heart when you were planning to do that?"

Sarrus did not seem particularly hurt by her words, instead he continued to grin.

"I wouldn't pretend that I might have done that differently were it not so much fun... I did speak the truth though... You just need a little time to let your feelings explain to you why that was necessary."

Niphi did not understand what the dragon ment, none the less, she would not give him the satisfaction of showing her confusion. Instead she continued trying to shuffle back, feebly attempting to get out from under the heavy mass of black scales and lilac fire that stood over her so proudly.

Niphi was struggling, though, irritated, she looked down and saw why, much to Sarrus' amusement.

"I'm afraid it will be some time before that goes down." Sarrus chuckled. "Guess your stuck with me for a while."

To Be Continued...